Important NDPS Act Notifications

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NO .C.31017/1/88- GOVERNMENT OF MTZcSatn HOME DEPARY PENT Dated Airewl, the 22nd June/92. : preased to declare Deparinent of the Covernment of Mizoram as the Nodal Department for the purpcse of implesentimy tie provi Bios of the Narcotic Druge and Psychotropic substances Act "965 (-€4 of 1985 as asended 3, the Exeice The Covernor of Mizorain is further pleased te declare the Gyuedesioner of Eidise Department, Mizoram is the Nodal officer for purpyses of Co-ordination cf activities” @fong the various zgencier of the Centre/State Government. inter-State Coordi patio Ceordinat fh the Centre _ Goverasent with immediate effect, BO/- F.L.R. Stak Home Commi geioné > Sovt. of Hizcran Dated Aizawl, che 22nd June / 1992 sioner, Mizorea, l of Polict, Mirora*, iveioner, Exciee, Micoran. puty Comtineioner, Aizawl /Lingles/ Sof: cuty Commission of excise, Moran. mdent ci folter, (Criu }, ‘Xzor: alth é& Family Wifere Deporte Ministry belhi. Home troller, Printice # Statione Mizoran, fo + Liectioh in the official azettes. ie. co, GOs ugsne OF MI ZO, \P7Aiaue BACISE & TMMATION DEPARDAONT WOTIEICArtON Dated ALzawl, the 7th March, 1956 No, 8,12029/12/a5-Exc/127 1 ‘In exercise of the powers peed dy sub-section (1) of section 41 of the Narcatic Drugs Poker rent® Substance het, 1585 (61 of 1985), the stonteoant pokernoe Adainistrater) of Mizoram is pleased to, capower cl). the 23 Of the finst class in Wizoran to exercise the powers Specified in sub-section (4) of that section within the erea of their respective jurisdiction, sa/ NARENDAA PRASAD Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram, Finanoe Exoise & Taxation Department, wee Memo No-B,12029/42/65-2x0/127 (h) Dated Aizawl, the 7th Mar.'86« Copy 2 2. 3. aL Se 6. F 8. a. 10. 1- 12, 13. the Whe Secretary to Lt,Governor, Mizoram, The P.S. te the Chief Minister, Mizoren, ‘Thé PiA. to ald Minjsters, Mizoram, ‘The P.3. to Chief Seatetery, Government of Mizoron, Tho gli Secretaries to the Government of Mizoram. ho al, Headq Y= Departments, Tee DRL paeeatstas = ta Tane elf The Commissioner. af Exoi'sea & Taxes, Mizoram, The Inspectsr.Generel of Police, Mizorem, idzawl. Tho Controller of Printing & Stationeries, Govt. pt-Mizoren wyth 6 (six) spere copies for publication in Mizoran Gazette, @he Superititenient of Excise, Aizawl/Lunglet. 0 the Government Mao Score ay otios, 19th Malt Morers Casa sen ti P) eyes chai ie Gagan of Inka, Manttey 5 tary to’ the Gov . uo Depts oeoanoay Departament Uf Rovere; Wew Delhi. . Guard Fit. ooguty seg eae aputy ary to the Govt, Finance (Exciso & Taxntlon\Denartene” Gov WP AZ EM FINANCE (EXI/SE @ TUGMGN ) DP Rae nn NOSTET¢s,rron Dated AdzdWl, the 7th Mar.'66., No, B.12025/12/85~EX0/128 4 In exercise, of the pouers conferred by sulrseotion (2) of sation 41 of the Narcotic Drugs ani Psychotnopie Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985), the Licute- ‘nant Govornar (jAministrator) of Nizoran is gleased to empower all the Offtacrs of aml above the-renk of sub‘Inspector of the Excise Department of the Governnent of Mizoran to exercise the poers spetified in Sub-seftion (2) of that scation within the aren of thir respective. jurisdiction, Sd/~ MAEDA PRASAD Secretary 0 the Govt. of Mizoram, Finanog Excise & Taxation Department Memo Wo.B,12029/12/85~Eu0/428(4) + Dated Aizawl, the 7th Mar,'66, Cony to :~ 1, Th¢ Seerstary to Lt,Govdrnor, Mizoram, 2. The P/S, to the Chief Minister, Mizorca, 3. The v4. to all Ministers, Mizoram, 4, The P.S. to Chief Secretary," Covernent of Mizores, 5. The