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Jima started learning English three years 220 Pape has three English lessons a week She nls Englsh is important for work because sre ims tobe a businesswoman. Faria kes ean “implied books in Engish which her teacher git 2 hen She writes down the mportant new Wore er wocabulary book. She gets good i fgarmmar and waiting, but se has problems » | Speaking, espedaly pronunciation nade Jean-Paul started leaming English two years ago. He has five Englsh lessons a week and his teacher aves him a lot of homework on Wednesday night and atthe weekend He dink Erlh important for travel because he wants to travel around the world. He likes istering to British and American | 0p music and watching programmes n Engich on Satelite television. He gets good marks fore speding and lnteing but he has probs wi arena and wrong, aoe A ‘True or False? Read about Fatima and Jean-Paul. 1 Fatima started learning English two years ago. F 2 Fatima’s teacher gives her books to read. 3 She has problems with grammar and writing. 4 Jean-Paul has five English lessons a week. 5. He thinks English is important for travel 6 He has problems with speaking and listening. ae about your English. Istarted learning English ....... years ago. I have English lessons a week. I think English is important for .............+...... Tget good marks for .....-++ eeand. but I have problems with ......- c Find out about the grammar and vocabulary in this Activity Book. Write down the page numbers for the things below. Use the Contents pages in your Students’ Book to help you. 1 Testyourselffor module three, Stories. 2S) 2. The Useful vocabulary for module one, Animals. LJ 3. Episode two of the story Robot rebellion. 4 The Remember! box about times. 5. The Remember! box about made of. 6 The Useful vocabulary for module six, Robots. 7 The Language practice about can. L. 8 Test yourself for module five, Food. 9 The Remember! box about numbers. L 10 The Language practice about will. 11 The Remember! box about will be ableto. |] D ‘Complete the vocabulary network, AB ‘Which areas of English are important to study and practise? Listen to the cassette and complete the table for Rosa. Gilberto Rosa You speaking I listening reading writing Pronunciation vocabulary grammar B Which areas of English do you think are important to study? Complete the last column of the table. c Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. match a score that you get for school work partner ask somebody questions pair discover choose give an answer you think is right guess ‘two people working together questionnaire the person you work with in the class interview pick out from a group find out find something similar homework alist of questions mark work the teacher gives you to do at home D Look at the words in exercise C again. Which are nouns and which are verbs? Mark them N (noun) or V (verb). 1 match LY] 5 guess 9 homework 2 partnerlN] 6 questionnaire 10 mark 3 pat Cl 7 interview CO 4 choose 8 find out Complete this personal profile for a friend or a ‘member of your family. Name ‘Age Home Hobbies Favourite food Favourite music F How many languages can you find in this word square? mAI>Z> SAMO omewzZ—->COw CZIw-vin-» Qz>—-r>4-z> C-2NOr wh MmzZ axm-r-zzZ40-— eplo-razame - OAT wOZOTNZMAT |mma>xgzare —¢C A ‘Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right. How do you spell It isa book where you write cupboard? important new words. How do you In English thatis dictionary. prononnce this? What does notebook C-U-P-B-0-A-R-D. mean? How do you say It isan object that sharpens diccionario in pencils, English? What does pencil sharpener mean? ‘You pronounce it black / board. Useful vocabulary B Look at the words below from the introduction of your ‘Students’ Book. They are important to remember. dictionary / notebook / spel / pronunciation / mean partner / match / guess /find out/_ questionnaire / mark interview / homework / pairs bag / blackboard / noun / verb / choose / answer / complete / check Now look through Lessons A, B and C in your Students’ Book and write any other words that you think are important in your vocabulary book. c Look through Lessons A, B and Cin your Students’ Book. Find examples of ten of the words in exercise B. Write the examples in your vocabulary book. 1 Look at the questionnaire. D Use the mini-dictionary at the back of your Students’ Book to find the definitions of five words in exercise B. Write the definitions in your vocabulary book. match - to find something similar. LEARNING TO LEARN. E ‘Complete the tables. [—comay J A Australia B c jD A B c ee Boy's name A Alan B e anes D Girl's name A Alice B c D MODULE I ANIMALS, ti B : me at the title of the story. Read episode 1 and answer the questions below. What do you think the story 1 Where does Pitu ive? 4 What does Pitu make? is about? 2 Can the animals talk?” «5. Where is Pitu at the end? 3 What colour are the birds? 6 Whatis he? PITU AND THE BIRDS=——— Episode I One morning Pitu goes hunting. Suddenly he notices something strange by the river. There are lots of colourful shells, all the colours you can imagine. Pitu sits ina forest in South America the people down, takes a piece of strtst and neh and animals speak the same language. A anecklace with the shells, young Indian boy, Pitu, lives in the forest with his mother, father, brothers and sisters. They live in a house made of ‘grass and leaves, There are about twenty houses in their village. Then suddenly a strange thing happens. itu begins to grow big and fat and long! E After a few minutes, he isn'ta boy at alk, Sipe ; but a great, fat, long, colourful river a FucrY lay Pitu goes into the forest alone. snake! He goes into the water and sits on a a deonty, Nooting birds with hisbow and the botiom ofthe river. le says there for arrow. In this forest the birds are along time. Sometimes he gets out of the (Gk e different; they are all completely white! river and eats an animal or a person! D Put the words below in the 8.30 — half past eight 8.40 = ewenty to nine cone cone ostrich / yellow / pronunciation / red f eagle / mother/ speaking / father / green / grammar / ca questions and answers. brother / penguin 1 What time /z00 / close? 4 What time / they / goto bed?” Bee What time does the 200 close? Half past sewer. 2 What time / football match/ 5 What time/ you start? get up on Saturdays? 3 What time/ you! 6 What time / film / finish? ‘have lunch? Peete Can you add more words to Look at the pictures and write short answers. 1 Does she like spaghetti? 4 Does she like football? 5 Do they like English lessons? 6 Does itlike bright lights? Answer these questions about yourself. 1 Do you like animals? 2 Do you like mathematics? 3 Doyou and your friends like English? c ‘Make questions from the words below. Then match the questions with these answers: a) During the day. b) Athome. c) Meat. 4) Five pounds. e) Every day. 1 When /bats/ sleep? 4 How much /it/cost? 5 How often / you/ watch TV? D Add more words to the vocabulary network. Use a dictionary to help you. Now draw three vocabulary networks in your vocabulary books. Use these topics: © School © Languages. ® Countries 6 72 A@ What can you remember about the story so far? 1 Where is Pitu? Now read episode 2 of the story. Pitu's mother is very sad because she thinks the great river snake Killed and ate her son. "The animals and the people are angry because sometimes the snake eats people and animals. So the Chief of the Indians has a meeting in the forest. AIL the people and all the animals go and fisten to the Chief. The Chief says, “Somebody must kill the great river snake, Whoever kills the snake can keep its colourful skin.” "The animals are frightened and they don’t want to kill the snake. They give thelr excuses. [can't swim,” says the white parrot. “[ve gota bad cold,” says the monkey. “[ can't see very well,” says the bat. “Tm very small,” says the mouse ‘Then the cormorant stands up. He is a big bird with a Tong neck, He usually goes to the river to catch fish. “T think I can {ail the snake,” he says. PITU AND THE BIRDS= Episode 2 2. What does he look like now? ‘The cormorant takes an arrow and puts it in his beak, He goes to the river Immediately. He swims down and down until he sees the enormous snake. There js.a terrible fight, but the cormorant Kills the snake with the arrow. Everybody is happy. The Indians and the animals pull the snake out of the water. ‘They cut off its beautiful skin. Now the Indians want the skin because itis very beautiful, But the cormorantsays, “No, it's mine.” The Chief of the Indians says, SOK, you can have it, But how can you carry it?” The Chief laughs, and the cormorant thinks about what he can do, B D Write questions. Match words from the three columns and 1.What does.the rier snake. writesentences. “sometimes eat? 1 cormorant. smallinsect long tail Sometimes it cats people and animals. seca berirtortatna nasty bite 3 mouse big bird no legs eae 4 ant reptile > lng He has « meeting “All the people and all the animals. “Because the great river snake is dead. ES Listen to the cassette and guess the names of Remember! the animals. Write the names below. Isan elephant big? Yes, itis. 1 Are snakes birds? No. they're not 2. Cc pve Write short answers. F 1 Isan elephant big? Look at the picture and complete the Yes, itis... ...,, €rossword. Then find the name of an animal. 