Presented By: Hizbullah & Usman Khan

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Presented By

Usman Khan
Email Hacking Preventions
Presentation Layout
a) What is Hacking?
b) Email Hacking Methods.
c) Preventions of Email Hacking.
a). What is Hacking?
The word “hacker” was used to describe
a great programmer.
 Someone, able to build complex
 Someone, exploiting weakness of a
system to gain unauthorized access.
 A person who doing hacking as known
as “Hacker”.
b). Email Hacking Methods
1. Phishing Attack
2. Key Logging
3. Brute Forcing
4. Social Engineering
1. Phishing Attack
Phishing attack will direct the user to visit a website where
they are asked to login with your email which is look like the
legitimate website but in reality it is fake.
Phishing scams could be:
 Emails inviting you to join a Social Group, asking you to
Login using your Username and Password.
 Email saying that Your Bank Account is locked and Sign
in to Your Account to Unlock it.
 Emails containing some Information of your Interest and
asking you to Login to Your Account.
 Any Email carrying a Link to Click and asking you to
2. Key Logger
 With key logger hacking email is more
easy and simple than phishing.
 It is a simple .exe executable file.
 When someone click it, the key logger
auto download.
 And you’ll , on your computer, you
start it, and put in the IP of destination,
and every hour you will receive keys
pressed on his computer.
3. Brute Forcing
 Trying a random approach by attempting different passwords and
hoping that one works.
 Some logic can be applied by trying passwords related to the person’s
name, job title, hobbies, or other similar items.
 Brute force randomly generates passwords and their associated
 Tools which perform the Brute force attack are:
1. Aircrack-ng
2. John the Ripper
3. Rainbow Crack
4. Ophcrack
5. Hashcat
c). Preventions of Email Hacking
Prevention Against Phishing
 Read all the Email Carefully and
Check if the Sender is Original.
 Watch the Link Carefully before
 Always check the URL in the
Browser before Signing IN to your
 Always Login to Your Accounts
after opening the Trusted
Websites, not by Clicking in any
other Website or Email.
Prevention Against Key Logger
1. Encrypt Keystrokes i.e
KeyScrambler, Zemana
AntiLogger etc
2. Use AntiVirus i.e Panda
Cloud AntiVirus, Kaspersky
AntiVirus etc
3. Use Firewall i.e ZoneAlarm
Free Firewall, Comodo Free
Firewall etc
4. Use Password Manager i.e
LastPass etc
5. Update Your Software
Prevention Against Brute Force
 Minimum length of at
least seven characters
 Must include both upper
and lower case characters
 Must include numeric
 Must include punctuation
 Always configure a Secondary Email Address for
the recovery purpose.
 Properly configure the Security Question and
Answer in the Email Account.
 Do Not Open Emails from strangers.
 Do Not Use any other’s computer to check your
 Take Care of the Phishing Links.
 Do not reveal your Passwords to your Friends or

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