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Comparative adjective.

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Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets to
complete the following sentences in English.

Ex. 1

1. This river is not long but it is   one in the country. (wide) 

2. Your car is   than mine. (fast) 

3. Which is   actress in the theatre? (slim) 

4. This end is   than that one. (clean) 

5. This building is   in the street. (big) 

6. The Atlantic is   than the Arctic Ocean. (large) 

7. This is   day in my life. (happy) 

8. The Pacific is   ocean on the earth. (large) 

9. This equation is   than that one. (simple) 

10. Which tree is  : this one or that one? (low) 

11. The sand is   here than over there. (dry) 

12. Steve is   than his brother. (strong) 

13. In my opinion, Napoleon was   commander in history. (great) 

Comparative adjective. Page 2 of 3

14. The left shoe is   than the right one. (small) 

15. My car is   than yours. (big) 

16. This is   building in the town. (high) 

17. I am   than you. (old) 

18. This is   story I have ever heard. (sad) 

19. The right trouser-leg is   than the left one. (wide) 

20. This is   hat we have got. (small)

Ex. 2

1. My sister is   than my mother. (tall)

2. John is   than his   sister. (intelligent, young)

3. Mary is   than Dorothy. (beautiful)

4. She is   than her brothers. (nice)

5. He is by far   than his wife. (slim)

6. The English test was definitely   than the German test. (easy)

7. This book is   than the film. (exciting)

8. She is   than her friends. (rich)

9. This way is   than the other one. (dangerous)

Comparative adjective. Page 3 of 3

10. Sally is   than her mother, isn't she? (big)

Ex. 3

1. Sue’s car isn’t very big. She wants a   car. 

2. This house isn’t very modern. I like   houses. 

3. You’re not very tall. Your brother is  . 

4. Bill doesn’t work very hard. I work  . 

5. My chair isn’t very comfortable. Your chair is  . 

6. Jill’s idea wasn’t very good. My idea was  . 

7. These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue one is  . 

8. My case isn’t very heavy. Your case is  . 

9. I’m not very interested in sports. I’m   in reading. 

10. It isn’t very warm today. Yesterday it was  . 

11. These tomatoes aren’t very good. The other ones taste  . 

12. Ireland isn’t very big. France is  . 

13. Liverpool isn’t very beautiful. London is  . 

14. This knife isn’t very sharp. Have you got a   one? 

15. People today aren’t very polite. In the past they were  .

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