2 oe Bee 7 T 3 Tee nae i ‘i a hcdcaiaasaaags | 5 Are mice big animals? A Use the information in the table and the verbs below to complete the information about Jane. start/eat / drink / read / go / watch / play / go/do » asa gets up school & lie 1p once ye iia SF veckend =D) Jane gets up at! ..Aghe . . o'clock. For breakfast she? «bacon and. wepand*. - aglass of Shes... and the first class - o'clock. to school ep eiceheattete After school Jane her homework. In the evening she"...... television or ®......cceee abook. She --tobedat 4... o'clock. Every Saturday she 5. Woo. .ee es. forthe school club. B Now write about yourself. I. -up at. For + breakiat I. My school .... In the evenings 1 Remember! Joe Trounson gets up at 7 o'clock. He plays the guitar on Saturdays. He goes on holiday in September: c Put the words below in the correct column. ‘Wednesday / the morning / half past two / February / night / 1986 / Christmas / 21st March / Monday morning, At In On half past two D Find the answers and complete the crossword. «Joe work? (4) Saturdays. (2) small insect. (2) «++ soins your head to your body. (4) «++ ostrich isa big bird. 2) if Jocand the daphne work 262 mC) 11 Your... .isin the middle of your face. (4) pown 1 Vegetarians .... . eat meat. (4) 2.2.4, two, three, (3) 5 Adolphin ..... very well. (5) 7... can sce well in the dark. (4) is in the middle of your leg. (4) ae A What can you remember about the story so far? Answer the questions. 1 What is the cormorant’s problem? ‘The cormorant has an idea. He looks up at the trees, He looks up at the sky. Then he calls out with his loud voice. The people laugh, but they soon stop, Suddenly there are hundreds of white birds in the sky. They come down and help the cormorant to pick up the snake's skin. They fly far away from the forest. Selita episode of the story. Answer the questions. 1 Who helps the cormorant? The other birds. ooo... 2 What happens to the birds” feathers? Suddenly a very strange thing happens — all their white feathers change to different colours. Ifa bird has got a piece of red and yellow skin, then its feathers change to red and yellow. If another bird has got apiece of brown and purple skin, then its feathers change to brown and purple. The cormorant has got a piece of black skin — his feathers change from white to black. ‘The people of the forest are very and decide to hunt and kill the birds. This is why today people hunt birds and steal their feathers, c F Here is a summary of episode 3. The Find more adjectives from the story sentences are in the wrong order. Putthe (episodes 1, 2 and 3). Write them in your sentences in the correct order. vocabulary book. a) They take away the snake’s skin. G b) The cormorant calls for help. ‘Match these words from the story with the dictionary definitions below. c) Their white feathers become colourful. forest / hunt / strange / change / steal / piece d) The people are angry. ©) All the birds of the forest come. J ipiss/ noun ‘a part of something, or sincle thine, He aot aplece of he cake t This page is a piece of paper. The Sena late which I dropped lay in pieces fon the floor. The cormorant isa big bird Ithas gota Long neck. D ‘Complete the sentences with adjectives from the list below. big/ ugly / short / small / happy / clean / beautiful /long/ clever / dull / dirty / stupid / colourful /sad : 1 The cormorantisa....Big.... bird. long ... neck. 3 Pitu’s mother is, ons ny sig i of sa “ shant/ verb. 1a animale bi Meleot orn pete Late Rts je aeeehan i1/ verb (present participle stealing, past tense stole /stav\/, ‘past participle stolen) to take something that does not belong to you, without asking for ic Who stole my money? 2to move quietly: She stole ou! of the room. 2 thas gota. feathers. 4 A parrot has got bias ond Yn nt 5 Amouscisa. veee- animal. To eee changing, past changed) : fo Become or make difteee 6 Cockroaches are . insects. Ts town hs Changed since | e fo the Said You ing 7 Acrocodile has got a. . tall. 12 the supermarker. won ne SHgMS 208 mind and stay here? E place of something aka ai the Match the adjectives on the left with their Ge hess ack 10 the shop an ‘opposites on the right. to put on dite : changed When he arse eee big ugly Srom school." ed home short small o~ een, oe fo Tecan ae beautiful long (ranger eg trange sound clever dull 2 not what you are used (0: @ dirty stupid strange city Sait ad tomgoly adverb: He acted Sisigely wher he asl Sey, ou a person sou dO ul not know —¢——~er — A Remember! Write a sentence for each picture. Use can aes Ability She can swim well Permission You can use a dictionary. Possibility tt can be cold in Madrid in January. c Do the following sentences show ability, permission or possibility? Mark them A (ability), P (permission) or Poss. (possibility). 1 don’t believe you - it can’t be true. 2 He can’t ride a motorbike. 3 Can L use your telephone? 4 Can you play the piano? 5 You can open the window if you want. 6 New York can be very cold in winter. [_] D ‘What can you see in this jumbled picture? Put the words in the correct column. ‘Match the animals on the left with the abilities on the right. a cormorant can't fly a chimpanzee can run fast a penguin can catch fish ; a recuse abat can’t swim Can you add more words to the lists? You ahorse can fly can use a dictionary. R A Find two nine-letter animals in the word squares. (One word is plural.) Then see how many other words you can make from all the letters. mim ore 4ze ORL clo DCE ‘Compare your total with a friend’s, B Find fifteen words in this word snake. The ant sees him ‘The ant bites his leg. c Complete the table. ' my jy you He him his, | she her hers It it We them B D Read the story carefully. Fill in the gaps with words from exercise C. ‘One hot day a big ion is asleep after his dinner. Suddenly a small mouse runs near doesn’t see the lion him, She has got some food for * dinner.?. and she runs over. + foot. ‘The lion wakes up. “Who are So eeeeeseeess?” he says, and picks up the mouse. He holds’ ............ near his big mouth. “I’m sorry,” says the mouse, “please don’t eat®.....-.....-Tdon’t want t0 be 2 ceeeesees-ditner! Maybe® . ses can help you.” The lion laughs and shows his big, sharp teeth. “How can a small mouse help me? But alright, you can go.” ‘The next day the lion goes out to hunt. It is dark in the forest and? 2.200.045 can’t see very well. He touches a rope and a big net falls on! .....,.....Hecan't get out and he calls for help. ‘The small mouse hears " ceed ‘rans to him, She takes the net in her teeth and bites 2... ea Atlast the lion can get out. “Thank you!” says the lion. “Now you are « friend!” ‘Now listen to the story on the cassette. ‘Check your answers. Test yourself A Correct the sentences. do : 1 Whaypenguins eat? 4 Sharks can to swim fast. 2 Snakes hasn't got legs. 5 Lions doesn’t live in Europe. 3 The zo0is closed in 6 How often you go to the Mondays. cinema? Check your answers on page 60. Give yourself a mark out of S. Useful vocabulary B Look at the words below from this module. How many can you remember? Write them in your own language. If you don’t know a word, use the mini-dictionary at the back of your Students’ Book. leaf tooth eae (plural leaves) .......... (N] (plural teeth) toclimb tofly nasty O woride tofeed . todrop tojump oe .eeeeseees tobite bright to build . INDOOOOCL OL TOShOOE .....eeeeseeee colourful ........... ‘There are seven nouns, five adjectives, and thirteen verbs. ‘Mark them N (noun), A (adjective) or V (verb). Look through the module and write down any other words you think are important in your vocabulary book. Extra time! c Circle the correct answer. 