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TRADEANNEX Release Notes Dated: 03/01/2009


VERSION 2.3.85 Release Note

Version 2.3.85 includes following changes since 2.1.57

New Features Added:

1. Voucher level drill down facility in balance sheet. (Version 2.1.62)

In balance sheet drill down facility provided from balance sheet up to voucher level.
User can have a detailed view of balance sheet from accounts up to voucher level in
following way
Groups=>Sub Groups=>Accounts=> Monthly Account Details=>Monthly

2. Implementation of Location, Cost Center and Job (Version 2.1.62)

User can set location, cost center and job details for voucher. Using which one can
know location wise, cost center wise and job wise profitability.

3. E1-E2 Sales Tax Form Attachment and reports (Version 2.1.62)

Added E1-E2 Sales Tax Form attachments for direct dispatch and state to state
purchase/ sales. User can also print receipt and issue related reports.

4. Square off sales and purchase order (Version 2.1.62)

User can square off remaining items with valid reason from Purchase order and Sales
order using Purchase Order and Sales Order Square off option.

5. Warehouse wise physical stock update (Version 2.2.65)

User can save warehouse wise physical stock position level by selecting physical stock
update option in stock viewer. User can save, change and view actual physical position
of stock using this option.

6. Specify Warranty and Expiry date for the item, (Version 2.2.65)
User can set (or pick up from masters) expiry date, manufacture date, warranty period,
warranty period unit, warranty type and agency for service for the Item.

7. Sales note with profit calculation (Version 2.2.65)

User can enter sales rate and purchase rate (with additional details) both while
generating sales order, thus can get calculated profit for each item.

8. Bar Code facility (Version 2.2.65)

Facility to generate, scan and print Bar Code for items. User can print bar code of
stock items.

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TRADEANNEX Release Notes Dated: 03/01/2009

9. Using Scan Items option in Stock Dispatch/Challan Cum Invoice/Cash Memo/Excise

Invoice, user can select more than one item at a time using item look-up, so as to
generate bar code for multiple items in single click. (Version 2.2.65)

10. TDS Challan printing (Version 2.2.65)

User can print TDS challan no. 280 (Advance Tax), 281, 283 (Banking cash/ Fringe
Benefit transaction). User can enter and edit nature of payment codes and service tax
codes in general master under 'Tax' master.

11. Quick Stock Ledger. (Version 2.2.65)

View details of Product like Sales, Purchase, opening stock, closing stock on a single
click. User can go to particular voucher through this option.

12. User can enter party wise item price list. (Version 2.2.65)

13. Sales book report (Version 2.2.65)

New Sales Book report added with Party wise, Daily Sales, Transporter wise and
Region wise options.

14. Sales Book and Sales Return, Purchase Book and Purchase Return option in Register
and Summary Reports. (Version 2.2.65)

15. In Balance Sheet option to view closing stock automatically from the system. (Version

16. Purchase Costing. (Version 2.3.70)

In purchase, when creating voucher entry user can specify additional cost to the
Purchase invoice.
17. User Defined Voucher Number formats (Version 2.3.70)
User can define own number formats for all vouchers and documents. No need to
remember no format for searching, give only serial no system will auto format and
display the required voucher. All documents no can be auto generated or user can
over write the no by setting no formats.
Different no for Cash Payment, Cash Receipt, Bank Payment, Bank Receipt, Invoice,
Service Invoice, Free Description invoice or all respective document no can be same
continuation format.
18. Create document by pick using. (Version 2.3.70)
Create new document from existing document by clicking on Pick Using option.
Purchase order, Sales Order, Quotation, and Proforma Sales Invoice.

19. Sales and purchase register can be viewed as per cost center wise. (Version 2.3.70)

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TRADEANNEX Release Notes Dated: 03/01/2009

20. Posting of additional vat to the separate account. (as per GVAT rules) (Version

21. Delivery Note. (Version 2.3.71)

Consignee, Consignor, Transporter, Sales tax and charges information acceptance in
delivery note (I.e. same as Challan Cum Invoice only stock will not affect)
22. Add sales tax in Discrepancy Memo, GRN Return. (Version 2.3.71)
23. User can give location wise security. (Version 2.3.81)
24. Filter in reports as per the location selected. (Version 2.3.81)
25. Expense report for (Version 2.3.81)
o Advance Summary
o Employee expense summary
26. New report for Job ledger. (Version 2.3.81)
27. New report for Cost center wise expenses. (Version 2.3.81)
28. New report for Purchase Return Register with Item details. (Version 2.3.81)
29. New report for Sales Return Register with Item details. (Version 2.3.81)
30. New Status report for Event Log. (Version 2.3.81)
31. New Status report for Day Book (Daily Transactions). (Version 2.3.81)
32. New State wise VAT reports added for Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, (Version
33. User can activate the Invoice Status security for User Modification and for Printing
Invoice. Pending invoice status report displayed when Admin user login in. (Version

Features Improved:

1. Report printing option for MTN outward. (Version 2.2.65)

2. Cash memo option can be used in case of direct dispatch of material from consignor to
buyer. (Version 2.2.65)

3. In Free Description/Service Purchase and Sales invoices discounts reflects in

Purchase and Sales reports. (Version 2.2.65)

4. Form-2 and Revenue reports improved. User can print 'Total' as per the new rule.
(Version 2.2.65)

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TRADEANNEX Release Notes Dated: 03/01/2009

5. Last year purchase and sales Orders are locked (modification not allowed) once year
transfer process is done. (Version 2.2.65)

6. Modification in Bank receipt/Payment is not allowed if reconciliation is done for the

selected voucher. (Version 2.2.65)

7. Voucher opened from Select Voucher option of tool bar or from quick ledger, if the
window is already opened in modify mode then it alters to new mode.( Version

8. In AR/AP reconciliation, problem in case of same invoice number in purchase and

sales invoices, differences in amount adjustment is solved. (Version 2.2.66)

9. User can print Cash/Bank Receipt/Payment vouchers in different formats as per their
requirement. (Version 2.3.77)

10. User can print multiple vouchers continuously by selecting to and from voucher no.,
date and year. (Version 2.3.77)

11. Problem in Bank reconciliation of last year to current year is solved. (Version 2.3.77)

12. After selecting party, if credit lock applied then displays a pop message of credit limit
information. This feature can be enabled/ disabled depending on the option selected in
parameter. (Version 2.3.77)

13. Separate menu for cash payment/receipt, bank payment/receipts. (Version 2.3.77)

14. Party Master Modification now allows updating same information in Account Details.
(Version 2.3.85)

15. User Interface added to create and modify the Document no Formats. (Version

16. User Interface added to create and modify Printing Documents Stationary. (Version

17. Party Wise Pricelist Update shows only Manufacturer, Supplier, Importer, Consignor,
Buyer and Consignee parties. (Version 2.3.85)

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