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Unit 1: General Concepts in

Science, Technology & Society

URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &

1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

Introduction: Introduction
1. Historical
in the Science mayand
Science be technology
defined as the system
indeed playof knowledge
major roles inofthe
Course of Science & life.
world gained through the scientific method. It was originally called
Technology “Philosophy of the Natural World” since it stemmed from the Greeks’
Learning Outcomes: a. They make difficult and complicated tasks easier and allow
desire to know about nature.
At the end of this chapter, people to do more with so little effort Other meaning of
and time.
the student should be able These philosophers of nature tend to:
b. The developments in this field areScience: not just products of
to: a) understanding the natural world
people’s imagination, they are also brought about by gradual
Explain how science and b) have improvement
the ability totoname
worksclassify the objects
from different timefound in
nature was seen
(Students willasgive
the first step towards
examples knowledge.
of technology being made with
technology affected the
gradual improvements and tell something ____________________
the difference of
society and environment The scientific search for truth early on recognized the usefulness of
these products) ____________________
and vice versa; language and the ability it gave to describe, classify and explain the
different objects of study. ____________________
Identify inventions and  The driving force behind this continuous progress or
discoveries that changed T echnology
development is thethe
comes from desire
Greek to words
raise the quality
“tekhne” of life“art
meaning of the
or craft” and “-logia”, meaning a “subject or interest.” Taken
the world over the course ____________________
together, the term has come to mean “practical applications of what
of history; and we know about the nature” using the scientific principles for the
 In the ancient times, people ____________________
were concerned with
Discuss the scientific and betterment of the human situation.
transportation & navigation, communication ____________________
and record-
technological developments Technology
keeping, massAdvantages
production, security and____________________
protection as well as
in the Philippines. Fill in the blanks.
health, Write the
aesthetics and appropriate
architecture.answer on the blank.
Examples are done for you.
TRANSPORTATION was significant during that time because
people were trying to go places
Vehicles and discover
Contribute to airnew horizons.
Mode for easy
Reasons why they go to places using transportation:
Mobile1. Searchtransportation
for food and findExposure to radiation
better locations The
for their first
phone2. Trade Mode for easy
their surplus goods in exchange scientists were
for things called
that they
lacked. “Philosophers of nature”.
Navigation assisted them in their journeys to unfamiliar and
strange areas
Cloning Mass in the world No andmore identitythem
it allowed differences
to return home
production new
after they discovered Reasons why they
of places or completed an important are
with another animals and
group of people. called as “Philosophers
plants of nature”
also essential in their endeavors to
DNA testing Fraternal
discover and ____________________
occupy new places. They needed a way to
GMO communicate with natives of the areas ____________________
they visited so as to
facilitate trade and prevent possible conflicts.
products ____________________
Chemistry: was also important since they needed to
remember the places they had been to and document the trade
Medicine made with each other.
Cure different It can be lead to addiction
It was also illnesses
vital to keep records of their history and culture so they
could establish
Cosmetics Boosttheir identities
of one’s as cause
It can they tried
allergyto relate with other
cultures andself-confident

 The increase in size and numbers of nations connoted increased

demand for food and other basic necessities. This condition
food implied that people must be able to produce food at a given
Fabricstime and space since resources were getting scarcer as more
people struggled to share the basic necessities.
 That is the reason why people need to form of technology that
would enable them to increase food supplies and other survival
Prepared by: WINNIE T. ARQUINES, MASE Page 1
needs without them travelling more or working harder.
URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

 There was always a risk of conflict when people met others with different cultures and
 Conflicts were common, if different groups struggled to control vital resources.
 As such, the development of weapons and armors for security and protection was
considered major achievements.
 The primary challenge they faced was the conservation of life. Different illnesses and
diseases, both natural and man-made, hampered the full potential of human being.
Given this predicament, science and technology played a major role in the discovery of
cures if not, the prevention of illnesses.


 The development of this field allowed human to build structures that would address their
specific needs and wants. Some of the structures built during the ancient times still
exists today and continually awe people

ARCHITECTURE might see as a mere style but during the ancient times, elaborate
architectural designs were signs of technological advancements of a particular civilization.

People were not contented on beautifying only their infrastructures and surroundings. They
discovered that people looked more visually presentable and appealing by adding some features
and decorations in their body.