1 How many kinds of animal are there? * a) about 100,000 cover I million ©) about 10,000 2. Are bats blind? a) nob) yes 3. How fast cana cheetah run? a) 145 km/h c) 115 km/h b) 70 km/h 4 How many years cana queen ant live? a) 18 b) 30 c) 6 5. How long is the average blue whale? a) 185m ¢) 30.4m ») 126m 6 Where are chimpanzees from? a) Asia) South America ») Africa 7 Where do giant pandas live? a) Australia c) China b) India 8 When does an earthworm look for food? a) atnight ) during the day ©) anytime 9 How many legs has a fly got? a) six) eight c) four 10 Which animal hibernates? a) dog) sheep b) squirrel Foor 8 99 ty tz % 2% % % A sTaAsuy “4 A ‘Can you answer these questions? 1 Are caves cold? 2 What isthe problem with caves? check your answers. People have lived in caves for thousands of years, and in some places there are people who still live in them. Cave houses have many advantages. They are easy to make and don’t cost a lot of money. ‘They are cool in the day and warm at night. “The only problem with caves can be rain, because when it rains caves can become wet. Because of this, people live in caves in countries where it doesn’t rain very much! You can find examples of ultra-modern cave houses in the Australian desert, where itis, incredibly hot. In some towns people live underground, where itis cool and comfortable, and where they don’t need air- conditioning! B Read the article again. True or False? Use your dictionary. c Write questions. 1 Where.da peeple Une incomes? In hot countries where it doesn’t rain much. 2Wh ... ‘They're easy to make and don’t cost a lot. 3 Wh In the Australian desert. 6 Wh Underground. igloos are made of snow. Longhouses are made of wood and leaves. Crofts are made of stone. Tents are made of cloth 1 People do not live in caves now. 2 Caves are cold at night. O 3 Cave houses are common in countries where it rains. 4 The Australian desert is very hot. J 5 Caves can be comfortable piaces to live in. ul 15 _| Ap ‘What are the objects made of? Use the words below to help you. ‘wood / plastic / metal / paper / glass 1 Scissors ane made of metal........ 2 Notebooks .. 3 Desks «2.2.5 4 Pens... 5 Windows .. Look at the plan of Jim’s house. Use the plan and the words below to fill inthe gaps in Jims letter. in/ next to/ between / above / under / on the left/ on the right / on 23 Elen Street Carmbrid ge Dear Ahmed. : My house is old and it's made of stene. The Using room 1S «of the hall, and the dining room is % Seed usually eat 2 — There. “The kitehen is 4 —___-_ the dining room. “ the Ny room is 2 First Floor, £ the dining roare, “The bathroom '® 7 my toom and my poets eis parents room. ag rr Be Listen to the description of a house. Mark the rooms on the plan. Downstairs TH Kitchen Upstairs Remember! Jims Anmed's friend, Richard and Marie are jim’s parents. My uncle and aunt's bedroom. c Lookat Jim’s family tree. Write about Jim’s family. John - Margaret Richard - Marie ‘Susan - Paul Lucy jim Alan Mary 1 Marieis...JUM’S. . . mother 2 Johnis Richard's father. 3 Lucyis.....-.... daughter. 4 Susanis....... wife, «cousins. 5 Mary and Alan are 16 Remember! c In Maria's room there isa poster of pop star || Write three sentences about your room. and a phots of her family. Tess ‘On the left there are two chairs There is a small table under the window. A . 3 Ontheleftofthedoor............adesk, furniture you can find in a bedroom. Complete the sentences with there is or there é are. 1 There Ws .asofainfrontofthe sees a . fireplace. D 2 Uhere Ore. two books on the floor. ‘Complete the vocabulary network with i | 4 Onthedesk 20.0... two small lamps. as 5 On the right of thedoor............some bookshelves. Ga 6 Under the window....... = two chairs. Bedroom 7 Between the sofa and the chai 8 On the right of the fireplace 2 television. ES B How do you pronounce the with the words Look at the plan of a living room. Use the _below? 1 or 2? Check your answers on the sentences in exercise A and draw asmany cassette. objects as you can inthe correct position. tx mountains 2 the elephant kitchen [1] dolphin L] bathroom L_} animal (2) interview [] igloo desert advantage |] spider (_] cotrance (] ant answer Complete the rule. Use the words consonant (b,¢,d,f,g,h,j,k,1,m,n etc.) and vowel (a,e,i,0,u). We pronounce the like number 1 when it comes beforea ......eeeeee ‘We pronounce the like number 2 when it comes befored .....eeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeee 7 Look at the words below. Write them in the order of frequency. sometimes always /often / rarely / usually /never Seecaaae Aways, Write sentences about yourself. Use the words below and an adverb of frequency. 1 Lidy my room. T often tidy. my... 2 Ido the shopping. 5 Tmake my bed Yes, [ get up early on school days. 2 What does. Friday afternoons? She plays tennis. 3 No, [never do the shopping. 4 Pere eet She works in a garage. 6... . nate nee eneeeeene in the evenings they D ‘Match the pictures with the activities below. a) todothe shopping —d) todo the washing-up ») tolay the table ©) totidy your bedroom ©) tomake breakfast f) to feed the dog Remember! Remember! [tis often sunny in the winter. [tis never cold in the summer A Write sentences about the weather where you live. Use these adverbs of frequency: never / sometimes / usually /always/ rarely / often 1 Itis cloudy. It is, sometimes. cloudy... 2 Itisrainy. 3 Itishot. 4 Inis cold. 5 tis windy. 6 Iris snowy. BS Listen to Simon describing the weather in Perth, Australia. Complete the sentences below. In Perth, spring is from September to ' November. Iris?.. sometimes --sand Summer starts in Itis usually $. and*..........--and itis often very hot. Autumn begins in? . and itis 8c ecsese-and sometimes rainy. Winter is from June to?.........-.- Itisnever very and it never snows. It often Yee cceeee+s im the winter, ‘Choose the place for the house. Cut some large sticks Build a tunnel to the door. c Look at Lesson 13 in your Students’ Book. How many instructions can you find in the lesson? Write the instructions below. ‘own Indian tipi. Use the words below. ‘mark / cover / paint /cut/ tie / choose / put First! ..CWQOSe. . a place for your tipi and sess acirele, >. seve three large sticks, about three or four metres Jong. ‘ the sticks together atthe top. So cececse++. smaller sticks in the same way to make the frame for the tipi.®....-2.s0+65 the frame with material you can get from parents, for example old curtains or plasti Toe scsee..+. pictures of animals on the outside of the tipi. Your tipi is now ready! Write about the people in the pictures. Use the words below. likes / doesn’t like / hates / loves, D reads Ing poo) "9 # book Sotbany Sunda: @ act iy, Y afterno, Being e5 gyatt08 do you TOO" MLch Ing ar Na doings ing nothing ee ith frienas iaities do yon ol: ing televig fou Like 9 Your Frist Witch ot doings fri lends mes yt es MEH Your tamry B Answer the questionnaire, cs Listen to the cassette and mark the main stress on the words below, like this breakfast activity entrance partner pronunciation instructions never imagine report chimpanzee morning — sofa weather dolphin cockroach breakfast —_ attract, correct activity information complete animal D Look at the mini-dictionary at the back of your Students’ Book and check your answers to exercise C. In dictionaries the stress in words is marked like this: breakfast /"brekfast / activity / ek’ uvatt/ ‘The symbols are phonetic symbols which show the pronunciation, 20 —_ 15 Remember! Remember! I You! We/ They have got! "Ve got a house He / She/ tthas got/ "s got ahouse. My house hasn’e got a garden Lighthouses haven't got big rooms. A Complete Cathy's description with has got or have got. We! got... lots of animals in our house. I 2, two cats called Romeo and Juliet. My father 2 «avery large dog called Rover. Rover eats two kilos of meat every day! My mother (not) 4. pet, she likes flowers and plants. My sister Anne ae . alizard called Rambo. Rambo is absolutely revolting and he 6 cceeesee big, green tail! My grandparents live upstairs and they love animals, but now they (not) Tretia any pets, Behind the house we 8c cceeeeesa garden, but we (not)?.---+ sess samy animals there. That’s where my mum!......e0.e-all her plants! 2 Lighthouses are very quiet Doubledecker buses are too small for big families My fishing boat is not very big. Be Listen to the description of a flat. True or False? 