Lesson Plan Fat

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Subject Nutrition

Unit Unit-III
Topic Fat
Group Basic B.Sc Nursing 1st Year
Group Strength 49
Place LT-3 college of nursing VIMSAR, Burla.
Date & time
Duration 1 hour
Teaching method Lecture cum discussion
AV aids / instructional aids Chalk board, posture, bulletin board, handout and power point slide.
Name of the student teacher Mr.pankaj kumar Jena

Name of the evaluator Mrs Nirupama Mishra

Student Pre requisite Students have some knowledge regarding nutrition and needs of nutrition.

General Objective At the end of the class students able to understand about what is Fat and what are the function of fat
and caloric value and recommended daily allowances of fat.
Specific objective At the end of the class students will be able to
 What is fat.
 What is meaning of fat.
 What is lipids and what is fatty acids
 Describe classification of lipid
 Explain what are the types of fat?.
 What are caloric value and recommended daily allowances of fat.
 Describe the mal nutrition problem of fat
Review of previous class What is nutrition?


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Sl.No Time Specific Content Teaching A.V. Aids Evaluation
objective learning Used
1 2 To introduce the INTRODUCTION T: introduce Powerpoint Q:- what is fat ?
mint topic Fats are a concentrated form of stored energy the topic slide
compared to carbohydrates. Fat is a major source of calories S: Listens. Chalk board
of energy. Fat improves the taste and odour of foods and
gives a feeling of fullness. Fats form the structures in our
bodies, including muscles, nerves, membranes and blood
vessels and are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins A, D, E and K in the body.
Fat comprises of a complex molecule constituting a
mixture of fatty acids and an alcohol, generally glycerol. Fat
is an important nutrients because it gives us energy. The
body stores energy as a layer of fat under the skin. This is
called adipose tissue.
3 What is MEANING T: what is Powerpoint Q:- what is fat.
2 mint meaning of fat. The terms "lipid", "oil" and "fat" are often confused. meaning of fat slide
"Lipid" is the general term, though a lipid is not necessarily a S: Listens. Chalk board
triglyceride. "Oil" normally refers to a lipid with short or
unsaturated fatty acid chains that is liquid at room
temperature, while "fat" (in the strict sense) may specifically
refer to lipids that are solids at room temperature –
however, "fat" (in the broad sense) may be used in food
science as a synonym for lipid. Fats, like other lipids, are
generally hydrophobic, and are soluble in organic solvents
and insoluble in water.
3 2 What are the COMPONENTS OF FAT T:what is the Powerpoint Q:- what is
mint components of Fats are composed of three fatty acids and 1 glycerol. Which is components of slide components of fat?.
fat. called triglycerides can be solid or liquid at room temperature. fat Chalk board
S: Listens.

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3 4 What is lipids LIPIDS T: what is lipid Powerpoint Q:- what is lipid and
mint and what is fatty  Fats and oils belong to a group of compounds called and what is slide what is fatty acids.?
acids lipids. fatty acids Chalk board
 They are characterized by greasy feel, insolubility in
S: listen
water and solubility in some organic solvent.
 The main biological functions of lipids include carefully about
storing energy, acting as structural components of cell types of pain
membranes and also taking part in many biological and participate.
 It is a small water insoluble biomolecule generally
containing fatty acids.

 Fatty acids are the building blocks of the fat in our
bodies and in the food we eat.
 During digestion, the body breaks down fats into
fatty acids, which can then be absorbed into the blood. Fatty
acid molecules are usually joined together in groups of three,
forming a molecule called a triglyceride.
 Triglycerides (Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid)
found in your blood) are also made in our bodies from the
carbohydrates that we eat.
10 Enlist the types TYPES OF FATTY ACIDS:- T: what are Powerpoint Q:- enlist what are
4 mint of fatty acids Fats found in foods a mixture of two types of fatty acids, the types of slide the types of fatty
they are fatty acids of Chalk board
1. Saturated fatty acid acids.

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2. Unsaturated fatty acid. pain
1. Saturated fatty acids: - in saturated fatty acids, each S: listen and
carbon atom in the fatty acid carries all the hydrogen atoms participate.
possible. The saturated fatty acids are derived from both
animal fats and plant oils. Rich sources of dietary saturated
fatty acids include butter fat, meat fat, and tropical oils
(palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil).

2. Unsaturated fatty acids:-the full complement of

hydrogen atoms is not received in unsaturated fatty acids,
this leads to the formation of double bond between the
atoms so they have one or more double bonds between the
carbon atoms.

