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Individual Assignment

Sociology and Psychology

SOC 1105
Section – D

Submitted To:
Piana Monsur Mindia
School of Business and Economics, UIU

Submitted by:
Fatematuz zohora katha
ID: 111 192 039

Date of Submission: 8th August 2020


1. How does your pursuit of a university education impact society as a whole? What are the
social effects of your decision to become a student, both now and later in life, after you
receive your degree?
2. From a sociological perspective, think about any changes in household patterns in your
society in recent times. Are these leading to equality or marginality? Are there any social
problems, such as crime or homelessness?

3. Is modern society good for us? The “Society” chapter makes clear that the founders of
sociology were aware that modern societies provide many benefits, but all of them were
also critical of modern society. Based on what you have read in this chapter, list three ways
in which you would argue modern society is better than traditional societies. Also, point
to three ways in which you think traditional societies are better than modern societies.
Answer to the question no: - 1

A college degree impacts society overall. If an entire society is taught, profitability builds,
normal salary increments, and joblessness diminishes. This starts with the monetary development
and foundation of the general public in general. The advantages of training are many. Not
exclusively will you separately profit by getting training with regards to pay, professional
success, ability advancement, and business openings, however your general public and network
gain focal points of instruction also. Social orders with higher paces of degree fulfillment and
levels of instruction lead to be more advantageous, have higher paces of financial foundation,
lower wrongdoing, and more noteworthy fairness. Accomplishing any degree — regardless of
whether it is a University degree or a Ph.D. — is an accomplishment. Graduating gives
understudies, an immense feeling of acknowledgment and gives them the mental fortitude
expected to go out into the world and make a big deal about themselves.

If I choose to turn into an understudy the social impact of now and later will know about the
social issues/imbalances and figuring out how to improve the harms present in our general
public. Understudy life is the best time of human life. It is the life of readiness groundwork for
the battle of life. It is appropriately called the seed season of human life. Presently when I choose
to turn into a student,

I can use my time properly,

I can maintain my life with discipline,
with the discipline, I can also lead a happy life as well as.

For that, it will impact on society. Since a significant number of individuals of my ages on the off
chance that they look on me some will adhere to this sort decide for that we can say it truly
impacts on society.
In later when I have learned how to lead a life, I will know about what is right or wrong.

I can volunteer services for the welfare of society.

I can also help Our society local charity raise funds.
I can encourage others for education.
I can also Join with an adult/experienced activist to learn new things for the welfare of
After receiving my degree, I can do for my society

to guide or suggest to choose a better career life.

I can also tell them how a degree or education qualification can give you an Identification.
I can also work for an organization that will also affect economic growth.
I can also work for Equality and Empowerment. I can also Reduce Crime, Reduces
Gender-Based Violence, Reduces Child Marriage, Reduces Maternal Death Rates.

Answer to the question no: - 2

From a sociological point of view, there are changes in family designs in our general public as of
late. Above all else, if we see society has moved from pre-mechanical to modern – and the
principle family type has transformed from the more distant family to the family unit. The family
unit fits the more perplexing modern culture better; however, it plays out a decreased number of
capacities. Along these lines, we can say it changing in family unit designs. In late times we
likewise can see the sexual orientation developments where Feminists contend that changes in
more extensive society imply that ladies are currently viably equivalent to men – Women have
equivalent chances to enter the workforce and governmental issues and are accordingly allowed
to decide not to be housewives and moms. In any case, step by step these kinds of reasoning are
changing man and ladies have a similar equivalent force. social change moves sociological
reasoning, sociological reasoning can achieve social change. The more we find out about how
"the framework" works, the more we might need to transform it somehow or another. Getting
mindful of the intensity of sexual orientation, for instance, has made numerous ladies and men
attempt to diminish sex disparity in our general public. These are prompting equity.

Indeed, there are social issues, for example, vagrancy or wrongdoing. Vagrancy is an intricate
social issue with an assortment of fundamental monetary and social factors, for example,
neediness, absence of reasonable lodging, questionable physical and emotional wellness,
addictions, and network and family breakdown. These elements, in differing mixes, add to term,
recurrence, and sort of vagrancy. To be completely destitute is to live without cover;
notwithstanding, numerous encounters halfway vagrancy that can incorporate unsure,
impermanent, or unsatisfactory sanctuary. Vagrancy is hard to characterize, therefore
governments battle with vulnerability when making and executing plans they expectation will
viably oversee or wreck this issue. For instance, Levels of government, in nations like Canada,
add to the multifaceted nature of managing vagrancy. Vagrancy individuals are the individuals
when they have no choice to have a cheerful existence, they began wrongdoing, for example,
hijacking, medicate managing, murder, and so forth.

Answer to the question no: - 3

Indeed, in present-day day society is beneficial for us. When society goes for jumps and strolls
towards getting the present day, each individual in that society benefits. With all the innovative
headways that our general public has made just in the previous 10 years, our satisfaction has
enormously expanded. Present-day society is significant because It has Allowed Society to
Advance, And Hopefully, Will Continue Modernization be an exceptionally broad term, and
obviously, It includes both great and terrible results, however in general modernization has been
useful for mankind. Clinical advances permit us to recognize and treat illnesses, Leading to
longer, more beneficial lives. Correspondence and transportation progress permit us to keep on
becoming both innovatively and socially by urging individuals to cooperate all-inclusive and
comprehend various societies and confidence frameworks. This has prompted better treatment by
and large of a great many people, and albeit weapons advancement and war have been an
aftereffect of present-day society, it is additionally getting less worthy to utilize savagery when
all is said in done and ideally, that pattern will keep on permitting just the constructive
consequences of current society to remain.

Modern society is better than in traditional societies. Because modern society

1. a way of thinking that indicates thoughtful, matter-of-fact calculation of the most efficient
way to achieve a particular task.
2. Emotional bonds to the past have no place in a modern worldview, and tradition becomes
simply one type of information.
3. Modern society people think and act based on what they see as the present and future
importance of their choices.
And also, we can say Traditional society is better than modern societies. Because
traditional society
1. strengthens values such as freedom, faith, honesty, a good education, personal
responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of being selfless.
2. Traditional society works as an avenue for creating constant memories for our families and
friend The traditional society offers an excellent context for meaningful pause and

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