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Learning Objective
This module is the start of your research journey. Writing
your research title would determine your research project for the
whole semester. So it has to be written well and well-thought off.

The learner
1. describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and
kinds of quantitative research CS_RS12-Ia-c-1

2. illustrates the importance of quantitative research

across fields CS_RS12-Ia-c-2

In doing this module, please fol-

low these reminders…

1. Take the pretest before

working or answering the
2. Perform the activities as
3. Answer all the exercises.
4. Check your answers against
the Key to Correction.
5. Take the Post Test.

Direction: Please write what is being asked in the following:

Enumerate the 3 Characteristics of Good Research




Enumerate 2 Characteristics of Good Quantitative Research



Tell if the statement is true or false.

6. Research generates knowledge and become the basis of de-

cisions or solutions.


7. Research is gathering data and ends there.


8. Quantitative research involves interview to gather extensive



9. Descriptive research falls under quantitative research.


10. The title, “Effect of Coffee in Remembering Facts” is a
correlational research.


11. The following are parts that define Research, EXCEPT:

a. systematic process

b. collection and analysis of data

c. copying of collected data from other researches

d. increase our understanding of the phenomenon about

which we are interested


13. The following are characteristics of quantitative research,


a. basic element of analysis is numbers

b. research questions answer how many or strength or

relationship or difference

c. research can be done extensively

d. researcher is part of the research process

14. The following are some importance of research, EXCEPT

a. Research duplicates knowledge.

b. Research creates the theories and facts of all


c. Research helps preserve and improve life.

d. Research gives us information on the things we want

and need to know.

15. Which among the titles appears to be the best in terms of

narrowing down a broad topic.

a. Hotel and Restaurant Management

b. Food Serving Techniques

c. Table Setting

d. Russian-Plate Service

What is Research?

Research is a systematic way of gathering and analyz-

ing data to find out or validate new information and contribute
knowledge that is important and helpful.

Characteristics of a Good Research

1. It originates from a problem. The word problem can be

interpreted as something that needs a solution. However, in
research, the word problem usually means there is an
‘absence of data.’

2. It is SMART, i.e., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,

and Time-Bound.

3. There must be a plan or method of collection of data

4. The main problem and sub-problems are stated clearly and

are all answered in the end.

5. It has a very commendable summary, conclusion, and


What is Quantitative Research?

It is a kind of research that uses numbers to gather perception,

opinion, or any other data through surveys, usually but not
limited to using the Likert Scale.

The best thing about quantitative research is that it is
easy to measure, analyze, and interpret. It uses numbers to
represent certain degrees of meaning, see a sample below:



Personal Always Frequently Sometimes Never

Encountered Encountered Encountered Encountered

(4) (3) (2) (1)

More so, quantitative research is extensive and can

gather more data faster from many respondents because of its

However, despite its advantages being objective and

easy to interpret, it limits the answers of the respondents base
on the choices given in the boxes. It does not allow them to
discuss their thoughts, and because of that, the researcher
may lose some vital information; hence, not intensive.

Kinds of Quantitative Researches

1. Descriptive

Concern with describing the nature, characteristics, and

components of the population or situation.

2. Correlational

Systematic investigation of the nature of relationships

or associations between and among variables (factors/

3. Evaluation

Aims to assess the effects, impacts, or outcomes of

practices, policies, or programs, i.e., implementation, impact,
effectivity, and others.

4. Survey

Used to gather information from groups of people by

selecting samples chosen from a population. E.g., Child-
rearing practices of single parents, the rate of promotion of
doctorate holders, and others.

5. Causal-Comparative

Known as Ex Post Facto (after the fact). Conclusions

from observation and manifestation that already occurred in the
past. It discusses why and how a phenomenon occurs. E.g.,
How weight (underweight, normal, overweight) influences the
stress-coping level.

6. Experimental

Utilizes scientific methods to test cause and effect rela-

tionships under conditions controlled by the researcher. Eg.
Effect of coffee in remembering facts.

Summarize the Characteristics of Good Research






Enumerate Characteristics of Good Quantitative Research






Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

11. Savannah plans to conduct a study that involves cosmet-

ics. She wanted to know the preference of cosmetic use
among adolescents, young adults, middle adults, and the late
adult women. The research design of her study would be:

a. Descriptive c. Qualitative

b. Correlational d. Evaluation

12. Freya wanted to know the relationship between the level of
anxiety experienced during examinations and the exam
performance among the level 2 student nurses of Colegio San
Agustin Bacolod. The type of research design utilized is:

a.Experimental c. Correlational

b. Descriptive d.Causal-Comparative

13. Alfred randomly grouped the participants into two and

tested the effects of his new product on their endurance. His
study uses this type of research design:

a.Correlational c.Experimental

b.Survey d.Causal-comparative

14. If the researcher wanted to know more about the cause

and effect relationship; however, the cause already exists and
cannot be manipulated, the type of research design appropri-
ate for this is:

