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Nobel Prize start in 1901 and founder Alfred Bernard Nobel awarded annually at December 10 in

following disciplines. Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physiology or medicine. And Economics
Nobel prize first given in 1967 and called Nobel Memorial Prize.
Gateway of Pakistan Karachi
Jalianwala Bagh Amritsar
Khudai Khidmatgaar Known as Red shirts
State of jammu and Kashmir was ruled by Gulab Singh
Land Locked Country Mongolia
Shape of earth sphere
Abu Ghaib prison is in Iraq
Wimbledon Tennis Ground England
Maximum Calories Carbohydrates
Speed of sound less than speed of light
Albert Einstein belongs to Germany
Body Temperature of normal man 98.6
GMT situated in England
Asian games 2010 held in Guangzhou
Pakistan Hockey team won Asia gold medal 8 times
Australian open tennis championships 2011 won by Novak Diokovic
Trachoma is a disease of the eye
Element most abundant in the earth crust Oxygen
CNG same chemical as Sui gas
Exposure to sunlight results in formation of Vitamin D
Earth Revolved around the sun scientist name Copernicus
Measuring of speed of wind anemometer
Si unit of temperature kelvin
Oncology is the study of tumors
Gas contained in the exhaust fumes from cars carbon monoxide
Deuterium Oxide Heavy water
Old Name

Ceylon Sri Lanka

Mesopotemia Iraq

Famous Sea Ports

Naples Italy
Baku sea port on Caspian Sea

Famous Parliaments
Norway’s Parliament Stortinget
British Parliament Bi-Cameral

Famous Islands:
Kuril Islands Russian & Japan
Important HQs
HQs of East India Company located at Fort St. George
HQ of international Atomic Energy Agency Vienna
Important Rivers
Nile (longest river)
Important Dates:
Gandhi Irwin pact was signed in London 1931
Mopla Rebellion took place in Kerala 1922
Islamabad was chosen as capital of year 1959
Iqbal Delivered his famous address in Allahabad 1930
Labor Day of workers of Chicago 1st May
Day of Deliverance 22-12-1939
2nd Summit Conference 1974
Lahore Resolution 1940
Pakistan First Constitution 1956
Round Table Conference in London 1930
Indus Water Treaty between Pakistan and India 1960
UNO was formed in 1945
Taraqi pasand tahreek establishment 1936

President of Iraq Naui-al-Maliki
President of Afghanistan Dr. Ashraf Ghani
President US Secretary of State john Kerry
45 American President Donald Trump
France President Francois Hollande
Director CIA Jan brenan

Kenya Nairobi
Libya Tripoli

Largest and smallest:

Largest Country of South America Brazil
Largest Muslim Population country in world Indonesia
Roof of the world Tibet
Biggest Desert in the world Sahara
Largest river of Asia Yangtze
Largest Muslim country by area Kazakhstan
Smallest Continent Australia
Largest continent Asia
Country famous for:
WOOL producing country Australia
Important Novel and writers
Jinnah of Pakistan Stanley Wolpert

K2 second highest Peak of the world located in Karakorum

Nuclear Power Plant are there in Pakistan 4
The major work force of Pakistan in sector Agriculture
Biggest Salt mine district in Pakistan Jhelum
Biggest Barrage in Pakistan Sukkur Barrage
Dr. Abdul Islam belongs to Pakistan Punjab

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Immense Vast
Luminous bright
Reckless Rush
Reluctant Hesitant
Whip Beat
Vigilant careful
Raged Teased
Hush Silence
Conceited proud
Craze Trend
Industrious Diligent
Euphonious strident (antonym)
Commodious vast (limited antonym)
Zealot supporter (fanatic)
Exonerate Forgive (accuse)
Restive uneasy (placid)
Expedite hasten
Abase degrade

Jealous of Repenting for Good at Famous for Do in Conflicts with Adjourned for
Charged with Break down
Correct Spelling
Procedure Receive Frequent Discipline Continuous Pivot
Mosquito Subordinate Prerequisite Boulevard occurred Obsolete
Guarantee violence

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