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Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109

Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

DNP Lab – 0 Introductory Lab

Date of Session : __/__/__ Time of Session :

0.1 Aim/Objective of Lab-0: Explanation of Syllabus and evaluation pattern in lab,

Guided and Unguided transmission media, Basics to IP and MAC addresses,
networking devices [Hub, Repeater, Switch, Router and Gateway Router],
Topologies: LAN, WAN, WiMax.

0.2 Activity 1: Introduction to the Networks

By themselves, computers are powerful tools. When they are connected in a

network, they become even more powerful because the functions and tools that each
computer provides can be shared with other computers.

Fig 0.1 Communication network.

Network is a small group of computers that share information, or they can be

very complex, spanning large geographical areas that provide its users with unique
capabilities, above and beyond what the individual machines and their software
applications can provide. An example of a communication network is given in Fig

The goal of any computer network is to allow multiple computers to

communicate. The type of communication can be as varied as the type of
conversations you might have through out the course of a day. For example, the
communication might be a download of an MP3 audio file for your MP3 player;
using a web browser to check your instructor’s web page to see what assignments and
tests might becoming up; checking the latest sports scores; using an instant-
messaging service, such as Yahoo Messenger, to send text messages to a friend; or
writing an e- mail and sending it to a business associate.

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

0.3 Advantages and disadvantages of networks:

Tab 0.1 Advantages and disadvantages of networks

S.No Advantages Disadvantages

Data Security Concerns Network Hardware, Software
and Setup Costs
Connectivity and Hardware and Software
2 Communication Management&
Administration Costs
Data Sharing Hardware Undesirable Sharing
Internet Access & Network Hardware, Software
Entertainment and Setup Costs
Data Security & Illegal or Undesirable
5 Performance Enhancement Behaviour
and Balancing.

0.4 Types of Networks

Different types of networks are distinguished based on their size (in terms of
the number of machines), their data transfer speed, and their reach. There are usually
said to be two categories of networks.

0.4.1 Local Area Network (LAN)

Local Area Network (LAN) is limited to a specific area, usually an office, and
cannot extend beyond the boundaries of a single building. The first LANs were
limited to arrange (from a central point to the most distant computer) of 185 meters
(about 600feet) and no more than 30 computers. Today’s technology allows a larger
LAN, but practical administration limitations required to small, logical areas called
workgroups. A work group is a collection of individuals who share the same files and
databases over the LAN. Fig 0.2 gives an example of a local area network (LAN).

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Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Fig 0.2 Local Area Network.
0.4.2 Wide Area Network (WAN)

If you have ever connected to the Internet, you have used the largest WAN on
the planet. A WAN is any network that crosses metropolitan, regional, or national
boundaries. Most networking professionals define a WAN as any network that uses
routers and public network links. The Internet fits both definitions. Fig 0.2 gives an
example of a wide area network (WAN).

Fig 0.3 Wide Area Network.

0.4.3 Comparison between LAN and WAN

Tab 0.2 Comparison between LAN and WAN

Stands for Local Area Network Wide area network
Covers Local areas only (e.g., homes, Large geographic areas
offices, schools) (e.g., cities, states,
Definition LAN (Local Area Network) is WAN (Wide Area
a computer network covering Network) is a computer
a small geographic area, like network that covers a
a home, office, schools, or broad area or any
group of buildings. network whose
communications links
cross metropolitan,
regional, or national
boundaries over a long
Speed High speed (1000 Mbps) Less speed (150 Mbps)
Data transfer LANs have a high data transfer WANs have a lower data
rates rate. transfer rate compared to

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Example The network in an office The Internet is a good
building can be a LAN example of a WAN
Technology Tend to use certain WANs tend to use
connectivity technologies, technologies like MPLS,
primarily Ethernet and Token ATM, Frame Relay and
Ring X.25 for connectivity over
longer distances
Connection One LAN can be connected to Computers connected to a
other LANs over any distance wide-area network are
via telephone lines and radio often connected through
waves. public networks, such as
the telephone system.
They can also be
connected through leased
lines or satellites.
Components Layer 2 devices like switches, Layers3 devices Routers,
bridges, Layer 1 devices like Switches and Technology
Hubs, Repeaters specific devices like ATM
or Frame-relay Switches.
Fault LANs tend to have fewer WANs tend to be of fewer
Tolerance problems associated with faults tolerance as they
them, as there are smaller in consist of large number of
number of systems to deal systems.
Data Experiences fewer data Experiences more data
Transmission transmission errors transmission errors as
Error compared to LAN
Ownership Typically owned, controlled, WANs (like the Internet)
and managed by a single are not owned by any one
person or organization. organization but rather
exist under collective or
distributed ownership and
management over long
Set-up costs If there is a need to set-up a For WANs since networks
couple of extra devices on the in remote areas have to be
network, it is not very connected the set-up costs
expensive to do that. are higher. However
WANs using public
networks can be setup
very cheaply using just
software (VPN etc).
Geographical Have a small geographical Have a large geographical
Spread range and do not need any range generally spreading
leased telecommunication lines across boundaries and
need leased
telecommunication lines

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Maintenance Because it covers a relatively Maintaining WAN is
costs small geographical area, LAN difficult because of its
is easier to maintain at wider geographical
relatively low costs. coverage and higher
maintenance costs.
Bandwidth High bandwidth is available Low bandwidth is
for transmission. available for transmission.
Congestion Less congestion More congestion

Metropolitan Area Network(MAN):

 Ownership of network is Private or Public.
 Geographical area covered: Moderate.
 Design and Maintenance is not easy.
 Communication Medium :Coaxial cables, Optical fiber cables, PSTN, Wireless.
 Band width of MAN is moderate.
 Data rates(Speed):Moderate
 It is used for small towns and cities.
 Using Man multiple computers can simultaneously interact with each other.
 It covers relatively large region such as cities, towns.
 In Man congestion is more.
Fault tolerance: Less tolerant.

Personal Area Network(PAN):

 Used for low data rate and short distance applications.
 Data Rate in Pan is 250Kbps in zigbee, From Kbps to 24 Mbps in blue tooth
case .
 It is used for Short range .
 Pan have both star and mesh architectures.
 Mainly used for low data rate applications in home automation, bluetooth is
used for data transfer between devices .
 Pan is widely adopted in IoT (Internet of Things).
 A personal area network (PAN) is the interconnection of information
technology devices within the range of an individual person, typically within a
range of 10 meters.
 Bandwidth of PAN is Less.
 PAN can be wired, such as USB or FireWire, or they can be wireless, such as
infrared, ZigBee, Bluetooth and ultrawide band, or UWB.
Design and Maintenance of PAN is easy.

0.5 Activity 2: Networking Models

0.5.1 The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model

Models are useful because they help us understand difficult concepts and
complicated systems. When it comes to networking, there are several models that are

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
used to explain the roles played by various technologies, and how they interact. Of
these, the most popular and commonly used is the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) Reference Model.

The OSI model was designed to promote interoperability by creating a

guideline for network data transmission between computers and components that
have different hardware vendors, software, operating systems, and protocols. Fig 0.4
describes a typical data communication system.

Fig 0.4. Data communication system.

The idea behind the OSI Reference Model is to provide a framework for both
designing of networking systems and for explaining how they work. The existence of
the model makes it easier for networks to be analysed, designed, built and
rearranged, by allowing them to be considered as modular pieces that interact in
predictable ways, rather than enormous, complex monoliths. The seven layers of OSI
model are shown in Fig 0.5.

0.5.2 Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Model

The Internet Protocol Suite, popularly known as the TCP/IP model, is a

communication protocol that is used over the Internet. This model divides the entire
networking functions into layers, where each layer performs a specific function. This
model gives a brief idea about the process of data formatting, transmission, and
finally the reception. Each of these functions takes place in the layers, as described
by the model. TCP/IP is a four-layered structure, with each layer having their
individual protocol. Both the TCP/IP and OSI model work in a very similar fashion.
But they do have very subtle differences too. The most apparent difference is the
number of layers. TCP/IP is a four-layered structure, while OSI is a seven-layered
model. The seven layers of OSI model are shown in Fig 0.6 and comparison between
OSI and TCP/IP are shown in Fig 0.7.

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Fig 0.5 Seven layer of OSI model.

Fig 0.6 Five layer of TCP/IP model.

Fig 0.7 Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP Model.

0.5.4 Why Use a Layered Model?

By using a layered model, we can categorize the procedures that are

necessary to transmit data across a network. First, we need to define the term
protocol. It is set of guidelines or rules of communication.

Layered modelling allows us to:

• Create a protocol that can be designed and tested in stages, which in turn reduces
the complexity.
• Enhance functionality of the protocol without adversely affecting the other layers
• Provide multivendor compatibility.
• Allow for easier troubleshooting by locating the specific layer causing the problem.

OSI model divides the network into seven layers and explains the routing of the data
from source to destination. It is a theoretical model which explains the working of
the networks. Here are the details of OSI's seven layers:

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Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

0.6 Activity 3: Layers of OSI Model

0.6.1 Application (Layer -7)

The Application layer is a buffer between the user interface (what the user
uses to perform work) and the network application. This layer is responsible for
finding a partner such that they can communicate with each other on the network.
Once a partner is found, it is then responsible for ensuring that there is sufficient
network bandwidth to deliver the data. This layer may also be responsible for
synchronizing communication and providing high level error checking between the
two partners. This ensures that the application is either sending or receiving, and that
the data transmitted is the same data received. Typical applications include a
client/server application (Telnet), an e-mail application (SMTP), and an application
to transfer files using FTP or HTTP. Application layer model is given in Fig 0.8.

Fig 0.8 Model of Application layer.

0.6.2 Presentation (Layer – 6)

The Presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of data to the

Application layer. This presentation may take the form of many structures. Data that
it receives from the application layer is converted into a suitable format that is
recognized by the computer. Perform conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC (a
different character formatting method used on many mainframes). The Presentation
layer must ensure that the application can view the appropriate data when it is
reassembled. Graphic files such as PICT, JPEG, TIFF, and GIF, and video and sound
files such as MPEG and Apple’s QuickTime are examples of Presentation layer
responsibilities. Presentation layer model is given in Fig 0.9. One final data structure
is data encryption. Sometimes, it is vital that we can send data across a network
without someone being able to view our data, or snoop it.

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Fig 0.9 Presentation layer model.
0.6.3 Session Layer (Layer 5)

The Session layer sets up and terminates communications between the two
partners. This layer decides on the method of communication: half-duplex or full-
duplex. Session layer model is given in Fig 0.10.

Fig 0.10 Session layer model.

0.6.4 Simplex Full-Duplex and Half-Duplex Communications

A simplex communication channel only sends information in one direction.

For example, a radio station usually sends signals to the audience but never
receives signals from them, thus a radio station is a simplex channel. It is also
common to use simplex channel in fibre optic communication. One strand is used for
transmitting signals and the other is for receiving signals. But this might not be
obvious because the pair of fibre strands are often combined to one cable. The good
part of simplex mode is that its entire bandwidth can be used during the transmission.

All network communications (including LAN and WAN communications)

can be categorized as Half-duplex or full duplex. With half-duplex, communications
happen in both directions, but in only one direction at a time. When two computers
communicate using half-duplex, one computer sends a signal and the other receives;
then, at some point, they switch sending and receiving roles. Full duplex, on the other
hand, allows communication in both directions simultaneously. Both stations can
send and receive signals at the same time. Full-duplex communications are like a
telephone call, in which both people can talk simultaneously. The full duplex and
half duplex systems are given in Fig 0.11.