al. Secretaries, to the Governnent of Mizoram, 6, ‘ho gl Heads of Departments. The Peputy Commissioner, ti znwl/Lungled 7 Chaintuippi District , 8. The Commission of Bxpiag & Taxes, Mizoram, 9. ‘he Inspector General of Police, Mizoram; jizavl, 40, The Controller of’Printing znd Stotionerics, Govornnent of Mizoram with 6(six) spare cepics for publication in Mizoram Gazette. a1. The Superinuenient pf Excise, Aizawl /Lunglet, 12, The Scarctery 9 thé Governueht of India, Ministry of Hemo wffiirs, New Delhi. The Nercotixs Commissiencr, of. India; of Nercotizs, 19th Mall Morar, Gwalior 4. The Deputy-Seerstery to the Government of India, Ministry of Finanoe, Rovenne, New- Delhi, 15. Guard File. Central Bureau 3. 6 (MP), +S0/- -T. CHHANGIE . Depu coretary to the Govt, of Mize finonoe ‘Sxotee'e Taxhtion Deperinen ayes GOV: Atak wP UT: 182 & Tak AION DEr FINANCE ¥ Zot Dated itdayl, the'7th March, 1986. conferred Nos, d0dg/42/85~ax0/129 1 In exarotse of thy pow 24, DY ‘abesection (4) of eectlon-42 ‘af the Nereotic, Dregs pi lander ene Substances nut, 1985 (61 2"1985) the jeatenant Ota, (ntntskenton) of.MLacran 4a phessud to-enpower ot the a Panda Of at above the;rank cf Sub-Inspector of the Exolse “the eo ate Departments of trig Goverment of Mizoran to, exeroise Povlers end’perverm the’dubles specified in action 42 within the aren of-thelr resyective! jurisdiction pnd alec, autnoriscs ine ‘acid officcrs to axercise the powers ccnferted upon then Gnder section 67 cf the Act, wars Sd/'r MARENDRA PRASAD sSeorctary t the Govt, ofMizoram, Financs, Exelse & Taxaticn Departnent. Mong NosB12920/12/e5-240/ 129 (A)' + Dated Atzqwl, tho 7th Mer .'86- Copy to re . 4, (ie Seeretary toLt,Govurner, Mizoram, Qe to the Chier ster,'Mjzonan. 3. The Peas t0-ell Winistérs, Nizoret, 4. Tho BS. to Chief-Secretary, Government of Mizoram 5, The all Sgepetéries to the Governnént ‘of Nizoral. 6, Theell Heads ef Department. Tr Gag Deputy Coantastanees Staeil/tangis/ the Comisstoner of;Exoise & Taxes, Migorem, 5. itje Insouctor General of Polige, Mizoram, sLeaw.. The Controle of Frinting & Stationdrics, Govt. of Mizoram with'6(six) spere copies for i Ta dizoran Gazette, publication te She, Superinteniont.of Exoisd, ALaaw/Lunglet. "tho Secrctiry: to the Govt. of Tndia, M: 120 Bee ong atfasre, Now Delhi, a Mint stry (3 ne hercotics Compissionerfof Inila, C. Bur. 43, ThE Neer igs, 19th Mell Morar, Gwallons6 Cees . the Deputy Secretary to tho Govt. of "ws the the Dorey Department Of Rovenus, Now beth? 49, Guard File. Sd/~ 2. CHEANCTE weputy Seareter) to "tha Govt. of Nix Finsnoe, Excise & Taxation Docurteani went oz 1m: li Fliuice, By EXCISE G Taxatiou DEPARMIEND Ce, pit ne Datwd Alvavl, the Ten Hareb, 199° >" ferrud by asa 6/130 1 In cxcarcioe of he pete cone Paychotry, ic Subst, cn (2) uf section $3 o£ the Nareotic DEuLe and, nor (naainisteaten) ux tiene tas (61 of 1905), the Lieutenant Gover of and chuver dh or) uf iWigogan 45 pluoged. Fa invest ali the offtrors ve thy rank of Sub-tnapeclSE EP/oopactmant of the Bovey Seatien for ehan = thy pavers of en officer in-charge SF & police 1¢ Anvuptigation of the offences under the said act- sa/— NALGIDRA PRASAD sueratary to the Govt. of Mizoram eee xetse & Texation Dopartment Humo NO.B.12U29/12/ B5-EXC/130 (A) sDotud Agsaul, the 7th MarcheG6 Copy te i 1, the Secretary co Le,Gevemnor, HAsOr: 2, Thy, De. te tho Chivé Mdalstary MAzOFoT~ 3.0 The PLA. ty all Minksters, isersn~ qhe 2.5. to Chisf Sucrctary, Goversacne of Hizeuore ne ol Secretaries co the Government of Mize: ine ell Heads of Departmunts~ qhe Deputy Camissioners, ALzowl/Lunglol/ Chhimcuipul Disesbecs~ a, The Camissiunur cf Bxclae @ weaxua, Wigorem. 