Improving The Sustainability of Concrete Technology Through The Effective Use of Admixtures

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Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the effective use of Admixtures

Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the

effective use of Admixtures
Ravindra Gettu, Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Manu Santhanam and B. S. Dhanya
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Civil Engineering, Chennai, India

Abstract superplasticizers permits the incorpopration of these

waste materials without increasing the water demand in
The present work examines the impacts – economic,
the concrete and lowers energy consumption (due to the
environmental and social – on sustainability that are
reduction or elimination of vibration).
affected by the judicious use of chemical and mineral
admixtures in concrete. The paper covers the selection In terms of the social impact, self-compacting and other
of superplasticizer, optimization of the superplasticizer flowing concretes can be beneficial during construction
dosage, and the development of flowing and self by reducing the noise pollution and disturbance to the
compactable concretes. Later, the paper examines the neighbours and by improving the working conditions
effect of the partial replacement of portland cement (OPC) (resulting in lower of health costs and absenteeism).
with mineral admixtures or supplementary cementitious Further, the increase in durability of the concrete and
materials on durability parameters such as resistivity, the consequent increase in the useful life of a structure
permeability, and non-steady state migration coefficient; reduces the worry and stress associated with repair and
replacement of cement with Class C and F fly ash, and slags maintenance works. Also, in the case of housing, longevity
are discussed. The paper makes a case for the optimal of a building gives more peace and security to the owner.
usage of superplasticizers and mineral admixtures to This paper discusses various measures to select the
enhance the durability of concretes – which is essential appropriate type and dosage of superplasticizer through
for more sustainable concrete technology. simple test procedures, and compatible combinations
of cement-superplasticizer. Examples of the use of
Keywords superplasticizer in self-compacting concrete for reducing
Sustainability, durability, admixtures, superplasticizers, costs and environmental impact are also presented.
fly ash, slag. Further, the paper demonstrates the enhancement of
durability parameters upon the use of fly ash, slag, and
Introduction their combinations as mineral admixtures in concrete.
Economic, environmental and social are the three groups
of factors that impact sustainability, all three of which
Thoughts on Concrete Sustainability
need to be considered in the analysis of the sustainability Sustainable development is that which meets the demands
of any technology, product or process. It is also important of the present generation without negatively affecting the
to note that the impacts can be either positive or negative. ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
When the technology of concrete is examined, it is seen Development has always involved construction, that of
that through the effective use of chemical admixtures housing, factories, schools and other buildings; bridges,
(e.g., super plasticizers) and mineral admixtures (e.g., fly roads, ports and other transportation infrastructure;
ash and slag), sustainability can be boosted (i.e., made and many other structures. As part of this ongoing
more positive) in all these three important factors. development, concrete has become the most popular and
widely used construction material in the world due to ease
In terms of the economic impact, the benefits arise from in fabrication, mouldability, longevity and relatively low
lower initial cost (due to substitution of cement with cost.
supplementary materials, faster construction and better
As proposed earlier, all analyses of sustainability should
mechanical properties), longer life (due to improved
consider the three governing features: environmental,
durability) and reduced maintenance.
economic and social impacts, all of which are equally
In terms of the environmental impact, the use of fly ash and important for technology to be used effectively and
slag to partially replace cement reduces the CO2 emissions efficiently, in line with the so-called triple bottom line
and energy consumption associated with a unit quantity of sustainability, instead of focussing exclusively on the
of binder in the concrete. Further, the incorporation of negative impact of the technology on the environment.

