Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Growth Plan for 3 Years

The department has been the beneficiary of TEQUIP-1 and TEQIP-2 to a very large extent in
creating infrastructure facilities and teaching, learning initiatives. Now the department has
been identified to avail of TEQIP-3 Funding to ensure unhindered growth and ever remain
vibrant and technologically proactive.

To address the removal of obsolescence and technologically ever relevant and be in the
forefront and absorbing the latest technology the department proposes a growth plan as
detailed below.

2017-18 – Specifically aimed at Strengthening UG Program

 The UG program will be strengthened by equipping all the laboratories of the UG with
the latest of the equipment and learning resources of the state of the art which addresses
removal of technological obsolescence and to absorb the latest technology available in the
 The teachers will be trained on the latest platforms and providing best of the training
needs to ever remain updated incorporating with the latest of the trends in the technology
with the enriched global skillsets.

2018-19 – Specifically addressing the strengthening of the PG program with a follow up

of UG program strengthening
 The Department offers two streams of PG programs, one such program being the
traditional Powers Systems Engineering area which is analytically rich and requires to be
provided with the latest of power system analysis tools. We have another program CAID
which is technologically intensive and needs certain latest state - of - the - art technology
oriented infrastructure to be provided.
 The faculty engaging for these disciplines will be specially trained on the tools and
technologies relevant to the program which will eventually result in application and
research orientation.
 Added to these any leftovers of the previous year will be reviewed and taken up as for as
UG is concerned.

2019-20 – Specifically addresses creating a centre of excellence in the niche segments

with the latest technology trends then prevailing with an additional new age PG
program to be initiated.
 The latest of the technology and the needs of the technological world and the society will
be addressed.
The following common aspects will be of consideration all through three years of growth
 Staffing – a constant search for the talent will be a priority of recruitment and retention.
 Institute industry collaboration – all through this takes a priority in bridging the gap and
making the courses relevant to the industry and the society at large.
 Smart class rooms and seminar hall - latest of the gadgets will take a priority to address
the décor of classrooms and seminar hall.
 Research orientation – the department will keep a vigil on research activities.
 Requisition for additional space – constant requirement of additional floor area will be
taken up for department library and PG courses.

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