9, the Inspuceor OF Cenenmh of Polics, Mix0r am, & tne Controller vi Pringing ard Stotioneries, Cove, ee ygeweon with 6 (six) spare copies for puoliowed fp Mizorun Gauctte. az, fhe Superintendent vf Exeise, Aigawi/Lunglet. g2, bho Sceretary Fe chu Govt. of India, Ministry ©! * feme agfaizs, New ‘Delhie cae joreuties comisaicaar OF indiay Control Hunn a3. BSygrectics, isch Nath Morar, Gwalior-6 (H.P.). gre couuty Soccutary © She Govt, of India, Mi The Chance, Departmcoe oF Revenus, Mew Delhi. Guord Files peey 1s. (Sar Ginancre poputy Sceretary to the Govt.ué Micer + Belnsnes, Excise & toxaeton Daceenrs No,C.18015/2/2010-EXC/Pt GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM EXCISE & NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT Dated Aizawl. the 20" May, 2013 NOTIFICATION nm pursuance of para 26 of the direction of the Supreme Court of India '='2d.23/01/2013 in criminal Appeal No 1640 of 2010 ( Thana Singh areau of Narcotics), the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint . Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics (Enforcement) as to deal with the NDPS cases for monitoring the progress of trial with immediate effect until further orders_ = Sd/- H.L,.ROCHUNGNUNGA as Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department © €.18015/2/2010-EXC'Pt : Dated Aizawl. the 20” May. 2013 \ Director (Narcotic Control) Govt. of India. Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue). New Delhi i Secretary, Law & Judicial Department, Govt. of Mizoram. oa Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics, Mizoram. Aizawl. lac Special Judge. ND & PS Act, Mizoram, Aizawl. mw 2 pu Lalhmunsanga. Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics, Mizoram, Aizawl. Guard File. ey vu Reese Date. 4 - S-4D> Commigoen nee" Evese parcoties Aucuyill ¢ way : - } A 24! Te BE PUBLIS! or Government of fdis Binge! bepertinent e€ Kevedue Hey petht, the B.S. © (8) herces, the Centsei Goverment, heving to the sveiteble infermetion ebout Che use ef epiedr reyes se one peeudeophedrine dn the munufecture of certuin anpleteminee en? natemphetemine decided to declare the ssme ee controlled eubetsicees How, BRePefoBe, the SuntruL Guvecnment sn mxersive OF the powers conferred under clsuse (vile) of ection £ of the Ret . Mereuede Deupa end Payenotropie Febntancag, 1F82 (61 oe LeRs), hereby Gecleeee Ephedrine end Feevsod ae eongre hedeing end theiz atte © eubstanges fer the murpocs 68 Bh 86d eieuee em. Khe 4 seve Kathe | godine oucretasy te the Movie of Trade ¢/LOR/F ERG IE GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM. EXCISE & NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Dated Aizawl,the 6" Oct., 2015 NO..24013/1/2010-EX¢ :- In continuation of this Department's Notification No.B.12029/12/35-£XC/128(A) : DL.7.3.1986 and in exercise of the power conferred by Sub-section (2) of Section 41 of ND&PS Act, 1985, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to empower all Officers, of and above the rank of Sub- 'nspector of Excise & Narcotics Department and of and above the rank of Sub- Inspector in Police Department under the Govt. of Mizoram to exercise the Powers specified in Sub-section (2) of that Section within the areas of their Tespective Jurisdiction. Sd/-P.C.LALLAWMSANGA Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department. Memo No.J.24011/1/2010-EXC Dated Aizawl,the 6" Oct., 2015 Copy to :- 1 Secretary to the Governor of Mizoram, Aizawl, 2 P.S to Chief Minister, Mizoram, Aizawl 3 PS to Speaker/ Deputy Speaker, Mizoram. 