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Consequently, the following points are significant when The construction industry the world over employs
we discuss the sustainability of concrete technology. more people than any other sector and affects many
more people directly or indirectly. This is all the more
Environmental Impact important for construction with concrete as it provides
Positive impact the opportunity for unskilled and low-skilled labour
to be extensively employed. Very often governments
ll Concrete has the lowest embodied energy of all the
use construction projects to revive the economy and to
commonly used construction materials. According
provide sustenance to poorer classes.
to Scrivener [1], the embodied energy (per unit mass)
of concrete is about 1 MJ/kg, which is much less than ll Construction spending continues to increase globally
that of steel (10-35 MJ/kg) or glass (15 MJ/kg). This at the rate of 3-4%. This implies that construction will
makes it a good choice when sustainable construction have a major impact on the economy and well being of
is considered. people for a long time.
ll Raw materials are available in most places for ll Proper rational optimization of the concrete composition
significant volumes of concrete to be produced for a with the appropriate use of mineral and chemical
long time. This indicates that the construction sector admixtures can reduce the cost of the concrete used,
can be expected to continue using concrete for many as well that of the entire project.
decades to come, in the forms and ways that are
similar to those of the present. What becomes evident is that any savings in costs and any
increase in the economic yield through concrete usage are
Both the above points imply that any improvement in the
important considering the humongous volumes involved.
way concrete interacts with the environment will have
Economic benefits can arise from using less material,
significant impact on sustainability. It is emphasized,
requiring less energy in the processes of manufacture
consequently, that there is no such thing as an improvement
and construction, increasing the useful life of the concrete
too small to consider implementing.
in the application and helping reduce expenditure in the
Negative impact construction and maintenance. Even in the case of using
ll Cement production in the world is about 3 billion a higher performance concrete with a higher unit cost,
tonnes per annum and seems to continue to increase. the project may have tangible and intangible benefits (e.g.,
The production of portland cement involves extremely faster construction, earlier removal of formwork, fewer
resource and energy intensive processes, where every defects, better finish) leading to an overall decrease in the
tonne of cement requires about 1.5 tonnes of raw project cost.
materials, such as limestone, clay, gypsum and water. Negative impact
ll Cement manufacturing accounts for about 5% of CO2 ll Water ingress, carbonation, chloride and sulphate
emissions in the world. In the production of every attack, and alkali-aggregate reactions, coupled with
tonne of cement clinker approximately one tonne of cracking and inadequate compactness, can lead to
carbon dioxide (CO2) is release into the environment. deterioration that compromises service life and safety.
Thus, the manufacture of portland cement is a The nature of concrete construction is such that the
significant contributor to atmospheric pollution and use of defective or inappropriate materials, techniques
the greenhouse effect. or design leads to recurring and often exorbitant
ll Concrete usage estimates vary from 10 to 30 billion expenditure, primarily due to the inability to replace
tonnes per annum. In any case, the amount of material concrete parts or elements easily. Consequently, poor
is tremendous, and is more than any other family of construction with concrete can lead to high repair and
manufactured products. rehabilitation costs.
These numbers emphasize the imperative and immediate ll Cost cutting often results in bad quality. This is normally
need for critically examining ways to decrease the because budget constraints, mismanagement and
negative impact of concrete. Most importantly, lowering unethical practices result in the use of material
the concrete usage, by any and all means possible, is components and concrete of lower quality and
essential. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an important performance. Consequently, the economic yield is
tool for the quantitative evaluation of the negative impact much lower than projected when the useful life of the
of concrete technology as such [2], or a concrete, structure application is considered.
or project on the environment.
ll It can be said, without much doubt, that poor
Economic Impact construction has more economic consequences
in construction with concrete than with any other
Positive impact construction material. These necessitate, especially in
ll Construction provides livelihood to a large percentage countries where corruption is high or the construction
of the population, especially in developing countries. sector is less organized, less mechanized and/or more

RN Raikar Memorial International Conference & Dr. Suru Shah Symposium on

Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the effective use of Admixtures