The following civilizations will tackle the different major technological advancements
during the ancient times. It will continue to describe the gradual application of knowledge up to
the contemporary time.


Sumeria is located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia. Sumerians are

known for their high degree of cooperation with one another and their desire for great things.
This desire pushed them to develop many things connected with science and technology.

a. CUNIEFORM. The first writing system developed by the Sumerian. It is a system that
utilizes word pictures & triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge
instruments & then left to dry.
 Keep records of things with great historical value or their everyday life.

b. URUK CITY. Considered as a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the
first city in the world but also for the way it was erected. Sumerians able to build this
city with a big challenge because of using only mud or clay from the river, which they
mixed with reeds, producing sun-baked bricks.

c. GREAT ZIGGURAT OF UR. Ziggurat is called mountain of god, was built as the same
manner that they constructed the City of Uruk. Ziggurat served as the sacred place of
their chief god.

d. Irrigation & Dikes.

Main problem:
- As population increased, so did the demand for food.

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

- The Sumerians were challenged to mass production of food but the elements in the
environment seemed uncooperative.
- Difficult to get water from the rivers, thus they could not maintain farmlands
- Scarcity of water supply while others had problems with flooding caused by the river


- Sumerians created dikes & irrigation canal to bring water to farmlands and at the
same time control the flooding of the rivers.


- This method was considered as one of the world’s most beneficial engineering works
- Through dikes and canals, the Sumerians were able to enjoy year-long farming and
harvesting, which increased their food production.

e. Sailboats
- Another challenge for Sumerians was mode for transportation. Why?
- (wheel was not yet invented, the main mode of transportation was through
waterways such as rivers and seas.)
- Essentials: transportation and trading as well in fostering their culture, information
and technology.

f. Wheel
- Sumerians were able to invent the wheel.
- The first wheel is not intended for transportation but for farm and food process.
- With the use of the wheel and axle, mass production was made easier.
- Farmers were be able mill grains with less effort in less time.

g. Plow – another technology invention by the Mesopotamians.

- This technology which would enable them to dig the ground where seeds would be

h. Roads
- Sumerian developed the first road to facilitate faster and easier travel.
- They made the roads with the same technology they used in making the sun-baked
bricks that they laid down on the ground. They latter poured bitumen, a black sticky
substance similar to asphalt, to smoothens the roads.


 Babylonian civilization emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

 They were great builders, engineers and architects.
 Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. - King
Nebuchadnezzar II built for his wife Queen Amytis
 No evidence has been found to prove the existence and even the exact location is
 Lacked of documentation or archeological evidence.
 If it is true, this may be considered as one of the greatest engineering and architectural
achievements of the world that cannot be replicated.
 Contributions to the society: the use of unit of length, weight and capacity,
multiplication tables, geometry and land surveying, systematic measurement of time,
astronomical observations, astrology

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020


 Another civilization famous for its legacy and located in North Africa.
 Engineering feats regarding the infrastructures established by the pharaohs.
 Other technologies includes:
- One of the contributions of Egyptian by developing a system of writing.
- Before, clay tablets were used, however, safe-keeping and transporting them were a
major problems.
- Reasons: Clay tablets were very fragile, heavy and delicate to handle (major
challenge to bring one place to another)
- The invention of papyrus or paper was a welcome development.
- Advantages:
a. Easy to carry and to store.
b. Less breakable
c. For record-keeping and communication.

B. HIEROGLYPHICS – is system of writing using symbols by the Egyptian Civilization

C. WATER CLOCK/CLEPSYDRA - Developed from the reign of King Amenhotep III
(1390-1352 BC)
- It is made of alabaster and was probably used for indicating the passage of
hours of the night.
- In use, the vessel was filled with water, which leaked out slowly from a small
hole near the bottom. The time is indicated by the level of the water in the
vessel, which is shaped so that it falls at a uniform rate. At this time it was
customary to divide the period of daylight and darkness into twelve `hours`
which thus varied with the seasons. The inside of the vessel has twelve scales
each marked with the name of the month.


