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How to Improve the

Health of Your Eggs

23 Simple Evidence-Based Tips
How to Improve the Health of
Your Eggs

23 Simple Evidence-Based Tips

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This eBook is copyright © 2007-2017, all rights reserved worldwide. Copyright and Legal Notice Pub-
lished by:

Natural Fertility Sarl

By downloading this eBook, you agree to the following: You understand that this book is published for
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with trained medical professionals about your health care needs. The methods and information contained
in this book may help increase your chances of overcoming infertility. No method works 100% of the time.
Your results will depend greatly on how closely you follow the methods in this book. We cannot guarantee
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The ideas and information provided on these pages are for informational purposes only. The information is
a result of years of practice and experience by Iva Keene ND. However, this information is NOT intended as
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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs


Introduction 6

3 Costly Misconceptions About Age, Egg Quality & IVF 8

“Egg quality can’t be improved” 8

“Once you turn 40 you should consider donor eggs” 9

“IVF is your only option if you are 40+” 10

3 Mistakes To Avoid When Facing Poor Egg Quality 11

Don’t rush into fertility drugs and procedures 11

Don’t get too hung up about FSH and AMH test results 12

Don’t self-prescribe natural medicines 13

Why Follow A Natural Egg Health Protocol Before Considering ART? 15

How To Avoid (And Reverse) 3 Common Causes Of Poor Egg Quality 16

Stop drinking all caffeinated drinks and alcohol for at least four months 16

Start taking CoQ10 for at least 120 days 16

Stop eating refined sugar 17

4 Superfoods You Should Eat Regularly —

All Have Been Shown To Improve Egg Quality 19

Maca 19

Linseed meal 19

Royal jelly 19

Green micro-algae 20

The #1 Toxin To Avoid At All Costs For Healthy, Fertile, Female Eggs 21

Avoid Phthalates!  21

4 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

2 Crucial Nutrients For Egg Quality, Health And Fertility 24

1. Vitamin D 24

2. Micro-Mineral Selenium 26

One Food To Avoid At All Costs To Keep Your Eggs Young 29

5 Major Risk-Factors For Poor Egg Quality 32

Smoking, caffeine, alcohol and sugar  32

EM exposure 32

Sleep deprivation 33

Nutrient deficiencies from food intolerance 34

Exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins 35

It’s Not Only About Getting Pregnant —

It’s Also About The Health Of Your Baby 37

4 Steps To Vibrant Egg Health And Optimal Fertility Even At 40+ 38

Implement a new dietary and lifestyle approach for a minimum of 120 days 38

Take the recommended supplements 38

Get plenty of rest and apply stress management techniques 38

Trust your body’s healing and regenerating ability 39

About Iva Keene 40

About Fertility Coach 42

Contact Information 43

5 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs


Being a woman in the 21st century has many advantages. We can do the same
things men can do with the exception of one thing — have babies easily once
we cross that age-line when we are no longer considered fertile enough to bear
healthy children.

Well guess what! This world is full of misconceptions and outdated beliefs which
require revision. In the early middle ages the average lifespan was around 40
years of age. Now it’s around 80-90. Our bodies are designed to last, regenerate
and recuperate, providing we are feeding them the right foods and supplements
and are living in healthy toxin-free environments.

Today, many old scientific views are changing thanks to new research and espe-
cially research done in the area of preventative medicine. For example did you
know that according to a very recent study performed on animals, scientists
for the first time concluded that menopause does not start in the ovaries but
in the hypothalamus — your master endocrine gland located in the brain which
orchestrates all of the other endocrine gland functions?

In this fascinating study, the ovaries from menopausal animals where removed
and placed into the young menstruating animals to see whether they would re-
sume their function even though they were considered ‘menopausal’ and there-
fore eggless and too old to create and mature eggs.

Remarkably, those ovaries under the hormonal stimulus from the hypothala-
mus resumed their function and started producing eggs even though they were
already ‘menopausal’. Even in humans when a woman reaches menopause she
still has anywhere between 500 -1000 eggs in her ovaries which will never de-
velop because the communication between the ovaries and the pituitary gland
becomes disrupted. But this communication can be restored if it;s abnormal and

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

A dear colleague of mine from Australia, Antonia Ruhl, is renowned for helping
women have babies when they are already considered to be menopausal or too
old to have babies with their own eggs. She uses Amazonian herbal medicine
to help restore this ovarian-pituitary communication. And her work is just one
example that this is possible.

Similarly, through our programs, we’ve helped many women who were told
that IVF and donor eggs are their only option, have healthy babies with their
own eggs. In this report I’ll share with you why and how it’s possible to become
pregnant even if you are 42+ with your own eggs and have healthy babies and
a healthy pregnancy without all the pregnancy complications common for this
age group.

Therefore celebrate being a woman in this day and age and use what’s available
to you to be all that you can be and wish to be.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

3 Costly Misconceptions About

Age, Egg Quality & IVF

“Egg quality can’t be improved”

It is true that you are born with all your eggs. It is also true that your eggs are
strictly speaking a few months older than you as they develop when you are an
embryo before you are born.

And it is also true that if you’ve been told that your eggs are ‘no longer good’ or
‘too old’ AND you don’t change anything in your diet, lifestyle, supplementation
etc. They will remain ‘too old’ or of ‘poor quality’.

BUT, its also true if you were told that your eggs and ‘too old’, of ‘poor quali-
ty’ AND you make the adjustments I’ll share with you that those eggs become
healthy and plump again and ready for conception and a healthy pregnancy.

And by now I bet you would like to know why this is possible.

It’s actually quite simple and there is no mystery about it. Yes, you are born
with all your eggs, but those eggs are not the same as the eggs you ovulate each
month. They are in their primordial form. They have the potential to become
mature eggs but they are not there yet. Instead the primordial eggs are held in
suspension, asleep, waiting for the stimulus to start growing.

