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Activity 1. Select the best title for the short news below.

a. More road accidents are caused by drivers who fall

asleep at the wheel than is generally recognized, an Tired drivers a danger on the road.
MP claimed yesterday. He has called for Government Shopping centre accident avoided.
action to help solve the problem.

b. At least 100 Sussex children and staff are thought

to be suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas
meal. A third of all pupils – aged between nine and School dinner causes serious illness.
13 – and 10 teachers were struck down after eating a Meals for the homeless.
turkey lunch on Wednesday. No one is thought to
have been hospitalized.
Activity 2. Match the verbs with the corresponding past form and meaning.
Seem Banned To be sure of the truth or existence of.
Bring Brought To act or react in a particular way.
Ban Believed To prohibit or forbid.
Believe Behaved To appear or pretend to be.
Behave Seemed To carry or cause someone or something to come
toward the speaker; convey.
Activity 3. Write the missing letters.
a. A ruminant mammal with a thick woolly coat and curving horns: S __ __ __ __.
b. The use of medicines, surgery in curing a person of a disorder: T __ E __ T M __ __ __.
c. Illness or sickness: D __ S __ A __ __.
d. The most basic unit of structure of an organism: C __ __ L

Activity 1. Write the correct transcription under each image.

a. /kraɪm/ b. /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ c /ˈpɒlɪtɪk/ d. /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/
e. /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /ˈprɒbləms/ f. /wɔː/ g. /ˌɪntəˈnæʃənəl/ /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ h. /dɪˈzɑːstə/

Activity 2. Which words are these?
a. /ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmentl/ /ˈprɒbləm/ _____________________________________
b. /spɔːts/ _____________________________________
c. /kɑːˈtuːn/ _____________________________________
d. /ˈkrɒswɜːds/ _____________________________________
e. /sɪˈlɛbrɪtɪ/ /ˈɡɒsɪp/ _____________________________________

Connectors is used to CONJUNCTIONS

establish different types
CONNECTORS Preposition, adverb.
of relationships between
words or sentences.
According to the intention

Addition Examplification Contrast Result Conclusion

- Moreover - For instance - Nevertheless - As a result - In conclusion
- In addition - For example - However - Thus - In summary
- Furthermore - Therefore
- Besides

Activity 1. Before Reading. Answer the questions below.

1. Have you ever discovered something important by accident?

2. What do you think about genetically modified animals?

Activity 1. Read the text below carefully and complete with the words in the box.

Furthermore Recently As A Result In Conclusion On The Other Hand

_________________ (1), advances in science have
demonstrated to us that things that once seemed
possible only in science fiction could become a
reality. The cloning of a sheep brought the possibility
of using genetic engineering to create new organs,
or even whole human beings, one step closer.
Some people consider this to be a dangerous development, and believe that all that research should be
banned. Interfering with nature in this way could bring with it dangers that none of us can imagine. We have
no idea how an artificially-created person might behave, or indeed how he or she might suffer.
________________ (2), we may find ourselves in a position which we do not like, but which we are unable to

_________________ (3), many people would say that it If it were possible to prevent a baby from developing
is not for human beings to decide what other human a hereditary disease by modifying its genes, should
beings should be like. It is not only people with deep we stop to the scientists? If doctors could replace
religious beliefs who feel that it is wrong, for example, a diseased organ with a new one grown from cells,
for parents to choose whether their baby will be a should it not be allowed?
boy or a girl, or have blue eyes or musical talent. ___________________ (5), I would say that genetic
engineering has the potential to be both a huge
_________________ (4), the latest research in genetics benefit and a terrible curse for humankind.
has also opened the possibility of new treatment To make sure that we benefit from it, it will be
for many diseases which up to now have been necessary to control it very strictly. The real challenge
incurable. will be to find ways of monitoring the research that is
conducted in laboratories all over the world and to
make sure that it is only used for the good of everyone.

Activity 1. Select the correct answer.

1. When did the war end? 3. Who is the musician that will perform at Arc de
a. 150 years ago a. Joseph Zimet
b. 100 years ago b. Yo- Yo Ma
c. 1000 years ago c. Angelique Kidjo
2. What kind of music will The European Union
Youth Orchestra play at the event?
a. Pop
b. Bolero
c. Romantic
Activity 2. According to the listening circle true or false for these sentences.