a.Experimental c.Correlational

b.Survey d.Casual-comparative

15. The researcher wanted to know about the cause and effect
relationship between variables, where the cause is being
manipulated, and respondents are chosen by choice, not by

a. Descriptive c.Correlational

b.Experimental d. Survey

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

1. Objective

2. Clearly Defined Research Questions

3. Structured Research Instruments

4. Numerical Data

5. Large Sample Size

6. Replication

Strengths of Quantitative Research

1. It cannot be easily misinterpreted.

2. It can research a huge amount of essential characteristics.

3. It can easily be interpreted.

4. It can easily be replicated.

Weaknesses of Quantitative

1. It requires a large number of respondents.

2. It is costly.

3. It does not entertain further information from the respond-


4. Sensitive information is hard to gather on issues like teen-

age pregnancy and violence.

Kinds of Quantitative Researches

1. Descriptive

2. Correlational

3. Evaluation

4. Survey

5. Causal-Comparative

6. Experimental

1. Which of the following is NOT right about research title con-

a. Specific c. Attainable

b. Measurable d. Limitless

2. The following are weaknesses of quantitative research,


a. It is costly

b. It requires a large number of respondents

c. Sensitive information is hard to gather

d. It can be easily interpreted

3. Bryan, a grade 12 ICT student, would like to find out if the

results of his research as regards the causes why some stu-
dents in government schools violate rules and regulations
would have the same results if the respondents would be stu-
dents form private schools. What characteristic of quantitative
research is referred to?

a. future outcome c. large sample size

b. replication d. numerical data

4. Qualitative research expresses its results through words
while quantitative research results are expressed and meas-
ured through numbers; hence it is more specific. What charac-
teristic of quantitative research is referred to?

a. subjective c. wordy

b. observable d. objective

5. Which of the following BEST describes quantitative re-


a. Research that is exploratory.

b. The collection of non-numerical data.

c. Research that attempts to generate a new theory.

d. An attempt to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses.

6. This kind of research aims to assess the effects, impacts, or

outcomes of practices.

a. Correlational c. Evaluation

b. Causal-Comparative d. Experimental

7. Conduciveness of a classroom learning atmosphere can be

best measured through what kind of research?

a. Correlational c. Descriptive

b. Evaluation d. Survey

Refer to the following for items 8-10:

a. Objective c.Replication
b. Numerical data d.Large Sample Sizes

________8. Data are in the form of statistics.

________9. It is not based on guesswork.

_______ 10. It is done to check the correctness and verify the

findings of the study.
11. Tiara wanted to conduct research that will delve into know-
ing the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on the aca-
demic performance of teenagers during the first grading of the
academic year 2012-2013. The type of research design most
suited towards her study would be:

a. Causal-comparative c. Evaluation

b. Experimental d. Correlational

12. Vincent conducts a study that will further get to know the
frequency of scrub cases between the north and south affiliat-
ed hospitals of their school. What is the type of research de-
sign to be used in his study?

a.Descriptive c. Causal-Comparative

b.Correlational d. Experimental

13. Members of the health team introduce a new admission
system and wish to study the efficiency of its implementation as
compared to the previous admission system, which is still being
practiced in other departments. In this study, it is not feasible to
conduct randomization. What type of research design is used?

a. Experimental c. Survey

b.Causal-comparative d. Correlational

14. Which of the following researches would be considered as


a. The effects of preschool attendance towards the

maturity of the first-grade students

b. The effects of being a working mother towards the

child’s absenteeism

c. The effect of stress on the co-curricular activities

participation of 3rd-year students

d. The effects of memory enhancers towards the

academic performance of students

15. A quantitative research paper is entitled as “Nursing Model

of Care Utilized by Selected Hospitals and its Association with
the Performance of Nurses in their Area of Assignment.” What
is the research design of this study?

a. Survey c. Causal – Comparative

b. Correlational d. Experimental

Enumerate 3 Characteristics of Good Research (Any of the ff:)

Clearly Defined Research Questions

Structured Research Instruments

Numerical Data

Large Sample Size


Enumerate 2 Characteristics of Good Quantitative Research

It cannot be easily misinterpreted.

It can research a huge amount of essential characteristics.

It can easily be interpreted.

It can easily be replicated.

6. T 11. C

7. F 12. C

8. F 13. D

9. T 14. A

10. F 15. D

Practice Time
Summarize the Characteristics of Good Research
Enumerate Characteristics of Good Quantitative Research
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
11. A
12.. C
13. C
14. D
15. B

Post Test Write your own Research Title here:
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. B

Presence of Research Problem - 40pts
Researchability - 40pts
Social Importance - 20pts

Retrieved 29/06/2020 from:
Quantitative Research Designs - Proprofs Quiz

Gaudencio C. Callanta Jr.
Teacher II
Dagupan City National High School
Senior High School

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