4 PS to all Ministers/Ministers of State/Pariiamentary Secretaries, Mizoram. 5. Sr-P.P.S to Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. 6. All Principal Secretaries, '/Commissioners/Secretaries, Govt. of Mizoram, 7. All Administrative Departments, Govt. of Mizoram, 8. All Head of Departments, Govt. of Mizofam, 9. Director General of Police, Mizoram, Aizawl. 10. Controller, Printing & Stationery Department with 6(six) spare copies for publication in the Official Gazette Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics Department, Mizoram, Aizawl, All Deputy Commissioners, Mizoram, All Superintendent of Police, Mizoram, All Superintendent, Excise & Narcotics, All Officers concerned for information & Necessary action, Guard File, MERE, ( PUIA ) Us Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Eycise & Narcotics Department us , ~ 0389-2300314 Mizoram, rere aerate rarararararararararararas cece cece cence eee Eerererererererererere GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM EXCISE & NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT: Aizawl, the 10" Oct., 2012. NeOn Tle feliCoA] Te OeN No.J.24011/1/2010-EXC_: In exercise of the power conferred by sub-clause (7) of Clause 4 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Regulation of Controlled Substances) order, 1993, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to empower officers not below the rank of Sub-Inspector in the Departments of Excise & Narcotics and Police to exercise the powers under the said sub-clause with immediate effect. Sa/- BIAKTLUANGA Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department Memo No.J.24011/1/2010-EXC : Aizawl, the 10" Oct., 2012. Copy to : 1. Secretary to the Governor of Mizoram. 2. P.S. to the Chief Minister, Mizoram. 3. P.S. toall Ministers, Mizoram. 4, ~P.S. to the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. 5, All Secretaries to the Govt. of Mizoram. 6. All Heads of Department. 7. Director General of Police, Mizoram. 8. Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics, Mizoram. 9. Deputy Commissioner Aizawl/bunglei/Sailra/Champhail/Kolasib7 ~~ Serchhip/Lawngtlai/Mamit. 10. Controller of printing & Stationeries, Mizoram, Aizawl with 6 (six) spare copies for publication in the Mizoram Gazette. 11. Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, Aizawl/Lunglei/Saiha/ Champhai/Kolasib/ Serchhip/Mamit/Prosecution/Hars. 1 &[k~ 12. Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. 13. Narcotics Commissioner of India, Central Bureau of Narcotics, 19" Mall Morar, Gwalior ~ 6 (MLP). 14. Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, New Delhi. 15. Guard File. \ ( ROMLIRA ) Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, * Excise & Narcotics Department GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM LAW AND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT | NOTIFICATION Bi ed Aizawi, the 20th August/1999 No.A-48011/22/23-LE/327 ¢ The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the jurisdiction of the existing Special Court under the Nercotics, Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 as amended by the Narcctic Orugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1988 (Act No.2 of 1989)8 constituted vide this Department's Nori#téation No,4,48011/ 22/93-WE ét.2.8.1995 from the District of Aizawl to the Districts of Champhei, Mazit, Kolasib and Serchhip, with immediate effect. Sa/-P .CHAKRABORTY ~ Secretary to the Govt.of Mizoram Mano No.A.48011/22/93-LIE/327;Dated Aizawl, the 20th August/1999 1. Secretary to the Governor of Mizoram : 2. B.S. to Chief Minister, Mizoram 3. P.S. to Ministers/spoaker/Denuty Speaker, Mizoram Pe 4. P.S. to Minister of State, ‘Hzoram 5. P.S. to Chief Secretary, Mizoram. 