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Fig 0.11 Half duplex and full duplex mode of communication.
0.6.5 Transport Layer (Layer4)

This layer provides end-to-end delivery of data between two nodes. It divides
data into different packets before transmitting it. On receipt of these packets, the
data is reassembled and forwarded to the next layer. If the data is lost in transmission
or has errors, then this layer recovers the lost data and transmits the same. Transport
layer add port number and sequence number to assemble and distinguish between
multiple applications segments received at a device; this also allows data to be
multiplexed on the line. Multiplexing is the method of combining data from the
upper layers and sending them through the same data stream. This allows more than
one application to communicate with the communication partner at the same time.
When the data reaches the remote partner, the Transport layer then disassembles the
segment and passes the correct data to each of the receiving applications. An
example of the transport layer is given in Fig 0.12.

Fig 0.12 Transport layer model.

0.6.6 Network Layer (Layer 3)

The main function of this layer is routing data has to its intended destination
on the network as long as there is a physical network connection. The device that
allows us to accomplish this spectacular feat is the router, sometimes referred to as a
Layer 3 device. While doing so, it has to manage problems like network congestion,
switching problems, etc. In order for the router to succeed in this endeavour, it must
be able to identify the source segment and the final destination segment.

This is done through network addresses, also called logical addresses. When a
router receives data, it examines the Layer 3 data to determine the destination
network address. It then looks up the address in a table that tells it which route to use
to get the data to its final destination. It places the data on the proper connection,
there by routing the packet from one segment to another. The data may need to
travel through many routers before reaching its destination host. Each router in the
path would perform the same lookup in its table.

0.6.7 Overview of IP Addresses

TCP/IP requires that each interface on a TCP/IP network have its own unique
IP address. There are two addressing schemes for TCP/IP: IPv4 and IPv6.

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Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

0.6.8 IPv4

An IPv4 address is a 32-bit number, usually represented as a four-part

decimal number with each of the four parts separated by a decimal point. In the IPv4
address, each individual byte, or octet as it is sometimes called, can have a value in
the range of 0 through 255.The way these addresses are used varies according to the
class of the network, so all you can say with certainty is that the 32-bit IPv4 address
is divided in some way to create an identifier for the network, which all hosts on that
network share, and an identifier for each host, which is unique among all hosts on
that network. In general, though, the higher-order bits of the address make up the
network part of the address and the rest constitutes the host part of the address. In
addition, the host part of the address can be divided further to allow for a sub
network address.

0.6.9 IPv6

IPv6 was originally designed because the number of available unregistered

IPv4 addresses was running low. Because IPv6 uses a 128-bit addressing scheme, it
has more than 79 octillion times as many available addresses as IPv4. Also, instead
of representing the binary digits as decimal digits, IPv6 uses eight sets of four
hexadecimal digits, like so: 3FFE:0B00:0800:0002:0000:0000:0000:000C. A model
of network layer is given in Fig 0.13

Fig 0.13 Network layer model.

0.6.10 Data Link Layer (Layer2)

The main function of this layer is to convert the data packets received from
the upper layer into frames and route the same to the physical layer. Error detection
and correction is done at this layer, thus making it a reliable layer in the model. It
establishes a logical link between the nodes and transmits frames sequentially. Data
link layer model is given in fig 0.14.

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Fig 0.14 Data Link layer model.

The Data Link layer is split into two sub layers, the Logical Link Control
(LLC) and the Media . Access Control (MAC). MAC sub layer is closer to the
Physical layer. The MAC sub layer defines a physical address, called a MAC
address or hardware address, which is unique to each individual network interface.
This allows a way to uniquely identify each network interface on a network, even if
the network interfaces are on the same computer. More importantly, though, the
MAC address can be used in any network that supports the chosen network interface.
Fig 0.15 show where the MAC address is printed on the devices.

Fig 0.15 Example of MAC address.

0.6.11 What Is a MAC Address?

The MAC address is a unique value associated with a network adapter. MAC
addresses are also known as hardware addresses or physical addresses. They
uniquely identify an adapter on a LAN. MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal
numbers (48 bits in length). By convention, MAC addresses are usually written as the
following format: MM:MM:MM: SS:SS:SS or MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS. The first
half of a MAC address contains the ID number of the adapter manufacturer. These
Ids are regulated by an Internet standards body (see sidebar). The second half of a

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
MAC address represents the serial number assigned to the adapter by the

MAC layer on the receiving computer will take the bits from the Physical
layer and put them in order into a frame. It will also do a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy
Check) to determine if there are any errors in the frame. It will check the destination
hardware address to determine if the data is meant for it, or if it should be dropped or
sent on to the next machine. If the data is meant for the current computer, it will pass
it to the LLC layer. The LLC layer is the buffer between the software protocols
and the hardware protocols. It is responsible for taking the data from the Network
layer and sending it to the MAC layer. This allows the software protocols to run on
any type of network architecture. MAC addresses function at the data link layer
(layer 2). They allow computers to uniquely identify themselves on a network at
this relatively low level. Fig 0.16 shows the MAC address.

0.6.12 Frames

At the Data Link layer, data coming from upper-layer protocols are divided
into logical chunks called frames. A frame is a unit of data transmission. The size
and format of these frames depend on the transmission technology. In other words,
Ethernet frames differ greatly from Token Ring frames and Frame Relay frames, and
the three are not compatible.

Fig 0.16 Structure of MAC address.

0.6.13 Physical Layer (Layer1)

As the name suggests, this is the layer where the physical connection
between two computers takes place. The data is transmitted via this physical medium
to the destination's physical layer. It is responsible for sending data and receiving
data across a physical medium. This data is sent in bits, either a 0 or a 1. The data
may be transmitted as electrical signals (that is, positive and negative voltages),
audio tones, or light. This layer also defines the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
and the Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE). The DTE is often accessed
through a modem or a Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU)
connected to a PC or a router. The carrier of the WAN signal provides the DCE

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
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equipment. A typical device would be a packet switch, which is responsible for
clocking and switching. Fig 0.17 represents the physical layer model.

Fig 0.17 Physical layer model.

0.6 Data Encapsulation Using the OSI Model

Since there may be more than one application using more than one
communication partner using more than one protocol, how does the data get to its
destination correctly. This is accomplished through a process called data
encapsulation. Fig 0.18 shows the process of data encapsulation done in

Fig 0.18 Data encapsulation.

Basically, it works like this:

1. A user is working on an application and decides to save the data to are mote
server. The application calls the Application layer to start the process.

2.The Application layer takes the data and places some information, called a header,
at the beginning. The header tells the Application layer which user application sent
the data.

3. The Application layer then sends the data to the Presentation layer, where the data
conversion takes place. The Presentation layer places a header on all the

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
information received from the Application layer (including the Application layer
header). This header identifies which protocol in the Application layer to pass it

4. The Presentation layer then sends the complete message to the Session layer. The
Session layer sets up the synchronized communication information to speak with
the communication partner and appends the information to another header.

5. The Session layer then sends the message to the Transport layer, where
information is placed into the header identifying the source and the destination
hosts and the method of connection (connectionless versus connection-oriented).

6. The Transport layer then passes the segment to the Network layer, where the
network address for the destination and the source are included in the header.

7. The Network layer passes the packet (connection-oriented) or the

datagram (connectionless) to the Data Link layer. The Data Link layer then
includes the SSAP and the DSAP to identify which Transport protocol to return it
to. It also includes the source and the destination MAC addresses.

8. The Data Link layer then passes the frame to the Physical layer for transmitting on
the physical medium as individual bits.
9. Finally, the receiving computer receives the bits and reverses the process to get the
original data to the source application; in this case, a file server service.

Note that since the top three layers have similar functionality, we can typically
combine all of the data in those layers and simply refer to it as the Protocol Data
Unit (PDU). In this Instance, we can substitute the term PDU for the term message.
Fig 0.19 gives the complete description of all the links in the communication system.

Fig 0.19 Basic functionalities of each layer.

0.7 Decapsulation process

Decapsulation is the inverse of the encapsulation process. Encapsulation is

the process of wrapping the data while the Decapsulation process is a process of
opening packs. The process was reversed from the encapsulation process.
Encapsulation process starts from the uppermost layer (Application Layer) to the
lowest layer (Physical layer) while the Decapsulation process starts from the lowest
layer (Physical Layer) to the uppermost layer (Application Layer)

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
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Although every device on a LAN is connected to every other device, they do
not necessarily communicate with each other. There are two basic types of LANs,
based on the communication patterns between the machines: client/server networks
and peer-to-peer networks.

0.8 Client/Server Network

A client/server network uses a network operating system designed to manage

the entire network from a centralized point, which is the server. Clients make
requests of the server, and the server responds with the information or access to a

Every computer has a distinct role: that of either a client or a server. A server
is designed to share its resources among the client computers on the network.
Typically, servers are located in secured areas, such as locked closets or data centres
(server rooms), because they hold an organization’s most valuable data and do not
have to be accessed by operators on a continuous basis. The rest of the computers on
the network function as clients. Fig 0.20 shows a typical client server model.

Fig 0.20 Client server model.

0.10 Peer-to-Peer Networks

In peer-to-peer networks, the connected computers have no centralized

authority. From an authority viewpoint, all of these computers are equal. In other
words, they are peers. If a user of one computer wants access to a resource on another
computer, the security check for access rights is the responsibility of the computer
holding the resource. Each computer in a peer-to-peer network can be both a client
that requests resources and a server that provides resources

0.11 Application Layer Services

In the true sense, a server does exactly what the name implies: It provides
resources to the clients on the network (“serves” them, in other words). Servers are
typically powerful computers that run the software that controls and maintains.
Servers are often specialized for a single purpose. This is not to say that a single
server can’t do many jobs, but you’ll get better performance if you dedicate a server
to a single task. Here are some examples of servers that are dedicated to a single task:
 File Server Holds and distributes files.

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
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• Print Server Controls and manages one or more printers for the network.
• Proxy Server performs a function on behalf of other computers.
• Application Server Hosts a network application.
• Web Server Holds and delivers web pages and other web content using the
Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
• Mail Server Hosts and delivers e-mail. It’s the electronic equivalent of a post office.
• Fax Server Sends and receives faxes for the entire network without the need for
• Telephony Server Functions as a “smart” answering machine for the network. It can
also perform call centre and call-routing functions. Fig 0.21 shows the peer to peer
to communication process.

• Notice that each server type’s name consists of the type of service the server
provides (remote access, for example) followed by the word server, which, as you
remember, means to serve.

Fig 0.21 Example of Peer to Peer process.

0.12 Activity 4: Application Layer protocols

0.12.1 Domain Name Service (DNS)

DNS is a popular and important naming service based on the client/server

model; DNS translates names into IP addresses. You can use friendly names like to refer to computers instead of unfriendly IP addresses like are two parts to a DNS name: the host name (e.g., www) and
the domain name (e.g., of these components are separated
by a period. Typically, you would assign a host name that says what the computer’s
function is (e.g., www for a web server). The domain name, on the other hand, is
usually the name of the company in which the computer resides, or some related
name, followed by .com, .edu, .net, or any other top-level domain suffix. Fig 0.22
shows the domain name server.