 KOHL –wore around the eyes to prevent and even cure eye diseases.
- It is made of mixing soot with mineral galena
- Wearing up was protection from evil and that beauty was a sign of
E. WIGS - Wigs were worn for health and wellness rather than aesthetic purposes.
- protect the shaved of the wealthy Egyptian from the harmful rays of the sun
- Better than putting on a scarf since a wig allowed heat to escape.


 In-depth works of the Greek Civilization: philosophy and mathematics, coliseums and
the Olympics
 Inventions:
 This was invented to tell an individual when to stop or when to start
 They made use of water (small stones or sand) that dropped into drums which
sounded as alarm.

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

 Plato used this alarm clock to signal the start of his lesson. He used 4 water
vessels line up vertically. The upper vessel supplied the water which dropped
to the vessel below it, which was set to be filled in a given time. After it was
full, water was siphoned off at a faster rate into the third vessel which would
cause the expulsion of contained air, creating a whistling noise.

B. WATER MILL is commonly used in agricultural processes like milling of grains which was
necessary form of food processing.

ROMAN CIVILIZATION – perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the west.

 Discoveries and inventions still relevant today.

 NEWSPAPERS the first newspapers known as GAZETTES
 It contains announcements of the Roman empire.


 With the invention of papers, it became easier for civilizations to write down
 Record-keeping was much easier
 Aside from Romans writing down information about history and politics,
literature also changed form from clay tablets to parchments papers
 According to sources, Julius Caesar started the tradition of stacking up
papyrus to form pages of a book. Later on, they were able to provide covers
to protect the papyrus.
 This covers were made up of wax, until later on replaced by animal skin.
 The ancient Roman empire was able to produce the first books or CODEX.

 ROMAN ARCHITECTURE - One of the most visual contributions of the ancient Roman
Empire to the world.

 ROMAN NUMERALS - Number systems had already been established before the Roman
Numeral, these old systems could not keep up with the high calculation requirements.

 Devised their number system specifically to address the need for a standard
counting method.

CHINESE CIVILIZATION – silk, tea production, Great Wall of China, gunpowder

 Inventions:
 SILK - They developed the technology to harvest the silk and process it to produced
paper and clothing.
 Silk production resulted in the creation of a product for trade.
 TEA PRODUCTION - This is a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling water over
crushed or shredded dried tea leaves.
 The first tea was drunk by the Chinese Emperor.
 GREAT WALL OF CHINA - This was a man-made structure
 The largest and most extensive infrastructure that the nation built.
 It is made of stone, brick, wood, earth and other materials.
 GUNPOWDER - One of the most interesting inventions in China
 It was developed by Chinese alchemists who aimed to achieve immortality

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

 It is mixed with charcoal, sulfur and potassium nitrate, but instead of creating
elixir of life, they accidentally invented a black powder that could actually
generate large amounts of heat and gas.
 Instead of prolonging life, gunpowder is widely used to propel bullets from
guns and cannons which cause countless death.


 The start of the middle ages was marred by massive invasions and migrations.
 Trade and commerce among nations

Middle Ages:

•refer to the period of a thousand years between the fall of ancient civilization and rise of
the Italian Renaissance (476 – 1550 AD)

•sometimes referred to as the “Dark Ages” because the cultural and political traditions of
the ancient world were eclipsed with the collapse of Roman civilization and the conquest
of Europe by Germanic tribes

•shortage of currency, industry, agriculture, commerce and trade ceased to be active and
productive, wars caused many deaths among the nobles and military leaders

•The Arabic conquest of Asiatic countries

•Islamic science

•The Dark Ages: translation of Greek words into Arabic

Renaissance: (14th-16th century)

•revival of European culture particularly in Italy

•retranslation of Greek words into Latin
•rediscovery of Aristotle's works and other Greek writing
•Thomas Aquinas - grace perfects and builds on nature
•Roger Bacon - study of nature through empiricism, mathematician
•intellectual ferment
•spirit of free inquiry
•paper making
•geographical discoveries and navigation
•establishment of modern universities
•economic growth, increased wealth and opportunities
•population growth and the revival of culture and interest in scientific pursuit

The Rise of Modern Science

 The publication of the work of Copernicus on the Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies in
1543 started the scientific revolution. His ideas were promoted by Galileo and other
 Biology
 Chemistry
 Newton’s contributions
 scientific academies

