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Materi Bahasa Inggris Profesi, Jumat. 28 Februari 2020.

Mendeskripsikan diri sendri dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan 5 topik bahasan yang harus di

1. Name (your self)

2. Hobby

3. Family

4. Education (your study)

5. Future Plan ( rencana masa depan)

Tugas hari ini, menulis deskripsi diri sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris. Tugas diketik dan di upload di
Edmodo paling lambat hari Rabu tanggal 4 Maret. Berikut contoh deskripsi diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh deskripsi diri sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris

Good morning, hello Everyone. I am Ivana Kurniawan, you can call me Ivana. I come from
Singosari, Malang. I am 17 years old, I was born in Malang on February 20 2003. Talking about
hobby, my hobby is dancing, I like to dance Indonesian traditional dancing. My favorite dancing is
Balinese dancing. I often join dancing competition and I won some of those dancing competition.
Dancing makes me happy. (Paragraf ini tentang topic 1 dan 2, Name and Hobby).

Well... About my family, I love my family so much. My father is a teacher and my mother is a
house wife. I have a cute little sister, her name is Raisa. She is 5 years old. My family and I always
spend quality time together. We always have breakfast and dinner together, my mother always cook
delicious food for us. In weekend, we usually go to recreational place, it is my favorite time with my
family. For me... my family is my everything. (Paragraf ini tentang topic 3, Family)

Now, I study in University of Kanjuruhan Malang, I take “Bahasa Indonesia” as my major

study. I feel lucky to study in University of Kanjuruhan Malang because the lecturers here are very
nice, smart, and helpful. I also have great best friends here. The teaching methods and facilities in
University of Kanjuruhan Malang are complete, so I can study in a very comfort situaton. (Paragraf
ini tentang topic 4, Education/ your study)

After I finish my undergraduate/ S1 study, I plan to contoinue my study to graduate level/S2.

I will try to apply scholarship to continue my study in University of Indonesia. After that, of course I
must pursue my dream to become a lecturer. I love teaching, that is why in the future I want to
become a lecturer. ( Paragraf ini tentang topic 5, Future Plan)

That is all about me, my hobby, my family, my study and my future plan. Thank you.

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