And here comes the main difference between healthy and plump eggs and old
and poor quality eggs! What you eat, drink, inhale and get exposed to during
the time it takes for those eggs to mature and ovulate makes all the difference
in their quality and viability to be fertilized and lead to a healthy pregnancy and
a healthy baby.

And while for some women this is easy and straightforward for others it may
require more work to undo the years of hormonal imbalances, nutrient defi-
ciencies and the effects of heavy metal toxicity and accumulation of chemicals
known as endocrine disruptors. In any case, whatever your starting point may
be you will now have the key to improving your egg health.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

“Once you turn 40 you should

consider donor eggs”
Similarly to the first point in this report, if falling pregnant has been difficult for
you, or you keep miscarrying and you don’t make any changes to your diet and
lifestyle and you don’t explore the underlying causes, nothing will change and
you may well need donor eggs.

Statements like this one and the one above in the first point have been coined
during times when science believed that diet and lifestyle and nutritional sup-
plementation don’t have any effect on your body because it’s all to do with your

Well firstly, in many areas of medicine we’ve been proven wrong and now know
that what we eat and do on a regular basis does very much impact our health
regardless of our genes.

Take smoking for example, yes, it can predispose you to many terrible lung dis-
eases including cancer. A person who eats a tub of ice cream a day is a perfect
candidate for obesity and a heart attack. A person who drinks a bottle of wine a
day can develop liver diseases etc.

So yes, what you do and eat and drink daily over many years will impact your
health. Also IVF clinics are now starting to turn away patients who are obese,
smoke etc. Why? Because they too recognize that those habits will make it very
difficult to get pregnant with IVF or not.

And while we have all heard about caffeine, alcohol and smoking not many are
yet aware of the chemicals hiding in our face cream, makeup, deodorant, clean-
ing solutions, and favorite packaged foods available at the supermarket.

These are full of fertility robbing additives hidden behind the mysterious num-
bers and codes.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

And even our beloved electronic gadgets such as iPads, iPhones, laptops and
hairdryer emit EM radiation which can cause DNA mutations in your fastest
replicating cells such as eggs, sperm and embryos. But don’t worry. If this is the
first time you are hearing this, it may be a lot to take in and you may be over-
whelmed. That’s normal. And I will share with you what you need to do in a de-
tailed plan to make it as simple as possible to follow.

“IVF is your only option if you are 40+”

By now you might be realizing that this generalization also stems from the out-
dated view that you can’t improve your egg health. I hope you can see that if you
choose to do nothing about the quality of your eggs — nothing will change.

If on the other hand you take the time and make the effort to learn about what’s
good and what’s bad for your eggs and implement those changes over a time
period your eggs need to mature, which I will share with you shortly, then you
will be able to improve the quality of the eggs you were born with and IVF may
not be your only option.


It is not always possible to completely avoid IVF or to improve your egg health in
every situation. There are some congenital conditions you may be born with, or
you may have an autoimmune disease which can not be treated naturally which
is preventing you from maturing your eggs, or your fallopian tubes may be se-
verely blocked or your partner may have very poor quality sperm etc.

All of these may require IVF or donor eggs. I say may because with some of these
conditions it may still be possible for the body to heal and do the unthinkable
but for others this will not be possible. So I just want to you stay realistic while
at the same time keep the hope and the faith until you have exhausted all the
natural options first before you opt for IVF, donor eggs and other options.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

3 Mistakes To Avoid When Facing

Poor Egg Quality

Don’t rush into fertility drugs

and procedures
If you’ve been trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully for 6 months or more and
you are over 30 you will probably be advised to try IVF or some other form of
ART. My advice is to get the tests done (often called the workup) for both part-
ners to see what could be the issue and then to first use the natural approach for
at least four months before trying to conceive again.

I also recommend that you get additional tests which are not performed at stan-
dard fertility clinics. These are tests which naturopaths use to test for toxicities,
nutrient deficiencies and food intolerances and then there are tests which I may
recommend which are specific to each case individually following a phone con-
sultation with me.

Fertility drugs and procedures can in some cases worsen your condition es-
pecially because they are not addressing the underlying quality of your eggs.
So not only is it possible for your hormones to come out of balance which will
further negatively impact the quality of your eggs but the chances of a healthy
pregnancy following IVF with eggs of poor quality are very slim and the risks of
chromosomal damage are high.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Don’t get too hung up about

FSH and AMH test results
High FSH levels are associated with poor egg quality as are low AMH (Anti Mul-
lerian hormone) values. FSH is released by the pituitary gland and its role is to
signal the ovaries to start maturing the eggs. When your eggs start to develop
and mature they start producing estrogen. Increased levels of estrogen signal
the pituitary gland that the ovaries got the message, and doing their work, and
it can stop releasing FSH.

In the above scenario, the FSH stays around 3 or 5 which is normal and healthy.
FSH above 10 can be a cause for concern as it means the ovaries are not really
listening to that signal or the eggs which are maturing are not very healthy as
they are not producing adequate estrogen amounts. Too much estrogen and too
little estrogen can both contribute to poor egg quality.

We are exposed to a lot of estrogens from our food and from the chemicals
found in body lotions, household cleaning solutions etc. which act as estrogens
once they are absorbed into our body. So its very easy to confuse our delicate
endocrine system if you are not being watchful over the chemicals you ingest or
put on your skin daily.

Also FSH levels go up and down all the time. If you measured it 5 times in a day
you would get 5 different readings. Using our natural protocols we’ve been able
to bring very high FSH levels down to normal levels required for a healthy preg-
nancy. Therefore don’t get hung up about one bad reading. Instead look for ways
to help your body to regulate it.