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0.13 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

DHCP used to provide IP configuration information to hosts on boot up.

DHCP manages addressing by leasing the IP information to the hosts. This leasing
allows the information to be recovered when not in use and reallocated when needed.
The primary reason for using DHCP is to centralize the management of IP addresses.
When the DHCP service is used, DHCP scopes include pools of IP addresses that are
assigned for automatic distribution to client computers on an as-needed basis, in the
form of leases, which are periods of time for which the DHCP client may keep the
configuration assignment. Clients attempt to renew their lease at 50 percent of the
lease duration. The address pools are centralized on the DHCP server, allowing all
IP addresses on your network to be administered from a single server.

Fig 0.22 Example of domain name service (DNS).

Fig 0.24 Represents the DHCP client server model.

It should be apparent that this save loads of time when changing the IP
addresses on your network. Instead of running around to every workstation and
server and resetting the IP address to a new address, you simply reset the IP address
pool on the DHCP server.

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The next time the client machines are rebooted, they are assigned new
addresses. Fig 0.24 represents the DHCP client server model. DHCP Information
can include IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, Domain name, and a DNS

0.14 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP allows network administrators to collect information about the network.

It is a communications protocol for collecting information about devices on the
network, including hubs, routers, and bridges. Each piece of information to be
collected about a device is defined in a Management Information Base (MIB). SNMP
uses UDP to send and receive messages on the network.

0.15 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP provides a mechanism for single or multiple file transfers between

computer systems; when written in lowercase as “ftp,” it is also the name of the
client software used to access the FTP server running on the remote host.

The FTP package provides all the tools needed to look at files and directories,
change to other directories, and transfer text and binary files from one system to
another. FTP uses TCP to move the files.

Fig 0.25 represents the file transfer protocol (FTP).

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0.16 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

TFTP is a “stripped down” version of FTP, primarily used to boot diskless

workstations and to transfer boot images to and from routers. It uses a reduced
feature set (fewer commands and a smaller overall program size). In addition to its
reduced size, it also uses UDP instead of TCP, which makes for faster transfers but
with no reliability.

0.17 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

SMTP allows for a simple e-mail service and is responsible for moving
messages from one e- mail server to another. Fig 0.26 represents the SMTP protocol.

Fig 0.26 represents the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP).

0.18 Post Office Protocol (POP)

POP provides a storage mechanism for incoming mail; the latest version of the
standard is known as POP3. When a client connects to a POP3 server, all the
messages addressed to that client are downloaded; there is no way to download
messages selectively.

Once the messages are downloaded, the user can delete or modify messages
without further interaction with the server. In some locations, POP3 is being
replaced by another standard, IMAP.

0.19 Telnet

Telnet is a terminal emulation protocol that provides a remote logon to

another host over the network. It allows a user to connect to a remote host over a
TCP/IP connection as if they were sitting right at that host. Keystrokes typed into a
Telnet program will be transmitted over a TCP/IP network to the host. The visual
responses are sent back by the host to the Telnet client to be displayed.

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Fig 0.27 represents the post office protocol (POP3).

Fig 0.28 represents the telnet client server model.

0.20 Secure Shell (SSH)

SSH used to establish a secure Telnet session over a standard TCP/ IP

connection. It is used to run programs on remote systems, log in to other systems,
and move files from one system to another, all while maintaining a strong, encrypted

0.21 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is the command and control protocol used to manage communications

between a web browser and a web server. When you access a web page on the
Internet or on a corporate intranet, you see a mixture of text, graphics, and links to
other documents or other Internet resources.

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HTTP is the mechanism that opens the related document when you select a
link, no matter where that document is located. HTTP works as a request-response
protocol between a client and server. A web browser may be the client, and an
application on a computer that hosts a web site may be the server.

Example: A client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server; then the
server returns a response to the client. The response contains status information
about the request and may also the requested content. Fig 0.29 represents the
interface of human and data networks. Fig 0.30 represents the HTTP protocol.

0.22 Two HTTP Request Methods: GET and POST

Two commonly used methods for a request- response between a client and
server are: GET and POST. GET- Requests data from a specified resource. Its header
consists of many parameters.

Fig 0.29 represents the interface of human and data networks.

Fig 0.30 represents the HTTP protocol.

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Fig 0.31 POST- Submits data to be processes data specified resource.

0.23 Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP that provides a variety of security

mechanisms to the transactions between a web browser and the server. HTTP
swallow’s browsers and servers to sign, authenticate, and encryption HTTP message.

0.24 Transport layer protocols (TCP/UDP)

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, and UDP is the abbreviation
for User Datagram Protocol. Both pertain to data transmissions on the Internet, but
they work very differently.

0.25 Port Number

A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an Internet the

network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server. For the Transmission
Control Protocol and the User Datagram Protocol, a port number is a 16-bit integer
that is put in the header appended to a message unit. This port number is passed
logically between client and server transport layers and physically between the
transport layer and the Internet Protocol layer and forwarded on.

For example, a request from a client (perhaps on behalf of you at your PC) to
a server on the Internet may request a file be served from that host's File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) server or process. In order to pass your request to the FTP process in
the remote server, the Transmission Control Protocol of in your computer identifies
the port number of 21 (which by convention is associated with an FTP request) in
the16-bit port number integer that is appended to your request. At the server, the
TCP layer will read the port number of 21and forward your request to the FTP
program at the server.

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0.26 Activity 5: Commutation message types

0.26.1 Unicast

Unicast packets are sent from host to host. The communication is from
a single host to another single host. There is one device transmitting a message
destined for one receiver.

0.26.2 Broadcast

Broadcast is when a single device is transmitting a message to all other

devices in each address range. This broadcast could reach all hosts on the
subnet, all subnets, or all hosts on all subnets. Broadcast packets have the host
(and/or subnet) portion of the address set to all ones. By design, most modern
routers will block IP broadcast traffic and restrict it to the local subnet

0.26.3 Multicast

Multicast is a special protocol for use with IP. Multicast enables a

single device to communicate with a specific set of hosts, not defined by any
standard IP address and mask combination. This allows for communication
that resembles a conference call. Any one from anywhere can join the
conference, and everyone at the conference hears what the speaker has to say.
The speaker's message isn't broadcasted everywhere, but only to those in the
conference call itself. A special set of addresses is used for multicast
communication. Fig 0.32 represents different types of communications.

Fig 0.32 Represents the types of communication message types.

0.27 To configure TCP/IP settings:

1. Open Network Connections

2. Click the connection you want to configure, and then, under Network Tasks,
click Change settings of this connection.
3. Do one of the following:

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If the connection is a local area connection, on the General tab, under This
connection uses the following items, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),and then click

4. Do one of the following:

If you want IP settings to be assigned automatically, click Obtain an IP

address automatically, and then click OK.

If you want to specify an IP address or a DNS server address, do the following

Click Use the following IP address, and in IP address, type the IP


Click Use the following DNS server addresses, and in Preferred DNS server
and alternate DNS server, type the addresses of the primary and secondary
DNS servers.

0.28 Classification of IP address

Tab 0.3 Classification of IP address

Class Address Range Supports

Class A Supports16 million hosts on eachof127 networks.
Class B Supports65,000 hosts on each of16,000networks.
Class C Supports254 hosts on eachof2 million
Class D Reserved for multicast groups.
Class E Reserved.

0.29 Sub netting

Why we Develop sub netting and How to calculate sub net mask and how to
identify subnet address.

• Super netting

Why we develop super netting and How to calculate super net mask and how
to identify subnet address.

0.30 Activity 6: Connect the computers in Local Area Network.

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0.31 Procedure: On the host computer

On the host computer, follow these steps to share the Internet connection:
1. Log on to the host computer as Administrator or as Owner.
2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3. Click Network and Internet Connections.
4. Click Network Connections.
5. Right-click the connection that you use to connect to the Internet. For example, if
you connect to the Internet by using a modem, right-click the connection that you
want under Dial-up / another network available.
6. Click Properties.
7. Click the Advanced tab.
8. Under Internet Connection Sharing, select the Allow other network users to
connect through this computer's Internet connection check box.
9. If you are sharing a dial-up Internet connection, select the Establish a dial-up
connection whenever a computer on my network attempts to access the
Internet checkbox if you want to permit your computer to automatically connect
to the Internet.
10. Click OK. You receive the following message:
When Internet Connection Sharing is enabled, your LAN adapter will be set to
use IP address Your computer may lose connectivity with another
computer son your network. If these other computers have static IP addresses, it
is a good idea to set them too obtain their IP addresses automatically. Are you
sure you want to enable Internet Connection Sharing?
11. Click Yes.
The connection to the Internet is shared to other computers on the local area
network (LAN). The network adapter that is connected to the LAN is configured
with a static IP address of and a subnet mask of

0.32 On the Client Computer

To connect to the Internet by using the shared connection, you must confirm
the LAN adapter IP configuration, and then configure the client computer. To
confirm the LAN adapter IP configuration, follow these steps:

1. Logon to the client computer as Administrator as Owner.

2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3. Click Network and Internet Connections.
4. Click Network Connections.
5. Right-click Local Area Connection and then click Properties.
6. Click the General tab, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the connection uses
the following items list, and then click Properties.
7. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click Obtain an IP
address automatically (I f it is not already selected), and then click OK.
Note: You can also assign a unique static IP address in the range of192.168.0.2to
254. For example, you can assign the following static IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway:

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8. IP Address
9. Subnet mask
10. Default gateway
11. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK.
12. Quit Control Panel.

Activity 7: Study of following Network Device in Detail

• Repeater
• Hub
• Switch
• Bridge
• Router
• Gate Way

Apparatus (Software): No software or hardware needed.

0.33 Procedure: Following should be done to understand this practical.

0.34 Repeater: Functioning at Physical Layer. A repeater is an electronic device
that receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher level and or higher power,
or onto the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer
distances. Repeater have two ports, so can not be use to connect for more than
two devices.

0.35 HUB: An Ethernet hub, active hub, network hub, repeater hub, hub or
concentrator Is a device or connecting multiple twisted pair or fiber optic
Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment.
Hubs work at the physical layer (layer1) of the OSI model. The device is a
form of multiport repeater. Repeater hubs also participate in collision
detection, forwarding a jam signal to all ports fit detects a collision

0.36 Switch: A network switch or switching hub is a computer networking device

that connects network segments. The term commonly refers to a network
bridge that processes and routes data at the data link layer(layer2) of the OSI
model. Switches that additionally process data at the network layer
(layer3andabove) are often referred to as Layer3 switches or multilayer

0.37 Bridge: A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the datalink
layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model. In Ethernet networks, the term bridge
formally means a device that behaves according totheIEEE802. 1D standard. A
bridge and switch are very much alike, a switch being a bridge with numerous
sports. Switched Layer2 switch is often used interchangeable with bridge.
Bridges can analyse in coming data packets to determine if the bridge is able to
send the given packet to another segment of the network.

0.38 Router: A router is an electronic device that interconnects two or more

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computer networks, and selectively interchanges packets of data between them.
Each data packet contains address information that a router can use to
determine if the source and destination are on the same network, the data
packet must be transferred from one network to another. Where multiple
routers are used in a large collection of interconnected networks, the routers
exchange information about target system addresses, so that each router can
build up a table showing the preferred paths between any two systems on the
interconnected networks.