1 Ttisnear the city centre. LF] 4 Itis too hot in the 4 2 Itisnot very big. eee 3 Iris toocold in the 5 The balcony is very big. winter c ‘Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of your home. Use six adjectives from the list below. big/ small / old / modern / comfortable / cold / cool / warm / hot / near / quiet Advantages This very, Disadvantages Th.ig not Mery, quiet, D Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. weather noun something that is good and helps a person tidy noun work you do in the house furniture verb to put something in good order advantage verb to break with a knife cut noun the state of the wind, sun etc. housework ‘noun things used in a house like tables, chairs Test yourself A Correct the sentences. 1 My oom s neato the bathroom. 2 I don’t never go to the cinema. 3 She gets up often late. 4 My fathers are called Giovani and Sofia. 5 He likes watch television. 6 There isa table in front the window. Check your answers on page 60. Gi yourself a mark out of 5. Useful vocabulary B Lookat these words from the module. Look through the module and write any other words you think are important, Nouns hut livingroom building tent furniture winter snow roof spring wood upstairs autumn stone downstairs summer storey advantage housework disadvantage Verbs tocut to make (a bed) totic todo the washing-up wotidy tobe made of to lay (the table) Adjectives cool windy sunny warm — cloudy rainy ‘Now mark the main stress on the words, like this: S dy Extra time! Cc How many different words can you make from this word? TEMPERATURE Det. For each letter in the words you score one point, Pet = 3 points. What's your score? Scores 5-10 = not very good 10-15 = quite good 15-20 = good 20+ = excellent =a BiG SoG 7 fice viewer carey ( yy Look at the bookshelf, What kind of books does the student like? Use the words below to help you. romance / crime / science fiction / humour / horror Helikes .... Remember! ly favourite book is Frankenstein, Her favourite film is Star Wars, fay actress is Kim Basinger. ‘Write sentences about yourself. ste eand seer 1 My favourite bookis ...... pees 2 My favouritefilmis ...... 3 My favourite TV programme ........00es000ceeseeees 4 My favourite comic .. 5 My favourite actor ...... pee c Now ask other people about their favourite things. 1 My mother’s favourite film is... 2. My father’s favourite book 3. My teacher’s favourite actress .. favourite comic is ........++ veeeee favourite films... «books. D Read the back cover of this, book. Then answer the questions. 1 What time of day was it? 2. What's the name of the man who arrived atthe castle? \arrived at castle Dracula and looked up. trad very high walls. wes very dark and there were no fights on. The big. old door opened slowly andan old man with wite heir appeared. He touched my hand = his Fan was cod, ike “Welcome to my home, Mr Hare’ he sid in a low voice So begins Bram Stoker's famous vampire story. Not recommended for neous people! This new edition contains 25 ilusrations. Category: Fiction/Horror Price £3.50 Read the text again. True or False? 1 Mr Harker could see inside the castle. F 2 Mr Harker opened the castle door. 3 Anoldmanlivedin = the castle, 4 There are pictures in the book. 5 The book costs £5.00. |_| Read the story then make questions. Cinderella lived in an old house with her two ugly sisters. One evening her two sisters went toa big party at the palace. Cinderella stayed at home and worked in the kitchen. She was unhappy. Then a fairy came and gave her a wish. She wished she could go to the party; and she did. She met a prince at the party and danced with him. She left the party at twelve o'clock, but she lost one of her glass shoes. ‘The prince found the shoe and the next day he looked for the gir!. Finally he found Cinderella. They married and were very happy. 1 Where did Cinderella. Une ?, Inanold house. DWhEE oe eeceseeeeeereeees ‘They went to a big party. 3 Who ... She meta prince. 4 Atwhattime ... : She left at twelve o'clock. 5 What......... He found a shoe. 6 Whoo... eeeeeeeee She married the prince. Write sentences about life 3000 years ago. 1 play /tennis [X] They. didn’t 2 sail / in wooden boats WJ They sailed in wooden 3 ride/ motorbikes EX] 4 live /in blocks of flats %) / people with swords c Complete the sentences with the verbs below. start / visit / work / look / play / decide / rain / live / talk / watch / listen 11. Sarted. . school when I was five years old. 2 She was at the party but I didn’t --toher, 3 She. 4 Were. in an office for two years. - to go to the cinema, s0 Wee. ccs sees iin the paper. 5 My grandparents........ Argentina when they were young. 6 Did you . Buckingham Palace whea you were in London? 7 Itdidn't.. ceeeeeece sein the park. 8 Lece.eese.- television last night because there was a great film on. 9 I went to a concert last weekend and . to three bands. «yesterday, so we 4 Read the film page below. True or False? 1 You can see Frankenstein in Studio 2, LT 2 William Shatner is in Star Trek. 3 You can see Star Trek after 12 o'clock at night. 4 Frankenstein isn’t in colour. 5 The story in The Ipcress File iseasy to understand, 6 Snow White and the Seven Desarfsis, recommended forall the family. OXFORD MINI-STUDIOS STUDIO | Sar Trek Captain Kirk and Dr Spock in their most dangerous mision =o | rs Panet Earth fancc specal fects ch ‘Willam ‘Shatner and t | 400,700, 1000 Lave show POD Ne STUDIO 2 Frankenstein Boris Karla this black and white classic directed by es Ws 4.00; 40, 800, 1000. No charen | STUDIO 3. The Iperess File Michael Caine | EMRE Tes eae ae idea dearest Se lela get SRA, Sem act e oor rig She rg | Be Listen to the answerphone on the cassette and complete the information below. Sun Price ODEON 1: 40S. Batman IT 70 800 ODEON 2: 210 330 $300 Rocky IV 515 6.05 LATE SHOW at midnight on Dracula (Doors open Remember! 3.30 = half past three 3.25 = twenty-five past three| | 3.15 = quarter pas three Now write the times of Rocky IV in full. 2.10 ten .past.we SAIS 8.20 3.30. 6.05 De Look at this mixed-up dialogue. Write it in the correct order. axpv: What did you see? anpy: I stayed at home and did my homework. apy: Was it good? anpy: What did you do last night? BRIAN: ‘The new Indiana Jones film. xian: Oh no, how boring! BRIAN: I went to the cinema with my sister. sriaN: Yes, I liked it, but my sister didn’t. What did you do? What did. you do. last night ?. BRIAN! ANDY: ANDY: BRIAN: ANDY: BRIAN: ANDY: BRIAN: . Check your answers on the cassette. A Start in the centre and use one word or expression from each section to make questions. 1 Did.they.go.te a party Last night? ace aca 5 6 eiiateseeessusinercrsesein Remember! | 1975 = nineteen seventy-five 1864 = eighteen sixty-four _ Listen to the cassette and write the dates. c Answer the questions about your first day at school, your parents and yesterday. 1 How old were you when you started school? 2. Did you enjoy your first day at school? 3. Did your parents wear a school uniform? 4 Did your parents study English at school? 5. Diditrain yesterday? 6 What was the weather like yesterday? 7 Did youhave an English class yesterday? 8 What time did you go to bed lastnight? 9 What did you have for dinner yesterday? De How do you pronounce the verbs below? Put them in the correct column. tried / visited / cooked / studied / missed / started / washed / stopped / travelled 1 2 3 Now listen to the cassette and check your answers. 26 [JIN 1940 in British Columbia, Canada, Mrs Chapman and her daughter ran away from theit house. Why? Because Bigfoot [5] wasintheir garden! They saidit wasabouttwoandahalfmetres tall I ate a box of fish in the kitchen and then walked to the and had a drink! {1 Bigfoots the name of ahairy animalthativesintheforests and mountains between Calfornia in {he USA and Briish Columbia in Ganada, in 1955 somebody saw come eating leaves. In 1950 a ‘workman opened the door of his house and saw a Bigfoot ne gavo itsomechocolateanditwentaway! in 1967 somebody saw three of {Bl the animals at a nest of rats “eat ) Ing them ike bananas"? We also know that they are sttong, n 1958 a Bigloot moved ‘and oariod a large barrel of pet {B rolsome people then chased tin 2 lony but escaped Roger Patterson followed a female Bigfoot in 1967, He had a camera with him and. photo- {5 graphed it, Tis is the only prho- ]_ tograph of a Bigfoot. A Read the text. True or False? 