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Choose the best answer for the following d.

John and Ron will accompany

questions! Professor Andrew to the airport for
leaving to England.
John :”Hi Ron, I’ve been wondering
e. They will participate in finishing the
about Prof. Andrew’s new
research together with their
scientific experiment lately. Have
you heard about it?”
Ron :”Yes. Last time he came to my Anna :”Welcome to Ritzon International
class and asked all the students to Hotel. Is there anything I can help
come to his office to see about the Ma’am?”
experiment. I heard it was about Karen :”Hello, I have a plan to stay in this
the research on ultraviolet’s hotel with my family. Would you
energy to use in the smart phone. I like to give me the room’s detail
have really expected it.” and price?”
John :”Well, then let’s watch it this Anna :”Of course, with my pleasure
week. Do we have a class with ma’am. We are offering you 5 styles
him?” with different price. For the lowest,
Ron :”I think yeah. We already we have simple-modern room style
rescheduled it last week. Now we with the price 85k IDR for each
have a class in every week days.” night. For the highest, we have
John :”That sounds great. I hope he presidential suit room with the
doesn’t come back to England yet. price 350k IDR for each night. You
I really like his style in lecturing can get a discount if you check in at
us.” the same day as today or book the
Ron :”Me too. He is one of my favorite room through our official website.”
professors all the time.” Karen :”Okay, I understand now. Can I get
the additional service for each
1. Where does the dialogue probably take
room’s styles?
Anna :”Of course Ma’am. Every morning
a. The hospital d. The hallway
we provide you a breakfast; you
b. Lecturer’s office e. The dorm
can have it in-room breakfast or
c. The University
have it in the restaurant in the
2. What can we imply about Prof. Andrew
lobby. Beside it, we also available
based on the dialogue above?
for morning-services such as
a. He is a teacher in Junior High School
cleaning the room and make your
b. He gives the students a task about
bed. Don’t worry about the
ultraviolet’s energy research.
laundry; all of the customers can
c. He is a British.
enjoy our laundry service in the
d. John and Ron didn’t know the last time
fifth floor.”
schedule in their class.
Karen :”Wow, that sounds really nice. I
e. The students don’t really enjoy the
think I will check in today.”
way their professor teaches them.
Anna :”May I know your room’s type
3. What will John and Ron do after the
discussion about the research?
Karen :”I will choose the Presidential Suit
a. They will reschedule the class next
room for 2 days. Don’t forget about
week with Prof. Andrew.
the discount.”
b. John and Ron will go to Professor
Anna :”Exactly. We will give you 10% off
Andrew’s office to check the
sale price and here is the key. Have
experiment’s result.
a nice weekend.”
c. They will tell the other students to join
Karen :”Thanks.”
them to go to Professor’s office due to
the experiment’s result.
4. When does probably Karen will start to shopping just go around Jakarta. Jakarta has
stay in the hotel? many malls and market.
a. In Monday to Tuesday But there are some serious problems in
b. In Friday to Sunday Jakarta. Two of them are traffic jam and
c. In Saturday to Sunday flood problem. Don't be surprised if you
d. Every weekend stuck in a traffic jam in Jakarta. Traffic jam is
e. In the morning to night everywhere in here. The government still
5. What does Anna’s occupation based on tries to solve this problem. They make a bus
the dialogue above? way so everyone doesn't have to ride their
a. A tour agent own vehicle. And the last thing is the flood
b. A tour guide problem. There are too many buildings in
c. Karen’s personal secretary Jakarta so there's no trees and open field
d. A hotel’s bell girl left. Every road in Jakarta is asphalt so
d. A hotel’s receptionist water can't go anywhere, even if the water
6. What kind of information do you take goes to the guttery they'll be blocked with
about the service provide for the hotel’s garbage. The government always tries to
customer? solve this problem but flood will come again
a. The hotel insists their customer to when the rain season comes.
clean the bed every morning. Hey do you know that Jakarta has an
b. Each customer can enjoy the laundry interesting culture too? Jakarta has Betawi
service which provides in the lobby tribe. Their culture is interesting. They have
c. The customer will get an off-price if ondel-ondel . It’s similar to a clown but
they book the hotel online. ondel-ondel scarier or not funny at all and it
d. As a customer, we can eat or take the wears the traditional clothes.
breakfast in our own room.
8. What is the main idea of the second
e. The laundry service only available for
the customer in Presidential Suit
a. The old buildings that still exist in
Room type.
7. How much the price that Karen has to
b. Skyscrapers as one of the most iconic
pay for staying in the hotel?
thing that only can be found in Jakarta
a. 85.000 idr
c. Fatahillah Museum in Central Jakarta
b. 350.000 idr
d. The old buildings have become
c. 340.000 idr
Jakarta’s special features for tourism.
d. 315.000 idr
e. The capital city of Indonesia with all
e. 630.000 idr
its lack.
JAKARTA 9. Why people choose to have some
exercises in Senayan?
Jakarta is a big city. It's located in Java
a. There are many open fields available
Island in Indonesia and it's the capital city of
in there.
b. Government provides a sport center
Jakarta has many buildings and skyscrapers.
for many people in Senayan.
Although Jakarta has that, Jakarta still has
c. People can do sport with sea view
many old buildings such as Fatahillah
along the seashore.
Museum in Central Jakarta.
d. There are so many kinds of sport that
In Jakarta we can find anything. If you want
can do in Senayan, include diving
to do some exercise just go to Senayan,
e. People not only able to do some
there are many open field at there. If you
sports but also do a shopping activity
