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EBB a Work in pairs. IF you wona lot of money, would you .. 4. spend it on yourself? 2 spend it on family and fiends? 3 give it away to a good cause? 4 put tin a bank and not tell anyone about it? Lead-in b Isit possible to have too much money? Why/Why not? Complete the table with the verbs and phrases from the box. ( eam good value for have spare inherit invest. in itsnotworth the lend make nothave enough run ut of save spend steal use your. wisely waste Money Money and time spend Can you add any more words or phrases to the table in exercise 2a? @ Write down one thing that... 1 is a waste of money/good value for money. 2 you'd like to do but you don't have enough time to do. 3. you do to use your time wisely. 4 you spend a lat of money on. 5 you would do today if you had lots of money to spare. 6 you'd like to invest money or time in. Work in groups and compare your ideas. sp pues cosuawy so rs unop am ye deans 54009 nf 25019 0 dp un nog es (eu (1010 pao 30} 5 589 puss O40 200 Batre B Jo Au04s ona ou, ‘pau au aL I eal Suyuoysy] pue Surpeoy Die W elem 91k ae a sqionyeseiyd | AareTqROOA, o a sep sovang abueue pu ‘was uh ey ouoou0s ese rouaidnus ‘2m noe eno wou Ss>SP Pu SM HO 9s a6 yong voppunvans 995 “suogsnb ag sss pue sed u uo a 20 28 359 S86 .4P >| es you Lyn Secon Susan pa 3 po os sae ap 19 360d spuaefay 205 pate ag 01 spe oun ‘sBeyuonsonb 28 940 ppb a ya eu se joa Sed uo ue soyog 0 ysous 04 Yoge } a Ou Supreeds puw Suyueysy] faa “san teduo» 01 spiom BUFBpU DeuP> bit sooyo pul og eu any ou pees QE ‘ue no puna nk yd “aoed yup nosis eo 20k yoo ogi MoAoI may “yp pes ot pep a aN Ye ue un n'a Sng fog ae eau ARE 0p Ma EoREUOE wo 0013 Bape Supyeods, ‘he Bed ve sap nok aH: @ fovou] __pusés son sak “moje age on wat ng Buddays am paDouaED sored pus spiom puypue wade opie ag x00" we GD auddous | £retnqRoo,, 91 2604209 uoyorunvesg 205 \paeds 58 owes a) suru 0s sousiuas puoss aa anduc) we oq zee aay 4 ak epo sng tno sag Gn Ses onde epee ane BE) 9 2804 aay 205 “Kaun. 2412010 na ods 240 MUM, ‘osnot wanna nog, ny 02650240404, 2 ns 2s00H 0 240420} ® “ouou nok 80m yen noh ‘ara ays sma nog + () a9npe siden sian ep0u 1090130106 s5ppe HONS 8 -wourdo yop no 0p 9 Bo HD HP BUEN LW wand oAneV a sonsue uy oq seuwesd oxy 29 -¥) patie ayn spine gee Pe Ne BE oye pue uogesnqojo sjepow | JMETETUTeTE) “snonque 24° 0 oy 0m4 no, sia uy — PULA, -wapyues 9a" (ean soap 2 2789 p08 BED oe i> sop Sae9 Fou snok—— (ans op, “(ues pos no") pRONs ny uED 9 nade ug 9 0H ‘moje sou a ju pue wee wasn 9 nok ssi pe @ aun hustanp ny § ‘9 aod avany a8 ou") aes yy sau quan anysod s — 2s 24017209 ays doy Agogo x “puou 0 0 uniodsajer ao un WORD ft SEES OonOw jetour puedg |e", ‘oq Au wens ay dem | Bunsowes ng 24H 'spiom 350 sn nt) "st 340 wou are Bse04> oC 0p 0} av00ue anna ouoat08 “pon Jo ned wpe usoming Suucou up an Ss Se UM Spiom Suisnyuo) | ATBTNQBoOA Fane Sete reat eet 951 280d og Bunun 905 RS ‘aeynqeron pur suoneuey out 03 vais 6 “ss oy fos 2c os ‘ssf uuo> a aro pue Sas 9 a6 Ye senua9seuaypus> uit 250 Aen 1 06 1011 52)07, up sutus s91n ssaqun/so uoos sojuaya “0 pow eo) 3540 2531+ 2 a an stone sewn suonom se woos sv/ssoyun/ueya gt Wy TeUOTTPUOD ISIRT Pu 010z, yous xupmoys nok 125i) 08 pynoys nan wopepuauiwior9ys {Corwen nok ues poking essareu 104 snes {sams pos uayo a 104 wonesingo uOHTayOIE pure ‘WOTESTTGO JO STEPOT fn ose a sas HO 04 245 upp ‘acy 20M 245 “anyeBbu 24-0 “p 20 s20p"0p 25ngn Aye OW 53134 “fey apefoueasnswousims mew