1 Bigfoot animals ive in — forests and mountains. _ 2 They can’t run fast. 3 There are a lot of photographs of them. B What do these pronouns refer to? 1 it (ine 5) Bigfoot... 2 them (line 21) a Remember! Was itin Canada? ‘Yes, it was. Were they ina forest? No, they weren't. c Begin the questions with Did or Was. Then write short answers. 1... Did... Mrs Chapman run into the house? No, she didn’t, «+++» Bigfoot hungry? Bigfoot have a drink in Mrs Chapman’s house? 3. 4c cccessss+sthe workman give Bigfoot a banana? D Fill in the gaps with was or were. In 1924a man from Vancouver, Canada said he lived with a Bigfoot family fora week. There... WEE, ... four animals in the family. The male . female a bit smaller and there . believe his story? ESB Look at the stress patterns of the three adjectives below. Now put these adjectives in the correct column. =. over two metres tall, the two babies. Do you lovely /revolting /horrible nasty / amusing / colourful / funny / dangerous 1 3 ooo o do Now check your answers on the cassette. in A Answer the questions below about the gic! in Lesson 22 of your Students’ Book. Use short answers. 1 Did she have an exam? Yes, she did. 2 Did the alarm ring? 3 Did she remember her money? B Use the simple past of the verbs below to complete the story. ing / be / go/ arrive / take / travel / visit / eat / go Last weekend I'...We4V%,.. to London. I bought some sweets and a newspaper at Liverpool station and then ?,.........-. by train to Euston station. I>... pizza for lunch and in the afternoon T 4a eesseeee++ Madam Tussaud’s Museums, my ticket S............ £2.50, Later, I . see. to the Palace Theatre to see the Phantom of the Opera. Then I’... ataxi to Bustonand® mother. Finally 1?....... at 10.00pm. in Liverpool c ‘Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. 1 Karen (not go) .....dadn’t.go..... 10 school yesterday. 2 I¢buy). some fruit at the market. 3 She(say).....eeceeee se. she was hungry. 4 do). you fee eeeeeeeeeeee ss Your homework? 5 He (not study) .. for the exam, 6 She (find)... -- £5 in the street. 7 We(tun)......00cececeeess+-toschool because we were late. 8 U (write)... eeeeeeeeee ees letter t0 my penftiend yesterday. 9 (see). ‘ the film last night? 10 My grandfather (work) «hard, but (not make) -- a lot of money. How many irregular verbs can you find? 28 Dear Sally, My little brother is reall fi ast birthday last weekend, for cramp Re books. Finally he 3, Spider in my bed. aio think Ke wns gether favourite because she never \gty with him, What Monica, aged 13. oe A Read the letter to a problem page and fill in the gaps. Use the verbs write, eat and put in the past tense. Read the letter again. Truc or False? 1 Monica’s brother ate nearly all her birthday cake. 2. Monica's brother can write. 3. Monica’s mother often gets angry with Monica's brother. c Put the adjectives below into four groups, according to meaning. 0 OB nasty /funay// curious big / hilarious / horrible / huge revolting / unusual / enormous’ strange / amusing 29 Remember! Singular There was a Big'oot, ural ‘were two babi [Plural _ There were two babies. D Monica had a fancy-dress party on her birthday. Who was at the party? 1 There wos a.paliceman....... What did you do at the weekend? Complete the sentences below. 1 On Friday evening]... 2 On Saturday morning 3 Inthe afternoon . 4 On Saturday night ..... 5 On Sunday ...... — 94 —______*= Test yourself A Correct the sentences. was 1 My fatherpwerefoom in 1955. 2 Did you saw the football match? 3 What time went you to school? 4 We waked up at seven o'clock. 5. My sister leaved school last year. 6 [didn’t wrote that letter. Check your answers on page 60. Give yourself a mark out of 5. Useful vocabulary B Here are some useful words to learn from ‘Module 3. Mark them N (noun), A Extra time! Cc ‘Complete the crossword with verbs in the present or past tense. ACROSS 1 King Midas .. . away the golden touch 5 My sister... alot of comics and magazines. 7 I... photos when I go on holiday. 9 Tdon't... very well. 11 She... ina puddle. 12 TL... toast for breakfast. 13 I... .agood film yesterday. 14 She always ... new words in her vocabulary book. 17 Lalways . .. when I travel abroad. 18 He didn’t... the money he lost. DOWN 1 T....aletter to my penfriend yesterday. 2 Lalways.. . .a shower before breakfast. 3 Last week Steve... to the coast in his car. 4 Tusuaily ... lunch at school. 6 I... some coffee on my dress. 8 The teacher asked him and he .. . all the adjective) or V (verb). ane cite [N]_ UEO character 9. The dove... . to the top of the tree. i Al ii 10 She... school when she was sixteen. ee adverisement |] Tt Thevemperture inwiner touch [VJ meet make up L_| 15 She . . . to school because she was late. im 1 f 16 Our lessons always .. . at four o'clock. wish cartoon comic voice [_] magazine ] ambition die turn into |] evil joke golden curious funny kill believe cry Now look through the module and write any other words you think are important in your vocabulary book. = about the life ‘ the spy Mata Hari. Complete the time- line of her life with the simple past of the verbs below. shoot/ go/ work / find / start / study / take/ marry /return ! ask / be 1875 Margaretha Geertruida Zee WK, ,, born in Holland. 1893 @ She ata teacher's college. 1895 She a Dutch soldier 1897 Margaretha and her husband to lve in Java and Sumatra. 1902 @ They to Europe 1903. @ Margaretha dancing professionally in Paris. She the name of Mata Hari. (This means Eye of the Day in Indonesian). 1914 From this time she for the German government as a spy. 1916 The French government her to work for them. She did 1917 The British government ‘out that she was a German spy. 1917 @ On October the 15th French soldiers Mata Har Why was Mata Hari a double agent? 31 [as 25 its really a gun Its really a camera Remember! Itlooks like an umbrella, It looks like a ciary 5 EOE c Match the two halves. personal basket golden room table machine washing sharpener living computer pencil cagle wwastepaper tennis Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Berni Maguire isa friend of ‘McCann’s and she (work) '. works, .. forthe Atianton Secret Service. She always (G0)? ...4..2.+-08 holiday in September. Now she is on holiday in Greece. Look at the picture of the Untidy family and correct the She (stay)? 0.2... sentences below. sinall village on a quiet island with her boyfriend Stuart. Stuart (not work) 1 Mrs Untidy is siting on a chair. She. is sitting on.the table... ea PEtesceict Uanto1 3. Mrs Untidy is wearing a jacket. age Meee a a ceeessess Stuartis a teacher and he 4 She is holding a gua. (teach)®.....0066.+-ata TES asl aledede esal ea cettteseesssseeeeeees School in London. 5 Mr Untidy is reading the newspaper, At the moment they (sit) fT eccveeeeese sata street 6 The catis sitting in front of the television. café. Maguire (write) jeer ents seerecerttrettreressecisesestis Prsereees some 7 postcards and Stuart (read) Wile cana Oo eeeeseess sa book, Maguire q 7 i is very happy and she (relax) 1 What! wages do you study ? 7 ee I study English and French. recent mission for the 2 cecceeeses? Atlanton government. Tam doing my homework. 3 Nol don’tlive in Atlanton. 4 ‘We start school at 9 o'clock. 5 She is eating an apple. Indefinite Tonight we had a meeting I saw an Anacondan agent, Definite _| spoke to Dr Fell about the secret plans, A Look at Lesson 27 in your Students’ Book. How many ‘examples of a, an or the can you find in the texts in exercise A? TextA= [Teste = TerB= LL) tead= [ B Complete the code message with a or the. Tarrived at. , the, .., Hotel Kennedy last night. I saw «large black car outside ? hotel. In there was®........... woman with long blonde hair. [took out®........... camera and took cote photo feeeer ates car. When’... woman saw me she started '°........... car, c Decode the secret message. Each number represents a letter. 1=A,2=Bete. 3351420 2015 81520512 11514145425 / To... HOTEL. 19123 51451325 17514201 1751420 20151511 Bisietli9 61518 1201211420151 715225 18141351420 / 41135 919 133301414 Now write the message in full. T.went, tothe Hotel... Kennedy... ER Listen to the noises. What is the Untidy family doing? 1 (they) 2 (Sally). 5 (Mrs Untidy) STREET ‘RIVER AB Listen to the guided tour. Mark the route on the map. Cag: the directions to get to the café. Use the words below. along / past/ under/ along / on / off/ out of /Ieft / right / over Go! owt of . . the Hotel Kennedy and tumn?... ‘Then cross? .........