Unsaturated fatty acids are further divided into two:

I. Monosaturated fatty acids (MUFA).
II. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
I. Monosaturated fatty acids (MUFA):-they have one
double bond between the carbon atoms. Oleic acid is an
example of monosaturated fatty acid and in groundnut oil,
olive oil and corn oil. They are mostly found in vegetable
oils. There is expectation as, for example fish oils contain
mono and poly saturated fatty acids and it is liquid.

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5 8
classification of


Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA):- fatty acids with
two or more double bonds are called polyunsaturated fatty
acids. These are mostly found in vegetable oils.
Polyunsaturated fat can be found mostly in nuts, seeds, fish,
seed oils, and oysters.

Fatty acids may also be classified as follows

Essential fatty acids (EFA):- EFA are those that
cannot be synthesized by the body and need to be supplied
through diet. Linolenic acid, linoleic acid and arachidonic
acid are essential fatty acids.
2. Non-essential fatty acids are those that can be
synthesized by the body and need not be supplied through
the diet. Palmitic acid, oleic acid and butyric acid are
examples of non-essential fatty acids.
T –what are the
classification of
S: listen and
Chalk board
Q: - what are the
types of lipids.

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Simple lipids:-
 They are made up three fatty acids attached to
 They are mixed triglyceride which means that more
than one type of fatty acids is present in the fat.
 For examples: - cooking oils and butter.
 Simple lipids constitute more than 98% of food and
body fats.

 Compound lipids:-
 They are fats in which at least one fatty acid is
replaced by carbohydrate, protein or phosphorus that is
they are fats + nonfat molecules.
 For example- phospholipids and lipoprotein.
 Derived lipids:- They are breakdown products of of
fats and include diglycerides, glycerol and fatty acids.
 Sterol:-
 They are not made up of fatty acids and glycerol but
have benzene ring structure.
 These fats like substances include cholesterol and fat
soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
 Cholesterol:-
 It is fat like substance present in food.
 It is different in structure from triglycerides.
 It is present in all cells of the body, large amount in
brain and nerve tissue.
 Large amount of cholesterol is also present in sebum
secreted by the sebaceous glands.
 The blood of normal human being contains 150 to
250 mg/100ml blood.
 The human body gets cholesterol from two sources,
one is food and secondly it is synthesized in the liver.
 It performs following functions:
• Cholesterol is precursor of all steroid hormones.
• It is also a precursor of vitamin D.
• It is required for formation of bile.

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• It is an essential constituent of cell membranes.
(If it is consumed in excess, it leads to diseases of the
cardiovascular system.)
6 10 Explain what Fats:- T: Explain the posture Q:- describe the what
mint are the types of 1. Visible and invisible fats:- types of fat are types of fat?
fat? ● Visible fats are those which are separated from their S: Listen and
natural sources, e.g. ghee from milk, cooking oils from seeds
and nuts.
● So it is easy to estimate their intake in daily diet.
● Invisible fats are those which are not visible to naked
● They are present in almost every article of food.
● For example:- cereals, pulses, nuts, milk, eggs, etc.
● It is difficult to estimate their intake.
● In fact the major contribution to total intake is from
invisible sources.
2. Hydrogenation:-
● When vegetable oils are hydrogenated under
conditions of optimum temperature and pressure in the
presence of a Nickel catalyst, the liquid oils are converted
into semi-solid and solid fat.
● This is known as ‘vanaspati’ or vegetable ghee, which
is popular cooking medium in India.
● During the process of hydrogenation, unsaturated
fatty acids are converted into saturated fatty acids and
essential fatty acid content is drastically reduced since the
vanaspati is lacking in fat soluble vitamins.
● It is fortified with vitamins A and D.
3. Refined oils:-
● Refining is usually done by treatment with steam and
alkali to remove the free fatty acids and rancid materials.
● It does not bring any change in the unsaturated fatty
acids of the oil.
● It only removes the quality and taste of oils.

