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T4.. *'*. "o,"*'-s -s' il_
( ) Listen
to themusicandthesounds.
Describe ;fr;d'd--,"rd..,fi;;f;-$";;:;yT:;;*;ffitr
C Theylikeddressing
up likesoldiers.
Whatishappening? D Theythoughthischoiceof careerwasfunny
Whatdoesthe writersayabouthisworkinglife?
2 Whichisyourfavourite
typeof film? A Heenjoyedworkingon 2001:ASpaceOdyssey
. historical
. science-fiction
o action. comedy B Hedidn'tenjoyworking on StarWars.
. romance . horror. drama. war . thriller C Heenjoyedworkingon the Indiana Jonesfilms
. cartoono westernr detective D Heenjoyedworkrngon TheLordof theRingstrilogy
havein common? What might the writersayabout specialeffectsin
ffieme$Erxg A They'renot asgoodastheyusedto be
B They'vehelpedto makesomegreatfilms
a. Readthe title of the text and lookat the
C They'remoreimportantthana good\story.
pictures.What is the text about?Listenand
D Theycan'tget anybetterthan theyard..r:row.
readto check.

4 Completethe sentences
with the underlined
b. Readthe text and, for eachquestion,
words in the text.
choosethe correctanswer,A, B, C or D.
1 Happiness isa wonderful
Whatisthewriter'smainpurpose rnwritingthetext?
2 | like actronfilms where lots of stuff qets
A to describe
B to saywhat he likesaboutdifferentfilms
3 A lot of science-fiction filmsare aboutaliens
C to talkabouthiscareer in the filmbusiness
D to explain
the historyof special effects
T h i sf i l mi sa b o u ta t y r a n ta n dh i s . .
What would a readerlearnaboutfilmmakers
from o n t h e p l a n eM t ars
the text? 5 Theyarrivedand into the party,
A Theywant to fly. whrchwas quiteboringuniiltheygot there.
B Theyareinvading the Earth 6 Computergeneratedimageshave
C Theywill destroyfreedomacross
the universe. for years,but theyget better
D Theywant usto belrevethe impossible. a l l t h et i m e
7 Astronomers stilldon': <io,,,,,
a lot aboutour
3 Whatdoesthe writersayabouthisfamily?
A Hewantedto zapthemwith a raygun.
,-3 -Erowalksoff into
B Theywerehisfirstaudience.
t h es u n s e t
thatwasalltheencouragement I needed. I finallygotintothe
film business in the 70s.Stanley Kubrick hadamazed
everybody withhisbeautiful iiln 2001: A Space 0dyssey andI
foundmyself working ona similar filmfora young guy called
George Lucas. Hekepttalking aboutrobots, orswords made
outoflight,andsuperfast spaceships, andI keptsaying, "Sltre,
l iongtimeagoina galaxy far,faraway... people used to George, buthowarewegoing to make it?"Well,intheendwe
=trieve whatever theysawwiththeirowneyes.Butdoyou founda wayandStarWarswasa massive blockbuster.We
'-allybelieve amancanfly?Doyoubelieve aliens
areinvading made twomoreSfarWars films,andI hadagreat timeworking
:ar1horthatanevilempire willdestroy freedom across the onIhelndiana Jones movies, butthenalong came Jurassic
LryQ15Q? For the makersof films like Supernan, Parkin 1993andthatchanged everything.
r"tependence DayandStarWars, theirmission is to make
r:.:believe Computer animation hadbeenaround fora longtime,butnow
andthat's whentheycome tosomeone likeme.
wecouldmakeanykindof creature wewanted. Suddenly, it
l''ertheyears, l'vetravelled
through time, breathed lifeback seemed likeevery filmhadto haveCGI(computer generated
-io dinosaurs andblownupentireplanets. Today, I workat imaging) andI thinksomepeople forgotthatfilmsstillneed
rdustrial Light&Magic, butmyinterest inspecialeffects goes imagination.I enjoyfilmslikeTheLordof the RingsIrilogy
:ackto mychildhood. I remember seeing thealieninTheWar because they've gotdrama andemotion aswellas great
)i TheWorlds zapsomesoldiers witha raygunandI thought special effects,butmykidslikecomputer animated filmslike
:l mysel{, "l wanttodothat," Myfather hada home movie Shrek. Sometimes I tryto imagine whatkindoffilmsthey'llbe
:amera andI filmed mybrother pretending to bea soldier. watching whenthey'reolder,butthenI lookbackat howfar
enI filmedsomefireworks exploding. Mymumwentcrazy we've already come. Whocould have dreamed anyofthis
,,,henshesawit, butmydadthought it wasreallyfunnyand wouldreally happen?