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

 development in the different sciences and mathematics

 Geographical discoveries
 19th century science
 20th century science
 scientist saw similarities between the human body and machines (heart and water pump
by William Harvey on blood circulation)
 instruments were developed and refined to enable scientists to pursue their
 close interaction between science and technology
 close interaction between science and technology
 scientists interact through publication
 scientific academies, universities and international scientific organizations
 giving of Nobel prizes was started in 1901 by Alfred Nobel (Swedish chemist and
engineer who invented the dynamite)
 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) – engineer, architect, physicist, biologist and
 Copernicus (1473-1543) –heliocentric theory, modern explanation of the
seasons, diurnal and annual motions of the earth
 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) – mechanics, geometry, magnetism, astronomy and
instrument making, mathematical science of dynamics
 Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) – “The Anatomy of the Human Body” (7 volumes)
 Johannes kepler (1571-1630) astronomer
 William Harvey (1578-1657)- “An Astronomical Dissertation Concerning the
Motion of the Heart and Blood Pressure in Animals”
 Francis Bacon (1561-1626) – “Novum Organum” systematic cultivation of natural
science by experimental method
 Rene Descartes (1596-1650) – “Discourse on Method” four rules for straight
 Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)scientist and philosopher
 Robert Boyle (1627-1691) chemist and physicist
 Marcello Malphighi (+1694) - anatomist
 Robert Hooke (1635-1727) - physicist and mathematician
 Isaac Newton (1642-1727) – “Principia” on the 3 laws of motion, Law of Universal
 Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) – father of modern chemistry, confirmed the law
of conservation of matter
 Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) – introduced the binomial nomenclature, identified
man as Homo sapiens
 Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) – “Experiments and Observations on Electricity
made in Philadelphia in America”
 James Watt (1736-1819) – designer of the modern steam engine
 Michael Faraday (1791-1867) - discovered electromagnetic induction (dynamo),
 Charles Darwin (1791-1867) – the theory of Evolution “On the Origin of the
Species and the Descent of Man”
 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) – work on fermentation, applied knowledge of
bacteria to diseases
 Harvey Cushing (1869-1939) – neurological teaching and practice, endocrinology
 Albert Einstein (1879-19550 – special and general theory of relativity, statistical
mechanics and quantum theory , photon theory of light
 Ernest Lawrence (1901-1958) – invented the cyclotron, structure ef the atom,
artificial radioactivity, application of radiation to biology and medicine

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

 Inventions:
 Printing press – Johann Gutenberg
 Microscope – Zacharias Janssen
 Telescope - Middle ages was also known as the Age of Exploration, the need of
nautical inventions was high.
- This invention of telescope, an optical instrument that helps in the
observation of remote objects, was a great help for navigators.
- Together with the telescope, the inventions of the compass, oars and rudders
made sea travelling easier and safer.
 War weapons


 During the 19th century onwards demanded that more goods be produced at a faster and
 Machines that required animals to operate thus be upgraded.
 Food processing and medicine posed some of the bigger challenges since health was of
great concern.
 Faster and easier means to communicate and compute should be developed to establish
connections between and among nations
 Inventions:
 Pasteurization – Louis Pasteur
 Petroleum Refinery – Samuel M. Kier
 Telephone – Alexander Graham Bell
 Calculator



 early settlements can be traced around 50,000 years ago in Palawan and Batangas
 early simple tools or weapons of stone flakes
 techniques for sawing, drilling and polishing hard stones for about 40,000 yrs
 3,000 BC, pottery flourished
 metal tools and implements (copper, gold, bronze and, later, iron) during second or
third century B.C. to the tenth century A.D
 weaving cotton, smelting iron, making pottery and glass ornaments and agriculture by
the first century A.D


 build boats for coastal trade by the tenth century A.D (porcelain, beeswax, cotton, true
pearls, iron pots, iron needles and tin, etc)
 regular trade relations with the Chinese had been well established during the
tenth to the fifteenth centuries AD
 Hindu-Buddhist, Malay-Sanskrit and Arab-Muslim Cultural and technological influences
spread to the Philippines

SPANISH ERA: beginnings of modern science and technology

• mining, jewelry making, agriculture, wine making, cloth weaving

• learned to make and use modern artillery, system of writing and weights and measures
• established schools, hospitals and started scientific research
• religious orders in the conquest and colonization of the archipelago

