Cross (X) A, B, C, D, or e For The Correct Answer! Text For No 1-5

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Cross (X) a, b, c, d, or e for the correct answer!

Text for no 1-5

            “Once upon a time a hawk feel in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and
asked the hen, “Won,t you marry me?”
            The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him.But she said,”I cannot fly
as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly
            The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you
have promised to marry me,”said the hawk.
            So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster
saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn ,t you tell the hawk that
you,d already promised to marry me?” shouted the rooster .The hen was so frightened at the
rooster anger that she threw away  the ring immediately.
            When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious
that he cursed the hen. “Why didn,t you tell me earlier? Now, You,ll always be scratching the
earth, and I,ll always be flying above you to catch your children,”said the hawk.
            The curse seems to have come true.

1. What is the genre of the text?

            a. Descriptive                                      c. Narrative                             e. News item
            b. Recount                                           d. Procedure
2. What is the tense that use on the text above?
            a. Past tense                                        d. Perfect tense                                  
            b. Present tense                                   e. Past perfect tense
            c. Future tense
3. What is the story about?
            a. A hen and a rooster
            b. A hawk and his wife
            c. A hen and her children
            d. A rooster ang his fiancé
            e. A hawk, a hen and a rooster
4. The hen loved the brave ….(paragraph 2)
      This part of text called ….
            a. Resolution                                       c. Event                                   e. Orientation
            b. Step                                                 d. Major complication
5. When the hawk came ….(paragraph 5)
      This part of the text called
            a. Resolution                                       c. Event                                   e. Orientation
            b. Step                                                 d. Major complication
Text for no 6-10

How to make a Ballon Powered Rocket

You will need a ballon, sticky tape, sensors, string, a plastic drinking straw.
1. Thread the string carefully through the drinking straw.
2. The one end of the string to an object (tree, door handle, post, and so on)
3. The other end of the string to something ten meters away making sure that the string is
4. Cut two pieces of sticky tape.
5. Gently blow a little air into the ballon.
6. Hold the end of the ballon tightly so the air does not escape.
7. Tape the ballon firmly to the straw.
8. Blow more air into the ballon and again hold the end tighly.
9. Quickly release the end of the ballon and watch it travel along the string.

6. What is the genre of the text?

            a. Procedure                                        c. exposition                               e. spoof
            b. report                                               d. narrative
7. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. To tell the story of a ballon
b. To retell the event
            c. To explain the steps how to make a ballon power rocket
            d. To describe the ballon
            e. To inform the reader how to do something
8. What is the goal of the text?
            a. Telling about the ballon powered rocket
            b. Making a ballon powered rocket
            c. Making a rocket power ballon
            d. Powered rocket with ballon
            e. Powered rocket is a ballon
9. “You will need a ballon, sticky tape, sensors, string, a plastick drinking, straw.”
      What do we call this part of the text?
            a. Goal                                                 c. Event                                   e. Materials
            b. Stept                                                d. Coda
10. How many materials are needed to make a ballon powered rocket ….
            a. 3                         b. 2                            c. 4                        d. 5                        e.6
11. David                    : “Hi….how do you do?”
      Martin                   : “………”
a. How do you do                   c. I’m fine, and you?                           e. a and b are correct  
b. Nice to meet you                 d. not bad
12. Julie fell off her bicycle and broke ….. arm.
a. hers                                            c. his                                        e. he
b. her                                             d. him
13. Adam and Amanda are married …… in an apartment building.
a. They                                          c. Theirs                                   e. They are
b. Them                                         d. Their
14. We live in the same building …… apartment has one bedroom.
a. Ours                                           c. Our                                      e. Us
b. We                                             d. We are     
15. Shopkeeper : ……………….
Buyer : may I see all of your batik collection?
Shopkeeper : of course. You can choose which one you like.
a. Can you help me, Sir?
b. Are you busy, Sir?
c. What can I do for you, Sir?
d. It is our collection.
e. This is very good batik, Sir.
16. Nina : ………….
Wati : No, it is not mine. I don’t have such kind of book.
a. Do you have a book?
b. Is it your book?
c. This is a new book
d. Do you like this book?
e. Do you see my book?