s8e} uoHsonD eouerejoy |b agar a aun ea ging 8 8 ‘any 0 eo sung pp Nd PA =~ mjossm weg ‘ou pumas SR) PIED UO EI cise gu va ag oyu voto 204 2nd day op suoseas ey wee ReCout-lasadusrarecog ig 4 Review and practice ‘Complete the questions with the correct question tags. 2 I can't park here, z 2. I need to phone 3. The guests will be here soon, 2 4 She had a headache, 7 5. This match is boring, 6 7 8 9 ma genius, 2 We're going out later, They haven't called yet I shouldn't give her the mone) 30 You woke up early this mor GAB Match the questions (1-10) in exercise 1 with the answers (a-)). No, they haven't. Yes, we are. No, you can't. No, you shouldn't. Yes, itis. No, you're not. Yes, you do. Yes, I did. Yes, they wil. Yes, she did. GBB Read the text. Some lines have one extra, incorrect word, Write the extra word in the space or tick (V) ifthere is no extra word. ‘Memo to: all staff From: management ‘Atthe meeting we agreed on somerules. — _/_ All staff should look smart to ti. atall times but workers don’t never have to wear a suit unless requested. Staff = ‘must to go outside to smoke and should = _ try not to blow smoke in through the a windows. Workers mustn't not leave dirty cups in the workspaces and food must not to be consumed in the office. Staff do not have to be eat in the canteen, but lunch breaks must not have exceed one hour. Choose the correct words in italics. 4 People under eighteen don’t have to/mustn't smoke in England. it's illegal. 2. You don't have to/mustn't ea to. It's your choice. You don’t have to/mustn’t be late for work. Ken's so rich he doesn’t have to/mustn't work. We don’t have to/mustn’t miss the last bus. Markus doesn't have to/mustn’t work on Sundays, but he often goes into the office. ‘you don’t want GBB complete the sentences with if, when or unless. 41 ___ you want to make a lot of money, you'll rave to work hard, 2. You won't be successful__ you're very cetermined. 3 ____you are good with figures, don't do your ‘own business accounts, 4 You should leave your desk tidy __you finish. work each day, 5 Noone else will believe in you you don't believe in yourself. 6 you have a good business idea you could rake a lot of money. GHB correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 If will see you tomorrow, | will give you the book. 2. She won't actin the film unless that she receives er normal salary. 3. We'll go as soon the taxi arrives. 11 drink another cup of coffee, | will be not able to sleep tonight. ‘can't hear you unless you don’t shout. When | next go shopping, I'll to buy some milk. Unless you drive carefully, you won't crash. s soon as you will see him, call me. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. advert around figures lend refund run trip up value 4 Ican't even buy you a coffee because Ive __ cut of money. 2 This computer only cost me $400. Do you think thatis good ____ for money? 3. &: What's wrong with Joe? B: He's just broken ___with his girfriend. 4h: I didn’t know you could speak Russian. B: Yes,|__itup when | was living there. 5 My wife deals with the money forthe business, because I'm not very good with __. 6 Before | buy anything big, | always shop_to try and get the best price, 7 Me need to find a new flatmate, so we're putting an ___inthe local paper. 8 A: Imflying to Parisin the morning. B: Haveagood | 9 The MP3 player | bought didn’t work, so took it back fora__ 10 Can you_ me some money until the end of the month?

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