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Ecom & Etail Summit 2018

Redening the online Shopping Experience

July 2018 - Bangalore

Ecom & Etail

Summit 2018


Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

IBCIS Pvt. Ltd. thrives to be the leading na onal provider of connoisseur informa on and services for the professional
and commercial business communi es. We just don't organize conferences but provide every person with relevant,
complete informa on tailored to their role; we deliver insight that predicts the best next step, and deliver it in me to
influence the business outcome.

IBCIS Conferences are insight-driven and focus to drive the next level of value crea on and compe ve advantage for
organiza ons. We provide organized informa on that lead people to take ac on based on facts to op mize decisions,
ac ons and customer interac ons. We believe in ge ng the right informa on, to the right decision makers, at the right
me to have an edge over compe on.

Having access to mely and accurate informa on is an important resource for any company, which can expedite
decision-making and improve customers' experience. In the compe ve customer-service sector, companies need to
have accurate, up-to-date informa on on customer preferences, so that the company can quickly adapt to their
changing demands and IBCI prides itself by providing conferences that meet this growing demand. A end or Partner
with us to experience this through flair and flamboyance.
IBCIS Conferences enhance communica on, coordinate ac vi es, and enable companies to respond more quickly to
changes. We provide cost-effec ve services that meet business requirements and provide a superior end-user
experience with our conferences.

About Ecom & Etail Summit 2018

Ecom & Etail Summit 2018 will have a solid spotlight on various opportuni es and advancements in the online shopping
space . It is clearly perfect for those in the Indian Subcon nent needing to recognize what's coming next for the Internet
shopping space and to comprehend routes for enhancing customer experience and Customer reten on. Members will
have a chance to get in contact with par cular providers, specialized prescribers, and purchasers. The Event is relied
upon to be prominent with top 60 Companies in the Retail, E-Commerce & E-retail ver cals.

Ecom & Etail Summit 2018 is equipped towards associa ng, educa ng, and crea ng pioneers in Ecommerce and E-Retail
and is an incredible mee ng to interface with chiefs and pioneers in the Ecommerce and E-retail industry. The current
year's mo va on incorporates sessions on phishing, episode taking care of, business congruity Customer Engagement,
Customer and User Experience, Logis cal Challenges etc However, a er the ini al phase where e-retailers focused only
on gaining market share through discounts, the next phase will be characterized by consolida on, geographical
diversifica on, business realignment, as well as enhancing customer s ckiness.

Ecom & Etail Summit 2018 is a magnificent open door for CXO's, CMO's & CEO's including startups to get no fica on
from Experts on the best way to viably oversee different aspects and benefits to overcome the challenges faced in the
domain and to talk about the key part that readiness has in confron ng the present web-based social networking digital
risk scene

Ecom & Etail Summit 2018 is likely the best approach to remain side by side of true computerized dri s today, with the
chance to get no fica on from perceived master speakers and the possibility of systems administra on with peers in the
field. +91-9742822220
Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

Why Attend

One-on-One Mee ngs

Meet eye to eye with the facilitators, they have the innova on arrangements that could conceivably
fathom the IT security concerns. Our conferences are select and held to fit the present needs and
inclina ons. All gatherings will occur in a private, five star business condi ons.

Networking Opportuni es
Great network leads to great business. Posi on yourself at the center of influence, cul vate mutually
beneficial rela onships & at the end of the day, you will reach out to a large & diverse group of delegates
who will gladly & con nually do a lot of business. We believe that networking is an essen al part of
building wealth.

Learning Opportuni es
Extraordinary system prompts awesome business. Posi on yourself at the focal point of impact, develop
commonly gainful connec ons and toward the day's end, you will contact an expansive and various
gathering of agents who will happily and persistently complete a ton of business. We trust that systems
administra on is a fundamental piece of building riches.

Speed Networking
Speed organizing is a formal piece of the mee ng procedures. All representa ves, speakers and
accomplices are urged to meet each other and present themselves.