6. All Administrative Departments. 7. All Heads of Departments. 8. Judge Special Court, NOSPS Act. 9. Commissioner, Excise & Taxation Department. 12. All Deputy Commissioners, Mizoram 31. Inspector General of Polige, Mizoram 12. Registrar(J) Gauhati High Court, Guwahati egistrar, Gauheti. "igh Court, Aizawl Bench. 18. Controller, Printing & Stationery with 6(six) apare copies for pudlication in the Mizoram Gazette. 15. Guard Pile. yy : RAaeieanale: (CR.EALTHAZUATA eo) 9 Deputy Secretary to the Covt.ot wh foram ; en20899 N0.€.13016/3/2003-EXC-I GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM. EXCISE & NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Dated Aizawl, the 9" May 2016 'n pursuance of the direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Criminal Appeal No.652/2012-Union of India vrs Mohanlal & others, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to designate the following Excise & Narcotics Department's Gudlowns/Malkhanas for safe storing of seized Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and to ensure proper security against thett, plferagy or replacement of the seize Drugs with immediate effect and unti further order : __Name of Godown Name of Office _ Godown No 1 Anti-Narcotics Squad, Commissionerate of No Excise & Narcotics, Aizawl. : Godown Noi Supdtoof Excise & Narcotics Office, Lunglel. Supdt.of Excise & Narcotics Office, Saiha,_ ‘Supdt.of Excise & Narcotics Office, J _|Champhai, _ — _| Godown No 1 Supdt.of Excise & Narcotics Office, Kolasib. ‘| Godown Not | Supdt of Excise & Narcotics Office, Serchhip. | Godown Not Supdt of Excise & Narcotics Office, Mai Excise & Narcotics Station, Vairengte. ‘Sd/- BENJAMINA Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Excise & Narcotics Department Memo No.C.13016/3/2003-EXC-II Dated Aizawl, the 9" May 2016 Copy to :- 1) PS. to Hon’ble Minister, Excise & Narcotics Department ete. for information. 2) PS. to Parliamentary Secretary, Excise & Narcotics Department etc, for information. 3) PS. to Commissioner /Secretary, Excise & Narcotics Department etc, for information. 4) All Administrative/Head of Departments for information. 5) Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics Department for information, &%) Allofficers concerned for information, na Saar ( CALALTANE UIA, ) pr Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Excise & Narcotics Department 0389 - 2300314 é rt Gaon at fm fil — no.c:31018/6/2007-comex GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM ) COMMISSIONERATE OF EXCISE & NARCOTICS OPPOSITE ADJAL CLUB, KHATLA, AIZAWL : MIZORAM Dated Aizawl, the 27 May, 2013. RDE In pursuance of para 5.2(vi) of the standing order No.2/88 dt.11.4.1988 issued by the NCB, Govt. of India and in supersession of this office order No.C.31018/6/99-COMEX dt. 7" Feb., 2003, the NDPS Disposal Committee of Excise & Narcotics Department, Govt. of Mizoram is hereby constructed as under with immediate effect and until further order:- 1. (1) Deputy Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics - Chairman (Enforcement) (2) * Assistant Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics - Member Secretary (Enforcement) 7 (3) Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, - Member , Headquarters-I oe (4) Superintendent of Excise & Narcotics, - Member ; Prosecution (5) ° Officer-in-charge, Anti-Narcotics Squad - Member 2. The functions of the Committee will be to:~ (@) Undertake detailed analysis of Drugs pending disposal (b) Advise the respective Investigating Officers/Supervisory officers on the steps to be initiated for expenditious disposal. 