Matchthewordsin boldto theirsynonyms. Spem&<6mg

1 support 3 liberty 5 reflect In pairs,
thinkof questions,
thenactout an
2 shoot 4 huge 6 task interview betweenDickSummers anda
basedon the information
in thetext.
Readthe sentences. Which is about a: CD?film?
game?concert? play?Usethe underlinedwords €-EstemSrxg
to talk aboutyour favouriteCD,film,etc.
the film review.
1 With an excellent
cast.grippingplot and lotsof
thisissureto be a boxofficehit!
T i t l e :1 ) . . .
2 Thetitletrackisthe best,but the wholealbum Directed
b y : B r i a n2 ) . . . . . . .
is worth a listen,and sometunesmay even
S t a r r i n g : T i3
m) a sD a v eD o u g l a s
RobertDowneyJr givesa 4)
3 D e s p i tteh e s i m p l ep l o ta n d d u l lg r a p h i c tsh, i s
asDr Kozak.
is engaging,quite difficult
An exciting
filmfor 5)
and lotsof fun

4 Thecastplayedto a fullhouseon opelfngnight

andthe audience lovedtheirperformance ,'-Writinq

5 Thepackedstadiumrockedandthe bandgave
Portfolio:Writea shortreviewof a filmyou have
a fantasticlive performance
of sonqsfrom
throughouttheirlongcareer o title. a C t O f S / d i f " r - rtn rn l n f r v n r, r ^ p i n i O l

3 Fill in: seguel,trilogy, specialeffects,blockbuster,
computeronimated,plot, boxoffice.Checkin
In pairs,listasmanyplaces
asyoucanthink your dictionaries.
of wherepeoplego for entertainment.
1 T h eS t a r W afrisl m sw e r eh u g e . . . . . . . . . . . .h. .i.t.s .
b . Completetheword(s)tomatcheachdefinition. 2 T h r e ef i l m sm a k eu 0 a . . . . .
Areanyof thesewordsin yourlist? 3 A .. . . continues the storyof a previous film
4 . ............ . . .m a k ef i l m sm o r ee x c i t i n g .
1 Yougo hereto watcha film. c 5 S h r ei ksa . . . . . . . . . . . f. i.l.m .
2 Youcanmeetyourfriendsherefor a coffee. 6 T h i sf i l mi ss u r et o b e a s u m m e r ....."...
7 The .. wasborinqand predictable.
Youcanrideon a rollercoasterhere.
r____ p 4 FiII in: sfars,filmed,directed,f eatures,is set.
4 Yougo hereto watcha play.t 1 M o s to f t h e S t a r W a r s f i l m s w. e. .r.e. . . . . . . .i n
5 Yougo hereto watcha musical
performance. a studio.
c h 2 TomCruise in a lot of actionfilms.
Youcansee paintings
here. 3 Thefilm in outerspace.
a__ q__ 4 T h ef i l mi s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b.y. S
. . t. e. v eS
np i e l b e r g .
Youcangoten-pin bowling
here 5 Shrek. a greenogrevoicedby Mike
b a Myers.
Yougo hereto watchanopera.
o n