1. More than 60 million people were killed. True False

2. World War I was often spoken of as “the war to end all wars.” True False
3. Now, The World War is often called “The fantastic War. True False
4. Angelique Kidjo isn’t going to sing in honor of the colonial troops. True False
5. The Chinese-American Artist Ma received the United States Presidential
True False
Medal of Freedom

Activity 1. Your English teacher has asked you to write a crime news. This is the title for your news:
Lost children found murdered

Activity 1. Discuss the following questions with your partner.
Do you prefer to watch, listen to or read about news?
How important is it for people to follow the news?
What is the purpose of news companies in our society?

Activity 2. Film News

Work in group. Imagine that you are the best hosts and you have to present the daily
news from each section (General news, sports news, weather news, local news, etc.)
Follow these steps:
Select the section (General news, sports news, weather news, local news, etc.)
Create the news
Present the news (Try to speak spontaneously, which is a vital English skill.)

Activity 1. Here, you will find a short text. Then, read it carefully and complete with the words below.

Although To Sum Up Such As Secondly Like

Personally Besides Think So Firstly Just
“Top sports people earn too much money nowadays”
In most countries today top sports people, _________________ (1) footballers, tennis
players and basketball players, get enormous salaries. In a week they often earn
more than ordinary people in a year. Is this really too much? _________________ (2)
I do not _________________ (3).
_________________ (4), the active life of a professional sports person is relatively
short – they often retire when they are in their mid-thirties. _________________ (5),
many of them do not even play that long, as they often get injured, which means
they have to retire early.

_________________ (6), _________________ (7) their salaries are very high they are not
much higher than those of other successful people in the entertainment industry
_________________ (8) pop singers, actors or TV personalities, whose professional
careers can last for fifty years.
Sport today is watched by millions of people, so it should be considered
entertainment _________________ (9) like the cinema or TV. _________________ (10),
I think that top sports people´s high salaries are not unfair if you compare them
with people doing similar jobs.
Activity 1. Check the antonyms. Activity 2. Choose the correct answer.
a. Idolize Despite a. A person who hates humanity and enjoys to distrust
Admire everyone is
b. Detest Reject Odious Misanthrope Odious
c. Awful Terrific b. Something that is detestable or hateful is
Odious Fervent Kind
d. Sorrow Joy

Activity 3. Look at the pictures and unscramble.

a. olercnsuo b. rraece c. tiispnhealsro d. areh

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Activity 4. Match the word with the correct picture.

1. Job / 2. Tool / 3. Curriculum vitae

Activity 1. Write the correct transcription under each image.
a. /lʌv/ b. /heɪt/ c. /dʒɔɪ/ d. /ˈsɒrəʊ/
e. /piːs/ f. /wɔː/ g. /ɪmˈpeɪʃəns/ h. /ˈkaɪndnɪs/

Activity 2. Which words are these?

a. /ˈmiːnnɪs/ _____________________________________
b. /ˈfeɪθfʊlnɪs/ _____________________________________
c. /ˈʌnˈfeɪθfʊlnɪs/ _____________________________________
d. /dɪˈtɛst/ _____________________________________
e. /ˈaɪdəlaɪz/ _____________________________________

- The verbal form ending with -ing

depending the verb meaning but CONJUGATION VERB
used by a noun.
- They function like nouns.
- A gerund almost always is found Infinitive, preposition,
after a preposition. adverb.
She is afraid of flying
- When you are talking about an Some verbs are only
activity, you usually use a gerund. follow by gerunds.
Let’s go shopping

Admit, avoid, be used to, can’t help, can’t stand, consider, deny, discuss,
dislike, end up, enjoy, feel like, finish, get used to, give up, go on, have
difficulty, have problems, have trouble, imagine, it’s no use, it’s worthwhile,
keep, look forward to, mention, mind, miss, recommend, remember, quit,
spend time, stop, suggest, understand.


- An infinitive is the TO form

Gerund, preposition,
of a verb. INFINITIVE
I want to go to the beach.
Some verbs are only
follow by infinitive.

Afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, care, decide, demand,

expect, fail, hope, learn, manage, mean, offer, plan, prepare,
pretend, promise, refuse, remember, seem, stop, volunteer, wait,
want, wish.

Activity 1. Answer the questions below.

