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Hot Spot 3

‘Food for thought’ Webquest

The best time to use this Webquest is at the end of Module 5.

Part 1: Manners and taboos

Go to this website and do Exercises 1 and 2 below:

Exercise 1

People in different countries behave in different ways. Read about things you
should and shouldn’t do in Britain. Then choose the correct answer, (a) or (b),
to these questions.

1. What question should you never ask a woman?

(a) How old are you? (b) What’s your job?

2. What should you say if someone is standing in your way?

(a) Excuse me. (b) Please move.

3. What should you not do when eating?

(a) Use your left hand. (b) Talk with your mouth full of food.

4. When should you cover your mouth?

(a) When you laugh or smile. (b) When you cough or yawn.

5. What should you always do when you are waiting for a bus?
(a) Talk to the other passengers. (b) Stand in a queue.

6. What question should you never ask a man or a woman?

(a) Have you got any children? (b) How much money do you earn?

7. When should you normally shake someone’s hand?

(a) When you meet someone for the first time. (b) Every time you see
someone you know.

8. Can a man wear a hat inside a house?

(a) Yes, it’s normal. (b) No, it’s not polite.

9. On which side of the road should you ride a bicycle or drive a car?
(a) On the left. (b) On the right.

10. Can you stare at someone in public?

(a) Yes, it is all right to do this. (b) No, it is impolite.

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Exercise 2

Would the answers in Exercise 1 be the same in your country? What

differences would there be? Talk about this with a friend in your class. Then
write 3 – 5 sentences about your country.

For example: In my country we ride our bicycles or drive our cars on the right.


Exercise 3

Now go to this page about food and eating on the same website:

Go to the section ‘Things you should not do’. Read the information and try to
remember as much as possible. Then complete the crossword with the correct
words from the website.

1. Don’t use your ________ to push food onto your fork or spoon.
2. Don’t start ________ before everyone else at the table has been served.
3. Don’t lick or put your ________ in your mouth.
4. Don’t blow your ________ on your napkin.
5. Don’t put your ________ on the table.
6. Don’t take food from your neighbour’s ________.
7. Don’t chew food with your ________ open.
8. Don’t slurp your food or eat ________.
9. If you can’t reach something, ask someone to _______ it to you.
10. Don’t pick food from your ________ with your fingernails.


3 4 5

6 7

9 10

Part 2: Food quiz

Go to this website and do Exercises 1 and 2 below:

Exercise 1
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Do the quiz which is about food around the world. Check your score at the

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences below with information you found in the Quiz.

1. The first ___________ was made in 1885.

2. ____________ don’t eat any meat.
3. ____________ is the world’s favourite ice cream flavour.
4. ____________ is the world’s most popular fruit.
5. Cocoa butter is the main ingredient of ___________.
6. Tomato, cheese and _____________ are used to make a Margherita pizza.
7. People in Morocco eat a lot of ____________.
8. A Chapati is a type of Indian _____________.
9. People often use ______________ to eat rice and noodles.
10. Vegetable, meat or fish _______________ is the most popular dish in
the UK.

Exercise 3

Imagine a friend from another country is coming to your house for dinner.
Give him / her some advice about what he / she should (or can) do, and what
he / she shouldn’t do at the table. Write your answers below.

Things you should / can do Things you shouldn’t do

(Example: You can eat with your (Example: You shouldn’t blow your
hands at a barbeque or informal nose.)
setting. You should eat everything on
your plate.)

Part 3: What the world eats!

Go to this website and do Exercises 1 and 2 below:,29307,1626519_1373664,00.html

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Exercise 1

What do people around the world eat, and how much do they spend on food
each week? Look at the first 10 families and answer the questions below.

1. Which family has the most members?

2. Which family spends the most on food each week?
3. Which family spends the least on food each week?
4. How many families include meat (or things made from meat) in their list of
favourite foods or in one of their family recipes?
5. How many families include fish or seafood in their list of favourite foods?
6. How many families don’t include either meat or fish / seafood in their list of
favourite foods?

Exercise 2

Work with a friend in your class, and answer these questions:

1. Which family do you think eats the healthiest food? Why?
2. Which family do you think eats the unhealthiest food? Why?
3. Which family would you like to have dinner with tonight? Why?

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Part 1 Exercise 1

1. (a), 2. (a), 3. (b), 4. (b), 5. (b), 6. (b), 7. (a), 8. (b), 9. (a), 10. (b)

Exercise 3
1. fingers, 2. eating, 3. knife, 4. nose, 5. elbows, 6. plate, 7. mouth,
8. noisily, 9. pass, 10. teeth

Part 2 Exercise 2

1. hamburger, 2. vegetarians, 3. vanilla, 4. banana, 5. chocolate,

6. basil, 7. couscous, 8. bread, 9. chopsticks, 10. curry

Part 3 Exercise 1

1. The Ahmed family of Cairo, Egypt (12 members)

2. The Revis family of North Carolina, USA ($341.98)
3. The Aboubakar family from Chad ($1.23 a week).
4. Eight: the Manzo family from Sicily (hot dogs are meat-based); the
Aboubakar family from Chad; the Al Haggan family from Kuwait; the Revis
family from the USA; the Casales family from Mexico; the Dong family from
China; the Sobczynscy family from Poland; the Ahmed family from Egypt;
5: Three: the Ukita family from Japan (sashimi is a dish made from raw fish);
the Manzo family from Italy; the Casales family from Mexico;
6. Only one: the Ayme family from Ecuador.

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Hot Spot 3

Teacher’s notes for using search engines and links:

Part 1 Exercise 1
Students scroll up and down the page to find their answers. The information
they need can be found under the section ‘Manners are Important’. (Note also
that the information they need is not in the same order as the questions.)

Part 1 Exercise 3
Students can either use the website address on the webquest page, or click
on ‘Eating Etiquette’ at the top of the original page. They will need to scroll
down the page until they find ‘Things you should not do’: the information they
are going to need for Exercise 3 can be found there.

Part 2 Exercise 1
Students click on one player and choose A, B or C to answer the 10
questions. If they are correct, a ‘next’ button appears. Students click on this to
move on to the next question.

Part 2 Exercise 2
Students complete the sentences with information they have just learned from
the quiz. Encourage students to try to remember the answers rather than
clicking on the ‘Back’ key.

Part 3 Exercises 1 and 2

Students look at each picture in turn by clicking on one of the ‘Next’ or ‘Back’

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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010.

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