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Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Hyderabad

Retail Management (Trim IV)

Term End Examination, September 2020

Course: Retail Management

Maximum Marks: 30

Submission Deadline: 7th September, 2020 (Monday) by 18:00 hours (or 6:00 PM)

Instructions: Candidates should carefully read the below instructions:

1. There are four questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures in brackets on the right-hand side indicate full marks.

3. Deadline for submitting your answers is 18:00 hours (6:00 PM) on 7 th Sep. 2020.
Answers submitted after the above deadline will not be evaluated.

4. Please email your answers to &

In the following format: Mention your full Name, Course and 11 digit SAP No.

6. Please should all your analysis in the attached document only. Name of Attached
document/answer sheet should be your name.

7. Do not copy and paste Answers, as Course Faculty will check the answers with
the help of Plagiarism software to check its uniqueness.

In the case of plagiarism, the candidate will be awarded ZERO marks for the term-
end exams.

In case it is found that two or more students have copied the answer from one
another, all such students will be awarded ZERO marks for the term-end exams.

8. You will be evaluated based on your ability to apply the underlying concepts
discussed in class and those provided in your textbook

9. All the questions are self-explanatory and provides sufficient information to the
students to answer the questions. In case of doubt, the student should clearly
specify the underlying assumptions (wherever required) and continue writing
his/her answer.

10. You answer each question with 12 times Roman and explain in 2-3pages max
Course: Retail Management

Maximum Marks: 30

All questions to be answered

Section –I
15 marks

Case study – Based questions

1. Do you think “BIG Bazar” is successful Retail model. Justify your answer. Also
analyse Key success parameters, you assess a Retail store success? What types of
strategies BIG Bazar followed and give rationale for your answer? (10marks)

2. Identify 5 different competitors for BIG BAZZAR and Identify reasons why its
competitors. ( 5 Marks)

ANNEXURE –I Case study attached in mail

Section – II
15 marks
Simulation Results Based questions
(Attached in EXCEL SHEET Results of Simulation)
3. Analyse store wise/ Products wise performance of top 2 Retail stores on basis of Market
share. Enumerate your reasons and highlight key strategic decisions of the stores for doing
top performance. (10 marks)
4. Unsatisfied Demand Analysis for store C _ highlight the Retail stores which are not
doing. give factors for same (5 Marks)

Annexure II –Datasheet of Retail simulation

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