0.39 Gate Way: In a communications network, a network node equipped for

interfacing with another network that uses different protocols. A gateway may
contain devices such as protocol translators, impedance matching devices, Rate
converters, fault isolators, or signal translators as necessary to provide system
interoperability. It also requires the establishment of mutually acceptable
administrative procedures between both networks. A protocol translation
mapping gateway interconnects networks with different network Protocol
technologies by performing the required protocol conversions

Activity 8: Guided and Unguided transmission media

0.40 Types of guided media

In communication channel is called the medium or transmission medium. It is

of two types guided/wired media and unguided/wireless media. In guided
transmission media we have three types 1. Guided/wired Twisted paired cable 2. Co-
axial cable 3. Fiber-optic cable. In Unguided transmission media there are two types
1. Microwave links 2. Infrared. Factors which are considered to select the
transmission media are

1. Transmission rate
2. Cost and ease of installation
3. Resistance to environmental conditions
4. Distances

0.41 Guided Transmission media

1. Twisted pair cable consists of two identical wires wrapped together in a

double helix. Twisting of cables reduces crosstalk (leakage of signal from one
to another). This reduces the noise. This also reduces external signal
2. There are two types of twisted pair cables. They are Unshelled twisted pair
cable (UTP) and Shielded twisted pair cable (STP). The figure Fig 0.33
represents UTP and STP.

Advantages of twisted pairs

1. Simple
2. Flexible

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3. Connected
4. Easy to install
5. Low weight
6. Cheap

Fig 0.33 UTP and STP cables.

Disadvantages of twisted pairs

1. Attenuation over larger distances
2. We should use repeaters
3. Low bandwidth
4. The data rates are 1Mbps (no conditions) and 10 Mbps (with conditions)

0.42 Coaxial cable

Consists of solid wire core (Concentric conductors) surrounded by one more

foil/wire, each separated by plastic insulator. The plastic core is suitable for high
speed communications widely used in television. There are two types of coaxial
cables thicknet and thinnet. Coaxial cable is suitable for high speed communication
in wired communication. Fig 0.34 represents the thick and thin coaxial cables.
Length of thicknet cable is up to 500 meters long and thinnet is up to 185 meters.

Fig 0.34 represents the thick and thin coaxial cables.

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Advantages of coaxial cable
1. Transmission characteristics are better than twisted pair
2. Broadband transmission
3. Shared cable network
4. High b/w 400mbps

Disadvantages of coaxial cable

1. Expensive
2. Not compatible with twisted pair

Optical fiber

It consists of an inner glass core surrounded by a glass like material which

has layer refractive index. It consists of core and cladding. It works on the concept of
total internal reflection. Core is a glass or a plastic through which light travels.
Cladding is a covering of core and its function is it reflects light back to core.
Protective coating is used to prevent from hostile environment. There are two types
of optical cable. They are single node and multi node. Single mode is used for 2 Kms
and speed of 100Mbps data rate and multi-mode is used for 100 Kms and 2Gbps data
rate. Fig 0.35(a) and (b) Represents the single mode and multi-mode optical file.



Fig 0.35(a) and (b) Represents the single mode and multi-mode optical file.

Advantages of Optical fibers

1. Immune to electrical and mechanical interference
2. Highly suitable for harsh environments.

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3. Secure transmission
4. Broad band transmission

Disadvantages of optical fibers

1. Installation problems
2. Connecting fibers is difficult
3. Light is out if phase when there is a cut or bend
4. More communication loss
5. Most expensive

Unguided / Wireless Transmission Media

An unguided transmission transmits the electromagnetic waves without using any
physical medium. Therefore it is also known as wireless transmission. In unguided
media, air is the media through which the electromagnetic energy can flow easily.
Unguided transmission is broadly classified into three categories. Fig 0.36 represents
unguided transmission media.

1) Radio waves
2) Micro waves
3) Infrared waves
Radio Waves
 Radio waves are the electromagnetic waves that are transmitted in all the
directions of free space.
 Radio waves are omni directional, i.e., the signals are propagated in all the
 The range in frequencies of radio waves is from 3Khz to 1Khz.
 In the case of radio waves, the sending and receiving antenna are not aligned,
i.e., the wave sent by the sending antenna can be received by any receiving
 An example of the radio wave is FM radio.

Fig 0.36 represents unguided transmission media.

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Applications Of Radio waves

1. A Radio wave is useful for multicasting when there is one sender and many
2. An FM radio, television, cordless phones are examples of a radio wave.
Advantages Of Radio transmission:
1. Radio transmission is mainly used for wide area networks and mobile cellular
2. Radio transmission provides a higher transmission rate.
3. Radio waves cover a large area, and they can penetrate the walls.

Microwaves are of two types:
 Terrestrial microwave.
 Satellite microwave communication.

Fig 0.37 Represents microwave transmission media.

Terrestrial Microwave Transmission

 Terrestrial Microwave transmission is a technology that transmits the focused

beam of a radio signal from one ground-based microwave transmission
antenna to another.
 Microwaves are the electromagnetic waves having the frequency in the range
from 1GHz to 1000 GHz.
 Microwaves are unidirectional as the sending and receiving antenna is to be
aligned, i.e., the waves sent by the sending antenna are narrowly focussed.
 In this case, antennas are mounted on the towers to send a beam to another
antenna which is km away.
 It works on the line of sight transmission, i.e., the antennas mounted on the
towers are the direct sight of each other.
Characteristics of Microwave:

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 Frequency range: The frequency range of terrestrial microwave is from 4-6
GHz to 21-23 GHz.
 Bandwidth: It supports the bandwidth from 1 to 10 Mbps.
 Short distance: It is inexpensive for short distance.
 Long distance: It is expensive as it requires a higher tower for a longer
 Attenuation: Attenuation means loss of signal. It is affected by environmental
conditions and antenna size.

Advantages Of Microwave
 Eavesdropping: An eavesdropping creates insecure communication. Any
malicious user can catch the signal in the air by using its own antenna.
 Out of phase signal: A signal can be moved out of phase by using microwave
 Susceptible to weather condition: A microwave transmission is susceptible to
weather condition. This means that any environmental change such as rain,
wind can distort the signal.
 Bandwidth limited: Allocation of bandwidth is limited in the case of
microwave transmission.
Satellite Microwave Communication
 A satellite is a physical object that revolves around the earth at a known
 Satellite communication is more reliable nowadays as it offers more
flexibility than cable and fibre optic systems.
 We can communicate with any point on the globe by using satellite
Advantages Of Satellite Microwave Communication:
 The coverage area of a satellite microwave is more than the terrestrial
 The transmission cost of the satellite is independent of the distance from the
centre of the coverage area.
 Satellite communication is used in mobile and wireless communication
 It is easy to install.
 It is used in a wide variety of applications such as weather forecasting,
radio/TV signal broadcasting, mobile communication, etc.
Disadvantages Of Satellite Microwave Communication:
 Satellite designing and development requires more time and higher cost.
 The Satellite needs to be monitored and controlled on regular periods so that
it remains in orbit.

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 The life of the satellite is about 12-15 years. Due to this reason, another
launch of the satellite has to be planned before it becomes non-functional.

 An infrared transmission is a wireless technology used for communication
over short ranges.
 The frequency of the infrared in the range from 300 GHz to 400 THz.
 It is used for short-range communication such as data transfer between two
cell phones, TV remote operation, data transfer between a computer and cell
phone resides in the same closed area.
Characteristics of Infrared
 It supports high bandwidth, and hence the data rate will be very high.
 Infrared waves cannot penetrate the walls. Therefore, the infrared
communication in one room cannot be interrupted by the nearby rooms.
 An infrared communication provides better security with minimum
 Infrared communication is unreliable outside the building because the sun
rays will interfere with the infrared waves.

Activity 9: Topology

A Network Topology is the arrangement with which computer systems or

network devices are connected to each other. Topologies may define both physical
and logical aspect of the network. Both logical and physical topologies could be
same or different in a same network.
Bus Topology
In case of Bus topology, all devices share single communication line or
cable. Bus topology may have problem while multiple hosts sending data at the
same time. Therefore, Bus topology either uses CSMA/CD technology or
recognizes one host as Bus Master to solve the issue. It is one of the simple forms of
networking where a failure of a device does not affect the other devices. But failure
of the shared communication line can make all other devices stop functioning. Fig
0.38 represents bus topology.

Fig 0.38 Represents bus topology.

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Both ends of the shared channel have line terminator. The data is sent in only one
direction and as soon as it reaches the extreme end, the terminator removes the data
from the line.
Star Topology
All hosts in Star topology are connected to a central device, known as hub device,
using a point-to-point connection. That is, there exists a point to point connection
between hosts and hub. The hub device can be any of the following:
Layer-1 device such as hub or repeater
Layer-2 device such as switch or bridge

Fig 0.39 Represents star topology.

As in Bus topology, hub acts as single point of failure. If hub fails,

connectivity of all hosts to all other hosts fails. Every communication between
hosts, takes place through only the hub. Star topology is not expensive as to connect
one more host, only one cable is required and configuration is simple.
Ring Topology

In ring topology, each host machine connects to exactly two other machines,
creating a circular network structure. When one host tries to communicate or send
message to a host which is not adjacent to it, the data travels through all
intermediate hosts. To connect one more host in the existing structure, the
administrator may need only one more extra cable.

Fig 0.40 Represents Ring topology.

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Failure of any host results in failure of the whole ring. Thus, every connection in the
ring is a point of failure. There are methods which employ one more backup ring.
Mesh Topology
In this type of topology, a host is connected to one or multiple hosts. This
topology has hosts in point-to-point connection with every other host or may also
have hosts which are in point-to-point connection to few hosts only.

Fig 0.41 Represents mesh topology.

Hosts in Mesh topology also work as relay for other hosts which do not have direct
point-to-point links. Mesh technology comes into two types:

 Full Mesh: All hosts have a point-to-point connection to every other host in
the network. Thus for every new host n(n-1)/2 connections are required. It
provides the most reliable network structure among all network topologies.
 Partially Mesh: Not all hosts have point-to-point connection to every other
host. Hosts connect to each other in some arbitrarily fashion. This topology
exists where we need to provide reliability to some hosts out of all.
Tree Topology
Also known as Hierarchical Topology, this is the most common form of
network topology in use presently. This topology imitates as extended Star topology
and inherits properties of bus topology.
This topology divides the network in to multiple levels/layers of network.
Mainly in LANs, a network is bifurcated into three types of network devices. The
lowermost is access-layer where computers are attached. The middle layer is known
as distribution layer, which works as mediator between upper layer and lower layer.
The highest layer is known as core layer, and is central point of the network, i.e.
root of the tree from which all nodes fork.

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Fig 0.42 Represents tree topology.

All neighbouring hosts have point-to-point connection between them. Similar to the
Bus topology, if the root goes down, then the entire network suffers even. Though it
is not the single point of failure. Every connection serves as point of failure, failing
of which divides the network into unreachable segment.
Daisy Chain
This topology connects all the hosts in a linear fashion. Similar to Ring topology, all
hosts are connected to two hosts only, except the end hosts. Means, if the end hosts
in daisy chain are connected then it represents Ring topology.