3, The Committee is further empowered to order destruction of the seized drugs riped for disposal. 4. The Committee will meet as frequently as possible or as may be considered necessary for quick disposal of drugs mentioned at para 3 above. The Committee shall follow the procedures laid down in para 5,4,5.5,5.6,5.7,5.8, 6 & 7 of the sanding order No. 2/88 quoted above. Sd/- LALBIAKMAWIA KHIANGTE ‘Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics Mizoram : Aizawl. Contd. next page Ce GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM EXCISE & NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Dated Aizawl, the 2" July, 2018 (NO.J.24011/1/2010-EXC :- In continuation of this Department's Notification No. B, 12029/12/85-EXC/129 : Dt.7.3.1986 and In exercise of the power conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 42 of ND&PS Act, 1985/61 of 1985), the Governor of Mizoram Is pleased to empower all Officers of and above the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspector of Excise & Narcotics Department and Police Department under the Government of Mizoram to exercise the powers specified in Sub- section (1) of that Section within the areas of their respective Jurisdiction, Sd/- K.T. BEICHO. Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Excise & Narcotics Department Memo No.J.24011/1/2010-EXC. Dated Aizawl, 2" July, 2018 Copy to :- ‘Secretary to the Governor of Mizoram, Aizawh— P.S to Chief Minister, Mizoram, Alzawl. P.S to Speaker/ Deputy Speaker, Mizoram. P.S to all Ministers/Ministers of State, Mizoram. Sr. P.P.S to Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram. All Administrative Departments, Govt. of Mizoram. All Head of Departments, Govt, of Mizoram, Director General of Police, Mizoram, Aizawl. All Deputy Commissioners, Mizoram. Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics Department, Mizoram. Controller, Printing & Stationery Department with 6(six) spare copies for publication in the Official Gazette. 12. All Superintendent of Police, Mizoram. Reexerewnn S 13. Ail Assistant Commissioner of Excise & Narcotics Department. J 14. _ All Officers concerned for Information & necessary action. 15. Guard File, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram leg ixcise & Narcotics Department 0389-2300314 NO. D.L.-33008/99 terre 2 walter PUDLISHED BY AUTHORITY SPR, Weare Raat 36, e997, NEW DELIII, TUFSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1999/PAUSA 7, 1921 a aT Corsa torn ) ont, . ond fewell, 26 fer, 1999 Fate atte 1296 (st). Aree TCT, rr eT ih seer He Fra ze a TEST Se a are wreror aed wh ET A Tea Ge TE Prin wee A UA rar on fre oe 2. ann: aia Rhea ea Fave Stra: we sara, 1995 (1985 61) we 2B Es (vib) Ss rice weed nen ee see Be Ha ee wet eT, HE er eT aver a vita wet t1 7 (sa. Ai0s9g GIN] ea orem, taper a MINISTRY OF FINANCE - (Department af Revenue) NOTIFICATION ‘New Delhi the 2th December, 1999 5. 0,126 (8)-—Wheres, the Cetra Goverment. avin eg ete available formation abou! he se eps nd yecuoapesinein he manufrs amps nd stot deo dete iichame as controlled substances; crete, he Cel Govemvet in exec of he powers called ie se (i) fen ae et Payeotrpie Substances Act 18S (Gof 19KS), hereby dears Ephedrine ap si salts as controlled substances forthe purpose of thes aus No V/LOS? NC. REVA NAYYAR, J.Sccy. 2 of the pseudoephedrine and U Temi Cat ia Pree Hog, Rov, Mayap, Rew Die nr pufihed iy the Cote of lists, Del 17084 van GW? ao Be wo. pate ; & The Gazette of Iudia EXTRAORDINARY Brn Iv 377-80 (li) PART ISeetion 3—Sub-section (1) Satter & rete PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY te SH fret are, wd 26, 2013/8 5, 198 No. 736] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2013/CHAITRA 5, 1935 b fire ise ‘MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Cree fer) (Department of Revenue) ‘NOTIFICATION ‘New Delhi the 26th March, 2013 8.0. 