Similarly low AMH levels can be a great cause of concern for many women.
AMH hormone is produced by your primordial follicles and unlike FSH its value
is constant. It does not fluctuate daily like FSH. And yes, as we age and get older
our AMH levels can go down as we have used up some of our egg reserve. But
we have not used they all up! Remember from the previous point I made, wom-
en still have between 500-1000 eggs left at the time of menopause which will
never develop. And all you need is one or two of those eggs for your pregnancy.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Fertility clinics are interested in AMH values so that they know what dose of
fertility drugs to give you. The lower the AMH value the higher the dose and
vice versa. But the AMH value, regardless if high or low, does not indicate the
likelihood of a successful pregnancy or a live birth.

Many women with low AMH values go on to conceive with their own eggs and
have healthy children. This information is out of the text book for reproductive
endocrinologists. So again don’t panic over your hormone test results. And al-
ways remember if anything is out of balance in your body and you detect this
with a test result, that is a good thing as you can do something about it. And
don’t feel bad about your body, its’ doing the best it can to keep you healthy and
its juts letting you know that you need to make some changes and pay attention
to it more.

Don’t self-prescribe natural medicines

Natural medicine is perceived by many as safe and harmless. Therefore there
are many vitamin and herbal products you can buy over the counter yourself.
And yes, it’s true that natural medicines tend to have very few side effects and
most are safe to take long term.

But nevertheless they exert an action in your body and therefore should not be
taken without a prior consultation with a naturopath. Also many over the count-
er supplements are very mild as they need to ensure that you can’t overdose
on them if you were to have the whole bottle at once. This means that such a
supplement will not provide your body with the therapeutic doses which are
needed for the desired effect to occur in your body.

This also means that you will not get any benefits from it and may as well con-
clude that natural medicines don’t work. I love using the Aspirin comparison to
illustrate this point. If you had a really bad headache and someone gave you a
1/4 of an Aspirin tablet you would still have a headache an hour later. Why? Be-
cause the dose given to you was not in the therapeutic range in which it is effec-
tive. Similarly most natural medicine supplements you can buy yourself are not
strong enough to help you address the problem your are trying to fix.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

This is why I recommend practitioner supplements only which need a prescrip-

tion, because they are of therapeutic quality. Your naturopath can prescribe
these for you or you can schedule a phone consultation with me and following
your consultation I can see which supplements you need and can benefit from
and can prescribe those for you.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Why Follow A Natural Egg Health

Protocol Before Considering ART?

By following a natural egg health protocol first you’ll be minimizing your ex-
posure to toxins which have been identified as ‘ovo-toxins’ or toxins which can
negatively impact the health of your eggs, you’ll know which toxicities, if any, are
present in your body and need to be cleared before your next conception and
you’ll be feeding your body with foods and supplements shown to boost your
egg quality. All of this needs to be done for at least four months prior to concep-
tion which is the duration of egg maturation from their primordial form to the
form you ovulate each month.

There may also be certain food intolerances and potential genetic issues which
can be addressed naturally but you will need to test first for them to know how
to treat them. I can help you identify those if you feel you are already doing ev-
erything right and all your tests come back as normal.

By optimally preparing your eggs for conception you have increased your
chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby because you maintained
the healthy development of the eggs cell, minimized the risk of DNA mutations
and ensured there are enough energy and nutrient reserves for the pregnancy
and your baby.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

How To Avoid (And Reverse) 3

Common Causes Of Poor Egg

Stop drinking all caffeinated drinks

and alcohol for at least four months
I know you’ve probably heard this many times but are you really doing it or are
you justifying that one or glasses or cups every now and then? Just as babies go
through different stages of development and growth each day, so do your egg
cells. On the days when you do consume alcohol or caffeine or both that partic-
ular cellular function which was being formed will have been negatively impacted.

Also it’s one thing to know something and entirely different thing to be actually
applying it and using that knowledge. So really do be strict about it as there are
countless of studies to show that caffeine, especially coffee and alcohol can pre-
dispose you to infertility and miscarriages due to their contribution to poorer
egg quality.

Start taking CoQ10 for at least 120 days

Coenzyme Q10 is food for your cellular engines – the mitochondria. After the
age of 30 our cells including the egg cells start to become depleted in CoQ10
which predisposes them to faster aging due to faster toxin accumulation inside
the cell and the reduced ability of the cell to clean itself.

CoQ10 deficiency can predispose to poor egg quality and miscarriages in wom-
en over 30. Therefore taking a good quality CoQ10 is crucial. I recommend this
CoQ10 which is from a practitioner range and of superb quality. You can order
it here.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Stop eating refined sugar

Refined sugar is the white sugar which is the most commonly used form of sugar
in processed foods such as bread, biscuits, cakes, cereal, baked products, choc-
olate, instant soups, sauces, ready to eat noodles, pastas, jams, ketchup, pre-
made pasta sauces, soft drinks, juices, syrups, yoghurt, ice cream etc… And is
the most commonly used sugar in restaurants and school canteens.

Next time you are in a supermarket do your own experiment and read the labels
of every item you put in your basket and write down how many of them contain
sugar. You’ll probably be shocked and may well leave the supermarket with only
fresh unprocessed foods, which is what you want for optimal fertility.

Sugar creates hormonal and biochemical chaos

The sugarcane contains nutrients and minerals needed for proper sugar metab-
olism. To make white sugar the sugarcane is stripped of it’s outer layers which
contain nutrients. Now only sugar is left over. To make sugar white it’s often
bleached with chlorine, which poses another range of health and fertility dangers.

When you ingest sugar or eat food containing white sugar, your body goes into
hormonal and biochemical chaos. Why? Because it requires specific minerals to
break it down (the same ones which are found in the whole sugarcane plant).

As your body can’t get these nutrients from refined sugar it raids your own
nutrient reserves to be able to digest sugar you just ingested. As such sugar is
rightly named an anti-nutrient, robbing you of your health and fertility.

