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NUS Business School

National University of Singapore


Lau Geok Theng, Denise Liu Lijuan and Jonathan Gerard Ho

This case study was commissioned by the DesignSingapore Council as part of a larger campaign under
the DesignSingapore Initiative to raise business competitiveness through design. The DesignSingapore
case studies aim to demonstrate the importance of design as an integral part of a business’s strategy
and competitiveness, in particular, how these businesses manage their design resources; how design
relates to other functions like engineering, marketing, manufacturing, and corporate communications;
and how design decisions affect many facets of these organisations.

Formed by the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts in August 2003, the
DesignSingapore Council is the leading, one-stop public organisation for design promotion and design
development in Singapore, as well as representative body for Singapore design at international

Associate Professor Lau Geok Theng, Denise Liu Lijuan and Jonathan Gerard Ho prepared this case. It
is based on both public and internal company documents and interviews with key personnel from
Hydrochem (S) Pte Ltd. As the case is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective practices or
policies, the information presented reflects the authors’ interpretation of events and serves merely to
provide opportunities for classroom discussions.

COPYRIGHT © 2004 National University of Singapore and DesignSingapore Council. All rights reserved.
Not to be reproduced, stored, transmitted or altered in any way without the written consent of the
copyright owner.

For copies, please write to the DesignSingapore Council, Ministry of Information, Communications and
the Arts, 140 Hill Street, 5 Storey, MITA Building, Singapore 179369. Email:
Hyflux: Clear Water, Clear Design

“In a tough economic climate, Hyflux has surmounted many challenges and its
growth strategy has set it on course to make the quantum leap into the big
league by taking on larger value projects, in both the industrial and municipal
markets - Olivia Lum, Group CEO and President


Hyflux was accorded the Enterprise Award for 2003 at The Singapore
Business Awards. In 2002, it was named one of the Best 200 small
companies by Forbes magazine and was presented the “Most Admired
Sesdaq Company" by Smart Investor Magazine. Founded in 1989, Hyflux has
grown from a systems integrator into a leading regional player in water and
fluid treatment solutions. In January 2001, Hyflux was the first water treatment
company to be listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. As of May 2004,
Hyflux has a market capitalisation of well over S$480 million. The company
has offices in Singapore, China and Malaysia with over 500 employees
servicing multinational clients and municipalities in the Asia-Pacific region.

Its success in the industry is largely due to its design capabilities in

developing leading edge membrane technology for creative water and fluid
treatment applications. Such capabilities are spurred on by the passion,
professionalism and performance of its people who seek to reach higher
levels of excellence and continuously raise the bar for the enterprise and the
industry. This dedication is guided by:

Their vision: To be a world-leading water treatment company.

Their mission: To create superior value for the stakeholders through

advanced membrane technology.

Their values: To embody the entrepreneurial spirit, daring to dream

with the aim to excel.

To be committed in enhancing the environment and in

delivering innovative solutions, executed with the utmost
professionalism and integrity.

To value their partnerships with collaborators and

customers as well as every employee and his or her

Design Capabilities: Hyflux in Cutting-Edge Membrane Technology

“With cutting-edge membrane technology, Hyflux’s clients can eliminate

cumbersome traditional physical and chemical processes and attain large
savings in operating costs.” - Dr Deirdre Murugasu, Executive Vice President

Hyflux offers quality and convenience to its customers, priding itself on the
ability to provide one-stop solutions for raw water treatment, wastewater
treatment and water recycling and process stream purification. These water
treatment solutions are supported by its cutting-edge membrane-based
separation technology.

Hyflux provides solutions for the entire value chain from process design and
optimisation to turnkey engineering, procurement and construction (EPC),
pilot testing, commissioning, maintenance, and servicing. Their business
processes are designed in such a way that each project becomes a
partnership with their customers. Jointly innovative solutions are uncovered
and purpose-built plants and systems are designed to meet the client’s
objectives, reduce their costs and provide superior returns.

Hyflux’s Membrane Technology

Hyflux business revolves around its proprietary membrane technology. Its

core business is in the development and commercialisation of membrane
technology. Hyflux do not just produce standardised membranes. They can
improvise their membrane structure and customised them to suit the
customer’s requirement.