dependent on small enterprises, the better control the uncertainty of the remaining life.
over the concrete performance through updated codes
Regulation and standardization, as well as the
of practice and elaborate tender documents.
encouragement of organized production of concrete and
The economic impact of construction with reference to reinforced concrete elements, will go a long way in helping
any project should be properly assessed through life cycle reduce the negative impact of construction on society.
cost analysis where the costs incurred over the service life
are taken into account, along with the initial costs. More Sustainable Concrete
In a simplified, or rather over-simplified, statement
Social Impact
based on the above arguments, it can be said that that
Positive impact future concrete construction should require less raw
ll Concrete is a long term investment that is within reach material and energy, and should produce less waste and
for most due to the versatility of concrete construction emissions, while maximising the cost-effectiveness and
facilitated by the availability of different grades and social wellbeing over the entire life of the application, in
performance levels, possibility of phasing works, and order to become more sustainable.
the ability to build and maintain with low costs and Further, some (again, oversimplified!) action points
unsophisticated technology. This is mostly evident in that could help in making concrete construction more
the housing sector, where concrete gives the home- sustainable (inspired by Mehta) [3,4] are:
owner the assurance that no further major investments
would be needed in his/her lifetime. Similarly, major ll Use less clinker and water, and more “waste” material
infrastructure nowadays is designed for life spans of in concrete production.
100+ years giving a sense of permanence and reflecting ll Increase the useful life of the project significantly
the development of a nation.
ll Increase overall cost-effectiveness
ll Concrete provides a feeling of security to the user in
ll Improve defect-tolerance or insensitivity to defects,
terms of safety against the elements of nature and
especially in terms of durability
intruders. In many societies, moving into a “concrete”,
albeit reinforced concrete, building is considered a
status symbol and a demonstration of well being. Choice of Type and Dosage of
In most countries, it can be said, with some exaggeration,
The incorporation of a superplasticizer in concrete helps
that there is a strong dependence of the individual and
make the technology more sustainable in many ways. In
the society at large on concrete for welfare, health and
the fresh state, the concrete is made more uniform and
homogenous while mixing. The reduction in the water
Negative impact content of the concrete and higher workability leads to better
llThe statement “Cities are becoming concrete jungles” constructability, and enhanced mechanical properties and
is now a cliché. However, it is made more and more apt durability. Furthermore, the superplasticizer becomes
by haphazard unplanned construction with concrete, essential when some fine waste materials (e.g., fly ash, rice
which is practically impossible to undo, especially in husk ash, slag) are used. It also increases the tolerance
many countries and cities that are developing rapidly. to non-ideal aggregates and makes it easier for good
Since the reuse of concrete is not a large-scale reality concrete to be produced even when the sand or coarse
today, demolition generates a lot of debris, delays, aggregates are of poor gradation. Last but not the least,
noise and pollution, in addition to risks for workers and the use of superplasticizers result in flowing concretes
surrounding structures. Aesthetics are often ignored that improve working conditions at the construction site
in the name of austerity leading to dwelling areas by decreasing noise and pollution, and demanding less
becoming uninspiring and even unpleasant. effort for placing and compacting.

ll Quality of concrete is not assured for the user. Since Though the primary purpose of a superplasticizer is to
concrete is not a well-defined product and does not provide high workability, its incorporation in concrete
could also affect, sometimes negatively, the hardening
come with easy methods of determination of quality,
and hardened state properties [5–7]. Moreover,
the owner or user is unable to verify if the performance
phenomena such as loss in the workability of concrete,
requirements are met and often goes with the cheapest
rapid/slow setting, air entrainment, excessive bleeding
and segregation could result from the improper use of
ll Maintenance works can produce disruption of personal superplasticizers. This section discusses the need for
and work routines leading to loss of time. Further, in the a good understanding of the cement-superplasticizer
case of housing, inhabitants suffer stress associated interaction for better high performance concrete, and
with repair works, deteriorated state of buildings and for the proper selection of superplasticizer-cement

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combinations. The methodology for the determination