834(E)—Whereas, the Central Government, having regard to the available information as to the possible use of substances mentioned in the Table below {athe production of manufacture of various narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and also to implement the provisions ofthe United Nations Convention Against Illicit ‘Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988, decided to declare them as controlled substances : 'Now, therefore, the Central Government in exercise ofthe powers conferred by clause (viid) of section 2 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1 (61 of 1985), hereby declares the substances mentioned in the Table below as controlled substance for the purposes of the said clause, namely — TABLE S.No. Description of substance “Tl Ergomettine andi sais Ergotamine and its salts Isosafrole yee acd and i sala }, 4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone Methyl ethyl ketone * Norephedrine (Phenylpropanolamine), its salts and preparations thereof & I=—phenyl-2 propanone 9. Phenylacetic acid and its salts saween ae ‘ 10. Piperonal Sara eree tr fete ies ousin pemagane F 3 Satole and any essential ol conan t tet | more safrole Sennen 1. wears Pfed — 13. Preparations of Ephedrine 4 . ai Pfft 14, Preparations of Pseudoephedrine [or -110127372010-erRA-11) [F.No.N-11012/3/2010-NC- | lt] eT Te, se aA SATYA NARAY/ a anal, ns ee /ANA DASH, Under Secy. {29 a0) =e nae, Gove of Tel Pro, Kg Ro Mig New BaRTTTOOGE ne nd hd ye Comte faa, Da iasa Recaigiie se Date, ont! & Narcotics hg @omnis ves nie of Exe! riot 0 lo Wale 3, We 33004:09 REGD.NO.D. 1-380 rd aAT Che Gazette of Sudia EXTRAORDINARY wm [arg 3—aa-as (i) PART I—Seetion 3—Sub-seetinn (i vnftrare a wafira PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY amend we 23, 3013 7ae 2, 1935 1.2, aren aire uftare apearer warere MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (raven tc afta arse fur) (Department of Health and Family Welfare) rfirgert NOTIFICATION a eco, 23 HE, 2013, ‘New Dethithe 23rd May, 2013 Whereas the Central Government the use of the di aaa fs, 332(31)— sate FR ACHE ATS @ fe GS.R. 332(E). riety aaa afe a wate fe nse Ea thar and formlations containing Dexropropoxyphene oe Dexiyropropoxyphene aaa caferalceratives to the sand drugs ae avaNlate ‘And whereas the Central Government ry satisfied: that it is necessary and espedient tw regulate by way of suspension of manufacture, sale and distribution of the drugs in the country in public interest spa, ore, often ERI eh fen Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred (yao #2 4 ysstion 26 afte Drugs and Comet Act, 194023 Oe reer Te Tee sre Preseern sia 1940), the Central Government hereby suspend the peat re a Reon Fen wrt manufacture forsale. sale ditton of the lon ca fat & fore fa drugs with immediate effect. - # eerste wo Seca FES “Dentysupropoxyphene and formulations containing x oF can anf th | Dextropropoxyphene for human use? : fe, & wo 110147172013 perm) No. X.11014712013-DFOC} aren AMT WEL, AT ARUN K. PANDA, Jt Seey. ce Gorn os Pg RO arp Ne Dat ae publ by she Conor of Publestins, sich A REGD.NO_b.L 3300409 xt Ho to Wee 3300499 oat J The Gazette of Gndia ara EXTRAORDINARY ‘am [las 3—30-ave PART I—Section 3-5: , vnc & vanferat PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY A 1587) 38 fect, qeeafaarr, sitet 26, 2018/47 6, 1940 LHI, THURSDAY, APRIL. 