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Grammarin Use 5 4 . What'swrong?

B : l ' m r u n n i n gl a t e .l f I
(not/get) there on I t m e , : i e m e e t | n g
rf with yyhen
Replace wherepossible. (start) r,',:rout me.

1 .......lf thisdoesn't work,he'llbeintrouble 4 A : Why aretheseflowerson ra-e s desk?

2 .. . If he is in a is betterto B : It'sherbirthday
stayaway. A : O h n o l f | . . . .. .. (remember),
lf you don't havetime today,you can I (buy)her a present,too.
finishthe reporttomorrow
A: Thisisa beautifulneighbourhood
4 lf l'm tired,I can'tconcentrate
at all. (find)a flat for
B: I agree.lf |
5 lf Jasonasksfor a raise,he'llget it for (move)
r e n t h e r e1 ,. . . . . . . . . .
in rightaway

6 A : Whv
" ""t
' " Peterso stressedout?

2 Matchthe phrases1-8to phrases

a-hto make
B : He has a meetingwith the marketing
full sentences.
manager. Wheneverthey

m lf Johnhadgot up ten minuteslater,

( m e e t )t,h e y. . . . . . . . . .
h a v i n ga n a r g u m e n t
( e n d )u p

ET UnlessYvonnepasses her Frenchexams,

t job.
lf Paulfounda better-paid 7 A: Unless Liam (show)
m lf Mr Blackcalls, up in the next five minutes,Mr Johnson
t Unless the lettershv 5nm
Katefinishes (fire)him
E] lf you seeFrank, B : O h ,n o l s h e l a t ea g a i n ?
ru lf Bobhadn'tbeenso nervous,
m lf Jane's
8 A: Youhaven'tsarda word all morning
B: I'm verybusywith thisreport Youknow,I
. . (finish)it fasterif
d she'llhaveto do someovertime you........ ..(help)me.
b he wouldhavedonebetterat the interview. A: No problem.
c they could hang out togetheroutsidethe
office Wishes
d he wouldresignon the spot.
4 Readwhat the mansaysandmakesentences
e he wouldhavemissed the bus.
asin the example.
f askhim aboutanyvacancies in the company
I shewon't get into university I don't havetimeto meetJacktoday
h t e l lh i mI ' mo u t f o r l u n c h . Iwish/lfonlyI hadtimeto neet.Jock
I can't take any daysoff work this
Put the verbsin bracketsinto the correcttense WCCK
to completethe exchanges.
3 | lostmypassport.
1 A: Do youthink I shouldapplyfor thisjob?
B:|f1..... ( b e ) y o 1u ., . . . .
4 | didn'tfollowyouradvice
(apply)right away.

2 A ' Congratulatronson yourpromotion " " v' o" r'v) c t r A q ( o d ^ r t


B : Thankyou! lf I don't know how to

(get) the job, I (leave)the relax.
I didn't know Marywas in

7 I don't haveanyfrrends 4 She is going to write a coverletter She can
sendit with her CV (to)
8 | ate too much I feelsick

5 Shewantsto find a morningjob Shewants

to havemoretimeto soendwith herchildren.
Readthe letterandcomplete the exchanges (in order to)
usingthe verbsin theircorrecttense.

Shehasboughta new suit.Shewantsto make

a goodimpression (soasto)
at interviews.
I'm sorrgoboutthe otherdag.l wish I
1 ) . . . . .. . . . ( b e )h e r et o s e eg o u .f o n t g
tou2) (tel[)me that gou were
:omlng earLter,l3). .......... (change)mg
schedutel Sentence
Thereasonwhg I wosn't hereis becauseI decLded
7 Completethe secondsentenceso that it
:o go to a conJerence. lt was held in the most
a m a z L npgl " a c e| w ! i s h y o u 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.s e e )
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
i.tlI don't meanthat it was excetlentbecause inJoct threewords.
;t wos the oppositelNothingseemedto work
she didn't get the job
1 Celiais upsetbecause
oroperl.g and the speokerswere terrtbl.e. I wish I
(hear)oJthe was o , at the advertisingagency.
5) ..........
comptetewosteoJtime ond moneu.Angwag,l , Celiawishes
6) ... ........ ( t e [ t )g o ua t t o b o u ti t t h e n e x t ' the job at the advertising
LLme | 7) ...... (see) gou. She is savingmoneybecauseshe wants to
Whichremindsme, when do you think gou wit[ be ,, attenda seminar
Lntown again?f I 8) ......... (be) gou,I , Sheissavingmoney
9) .. ......... (write) adate in gour diory now. ,,
. a t t e n da s e m i n a r
f g o u1 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . ( s e n d )m e t h e
lnJormotionbg ematl., then I promiseI lf she doesn'tattendthis seminar, shewon't
1 1 ). . . . . . . . . . . ( b e )h . e r eo,n d n o t r u n n l n g be consideredfor the job.
to sittgconJerences! "JJ i. Shewon't be consrdered for the job .
A[[thebest, . . . not attendthisseminar
Chris Shecan't moveout becauseshe can't afford
to payrent.
lf shecouldaffordto payrent,
of purpose
Clauses out.
Jointhe pairsof sentences She didn't take her brother'sadviceso she
6 usingthe words in
didn'tfind a job in London
brackets,as in the example.
lf shehadtakenherbrother's advice,
she .....
1 Fayewantsto find anotherjob Shewantsto ... ..
. ;^h
i^ | ^^,1^^
ilrLwr ruvr r

havea biggersalary. (in orderto)

{:ayewantsta finrJanathe{jab in arderto havea
2 Shearranged to seehermanager. Shewanted
(with a view to)
to askfor a pay increase.

SheisupdatingherCV.Shecanuseit to apply
for a new job. (sothat)

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