Fig 0.43 Represents daisy chain.

Hybrid Topology
A network structure whose design contains more than one topology is said to be
hybrid topology. Hybrid topology inherits merits and demerits of all the
incorporating topologies. The above picture represents an arbitrarily hybrid
topology. The combining topologies may contain attributes of Star, Ring, Bus, and
Daisy-chain topologies. Most WANs are connected by means of Dual-Ring
topology and networks connected to them are mostly Star topology networks.
Internet is the best example of largest Hybrid topology

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Fig 0.44 Represents daisy chain.

Viva Questions

1) What is a Network? (TQ)

Ans: A network is a set of devices connected to each other using a physical

transmission medium. Example: A Computer Network is a group of computers
connected with each other to communicate and share information and resources
like hardware, data, and software across each other. In a network, nodes are
used to connect two or more networks.

2) What is a Node? (TQ)

Ans: Two or more computers are connected directly by an optical fiber or any other cable. A
node is a point where a connection established. It is a network component that is used to
send, receive and forward the electronic information. A device connected to a network
is also termed as Node. Let's consider that in a network there are 2 computers, 2
printers, and a server are connected, then we can say that there are five nodes on
the network.

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3. What does a backbone network mean? (TQ)

Ans: Backbone is the most important component that supports all other components.
Similarly, in networking, backbone network is the network that supports
various other parts of the network to which it belongs and has a high capacity
connectivity architecture. II) Types of Networks Used In Different
Transmission Media

4. How many types of Transmission Media are present (TQ)?

1.Guided Transmission Media
2.Unguided Transmission Media

Features of UTP (TQ)?

Ans: 4 pairs of wires
High Speed
Twisted to protect from interference
Plastic shielding

5. What are the advantages and Disadvantages of Coaxial cable?

(Geeks for Geeks)
Ans: Advantages 1. High bandwidth 2. Better Immunity from noise. 3.Easy and
cheap Disadvantages: More prone to lighting 2. Covers less distance than
optical fiber 3. Single cable failure can disrupt the entire network.

6. How does the data travel in optical cables (TQ)?

Ans: It uses the concept of reflection of light through a core made up of glass or
plastic. The core is surrounded by a less dense glass or plastic covering called
the cladding.

7. Features of Unguided media (Geeks for Geeks)?

Ans: Signal is broadcasted through air
Less secure
Used for larger distances

8. Frequency ranges of Radio waves, Microwaves, infrared? (Geeks for Geeks)

Ans: Radio waves – 3Khz-1GHz
Microwaves – 1Ghz – 300GHz
Infrared – 300Ghz – 400THz

9.What is the full form of ISO/OSI model? (TQ)

Ans: International organization of standardization / open system interconnections.

10.Name the Different layers of the OSI model? (TQ)

Ans: Application layer
Presentation layer

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Session layer
Transport layer network layer
Data link layer
Physical layer

11.What do you mean by the TCP/IP Model? (Geeks for Geeks)

Ans: TCP/IP stands for Transmission control protocol and Internet protocol. The
TCP/IP model is a concise version of the OSI model.

12.Name the different Layers of TCP/IP Model? (Geeks for Geeks)

Ans: Application Layer, Transport Layer, Network or Internet Layer, Network
interface layer.

13.What layer in the TCP/IP stack is equivalent to the Transport layer of the
OSI model? (Geeks for Geeks)
Ans: Host-To-Host

14.What Communication offered by TCP? (TQ)

Ans: Half Duplex.

15. Which Connection establishment in TCP is done by which mechanism.

Ans: Three-Way Handshaking.

16. To achieve reliable transport in TCP, ___________ is used to check the safe
and sound arrival of data. (TQ)
Ans: Acknowledgment.

17. In TCP, sending and receiving data is done as ______________. (TQ)

Ans: Stream of bytes.

18. Size of TCP segment header ranges between ___________. (TQ)

Ans: 20 and 60 bytes.

19. State one protocol which is NOT used to resolve one form of address to
another one? (GATE 2016)

20. State two of the examples stateful application layer protocols? (GATE 2016)
Ans: POP3, FTP

21. Suppose that in an IP-over-Ethernet network, a machine X wishes to find

the MAC address of another machine Y in its subnet. Which one of the
following techniques can be used for this? (GATE 2018)
Ans: X sends an ARP request packet with broadcast MAC address in its local subnet
Explanation: If a machine X wants to find the MAC address of Y then it will
send ARP packet. Since it is used for discovering physical address associated
with the given network address. X will send a broadcast message to all host in

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
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its network with an intended IP address. This message will be discarded by
every host except the one with the intended IP address. Now the receiver will
unicast a packet with MAC address (ARP reply).

22. What is MAC address? (technical question)

Ans: The address for a device as it is identified at the Media Access Control (MAC)
layer in the network architecture. MAC address is usually stored in ROM on
the network adapter card and is unique.

23. Explain range of TCP/IP classes (technical question)

Ans: Class A = 1 to 126
Class B = 128 to 191
Class C = 192 to 223
Class D = 224 to 239 (Multicasting)
Class E = 240 to 255 (Research)
24. Can a MAC address be changed? (TQ)
Ans: MAC addresses were originally meant to be both globally unique and
permanent, but in newer hardware it is actually possible to change the MAC
address. So, yes, the MAC address can be changed on most new hardware.

25. ____________ is described as multiport repeater (gate 2016)

Ans. Correct answer: Active hub
Explanation: In today's market people call active hubs as "hubs" or "repeaters".
Active hubs have capability to give strengths the signal. Active Hubs usually
comes with LED lights configuration with number of ports like 4, 8, 16 and 24.

26. What is ARP? (TQ)

Ans. ARP is ADDRESS RESOLUTION PROTOCOL. It converts the IP address to
an address appropriate to hardware type.

27. The resources needed for communication between end systems are reserved
for the duration of the session between end systems in ________
Ans) In circuit switching, a physical path between the sender and receiver is
established. This path is maintained until the connection is needed.

27. The maximum window size for data transmission using the selective reject
protocol with n-bit frame sequence numbers is: (gate 2005)
Ans: 2^(n-1)

28. The address resolution protocol(ARP) is used for: (gate 2005)

Ans: finding the MAC address that corresponds to an IP address.

29.Which layer is responsible for providing services to the user?

Ans: Application layer

30. The which layer is responsible for moving frames from one hop (node) to the

Lab 0 – Activity 1-9 DNP- 18EC3109
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Ans: Data link layer

31. WiMAX MAC layer provides an interface between?

Ans: Higher transport layers and physical layer

32. What is the frequency used in WiMAX for communication?

Ans: Fixed WiMAX operates in the 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz frequency bands

33.WiMAX provides?
Ans: VoIP services.

34. In Ethernet Manchester coding the bit rate is (gate-2007) ?

Ans: Half of the baud rate

35.Devices that provide the connectivity to a WiMAX network are known as?
Ans: Subscriber stations

Lab 0 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Assessment Weightage Below Signature Of
S.No Acceptable Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component Maximum Requirements The Faculty

Irrelevant Improper Write

Partial Attempt (3-4) Well Written (4-5)
Answer (0) Up (2)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Improper Correct Procedure

Partially Correct (4-7)
Experimentation Procedure (0) Procedure (3) (8-10)
2 10 M

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Basic Network Switch Setup: Software & Hardware

Date of the Session: / / Time of the Session:

Aim /Objective:
a) Introduction to Packet Tracer, creation of a LAN and connectivity test in the
LAN, creation of VLAN and VLAN trucking.
b) Creating Small Business Network with Network Switches, End users configure
and verify the connectives.
c) *[Optional Lab]: Transfer Data between Two Laptops using Network switch.

Lab 1: Activity 1: Introduction to Packet Tracer:


Packet Tracer is a cross-platform visual simulation tool designed by Cisco

Systems that allows users to create network topologies and imitate modern computer
networks. The software allows users to simulate the configuration of Cisco routers
and switches using a simulated command line interface. Packet Tracer makes use of
a drag and drop user interface, allowing users to add and remove simulated network
devices as they see fit. The software is mainly focused towards Certified Cisco
Network Associate Academy students as an educational tool for helping them learn
fundamental CCNA concepts. Previously students enrolled in a CCNA Academy
program could freely download and use the tool free of charge for educational use


Packet Tracer can also be run on Linux and Microsoft Windows and also mac
OS. Similar Android and iOS apps are also available. Packet Tracer allows users to
create simulated network topologies by dragging and dropping routers, switches and
various other types of network devices. A physical connection between devices is
represented by a 'cable' item. Packet Tracer supports an array of
simulated Application Layer protocols, as well as basic routing
with RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, to the extents required by the
current CCNA curriculum. As of version 5.3, Packet Tracer also supports the Border
Gateway Protocol. In addition to simulating certain aspects of computer networks,
Packet Tracer can also be used for collaboration. As of Packet Tracer 5.0, Packet
Tracer supports a multi-user system that enables multiple users to connect multiple
topologies together over a network. Packet Tracer also allows instructors to create
activities that students have to complete. Packet Tracer is often used in educational
settings as a learning aid. Cisco Systems claims that Packet Tracer is useful for
network experimentation.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Role in Education

Packet Tracer allows students to design complex and large networks, which is
often not feasible with physical hardware, due to costs. Packet Tracer is commonly
used by CCNA Academy students, since it is available to them for free. However,
due to functional limitations, it is intended by CISCO to be used only as a learning
aid, not a replacement for Cisco routers and switches. The application itself only has
a small number of features found within the actual hardware running a current Cisco
IOS version. Thus, Packet Tracer is unsuitable for modelling production networks. It
has a limited command set, meaning it is not possible to practice all of the IOS
commands that might be required. Packet Tracer can be useful for
understanding abstract networking concepts, such as the Enhanced Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol by animating these elements in a visual formn Packet Tracer is also
useful in education by providing additional components, including an authoring
system, network protocol simulation and improving knowledge an assessment
PTTP protocol to make Packet Tracer interact with real network devices:

Cisco registered a new **PTTP** URI scheme with IANA to extend Packet
Tracer 7.2.2 capabilities and make it interact with Cisco CSR virtual routers. Cisco
CSR routers are cloud based IOX-XE routers deployed on x86 virtual machines.

Popularly used Software

1. Cisco Networking Academy

2. GNS3

The below url tutorials demonstrate the basic functions, features, and aspects of
Packet Tracer.

