Multiple Choiice Question-UI PDF

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Multiple Choice Question- User Interface

1. Using which tag, internal style sheets can be applied?

HEAD STYLE B None of these

2. <html>
<style type="text/css">
<p class="123">This is a paragraph</p>

The above code displays the paragraph in ___Color inside the web page

red blue green black

3. While Overriding styles, External Style sheets will have the last preference.


4. Which tag is used to display form controls with a border outline?

fieldset label select None of these

5. Which attribute/property makes the checkbox value selected by default?

checked check checkpoint checksum

6. Which tag is used to allow users to add a file to form?

file type=”file” input type=”file” type=”hidden” None of these

7. Select valid form tag attributes from below:

 Name
 Action
 Value
 Cols
 rows
8. How to make SELECT list box control to select multiple values?

Using “style” Using “multiple”

attribute with select attribute with select
tag By resizing select box tag None of these

9. Which attribute of a text box would restrict the number of characters to be inputted?


10. Which attribute of SCRIPT tag can be used to import external JavaScript file?

href type src None of these

11. Which one is the correct way to declare a variable of numeric type using JavaScript?

int x = 0; var x = 0; long x = 0; String x = 0;

12. LINK tag is used to define the relationship between a document and external resource.


13. STYLE attribute specifies an inline CSS style for an element.


14. Tag to define a hyperlink is:

A LINK ANCHOR None of these

15. Which attribute of TABLE tag is used to denote how much space to put between cells?

cellspacing cell padding border None of these

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