of the saturation dosage of superplasticizer through
the Marsh cone test for different combinations is also
The effectiveness of the admixture depends on various
factors such as the chemical nature and molecular weight
of the polymer, particle size distribution and composition
of the binder, water-cement ratio, dosage of admixture,
temperature and environmental conditions [8]. Different
admixtures behave significantly differently from each
other even though they are nominally of the same
chemical family. Also, different cements of the same
type can behave very differently. Such discrepancies are
more evident in concretes with low water/cement ratios
and high admixture dosages. This implies that we need
Fig. 1: Marsh cone apparatus and typical Marsh cone flow time
simple and objective procedures to choose compatible
versus superplasticizer dosage (sp/c) curve
type and dosage of superplasticizer for a given cement.
Furthermore, such procedures can help increase the
cost-effectiveness since the products on the market can can be taken as the optimum superplasticizer dosage for
vary in cost by up to four times, though with significantly a given cement paste. The objective method proposed by
different efficacy. Gomes et al. [14] can be used for calculating the saturation
Ideally, the incorporation of the superplasticizer should dosage; the internal angle (α) corresponding to each
make the cement paste system behave in a linearly viscous data point is calculated and the superplasticizer dosage
manner [9]. However, the use of a viscometer to verify this corresponding to an internal angle of 140°± 10° is taken as
on the construction site is not practical due to the need the saturation dosage.
for sophisticated equipment and trained personnel. The The cement-superplasticizer combinations that do not
Marsh cone test is promoted here as a good alternative as exhibit a well-defined saturation point may indicate
it is simple, fast and does not need expensive equipment. incompatibility. The superplasticizer dosage can be chosen
Moreover, comparisons between the results from Marsh by considering the saturation point as the optimum for the
cone tests and those from viscometer based studies given cement type, water-cement ratio (w/c) and mineral
are available. In addition to optimizing the rheology of admixture content. Note that the superplasticizer dosage
the cement paste system, the superplasticizer should is expressed here as the ratio, by weight, between the solid
help maintain the flowability of fresh concrete over the material and the cement content, and is denoted as sp/c.
necessary time period while not excessively affect its The paste is considered here as the phase that should
setting time and early strength gain [10]. be studied for evaluating the above-mentioned aspects,
The Marsh cone test has been used to evaluate the instead of the mortar, since the sand content is not defined
relative fluidity and to determine the saturation dosage until the optimization of the concrete is complete, and the
[11–16]; a brief description of the test method is given in the a priori assumption of the mortar composition will limit
following sections. Further details about the Marsh cone the scope of the optimization of the paste solely in terms of
test, influence of saturation dosage of superplasticizer on the fluidity. Nevertheless, the methodology used here can
the flow behaviour of the paste, effect of time on the flow be applied to mortars and similar trends can be obtained.
behaviour of superplasticized paste and the correlation The Marsh cone flow time curves for different types and
between empirical tests results with rheological dosages of superplasticizers with a typical cement are
parameters using viscometer studies have been published shown in Figure 2 along with the saturation dosages. The
elsewhere [17]. results show that fluidity increases with an increase in
In the present study, a metal Marsh cone (as per the the dosage of superplasticizer up to the saturation point,
European EN 445 standard) with a nozzle of diameter 8 mm after which the curves remain relatively flat, for all the
has been employed (Figure 1). An initial volume of 1000 ml of superplasticizer types. However, the saturation dosage
paste is poured into the cone and the time required for 500 varies with the type (and brand) of superplasticizer.
ml to flow out of it is measured. The test gives the fluidity The lignosulphonate-based product LS-C1, though not
of the paste in terms of the flow time; higher the flow time, expected to be as effective as the other products, shows a
lower is the fluidity of the paste. As seen in Figure 1, the response that is similar to those of the naphthalenes (SNF)
saturation point is the dosage beyond which further addition and melamines (SMF). Most of the admixtures based on
of superplasticizer does not increase fluidity significantly naphthalenes and melamines exhibit similar flow time
but could result in segregation [13]; the saturation dosage curves, except for SNF-C1, which yields lower flow times

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Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the effective use of Admixtures

test results for cements with different fineness. Though

the final flow time (or fluidity) is the same, the dosage
needed to achieve that level increases with the fineness
(see legend for Blaine fineness values in m2/kg). So,
when the cement is changed in a project, Marsh cone
tests can quickly indicate the changes to be made in the
superplasticizer dosage avoiding wastage in material
and time with respect to the production and supply of
More importantly, in view of optimizing the composition
of concrete and its cost, it has to be recognized
that environmental conditions can also affect the
superplasticizer performance. Figure 4 shows Marsh cone
flow time curves with different dosages of superplasticizer
at various ambient temperatures. It can be observed that
the fluidity is lower (i.e., the flow time is higher) at higher
temperatures when the dosages of superplasticizer are
Fig. 2: Marsh cone flow time curves for different superplasticizers
low. The fluidity generally increases at higher temperature
with higher dosages of superplasticizer. The lower fluidity
and a comparatively low saturation superplasticizer dosage observed at higher temperatures and lower dosages of
of 0.16%. In comparison, the superplasticizers based on superplasticizer may be due to the higher water demand
polycarboxylates (PCEs) are more effective, as expected, of cement at higher temperatures and the insufficient
with lower saturation dosages than the other products; quantity of superplasticizer to disperse the cement
PCE-D1 gives the lowest saturation dosage of 0.07%. The particles efficiently.
pastes with low dosages of SMF-S1 exhibit high flow times
indicating poorer dispersion of the cement particles at
such dosages. Also, at saturation, superplasticizers have
different flow times indicating their different effectiveness.
These trends are in accordance with the basic actions of
the different families of superplasticizers [5]. Using the
information from curves such as those in Figure 2, the
dosage can be chosen for use in concrete and a cost-
effective choice of product can be made.
As mentioned earlier, the characteristics of the cement
can influence the effectiveness of the superplasticizer.
For example, higher fineness of cement can lead to more
water demand and superplasticizer adsorption due to
higher surface area. Consequently, finer cements require
higher superplasticizer dosages which can be anticipated
from the Marsh cone test, as seen in Figure 3 that shows