1. Think about some successful people. How would you describe each person’s appearance?

2. What connection is there between appearance and quality of work?

Activity 2. Read the text below. Then, underline the infinitives with blue color and gerunds with red color.
People use a variety of techniques to search for a job, including career counselors, a career center at their
school or university, and online or print ads. But did you know that many jobs are filled even before an ad is
posted? So how do you find out about jobs that haven’t even been advertised? People find out about these
positions through business networking.
Networking is using people you know to make
contacts in the field you want to work in. Most of
us engage in networking all the time. Have you
ever asked someone to recommend a doctor, a
hairdresser, or a good plumber? That’s a form of
personal networking.

Networking is all about connecting with people, keeping in touch with them, and benefiting from your
relationships with them. Stay with friends and family. Let them know you’re looking for a job. Ask them if they
know anyone in your field who might be willing to talk to you. Then call that person, introduce yourself, and
invite him or her to lunch. Don’t ask for a job, but find out all you can about the field. You can also ask if that
person knows about any openings or leads.
Many people at the tops of their fields are excellent
networkers. In today’s changing job market, they
understand the importance of maintaining a strong
and diverse group of contacts. It’s important to keep
in touch with people in your field, so they’ll think of
you when they hear of that perfect job opening.

Activity 3. According to the reading, select the correct answer.
1. What could be considered personal networking?
A. Asking for a job. B. Going to a university career center.
C. Making contacts. D. Asking if someone knows a good dentist.
2. How do people find out about positions that haven’t been advertised?
A. From contacts in the field. B. From career counselors.
C. From job ads on the Internet. D. From print ads.
3. When someone connect you with other person in your field, is important?
A. Send your curriculum vitae. B. Call that person, introduce yourself.
C. Ask for information about jobs offered. D. To know everything about your field.

4. Network is a tool used by people since many years ago in order to communicate something and keeping
in touch between them. Nowadays E-networking improves these practices because you can connect with
people in other countries and job’s offers in other places.
A. Because Networking is a culture has emerged B. Because nowadays people have not time to share
since last Century. with others.
C. Because Network is using by people to do anything D. Network reduce borders between people, it
without to go out home. makes that references of country, place, city or town
does not exist and allow freely communication and
to do many activities through it.
5. Interpret the sentences underline. It means:
A. That people learn about their field on internet. B. Network establish the top according to field most
consult per year.
C. That people are considering excellent networkers D. The field looking for on internet makes the people
because their use this tool in a best way. excellent one.

Activity 1. Write true or false according to the listening.

1. Her favorite sport is basketball. _____ 2. She dances Salsa and Merengue. _____
3. She doesn’t like to walk through forests. _____ 4. She really loves dogs, hamsters and bees. _____
5. She doesn’t like rude people. _____

Activity 2. Listening to the Charlotte’s likes and dislikes and tick the correct them.

Activity 3. According to the listening, complete the text with the correct words.

When I was little I always tried to _______________ (1) my mom in letting me have more animals. But
_______________ (2) she wouldn’t. So I think now that I’m going to have my own _______________ (3), I’ll
try to get lots of _______________ (4). Some things that I don’t really like are _______________ (5) people.

Activity 1. Read the statements below and choose one that you feel strongly about. Then, write the reason
why you agree or disagree using gerunds and infinitives.
- It doesn’t matter if some animals become extinct.
- Teenagers spend too much time online.
- Wearing clothes made of animals skin isn’t cruel.


Activity 1. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

What are the things that you have disliked since you were a child?
What is something that you like but your friends dislike?
How would you feel if your friend gave you a gift that you disliked?
Do you try to persuade other people to like the things you like or dislike the things you don’t like? Why?
How will you respond to a friend who is trying to persuade you to like something that you dislike?

Activity 2. Business Dress
Work in group of three. A student is going to listen to an interview in which two experts (two students) discuss
dressing for work in order to select the best argument. The experts focus on how appearance can affect the
success and how fashion trends are changing.
You can discuss these questions:
• How does your appearance at work affect your personality?
• Does your appearance at work affect the way you do your job?

