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Samarth College of Pharmacy

College Rules
 According to the University of Amravati, 80% of attendance is necessary for
appearing in semester examination. College is very particular about this and
every month a cumulative attendance of students is put up on the notice board
and send to the home address of student.
 Students need to carry their ID card at all the times.
 Ethical behavior is expected from students. College is under CCTV
surveillance any immoral activity would invite disciplinary action.
 Students with improper clothing will not be allowed in the campus.
 Students are not allowed to sit on walls, terraces or tables in the canteen.
 Students must attend lectures, Practical’s, tutorials, etc. as per the time table.
Forming any Society or Association in the College is not permitted.
 No person should be invited on the College campus without the prior
permission of the Principal. The Principal reserves the right to refuse such
 Displaying any Notice/Circular/Poster/Banner in the College premises
without the prior permission of the Principal is STRICTLY prohibited.
 Damaging College property, utensils and equipment will have to be
compensated the damage.
 Playing music on transistors, tape-recorders, mobile telephones or any other
similar gadgets is strictly prohibited in the college premises.
 Students must attend all the classes. Boys found loitering near the Girls’
Common Room are liable for punishment.
 Students are not allowed to communicate any information about College
matters to the Press.
 Smoking is strictly prohibited in College Premises.

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