4. Rancidity in fats:-

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● Air at room temperature can induce
oxidation/spoilage of fats resulting in disagreeable odor and
● This is known as rancidity.
● These changes are observed when fats and oils are
stored for some time.
● High temperature, moisture, metals and air are some
factors which accelerate rancidity of fats.
● Some fats naturally protected by the presence of
antioxidants, such as vitamin E and vitamin C., so fat are oils
to be stored for sometime should be hydrogenated.
● It can be prevented by using airtight
7 6 What are caloric Caloric value T: Explain the Hand out Q:- what are the RDA
min value and One gram of fat gives us nine kilocalories. caloric value for fat?
recommended Visible and invisible fats and rda of fat
daily allowncess Visible fats Invisible fats
S: Listen and
of fat. Pickles, salad, dressing, all oils, sweetmeats. Egg yolk,
baked foods, whole milk, vanaspati, margarine, butter, participate.
cream, cheese, icecream, nuts, oilseeds.
Group Fat(g/day)
Adult man 20
Adult woman 20
Pregnant woman 30
Lactating woman 45
Children(1-9 years) 25
Children (10-18 Years)22
8 5 Enumerate FUNCTIONS OF FAT:- T: enumerate Powerpoint Q:- what are the
mint function of fat 1. Energy:- fats are a concentrated source of energy. the function of slide function of fat.?
One gram of fat gives 9 kcal when it is oxidized in the body. fat Chalk board
2. Thermal insulation: - subcutaneous fat acts as an
S: Listen and
insulator against cold by retaining body heat.
3. Protein sparing action: - an adequate intake of fat in participate.
the diet allows proteins to perform their main functions of
growth and maintenance. In this way, fats space proteins

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Describe what
the sources of
fat are.

digestion and
absorbtion and

from being oxidized for energy.
4. Protection of vital organs:- fat provides a protective
padding to vital organs such as heart, kidney and intensive
from mechanical shock and keeps them place.
5. Absorption of fat soluble vitamins:-fats are essential
for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K,
especially carotenoids present in foods of vegetables origin.
So fats serve as vehicles for fat soluble vitamins.
6. Essential fatty acids:- Fats contain essential fatty
acids, viz. linoleic, alpha-linolenic and arachidonic acids
which are essential for maintaining tissues in normal health.
7. Synthesis of hormones:- the cholesterol is necessary
for the synthesis of some hormones and bile acids, e.g. sex
Precursors of prostaglandins:- Polyunsaturated fatty
acids are precursors of prostaglandins-a group of
compounds now recognized as Local hormones. They play a
major role in controlling many of the physiological


• When a person takes his food it enters the stomach
where gastric lipase produces slight hydrolysis of
T: sources of fat
S: Listen and

T: what are
the digestion
absorption and

Chalk board
Q:- what are the
sourses of fat?

Q:- dcribe the

metabolism process of

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metabolism of fat( process of splitting into smaller molecules by uniting metabolism
fat with water). process of fat
• In the duodenum, bile secretion emulsifies fats. S: Listen and
Pancreatic lipase and intestinal lipase breakdown in fats
into a mixture of monoglycerides, diglycerides and fatty
acids. The products of digestion pass through the lacteals of
the small intestines to the thoracic duct, then to the blood
stream and every cell of the body.

The metabolism of fat occurs in the following stages:
1. Hydrolysis of fats: This occurs in the intestine. Intestinal
lipase and pancreatic lipase convert fats into fatty acids
and glycerol.
2. Reconversion: when demand occurs, these fats are
taken to liver and reconverted into fatty acids and
glycerol. These products are later utilized in tissues.
13 2mint Describe the T: what are Powerpoint Q:- what are the mal
mal nutrition the mal slide nutrition problem of
problem of fat nutrition Chalk board fat?
problem of fat
S: Listen and
Hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart diseases are a
major health problem occurs when cholesterol level is over
250mg per 100ml.
The topic is summarized by introduction, meaning, and types of fatty acids, classification of fats, functions of fats, sources of fats, fat
requirements, digestion, absorption, metabolism and disorders due to deficiency and excess of fat.
Too much fat in your diet, especially saturated fats, can raise your cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease.
by asking question.
Assignment / Application:

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1. Describe the types of fatty acids?
2. what are the sources of fat?
 Agarwal Anjana,Sobha A Udipi. (2011), Textbook Human Nutrition; 2nd edition: publish by jaypee brother’s medical publisher (P) LTD,
ansari road dargaganj. New delhi-110002; page no. 89-127.
 Avasthi Rishi.(2016), Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition; 1st edition: publish by jaypee brothers medical publisher (P) LTD, ansari
road dargaganj. New delhi-110002; page no. 47-66.
 Dr.Murugesh N.(2004), Basic Anatomy and Physiology ; 6 th edition: published by sathya publishers, aravind gardens, Balaji Nivas, Tirunagar, Madurai-625006;
page no.201-202.
 Raju SM.(2010),Nutrition and Biochemistry for nurses; 1st edition: publish by jaypee brother’s medical publisher (P) LTD, ansari road
dargaganj. New delhi-110002; page no. 49-57.
 Sohi Darshan.(2018),A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets; 2nd edition: publish by jaypee brother’s medical
publisher (P) LTD, ansari road dargaganj. New delhi-110002; page no. 53-60.
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat
 https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-topics/aa160619
 https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fat/art-20045550

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