In Lab Activity Packet Tracer

1. Open the program

1.1 Go to end devices in the bottom left and drag to the work space.
1.2 Go to switches in the bottom left and drag a switch 2900 to workspace.
1.3 Go back to end devices in bottom left and drag a generic server to workspace.
1.4 Go to connections in the bottom and pick the straight through cable
1.5 Now click on the PC it should bring up a menu. Click on the first Ethernet
port. Now connect the end of the wire to first Ethernet port on the switch.
1.6 Get another straight through cable in the bottom left in connections. Now
connect that to the servers first Ethernet port to the switches second Ethernet
port available.
1.7 Label the server (
Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
1.8 Label the PC (
1.9 Double click the server a window should open and go to the confg tab
1.10 Now go to fast Ethernet sub tab on the left and in the IP address text box type
1.11 Now the subnet mask textbox should be
1.12 Close the window.
1.13 Double click on the PC a window should open and then go to config tab
should open and go to the config tab
1.14 Now go to the fast Ethernet sub tab on the left and in the Ip address text box
1.15 Now the subnet text box should be
1.16 Then close the window
1.17 Double click on the PC and go to desktop tab.
1.18 Now go to the command prompt and type ‘pin’ and hit
enter/return. You should be able to ping and get a reply, close this window.
1.19 Double click on the server and go to the config tab
1.20 Now go to the FTP sub tab.
1.21 Now go to the FTP sub tab
1.22 Now in the username type ‘student’ and in the pass word type ‘student’
1.23 Check the box that says ‘write’ and ‘read’
1.24 Also click ‘+’ sign and make sure the FTP service is turned ‘on’ and close
this window.
1.25 Double click on the PC and go to desktop tab
1.26 Now clock on the Fake web browser and in the URL type
1.27 Now click go. It should have an HTML page for Cisco come up and close
this window
1.28 Open the Command prompt in the desktop tab which should have already
been open closing the fake web browser and type and hit
enter/ return.
1.29 It should ask for a username and password which both is student
1.30 You should be in and type the commands
1.31 Now type quit and hit return/ enter.
1.32 Continue to hit the next part.

Connecting Computers through Cisco Switch

In this tutorial we will use Cisco Packet Tracer for simulating how to connect
computers through a switch. This tutorial demonstrates each step necessary for the
communication of computers in a network through switch with screenshots. In this
series of Cisco tutorials we tend not to deep in the theory but focus on the
implementation. If you are studying for CCNA or you want to learn networking or
you just want a quick go through of how things are done then this is the right place to
Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Step 1
Open Cisco Packet tracer if you already have it installed, or get a copy of
your Cisco Packet Tracer at

Fig 1.1 CPT window.

Step 2

On opening Cisco Packet Tracer select “End Devices” from the bottom left
icons menu (Figure 2), on clicking “End Devices” you will notice the menu to its
right changes, displaying end devices like computers, phones and TV etc. From this
middle menu click and drag two Desktop computers (Figure 3) to the white
screen (work area) .

Fig 1.2 CPT window showing end devices.

Step 3
After creating two computer objects on the screen click on their names if you
want to rename them. Renaming is not necessary at this stage but it is helpful if you
are creating a complex network.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Fig 1.3 CPT window showing end devices.

Step 4

Now click on the switches icon from the bottom left menu and drag a switch
to the work area as shown in “figure 5“. Switch is required for end
devices(computers) to communicate through LAN(Local Area Network), The main
function of a network switch is to forward packets from source to its destination
accurately and efficiently.

Fig 1.4 CPT window showing names of the devices paced in the workspace.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Fig 1.5 Topology in the workspace.

Step 5

Now select the Flash Icon which is for connection from the bottom left menu
and then click on the automatically select connection type icon(Figure 6). While the
connection type being selected click on UpaaePC1 and then UpaaeSwitch1 (Figure
7)and repeat this step for UpaaePC2.

Fig 1.6 CPT window showing switches in the bottom menu.

Step 6

On completing step 5 it’s time to configure IP Addresses for both PC’s. A

network switch cannot forward packets from the source to destination if it does not
know the IP addresses of its connected devices. You should also know that the IP
addresses of the devices connected to the same switch should belong to the same
subnet (network) otherwise communication will be unsuccessful.

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Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Fig 1.7 CPT window showing different types of connections in the bottom menu.

Step 7
Enter in the IP Address field and click on the subnet mask it will
automatically populate with, close this window and repeat step 6 and
step 7 for UpaaePC2 with this IP Address

Fig 1.8 CPT window showing connections with switch and PC.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Step 8

For IP Configuration click on UpaaePC1, a new window will open with

tabs/buttons at the top, click on “Desktop” and select “IP Configuration” from the
new window as shown in

Fig 1.9 CPT window showing Desktop menu.

Fig 1.10 CPT window showing filling of IP address.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Fig 1.11 CPT window showing command prompt in desktop menu.

For validating if our computer can communicate through switch we use ping,
if pinging the other computer results in no packet loss then we are good and having a
working network. Now click on UpaaePC1 and select command prompt. As we know
that UpaaePC2 has the IP address of so we will enter “ping”
at the command prompt and wait for the result. Ping Result

Fig 1.12 CPT window showing ping command result.

If you have followed each step correctly you will get result like this otherwise
repeat these steps until you have correct configuration.

Post Lab Activity: Video Synthesis:


Lab 1: Activity 2: Creation of a LAN and Connectivity Test In the LAN

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Laboratory (1a) chapter 2 - Network Switch Setup, Configure, and Verification
Create a Tropology as shown in
following figure

Fig 1.13 Topology of VLANs.

In this topology
1) Two 2960 Series switches are used.
2) Switch1 (Interface Gig1/1) is connected with Switch2 (Interface Gig1/1) via
cross cable.
3) Switch1 has two PCs connected on interfaces Eth0/1 and Eth0/2 via straight
through cable.
4) Same as switch1, Switch2 also has two PCs connected on its interfaces Eth0/1
and Eth0/2.
5) IP address is configured on all PCs PC0 (, PC1
(, PC2 (, PC3 (

Fig 1.14 Task _1CLI menu item and press Enter Key

Navigating between different switch command modes

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Cisco switches run on proprietary OS known as Cisco IOS. IOS is a group of
commands used for monitoring, configuring and maintaining cisco devices. For
security and easy administration, IOS commands are divided in the set of different
command modes. Each command mode has its own set of commands. Which
commands are available to use, depend upon the mode we are in.?

Following table lists necessary commands to navigate between different IOS modes
with examples.

Mode Purpose Prompt Command to Command to

enter exit
User EXEC Allow you to Router > Default mode Use exit comm
connect with after booting. and
remote Login with
devices, password, if
perform basic configured.
setting and list
Privileged Allow you to Router # Use enable co Use exit comm
EXEC set operating mmand from and
parameters. It user exec mode
also includes
high level
testing and list
commands like
show, copy
and debug.
Global Contain Router(config)# Use configure Use exit comm
Configuration commands terminal comm and
those affect the and from
entire system privileged exec
Interface Contain Router(config-if)# Use interface t Use exit comm
Configuration commands ype and to return in
those modify number comm global
the operation and from configuration
of an interface global mode
Sub-Interface Configure or Router(config-subif) Use interface t Use exit to
Configuration modify the ype sub return in
Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Mode Purpose Prompt Command to Command to
enter exit
virtual interface numb previous mode.
interface er command Use end comm
created from from global and to return in
physical configuration privileged exec
interface mode or mode.
Setup Used by router Parameter[Parameter Router will Press CTRL+C
to create initial value]: automatically to abort.
configuration, insert in this Type Yes to
if running mode if save
configuration running configuration,
is not present configuration or No to exit
is not present without saving
when asked in
the end of
ROMMON If router ROMMON> Enter reload co Use exit comm
automatically mmand from and.
enter in this privileged exec
mode, then it mode.
indicates that it Press CTRL +
fails to locate a C key
valid IOS combination
image. Manual during the first
entrance in this 60 seconds of
mode Allow booting
you to perform process

1. How to get help on Cisco Switch command mode?

Ans: Switch provides two types of context sensitive help, word help and command
syntax help.
Word help
Word help is used to get a list of available commands that begin with a specific letter.
For example if we know that our command begins with letter e, we can hit enter key
after typing e? at command prompt. It will list all possible commands that begin with
letter e.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

We can list all available commands, if we don't know the initials of our
command. For example to list all available commands at User exec mode, just type
? at command prompt and hit enter key.

Command syntax help

Command syntax help can be used to get the list of keyword, commands, or
parameters that are available starting with the keywords that we had already entered.
Enter ? (Question mark) after hitting Space key and prompt will return with the list of
available command options. For example to know the parameters required by show
ip command type show ip ? and prompt will return with all associate parameters. If
prompt returns with <CR> only as an option, that means switch does not need any
additional parameters to complete the command. You can execute the command in
current condition.

2. How to set name on switch

Ans: Switch name can be set from global configuration mode. Use hostname [desired
hostname] command to set name on switch.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

3. How to set password on a Catalyst switch

Ans: Passwords are used to restrict physical access to switch. Cisco switch supports
console line for local login and VTYs for remote login. All supported lines need be
secure for User Exec mode. For example, if you have secured VTYs line leaving
console line unsecure, an intruder can take advantage of this situation in connecting
with device. Once you are connected with device, all remaining authentication are
same. No separate configuration is required for further modes.
Password can be set from their respective line mode. Enter in line mode from global
configuration mode.

VTY term stand for virtual terminal such as telnet or SSH. Switch may
support up to thousand VTYs lines. By default, first five (0 - 4) lines are enabled. If
we need more lines, we have to enable them manually. 2960 Series switch supports
16 lines. We can set a separate password for each line, for that we have to specify the
number of lines. In our example we set a common password for all lines.
Above method is good for small companies, where numbers of network
administrators are very few. In above method we have to share password between all
administrators. Switch supports both local and remote server authentication. Remote
server authentication is a complex process and not included in any entry level exams.
For this article I am also skipping remote server method. In local database

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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authentication method switch allows us to set a separate password for each user. Two
global configuration commands are used to set local user database.

Switch(config)#username [Username] password[test123]

Switch(config)#username [Username] secret[test123]

Both commands do same job. Advantage of using secret option over password option
is that in secret option password is stored in MD5 encryption format while
in password option password is stored in plain text format.
Along with User Exec mode we can also secure Privilege Exec mode. Two
commands are available for it.

Switch(config)# enable password Privilege_EXEC_password

Switch(config)# enable secret Privilege_EXEC_password

Again as I mentioned earlier, password stored with secret command is

encrypted while password stored with password command remains in plain text. You
only need to use single command. If you would use both commands as I did, enable
secret command would automatically replace the enable password command.

4. How to reset switch to factory defaults

Ans: During the practice several times we have to reset switch to factory defaults.
Make sure you don't run following commands in production environment unless you
understand their effect clearly. Following commands will erase all configurations. In
production environment you should always takes backup before removing
configurations. In LAB environment we can skip backup process.
Switch#delete flash:vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]? [Press Enter Key]

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm] [ Reconfirm by pressing enter key]
Switch#erase startup-config

5. How to set IP address in Switch

Ans: IP address is the address of device in network. Switch allows us to set IP

address on interface level. IP address assigned on interface is used to manage that
particular interface. To manage entire switch we have to assign IP address to
VLAN1( Default VLAN of switch). We also have to set default gateway IP address
from global configuration mode. In following example we would assign
IP to VLAN1 and set default gateway to

6. How to set interface description?

Ans: Switches have several interfaces. Adding description to interface is a good

habit. It may help you in finding correct interface. In following example we would
add description Development VLAN to interface FastEthernet 0/1.