Earlier No fica ons

Access to profiles of all organiza ons going to the event. Suppliers and addi onally arrangement
searchers are very much aware of the necessi es and desires of either party even before going to the

The summit will offer keynotes, exchange sessions, and wise contextual inves ga ons
on the most problems that need to be addressed in the present IT Security, Customer
Engagement, Sales Enhancement, Marke ng Strategies, Customer Experience and
User Experience It is an unques onable requirement go to occasion for any
individual who wishes to take in more about new methodologies and strategies to
reclaim at their business or office. +91-9742822220
Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

Who Should Attend

Ecom & Etail Summit 2018 , we are expec ng 150 key agents from Government, Regulatory and Private Enterprises
to go to the occasion. The mee ng is probably going to be gone to by key CEO's, CMO's, CXO's, CX Heads and Sales
Leaders System Integrators, Corporate Enterprises and different partners of the digital security industry.
Ecommerce & E retail Giants in BFSI, Retail, Healthcare etc…

Challenges in E-tailing

Borderless economies
Versa le innova on has enabled customers in horde ways. It has opened ways to a computerized economy, taking
globaliza on to another level. Customary limits are unmistakably obscuring, with online retailers growing to new
topographies. This leaves organiza ons to manage government direc ons, geopoli cal status, "stateless wage", and
broad neighborhood and global rivalry. Current internet business organiza ons are in a race to give the best premium
administra ons to their buyers while finding the correct harmony amongst globaliza on and restric on.

Building trust and brand as the key differentiator

Building shopper trust and brand devo on is basic for any business to succeed. The conven onal brand building prac ces are for
the most part unimportant in the present online business area. It is anything but difficult to lose an online client to the "following
enormous thing". Inability to convey on any one part of clients' requests would prompt disappointment in holding them

Disparate systems lead to poor experience

There are different informa on administra on frameworks, for example, - Point of Sale (POS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
and CRM frameworks. These frameworks vary massively in their design, arrangement and u liza on; typically based on dated
innova on and are inclined to stagna on. What does this mean for organiza ons? - A lot of your assets (cost, me, work) is being
spent on par cular frameworks, meddling with inward business requests and diver ng the concentra on from the center errands

Current internet business flourishes with conveying the best customized understanding to their buyers. Dealing with a
store of client informa on is a test in itself, added to that online business organiza ons need to see how to u lize that
informa on. Conveying tweaked content as no ces, extraordinary offers and so on are a por on of the techniques which
can be u lized +91-9742822220
Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

Lack of cross-departmental collaboration

Difficul es of running an online store that includes four key divisions - Technology, Data Cura on, Product Delivery and
People Management. Current organiza ons confront the test of teaming up between various divisions, some
topographically disconnected and exhibit in various me zones. Adver sers, merchandisers and internet business chiefs
need to figure out how to deliberately work through one coordinated channel.

Ease of use and technology

Overseeing coordina on's, dealer enrollment, and stock bookkeeping present greater difficul es for the online business
organiza ons. To beat these interior difficul es would require more prominent organiza on of manual assets and can't
simply be tackled through cloud administra ons.
Future Of E-Commerce: Five Trends To Watch Out

Compelling Content

An outwardly charming site and an intriguing exhibit of items are not sufficiently only to emerge among the jam in your
purchasers' memory. You require an arsenal of convincing substance, which is exhibited in novel ways that figures out
how to get the client's considera on, as well as aides in drawing in them and fashions a passionate associa on with the
brand. Along these lines, it's not only the item and administra on portrayals that need innova ve substance, yet in
addi on web-based social networking posts, sites, public statements, no ces, and the sky is the limit from there.
Intriguing substance is one of the real reasons why individuals take a er brands via web-based networking media, as it
encourages them by being useful, instruc ve, and mo va onal, which at that point thinks about altogether deals and
brand faithfulness. As a showcasing technique, as well, it's addi onally a standout amongst the most savvy, proficient,
and impac ul answers for produce ROI. That being stated, substance ought not be confined to only the composed word,
truth be told, various structures must be focused to suit differing customer inclina ons. For instance, recordings, data
illustra ons, instruc onal exercises, podcasts, are a por on of the fascina ng approaches to make a more grounded
interface with the group of onlookers

