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International Certification Programme

Management of Public Private Partnerships

in Urban Water and Sanitation Sector in India

17 January 2011 to 21 January 2011

in Hyderabad, India

22 January 2011 to 28 January 2011

in Shanghai & Changzhou, China

Leadership through Learning

Administrative Staff College of India

key stakeholders. There is a critical need
Context therefore, for urban managers to acquire
Provision of universal access to the delivery the capacities and skills to design , develop
of basic services such as water and and manage Public Private Partnerships for
sanitation in urban areas is critical in provision of municipal services.
accelerating India’s development goals.
This necessitates not only large-scale
investments to develop assets but also high ASCI-Campus Veolia Certification
quality managerial competence to ensure Programme in PPP
the sustainability of such investments.
The Administrative Staff College of India
Governments are increasingly turning to
(ASCI) and Campus Veolia Environnement,
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as an
France, both leading institutes in urban
effective means to achieving universal and
infrastructure management are pleased to
sustainable service delivery.
announce an International Certification
The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban programme in ‘Management of Public
Renewal Mission (JnNURM), led by the Private Partnerships in the Urban Water
Ministry of Urban Development, and Sanitation Sector in India’. Campus
Government of India, provides the Veolia Environnement is a global training
framework and incentives for urban local and research institute on sustainable
governments to promote PPP. Viability gap development especially related to water,
funding (VGF) scheme of the Government waste water, waste management,
of India also provides incentive and transportation and energy.
capacity support to governments for
promoting PPPs. However, structuring and The programme is introduced in response
implementing PPP projects that are viable to the capacity building needs of
and affordable in important sectors such as governments for effective management of
urban water and sanitation remains a PPPs . It offers an opportunity to
challenge. This is mainly due to lack of professionalize urban managers and equip
enabling legal and regulatory environment them with the new competencies required
at the state/city level, concerns about to enhance and sustain municipal service
managing PPP related contracts and delivery through public private
knowledge gaps among institutions and partnerships.

The programme will offer a unique learning

environment through interactive sessions
with academicians and global and national
experts and practitioners and exposure to
national and international projects and
simulation exercises. The programme
features an international field visit to the
cities of Shanghai and Changzhou in China
to gain exposure to all aspects of PPP
project in the context of municipal service
Programme Structure and Content
The programme is structured in two
components and participants are required
to attend both components.
India component
17 January 2011 to 21 January 2011
International component
22 January 2011 to 28 January 2011

Programme Content
Learning Objectives India component
m Establish the relevance and potential 17 January 2011 to 21 January 2011
of Public Private Partnerships in urban The India component of the programme is
water and sanitation sector in India scheduled for 5 days at ASCI, Hyderabad.
m Provide indepth understanding of During this phase, participants will be
exposed to the theoretical underpinnings of
various models of PPP
PPP management in urban water and
m Provide comprehensive knowledge sanitation and the following themes will be
and skills required to design ,develop covered
and manage PPPs
m Potential for PPP in India,
m Provide skills required for making PPP experiences, practices and PPP
work- designing conditions for models relevant to urban water and
success sanitation sector

m Provide exposure to global and m Policy environment and programmes

national experiences in PPP in urban for PPPs in India
water and sanitation sector m Global and national experiences in
PPP in urban water and sanitation
m Provide exposure to real life contexts
through an international visit
m Project development process - Step by
(Shanghai and Changzhou in China)
step approach to PPP
m Provide hands on experience in PPP
m Financial fundamentals including
management through individual
economics and tariffs
mentored projects
m Contract development and
management - Legal, technical and
regulatory issues
m Risk Identification and mitigation
m Project documentation
m Development and management of
concession agreements
m Procurement process
m Pro poor strategies
m Communication and consultations
strategies for effective PPPs
m Capacity building and human
resources management
m A brief review on PPP in urban
infrastructure sectors with focus on