Sugar drains key fertility nutrients for healthy egg development

Interestingly enough, the nutrients the body leaches to digest sugar are the
key fertility nutrients such as calcium, chromium, magnesium and zinc. If you
think about how much sugar we ingest just by eating processed food, eating at
restaurants or snacking on chocolate and biscuits you can imagine how low our
reserves of these nutrients can become.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

To make matters worse, when you lose minerals your body can not make enough
digestive enzymes to break down everything you eat. This not only leads to fur-
ther complications such as poor digestion and absorption of nutrients from food
but it also increases your chances developing allergies and food intolerances as
partly digested food particles can end up in your bloodstream.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

4 Superfoods You Should Eat

Regularly — All Have Been Shown
To Improve Egg Quality

Maca is a Peruvian plant shown to boost fertility in men and women. In fact, as
far as foods go, Maca is one of the most powerful natural fertility boosters avail-
able. Flour is ground from the dried roots, then used as a food or a supplement.
It can be made into capsules or the powder mixed into food.

Maca directly supports the body’s production of hormones, especially luteniz-

ing hormone (LH). LH is responsible for triggering ovulation in women. It helps
to regulate the menstrual cycle and increases energy. Maca also increases libido
in men and has been shown to counteract the sexual dysfunction that some men
experience when taking SSRI antidepressants. You can get it in powdered form from
your health food store. It tastes great and can be added to smoothies and drinks.

Linseed meal
Linseed meal has been shown to boost ovulation and lengthen short luteal
phase. You can buy it in your health food store, or you can make it yourself by
grinding linseeds in a coffee grinder and storing them in your fridge. Add to your
smoothies, cereal, porridge or sprinkle on your salad.

Royal jelly
Royal jelly is rich source of all key fertility nutrients including amino acids, es-
sential fatty acids and minerals such as iron and calcium. In studies royal jelly
has been shown to support healthy egg development.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

And don’t forget the royal jelly is the food reserved only for queen bee who lays
up to 2000 eggs a day and can live up to 5 years, which is extremely long for
bees. From studies we also know that royal jelly is a fantastic anti-aging agent as
well. You can add it to your smoothie or use it in place of honey in your tea. If you
are allergic to bees or honey you may not be able to have royal jelly.

Green micro-algae
Green micro-algae such as spirulina and chlorella are rich in minerals includ-
ing iodine (good for hypothyroidism). Make a veggie juice with natural fertility
boosters like carrots, celery, baby spinach, parsley, wheat grass and one apple
and stir in couple of teaspoons of spirulina and chlorella (you can buy them in
your health food store in powder form). And voila, a super fertility boost in one
drink. Micro-algae also absorb radiation so they are great if you work in front of
your mac (or pc) all day!

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

The #1 Toxin To Avoid At All Costs

For Healthy, Fertile, Female Eggs

Avoid Phthalates!
Recent studies have made the link between phthalates and infertility even
more conclusive. Dr. Grindler who conducted the study said that phthalates can
speed up menopause by 2.3 and 15 years! That means if menopause on aver-
age takes place around 51 some women could experience it already in their late
30s! Phthalates can predispose you to poor egg quality, poor implantation rates
and early menopause.

A study by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

found that phthalates are linked to implantation failure in couples undergoing
IVF. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant naturally for some time and you know
you are ovulating, your partner’s sperm is healthy and you got the timing right,
but no pregnancy takes place phthalates exposure may be to blame, predispos-
ing you to implantation failure.

What are Phthalates?

They are plasticizers used to make plastic flexible. They are also xenoestrogens
(substances which behave like estrogen once they get into your body) and endo-
crine disruptors which disrupt your hormones and predispose men and women
to infertility, early menopause in women, low sperm counts in men, testicular
atrophy and structural abnormality of the male reproductive system.

In addition Phthalates predispose to estrogen dependent cancers in both men

and women, asthma and eczema and rhinitis in children. They are hard to identi-
fy as they are often only referred to on the product labels as ‘fragrance’.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Some names Phthalates go by on the product labels:

>> BBP (benzyl butyl phthalate)

>> DEP (diethyl phthalate)

>> DIDP (diisodecyl phthalate)

>> DINP (diisononyl phthalate)

>> DMP (dimethyl phthalate)

>> DEHP (di 2-ethylhexl phthalate)

>> DNOP (di-n-octyl phthalate)

>> DBP (dibutyl phthalate)

Where are Phthalates found?

>> Personal care >> Make up >> Sex Toys made

products from so called
>> Food containers
‘jelly rubber’
>> Perfume
>> Cans
>> Glues
>> Air fresheners
>> Food wrappers
>> Paint
>> Eye shadow
>> Children’s toys
>> Printing ink
>> Moisturizers
>> Pesticides
>> Building ma-
>> Nail polish
>> Solvents terials
>> Liquid soap
>> Floor products >> And in many
>> Detergents more products!
>> Textiles
>> Hair spray

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

10 Ways to stay away from Phthalates

1. Buy only natural personal care products – we recommend Miessence.

2. Avoid bottled water – only water bottled in glass is safe

3. Don’t eat canned food and processed food wrapped in plastic

4. Buy phthalate free makeup – use Miessence instead.

5. Avoid plastic containers to store your food – use glass ones only

6. Don’t use plastic flooring, and furniture that’s been plasticized

7. Avoid commercial perfumes – use Miessence or natural oils

8. Don’t buy plastic toys for your children and pets

9. Switch to natural household cleaning products

10. Avoid pesticides and buy organic whenever you can

While it may be difficult or even impossible to completely avoid phthalates by all

means reduce your exposure to them as much as you can.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

2 Crucial Nutrients For Egg

Quality, Health And Fertility

1. Vitamin D
Did you know that there is a vitamin-hormone which has been found not only to
be important for your bones, teeth and immunity but also male and female fertility?