To date, Hyflux has engineered a wide range of leading edge membrane

systems including the modular ultrafitration membanes, , submersible
ultrafiltration membrane systems, stainless steel membrane systems and
variable speed rotating membrane systemsThese membranes come in
hollow-fibre, tubular or spiral-wound configurations.

Ultrafiltration is a lower pressure membrane process used to separate

bacteria, viruses, and particulate matters from a feed stream. The Kristal300
is a specially manufactured hollow fibre membrane module with special
configuration to achieve optimal results tailored to difficult waters. It is able to
remove colloidal material, suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, cysts and other
pathogenic materials. The modules come in one or two-metre long sections
and their key advantages are higher strength, higher efficiency and more
robust operation, lower footprint of the bioreactor, ability to handle higher
suspended solid content and ability to provide cleaned surface through air
scouring backwash. It has a double-skinned design with separation layers on
both sides of the fibre to enable the Kristal300 to be operated in either
configuration (outside in or inside out) yielding flexibility in its applications.

This cross flow filtration minimises solids build-up on membrane surfaces,

resulting in improved performance, higher permeation rates and an extended
membrane lifespan.

The submersible ultrafiltration membrane systems are able to replace the

secondary clarifier in conventional waste treatment systems and reduce
sludge production and footprint of the bioreactor by three to five times or more.
The systems are able to provide consistent and better treated water quality
and reduce recycling plant treatment costs.

The stainless steel membrane systems are acclaimed as the world’s toughest
filter and provide superior separation performance under challenging process
conditions. The tubular cross-flow technology and 316L stainless steel
construction make these systems virtually “bullet proof” and allow processing
of a wide variety of difficult, dirty or hostile streams over a broad range of
chemical conditions, pressures and temperatures. The systems combine a
rugged tube made of sintered stainless steel with a patented coating
technology in which a sintered titanium dioxide layer is permanently bonded to
the porous stainless steel tube. Hyflux provides the know-how to tap the full
potential of these stainless steel membranes.

Hyflux has developed SPIN2000, revolutionary variable speed rotating UF

membrane filtration system to be employed in such extreme chemical
environments. The SPIN2000 system uses rotating membrane disks
operating at variable speeds to process solutions with high solids loading.
These would be difficult to treat with conventional membrane systems.
SPIN2000 able to effectively separate solids from liquids to produce high
solids concentration and a clear filtrate in a single vessel, without being
plagued with severe membrane fouling, concentration limitations, low fluxes
and device plugging. Spin2000 systems can be tailored for clarification of
fermentation broth & concentration of bacterial suspension in the
pharmaceutical industry, clarification of fruit juices and beer fermentation in
food & beverage industry, clarification of black liquor and separation of lignin
in pulp and paper industry, treatment of waste water in textile industry and so

To further facilitate advancements in the applications of membrane

technology, Hyflux also collaborates with research bodies and tertiary
institutions. It signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Nanyang
Technological University’s Environmental Engineering Research Centre for
collaboration in water treatment research using membrane technology. This
allows Hyflux to tap on the centre’s staff and equipment - some of which can
cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase. This way, results of the
research projects could also lead to savings.

Design Capabilities: Hyflux in Creative Filtration and Treatment

“We deeply value our relationships with customers. Singular focus on

customers’ needs and requirements is the main reason for our innovation. Our
sense of self-respect as a company is based on our intimate understanding of
technology and customising it for our clients”
- Foo Hee Kiang Executive Vice President

Hyflux bases its systems delivery on very extremely stringent project

management principles with precise technology specifications in a result-
oriented process. Specializing in the design and building of customized
turnkey packaged membrane filtration system that best utilizes the advanced
technologies of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis
and electrode ionisation, Hyflux provides solutions for a wide variety of
applications which includes the design, engineering, installation, support and
testing of large filtration systems for the food and beverage, dairy,
fermentation and biotechnology and chemical industries. In addition to the
processing of industrial fluid treatment, The company also provides innovative,
cost effective and reliable turnkey solutions for water purification, waste water
treatment, water recycling, desalination.

Hyflux is able to treat raw water from a variety of sources, including surface
water, sub-surface water, seawater, well water, and polluted water, to produce
De-ionised Water and Ultra-Pure Water for use in various industries such as
wafer-fabrication, micro-electronics, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals,
biotechnology and the life sciences. The company is the licensed technology
providers for the premier GE range of Electro-Deionisation Systems.

