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Minutes of the Meeting

1. Institutionalized Course Syllabus

Mission and Vision
General Outcomes
Specific Program Outcomes
I. Course Details
Course Description (CMO)
Course Learning Outcomes
Domains: Knowledge, Skills, Values
II. Course Requirements and Grading System
Course Materials
Course References (5 supp'l ref 2015 up)
III. Course Outline
IV. Learning Plan
Parts: Desired Learning Outcome, Course Content, Teaching and
Learning Activities, Assessment of Tasks, References and Materials, Time
Prepared by: __________

2. Institutionalized Course Guide

Course Description
Course Outcomes
Course Outline
Course Materials and References
Study Schedule
Course Requirements

3. Course Modules
4 Modules for 4 weeks in each term
Conduct of lecture online twice a month is imperative to uphold
NBCC's Flexible Learning: Synchronous and Asynchronous
Schedule of online classes will be provided c/o the Program Heads.
Instructor will provide 1 copy for students to reproduce.

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