In the 20th century this super nutrient was only considered to be important for
healthy bones and rickets prevention but then the scientists discovered recep-
tors for this nutrient on over 30 organs including skin, kidneys, liver, bones, lungs,
muscles, and you may have guessed it – male and female reproductive organs!

Five Fascinating Facts About Vitamin D For Fertility

1. It’s made from steroids, which gives it a vitamin-hormone name.

2. It’s fat soluble and stored in fat and skin.

3. It can be synthesized by our skin when it’s exposed to sunlight.

4. Scientists still don’t know how much of it we need. There are suggested
adequate intakes and toxicity levels but the exact numbers are still un-

5. You can’t overdose on vitamin D from the sun but you can reach toxic lev-
els of vitamin D from food. That’s because the vitamin D from the sun is a
precursor our body converts to vitamin D when needed.

24 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

How Vitamin D Can Improve Your Fertility

In Women Vitamin D:

>> Stimulates progesterone production in the ovaries by 13%.

>> Stimulates production of two main estrogens in the ovaries; estrone by

21% and estradiol by 9%.

>> Regulates HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin expression – HCG is the

pregnancy hormone measured in urine with a pregnancy test.

>> Increases steroid (sex hormone) production in the placenta.

>> Plays a key role in the endometrial development and implantation of the
fertilized egg.

>> Crucial for calcium transport in the placenta.

>> Can influence IVF outcomes and pregnancy rates.

>> Deficiency predisposes to PCOS and Endometriosis.

>> Deficiency can result in lower quality embryos.

>> Regulates menstrual cycles.

>> Prevents breast cancer by over 70%

Get Your Vitamin D Levels Checked

Use a 25(OH)D test sometimes called 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Optimal levels of

Vitamin D are estimated to be around 50-70 ng/ml. Anything below 40 ng/ml is
predisposing you to a lot of health problems including infertility.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Vitamin D Deficient?

You can get Vitamin D from dairy, meat and some oily fish. You can supplement
with vitamin D3, but the best source of Vitamin D is sunshine! Expose a large
surface of your skin – without sunscreen – to the sun around noon for long
enough for your skin to go slightly pink but not long enough for it to burn.

2. Micro-Mineral Selenium
Selenium is a major micro-mineral antioxidant important for immune and thy-
roid function, breast health in women and needed to increase male fertility. In
pregnancy it maintains a healthy blood pressure and deficiency has been linked
to Down syndrome and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Selenium deficiency can not only lead to infertility, but can also increase the risk
of cardiac failure, cancer, liver disease, hair loss and skin changes.

Selenium’s Functions:

Egg Development

Animal studies showed that selenium deficiency led to poor egg development
and increased birth defects.

Conquers Viruses

Low selenium status can lead to increased virulence of pathogens. Selenium has
been shown to reduce oxidative stress induced by the pathogens, and minimize
their ability to mutate to more aggressive forms.

Responsible for Thyroid Hormone Metabolism

Selenium regulates movement of iodine among different types of hormones

produced by the thyroid gland. It also monitors the amounts of accumulated
thyroxine in the liver and kidneys, inactivating any excesses.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Protects Fetal Tissue

Developing embryo could be harmed by high levels of thyroid hormone in moth-

er’s body. Selenium shields the fetus by neutralizing some of its strength.

Maintains healthy insulin levels in the body

Selenium plays a crucial role in reducing elevated insulin in the blood.

Gene Expression and Cell Replication

Selenium is involved in gene expression and cell replication. It plays a role

in apoptosis – a cell is instructed to self destruct as it’s faulty. Animal studies
showed that rodents deficient in selenium had more tumor formations than
those whose selenium status was normal.

Sperm Shape

Selenium maintains the shape of the sperm mitochondria (cell’s energy generator).

Super Antioxidant

Selenium protects fatty acids from oxidizing. Sperm and eggs are mainly made
of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids can easily oxidize and become ran-
cid. For eggs and sperm this means abnormal function leading to infertility.

What causes deficiency?

Poor nutritional intake of selenium is the main cause of deficiency. Selenium

comes in many forms, some are water soluble. In this form a lot of selenium is
lost through cooking and food storage.

Depleted Soil

Some soils like the Australian, New Zealander and Chilean soil as well as the
soil around the United States (parts of the Pacific Northwest, parts of the Great
Lakes region moving eastward toward the New England states, and parts of the
Atlantic Coast) have been identified as selenium-deficient regions.

27 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Where soil is depleted in selenium, the food sources grown in such soil will also
be depleted in selenium.

Drug Interaction

Glucocorticoids – a group of widely used anti-inflammatories deplete body’s se-

lenium reserves.

How to Improve Egg quality with Selenium?


Selenomethionine is a good form of selenium for supplementation.

Positive Nutrient Interactions

Studies have shown vitamin E and selenium together have protective and ben-
eficial effects on egg and sperm quality. This combination is often successfully
used to increase fertility.

Food Sources

Onions, garlic, grains, Brazil nuts, lean meat, seafood, fruit and vegetables to a
lesser extent. Brazil nuts are excellent source of selenium. You should have 2-3
Brazil nuts a day to keep your eggs healthy.

Recommended daily selenium intake

>> 55 µg/day during preconception care in women

>> 60 µg/day during pregnancy

>> 70 µg/day during lactation

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

One Food To Avoid At All Costs To

Keep Your Eggs Young

Did you ever stop and think that what you are eating may be aging you faster
and consequently lead to poor quality eggs and the diagnosis of “old eggs”?

I’ve received so many emails in the last few months from distraught women
who’ve been told their eggs are too old for conception. While some of these
women are in their 40′s quite a few are still in their mid to late 30′s.

And yet, in spite of the chronological age and poor prognostic outlook many of
these women go on to conceive with their own eggs and give birth to healthy
babies. Those who do, often made some changes to their diet and lifestyles and
followed them religiously for a minimum of a year.