-+- Central Square and go 4eeeceeccis++River Street. GetS............abusat the corner of River Street and Park Street. When the bus arrives in Parliament Square, get. «the bus and walk. 7 +++ Parliament Street and then Station Street. Go 8s sssee es the railway bridge and tumn?............Go ©. .........2, the cinema and the café is at the end of the street Where is the café? Mark it on the map! c Write directions from where you are now to some important places in your town. Listen to the cassette and mark the stress. o o 1 Go out of this building and turn lef 2 Cross over the river and go along the High Street. 3 Getona bus at the corner of the High Street and Mill Street. 4 When the bus gets to Central Square get off. 5 Go past the supermarket and turn right. 6 Go under the railway bridge and turn left. How many words can you find in this word snake? Remember! MeCann has got shore hair He has got a big nose and he is wearing white shoes. Dr Ackerman is wearing a blue jacket and shirt. She has got long, dark, straight hair. | A Look at the sentence wheel below. Make five sentences about yourself and the people you can see now. 1 Lhawe.gat.a. round face. 2 She. is, 35 Hugh Tyrell escaped from Bloakmoor Prison iast night. Hele vory dangerous and he has a gun, He is 18 yeas oid ‘and he has got short blond halt He has gota ‘ound face and a small moustache. He has gota small nose and larg brown ayes. H you soo this than, do not pe near him, Contact the police now! B Look at the drawing and read the description. Find five mistakes in the description. Cie ae Ser 6. c Find the opposite adjectives. round short curly large thin straight blonde dark Jong short tall square small fat Write questions and answers about the Brown family yesterday morning. 1 Who/ feed / cat? 2. What/ dog/ do?" 4wi 5 What Sarah / do? Imagine that enemy agents have captured you. Answer their questions about what you did yesterday. Don’t tell the truth! 1 Where did you have lunch? At. school... : 2 Where did you go yesterday morning? 3: Why did y 5 Who talked to you yesterday morning? 6 Whatdidhe/shetell you? c Look at the diagram and answer the questions. AD Sophie ——-G Rupert Jason “9 Chiire <8 1 Who does Sophie love? 5. Who does Claire love? She loves Jason... a... 2 Who loves Sophie? 6 Who does Jason love? Rupert does,....... Pees 3 Who does Rupert love? 7 Who loves Jason? 4 Who loves Claire? 36 Remember! | She wants to be a secret agent. want to learn three languages. ‘They want to become rich and famous. A Listen and write sentences about what the people want to do. Use the words below to help you. astronaut / actor / dolphin trainer / writer / policewoman 1 She. c Write five sentences about what you want to do in the future. Begin like this: 1 Lwantte..... ee Complete the word wheel. 1 A person who dances. 2 Aperson who works on a farm. 3 A person who works in a hospital. 4A person who drives something. 5 A person who writes books. 6 Apperson who sings. 7 A petson who works in a restaurant. 8 Awoman who has children. 9 Aman who bas children mo] Zz] >]o][=] is n 5] Test yourself A Correct the sentences. on 1 Getfiry the number twenty-one bus. 2. Atthe moment my brother watches television. 3. Who did see Dr Ackerman at the café? 4 The Anacondan agents in the bus station is following McCann. 5 Itlooks similar an umbrella. 6 The cinema is next the supermarket ‘Check your answers on page 60. Give yourself a mark out of 5. Useful vocabulary B Look at these words from this module. Look through the module and write down any other new words you think are important. mission dot gun secret bus large line straight map briefcase glasses curly square message destroy blonde equipment shoot escape get on/off. moustache form dark turing cross bridge pattern, round Now put the words in alphabetical order in your notebooks. Extra time! c Spot the spy! These three people work for the Alanton government, Yesterday morning some very important secret plans disappeared. Q is interrogating them to find out who stole them. Only one person was alone in the office and had a chance to get the plans. Who is the spy? Miss Brown “arrived at the office at nine 0 Green, We taker for about mera and then we started work, Mr White arrived late at about ten otlock because he Heda, Uplite doctor. Ateleren ood wert cnt office to take my report tothe rector. taked to her for about tven minutes and came back tothe ofce at 11.25 20. | stayed nthe office for another tweray five min.tes and then went out toharen Coffee. came back to the offee after ten minutes, Finally | went for funch b Te aly! went for ach alfan hour Mr White a Mlarrived at ten o'clock and started t0 work immediately. I made several phone aa talked on the telephone for an hour. The spent twenty five minutes typing leer! ret the office to take the eter to ante! epartment, was out ofthe ofice fF Nat gnour Lear back to the office and} id come more work. leftat the same time Miss Brown.” Mr Green Varrived atthe office atthe same time as Miss Brown and we talked for five minutes. Worked on some secret plans for one and a half hours. Then t went out to have a coffee for fifteen minutes. After that i made a couple of phone calls and continued with the Plans. eft the office at about hal past twelve to have lunch.” : MODULE 5 FOOD 3 A ‘Match the food with the country. hamburgers England spaghetti USA chop suey Italy paella Spain roast beef China B Do you ever eat these things? Answer with an adverb of frequency. 1 (pizzas) I sometimes eat pizzas. 2 (carrots)... 3 (hot dogs) 4 (ice cream) 5 (meat) .. 6 (chocolate) ... 7 (sausages). 8 (cheese) «2... c What did you eat yesterday and at what time? Begin like this: Breakfast For breakfast I had, 39 Remember! Singular Plural | apple apples +s glass gasses +es story stories = ies potato potatoes o tes D Look at Lesson 33 in your Students’ Book and find examples of the different plural endings. AGS) B(+ es) ‘Now add more plural words to the groups if you can. E Some plurals are not regular. Match the singulars with the irregular plurals. child men woman teeth ‘man children mouse women sheep fect tooth mice foot sheep Look at the picture. Correct the sentences. 1 There aren't any eggs, There.are a.lot. of eggs 2 There are alot of apples. 3 There isn’t any ice cream. ‘Write questions about what is in the fridge. 1 How.much orange juice is there? ‘There isa litte. ‘There are a lot. ‘There are a few. ‘There aren't any. etn There is a lot. Complete the sentences with some or any. bananas on the table. 2 Arethere......... . +» beans? 3 Thereis............ coffee in the cupboard. 4 There isn’t... . orange juice in the fridge. 5 Isthere . «milk in that cup? 6 There are ...........- tomatoes on this plate D Countable or uncountable? Mark the words below C (Countable) or U (Uncountable). fruit W) potato sausage [_] apple [C] rice hot dog L_] ‘carrot meat [] banana [| milk cheese hamburger sugar egg) pea LJ bread coffee sardine [_] E Write the plural of the countable words in exercise D. Look at these plurals. 1 homes(z) 2 robots(s) 3 cities (iz) How do you pronounce the plurals in exercise E? Mark them 1, 2 or 3. Remember! Greetings Good morning. Good afternoon! Good evening How are you? Very well thanks, and you? | Thanks || Thank you very much. Thanks. Not atall./ You're welcome. Apologies Iim sorry, we haven't gotany./ |] tim very sorry but That's allright AB Listen to the dialogue and put the sentences below in the correct order. a) Thank you Mrs Turner. Goodbye. b) Very well thanks, Mr Waterman. ‘And you? ©) Yes, Pd like a kilo of sausages, please. @) We haven't got any. I’m very sorry Mrs Turner. ‘e) Good morning. How are you Mrs Turner? f) That’sall right. I'll have two steaks please. ) Yes, thanks very much h) Here you are, Five pounds twenty pence, (fae [ee] ee | (2 i) Fine thanks. Can I help you? ji) Here you are, Would you like a plastic bag? ) Not atall. That'll be five pounds twenty, please. 1 Goodbye. 4 The village shopkeeper and her assistant are checking what they have got. Complete the dialogue with the words below. any /lot/ many /little / any / any / few / much / much sHorknerer: Have we got .. bananas? assistant: Yes, but we've only got a suorkesrer: How ..........