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Sitz bath or hip bath is a bath in which a patient sits in water up to the hips to relieve discomfort and
pain in the lower part of the body. Sitz bath works by keeping the affected area clean and increasing
the flow of blood.

A sitz bath may be created simply by filling a bathtub with some water and sitting in it for a few
minutes. Alternatively, a large basin can be used. There are also special devices that fit into toilet
bowls. Sitz baths may either be warm or cool. Some people find alternating between hot and cold
water soothing. Sitz baths may be filled with just water, or substances such as salt, baking soda or
vinegar can be added.

Steps to provide sitz bath

= To observe client closely during the bath for signs of faintness, dizziness, weakness, accelerated
pulse rate, and pallor.

=to assist the client into the bath. Provide support for the clients feet, a footstool can prevent
pressure on the backs of the thighs.

= maintain the water temperature

=provide bath blanket for the clients shoulders, and eliminate drafts to prevent chilling.

= following the sitz bath, assist the client out of the bath. Help the client to dry.


To relieve muscle spasm sitz bath water is 40-43C or 105 to 110F

To soften exudates soak duration is 15-20 minutes

To hasten the suppuration process

To hasten healing

To reduce congestion and provide comfort in the perineal area


To aid healing a wound in the area by cleaning on discharges and slough

To induce voiding in urinary retention

To relieve pain, congestion and inflammation in cases of: hemorroids, tenesmus, rectal surgery, anal
fissures, after proctoscopic or cycloscopic exams., sciatica, uterine and renal colic.

To induce menstruation.

Important Considerations

Warm water should not be used if considerable congestion is already present.

The patient should be observed closely for signs of weakness and faintness.

After the patient is in the tub or the chair, check to see whether or not there is pressure against the
patient’s thighs or legs.
Support patient’s back in the lumbar region.


Sitz tub half filled with water 105F

Pitcher of water 130F

Bath thermometer

Ice cap-with cover

Fresh camisa

Bath towel

Bath blanket

Rubber ring p.r.n.

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