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Today in our online class, Mr. Butaran taught us the importance of teaching strategies. It is important for the teacher
or the instructor to base their teaching methodology on these strategies for better deliverance of the knowledge and
skill they are trying to impart. By using each different strategy during our online classes our teacher's patience is
evident, keeping us interested in the topic matter at hand. The importance of using different teaching methodology
cannot be over emphasized for maintaining the student's attention and interest to learn. By utilizing each strategy the
student's curiosity and attention will be better sustained. In our online class we discuss the importance of using
teaching strategies making me understand its substance and value in imparting knowledge and skills to students. In
my view learning these will be essential in my chosen field not just on imparting knowledge I acquire but also by
taking take care of patients that needs patience, know-how and skills.


7 principles of teaching practice

Quality of education is important. How to improve teaching and learning? Teacher and student need to work
together to achieve the goal simply and completely. There are principles on good teaching. Students comprehend a
lot when an excellent teacher provides enough time and effort to teach his/her class. Providing and presenting
knowledge that we need. And for us to gain this we need not only to listen but to connect and be at hand on that
whole process. To achieve these teachers and students should always work in unison and coexist with the purpose of
achieving a certain goal that is imparting knowledge and absorbing it. The connection between students and teacher
are vital to the student's success done by encouraging student to present their views and participate in class
discussions. All procedure has a big part, working together improves thinking and understanding. Third principle is
to encourage active learning teachers. They must actively contribute and participate, relate past experiences because
students need to make learning a part of themselves. Also by giving prompt feedback, knowing what you know and
do not know gives focus learning. The 5th principle is emphasize time. Help students set challenging goals and teach
time management. Next is to communicate high expectations, giving or making extra efforts will do and work
individually with students who are struggling to encourage them to stay motivated. The last principle respect diverse
challenge and ways of learning. Knowing student's ways of learning can help the teacher and be guided on how to
teach. Teacher's also needs to understand and respect what his/her student's degree of understanding.


Psychomotor Skills is very important to nursing students or any medical field. Knowledge is not enough when you
are in duty. Since nursing field is based mostly on skills that we need to have tools to use like movement, balance,
coordination strength and speed. We need this to perform well our duties. Example is taking vital signs, blood
pressure or in hospital setting by inserting IV fluids. Since life is what we care about there is little or no room for
mistake or excuses, so knowledge and skill go hand and hand and very much needed. That's why psychomotor is
very important, because this is one of our tools which will help us execute our responsibilities as nurses. Cognitive
and physical movement is what we need to perform our duties as a nurse. Our body needs to be ready and give the
right and proper handling of our responsibilities in every situation. So we need to evaluate and enhance out
psychomotor skills. Because this will help us in the future to stay on a profession we have chosen and to deliver
quality of care.


Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow hierarchy of needs reminds us to live to an ideal life. In order to live we need both material and spiritual. He
puts human needs in levels namely, physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness, esteem needs to self
actualization. First level is physiological needs. This is the level where people needs of air, food, water and rest
belongs. This is the first thing that human need sand cannot survive without it. It is related in online environment in
a sense that like this time and age of having computers and internet connection it is very important for the students
to acquire knowledge and learn. Without it, learning would be difficult thus affecting our future. There will be a
delay on everything. So now the importance of technology is quite highlighted. Especially now that this pandemic
occurs existing and living normally without it would be impossible. Second is the safety needs which human needs
to become emotional, physiological and physically safe. Students need knowledge in order to be present in the cycle.
Being safe like doing advance reading and early access to the course make our life easier, being updated in short
having knowledge make us safe in every ways. Third level of Maslow is the feeling of belongingness and love
needs. Of course the feeling of being loved leads us to a happy life. It could be about one of the person's
achievements. Like in online, student teacher relationship must be in good terms so that quality of learning can be
delivered and achieved. Fourth is the esteem needs the feeling of accomplishment. People develop a concern with
getting recognition, status, importance, and respect from others. In online environment this is undervalued due to
circumstances that may lead to absence of foundation, unfamiliarity appears that requirements can be delayed. And
the feeling of being valued or appreciated can lead to motivation and clarifies goals. The last is Self Actualization,
Maslow describe this as the desire to accomplish everything that one can be. Student that is motivated can perform
her/his full potential.


