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Furthermore, another reason why plastic should be banned is to minimize the amount of land

space taken by plastic wastes. The cleanup of plastic wastes can be very expensive for the
government, since the amount of plastic items is so large but the waste can be reduced in future
by replacing plastic items with eco-friendly things such as reusable shopping bags made with
durable cloth. According to Sarah Engler (2016), the ways to reduce plastic pollution is by the
use of 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), every year people buy about twenty billion plastic bottled
water and tossed the bottles in the trash, but instead those bottles can be reused. The levy on
plastic bags is also a way to reduce the use of plastic waste, such as the plastic levy in Fiji.
According to SPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme) pacific
environment (2018), before the levy on plastic bags the island nation approximately used 70
million plastic bags in 2010 but after the introduction of levy of 10 cents in August 2017, the
usage has significantly decreased, in 2018 approximately only half million plastic bags were
used. By the year 2025 Fiji wants to phase-out plastic bags. According to Mr. Qalovaki, Fiji
successfully levied a total of 43,581,688 plastic bags from 4,281 businesses around the country;
this levy is only for businesses that uses point of sale system.

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