+. kilos? assistant: — About three. SHOPKEEPER: And have we got... tea? assistant: Yes. We've gota... About three hundred packets suorkesrer: Ok. And what about milk. How «is there? assistant: Thereisn’t..... SHOPKEEPER: And coffee. How .. is there? assistant: There’s only a... c Match the food below with the places you can buy it. strawberries / carrots / sausages / orange juice / steaks / chops/ mustard / apples / packet of rice / tomato ketchup / beans/ packets of crisps / oranges / bananas / onions/ chocolate mousse / bottles of milk Butcher's SOUSAQES,, StEAKS......... —36 —_e— A ‘Make sentences from the words. 1 don’t/to/ you/ come/ to /haye/ on Sundays / class fou don't, have. to, chass.on Sundays... 2 mustn’t/ do/ you / homework/ your / on the bus 3 have/to/ you bring/ French dictionary to/ don’t / English class / your 4 English/ class /in/ must/ speak ! you” Correct these rules about cooking. 1 You must bring animals into the kitchen. Yc nt bring annals 2. You mustn’t tidy the kitchen after you use i. 3 You don't have to wash things up after you ‘use them. 5. You should cook with dirty hands. Cc Give advice to the person in the picture. “Tam 120 kilos and I want to lose weight. 1 usually have tea and cakes for breakfast and T sometimes have bacon and eggs. I get hungry in the middle of the morning and I often eat a bar of chocolate ora sandwich. Tusually have a big lunch of something like sausages, beans and chips at Fred’s Restaurant. For dessert T have ice cream which I love. In the evening I havea sandwich at about 6 o’clock and then I 0 out for dinner. I like going to an Italian restaurant near my home. Before going to bed Tusually have a cup of hot chocolate and some cakes.” You.must eat less. First, you.. should eat.o healthy breakfast, . Match the food with the categories. Mark the words P (protein), C (carbohydrates) or V (vitamin C). fresh fruit {V] sn L] bread beans L} potatoes] eggs L] meat fresh vegetables [_] 2 ‘Your plane crashes in the Arctic, What should you do? Are the sentences below true or false? Put the objects in order of importance for 1 You can get water from ice. T 2 You should try to catch big animals like penguins. 3 You should try to fish through the ice. 4 You can cat all the plants. 5 You should try to build an igloo. 6 You should try to make signals with your mirror. Now listen to the cassette and check your answers. B Complete the sentences with the words below. ‘must / mustn’t/ have / don’t have to / should / shouldn’t 1 You..... UStn’t ..eatall the plants. 2 Yous... ceecececseesess stay mear to the crashed aeroplane. 3 You. tobe careful with plants. A YOU sc cseseeceesese ss Catal your food on the first day 5 You... «try to catch animals 6 You «worry about water. B survival in the Arctic. 1 = most important, 10 = least important. torch map of area | parachute] salt tablets [ mirror litre of water per person L_] [J compass [} overcoat per person [_] pistol plastic rain coat L_] Remember! tia Why isa torch important? Because you can make signals Why aren't sat tablets important? Because it snit not in the Arctec. D Choose six objects from exercise C and write sentences about why the objects are important or not. 1 Why js 9 torch important? you,can make signals, 2Whuy.are, salt tablets not, important? Because it's nat. hot... — 38 A ‘Complete the sentences with the words below. ‘would you / shall / what about /let’s / why don’t «We go to that going to that new _ we meet at seven «like to come for a «take the bus, it’s gui Be’ Put the sentences in the correct order in this telephone conversation. a) BRIAN: Look. Why don’t we meet a bit later, like half past six? Then I can finish studying. b) anny: Hello Briar ‘hat are you doing? ich ) BRIAN: I don’t know if I can, Andy. T’ve got an exam tomorrow. d) anpy: What about going out for a pizza? ©) apy: Oh come on. Let’s go to that new place. It’s really good, f) rian: Well, OK. What time shall we meet? g) BRIAN: Hello, Andy, Well, I’m ‘studying at the moment. h) anpy: Let’s meet at six outside the pizzetia. i) anpy: OK. Six thirty outside the pizzeria. See you then. i) satan: Right. Bye. Now listen to the cassette and check your answers. || Unived kingdom 100 pence = one pound £1 United States 100 cents = one dollar St c How much is it? Write the prices and the Remember! totals below. Sta) eseeetceeetsteeeeeee dea db). Oe ad)... 4x Chucki Tex 21.20 Be 2x desserts £2.40 MIKE'S DEL] SEIKE'S DELI 2x super colas ou 1 hb 250 TOTAL "8 Mela 10.25 — 39 A Read about the origin of sandwiches and answer the questions. 1 What did John Montague like doing? 4 Where do people eat sandwiches now? John Montague, Earl of Sandwich, was an English nobleman who lived in the eighteenth century. He loved playing cards for money. Sometimes a game of cards lasted for hours and hours and Montague did not like stopping for lunch or dinner. He asked his servant to prepare a snack, a piece of meat between two slices of bread. This is what we now call a sandwich and people all over the world eat them. The next time you eat a sandwich, think of John Montague! 45 Put the instructions in the correct order. a) After that put some mustard or tomato ketchup on top of the ham. b) Then put pieces of lettuce and tomato on one slice of bread. ©) First take two slices of bread and put butter or margarine on them. 4) Finally put the other slice of bread on top and you have your sandwich! €) Next puta piece of ham on top of the lettuce and tomato. c sten to the sentences. Say how many words there are. Remember contractions count as two words. if) 3 5 7 2t 4 6 D How many words related to food can you find? BREADSEGASAUS UDNFISHXNUTS V THNRSAUSAGESE TAECHOP S PABHG EM!ILKFSWAREOE RPCOURS ESTANT EGGDIETEAUNEA TOMATOYTLNS YB RICETEASTAEML ABMEATRORANGE Test yourself A Correct the sentences. 1 You must ej eat a good breakfast. 2. How much potatoes do you eat? 3 Shall we to go to the pizzeria? 4 You don’t must to go to school on Sundays. 5 There isn’t any oranges in the fridge. 6 There isa lot of people who eat unhealthy food. Check your answers on page 60. Give yourself a mark out of 5. Useful vocabulary B Look at these words from this module. Mark them N (noun), A (adjective), V (verb). chips [N tasty vegetables fresh [Al sweets [_] carbohydrates |_| survive [VJ recipe portion |_| chop caste delicious mix salad get lost desert L] smile healthy |_| protein fresh L_] ingredients |_| menu [] meat] vitamins add fish Look through the module and write down any other words you think are important to remember in your vocabulary books. Extra time! c Match the jokes with the drawings. 1 customer: There’s a dead fly in my soup. WAITER: swimmers. 2 customer: Do you call this a three course meal? warrer: Yes, sir. Two chips and a pea. 40 Yes, sir. They're not very good 3 customer: There’s a cockroach in my soup. Bring the manager! Ican’t do that madam. He doesn’t like them either. WAITER: 46 A Lookat the picture. What type of story do you think it is? MODULE 6 BS 2 He Karen and Carl Edberg were twelve year old twins. They lived in Los Angeles with their father Roy, an engineer. Karen was tall and had dark hair and large brown eyes, She absolutely loved computers. She loved playing with computers, programming them and making them. Her brother Carl was also fall, but he had red hair and wore glasses, He also liked computers, but his favourite hobby was designing robots, ‘The Edbergs’ house was a strange place. They didn’thave any normal robots or computers like other houses. Karen and Carl programmed their own computers. In the garden they had a guard robot called Rambo. ‘They had their own personal robot called Junior. Junior was small, friendly ——= ROBOT REBELLION = Episode 1 Read the story and find the names. 1 She is 12 years old. She loves computers. Karen Edberg, . a twelve years old. He designs robots. 3 The children’s father 4 Apersonal robot 5 A guard robot and very clever, He could cook, do the washing-up and answer difficult questions, It was Friday September 24th 2050 when it happened. Carl, Karen and Junior Were upstairs doing some homework. It was a boring composition about galactic history. Suddenly, they heard a terrible noise outside in the street. They looked outside and saw cars crashing and they heard lots of explosions, Karen was worried. “What's happening, Junior?” she asked nervously, “think we've got big problems!” Carl said, “Oh be quiet, Carl. What's happening Junior?” Karen asked, lust a moment. | can check with my Satellite information system. Here you are...” ino 29 lrible problems every r everywhere sani Galforia. Al he oper er, ce Read the story again. True or False? 