International Component
22 January 2011 to 28 January 2011
The International component of the
programme involves an international field
visit to be organized at China. Participants
will have opportunities to visit active PPP
initiatives in Shanghai and Changzhou in
m Public private partnership framework
China to gain practical insight into real life
in water sector
PPP contexts in water and sanitation sector.
These cities have successfully introduced m Contract management system ,
PPPs in water and sanitation sectors since performance measurement and
2002 and have achieved significant service regulation
delivery improvements. It is expected to m Non revenue water management and
provide comprehensive and practical distribution network efficiency
knowledge of all aspects of PPP in water
m Technical innovations
and sanitation sector.
m Financial management
m Urban management and infrastructure
development in China m Customer focus and citizen relations
m Water Quality
m Capacities and human resources
m Financial management
m Campus Veolia Training Centre in
Changzhou for the Asia-Pacific
At the end of this phase participants will
formulate a road map to promote PPP by
integrating the lessons learnt from the
Training and Learning Methodology Application Submission Dedline
The programme adopts an interactive Completed applications are to be submitted
approach with a blend of lectures, by January 5 2011.
discussions, case studies, video films,
simulation exercises, exchange of Venue and Facilities
experiences and field visits. In addition the
programme offers opportunities for The programme is a fully residential one.
participants to interact with national and The India component of the programme is
international experts and practitioners. to be organized at ASCI, Hyderabad. ASCI
offers comfortable air conditioned class-
rooms , well equipped library and com-
Resource Persons puter centre, comfortable single occu-
The program will be offered jointly by ASCI pancy, air conditioned accommodation
and Campus Veolia Environnment. Senior and above all, a beautiful campus. During
international practitioners and experts from the international component of the
the various countries where Veolia programme, participants will be
operates in the areas of Water distribution accommodated at well appointed hotels
and treatment, Waste management, Public in Shanghai and Changzhou.
transport in addition to technical experts on
contract management – legal, financial,
operational will provide expertise and Certification
resource inputs. The Administrative Staff
College of India will have Senior experts, A Certificate of Participation will issued
advisors, consultants in urban upon completion of the training
infrastructure and water supply and programme.
sewerage as resource persons.
ASCI Alumni Association
Participants Participants will become members of the
ASCI Alumni Association.
The programme is aimed at policy makers
including elected representatives, senior
municipal administrators and officials, Registration and Program Fee
municipal engineers and other urban The all inclusive programme fee is Rs.
sector professionals from state and city 95,000 +10.30% Service tax including
governments and water utilities. tuition, board and lodging , courseware
Representatives of leading private sector
and economy class airfare (Hyderabad-
organizations, financial institutions and
Shanghai round trip)
multilateral agencies will also find the
programme useful. The College is exempted from Income tax
and therefore tax deduction at source is
Dates not required.
The programme dates are:
17 January 2011 to 21 January 2011 in
Hyderabad, India
22 January 2011 to 28 January 2011 in
Shanghai & Changzhou, China.
About ASCI About Campus
Veolia Environnement
The Administrative Staff College of India Campus Veolia Environnement, a global
(ASCI) is a leading management education training and research institute on sustainable
institute for practising managers in development especially related to water,
governments and private sector. The Urban w a s t e w a t e r, w a s t e m a n a g e m e n t ,
Programme in ASCI comprises policy, transportation and energy. It trains more than
training, advisory and knowledge support to 15000 technicians yearly in the skills related
local, state and national governments, to these technologies. Training ranges from
national and international development providing basic competencies to engineering
organizations for urban sector reforms in and management of water, waste water, waste
India. It is recognized as a Centre for management, transportation and energy. The
Excellence in service delivery, governance Campus Veolia Environnement also heads a
reforms and Public Private Partnerships by network of 15 training centres throughout the
the Ministry of Urban Development, world, supporting the development of
Government of India. ASCI has particular sustainable practices in these sectors.
focus on basic infrastructure and advocates
the cause of continuous water supply (24/7)
and safe sanitation in Indian cities through
policy/ advisory support and training. ASCI
provides a dedicated urban information
support service for Indian cities - the Urban
Resource Link (URL).

For further details, please contact:

Programme Directors
Srinivas Chary Vedala Vijaya Venkataraman
Email: Email:
Balaram Graphics : 23706326

Leadership through Learning


Center for Urban Governance
Bella Vista, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Tel: 040-66534221, Fax: 040-23316211

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