Activity 1. Complete the sentences with prepositions followed by gerunds.

a. I’ve been thinking _________________ for a new job. (look)
b. His parents didn’t approve him _________________ out so late. (stay)
c. I wonder what prevented him _________________ to the party. (come)
d. I’m getting hungry. I’m looking forward _________________ dinner. (have)
e. I don’t feel _________________ today. (study)
f. Forgive me _________________ you but I must ask you a question. (interrupt)
g. The arrested man was suspected _________________ into a house. (break)
h. Have you ever thought _________________ married? (get)
i. I’ve always dreamed _________________ on a small island in the Pacific. (live)

Activity 2. Circle the correct words to complete the following ideas from a book about memory.
a. Get into the habit of repeating/ to repeat things aloud.
b. Never rely on someone else’s memory. Learn trusting / to trust your own.
c. It’s easy forgetting / to forget what you don’t want remembering / to remember.
d. Study immediately before going / to go to sleep. You’ll remember a lot more.
e. Our memories are filled with things we never meant remembering / to remember.
f. Make it a habit to look back at your car every time you get out and you’ll never forget turning off / to turn
off your headlights.
g. Playing / To play games is a fun way of improving / to improve your memory skills.

Activity 3. Complete the text with the correct verb from the box in infinitive or gerund.

Lend – Hold – Rain – Drive – Avoid – Run – Meet – Go – Bring – Pay

Mike and I arranged to drive to the cinema and we decided _______ at my house. He
planned ________ us there in his new car. I only consented ________ with him because
promised ________ for the tickets. It was a disaster. As we got out of the car it began
_______ and I had forgotten _________ my umbrella. We tried ________ to the cinema but
we failed _________ the rain. Mike rushed to the door first, refused ________ me his coat
and neglected _______ the door opens for me. What a gentleman!

Activity 1. Complete the crossword below with the words in the chart.

Show Up / Put Up With / Give Up / Get Up / Wake Up / Turn Off

/Find Out / Call Up / Call Back / Come Up With

7 8


Across Down
3. An act or instance of being awakened. 1. To make a telephone call to someone.
5. To suggest or think of an idea or plan. 2. To return a telephone call or the telephone call of
9. To discover, expose, or confirm. someone.
4. To accept or continue to accept an unpleasant
10. To stop trying to do something before you have
situation or experience.
6. A road that leaves another road to go in a different
7. To arrive for a gathering or event.
8. To sit up or stand up.
Activity 1. Write the correct transcription under each image.
a. /weɪk ʌp/ b. /teɪk kɛə/ c /tɜːn ɒn/ d. /tɜːn ɒf/ e. /ˈhʌrɪ ʌp/ f. /breɪk ʌp/ g. /kɔːl bæk/ h. /pʊt ɒn/

Activity 2. Which words are these?

a. /spiːk ʌp/ _____________________________________
b. /ɡɛt/ ʌp/ _____________________________________
c. /nɒk/ /aʊt/ _____________________________________
d. /lʊk ˈɑːftə/ _____________________________________
e. /sɪt/ /daʊn/ _____________________________________

It’s the combination of:

A verb + a particle SPEECH
(preposition or adverb)
The result is a new phrase with a
new meaning.

The new unit is different from two

separate words.

Transitive Intransitive
With an object
Without an object

Separable Inseparable Verb + preposition/

Verb + object + Verb + preposition/
preposition/adverb adverb + Object I get up at 6:00 am
Take your shoes off. I am looking for my keys

Phrasal Verbs
No one could figure out where the ninja To find the answer to sth by thinking
Figure Out
went. carefully.
I agreed to look After Renee’s dog while To take care of sth; to care for sth by
Look After
she is away. thinking carefully.
To look up in order to see something
Look Out “Look out — there’s a deer on the road!”
dangerous by thinking carefully
The boys ran out of beer so they walked to no longer have enough of something
Run Out
to the store to get some more. you need.
We have a big problem today that we to handle, or manage a situation or
Deal With
need to deal with before we go home. problem.
I have to pick up my girlfriend at the To go somewhere to get sth; to collect
Pick Up
airport at 8pm. sb.
After college, and then two years in the To finally finish in a certain position/
End Up
military, Mark ended up in Taiwan. situation, especially without planning it.
The mountain climber could no longer
Go On To continue
go on. It was too cold.
I had to do my report over because my
Do Over To do again.
computer crashed.

“A: Can we start eating, mom?” B: “Sure,

Go Ahead To start before sb else.
go ahead.”
Mark heard shouting, so he went to the
Go On To happen.
hallway to see what was going on.
Darry, l takes after his father. They are
Take After To resemble sb in your family.
both really funny.
Gladys didn’t show up to the party until To arrive at a place; to appear
Show Up
10 p.m. somewhere.

Activity 1. Answer the questions below.

If you need a new doctor, how will you find one?