Switch(config)#interface fastethernet 0/1

Switch(config-if)#description Development VL

7. How to clear mac address table

Ans: Switch stores MAC addresses in MAC address table. Gradually it could be full.
Once it full, switch automatically starts removing old entries. You can also clear
these tables manually from privileged exec mode. To delete all entries use following
Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

switch#clear mac address-table

To delete only dynamic entries use

switch#clear mac address-table dynamic

8. How to add static MAC address in CAM table

For security purpose sometime we have to add mac address in CAM table manually.
To add static MAC address in CAM table use following command
Switch(config)#mac address-table static aaaa.aaaa.aaaa vlan 1
interface fastethernet 0/1

In above command we entered an entry for static MAC

address aaaa.aaaa.aaaa assigned to FastEnternet 0/1 with default VLAN1.
How to save running configuration in switch

Switch keeps all running configuration in RAM. All data from RAM is erased when
we turned off the device. To save running configuration use following command

Switch#copy running-config startup-config

9. How to set duplex mode

Ans: Switch automatically adjust duplex mode depending upon remote device. We
could change this mode with any of other supported mode. For example to force
switch to use full duplex mode use

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Switch(config)# #interface fastethernet 0/1
Switch(config-if)#duplex full

To use half duplex use

Switch(config)# #interface fastethernet 0/1
Switch(config-if)#duplex half

show version
show version command provides general information about device including its
model number, type of interfaces, its software version, configuration settings,
location of IOS and configuration files and available memories.

show mac-address-table

Switch stores MAC address of devices those are attached with its interfaces in CAM
table. We can use show mac-address-table command to list all learned devices.
Switch uses this table to make forward decision.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

show flash

Switch stores IOS image file in flash memory. show flash command will list the
content of flash memory. This command is useful to get information about IOS file
and available memory space in flash.

show running-config
Configuration parameter values are created, stored, updated and deleted from running
configuration. Running configuration is stored in RAM. We can use show running-
config command to view the running configuration.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

show startup-config
Any configuration stored in RAM is erased when devices is turned off. We can save
running configuration in NVRAM. If we have saved running configuration in
NVRAM, it would be automatically loaded back in RAM from NVRAM during the
next boot. As switch load this configuration back in RAM in startup of device, at
NVRAM it is known as startup-config.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

show vlan
show vlan command will display the VLANs. For administrative purpose, switch
automatically create VLAN 1 and assign all its interfaces to it. You can create custom
VLANs from global configuration mode and then assign them to interfaces.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

show interface
show interface command displays information about interfaces. Without argument it
would list all interfaces. To get information about specific interface we need to pass
its interface number as an argument. For example to view details about Fast Ethernet
0/1, use show interface fastethernet 0/1.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

First line from output provides information about the status of interface.
FastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up ( connected)
The first up indicates the status of the physical layer, and the second up indicates to
the status of the data link layer.

Possible interface status

 up and up :- Interface is operational.
 up and down :- Its data link layer problem.
 down and down :- Its physical layer problem.
 Administratively down and down :- Interface is disabled with shutdown

Possible values for physical layer status

 Up :- Switch is sensing physical layer signal.
 Down :- Switch is not sensing physical layer signal. Possible reasons could be
cable is not connected, wrong cable type is used and remote end device is turned
 Administratively down :- Interface is disabled by using shutdown command.
Possible values for data link layer status
 Up :- The data link layer is operational.
 Down :- The data link layer is not operational. Possible reasons could be a
disabled physical layer, missed keep alives on a serial link, no clocking or an
incorrect encapsulation type.
show ip interface brief

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

show ip interface brief is a extremely useful command to get quick overview of all
interfaces on switch. It lists their status including IP address and protocol.

Lab 1: Activity 3: Transferring data using LAN and wifi.

How to Share a Folder in Ubuntu

1. First open the default Nautilus file browser and right click on a folder you
want to share.

2. In the contest menu, click the Local Network Share option

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
3. In the pop-up dialog, check the checkbox says ‘share this folder’ and click the
‘Install service’ button when it prompts.

4. And confirm by clicking on ‘Install’ button to install samba, a free software

re-implementation of the SMB networking protocol.

5. After installed the services, do following in the ‘Folder Sharing’ window:

Enable ‘Share this folder’
Input a share name.
(Optional) enable write permission, guest access.
Finally click on ‘Create Share’ button.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
6. Optional) If you want remote machine to type ‘username’ and
‘password’ before accessing the shared folder, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
and run command.

Note:The “USERNAME” must be an existing user in your Ubuntu.

It’s ‘handbook’in my case. And type a password twice for remote smb access

7. To access the shared folder, you first need to get either IP address or
8. To get IP address go to settings>>Network>>IPv4.
9. Then select Manual>>give address.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

For the hostname (computer name), simply open terminal and run command

10. For IP address, go to Settings -> Network (or Wi-Fi for wireless
connection), click on the gear button, and check in the pop-up window.

To get access the shared folder:

In Ubuntu, go to Files -> Other Locations. In the bottom input box, type ‘smb://IP-
Address’ and hit enter.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
11. In Windows, open Run box in Start menu, type ‘IP-Address’ and hit enter.

Viva Questions
1. A technician can create a ______ PDUs in Packet Tracer to forward HTTP packets
to test a web server.(TQ)
Ans: Complex

2. Which protocol reduces administrative overhead in a switched network by

allowing the configuration of a new VLAN to be distributed to all the switches in
a domain? (technical question)
Ans:VTP(virtual trunk protocol)

3. What Is SVI?(TQ)
Ans: A switched virtual interface (SVI) is a vlan of switch ports represented by one
interface to a routing or bridging system. There is no physical interface for the
vlan and the SVI provides the layer 3 processing for packets from all switch
ports associated with the vlan.

4.Which Are The Two Trunking Protocols?(TQ)

Ans : There are two main types of Encapsulation Trunking protocols.
ISL (inter switch link) which is cisco proprietary protocol.
802.1q which is an IEEE standard.

5. Explain How To Create Vlan?(TQ)

Ans: VLAN is technology in which we can administratively assign different ports of
same layer to switch to different subnet works.

6. What Is Difference Between Vlan Access And Trunk Mode?

Ans : Access mode is used to connect end devices (host) to switches while trunk
mode is b used to connect between switches.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
7. Explain Different Switch Port Modes?
Ans : Trunk: forms an unconditional trunk.
Dynamic Desirable: Attempts to negotiate a trunk with the far end.
Dynamic Auto: Forms a trunk only if requested by the far end.
Access: It will never form a trunk.

8)Which Switching Technology Reduces The Size Of A Broadcast Domain?

Ans : By using vlan technology we can reduces the size of Broadcast domain. Vlan
(virtual local area network) is a logical grouping or segmenting the devices
under a single broadcast domain. As a result provides security and flexibility.

Lab 1 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Assessment Weightage Below Signature Of
S.No Acceptable Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component Maximum Requirements The Faculty

Irrelevant Improper Write

Partial Attempt (3-4) Well Written (4-5)
Answer (0) Up (2)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Improper Correct Procedure

Partially Correct (4-7)
Experimentation Procedure (0) Procedure (3) (8-10)
2 10 M

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Basic Network Performance on Switch integrated with Router:
a) Verifying Spanning Tree Protocol using Cisco Packet Tracer. Configuring and
Verify VLAN trunk links using IEEE802.1Q and resetting
b) Design an IP Addressing Scheme, Subnetting, and Configuring an Integrated
c) *[Optional Lab]: Transfer Data Between Two Laptops using Wi-Fi

Date of the Session: / / Time of the Session:

Aim /Objective:
Lab 2 Activity 1: Verifying Spanning Tree Protocol using Cisco Packet Tracer

STP Configuration Lab-1
Open the Packet Tracer Scenario: STP Configuration Lab-1.pkt. Before proceeding,
save as STP Configuration Lab-1-working.pkt.
Spanning Tree Protocol Overview

The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is designed to prevent layer 2 loops. In a

bridge or switch topology (for purposes of STP, bridges and switches are identical in
operation), it is desirable to physically cable redundant paths to provide fault
tolerance. This creates a layer 2 loop, however, and causes undesirable effects.
Normally, when a broadcast frame is received by a bridge, it is forwarded out all
other ports. Each bridge in the loop forwards the broadcast and a broadcast storm
results. If a loop were allowed to exist, then, the first broadcast frame would
essentially shut down the network.

The solution is STP. STP operation will result in one port in each loop being
blocked. STP monitors the environment as well, so that a blocked port can be re-
opened if a failure occurs in the working path. STP accomplishes these functions by
exchanging STP information in frames called Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs).
A switch compares the values in BPDUs received with the values in BPDUs being
sent - lower values are preferred over higher values.

In order to fully understand BPDUs and how they work, it is first necessary to
understand certain aspects of the STP environment. First, every bridge has a Bridge
Identifier (BID) that consists of the bridge STP priority and the MAC address
assigned to the bridge itself. The default STP priority is 32768. (Cisco switches use
Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST), a variation of the original version of STP. With
PVST, an instance of STP is run for each configured VLAN. The VLAN number is
added to the default priority for each instance. For VLAN 1, then, the default priority
is 32769). Second, links are assigned a cost based on their speed. A 100 Mb link has
a STP cost of 19, a 1 Gb link has a STP cost of 4. Finally, each port has a port ID and
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
priority. These parameters are used by STP to ultimately determine which port to
block in the loop. Again, when using these parameters, lower values are considered
better than higher values. Below is an example of a BPDU sent out port Fa0/3 by a
switch with the default priority for VLAN 1 of 32769, a MAC address of
000B.1111.1111 and a cost to root of 19. The root switch has been determined to be
000A.1111.1111. The row descriptions are above the fields.

Root ID (RID) Cost Bridge ID (BID) Port ID (PID)

Root Root to Bridge Bridge MAC Port Port
priority MAC root priority priority numb
32769 000A.1111.1 19 32769 000B.1111.111 128 3
111 1

Direction of BPDU
STP goes through a three step process to establish the role of each bridge
(Root Bridge or non-root bridge) as well as the role and status of each operational
port on each switch. A port’s role can be either a root port, designated port or
alternate port. Root ports and designated ports have a forwarding status while an
alternate port has a blocking status.
The three STP steps are-
1.Determine the root bridge
2.Determine the root port on each non-root bridge
3.Determine the designated port for each segment.

Determining the root bridge

Spanning Tree elects the root bridge by determining the bridge with the
lowest bridge ID. First, each bridge compares its STP priority. The bridge with the
lowest priority will become the root bridge. If all bridges have the same bridge
priority, the bridge with lowest MAC address becomes the root bridge.All ports on
the root bridge are automatically designated ports. Designated ports are put in a
forwarding state so all root bridge ports are forwarding.

Determining the root port on each non-root bridge

Each non-root bridge will determine the port through which its cost to the
root bridge is lowest. The cost to root for each port is determined by adding the cost-
to-root value advertised in BPDUs received on the port to the cost assigned to the
port. The port with the lowest total value will be made the root port. Root ports are
put in a forwarding state.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Determining the designated port for each segment .

To determine the designated port for a segment, the bridges on the segment
compare information in exchanged BPDUs. The bridge closest to root will have its
port become the designated port for the segment. If two or more bridges have the
same lowest cost to root, the bridge with the lowest BID will have its port become
the designated port for the segment. Designated ports are put in a forwarding state.
Once a switch has determined its root port and any designated ports, all other
ports are put in a blocking state. No traffic is sent out blocked ports nor is any traffic
received on a blocked port forwarded out any other port.
Note: To be practiced in the home
In lab Activity:
In-lab activity : Basic Spanning Tree Protocol

Topology Diagram

Fig 2.1 Topology for spanning tree.

