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Republic of the Philipppines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
1st Quarter
Learning Activity No. 1.4
Name : Dioniemar C. Basio Score: _________________
Yr. & Sec: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

Type of Activity : Concept Notes/Drill

Activity Title : Newton’ Second Law of Motion : Law of Acceleration
Learning Competency: Demonstrate how a body responds to changes in motion S8FE-Ib-17
Learning Target : Demonstrate Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Reference : Science Grade 8 LM, pp. 12-13
Suggested Link :
Acceleration is the rate of change in the velocity of the object. This change occurs
because of the net force. Thus, we can say that there is a linear relation between the net force
acting on the object and acceleration. We show this relation like;

If we increase the amount of net force

than the acceleration also increases in the same amount. If we decrease the net force than
acceleration also decreases. Let’s see it from the given picture below

Fig.1 Fig.2

The simplest way that Newton’s second law is

represented is through the mathematical
equation: Fnet = m X a,
f = net force
m = mass
a = acceleration

Use the 2nd law of motion equation to

determine the mass m of the box.

Exercise: Apply the 2nd Law of Motion to answer the questions below:

1.Find the acceleration of the block given in the picture below.

2. Suppose a 0.60 kg ball accelerates at 20m/s/s, when hit by a net force. Determine the net force
Fnet applied on the ball.

1.) Fnet = m X a

a = Fnet / m

a = 20N / 5kg.

a = 4m/s.s

2.) Fnet = m x a

Fnet = 0.60kg x 20m/s/s

Fnet = 12N

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