Where would you look to find information about possible choices of doctors?

Activity 1. Organize the paragraphs below and underline the phrasal verbs that you find in it.

____ Every morning his father would shout, “Come ____ After checking out several websites, Nick’s
on, Nick! You’re going to be late.” The shouting mom found out about a specialist for her son’s
did not help, however. On a few days, Nick would condition. She called him up and left a message.
show up two hours late! Nick knew that his school The next day, the doctor called her back to talk
would not put up with this situation much longer. about Nick’s situation. Now the family is counting
His parents were frustrated, but they could not on him to help solve Nick’s problem.
give up.
____ One-day Nick’s mom came across a blog
____ For his whole life, Nick has never been able to on the Internet where people were sharing their
get up early. When he was in elementary school, stories about oversleeping and different solutions
his mother would set the alarm clock for 6:00 AM, they had come up with to solve their problems.
but it would not wake him up. When Nick was in After going over a few of these stories and realizing
high school, his alarm clock would go off, but he there could be an underlying health issue, Nick’s
simply turned it off and went back to sleep. mother made up her mind that the best advice
was to look for a sleep specialist on the Internet.

Answer the following questions

1. What’s the matter?

2. How did Nick’s parents come up with the idea to solve the problem?

3. What happened at the end of the story?


Activity 1. According to the listening circle true or false for these sentences.

1. The friends you make in youth are friends to keep for a lifetime. True False
2. It is a good idea to talk about troubles with your friends. True False
3. To a friend you can’t always open up. True False
4. A friend shouldn’t be physically around all the time. True False
5. A friend is like your parents True False

Activity 2. Fill the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.
- picking on – telling… of – pick up – left off – gotten on with – let down – split up

Laurie: “Parents are either ________ you or

______ you _____”.

Angela: “If we get together, we’ll ________

right where ________”

Frank: “I think a friend is that old pal you’ve

always _____________”

Gary: “I believe that if you don’t expect too

much from people, you won’t be __________.

Burt: I had buddies, not friends, until my wife

and I _________.

Activity 1. Some social networking sites, like twitter, limit the number of characters you can use in a
message, or tweet, to 140 characters. Write a short message, making sure you don’t use more than 140
characters. Write an advice to a friend who wants to travel to other country for medical treatment,
using some phrasal verbs.


Activity 1. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

Have you ever had to stay in the hospital?

If you need a doctor, how will you find one?
Can medical procedures be much less expensive in other countries?

Activity 2. Medical Tourism.

Work in a group of five students. Create an interview about the advantages and disadvantages of
medical tourism.

1. A student will be the interviewer.

2. Two students will support medical tourism.
3. Two students will be against medical tourism.

Activity 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.

Find Out Went Out Go Back Set Up Pointed Out

Going On Come Up Pick Me Up Come Back Carried Out

1. What’s __________?
2. They __________the boss’s plan.
3. It is expensive to _________ a new business.
4. Can you __________ at the airport next Monday?
5. When did Pierre _________to France?
6. What time will you __________?
7. The lights _________ around ten.
8. The teacher ___________ the most important pages.
9. When did you __________ about the accident?
10. His divorce did not _________ in our conversation.

Activity 2. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

Turn Off Take Off Look Up Ring Up Throw Away Turn Up Try On Switch Off

1. Could you ______________ the TV __________? I can’t hear.

2. Don t forget to _______________ the lights ___________ when you go out.
3. I’ll have to ______________ it __________ in the dictionary — I’m not sure what it means.
4. Don t _______________ that old painting ___________. It might be valuable.
5. Let s ______________ them ___________ and see if they want to come with us.
6. I ’d better ____________ these trousers ________ - they are soaking wet.
7. ______________ it __________ - the water is overflowing.
8. If you like those jeans, why don’t you ______________ them _________ and see if they suit you?

Activity 3. Complete the dialogues using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

Make Up Take Up Think Over Give Up Put Off Work Out

1. A: What s 43 times 79? I can’t ______________ it __________ in my head.

B: Why don’t you use a calculator?
2. A: Are you coming or not? B: I’m not sure yet.
B: Well, you don’t have to tell me now. Why don’t you _____it ______and tell me tomorrow?
3. A: We couldn’t get enough people to play in the match on Sunday.
B: Don’t worry. We’ll _____________ it ___________ till next week.
4. A: That’s a lovely song. Who ’s it by?
B: Me- I _____________ it __________ myself.
5. A: Do you still play the piano?
B: No, I ________ _______ the piano two years ago. I play the guitar now.
6. A: I didn’t know you went jogging.
B: Yes, I ____________ it _________ a few months ago — I feel myself much better.