Hyflux goes beyond “plain vanilla’ wastewater treatment to the advanced

realm of total water management. The company has developed the
capabilities to help clients minimize waste effluent, audit flow processes and
treat the effluent. Besides membrane filtration, the company is able to design
tailored solutions to specific problems by harnessing other processes such as
advanced chemical oxidation, dissolved air floatation, pH adjustment,
biological treatment, oil and grease removal, disinfection and sludge

Turnkey is a word commonly used to describe Hyflux’s membrane-based

filtration system. It reflects the total project management that clients can enjoy
from Hyflux, for optimal water solutions and quality.

At the start of a project, the project team will evaluate all aspects of the
process together with its clients including industrial application, technology
options, choice of membrane etc to accurately define their expectations and
technical requirements.

Following pilot plant trials, Hyflux’s technical personnel will embark on the
actual manufacturing process to custom design and build the membrane
filtration systems to the latest technology and performance, working very
closely with the client through from the design, procurement, fabrication to
delivery, installation and commissioning of the systems together with training
in its operation and maintenance.

The completion and commissioning of the turnkey system does not mark the
end of the project for Hyflux, but rather as the start of a new phase in the
cooperation. They have a team of dedicated sales staff and well-trained
technical personnel to assure our clients product and process performance by
providing a strong level of support throughout the life of the system

Applications in Biotechnology

Hyflux has developed systems which can be employed in extreme chemical

environments well suited for the biochemical and pharmaceutical
manufacturing process. This demonstrates that their know how and
technology has no boundaries. Hyflux is not confined to water even though it
is a water treatment company.The company is able to attain specific
fractionation of high value products in the biotechnology processes such as
cell harvesting, fermentation broth clarification, solvent extraction and many
others. Each client and application is unique. Hyflux tailors technical solutions
and service contracts to address different clients’ needs.

Some applications include fermentation broth clarification and concentration

of bacterial suspensions in the pharmaceutical industry; and enzyme
concentration and purification in biochemical industry; Specific applications in
the food and beverage industry include concentration and recovery of waste
sugars; clarification and de-colouring of sucrose and starch derived sugars;
clarification and concentration of fruit juice, tea and coffee; desaling and
concentration of food colourings; concentration of vegetable extracts;
fractionation and concentration of egg albumin; and recovery of animal, fish
and vegetable proteins. Specific applications in the chemical industry include
dyestuff desalting and concentration; optical brightener, desalting and
concentration; surfactant desalting; and silica sol concentration.

Hyflux specifically customizes applications in accordance to the needs of its

clients. For example, Hyflux has developed a microbial bioprocess to produce
high purity L-lactic acid at a much lower cost compared to conventional
methods for Sinolac (Singapore) Pte Ltd. The state-of-the-art organic
manufacturing facility using Hyflux proprietary membrane filtration system has
an initial production capacity of 20,000 metric tonnes per year for the
separation, purification and production of the organic acid. The L-lactic acid is
first recovered from a fermentation broth which is produced by fermenting a
renewable biomass such as corn starch or glucose with lactic acid producing
micro-organisms. The post fermentation process uses Hyflux’s innovative and
environmentally friendly membrane technology to remove particulate matter
and multivalent metal ions effectively; separate, concentrate and purify lactic
acids; and obtain a high yield of the lactic acid with very low level of impurities.

Using Hyflux’s advanced membrane technology for the recovery of lactic acid
from fermentation broth, Sinolac can enjoy improved yield, reduce operating
costs, higher quality products and a more eco-friendly operation

Applications in Desalination

The need for high quality water has increased significantly during the second
half of this century and water can no longer be considered as a natural self-
renewable low cost resource. In Singapore, water consumption will rise by
about 400,000 cubic metres to reach 1.6 million cubic metres per day by the
year 2015. Desalination may play an increasing role in providing an
economically viable solution to the water needs.

Desalination is a process that removes dissolved minerals including but not

limited to salt from seawater, brackish water or treated wastewater to produce
water that is low in total dissolved solids. The three commercially proved
desalination processes are distillation, electro-dialysis and reverse osmosis.
In recent years, there is increasing global focus on membrane-based
desalination technology as an economically-viable source of clean water.
Hyflux is steadily building its experience and track record in this field.