One particular substance has been on the research radar for a good decade. It’s
been linked to tooth decay, acne, diabetes, weight gain, poor immunity, ADD (at-
tention deficit disorder), hyperactivity and aggression, cancer proliferation and
now aging! You may have guessed what I’m talking about – SUGAR.

Sugar causes you to age faster and

lowers your egg quality

What is glycation and what’s it got to do with your cells? From diabetic research
we have learned that when you consume sugar (glucose) – there is a chemical
reaction that takes place between sugar molecules and your fat and protein

As this reaction is not controlled by the enzymes and does not take place in des-
ignated areas of the cell where the sugar molecule can be put to good use – but
it happens all over the cell, this cell is no longer able to function properly. This
leads to poor intake of oxygen, water and nutrients and lowered ability to expel
toxic substances and free radicals. Consequently this can lead to DNA damage
and death of the cell.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

This process is called glycation and like anything in the body it too creates so
called ‘end products’. The end products of glycation are called Advanced Glyca-
tion End-products (AGEs) and their effect on the tissue is making protein fibers
stiff and malformed. So not only do your cells become stiff and start to malfunc-
tion but these end products also act as free radicals speeding up the the aging

This takes place wherever you have protein and fat cells — including your eggs!

A study published in Human Reproduction in 2011 linked the formation of AGEs

to DNA damage in the eggs, lower fertilization rates, poor follicular and embry-
onic development and lower pregnancy rates IRRESPECTIVE of age! Which
offers one explanation why many of my clients are diagnosed with “old eggs”
even in their 30s! This negative effect on the egg quality and age is especially
pronounced in women with PCOS and diabetes.

Eggs need to be plump, with soft zona pellucida (so that sperm can easily pen-
etrate it). Hardening of the zona pellucida (the outer shell of the egg) gives the
eggs a shriveled and old appearance and makes it very difficult for the sperm to
penetrate it. This is when your RE will recommend ICSI or stay away from your
eggs in the first place due to high risk of chromosomal damage and poor egg
division due to the DNA damage.

But don’t despair! The is an all natural

solution for ‘Old Eggs’

The good news is old glycated collagen (which causes wrinkles and shriveled hard
eggs) will eventually be eliminated, recycled and reused for new collagen forma-
tion. But this time you need to make sure you are not bombarding your cells with

Sugar comes in many shapes and forms and is virtually unavoidable. Vegetables,
fruit and whole grains all contain sugar. But there is good and bad sugar: Hi GI
and Low GI variety.

30 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

The key is to stay clear of the Hi GI variety, especially:

>> High-fructose corn syrup – Increases the rate of glycation by 10 times!

>> White sugar

>> Simple carbs (white bread, white rice, white pasta)

And if you want to turn back the clock on your eggs and speed up the recycling
of the collagen fibers your new best friend is – Green tea!

Green tea stimulates collagen synthesis and interferes with glycation and for-
mation of AGEs! Make sure you drink the organic variety as pesticides are vil-
lains worthy of a whole article to themselves. I know you read earlier that caf-
feine needs to be avoided at all costs, however the caffeine in green tea is called
teine and is much milder than caffeine.

You can have 1 cup of organic green tea a day and if you are addicted to sweets
and sugar make that 3 cups a day to help undo the sugar damage.

So make sure to read the labels, avoid refined carbs, drink organic green tea and
give your RE a surprise when your eggs ‘miraculously’ become younger again
after at least four months on this all natural treatment.

Bye-bye sugar and prematurely old eggs and welcome healthy fertilizable eggs!
But be mindful that sugar is not the sole contributor to old eggs: alcohol, coffee,
EM radiation, chemicals, stress etc, also play a role, so while it’s good to be mind-
ful of AGEs it’s vital to follow the full egg rejuvenation program.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

5 Major Risk-Factors For Poor Egg


Smoking, caffeine, alcohol and sugar

Without a shadow of a doubt, these 4 factors have been well studied and are known
to contribute to infertility. They are: early menopause, poor pregnancy outcomes,
pregnancy complications, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, diabetes,
gestational diabetes, low birth babies, chromosomal abnormalities etc.

For pregnancy, the top three are considered teratogens — i.e have the ability to
cause malformations in the fetus. Although you are probably not smoking, are
avoiding alcohol and coffee, if you are trying to get pregnant there are still many
women who indulge in coffee, the occasional drink and a cheeky cigarette when
out with the girls.

And there is nothing wrong with living a little and letting you hair down from time
to time even if you then consume things which are not healthy for you.

BUT when you are trying to get pregnant and the time is not on your side you much,
be your own best friend and stop all those activities for 120 days before concep-
tion. You can find a detailed description of what each of these substances actually
do to your body on a cellular level in the NFP program.

EM exposure
Electromagnetic radiation is all around us. WIFI at home, WIFI at work and all
around town. Your cell phone(s), laptop, iPad, TV, hairdryer, oven etc. They all emit
this type of radiation. So it’s impossible to fully avoid it but there are steps you can
take to minimize your exposure to it and protect your fertility and your eggs.

32 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Just to remind you in case you haven’t read about this already, EM radiation
targets the fastest replicating cells in your body. They are: sperm, eggs and the
embryo. Our body also produces minute amounts of EM radiation as our cells
generate small amounts of electricity.

However our bodies and everything in nature is programed to a Schumann’s

Frequency, which is the frequency of Earth’s pulsating magnetic field. The EM
radiation from all the electronic appliances and gadgets is so new to our human
evolution that we are only now starting to see scary study results on how bad
this radiation actually is for our health.

In addition these EM fields are stronger than our body’s field and can influence
it and change the replication rate of your DNA in all your cells including the em-
bryo and the egg and sperm cells. When this happens chromosomal errors occur
with more frequency which can result in poor egg and sperm quality, deformed
embryo and a miscarriage and tumor and cancer formation.