26, 2018/VAISAKHA 6, 1940 eee MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) NOTIFICATION New Dethi, the 26th April, 2018 S. 0. 1761(E).—Whereas the Central Government is satisfied, on the hasis of infirmation snl evidence which Thay become avilable to it, with respect to the nature and effect of and the scope for abuse of the Following substan frataral oF synthetic) oF natural material oF any salt or preparation of sich substances oe materials, and the mexbtieats with respect t such substances. and that itis necessary (© add the following substance or natural material or salts or Preparation cf such substance oF material in the list of psychoteopie substances specified sn the Scltedule to the Narsee Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985) (hereinalter referred 1» as the sand Act Nowe, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sevtion 3 ofthe sai Act the Central Gavernmcnt hers sakes the follow mg further winendnents inthe lst of psychotrapic substances speciTiet ws the Schle o the s Inthe sand Act, a the Schedule, slier see mamiber HU sal the gntuiessebatany beret jig se rrunber sl entsies shall he ered, namely Taiemational Oher Chemical name non-proprietary names non-proprietary names _ “Tramadol : t— IE, No, N-11012/3/2017-NC. IH] VIJAY KUMAR BALYAN, Under Seey Note: ‘The Schedule to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. 19SS LOL uf LYS) was, first amended videnumber $.0. 785(E) dated 26" October, 1992 and subsequently amerival ride numbers $.O. 49B), dated the 8" January. 1993, $.0. 39¢F 1. dated the 13!" Lanuary 1996. $.0. 475(E). dated the 11" June, 2003, G.S.R. 62106), dated the IP \ueust GS.R_ IE). dated the 2 January, 2004, §. 0. 311 (1), dated the 10" February. 2011, SO 376 (E). dited the S" February, 2015, S. 0. No. 2374 (E). dated the 12" July. 2016, SO. No. 1.383 (E), dated the 2"! May, 2017 and S.O. No. 821(E), dated the 27"" February, 2018, NO. D.1.-33004/99, Dita = The Gazette of India stare EXTRAORDINARY am avg 330-975 (ii) PART I1—Section 3—Sub-sec - sanferare & wafer PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 7H 1587) vag facet, eeatrert, sitet 26, 2018/ATE 6, 1940 No. 1887) NEW DELHI THU QISIVAISAKHA 6, 1940 NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 26th April, 2018 sah the Nos caste 5-0. 176% F).—In exererse of the powers conferred by clauses (vay ani xxsa sce 85 (61 of 1985). the Central Government hereby makes the fellow iia, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, published in ide number $.0. 1055 (E). dateu the 19" October D-ugs aad Pyyehotropic Substances Ack. | i tie notification of the Government of In 2001, nsinely In the said notification, inthe Table, after serial number 238 ZG and the cuties « song serial numbef and entries shall be inserted, namely: = sINe Namie of Nareotie” Drie it [Chemica Sivall Quatty 1 C an Paychotrapie sary name | Name vin ei Substance | IF. No. N-11012/3/2017-NC. 11] VIJAY KUMAR BALYAN, Under Seey J Sone The pani mica ws pubis nthe Gazette oF Inn Exar, Pat Sst § Subst a aoe SO. 1085, dated the 19" October. 2001 and subsequcty amend cite aus SC) 8 aca Tx Noemer. 208), $.0. 1480 (Es, dated the 21° June, 2011.80. 375 da dated he $Y stuany ed re a7, date the 12" July, 2016, 8.0. 384 (E), date the 2" May, 2017 sand SQ. 822 Us dated the FP Febery. 2018

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