Fig. 3: Influence of cement fineness on fluidity of paste with

a PCE-based superplasticizer (Blaine fineness values in the Fig. 4: Effect of temperature on the fluidity of cement pastes with
legend are in m2/kg) (a) PCE and (b) SNF based superplasticizers

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There are two competing mechanisms coming to play in importantly, the variation of the Marsh cone flow time with
this system, the decrease in fluidity (or consistency) of the the superplasticizer dosage has the same trend as those
superplasticized cement paste due to a higher water demand exhibited by the yield stress and plastic viscosity. It can be
of the cement and the increase in fluidity probably due to a seen that all three parameters decrease with an increase
decrease in viscosity or an increase in the effectiveness of in superplasticizer dosage until the saturation dosage
the superplasticizer at higher temperature [18]. Generally, and remain practically constant after that. Figure 6 also
lower temperature decreases the fluidity, which cannot be shows the trend of the mini-slump spread, where it is
compensated with the addition of superplasticizer beyond seen to increase with the superplasticizer dosage until the
the saturation dosage. Higher temperature increases saturation dosage, after which it is practically constant.
superplasticizer adsorption, which increases the initial
fluidity and increases the superplasticizer demand for flow
retention over a certain range of temperature. Further, it
can be seen that the paste with the PCE is less sensitive to
temperature than the paste with SNF, as indicated by less
difference between the curves for the former.
The Marsh cone results have been correlated with those
from more rational tests with viscometers [9,16]. Using a
coaxial viscometer and applying different shear rates to the
paste and measuring the corresponding shear stresses,
the rheological behaviour can be studied. Generally, a
loading-unloading cycle is applied to the paste, preceded
by some pre-shearing, and the response during unloading
is used to determine the rheological parameters. Figure 5
shows the result of applying three cycles to a cement paste
with an SNF at a dosage slightly lower than the saturation
dosage. The third unloading curve has been fitted with
the Bingham model to get its parameters: the yield shear
stress and the plastic viscosity.
Fig. 6: Comparison of Marsh cone flow time with mini-slump spread
and rheological parameters

It has also been shown through creep-recovery and

stress relaxation tests, using a dynamic shear rheometer
[9], that the saturation superplasticizer dosage marks the
transition in the paste behaviour to a viscous response.
When the stress pattern shown in Figure 7 is applied, the
shear strain responses could be viscoelastic as in Figure
8(a) (SNF) or viscous as in Figure 8(b) (PCE) depending
on whether the dosage is below or above the saturation
dosage. Consequently, the two curves are different though
the superplasticizer dosage is the same, reflecting the
higher efficiency of the PCE to facilitate a linear viscous
paste at a lower dosage.

Fig. 5: Typical shear stress-strain rate cycles for a superplasticizer

cement pasteers

In order to validate the use of Marsh cone (and also

another simple test known as the mini-slump test),
relationships with the rheological parameters of cement
pastes have been established as shown in Figure 6 [10].
It can be seen that the Marsh cone flow time increases Fig. 7: Applied creep-recovery stress pattern in a dynamic shear
as the yield stress and plastic viscosity increase. More rheometer

RN Raikar Memorial International Conference & Dr. Suru Shah Symposium on

Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the effective use of Admixtures

Having established that the saturation dosage from the

Marsh cone test denotes the transition to viscous behaviour
in the paste, it is necessary to know if there is direct
interdependence between the behaviour of the paste and
concrete. In general, there is good correlation between the
change in slump of the concrete and paste flow time with
superplasticizer dosage, as seen in Figure 9. Therefore,
the use of the saturation dosage of superplasticizer in
the concrete results in a good slump to start with. It
also facilitates fewer trials and faster mix optimization.
Nevertheless, the presence of aggregates with high
absorption capacity can increase the superplasticizer
demand in concrete, and this may have to be accounted for
in the final mixes. There is sufficient evidence that the use
of a rational method for choosing the superplasticizer type
and dosage can help achieve the desired level of workability Fig. 9: Correlation between the flow of paste and slump of
in concrete without wasting material and money. concrete