So you need to be very diligent about not sleeping with your wireless on, not
keeping your cell phone next to your bed and not having any electrical applianc-
es on all the time in your bedroom like TV or a satellite receiver! And I recom-
mend that you get one of these Q-Link shields to wear on your body at all times.
These are the only ones I came across which have been properly studied over
many years and have been shown to work by enhancing your body’s own EM
field to offer more resistance to EM fields of other gadgets and therefore protect
you from their negative effects. They are also pretty and can be worn as jewelry.

Sleep deprivation
You’d think that something nature intended for us to do at least 8 hours a day
is actually crucial to your health and wellbeing. And sleep is extremely import-
ant. Just recall a late night when you had to get up early the next day and only
slept for 4 hours effectively. You were probably dizzy when you got up, your
eyes were bloodshot, your head foggy and you were good for nothing until you
had a shower and a coffee. Which only helped for couple of hour because after
your were tired again and for the rest of the day you were performing at your
suboptimal level.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

In your sleep you learn, you integrate everything you were exposed to that day,
your subconscious is solving problems for you and looking for solutions, your cells
repair and rejuvenate, your digestive system is cleaning itself because you are fast-
ing, your hormones are getting balanced and your immune system is attacking any
invaders and moping up toxins from your system.

You are sleeping but your body is performing the most important maintenance
work. When you are awake all your energy is expended on food, your work and
brain focus, and your physical activities and stress. The reason your body goes un-
conscious when you have a serious injury is so it can divert all its energy and atten-
tion to your healing.

For fertility and healthy eggs, sleep is of paramount importance. You need a mini-
mum of 8 hours a night. Aim to go to bed between 9 and 10 pm. Wake up between
6 and 7 am. Try to maintain this on the weekends too.

Sleep in a well aired room with natural bed covers and don’t have your pets or any
electronic gadgets in your bedroom. Pets move around during the night and will
disrupt your sleep even if you are used to them. Close the door so they can’t get in.

Put your phone on flight mode and disconnect your internet. Also make sure not to
eat for at least 3 hours before going to bed as to not digest your food while sleeping
which will only give you bad dreams and nightmares and poor sleep.

Nutrient deficiencies from food intolerance

Food intolerances are becoming more and more common. All it takes to develop
food intolerances is a stomach bug, food poisoning, a pre-existing food allergy and
an intolerance to a food which you ignored or did not know you have.

All of these factors can cause your gut wall to become inflamed. This leads to loos-
ening of the so called ‘tight junctions” in your gut wall and the ‘leaky gut’. What this
means is that now food molecules can pass through the gut wall and enter the ster-
ile environment behind the gut wall where they are picked up by your immune sys-
tem and now your immune system is creating antibodies for that particular food.
So each time you eat it your immune system sees it as a threat and starts attacking
your gut wall which forms a vicious circle.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

An inflamed gut wall can no longer absorb nutrients properly which means that
no matter how healthy your diet is and how many supplements you take you will
not be able to absorb them. So not only will all your cells be hungry for nutrients
but your egg cells will suffer even more. Why? because on body’s priority list
your reproductive cells are not that important as they are not important to your
survival. Your brain cells, lung cells, liver cells and kidney cells and much more
important that your egg cells.

So, after all the energy and food has been divided to the key cells the eggs will
get the rest which in a nutrient deficient state is probably very little or none
which can contribute to the system shut down or hibernating, evidenced by ir-
regular cycles, missing ovulation, poor egg quality, premature menopause, miss-
ing periods etc.

Exposure to heavy metals and

environmental toxins
High levels of mercury interfere with sperm and egg production and protection
causing infertility. Heavy metals damage neurotransmitters in the nervous system.
They also affect the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

GnRH secretion is necessary for the reproductive system to function properly.

Mercury stored in the pituitary gland can affect production of gonadotrophins
such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Gonado-
trophins are responsible for stimulating ovulation in women and sperm generation
in men.

Heavy metal deposits in the adrenal gland can cause hyperandrogenemia or partial
hypoadrenalism. Exposure to lead or cadmium can cause hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

Accumulation of heavy metals in the ovary impairs the production of progesterone

and estradiol. Abnormal levels of these hormones in the body can affect oocyte de-
velopment. Oocytes are immature ovums found in the ovaries. Heavy metals may
also cause chromosomal abnormalities in the oocyte.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

If you get pregnant with elevated levels of heavy metals in the body, you are more
likely to have a miscarriage, thin placenta, abnormalities in the fetus and prema-
ture childbirth.

Exposure to environmental toxins (in the form of industrial chemicals) both in

utero and neonatally may dramatically affect adult fertility. Most chemicals
used in everyday life do not go through the same checks medicines do. Conse-
quently; poisonous chemicals end up circulating in our environment, food sup-
ply, air and water.

The strongest evidence of heavy metals and environmental pollution adverse-

ly interfering with healthy reproductive function in women has been found for
lead. Other compounds that can alter hormone function and result in adverse
reproductive health effects include:

>> Ovotoxicants: can disrupt or even stop ovulation.

>> Endocrine disruptors: can interfere with hormone function and cause en-
dometriosis and PCOS.

>> Phthalates: in plastic food containers, cling wrap, IV bags, medical sup-
plies, vinyl flooring and packaging at high levels have been associated with
miscarriage and testicular toxicity. At low levels they disrupt hormonal

>> VCH chemicals: used in rubber tires, plastics and pesticides.

>> PAH: released from cigarettes, car fumes and road tar.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

It’s Not Only About Getting

Pregnant — It’s Also About The
Health Of Your Baby

I know we touched on this point earlier in the report but it’s such an important
thing to understand that I feel it warrants a re-summary.

Your baby’s health begins at least 120 days before conception.

