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Guided response (by Friday):

Introspection is valuable in developing ourselves, but we cannot discount the value of learning
from those around us. Select at least one peer and comment on what aspects of that person's
experience were instructive or helpful for you. How did the person help you think about things in
a different way?

Preston Carmon - Challenges and

Preston Carmon posted Jul 9, 2019 3:18 PM
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In this writing course, I faced a variety of issues. My move from Maryland to Florida had a lot to
do with my limited involvement in discussions.  Although I was not able to be attentive in my
participation; I managed to focus mainly on my assignments in which I was able to complete in a
timely manner. Honestly, I am not satisfied with myself because I was not able to stay consistent
due to my situation, however, I do not like to make excuses for myself. For this reason, despite
my overall grade, I know that if I was not in my current situation; I would have done a lot better.

Accordingly, in this class, I was not able to learn as I did in my last writing class, but, it was not
because of the class at all. My lack of participation prevented me from actually learning and that
is what I am most dissatisfied within myself. My next round of classes; it will be better since I
will hopefully be settled in Florida. Despite my current grades, my move to Florida has
prevented me from learning and I am disappointed in myself.

Guided response (by Friday):

Respond to at least one of your peers. What feedback or suggestions do you have
related to the use of active and/or passive in your classmate's post?

Using Active and Passive Voice

Danielle Brown posted Jul 12, 2019 4:15 PM
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Passive Voice
Ethereum was created by Vitalik Buterin, and is an open software platform based on block-chain
technology that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications. It can not only
process transactions, it can also process complex contracts and programs. This flexibility makes
it the perfect instrument for block-chain.


Vitalik Buterin is the creator of Ethereum. It is an open software platform based on block-chain
technology that enables developers to build, and deploy decentralized applications.

I feel as the the active voice is more effective. Using the active voice more clearly explains who
created "Ethereum" and what it is being used for.

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