The topic this morning was all about clinical teaching. Clinical teaching is a type of group conference where patient
is observed and studied by the learners. This is done by student's who needs to practice their knowledge and skills.
They need to practice in a real situation for them to be ready for their profession in the future. Teachers introduce
them to institutions and agencies where they need to practice what they learned from their schools. The purpose of
clinical teaching is to provide systematic and a holistic approach. So students should know how to approach things
in a systematic way, knowing the right procedure and for the student to know how to handle things in such
situations. You need to conduct research, adding knowledge in the situation is a big help. You also need to meet the
needs of the client. So as a practice nurse you should know to handle your client, giving proper care and
management is the goal. Also to improve the student practice, identifies the client's problems and maintaining the
inter-institutional relationship this help student to improve their skills and gain knowledge. Student need to bear in
mind that during duties the things that they learned in the institution will be the same thing they would do in the
future as a nurse. Methods of clinical teaching in nursing also explained. One of this is the Nursing clinic, it is a
method of clinical teaching that always tell the presence of patient or client. The purpose is to enhance the
knowledge of the student. To apply what they've learn. To provide holistic care for the patient. Exposure provides
them a strong foundation, like being familiar to instruments or tools being use in the hospital. Not all the medical
instruments are present in the school so it's a big yes or help for them to know this early. Another one is test for
nursing clinic. Instructor introduces the learner to the patient and patient introduce to the learner. So it's important
for them to know each other to build bond and make the task easy. Advantage of Nursing clinic is that it is a big help
for the teachers, for them to evaluate and assess the knowledge and skill of the student. Disadvantage is that patient
may feel uncomfortable in the situation, because one reason is that large group are included there will be a time or
situation that patient lose privacy especially when patient is having serious condition. For nursing round this I think
the importance of this is also to evaluate students.


This day we discuss about the second method of clinical teaching which is the nursing round. It is conducted by
nurse, teacher or member of the staff. It is done to check patients condition or the level of care that given by the
nurse. So its a kind of evaluation. The purpose of clinical teaching is to observe physical and mental health of the
patient and to observe the work of the staff, meaning to seethe function of the nurse in the area the effectiveness of
giving care. It's said that a nurse should always be quick in action during duty. The importance of speed and skills
and knowledge will help them to reach their goal. Numbers are significant for nurse. Example when taking blood
pressure or checking the respiration, so as any numbers describing a patient's condition. After assessment if any
changes in the condition it is to be reported to a doctor. Old and new patients must be identified by the nurse
everyday. Some disadvantage of nursing round is the exposure to the patient's condition especially when patients
have serious diseases like STD. The nurse must understand the client's privacy. The patient's record or information
will stay strictly in the hospital. The next method is the nursing conference. The focus of this is on assessing the
nursing problem. It is an act of consulting jointly which means to consolidate all the thinking, data, assessments to
arrive at all possible solution to the problem. Last is the process recording teaching, it is the exchange between the
nurse and patient during the time they were together. The advantage of this is to improve the communication skill,
improve the more specific therapeutic conversation, improve the ability to face stressful situation and understand the
used of mental mechanism.


They say Psychomotor Skills is the physical side of nursing. Because it represents those activities that are primarily
movement oriented. Teaching psychomotor skills is not that easy you need a clear picture of the skills before you
deliver it in action. You first need had intellectual knowledge about the skill before you can perform it. You need to
have knowledge and values. I learned that psychomotor skills needs time to practice. For teacher's approach this
requires detailed instructions. You need to encourage the learner or the students how important it is especially in the
nursing profession. Caring for patients needs values and knowledge. Life is what a nurse handles so doing the task
needs clear and efficient approach, for both nurse and patient to reach the goal. Psychomotor skills teaching need to
be taught in step and details. For the students to learn they need the complete knowledge about it first. Teacher's
needs to do techniques and strategies on how the student can be more interested doing the task. Not all of the
students can learn in one demonstration so it is important that teachers give time, help us in our problematic area and
correct us in our mistakes. The skill must be perfect because this skill is what we will be performing in our patients.
To learn the skill both student and teacher must work together to get the quality or to perfectly perform. Students
must focus and teachers have to help students to cope and improve the skills they want to provide. So before the
exposure of the students in different institution they need to perfect the skill. Skills acquired in the school helps the
students to grow not only as a nurse but to reach their potential of being to serve their purpose.


They say education is the key for a better future. As a student I sometimes experience hardship and adversities but
all through these trying times giving up never came across my mind for I believe with fate and hard work this too
shall come to pass. Our teacher keeps encouraging us of what life is waiting for us or what life we can have when
we finished this. Yes it is hard because our responsibility is greater than anyone knows. But hardship will always be
rewarded if you work hard. A lot wants to be a nurse not only because this is their passion but also because this can
give them a better life. On our lesson it is said that Education is connected with practically all subjects. It aims in
improving the living condition of all living creatures. Educational institutions are those levels of education base on
the ages. Types of this is primary, secondary, further and higher education. One role of this is to develop
socialization which can help us, shaping to be a good and effective nurse and to improve personality and
communication. Nursing is also about socialization and skills. Teachers play important roles on ow to provide
knowledge, how they shape the students to become a professional. This is what school can be label of. For me, I can
say that l'm in a right place or a right school. Not only because of what friends I have but because I gain the right
knowledge that I need. What I like most is that teachers always encourage us and how they give effort for us to
learn. My chosen institution is very different as that the teacher and student relationship, the bond we have and this
is the reason why I am motivated. They say student is part of the solution to an economic dilemma or economic
problem of the country.


