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University of Sargodha
Midterm Exam Assignment (Spring 2020)
Program: M.Com (Regular & SS)
Semester: 4th
Course Title & Code: International Business BUSC-6217
Name of Examiner: Aasir Ali
Term Paper Assigned Date: 06/04/2020
Term Paper Submission Date: 20/04/2020
Total Marks: 30

Student Name: Student ID:

Instructions for Students:

1) Your paper will be cancelled if it matched with any of your class fellows.
2) It is an open book conceptual paper so copying material from book or internet will be in
vain. Try to be relevant by answering what is asked.
3) Think critically and write your answer logically. Avoid story telling.
4) Use space as per marks of questions mentioned.
5) Try to give as many examples as you can. It will improve the quality of your script.

Q. 1. Being a student of International Business, do you favor Tariff & Non-tariff barriers? Why
or why not? Explain your answer with arguments. (5 marks)

Q. 2. Refer to the case study of Bangladesh discussed in class, what are your suggestions for
Pakistan to improve its economic growth considering the recent developments in Bangladesh.
(5 marks)

Q. 3. There are mainly three legal systems followed by world i) Common Law ii) Civil Law &
iii) Theocratic Law. Which of them is best among all and why? Do you think Theocratic Law is
suitable for emerging Islamic democracies like Pakistan? Justify. (5+5=10 marks)

Q. 4. Turkey applied to join European Union in 1987 and fulfilled many requirements till 2016
to become a full member state. However negotiations are stalled (stopped) since 2016 as EU has
criticized and accused Turkey of violating human rights by invasion in Syrian war, not
entertaining refugees appropriately and disobeying rules of EU. In 2017, EU officials expressed
that Turkey has violated the criteria of eligibility for EU membership. However, assuming that in
near future after some settlement, European Parliament & Council decides to add Turkey as
member of this Economic Union & Political Union, what do you think Turkey should adopt Euro
by sacrificing Lira (its current currency) or not? As we know just 19 out of 27 existing members
of EU have adopted Euro. Do you suggest Turkey should adopt Market Economy as its
Economic system in order to compliance with the requirement that there should be a similar
economic system in European Union considering the fact that France and Sweden are still mixed
economies and have not adopted Market Economy fully. Similarly, do you recommend Turkey
should accept common monetary and fiscal policy and open its all markets for EU while
knowing that some nations i.e. Czech Republic & Ireland have still their own national monetary
and fiscal policies and even some markets in EU i.e. Energy markets are still not liberalized
completely. (10 marks)


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