Effect of Fly Ash and Slag on concrete

in two aspects: the use of waste material in concrete
durability and the increase in the durability of reinforced concrete
This section of the paper discusses studies that are structures.
closely related to the sustainability of concrete technology
Test variables and materials
The work presented here deals with the effects of fly ash,
ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly  ash-slag
combinations on concrete durability parameters. Various
concretes were prepared using these materials and the
Wenner resistivity tests, Rapid Chloride Permeability
Tests (RCPT), and Accelerated Chloride Migration Tests
(ACMT) were performed.
The experimental programme included 13 concrete mixes
having a water binder ratio of 0.5 and total binder content
310  kg/m3. In addition to the ordinary portland cement
(53 grade, conforming to Indian Standard IS 12269),
three mineral admixtures (i.e., slag, class C fly ash,
class F fly ash) were used at 0, 15 and 30% replacement.
Table 1 provides the physical and chemical properties of
the binders used. Note that slag from two sources were
All the concretes were prepared with a fine aggregate to
coarse aggregate ratio of 40:60. The coarse aggregates

Table 1
Specific gravity and Blaine specific surface of binders
as per IS 4031

Specific surface
Binders Specific gravity

Class F fly ash 2.49 330

Class C fly ash 2.46 390

Slag (Sources A & B) 2.86 360

Fig. 8: Creep and recovery of pastes with 0.05% dosage of (a) SNF
Ordinary portland cement 3.15 340
and (b) PCE

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used were combinations of 20 mm down and 10 mm Table 2

down fractions, in proportions of 60:40. A sulphonated Concrete quality classification based on resistivity [24]
naphthalene formaldehyde (SNF) based admixture was
used to obtain slump values between 80-150 mm. Resistivity (kΩ cm) Concrete Quality

Wenner resistivity test and results

> 100 Good
This method is standardized as ASTM G57 - 95a [19] for
the measurement of soil resistivity. Although not yet 50 - 100 Normal
standardized for the characterization of concrete, the
10 - 50 Poor
test method is widely used [20-22]. Andrade et. al. [22]
have developed a tool to predict the service life based on < 10 Very poor
resistivity test.
Figure 10 shows the experimental; setup used for
performing the 4-probe Wenner resistivity test. In this so that the effect of pore solution is nullified. Thus, the
configuration, four equally spaced point electrodes resistivity obtained can be deemed to be an indicator of
are pressed on to the concrete surface. The two outer the pore structure development and the pore solution
electrodes induce current whereas the two inner conductivity.
electrodes measure the potential drop. The resistivity, ρ, is
equal to 2πaR, where α is the spacing between the adjacent In this study, twelve resistivity measurements
electrodes and R is the resistance (measured as the ratio were taken on the six sides of each cube specimen
of potential difference to current). The term ρ is dependent (150×150×150mm) and the average values are presented
on the quantity and conductivity of pore solution and size, in Figure 11. The black and grey bars indicate results
interconnectivity and tortuosity of pores [23]. A resistivity- from specimens with curing period of 28 and 90 days,
based classification criterion for concrete quality has been respectively; the regions between the horizontal lines
developed by the RILEM TC 230-PSC [24], Committee on indicate the four classifications (i.e., ‘Good’, ‘Normal’,
Performance Specifications for Concrete (see Table 2). ‘Poor’, and ‘Very poor’) as shown in Table 2. Figure 11
shows that the concrete with no mineral admixture
Due to the pozzolanic reaction of mineral admixtures, (i.e., plain OPC mix) exhibits the worst performance
there is more calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) formation and (i.e., lowest electrical resistivity).
a decrease in the calcium hydroxide content. This leads
to more impermeable pore structure and more compact In general, it is observed that the resistivity is enhanced
interfaces between the cement paste and the aggregates. as the cement replacement level by the mineral
Further, the resistivity of the concrete is also increased by admixture increases from 15 to 30%, and further to
the modification of the microstructure. Since the corrosion 50%. Among the concrete mixes tested, most mixes
of steel reinforcement in concrete is an electrochemical fell in the ‘Poor’ category; only two concretes could
process, any significant increase in the resistivity of the be classified as ‘Good’, with 50% slag and 50% class
concrete can be expected to retard the corrosion of the F fly ash (both with 90  days of curing). When cured
rebars. for only 28 days, these two concretes exhibited only
‘Normal’ and ‘Poor’ performances, respectively. No
For the present study, the resistivity measurements were significant increase in resistivity is observed by partial
made on 150 mm cubes. The cubes were fully saturated replacement of cement with only Class C fly ash and 28
days of curing. However, by curing these Class C fly ash
concretes for up to 90 days, the resistivity increased
slightly. The replacement with a combination of 20%
fly ash and 20% slag also resulted in an increase in the
resistivity. In addition, as the curing period is increased
from 28 to 90 days, the fly ash mixes exhibited better
durability performances than the OPC mixes.
In general, increasing the mineral admixture content
seems to be the strategy to adopt for enhanced durability,
especially when fly ash and/or slag are used as mineral
admixtures. Moreover, it may worth examining the
appropriateness for considering a later reference age
for durability characterization since the interior of the
concrete will remain moist for several months under
normal conditions. Insistence on longer curing periods
Fig. 10: The Wenner resistivity test setup may not be implementable due to practical reasons.