Activity 1. Look at the photos and write sentences according to their biography.

Luciano Pavarotti Salvador Dalí Angelina Jolie

a. ______________________ b. ______________________ c. ______________________

Radamel Falcao Gabriel Garcia Marquez Leonardo Dicaprio

d. ______________________ e. ______________________ f. ______________________

Activity 2. Match the word with the correct picture.

1. Infant / 2. Childhood / 3. Teenager / 4. Adolescent / 5. Adult / 6. Elderly

Activity 1. Write the correct transcription under each image.
a. /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ b. /ˈfæmɪlɪ/ c. /ˈhɒbɪ/ d. /bɜːθ/
e. /ˌnæʃəˈnælɪtɪ/ f. /ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪtɪ/ g. /baɪˈɒɡrəfɪ/ h. /laɪf/

Activity 1. Which words are these?

a. /ɪˈvɛnt/ _____________________________________
b. /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ _____________________________________
c. /fækt/ _____________________________________
d. /ədˈvɜːsɪtɪ/ _____________________________________
e. /əˈtrɪbjuːt/ _____________________________________


It used to express daily routines Tenses

and habits. Present continuous,
Present Simple
Express things that are generally present perfect.
true and imperative.
According to intention

Affirmative Negative Interrogative


It used to say that an action Simple present Present
happened at an unspecified Present Perfect continuous Present perfect
time before now. continuous.
According to intention

Affirmative Negative Interrogative


It used to say that an action Past perfect
Simple past Past continuous
happened in the past.
Past perfect continuous
According to their intention

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

It is an acction in the near future
that has already been planned Be going to Present continuous
or prepared.
According to

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

This is used to describe events
or plans in the future that are Future with present continuous Be going to
arranged or fixed.

According to

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Activity 1. Answer the questions below.

At what age does a person become an adult? Why?


Do you think a celebrity had to take on adult responsibilities as a child?


Activity 2. Read the texts quickly and match them with the photos.
Before They Were Famous

1 2 3
She was born in Barranquilla. He was born in 1987 in He was born in August 29 th
She started writing poems Rosario. He started to play 1958 in Gary Indiana. When
when she was 4. Then, soccer when he was four he was 5 he joined his family
when she was young she years old. When he was band. In the early 1980s, he
danced very well but she 13 he moved to Spain with became a dominant figure
decided to be a singer. his father to play in FC in popular music.
She recorded her first CD Barcelona. He also popularized
in 1991 when she was 14 His first professional played a number of dance
years old. First she was for FC Barcelona when techniques such as robot
famous in Latin America he was 17. He is the most and moonwalk. The album
and after that in the United important soccer player in Thriller is the best –selling
states and Europe. She has the world and the number album of all time.
performed at three soccer one goal scorer in the
World Cup. Champions’ League.

Activity 2. Read the text again. Write M (Michael), L (Lionel) or S (Shakira).

____ is the best singer in the world. ____ wanted to be a dancer.
____ played for his father. ____ is one of the most important goal scorer.
____ started to write at the age of 4. ____ had the best-selling album of all time.

Activity 1. Write true or false according to the listening.

a. Beyonce was born in Houston, Texas. _______
b. She started to sing when she was adult. _______
c. She became the first African American woman to win Songwriter of the year. _______
d. Her first solo album won seven Grammy Awards _______
Activity 2. Answer the questions below.
a. When was she born? ________________________.
b. Who designed the outfits for Destiny’s Child? ________________________.
c. When did Beyonce release her first solo Album. ______________________.
Activity 3. Select the correct answer.
1. The first group Beyonce sang in was called: 2. When did Destiny’s Child release their final album.
a. Survivor a. 2005
b. Girls Time b. 2003
c. Dreams girls. c. 2001

Activity 1. Answer the following questions and use your answers to write your biography.

Early life. Adulthood.

1. When were you born? 1. What was your first job?
2. Where were you born? 2. What kind of music do you like?
3. What did their parents do? 3. What type of food do you like?
1. What kind of childhood did you have?
2. Where did you live?
3. Where did you go to school?