That’s right, the quality of your egg and the quality of your partner’s sperm will
determine how well the fertilized egg divides and forms during the crucial first
hours and days following the fertilization. How the rest of the pregnancy goes
also depends on how well you are prepared for it in terms of nutrient reserves,
energy reserves and how clean your body is from toxins such as heavy metals
and environmental pollutants.

Did you know that scientists have discovered over 200 toxins in the umbilical
cord of newborn babies which they were exposed to in the womb before they
had one sip of water and took one breath of air! So this is serious and should
not be taken lightly, especially if you are over 38 years of age when too much of
these toxins can predispose your baby to chromosomal damage.

And this is why pregnancies at 38+ are often considered high risk. Not only are
you at a higher risk of chromosomal damages but these toxins and nutrient defi-
ciencies also predispose you to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia,
gestational diabetes and miscarriage.

Therefore at what we consider ‘advanced age for fertility’ you shouldn’t rush
into pregnancy without properly preparing for it. And remember that it’s not so
much to do with the chronological number of your age but with the duration of
the time it took for the toxins to accumulate and nutrient deficiencies to form.

So please don’t jump into fast fixes and IVF but instead take the time to proper-
ly prepare. Your owe it to your baby and to yourself. And if you start panicking
about the time just remember that even at menopause you still have between
500-1000 eggs left and all you need is 1!

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

4 Steps To Vibrant Egg Health And

Optimal Fertility Even At 40+

Implement a new dietary and lifestyle

approach for a minimum of 120 days
In this report, I shared with you some of the crucial guidelines to improving your
egg health, a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. If you want to more detailed
information and a whole plan for better egg health please take a look at our Egg
Health Program here.

Take the recommended supplements

Vitamin D, Selenium and CoQ10 are just three of the key nutrients for optimal
egg health and a healthy pregnancy.

Get plenty of rest and apply stress

management techniques
Optimal sleep, regular walks in nature, yoga, meditation, affirmations, visualiza-
tions, hobbies and sport are just some of the ways to keep your stress levels in check
and get the healthy work-life-stress balance you need for a healthy pregnancy.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Trust your body’s healing and

regenerating ability
Our bodies are programmed to repair and heal themselves. You were most like-
ly taught to believe that you need drugs and procedures for your body to heal
just about anything. And in some cases like after an accident or a very aggres-
sive life threatening disease this is true.

Drugs and medical procedures can save your life. But infertility and poor egg
quality are neither an accident or a life threatening disease. For the majority of
cases they are only states of imbalance in the body which stem from toxin ac-
cumulation, nutrient deficiencies and resulting hormonal imbalances and poor
system functions which need to be addressed and treated naturally with diet,
supplements, healthy lifestyle choices and plenty or rest and sleep. Give your
body what it needs and it will repair and heal itself!

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

About Iva Keene

Iva Keene MRMed. ND. is a leading, Australian trained Natural Fertility special-
ist based in Verbier, Switzerland.

She has 10+ years experience helping couples overcome fertility problems naturally.

Since 2007 Iva and her team have provided natural fertility coaching and infor-
mation to couples around the world.

Iva is the creator of the award-winning NFP Method (Natural Fertility Prescrip-
tion). And co-founder of The NFP 16-Week Fertility Coaching Program.

She has featured in, or written for, publications in Australia, UK, Europe and
USA. These include:, women’s health, conceive, pregnancy corner,
natural baby pros and the wellness hour.

In 2013, Australian Women’s Health Magazine named her ‘One of 15 women

who will change your health’

40 Copyright © 2007–2017 Natural Fertility Sarl All Rights Reserved Worldwide •
How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

She’s presented on fertility (in person and online) in the US, UK, Australia, Swit-
zerland and the UAE. And has published a number of reports and 100+ articles
on Natural Fertility. As well as in-depth video, audio and written guides for pri-
vate fertility clients.

Iva has a Masters in Reproductive Medicine from the University of New South
Wales in Sydney Australia. And a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy
from Endeavour College in Melbourne Australia.

She’s a member of the Natural Medicine Association of Switzerland; a certified

member of the general council & register of naturopaths in the United Kingdom;
and a registered member of the Swiss Foundation for Complimentary Medicine.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

About Fertility Coach

Fertility Coach are specialist providers of natural fertility, preconception care

and pregnancy support.

We help couples, wary of invasive procedures and drug side-effects, to take

greater control of their fertility.

And we show them step-by-step, how to do this with coaching, information and
tools delivered conveniently and discretely online, by phone and by email.

Our unique Natural Fertility Prescription (NFP) method draws on 10+ years of
specialised clinical experience and the latest research.

To date, we’ve helped hundreds of previously infertile couples have healthy

babies. These clinical results demonstrate that many couples struggling to con-
ceive are able to have children naturally with the right help and support.

Some clients had endured years trying to conceive, multiple fertility problems
and failed IVF cycles before finding success with our method. The NFP method
is endorsed by natural health practitioners, RE’s and medical doctors.

During the coaching program show you step-by-step how to address the under-
lying factors most relevant to your case, and how to correct the imbalances that
may be triggering your infertility.

These can be deficiencies, toxicities, hormonal imbalances and metabolic issues.

The steps include food and nutrition, toxin removal, sleep hygeine, mind/body
and lifestyle adjustments. Each case and condition is slightly different.

Our mission is to help 10,000 infertile couples have healthy babies.

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How to Improve the Health of Your Eggs

Contact Information
Email: Web:

The NFP 16-Week Fertility Coaching Program is a unique, personalised online

Natural Fertility coaching program designed to help you and your partner opti-
mize your fertility naturally, conceive, have a healthy pregnancy and give birth
to a healthy baby.

A leading source of award-winning and doctor endorsed natural fertility infor-

mation online offering cutting edge articles, reports and programs to help you
improve your fertility naturally.


Natural Fertility Sarl

Chemin des Vernes 46

Verbier, 1936


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