want to see a beach just go to Ancol and
in one place.
take a boat to Seribu Island. You can also
dive there. And if you want to have some
10. What can we infer from the text above? Built as a refuge for the elite of the
a. The flood and traffic jam has become Incas aristocracy, the fortress was located
the government main issue recently. on the eastern slopes of the Vilcanota
mountain range, about 80 miles from
b. Betawi tribe is the only one original
Cusco, the capital of the empire. Its
tribe that stays in Jakarta until recent strategic location was chosen with
times. admirable success. Surrounded by steep
c. The decreasing of private vehicle can cliffs and away from the sight of strangers in
give a bad impact to traffic jam in a tangled forest, the citadel of Machu
Jakarta Picchu had the quality of having only one
d. The government’s solution has narrow entrance, allowing, in case of a
surprise attack, to be defended by very few
successfully proven to reduce the
traffic jam in Jakarta. Occupied by at least three
e. Many people in Jakarta live without generations of Incas, Machu Picchu was
considering the water-flows system. abandoned in a sudden and mysterious
decision. The strongest hypothesis explain
The Machu Picchu his disappearance from the historical
Most modern archaeologists and memory because that Machu Picchu was
historians agree that Machu Picchu was unknown to the lower castes and their
built by the Inca Pachacutec, the greatest routes prohibited for anyone who was not
statesman of Tahuantinsuyo, who ruled part of the small circle of the Inca.
from 1438 to 1471. Archaeologists assume Furthermore, according to their
that the construction of the citadel would research, the place had a quarry nearby
date from the fifteenth century that could provide the finest white granite
approximately chronological date given by stones.
the carbon-14 or radiocarbon.
The construction of Machu Picchu 11. What is the topic for the text above?
began when the Inca´s territory started to a. The explanation of historian’s
grow. According to archaeologists, in this research toward the Machu Picchu.
area was fought the last battle that defined
b. The origin story behind the Machu
victory over the Chancas, covering
prestigious victory and gave power to the Picchu’s construction
Inca Pachacutec. c. The reason why Machu Picchu was
built in the eastern slope of
d. The Machu Picchu as a symbol of the
victory over Chancas.
e. The sudden disappearance of Machu
Picchu in the latest decades.
12. Why the ancient people decided to
build Machu Picchu in the slope of the
Inca Pachacutec was the first to mountain?
emerge beyond the valley of Cusco after his a. To reclaim and border their own
epic victory over the Chancas. He
territory as a result from the victory
conducted the Tahuantinsuyo expansion
and recognized it as the "constructor" of over the Chancas.
Cusco. This was one of his greatest works. b. It was surrounded by steep cliffs and
The origin of Machu Picchu is away from the sight of strangers in a
attributed with some certainty to tangled forest.
Pachacutec, embattled president, which c. It made them easier to spread the
was characterized by territorial conquests, religion and spirituality to the God
and the development of religion and
and to the other ancient people.
spirituality. From today there are
archaeological studies supporting the d. To make their enemy know about
theory gods and a challenge to the ruler to the expansion and recognize area of
built skills. Machu Picchu.
e. Based on the suggestion of the lifecycle for software development projects.
greatest statesman of Tahuantinsuyo. I also have experience in learning and
13. The word “refuge” in the fifth paragraph applying new technologies as
appropriate. Please see my resume for
could be best replaced with….
additional information on my experience.
a. territory d. shelter
b. salvage e. area I can be reached anytime via email at
c. camp or by
14. What is the antonym of “tangled” in cell phone, 909-555-5555.
fifth paragraph?
Thank you for your time and consideration. I
a. mess d. organize
look forward to speaking with you about
b. dirty e. rampage
this employment opportunity.
c. neat
15. What probably people feel after seeing Sincerely,
the Machu Picchu?
a. bewildered d. hideous John Donaldson
b. astonished e. spellbound
16. Who is probably George Gilhooley?
c. amazed
a. The company’s person
John Donaldson b. An officer to receive an application
8 Sue Circle letter
Smithtown, CA 08067 c. A general manager from Times Union
909-555-5555 d. An appointment-secretary in the company
e. The Times Union’s worker agency.
September 1, 2018
17. Why does the applicant have so much
George Gilhooley
confident to get the position in the
Times Union
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065 a. He had so many job experiences and
good education background
Dear Mr. Gilhooley, b. He has the key strengths to support
his position as the intern designer
I am writing to apply for the programmer c. During his college period, he already
position advertised in the Times Union. As
collected so many certificate in
requested, I enclose a completed job
application, my certification, my resume relation with his current position
and three references. d. He is the only candidate to get the
position in the company.
The role is very appealing to me, and I e. The role and the salary have been
believe that my strong technical experience appealing him to participate in the
and education make me a highly
job vacancy.
competitive candidate for this position. My
key strengths that would support my 18. What is the applicant’s lastest education
success in this position include:
 I have successfully designed,
a. A customer service
developed and supported live-use
applications. b. New technologies programmer
 I strive continually for excellence. c. Designer and developer in live-use
 I provide exceptional contributions applications
to customer service for all d. Software development projects
customers. e. BS degree in computer programming