Activity 1. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

Do you think that having some adult responsibility is good for an adolescent? Why?
What kind of experiences cause people to grow up faster?
In what ways can families and society help adolescents during this transition?
Do you think that there should be a formal initiation into adulthood?

Activity 2. Becoming and adult

Work in group of three. Select a famous person and present his /her personal story without saying his /
her name in front of the class in order to guess who is the person. Follow these steps:

Select the famous person

Prepare the presentation about his/her personal story describing some important events in his/
her life.
Present the story
The whole class try to guess who is the famous person by making predictions.

Activity 1. Read the letter from George. choose the correct answer.

Dear Sergio, yo u wa nt to kn ow about a typical day
___ (2 )
How _____ (1) you? __ wi th my brother and my
friend Steve.
_ (3 ) to sc ho ol but I _____ (5)
school? I ____ bi olo gy . Then we have lunch
m at h an d
I _____ (4) English,
I go to my t _____
have lunch at school, ve tw o cla sse s. My favorite subjec
n, I ha
house. In the afternoo (7) soccer.
. Af te r sc hool we often _____
(6) Geography

1. a. are b. is c. am
2. a. does b. do c. doesn’t
3. a. eat b. go c. study
4. a. study b. get up c. drink
5. a. doesn’t b. don’t c. does
6. a. is b. are c. am
7. a. live b. play c. travel

Activity 2. Circle the correct words.

a. My mother always get up / gets up at 4:00 a.m.

b. My father don’t / doesn’t go to work by bus.
c. My father and my mother don’t / doesn’t go to work by bus.
d. My sister and I studies / study in our free time.
e. My uncles watch / watches tv every day.

Activity 3. Select the correct choice according to the grammar.

1. I have 23 years old 6. You should to go to the doctor.

a) True b) False a) True b) False
2. She speak French 7. She has been working as a teacher for 3 years.
a) True b) False a) True b) False

3. Did she work in that company? 8. They won’t travel this year.
a) True b) False a) True b) False
4. He has never ate that dish. 9. Was you at home?
a) True b) False a) True b) False

5. I can swim when I was 5. 10. She’s married to a doctor, doesn’t she?
a) True b) False a) True b) False

Activity 1. Match the phrasal verbs with the corresponding meaning.

1. Her grandparents wanted her to get into university. ___ a. Like and be friends with someone.
2. The children must get on with their homework. ___ b. Communicate an idea to someone.
3. I hope I get through this aerobics class. ___ c. Avoid doing something you should do.
4. Michael get on with his brother. They’re great friends. ___ d. Come to the end of a difficult time.
___ e. Be chosen to go to a university or join
5. It’s difficult to get your message across.
a sport team.
___ f. Continue doing something, especially
6. Some women try to get out of gym.
Activity 2. What does get mean in this expressions?

Arrive – become – receive

1. Get older _____________________________________

2. Get to school _____________________________________
3. Get a present _____________________________________
4. Get an email _____________________________________
5. Get home _____________________________________

Activity 3. Write down the name of the following pictures, using the vocabulary studied.

Activity 4. Use the letters a, d, e and t to complete the ages and stages.

1. B __ B Y 5. M I __ __ L __ - __ G __
2. C H I L __ 6. A __ O L __ S C __ N __
3. __ L __ __ R L Y 7. C H I L __ H O O __
4. __ __ __ N __ G __ R 8. A __ U L __

Activity 5. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1. I ______________
live in a house in New York.

2. She _____________________________ by bus.

3. They _______________________ on Sundays.

4. We _____________________every evening.

Activity 6. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

I don’t have time to listen to music.

1. I don’t to have time to listen to music. ______________________________________.
2. Do you like play soccer? ________________________________________.
3. I didn’t enjoying the movie. _____________________________________.
4. I swimmed in a lake __________________________________________.
5. She did went to her house. _______________________________________.

Activity 7. Unscramble the sentences.

a. go / Do / the cinema / you / to / ?


b. they / university / go / will / the / to


c. Peter/ speak / and / French / Sarah / German /and / didn’t.


Activity 8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (Gerunds or infinitive)

1. Does your wife want ___________ (come) to the party with us?

2. My son doesn’t enjoy _____________(play) soccer.

3. My husband hates _________________(wash) the dishes.

4. You’ll need ___________________ (buy) the ticket before the concert.

5. Alice started _____________(play) the violin when she was 5 years old.


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