The Singapore Public Utilities Board awarded the first Build-Own-Operate

desalination plant in Singapore to Singspring Private Limited, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Hyflux. The plant, which will supply 136,380 cubic metres of
desalinated water per day when completed in 2005, will have the capacity to
meet some 10% of the island’s water needs. The desalination project is a key
cornerstone in Singapore’s future water self-sustainability and was also
accorded the Euromoney Water Deal of the Year, Asia Pacific 2003

The plant will use the reverse osmosis process. The membrane process uses
much less chemicals and consequently generates less chemical waste,
reduces environmental loadings and has fewer problems with corrosion. The
process feedwater generally does not require heating and has lower energy
requirements. The process has higher recovery rates of about 45% of the
seawater. The process takes up less surface area for the same amount of
water production.

It will have an open seawater intake structure with two separate inlet channels
with mechanical rake coarse screens. To reduce marine growth, necessary
inhibitors will be added and polymers will be dosed to aid in coagulation. At
the upstream and downstream of the cartridge filters leading to the reverse
osmosis plant, chemicals for dechlorination will be introduced while pH
adjustment will be carried out at the downstream of the cartridge filters.

To remove other contaminants such as oil and grease and suspended solids,
dissolved air flotation units serve as separate units of the first stage upstream
gravity sand filters. Pressure sand filters will be provided as the second stage
of the pre-treatment process.

The reverse osmosis process consists of two passes. The first pass will
remove the dissolved solids and will incorporate a pelton wheel type energy
recovery system and pressure exchange type energy recovery system. The
second pass will seek to reduce the boron level in the treated water.

To potabilise the treated water, chemical post treatment will be introduced

downstream of the reverse osmosis process. Lime will be used for pH
correction. Chlorine and ammonia will be used for final disinfection and
fluoride will be added.

The treated water will be sent to the treated water tanks before being pumped
into the main transmission line. Waste water from the process will be
chemically neutralised before being discharged into the sea by a submerged

Applications in Water Recycling: The NEWater Project

In December 2001, Hyflux was awarded the first NEWater project at Bedok
involving reclamation of secondary sewage into high grade industrial water.
This contract was awarded through an open tender, a testament of Hyflux’s
know-how, expertise, dedication and competitiveness. Following Hyflux’s
successful first venture, another NEWater project at Seletar was secured from
the Public Utilities Board in December 2002. This time, Hyflux’s own
proprietary Kristal300TM ultrafiltration membrane technology has been
selected for use in the plant.

Both NEWater plants were designed, manufactured, installed and

commissioned by Hyflux. They are now fully in operation. A continuous,
vigilant monitoring and surveillance program is setup by Hyflux to ensure that
the NEWater produced is reliable and the water is of extremely high quality.
NEWater is extremely high-grade water produced after treated ‘used’ water
(secondary treated effluent water from municipal water treatment plants) has
undergone stringent purification using a three-step process. The three steps
involve the use of advanced membrane technology through the sequential
barriers of ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and final disinfection of water using
ultra-violet light.

The NEWater project is evidence of Hyflux’s superior design and innovative

capabilities; and attest to the fact that Hyflux is able to achieve:

• On-Time Delivery: Despite the tight time line, Hyflux was able to
competently and efficiently deliver the project ahead of schedule.

• Integrated Design & System Detailing: Hyflux’s engineering and design

team completed the entire detailed process design, using the latest
membrane process technology in order to provide the client with complete
system detailing.

• Full Automation: The NEWater plants are designed to be fully automated

from start-up to shut-down procedures. A set of advanced process

instrumentation and controls provides control for the system. In addition, a
fully automatic warning system is designed by Hyflux to alert the operator
of abnormal conditions in advance, allowing for hassle-free
troubleshooting and maintenance.

• Continuous Plant Operation: With the high volume of treated water

required for use in Singapore, the NEWater plant is designed for
continuous operation daily, providing non-stop supply of extremely pure
water for demanding industrial applications.

• Membrane Integrity: Hyflux conducts routine membrane integrity test as a

standard value-add service for clients.

• Engineering Backups: Hyflux provides standby units for all critical systems
to ensure uninterrupted operations in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Most importantly, Hyflux designs an automatic shutdown for the plant in
the event of adverse environmental or unforeseen conditions.

