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Group 6 “Electrical energy”

Course Code: MCE2403 Course Name: Thermodynamic

Assessment Name: Project Percentage of total course grade: 30%

Date: 18-06-2020 Due date:21-6-2020

Student Name: Shahad Saeed Abdulla Saeed Alnaqbi
  Shamma Salim Mohamed Alnaour Alnaqbi
  Taif Salim Mohamed Salim Alnaoor Alnaqbi
  Shamma Yousif Saeed Alshembaili Alnaqbi
Student ID: H00367863

Instructor Name: Mazin Abuharaz

Total Number of Pages: 05

Group 6 “Electrical energy”

Electrical Energy
Electrical energy is an energy that is stored inside an electric field in charged particles.
Electrical fields are often regions that surround a charged particle. There are two main types of
electricity, Static Electricity, generated by rubbing two or more objects causing friction to build
up, Current Electricity, generated by the electric charge flow through a conductor across an
electric field. The best oppleaction that we chose it on electrical energy is that power plant. There
is some advantage to using electric energy. For example, it can be converted easily to other forms
of energy. It's significantly cheaper than other forms of energy. It can be very conveniently and
efficiently transmitted to various locations. This form of energy is easily controllable and
On the other hand, there is some drawback for electrical energy it can affect on the
environment by using power plant. For instance, power plants that burn biomass release two
undesirable pollutants, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, into the air. Power plants burn carbon
dioxide from the fossil fuel pump into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that
causes the temperature to rise on Earth. Results of an experiment that took place in the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) to inform a strategic planning phase led by the Environment Agency-Abu
Dhabi (EAD). This represents the first national implementation of a deliberative comparative risk
assessment system first published in this journal considering 14 categories of environmental
health threats defined by discussions with EAD staff: outdoor and indoor air pollution; drinking
water contamination; coastal water pollution; contamination of soil and groundwater;
contamination of fruits, vegetables, and seafood; atmospheric noise; loss of stratospheric ozone;
electromagnetic fields from power lines; climate change impacts on health; and exposure to toxic
chemicals in manufacturing, building and agricultural work environments. A consensus that the
top targets for outdoor and indoor air pollution are in the UAE. These were rated amongst the
highest risks by each of the five groups. All groups ranked pollution of the soil and groundwater
among the lowest risks. However, there are several ways to decrease pollution. For example, use
solar panels instead of the power plant, and take the power plant away from the city side.
Power plants are one of the application examples of electrical energy. The classification
of electrical energy is macroscopic because it is external energy and macroscopic sources of
energy are those that an overall structure contains, for example, as regards a reference point,
kinetic and potential energies. With velocity and elevation, the macroscopic energy of an
ascending object changes. In power plant, heat is generated by some fuel sources, such as coal,
oil natural gas, or nuclear power. The heat is used for producing steam by boiling water. The
steam is used to spin a turbine under high pressure.

Group 6 “Electrical energy”

Historically, the first power plant made in 1980 made a lot of pollution (Auguse1,2017).
The pressure for the power plant is that 4400psi(poinds per squer inch).The electrical energy
depends on the first law of thermodynamics(quality) by transferring the energy between different
forms, it’s depended on the second law(quantity as well as quality) by converting heat transfer
such as power plant (See Fig.1), and home plant (See Fig.2).
There are different types of electrical energy that generate the electricity. The first type is
that Fossil Fuel, by transferring the energy DC (Direct Current) and AC (Alternating Current) the
power can travel by distance. The second type is that hydroelectric power generate power by
convert the water force. The third type is that nuclear power plant by heat the water it generates
the electricity. Moreover, Solar power plant transfer the energy by using the sun. The last type is
that wind power plant gets the energy from the wind. To know more about the power plant,
watch this video:

Fig.1 power

Fig.2 home power


Group 6 “Electrical energy”

The formulas that can calculate power from electrical energy is that:
∆ U ( energ )( J )=Q ( h eat ) ( J )−W ( work ) ( J )
E ( energy )( J )=P ( power ) (W ) × t ( time ) ( s )
E ( energy )( J )=Q(C h arge)(C) ×V (volyage)(v )
1 m
KE (Kintic Energy ) ( J )= ×m( mass)( kg)× v 2 (velocity)( )
2 s
PE ( Potenail Energy )=m(mass)( kg)× g (gravity)( ) ×h( hig h)(m)

Electrical energy is a source of energy that results from the electrical charge flow. The
movement of charged particles via a wire or other medium is called electricity or current.
Electrical energy is macroscope because we can see it with eye and, we can tach it also it is
external energy. Electrical energy is a source of kinetic energy (The formula for calculating
kinetic energy (KE) is KE = 0.5 x mv2), as the charges that make the energy shift. Examples of
electrical energy in practice include lightning, batteries, and power plant. There are two forms of
electricity, Static, and Current. Static Electricity is created by rubbing two or more objects
together and making friction while current electricity is the electric charge flow over an electrical
field. In Thermodynamics, the quantity of heat transferred for a process in a closed system is
determined by the quantity of adiabatic work needed to effect the change in the system caused by
the heat transfer as shown in figure 1. Formula for calculating power from electrical energy
is: Energy = Power x Time. The unit of energy is the joule, the unit of power is the watt, and the
unit of time is the second. Electric Energy Applications. Worldwide, electrical energy is used to
drive machines, appliances, and transport methods used in everyday life. Electrical energy must
be generated from energy sources such as power plants to make things work, so that an entity can
absorb the power it requires to operate. Electric Energy Applications. Worldwide, electrical
energy is used to drive machines, appliances, and transport methods used in everyday life.
Electrical energy must be generated from energy sources such as power plants to make things
work, so that an entity can absorb the power it requires to operate.

Group 6 “Electrical energy”

Fig. 5: heat

References (APA style): 2020. 15 Key Facts & Statistics About Power Plant Pollution. [online]
Available at: <
%20to%201980.> [Accessed 11 June 2020].
ThoughtCo. 2020. Electrical Energy Is One Of Science's Most Misunderstood Topics. [online]
Available at: <
%20charged%20particles.> [Accessed 11 June 2020]. 2020. Power Plant - Energy Education. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 11 June 2020].
ThoughtCo. 2020. Electrical Energy Is One Of Science's Most Misunderstood Topics. [online]
Available at: <
%20charged%20particles.> [Accessed 2 June 2020].

Shamma Salim Environmental impact- intro Reference

Shahad saeed Definition of energy - abstract Classification of energy
Taif salim Table and content calculation
Shamma yousif Conclusion – Energy Example and case studies


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