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

• Economic trade (Galleon Trade) adopted by the colonial government, reduction of

agriculture, boom in shipbuilding
• Reduccion – new government, convents, collection of tax
• system of education – pharmacy and medicine, natural sciences
• UST was founded

American Regime  

• science and technology in the Philippines advanced rapidly

• extensive public education system; the granting of scholarships in science and
• higher professional education; industrial and vocational education

• proliferation of private schools

• UP was established
• Bureau of Science and other science organizations and agencies
• remaining primarily as an exporter of agricultural crops and raw materials and an
importer of American manufactured goods

Philippine Inventions:

 Despite being considered a developing country, the Philippines also contributes to the
global advancement of science and technology.
 The Philippines is known to be one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of natural
disasters. Many of the discoveries and inventions made by the Filipinos were built from
indigenous materials or created to adapt to the harsh tropical environment.
 Inventions:
- Examples: conversion of American military jeeps used in World War II into
- Innovation of a sidecar to a motorcycle, transforming it into a tricycle to
accommodate more passengers.
- SALAMANDER AMPHIBIOUS TRICYCLE was invented that can cross not only
flooded streets but also rivers and lakes.
o Dominic N. Chung & Lamberto Armada with Chief designer Victor Llave
innovate this vehicle to solve the problem on flooded street.
- One of the major needs in the Philippines, as a developing nation, is
- Filipinos have resorted to using candles and kerosene lamps but they carry
certain risks as they are fire hazards.
- Solar power is also welcome development but too expensive for ordinary
- AISA MIJENO, a young Filipina, was able to invent a lighting system that
utilizes a material abundant in the Philippines – saltwater.
o She invented the Sustainable Alternative LighTING (SALt) LAMP
 SALt lamp an environment-friendly light source that runs on salt
 Safer as it poses no risk of fire and emits no toxic gases.
 Aside from People live from coastal areas, it may also
benefit those from far-flung barrios because they can

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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

make their own saltwater lamp by mixing 2 tablespoon of

salt and a glass of tap water.
- DR. FE DEL MUNDO, a Filipino pediatrician and the first Asian woman
admitted into Harvard Medical School, devised a medical incubator made from
indigenous and cheap materials which did not run on electricity.
- The incubator was made by placing a native laundry basket inside a bigger
one. Hot water bottles were inserted between the baskets to provide warmth
and a makeshift hood to allow oxygen circulation.
- Purpose: maintain conditions suitable for a newborn, usually a pre-term


 In 2010, the Department of Science and technology-Industrial Technology Development
Institute (DOST-ITDI) was able to introduce the Mosquito Ovicidal/larvicidal trap system,
also known as OL trap. This trap system IS made of natural ingredients that are lethal to
mosquito but safe for humans and the environment.

 a major innovation that changed the transportation industry in the Philippines
 the diesel-powered jeepney produces large quantities of black smoke and is usually a
major contributor of noise pollution due to its primitive exhaust system.
 To counter these disadvantages, the e-jeepney was developed. This modern type of
vehicle utilizes electricity instead of the more expensive diesel.
 It is environment-friendly since it does not emit any smoke and noise.


 Divide the class into four groups. The 3 groups will be assigned to each of the three time
periods (ancient, middle, modern) and the last group to Philippines inventions. Each
member of the group should search for one great achievement during their assigned
time period aside from those discussed in the chapter. Afterwards, accomplish the
1. Draw or print a picture of your chosen achievement. As a group, collect and paste
theses inventions on a ¼ illustration board. Design the board with a theme
appropriate to the assigned time period.
2. Explain in your own words how each invention works. Also identify their use and
purpose. Paste the information at the back of the illustration board.
3. Present your project in class. Conclude your report by discussing how these
information impacted the people and the society during the time period when they
were made.

Name: _____________________________________________ Rate: ___________


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URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY Science, technology &
1st Semester, A.Y.2019-2020

1. Give three other major scientific and technological developments in the world
(or in the Philippines) that created large impact on your daily life.
2. What historical antecedents gave rise to the inventions you mentioned in the
first questions?
3. How did the developments in science and technology shape human history?

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