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University of Sargodha
Midterm Exam Term Paper (Spring 2020)
Program: ……M.Com………………………………………...
Semester:………4th …………………………………………..
Course Title & Code:……International Finance…………………..
Name of Examiner: ………Zahid Ali Akbar……………………….
Term Paper Assigned Date:………06-April-2020……………….
Term Paper Submission Date:……20-April-2020……………….
Total Marks: 30

Explain Balance of payment (current account, capital and financial account) of any country for
last five years. Discuss the events that increase/decrease the trade volume and also explain trend
in trade of this country. You are also required to discuss the key factors that affect the trade
account and capital account of this country in last five years.
Keeping in view the current situation of epidemic (COVID-19), it has already spread to 199
countries. Discuss the consequences on the normal economic activity, both in the domestic
economy of these countries and their external economic relations. Suggest the recommendations
to overcome its negative impact on economy and BOP.

Instructions for Students:

Each individual is to provide term paper on the above topic by choosing any one country. (each
student must choose different country from his/her class fellow).
The student must write at least 5000 words.
Online class attendance is essential to submit term paper as it is the requirement of University
and demonstrates your seriousness about study.
No assignment will be accepted after the assigned date and time.
Maximum plagiarism allowed is 19 %.
Follow APA style format guidelines.

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