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11.) What is damping in vibration and its significance? Give examples of dampers.

Damping is a mechanism of absorbing the vibration energy. Damping is of

primary importance in controlling vibration response amplitudes under conditions of

steady-state resonance and stationary random excitation. Some of the Vibration energy

is usually converted into heat energy or it is change to sound energy. Example of

dampers are the flashboards in car or the shock absorbers which consist of a piston fit

into a cylinder where the fluid or the oil inside the cylinder resists the motion of the

piston and thus absorbing the motion’s energy. This kind of damping is usually called

viscous damping.

12.) What are underdamping, critical damping and overdamping? Differentiate them and

give examples.

Depending in the damping ratio, the three types of damping can be differentiated.

Damping ratio is defined as a dimensionless measure describing how oscillations in a

system decay after a disturbance.

In underdamping system, it occurs when the damping ratio is less than 1. The

system oscillates gradually with decrements of motion until it reaches zero or no motion

at all. Putting it in an example; An automatic door when it is opened will swing back and

forth with decreasing size of the swing until it comes to a stop.

When it comes to overdamped system, damping ratio is greater than one. The

system undergoes a very much firm damping. Because of this, the system has

tendencies to achieve
equilibrium without even oscillating. an automatic door is overdamped if it will return to

closed without oscillating but more slowly depending on how overdamped it is.

When a system exhibits damped system, the damping ratio is exactly one. Since

this ratio is exactly one, the system shows the tendencies to come to equilibrium as

quickly as possible without damping. Going back to the automatic door, it is critically

damped if it will return to closed as quickly as possible without oscillating.

13.) Explain how vibration measurement is done and its significance.

Accelerometer is the instrument used in measuring vibration. Accelerators are

transducers that measure the dynamic acceleration of a physical device and present it

in a form of voltage. Therefore, this kind of instrument relies on the use of piezoelectric

effect, which occurs when a voltage is generated on the material when they are

subjected to stress.

This measurement is of great significant to the durability and reliability of

machineries and structures. Also, it is a countermeasure in order to prevent some

problems such as damage, abnormal stopping and disaster. In a production system, it is

kept in operation by detecting the possible failure of a part through adverse vibration

patterns. Vibration measurement also used during the daily maintenance of machines.

14.) How are vibration analysis and control performed? What is its significance?

Vibration analysis is performed by measuring the vibration levels and frequencies

of industrial machinery, and using that information to determine the “health” of the

machine, and its components.

In terms of controlling, vibration is being controlled through mitigation. It is done

by controlling the impact of vibration, we can either decrease the intensity of the

vibration source or decrease the sensitivity of the equipment.

These vibration analysis and control are tools used to diagnose and troubleshoot

some major parts of a machinery. It is also used in detecting some defects on several

parts of the machine. Through the use of vibration analysis and control, monitoring the

trend over time of the condition of the machine would now be possible that could give us

some predictions of its fault.

15.) Why is it important to study vibration as mechanical engineers?

In practicing the profession of a Mechanical engineer, Safety factors should

always be the top priority. Engineers should be aware in the Vibrations that machineries

and equipment are producing. This Vibrations might cause stress and wear in

equipment like pumps, turbines, air compressors etc. These stresses can cause

deterioration and failure to the equipment. In studying Vibration engineering, we,

mechanical engineers, are able to analyze the failure in every equipment to ensure not

only our own safety but to the safety of every people around the world.

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