With a BS degree in Computer 19. The word “opportunity” in the last

Programming, I have a comprehensive paragraph has the similar meaning
understanding of the full with…
a. Obstacle d. Occasion Haza : We have to submit the final report
b. Desperate e. Change of our visit to Toba Lake tomorrow,
C. Chance but I think there are still a lot of
grammatical errors and incorrect
20. What is the social function from writing spelling and etc.
an application letter? Beni : _______
Haza : That’s very thoughtful of you.
a. To persuade the company to be able
to accept us to work in it.
24. What is the suitable expression to fill
b. To make the company acknowledge the blank space?
our ability that is suit with the a. I am so sorry to hear that
needed position. b. What about having lunch?
c. To inform the company about our c. I recommend that you help me
background education and job d. If I have time I’ll do it for you
e. What if I take them after I finish this
d. To describe our adavantages in order
to get a permission to work in the 25. Which of the sentences using if – clause
company that show suggestion?
e. To get the proper experience in order a. If I am a doctor I will help poor
to get a job vacancy people.
b. Unless you drink enough water, you
Answer the questions with the suitable “if- won’t get kidney trouble
clause” expression. c. If you study hard you will be
21.Mom :Unles you add enough spices on d. If I am a doctor I will help poor
it, the chicken karee will taste people.
e. If you feel bored, how about going to
the cinema?
Mia : Are you serious mom?
The main caluse of the dialogue above
a. Dream d. Suggestion
b. Imperative e. Reminder
c. General truth

22. Which of the sentences using if – clause

that show dream? 
a. If I am a doctor I will help poor
b. If you are unwell, see the doctor
c. If you feel bored, how about going to
the cinema?
d. Unless you drink enough water, you
won’t get kidney trouble
e. If you study hard you will be

23. Rio : If you visit Bali, enjoy yourself in

beautiful white sandy beaches of
26. What experience does the applicant
Ria : Oh really? That sounds great.
The italic sentence shows that…. must have to apply the job?
a. General truth d. Reminder a. The applicant is capable to work
b. Imperative e. Dream during the holidays
c. Suggestion b. The applicant have worked in retaile
company before.
c. The applicant must get really e. Driving through the town to find a
understand well about body care and potential and profitable customer
treatment and make a deal with them.
d. The applicant have worked as a
29. What kind of company probably put a
customer service in retail company.
job vacancy on the text?
e. The applicant have to work under the
a. A company in delivering order field
pressure in a team
b. Insurance company
27. Suppose you want to apply the job, c. Fast-food Restaurant
what should you do? d. Houseware production factory
a. Sending the application letter to the e. Motorcycle and bike store
company address. department
b. Write the CV only and send through
30. The word “revenue” has the similar
the company’s email.
meaning with….
c. Attend the interview session that hold
a. Salary d. Contract
by the company.
b. Acquisition e. Income
d. Write the application letter and come
c. Renewal
to the company.
e. Sending the application letter and CV
through post/po box.

31. The completed First stage-Degree which

must be fulfilled by the applicant in the
28. What is the main work field that the
following statement, except…
applicant will get when they are
a. Human Resources
b. Bussiness administration
a. Serving and helping the potential
c. Finance
customer to improve the company’s
d. Management
e. Bussiness study
b. Represent the company in the
marketing field throung seminar and
workshop every certain times.
c. Fulfill the company’s target to
increase the profiability.
d. Provide the solution for the
company’s problem and customer

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