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Department of Education eyes Good Manners and Right Conduct Class

The Department of Education wanted to strengthen the “basic skills” especially in the
early grade levels. Education Secretary Leonor Briones said that “For example, they should
know how to say good morning, how to deal with other children along with basic numeracy and
reading skills, which I’ve noticed are already being done in other countries.” She said she didn’t
mean that the youth’s values are failing, but the world is changing, that is why we must prepare
our children, because someday, they’ll be the leaders of our country. They should think in an
analytical kind of way and to think more in terms of problem solving.

Children these days are somewhat very high-tech already. Even four-year olds know
how to use a cellphone. Some kids just play games, but others already know how to use the
social media. Social media is a catch-all term for a variety of internet applications that allow
users to create content and interact with each other. Using social media, there are lots of things
that we can gather, and these things influence us because we, humans, love to go with the flow.
I mean it’s good to interact with other people from different regions of the world, especially
family, but the thing I’m worried about is that not everything in social media is a good influence.
These kids who use social media are somehow influenced by what I’m referring to. One time,
while eating at a fast-food restaurant, a mother and two children were on the table beside mine.
These two children were teasing each other, then the teasing lead to swearing at each other.
Somehow, the thought that “Children these days are carried away so easily by the bad
impression of the society,” came into my mind, when I saw that scene, and what’s worse is that
the mother didn’t even bother to reprehend them and was busy using her phone. So for me, I
think this is a good idea, but I hope that our children can gradually grasp good manners and
right conduct, because these children are the hope of our country.

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