Consumer Fragmentation - Turning Challenge Into Opportunity

A ributable to the more prominent accommoda on computerized media brings, shoppers today approach more
purchasing open doors than any me in recent memory. Our PDAs, which are an essen al piece of our day by day "basic
leadership" lives, give us moment access to a plenty of retailers where the great and the terrible get filtered by a savage
rivalry in a ma er of only one swipe. Along these lines, goliaths discover this discon nuity a Herculean test to manage in
light of the fact that specialty bou ques are very much situated to pick up piece of the overall industry. On the other side,
li ler firms plug this test effortlessly as there are bring down boundaries to adver se sec on and development. +91-9742822220
Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

Same-Day Delivery- The Evolutionary "Express" Era

As the tle recommends, the most straigh orward clarifica on of this administra on is: you can put in a request for an
item or a gathering of merchandise and have them conveyed inside a 24-hour me allotment on any me. For what
reason does the idea can possibly in a general sense alter the business? First off, the presenta on of same-day
conveyance will take the web based shopping knowledge of clients to another level of accommoda on. Buyers obviously
join an incen ve to the fas dious incorpora on of comfort of online retail with the promptness of blocks and mortar
stores, which same-day conveyance idea gets. Decreased conveyance me, enhanced access to items, higher comfort,
and lower costs of web based shopping are a por on of the key factors that can be credited to the said idea.

Furthermore, for online retailers, the choice of same-day conveyance helps in expanding buy transforma on while
constraining cancela ons and buyer change to a vast scale and as the op mized display gives next to zero me-window
for customers to inves gate further and have a resul ng change of heart on their buy
At long last, the model addi onally offers enormous open door for business improvement and employment crea on
crosswise over coordina ons suppliers who are the common accomplice for same-day conveyance on a wide scale
because of their current system quality.

Measuring Connected Devices

Frequently, customers don't adhere to a solitary gadget when purchasing from you. Truth be told, they switch between
gadgets, from the web to versa le to applica ons, before transforming into paying clients. Gadget driven examina on
not just furnish web based business wanders with a more profound understanding into evalua ng their groups of
onlookers be er, yet in addi on help with u lizing this data to an cipate resul ng buys and customize the purchaser
shopping knowledge. Along these lines, organiza ons that need to pick up a focused edge and have a more
methodological way to deal with new changes are currently taking a gander at various gadgets to gather informa on and
draw customer bits of knowledge. $

Social Commerce
Web-based social networking is currently a basic piece of rela vely every buyer's online propensi es. Insights flourish
about its ubiquity and poten al as a methods for driving new guests. Maybe one of the greatest pa erns a year ago was
the incorpora on of web based business in informal communi es, for example, Facebook, Twi er, YouTube, Instagram
and Pinterest. One of the significant explana ons behind incorpora on of business in online networking stages is solid
web entrance crosswise over level I, level II and level III gathering of people, where accessibility of minimal effort cell
phones and low rates of informa on designs have assumed a vital part in growing the business sectors. +91-9742822220
Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

An old adver sing proverb says, "Go where your clients are!" For web based business wanders, viable online networking
commitment speaks to genuine esteem. These stages offer crea ve techniques to achieve first- me and new age clients,
connect with and compensate exis ng clients, and exhibit the best your image brings to the table. Without ques on,
your informal organiza on profiles and the substance you share are as cri cal as a business' customer facing facade
signage and item shows in the present associated period.

Yet, organiza ons must understand that u lizing the en re capability of web-based social networking requires a more
engaged approach and a more extensive comprehension of the medium. The idea of business u lizing online
networking tool stash, from various perspec ves, take us back to the causes of retail, one where dealers knew about
their customers, and correspondingly customers built up profound associa ons with the traders they purchase from.
This arrival to li le business, with the assistance of social stages, will keep on playing an essen al part for both-the
systems and the retail business. Remaining on top of things, notwithstanding, will obviously be characterized by how
web based business wanders analysis and improve to associate and interface with their clients.

The open doors made by different online networking stages, the ascent of inves ga on inves ga ons of gadgets and
numerous installment alterna ves, and the difficul es of customer discon nuity are a por on of the real pa erns we
hope to play out in 2017 and past. They speak to both huge open doors for those that move quick, and colossal dangers
for those that neglect to address them. For retailers, our message is basic: draw in, remain centered and move quick. +91-9742822220
Ecom & Etail Summit 2018
Redening the online Shopping Experience
July 2018 - Bangalore

Contact Us:
For any kind of enquiry, kindly contact:



$ +91-9742822220

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