1 Carl had dark hair. F those books] 2 The twins lived with their mother. 3 Karen and Carl Edberg liked computers and robots. 4 The Edberg’s house was normal. 5. Karen and Carl programmed and a designed their computers and robots. LI 6 They heard a terrible noise downstairs. 7 They asked Junior to give them information. u 8 The guard robots were shooting. people. Ga D ‘What shapes can you see in this drawing? Describe the objects below. Use the words below. spherical / conical / cylindrical / cube-shaped / rectangular 1 The moon is,spherica), DAtiNOfpeds oe. ececeeeees 3 Abook cover .......0ccescee5 4 The sharp end ofa pencil ........ 5 Anorange .....0seceeceeeee Co F Fill in the gaps. Use the words below. this/ that / these / those — 42 —__#- A Write the simple past and the past participle of the verbs below. You can use the mini- dictionary at the back of your Students’ Book. Infinitive Simple past —_Past participle ere gt eat ea ale teetteceet eee reece do® ring eee see orite eeeeeeeL nena read swim B Fill in the gaps. Use a past participle from the list in exercise A. 1 Shehasn’t...T204, .. . any Shakespeare. « «all those cakes? 2 Haveyou... 3 Thaven’t. -+-in Concorde. 4 Pm sorry, Ihaven’t. homework, 5S My penfriend has this year. tome twice 6 Haveyou..... .- the new Madonna video? 7 De .......+++++ im the sea a lot this year. 8 What alazy boy! Youhaven’t............ the bed! 9 The phone hasn't... + atall today, 49 cea Complete the dialogue with suitable words. Morner: '... Home... you2...dong... your homework? pov: Wells Ps. eeeeesee English, but I*..... my mathematics MOTHER: 5.......4 your room? nov: Yes,and I've? bed. moran: Good. *............ your father phoned? nov: Nohe?.. MoriER: Never mind, !° have some dinner? Now listen to the cassette and check your answers. D Look at Tina’s room. She went to school five minutes ago. Write three sentences about what she has / hasn’t done? A Be Write down three important things from episode 1. 1 Korenand Carl are, I2 years. od... the robots? = ROBOT REBELLION 3 Why did Karen and Carl wait until night time? Read episode 2 and answer the questions. 1 Who did Karen and Carl ask for more information? They asked Tunion.. 2 Who has programmed all 4 What time did they leave the house? 5 How many storeys did the computer centre have? 6 How many guard robots were there? Episode 2 Carl looked at Karen. “What ean we do?” he asked. “Let's ask Junior for some information,” she replied. “Junior, what has happened? Why are all the robots doing this?” “Just a moment, I'l cheek in my satellite information system Somebody has entered tho Computer Programming Ga aha. : roprammed al the commercial : EoerputersTihink ine persons DrZ, Ro omputererminal whe escaped temneontss week Heian nc got 2 Complete cartel ovoethe city, Ne des Rot eorrl Rambo and mys Bacavse you progranmod us “So we are the only people who can stop this!” said Carl. “We must get to the computer centre immediately.” “No, During the day the guard robots can see us,” Karen replied. “We should wait and go out when it's dark. Let's have alook at the map. The computer centre is about 5 kilometres from here.” That afternoon Karen, Carl and Junior waited. Outside it was quiet. The robot cars did not move and the guard robots were in the streets. People could not 0 out of their offices, shops or houses. They were prisoners of the robots! Atten o'clock Karen, Carl and Junior left the house. They walked along the road towards the computer centre. There were no people, When a guard robot passed them in the street they had to hide. They crossed the river and went past the park. They could see the enormous computer centre, a building with fifty storeys. ‘Suddenly five guard robots appeared in front of them. The guard robots looked horrible, with square-shaped heads and big red triangular eyes. “Don't move,” they said, “or we will shoot.” They pointed their laser guns at Karen and Carl. “Come with us..." Write the answers in words. 1 eighteen x two = shanty 2 ninety-six + welve 3 six + nine = 4 forty-six — nine = 5 four x six 6 nineteen + twelve = De Listen to the cassette and write the numbers. Look at the number square. All the vertical and horizontal lines must add up to fifteen, Can you fil in the squares with the correct numbers? ale ole 31 Read what the calculator says. You can use a calculator to improve your vocabulary. Do these calculations and turn your calculator upside down to read the answer. 1 A busy insect (84.5 * 4) A Dee reer sees ere 2. Another word for mud or earth (921.5 ~ 211) 5. Maybe you hear this at the end of a lesson (1934.5 x 4). Now use the mini-dictionary at the back of your Students’ Book and find out the ‘meaning of the words. G Answer the questions about what you have done today. 1 Have you had a Maths lesson? Nes, haye./No, I hawen't.. 2 Have you bought anything? 3 Have you spoken in English? 4 Have you eaten any bread? 5 Have you caught a bus? 6 Have you drunk any coffee? — 44 A Lookat the pictures and make predictions about the year 2050. Look at the picture. What is the fortune- teller saying? 1 You.will get married... Write short answers. 1 Will you get married? 2 Willit rain tonight? No, ib. won't. 3 Will you go to university? 4 Will you live to be 100 years old? 5 Will your country’s football team win the next World Cup? 6 Will you get a good report at the end of the year? AS Read the story. True or False? 1 DrZ wanted to control the world, 2 Junior crashed into the computer. 3 They took the doctor to hospital. ‘The robots took Karen, Carl and Junior to the Computer Centre. They got into the lift-and went to the computer operations room on the top floor. They walked into an enormous room with computers on all of the walls. In the corner, sitting in front of a computer, was small old man. He had white hair and he wore thick glass. He turned and looked at the children. The old man looked angry. “Hello, my name is Z. Dr Z. Why were you outside?” he asked. Karen was not afraid, “We are here to stop you Dr ‘The old man laughed. “Stop me! Do you know that I control all the city of Los Angeles? Soon I will control the world, My robots will do what Liell them. All the people will have to ‘work for me!!” ‘Take these horrible children outside and shoot them,” he told the five guard robots. He turned round and started to look at his computer, The mad doctor did not see Junior. Junior moved quickly towards jhim. Junior crashed into the doctor's ROBOT REBELLION Episode 3 4 The children and Junior became heroes. 5 Junior shook the president’s hand. chair and the doctor fell on top of the ‘computer controls. There was a loud ‘explosion and the doctor screamed loudly: “Oh no, Ihave destroyed the ‘computer! Now the robots can't: move!” Junior picked the doctor up. “Now you are our prisoner,” he said. “Thanks, Junior. We've done it!” said Carl. “Yes, now the robots can't move,” Karen said. “The people can come out of their houses. The city is free! Let's take the doctor to the police!” The next day Karen, Carl and Junior were heroes. The president invited the children and their father to a special ‘ceremony at the White House. “Thank you very much. You have saved. the country!” said the president. “It wasn't us. It was Junior, our robot, who stopped the doctor,” said Karen. Junior came up and shook the president’s hand. The president said, “Thank you Junior. You have saved ws all.” “Justamoment....” B Put the sentences about the story in the correct order. a) They left the house. b) The president thanked them. ©) They heard explosions in the street. 4) DrZ fell on top of the computer. ¢) Karen and Carl were at home. f) Five guard robots stopped them. Remember! Iwill have to study for the exam. She will have to tidy her bedroom, feotie will ya a Ue es bearer} c Look at your diary. What will you have to do next week? 1 On Sunday (study) 1 will study for the Science exam... 2 On Monday (finish) 3 On Tuesday (study) 4 On Wednesday (phone). Tuesday give tn English praject Remember! Past We couldn't swim three years ago. Present. We can cive now. Future We will beable to fly to other planets D In the year 2050, what will we be able to do? Look at the words and pictures and write sentences. 4 do/lessons 46 - A Jim is going to Portugal on holiday. Look at the list of things he must do. ~pack suitease = buy suntan ol Vv = change money x ~ collect tickets a alot of money. Listen to the § “>

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