Today we discuss about assessing motivation. Motivation is a process in which individual creates an inner drive to
accomplish goals and objectives. It is important for every student to be motivated so that their goals and dreams can
be achieved. Students who are completely motivated can be successful. It is said that motivation is a practice of art
applying incentives, gaining reward and arousing interest for the purpose of causing the students to perform in a
desired way, it is a sustained enthusiasm doing the things they are interested in and love. Students nowadays are
very lucky because learning is quite easy unlike before. Using technologies like mobile phone and computers are a
big help because in just a click information and knowledge will be easily available to help them. Also environment
affect motivation, safe environment can provide better learning. The purpose of motivation is to arouse the desire
and achieve goals to stimulate action to accomplish a particular objective, our teacher say, it is also the willingness
to learn. Students are motivated further when their hard works are rewarded, seeing their high grade makes them
study more. For the workers giving them reward by example of being awarded employee of the month give them a
sense of joy and motivates them to work hard. That's why recognition is a simple way of offering motivation. We
also tackled the two types of motivations, the intrinsic motivation where the students may become motivated to learn
by understanding more strength and weaknesses, to enhance the capability of learning. We need to use are weakness
as a motivation. In extrinsic motivation the learner discover the reason other than his/her own personal interest and
social motives which may include reward such as high grade, increase pay, praise and promotion and even criticism.
Extrinsic motivation is within the learner. It is only the learner that can provide and activate motivators. I also
learned that the teacher's needs to be concerned for the learners like security and anxiety, frustration, actualization
and many more.


It has been taught today about the continuation of assessing motivation among learners. The teachers needs to be
concerned about achievements, my teacher explained the need to attain goals works to some degree and varies from
one person to another. Students must go forward and walk up to the level of education where they need to be,
wherein college they start to realize their goal and pursue their dreams, to face the world. Florence Nightingale once
said "recognition pleases an individual which inspire her to accomplish task that benefits herself and others for a
common good. Simple recognition can make every effort worth it. Participation, sharing activities and interaction
with others also is a factor of motivating learners. Interest is a conscious awareness of an inner desire for some
object. Being a student my dream is to be a nurse, which give me curiosity and interest to learn everything that
comprise about the profession. Religious needs are the individual's inner requirement. Some scholars have a long
recognized, that this need is mans most important need. Believing in God's grace can make a person pursue and
achieve his/her goals until he/she can make it.


My classmate reported that simulation is a technique to obtain skills and knowledge. It is done to familiarize a
learner in clinical setting, mimicking the reality in clinical practice, a trial and error method. The purpose of this is to
help the student practice, achieve cognitive, effective and psychomotor. It practices us in critical thinking, problem
solving and decision making. The three types of simulation are the written, visual and line simulated simulation.
Things to remember, realistic manner in reality, reflects problem solving and interdependent decision making, the
consequences in errors and alternative solutions. The procedures consist of 4-5 students, everyone rotate roles, select
and discussing, planning, proper feedback and provide reinforcement. The advantage of simulation is to learn from
mistakes, critical thinking problem solving skills, the theory and practice combine, student centered, more on
practice and feedback. Disadvantage is this can't be used in children, it requires a lot of preparation for teachers,
time consuming and emotion arises. Simulation is a new dimension compare into lecture. So I think simulation even
with it's disadvantages is a great way to teach students and help them realize their goals.


The topic that was tackled today is about generational differences. The differentiation of each generations which is
the baby boomers, Gen x and net gen. I like this topic because it is my first time to come across about this. I heard
about the different generation but only the basic information. So I am happy that my teacher talked about this. Baby
boomers are those people born from 1928-1942. Which is also the time of the second world war. These people are
comfortable with delayed generations, they experienced hardship in life. They love their work, dedicated to it, very
loyal to institution because they wanted permanent career that's why they have good relationships to their leaders.
That's why sir said baby boomers are managers. It's okay for them to be rule by others as long as their jobs rewards
them. Next is the generation x, they are independent, self serving learners, they want flexibility and autonomy.
Meaning people on this generation are more flexible and independent. They love working alone, fast and wants to be
rewarded. They manage their time well and values money and material good. They expects immediate gratification.
Generation x wants to lead not to be managed, unlike the baby boomers. That are some of the characteristics of
people in generation x. The last generation my teacher discussed is the net gen or the newest generation. They are
technology addicted. That sometime people in this generation cannot live without it. They are technology dependent
because this can make their life a lot easy. Net gen are rule followers, self sufficient, highly intelligent, it enhance
diversity, anticipate multiple career changes, highly mobile, self sufficient and assertive and sometimes it said that
they possess a strong work ethics and a collaborative team player.

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