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6 Things Never To Say During A Speech - Business Insider

6 Things You Should Never Say

During A Speech
MAY 7, 2014, 5:00 PM

When I was hired as a flight attendant

for Northwest Airlines in 1992, I had to
quickly learn how to be comfortable in
front of a crowd. Keeping everyone
engaged through a monotonous safety
presentation, after all, is easier said than

If you’re new to public speaking, it can

be intimidating — for some, it can be
terrifying, to say the least. That’s why
most people never bother to master
public speaking.

After I became a Certified Speaking

Professional through the National
Speakers Association, I learned the
content of my speech was often less
important than how I presented it. When
Flickr/m anima
we attend presentations by speakers who
appear calm, confident and organized,
we feel more interested and engaged.

Even if you’re nervous, it’s better to act confident rather than reveal your true feelings. The trick is to stay as
calm as possible and avoid the most common rookie mistakes. Here are six phrases you should never say
during a presentation.

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6 Things Never To Say During A Speech - Business Insider

Related: 5 Ways to Be a Better Listener

1. “Hello? Can everyone hear me?”

A lot of new speakers will tap the microphone and ask if the people in the back of the room can hear them. If
you’re speaking at a large conference, there’s a good chance that someone in the audiovisual department
already checked the audio. Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to check it before you go on stage. Never
assume that all your equipment will work correctly. Arrive early to check everything out so you will be better

2. “Are you out there? These lights are bright.”

When you’re on stage, the lights can be nearly blinding. But no one needs to know you can’t see anyone in the
audience. Simply speak into the dark and give the best presentation you can. Alternate where you direct your
attention to give everyone in the audience the impression you’re looking right at them. But be careful. One time
during a dress rehearsal, I miscalculated the length of the stage and fell off into the front row!

Related: Why You Need to Become a Better Storyteller

3. “Well, I didn’t have much time to prepare.”

Never start your presentation with an excuse like “They only invited me yesterday,” or “I’m just getting over the
flu.” The people listening to your presentation are expecting you to do your best, regardless of how you feel or
how much time you’ve had to prepare. If you don’t have a lot of time to practice, choose a topic that’s familiar
to you. If you don’t feel well, keep calm and stay hydrated.

4. “In the future, I plan to…”

If your new product is still in production, try not to tell anyone. Exciting news is worth the wait. Besides, your
plans could change and anything could postpone your plans. Most new products and ideas will shift and evolve
based on new information and feedback. Make a public announcement about your new designs, products and
offers when they’re ready. Most people don’t want to hear about your hopes for the next five years. They only
want to hear about what is available to them right now.

Related: 8 Pro Secrets to Delivering a Knockout Business Presentation

5. “Ummm…”

Avoid filler words including “Um,” “uh,” “you know,” and “like.” Using these words too often takes away from
the effectiveness and eloquence of your presentation. They are also distracting and make you sound unsure
about what you’re going to say next. Try pausing if you have to think of the right word. Or tell a story. Filler
words oftentimes vanish when you get involved telling a story. Besides, your audience will remember a good

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story long after they’ve heard you speak.

6. “Hmm, the font is small. Let me read this slide for you.”

A visual presentation full of words is dull and boring. Captivating pictures, short phrases and bullet points are
ideal. Try not to read your slides to the audience. That’s what handouts are for. Everyone came to see you
speak, to share your ideas, not read aloud. Any visuals or props you choose to bring along should only serve to
enhance your speech. Remember, you’re the main event, not your PowerPoint presentation.

This post originally appeared at Entrepreneur. Copyright 2014. Follow Entrepreneur on Twitter.

* Copyright © 2014 Business Insider, Inc. All rights reserved.

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