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Anik Saepullah


Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces

Extended surface : solid which experience conduction-convection processes.

Fin : extended surface used to enhance heat transfer rate between solid and fluid by
increasing hA product
Scope : fins of uniform cross-sectional areas, fin performance, use of charts for fins of
non-uniform cross-sectional areas, fin arrays – overall fin efficiency.
Fin configurations
- Straight fin of uniform cross-section
- Straight fin of nonuniform cross-section
- Annular fin
- Pin fin
Aplikasi digunakan pada system yang memiliki perpindahan kalor konveksi rendah. Ex
cooling electrinical engine dll.

Analysis of fin of uniform cross-sectional area

Asumsi Fin tipis (1 d), konduktivitas termalnya konstan, h sama, perpindahan radiasi

Didapatkan solusi umum persamaannya :

θ ( x )=C 1 e mx +C 2 e−mx
Dalam bentuk hyperbolic menjadi :
θ ( x )=C 1 cos h ( mx )+ C2 sin h ( mx )
Dari persamaan tersebut kita perlu menentukan kondisi batasnya.

Case 1 : Convective heat loss at tip

Kondisi batasnya
a) θ ( 0 ) =θb

b) −k ∨¿ x=L =h θl ¿
Subtitusikan ke persamaan umum, didapat
cos h m(L−x )+( )sin h m(L−x )
θ mk
θb h
cos h mL+( )sin h hmL
Anik Saepullah

q =√ hPk A θ
( mk )
sin hmL+ cos hmL
f c b
cos hmL+ (
mk )
sin h mL

Case 2 : Adiabatic tip

Kondisi batasnya
a) θ ( 0 ) =θb

b) −k ∨¿ x=L =0 ¿ , Maka
θ cos hm(L−x )
θb cos hmL
q f =√ hPk A c θb tan h mL

Case 3 : Prescribed temperature at fin tip

Kondisi batasnya
a) θ ( 0 ) =θb
b) θ ( L )=θ L , Maka
θ hmx+¿ sin hm(L−x )
=sin ¿
θb sin hmL
cos hmL−( L )
q f =√ hPk A c θb
sin hmL

Case 4 : Infinite fin

Kondisi batasnya
a) θ ( 0 ) =θb
b) θ ( L→ ∞ )=0❑ , Maka
q f =√ hPk A c θb

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