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Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the effective use of Admixtures

Table 3
Concrete quality classification based on resistivity [24]

Total charge passed

Chloride ion penetrability

> 4000 High

2000 - 4000 Moderate

1000 - 2000 Low

100 - 1000 Very Low

< 100 Negligible

Fig. 11: Wenner resistivity test results Figure 13 provides the average permeability of three
specimens of various concretes. The black and grey bars
indicate results from specimens with curing period of 28 and
Rapid chloride permeability test and results 90 days, respectively. In Figure 13, the regions between the
horizontal lines indicate the four classifications (i.e., ‘High’,
The Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT) was originally
‘Moderate’, ‘Low’, ‘Very low’, and ‘Negligible’ permeabilities)
proposed by Whiting in 1981 [25] and is standardized by
as shown in Table 3. It should be noted that the lower the
ASTM (ASTM C 1202) [26] and AASHTO (AASHTO 277)
permeability, the better will be the quality of the concrete.
[27]. Figure 12 shows a schematic diagram of the RCPT
set up. Among the 13 types of concretes cured for 28  days,
‘Moderate’, ‘Low’, and ‘Very low’ permeabilities were
This test involves the application of a potential of 60 Volts
exhibited by 5, 5 and 3 concretes, respectively. Considering
on a vacuum saturated cylindrical concrete specimen for
28 days of curing (i.e., black bars), almost all concretes
6 hours. For each mix, three specimens of 50 mm thickness
exhibited lower permeability with the replacement of fly
were cut from a cylinder of diameter 100 mm and height
ash and/or slag. For example, concretes with 15 and 30%
200 mm. The curved surface of the specimens was coated
slag replacement exhibited either ‘Low’ or ‘Moderate’
with epoxy. Then, the specimens were vacuum saturated
permeabilities, and concretes with 50% slag replacement
with Ca(OH)2 solution. Then, one side of the specimen was
exhibited ‘Very low’ permeability.
exposed to 3%  NaCl solution and the opposite side was
exposed to 0.3M NaOH solution. The 60 V potential gradient As observed in the case of Wenner resistivity data, an
is applied across the specimen and the resulting current increase in the curing period from 28 to 90 days, resulted
is measured at an interval of 30 minutes. From the data, in reduction in permeability – indicating an increase in
the total charge passed (in Coulombs) is calculated. Table concrete quality. As concluded earlier, both the addition
3 indicates the classification of chloride ion penetrability of mineral admixtures and increase in curing period
in concrete based on the charge passed as given in ASTM significantly enhance the durability of concrete systems
C 1202. exposed to chloride environments.

Fig. 12: Schematic of Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT) setup Fig. 13: Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT) results

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India Chapter of American Concrete Institute 9
Technical Papers Session I Paper T8