• Real-Time Data Acquisition: Hyflux includes an advanced computerised

data acquisition unit providing operational data in real-time, thus enabling
operators to detect long-term trends and predict responses for any future

Application for consumer and lifestyle market: Aquovation

Hyflux’s clientele is not limited to industrial customers. It has also designed a

series of products for use in homes and for families. In January 2002, Hyflux
announced its move to partner a US based company, Air- 2 water and take up
an equity stake in this company. This is yet another deomonstration of
membrane applications offered by Hyflux. Air 2 Water was founded by ex-
NAA scientist and its holds the patent for a technology that can convert
ambient atmospheric water vapour into potable water.

Named Aquovate: “The process of extracting the freshest water possible from
the atmosphere by continual recirculation through Hyflux Ultra-Filtration
membrane technology and UV exposure”.

Using this patented technology, Hyflux has designed and incorporated its
advanced membrane and disinfection technologies into the manufacture of a
stand-along drinking water generator and dispenser that can be easily install
ed in homes and offices. The crucial component of the generator hinges on
Hyflux’s ultrafiltration membrane technology.

‘Aquovation’ uses proprietary membrane and ultraviolet (UV) technologies to

effectivelyharmful bacteria.. The “Dragonfly” is one such appliance that is built
on aquovate

Convenient and portable, aquovated water can be enjoyed with just the push
of a button. The machine simply tales its source form the atmosphere,
generating clean natural water everyday. and portable,. Designed for

economy and ease of maintenance, the innovative spirit of Hyflux is apparent
in its concept and product design. It will continue to develop new membrane-
based home products to fuel its foray into the consumer and lifestyle markets.

Support For Design Capabilities: State-of-the-Art Infrastructure and


“Specialised systems require specialised facilities. At Hyflux, we understand

our customers’ needs, which is why we have invested heavily in providing our
staff with precise and adequate infrastructure required to engineer solutions
according to the strictest specifications.”

Good workmen need good tools. Hyflux is dedicated in research and

development. The company has been investing in membrane research and
upgrading it specialised facilities to produce and support high-end water
treatment design and development..Some of these facilities are:

• Clean Room: High purity systems require components manufactured in

clean-room environment. Hyflux‘s Class 100K Clean Room is equipped
with sophisticated cleaning and monitoring mechanisms for the
manufacturing of high purity systems under precise conditions.

• Analytical Facilities: These facilities help to determine precise water quality.

Each Hyflux engineer and technician is also equipped with a specially
designed analytical test kit for on-site analyses. Further analyses are
conducted at its fully-equipped laboratories.

• Membrane Testing: All its membranes are tested in elaborate membrane

testing facilities to ensure 100% quality in all its proprietary membranes.
Membranes are tested and micro-environmental conditions are
manipulated for such properties as pH, pressure and flow rates. The
company ensures 100% Quality Control checks before any membrane
application. The company has been issued with the ISO 9001:2000
certification for the Manufacturing of Membrane products for filtration.

• Pilot Plants: The pilot plants are designed to be highly portable for instant
on-site tests. These plants are constructed within Hyflux facilities to
undertake small-scale moot runs of filtration systems for industrial plants
before actual installation. These dry runs are integral in R&D testing for
membrane applications.

• Laboratories: Hyflux has laboratories in Singapore and China fitted with

the latest equipment. These laboratories provide water analysis services
and conducts problem-solving procedures through the use of sophisticated
testing equipment such as COD analysers, spectrophotometers, oxygen
meters and turbidity monitors.

• Computer Assisted Design: Hyflux uses dedicated engineering software
and a CAD automation for the design of plants and systems to ensure a
high level of precision detailing in its design plans and piping circuits,

• Fabrication and Assembly: At Hyflux, design and fabrication of system

parts and components begin from scratch at its workshop facilities. These
workshops in Singapore and China have high precision machining centres.
All aspects of the production process are, thus, controlled in-house and
customisation for customers’ requirements can be maximised. This
ensures that middleman costs are saved and not passed on to the client.
Products are intentionally designed to be modular, allowing multiple
benefits, such as exceptional quality control of the manufacturing and
fabrication process, reduction in time spent during installation and
minimisation of construction complications.

• Specialised Arsenal of Welding Equipment: These equipment include

state-of-the-art Orbital, Infra-Red PVDF, Polypropylene Electroless and
Polypropylene Fusion Type machines. Some equipment such as the
Orbital and Infra-Red Welding required specialised skills to operate. Such
skills are both fundamental and highly sought-after in the water treatment
industry. Hyflux has invested substantially in the training and certification
of workers operating such equipment.