Text for no 17-18

To : Mr. Joko
From : Director
Subject : Meeting
Date : February 5th, 2004
Please attend the meeting with Mr. Roni at the Hotel Pelangi on Saturday, February 7th
2004 at the 8 A.M. on behalf of the director. Looking forward to your report upon the
completion of the meeting
17. Who wrote the memo?
a. Mr. Joko
b. Guest
c. he secretary
d. Director
e. Mr. Roni
18. What is the purpose of the memo?
a. To ask Mr. Roni to come to the hotel
b. Asking Mr. Joko to come the meeting
c. Telling the director to have a meeting
d. Welcoming a guest of the Hotel Pelangi
e. Giving information to Mr. roni
Dialog for no 19-22
Ratna : Guys, would you like some coffee?
Selly     : ___________________(19)
Ratna : How about you, Angga?
Angga   : ___________________(20)
Ratna : Here .it is coffee for you
Angga : ___________________ (21)
Ratna   : ___________________ (22)
19. a. Fine, thanks. c. Bye e. Don’t mention it
b. Good morning d. No, thank you anyway.
20. a. Yes, Please. c. No, thank e. Good evening
b.Thank you d. You’re welcome

21. a. Yes, Please. c.No, thank e.Good night

b. Thank you d. You’re welcome

22. a. Yes, Please. c.No, thank e. Good morning

b.Thank you d. You’re welcome
Questions 23-25 find the word or phrase that is incorrect!
23. She always does everything by himself. She never asks her fiend to help her.
24. To read is a good activity. It can improve our knowledge.
25. Andi : where are you last night?
Dono: I was at home. I didn’t go anywhere.
26. Guest : “.................. a ticket to Bandung?”
Receptionist : “Yes, Sir. When will you have it?”

a. Excuse me, do you have

b. I’d like to reserve
c. Do you need to reserve
d. Do you want to reserve
e. Are you go
27. Customer : Hello, I’m interested in booking a room for the September long weekend.
Receptionist : ......
a. I’m afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend.
b. I’m not afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend
c. I’m afraid we’re totally booking for that weekend.
d. I’m not afraid we’re totally booking for that weekend.
e. I’m interest to hear that.

28. Caller : I would like to.................... my booking flight ticket last week.
Operator : May I know who is calling?
a. Call
b. Reserve
c. Confirm
d. Leave
e. see
29. X : “Could I make a reservation for my travelling to Medan?”
Y : “................. to inform you that all the seats have been reserved.”
a. I’m sorry
b. Alright
c. Of course
d. Certainly
e. I’m interest
30. Tomorrow he ….. go to campus by car.
a. Are
b. Is
c. Would
d. Will
e. Could
31. He ….. Visit her mother tomorrow.
a. Are going to
b. Is going to
c. Be going to
d. Shall going
e. Will going

Text for no 32-36

Hello. Passengers of flight 17 bound for Caracas, with stop in Atlanta and Miami. The
departure gate has been changed to 30B. Also there will be a slight departure delay due to
inclement weather outside. The ground crew is the process of deicing the wings in
preparation for departure. It also looks like the flight is slightly overbooked, so we are
offering complimentary round-trip ticket to a few passengers willing to take a letter flight.
We should be boarding about a quarter to the hour. Thank for your patience.
32. Where can you find the announcement?
a. In Caracas
b. In the road
c. In harbor
d. In Atlanta
e. In airport
33. What is the announcement about?
a. Cancellation to take of
b. Cancellation to landing
c. Changing the departure gate
d. Delaying flight
e. Changing a plane
34. Who is the object the announcement?
a. Pilot
b. Stewardess
c. Airport staff
d. The sailorman
e. The passenger
35. When should the flight be boarding?
a. About the quarter to the hour
b. About an hour later
c. About three minutes
d. About two hours
e. About a minutes later
36. Why will the flight be delayed?
a. Because of any broken thinks
b. Because of the good weather
c. Because of the wet land
d. Because of any accident
e. Because of the bad weather

Text for no 37-40

KJZ, inc
45 Western Hills, CA 55445
July 26th, 2014
Dear Mrs. Sanusi
Your letter just arrived, and after reading it several time to be sure of its content, I can say how
pleased I am your decision to purchase your plywood products from us.
Ours is truly a business whose future depends upon the satisfaction of our customers. Welcome
to that family. You can rest assured that we will strive to provide you with the highest quality
products available.
Should you have any problem or any ideas on ways that we can improve our service, please fell
free to call upon me.
Again, Welcome abroad.
Your sincerely,

Nanda Haiman
Vice President

37. Who is the receiver of the letter?

a. Vice president
b. Nanda Haiman
c. Secretary
d. Mr. Sanusi
e. Mrs. Sanusi
38. What is the sender position in the company?
a. Secretary
b. Manager
c. General Manager
d. Vice President
e. Director
39. What does it means “ours” in paragraph 2 refer to?
a. Mrs. Sanusi
b. Vice Presidents
c. KJZ, Inc
d. Nanda Haiman
e. Employes
40. What is the letter about?
a. Thanking letter
b. Apologize letter
c. Application letter
d. Engagement letter
e. Invitation letter

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