c. In pairs,talkaboutwhichof theseplaces
youcanfindin the areawhereyoulive. Whichoneshaveyou
a. Lookat theitems.
a crnema
B. There no
aresomecafdsin myareatoo,butthere's DVDprayer
Fill in: audience,subtitles,DVD,dubbed,band, camera
performance,downloaded,track, olbum,
applause,songs,crowd, films, website,horror.
1 A: I don't likewatchingfilmsif the language
hasbeen . I preferto read
B: Really? | don'twatchmanyforeign
2 A: Therewasa hugeroundof .. ..... from
t h e. . . . . . . . .a. .t t. h ee n do f t h e. . . . . .
B : Y e a hT h e . . wentwild!
3 A: Thissong is my favourite on the
B : YeahThey'remy favourite ...,too. (PDA)
A : I renteda reallygood . last night b . Usethe verbsto completethe phrases.
calledShawnof theDead. Thenrankthe objectsin Ex.5ain orderof
B : Thatsoundslikea . . ..... film Wasit? importance to you.Compare answerswith
A : No - actually,it wasa comedy. a paftner.
A : | . . . . . . . . . .s. .o m eg r e a r o n r om y . send(x2'r. lisien1x2;o 1s6e1jo play
iPodlastnight. . take . Stofe . 1,,13161
r 63ll
B : R e a l l yT?e lm
l et h e n a m eo f t h e . . . . . . . . . . .s.o. .
1 frletos
I canseeif there'sanythingI mightlike.
2 :3X: -eSSageS
3 . . ...the latestgames
4 . yourfavourite
5 . . . . .e - m a i l s 8 Fillin:onor in.
6 . ....addresses.
Is there anythingworth watching on TV
7 . ...........fi1ms
t o n i g h t ?l ' m . . . . . . .t h e m o o d f oart h d l l e r
8 .. . .. pictures
lsawX-Meni//atthe cinemalastnightandlwas
9 to music,news,talk shows,etc
fhc eriac of mv seat !
10 . Vp r o g r a m m e s
. . . .T
3 | needto chargemy mobilephone.Wherecan
A: Tome,themobile phone isthemostimportant
ofall, Ip l u g. . . . . . . .t h e c h a r g e r ?
becauseI cancallmyfriends orsendtextmessages. 4 | tune........ to thisradiostationeveryda;
B: Tome,thegames consoleisthemostimportantof
all,becauseI canplaythelatestgames.

I Complete the sentences
6 a. Readthe instructions
with the correctverb
the correctorder.WhichgadgetfromEx.5a
phrasalverbs in bold.
f \ "Siwc

1 l t ' sr e a l l lya t ea n dI ' mt i r e d l t h i n kl ' l l. . . . . . i n

2 | don'tfeellikegoingto fhe cinema- l'm going
t o . . . . . .i n .
3 O K .| . . . . . . . .i.n. H o w d o y o uw o r k t h i sd i g i t a l
Afterthe concertwe founda B&Bto .
i n f o rt h e n i g h t .
5 Please don't in when l'm talking

g 6 We got to the stationjustasthe train . ..

7 M y p a r t - t i mjeo b a t t h e c i n e m ao n l y. . . . . . . .i.n.
aboutf1 00 a week.

10 Fillin a wordfromthe listbelow-thenexplain

the idiomsin bold.Aretheresimilaridiomsin
. whale. Dutch. leg . storm

b. In pairs,usethe instructions
to actout a 1 Wehada of a timeat the party
dialogue abouthowto usethe gadget. 2 S a mp a i da n a r ma n da . . . . . . . . . .f .o. r.h. i sn e w
A: I don'tknowhowtousethis.What doI do?
push 3 Mobilephones havetakentheworldby .......... .
B: Well,
first theon/offbuttontoswitchit on.
A: Thisone?'son.Whatnow? etc 4 W h e nI g o o u tw i t h P a u w
l , e a l w a ygso . . . . . . . . . . . .
- that is.we eachpayhalfthe bill
to the phrases,
Matchthe adjectives thenfind
the oddwordout,asin the example.

Writea text givinginstructions
on how
to senda text messageon yourmobilephone.


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