Fig. 14: Schematic of Accelerated Chloride Migration Test

(ACMT) setup Fig. 15: Accelerated Chloride Migration Test (ACMT) results

Accelerated chloride migration test (ACMT) and The results of RCPT and ACMT depend on the composition
results of the pore solution, as well as on the pore structure.
The addition of mineral admixtures can change the pore
The ACMT was developed by Tang and Nilsson in 1992
solution composition and enhance the chloride binding
[28]. This test was standardized by the Nordic Innovations
capacity [30]. The ACMT results presented in Figure 15
Centre, Norway, as NT BUILD 492 [29]. The general test
strongly supports this argument.
principles, specimens and specimen preparation methods
are similar to that of the RCPT. However, differences exist Figure 15 provides the non-steady state migration
in the magnitude and duration of potential gradient and coefficient of concretes with various levels of replacement
the concentration of solutions used. Figure 14 shows the of cement with fly ash and slag; average of three test
ACMT set up. results are provided. The horizontal line indicates the four
quality levels shown in Table 4. As with the case of Wenner
The ACMT uses a 30  Volt potential gradient across the
resistivity and RCPT data, the ACMT data also indicate that
vacuum saturated concrete specimen, one side of which
the replacement with mineral admixtures and enhanced
is in contact with 0.3M NaOH solution and the other
curing period improve the resistance of concrete against
side with 10%  NaCl solution. The potential is applied for
chloride penetration. For example, in the case of Slag B,
a duration that varies from 6 to 96 hours, with 24 hours
the quality for concretes with 15, 30, and 50% replacement
being most common. After this, the specimens are split
is ‘Poor’, ‘Normal’, and ‘Good’, respectively. For the case
and silver nitrate solution is sprayed at the split surface.
of concretes with class F fly ash, it is observed that more
Chlorides at the split surface react with silver nitrate and
than 28 days of curing is required to enhance the quality
form white precipitate of silver chloride. The depth of the
from ‘Normal’ to ‘Good’. With 28 days of curing, the best
silver chloride indicates the depth of chloride penetration,
performance is exhibited by concretes with 50% slag,
from which the non-steady state diffusion coefficient
50% class F fly ash, and combination of 20% slag and 20%
can be calculated [29]. Based on the non-steady state
class F fly ash. Upon extended curing up to 90 days, all the
migration coefficients obtained from the ACMT, the RILEM
three ternary blends tested exhibited ‘Good’ quality.
TC 230 PSC [24] is developing a classification criteria
(unpublished) for concrete quality (See Table 4).
It has been put forward in this paper that the judicious
Table 4
Concrete quality classification based on resistivity [24]
use of a superplasticizer, fly ash and slag can contribute
significantly in making the concrete more sustainable.
Non-steady state migration In terms of the environmental benefits, the use of the
Concrete quality
coefficient (× 10 -12 m2/s) superplasticizer, fly ash and slag can lead to savings in
raw material due to enhancement of the properties and
<2 Very good
service life, can facilitate the use of mineral admixtures
2–8 Good and can decrease the energy requirement for placing
concrete. The economic benefits include those due to the
8 – 16 Normal decrease in labour requirement, extension of service life,
faster construction and savings in material. The social
> 16 Poor
impact can also be positive due to the faster construction

RN Raikar Memorial International Conference & Dr. Suru Shah Symposium on

Improving the Sustainability of Concrete Technology through the effective use of Admixtures

of structures, reduction in noise and improvement of 32, 1999, pp. 479-485.

the work environment, less repair, better aesthetics and 14. Gomes, P.C.C., Gettu, R., Agulló, L. and Bernad, C., ‘Experimental
higher quality. optimization of high-strength self-compacting concrete,’ Proc.
Second Intnl. Symp. on Self-Compacting Concrete (Tokyo), Eds.
K.Ozawa and M.Ouchi, COMS Engng. Corp., Kochi, Japan, 2001,
pp. 377-386.
The first part of this paper is based on material developed initially
for keynotes lectures given by the first author at the Concrete 15. Nguyen, V.H., Remond, S., Gallias, J.L., Bigas, J.P. and Muller, P.,
Institute of Australia Conference, Concrete 2011: Building a ‘Flow of Herschel- Bulkley fluids through the Marsh cone,’ Journal
Sustainable Future, held at Perth, Australia, in 2011 and at of Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 139, 2006, pp. 128- 134.
the 3rd International conference on Sustainable Construction 16. Jayasree, C. and Gettu, R., ‘Experimental Study of the Flow Behaviour
Materials Technology, SCMT3 held at Kyoto, Japan in 2013, giving of Superplasticized Cement Paste,’ Materials and Structures, Vol.
a review of research works in each of which the first author with 41, 2008, pp. 1581-1593.
his co-workers have attempted to identify simple methods of
17. Jayasree, C. and R. Gettu, ‘Correlating properties of superplasticized
assessing and demonstrating the benefits of superplasticizers
paste, mortar and concrete,’ The Indian Concrete J., Vol. 84, No 7,
over the past fifteen or so years. The second part of the paper
2010, pp. 7-18.
is based on ongoing work at IIT Madras for assessing the effect
of mineral admixtures on durability parameters of concrete for 18. Roncero, J., Gettu, R., Vázquez, E. and Torrents, J.M, ‘Effect of
which partial funding from the Lafarge Research Centre (France) superplasticizer content and temperature on the fluidity and setting
is gratefully acknowledged. The authors sincerely thank many of cement pastes,’ Proc. Intnl. Symp. on the Role of Admixtures in
project associates, students and staff who have participated in High Performance Concrete, Mexico (Eds.) J.G. Cabrera, and R.R.
these studies. Villarreal, 1999, pp. 343-356.

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Organised by
India Chapter of American Concrete Institute 11

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