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Physical fitness is a set of abilities that one possesses in order to perform physical activities
with over fatigue. You can become physically fit through exercise, which is a type of physical activity
consisting of planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement. This means that physical fitness is a
measurable set of characteristics that is determined by my exercise habits.

Components of physical fitness test

 Health related physical fitness

 Cardiorespiratory endurance
 Muscular endurance and strength
 Flexibility
 Body composition

 Skill-related physical fitness

 Agility
 Balance
 Coordination
 Power
 Reaction time
 Speed

 Physiological fitness- can be measured using equipments or tools and in laboratory facility

Age: Sex:
Weight: Height:
1. Curl-ups _____ times
2. Push-ups _____ times
3. 50m sprint _____ seconds
4. Sit and Reach _____ inches
5. Standing Long Jump _____ centimetres

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