To help cater to the rapid developments in China, Hyflux has invested in new
production facilities in Pudong, Shanghai which enables Hyflux to triple its
production capacity. These new facilities also serve as sales and servicing
centres and administrative hubs. Hyflux also has presence in Guangzhou and
Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Foundation for Design Capabilities: Hyflux’s Corporate Culture

“We believe that change is the only constant in an ever-evolving world. By

supporting a culture that embraces diversity, a commitment to the integrity of
conduct and a strong work ethic, we create an environment that attracts
talents who share the Hyflux vision.”
- Christopher Murugasu , Senior Vice President

As a fast growing major player in the water treatment industry in Asia Pacific,
Hyflux employs creative individuals by tapping on international talents and
leveraging on their unique cultural differences in order to deliver the best
value to its customers.

However, creativity is rarely fostered in isolation. Thus, besides merely hiring

creative individuals, Hyflux treats each employee as part of the family and
encourages them to engage in close interdepartmental cooperation and to
adopt a hands-on attitude to their work at each level of the organisation.

Hyflux is a firm believer in training and in developing its people, and

considerable effort is taken to keep the staff updated with the latest in water-

related technology. By sending staff for courses conducted by institutes such
as the Engineering Research Centre (EERC) and the Environmental
Technology Institute (ETI), Hyflux ensures that its staff are well-equipped to
handle any tasks their clients require. Hyflux’s employees are also certified to
exacting international standards set by those of AGRU and Singapore’s
Building and Construction Authority (BCA).

The practice of design and innovative spirit is best fostered in an environment

unencumbered by hierarchical bureaucracy. Hyflux believes that change is
the only constant in an ever-evolving world. Their corporate culture
emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity, a commitment to integrity
and a strong work ethic. In addition, this environment serves to attract the
best talents who share Hyflux’s vision.

Hyflux’s management has also made a conscious effort to nurture the spirit of
entrepreneurship, a value embodied in their CEO, Olivia Lum. According to
Ms. Lum, success in her entrepreneurial ventures means thinking outside the
box and building a business without boundaries or constraints of standardised
business strategies. Dynamism is a key word in Ms. Lum’s dictionary and this
has a clear positive effect on motivation of the staff.

In the course of building a successful corporate culture, Hyflux has managed

to create an innate sense of belonging in its employees. This motivates the
employees to dedicate themselves wholehearted and give their best
contributions to the customers and the company. By fostering creativity and
recognising that their personnel are their greatest asset, Hyflux has indeed
nurtured the spirit of entrepreneurship and developed a strong and successful
corporate culture.

Reason for Design Capabilities: Hyflux’s Customer-Centredness

“They (our clients) have been a constant pillar of strength and support for
Hyflux’s positioning and growth in the industry, both in Singapore and
- Olivia Lum, Group CEO and President

Hyflux’s strong value proposition is the reason behind their fast growth locally
and rapid expansion into China. With the aim of being a world-leader in water
treatment, Hyflux has established a foothold in the market through growing its
market share and expanding its markets into different regions. Hyflux is
distinguished from other corporations in the water treatment industry in Asia
by one crucial feature - focus on the development and commercialisation of
membrane technology.

Hyflux’s business strategy is designed around the capability of being a

provider of integrated solutions. Their expertise includes a full range of
services including design, fabrication, installation, instrumentation and control,
and maintenance of water treatment systems. As a strong innovator, Hyflux’s
strong product development and research and development on membrane

technology provides a strong foundation for technological breakthroughs and
for supporting customers’ needs.

Hyflux has chosen a business strategy that is clearly collaborative. By

approaching each project as a joint-partnership with the customer, Hyflux
seeks to create sustainable value for their clients as well as their shareholders.
This strategy is augmented through organic growth and synergistic ventures.
These symbiotic relationships with customers provide a wealth of experience,
stability, global outreach and extensive know-how for Hyflux.


Hyflux has clearly shown it’s standing in the region as a leading player in
water treatment and membrane technology.

Membrane technology will continue to be its forte. From treatment of water

and wastewater to the reclamation of water (NEWater) and desalination,
process liquid purification, as well as the production of potable water from
ambient air, Hyflux will continue to leverage on this core capability and the
tremendous energy and passion within the group to provide customised
solutions to its clients.


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