Addressing Table

(Hostname) Interface IP Subnet Default
Addres Mask Gateway
S1 VLAN 1 172.17.1 255.255. N/A
0.1 255.0
S2 VLAN 1 172.17.1 255.255. N/A
0.2 255.0
S3 VLAN 1 172.17.1 255.255. N/A
0.3 255.0

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

PC1 NIC 172.17.1 255.255. 172.17.10

0.21 255.0 .254
PC2 NIC 172.17.1 255.255. 172.17.10
0.22 255.0 .254
PC3 NIC 172.17.1 255.255. 172.17.10
0.23 255.0 .254
PC4 NIC 172.17.1 255.255. 172.17.10
0.27 255.0 .254

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
 Cable a network according to the topology diagram
 Erase the start up configuration and reload the default configuration,
setting a switch to the default state
 Perform basic configuration tasks on a switch
 Observe and explain the default behavior of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP, 802.1D)
. Observe the response to a change in the spanning tree topology
Task 1: Perform Basic Switch Configurations
Step 1: Cable a network that is similar to the one in the topology diagram.
You can use any current switch in your lab as long as it has the required
interfaces shown in the topology diagram. The output shown in this lab is based on
Cisco 2960 switches. Other switch models may produce different output. Set up
console connections to all three switches.

Step 2: Clear any existing configurations on the switches.

Clear NVRAM, delete the vlan.dat file, and reload the switches. Refer to Lab
2.5.1 for the procedure. After the reload is complete, use the show vlan privileged
EXEC command to confirm that only default VLANs exist and that all ports are
assigned to VLAN 1.
S1#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4Fa0/5,
Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8 Fa0/9, Fa0/10,
Fa0/11, Fa0/12 Fa0/13, Fa0/14,
Fa0/15,Fa0/16 Fa0/17, Fa0/18,
Fa0/19,Fa0/20 Fa0/21, Fa0/22,
Fa0/23,Fa0/24 Gig0/1, Gig0/2
1002 fddi-default active
1003 token-ring- active

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
1004 fddinet-default active
1005 trnet-default active

Step 3: Configure basic switch parameters.

Configure the S1, S2, and S3 switches according to the following guidelines:
Configure the switch hostname.
Disable DNS lookup.
Configure an EXEC mode password of class.
Configure a password of cisco for console connections.
Configure a password of cisco for vty connections. (Output for S1 shown)

Switch > enable

Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#hostname S1
S1(config)#enable secret class
S1(config)#no ip domain-lookup
S1(config)#line console 0
S1(config-line)#password cisco
S1(config-line)#line vty 0 15
S1(config-line)#password cisco
S1(config-line)#login S1(config-line)#end

%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

S1#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]? Building configuration...
Task 2: Prepare the Network
Step 1: Disable all ports by using the shutdown command. Ensure that the initial
switch port states are inactive with the shutdown command. Use the interface-
range command to simplify this task.
S1(config)#interface range fa0/1-24
S1(config-if-range)#interface range gi0/1-2
S2(config)#interface range fa0/1-24
S2(config-if-range)#interface range gi0/1-2
S3(config)#interface range fa0/1-24
S3(config-if-range)#interface range gi0/1-2
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 2: Re-enable the user ports on S1 and S2 in access mode.

Refer to the topology diagram to determine which switch ports on S2 are activated
for end-user device access. These three ports will be configured for access mode and
enabled with the no shutdown command.
S1(config)#interface fa0/3 S1(config-if)#switchport mode access
S1(config-if)#no shutdown
S2(config)#interface range fa0/6, fa0/11, fa0/18
S2(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
S2(config-if-range)#no shutdown

Step 3: Enable trunk ports on S1, S2, and S3

Only a single VLAN is being used in this lab. However trunking has been
enabled on all links between switches to allow for additional VLANs to be added
in the future.
S1(config-if-range)#interface range fa0/1, fa0/2
S1(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
S1(config-if-range)#no shutdown
S2(config-if-range)#interface range fa0/1, fa0/2
S2(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
S2(config-if-range)#no shutdown
S3(config-if-range)#interface range fa0/1, fa0/2
S3(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
S3(config-if-range)#no shutdown
Step 4: Configure the management interface address on all three switches.
S1(config)#interface vlan1
S1(config-if)# ip address
S1(config-if)#no shutdown
S2(config)#interface vlan1
S2(config-if)#ip address
S2(config-if)#no shutdown
S3(config)#interface vlan1
S3(config-if)#ip address
S3(config-if)#no shutdown
Verify that the switches are correctly configured by pinging between them. From S1,
ping the management interface on S2 and S3. From S2, ping the management
interface on S3.
Were the pings successful? If not, troubleshoot the switch

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Task 3: Configure Host PCs
Configure the Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4 with the IP address,
subnet mask, and gateway indicated in the addressing table at the beginning of the
Task 4: Configure Spanning Tree

Step 1: Examine the default configuration of 802.1D STP.

On each switch, display the spanning tree table with the show spanning-tree
command. Root selection varies depending on the BID of each switch in your lab
resulting in varying outputs.
S1#show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee Root ID Priority 32769
Address 0019.068d.6980 This is the MAC address of the root switch

This bridge is the root Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15
sec Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 0019.068d.6980
Hello Time 2 sec, Max Age 20 sec, Forward Delay 15 sec, Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1 Desg FWD 19 128.3 P2p
Fa0/2 Desg FWD 19 128.4 P2p
Fa0/3 Desg FWD 19 128.5 P2p
S2#show spanning-tree
VLAN0001 Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32769
Address 0019.068d.6980 Cost 19
Port 1 (FastEthernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward
Delay 15 sec

Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)

Address 001b.0c68.2080
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age
20 sec Forward Delay 15
sec Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------
Fa0/1 Root FWD 19 128.1 P2p
Fa0/2 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Fa0/6 Desg FWD 19 128.6 P2p
Fa0/11 Desg FWD 19 128.11 P2p
Fa0/18 Desg FWD 19 128.18 P2p

S3#show spanning-tree
VLAN0001 Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32769
Address 0019.068d.6980
Cost 19
Port 1 (FastEthernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward
Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 001b.5303.1700
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age
20 sec Forward Delay 15
sec Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- ------------------------------
Fa0/1 Root FWD 19 128.1 P2p
Fa0/2 Altn BLK 19 128.2 P2p

Step 2: Examine the output.

The bridge identifier (bridge ID), stored in the spanning tree BPDU consists
of the bridge priority, the system ID extension, and the MAC address. The
combination or addition of the bridge priority and the system ID extension are
known as the bridge ID priority. The system ID extension is always the number
of the VLAN. For example, the system ID extension for VLAN 100 is 100. Using the
default bridge priority value of 32768, the bridge ID priority for VLAN 100 would
be 32868 (32768 + 100).

The show spanning-tree command displays the value of bridge ID priority.

Note: The “priority” value within the parentheses represents the bridge priority value,
which is followed by the value of the system ID extension.
Answer the following questions based on the output.
1. What is the bridge ID priority for switches S1, S2, and S3 on VLAN 1?
a. S1
b. S2
c. S3
2. Which switch is the root for the VLAN 1 spanning tree?
3. On S1, which spanning tree ports are in the blocking state on the root switch?
4. On S3, which spanning tree port is in the blocking state?
5. How does STP elect the root switch?
6. Since the bridge priorities are all the same, what else does the switch use to
determine the root?
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Task 5: Observe the response to the topology change in 802.1D STP
Now let's observe what happens when we intentionally simulate a broken link

Step 1: Place the switches in spanning tree debug mode using the command debug
spanning- tree events
S1#debug spanning-tree events
Spanning Tree event debugging is on
S2#debug spanning-tree events
Spanning Tree event debugging is on
S3#debug spanning-tree events
Spanning Tree event debugging is on
Step 2: Intentionally shutdown port Fa0/1 on S1
S1(config)#interface fa0/1

Step 3: Record the debug output from S2 and S3

STP: VLAN0001 we are the spanning tree root
Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down
S1w2d: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down
S2# 1w2d: STP: VLAN0001 heard root 32769-0019.068d.6980 on Fa0/2
S21w2d:supersedes 32769-001b.0c68.2080
S21w2d: STP: VLAN0001 new root is 32769, 0019.068d.6980 on port Fa0/2,
cost 38
S21w2d: STP: VLAN0001 sent Topology Change Notice on Fa0/2

S3# 1w2d: STP: VLAN0001 heard root 32769-001b.0c68.2080 on Fa0/2 1w2d: STP:
VLAN0001 Fa0/2 -> listening
S3# 1w2d: STP: VLAN0001 Topology Change rcvd on Fa0/2
S31w2d: STP: VLAN0001 sent Topology Change Notice on Fa0/1
S3#1w2d: STP: VLAN0001 Fa0/2 -> learning
S3#1w2d: STP: VLAN0001 sent Topology Change Notice on Fa0/1 1w2d: STP:
VLAN0001 Fa0/2 -> forwarding

1.When the link from S2 that is connected to the root switch goes down, what is its
initial conclusion about the spanning tree root?

2. Once S2 receives new information on Fa0/2, what new conclusion does it draw?

3.Port Fa0/2 on S3 was previously in a blocking state before the link between S2 and
S1 went down. What states does it go through as a result of the topology change?

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 4: Examine what has changed in the spanning tree topology using the show
spanning- tree command S2#show spanning-tree

Spanning tree enabled
protocol ieee Root ID Priority 32769
Address 0019.068d.6980
Cost 38
Port 2 (FastEthernet0/2)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 001b.0c68.2080
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age
20 sec Forward Delay 15
sec Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2 Root FWD 19 128.2 P2p
Fa0/6 Desg FWD 19 128.6 P2p
Fa0/11 Desg FWD 19 128.11 P2p
Fa0/18 Desg FWD 19 128.18 P2p

S3#show spanning-tree

Spanning tree enabled
protocol ieee Root ID Priority 32769
Address 0019.068d.6980 Cost 19
Port 1 (FastEthernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768
sys-id-ext 1) Address 001b.5303.1700
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward
Delay 15 sec Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------- Fa0/1 Root
FWD 19 128.1 P2p
Fa0/2 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
Answer the following questions based on the output.
1.What has changed about the way that S2 forwards traffic?

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
2.What has changed about the way that S3 forwards traffic?
Note: to be practiced inside the lab
Post lab activity:

Result and discussions:

Lab 2 Activity 2: Verify VLAN trunk links using IEEE802.1Q and resetting


This document provides the basic information and a summary of the frame
fields for Inter-Switch Link (ISL) and IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation.


Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of VLANs and trunking.

Components Used

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
Trunking capabilities are dependent on the hardware that is used. For more
information on the system requirements to implement trunking on Cisco Catalyst
series switches, refer to System Requirements to Implement Trunking.

Background Theory

Trunks are used to carry traffic that belongs to multiple VLANs between
devices over the same link. A device can determine which VLAN the traffic belongs
to by its VLAN identifier. The VLAN identifier is a tag that is encapsulated with the
data. ISL and 802.1Q are two types of encapsulation that are used to carry data from
multiple VLANs over trunk links.

ISL is a Cisco proprietary protocol for the interconnection of multiple

switches and maintenance of VLAN information as traffic goes between switches.
ISL provides VLAN trunking capabilities while it maintains full wire-speed
performance on Ethernet links in full-duplex or half-duplex mode. ISL operates in a
point-to-point environment and can support up to 1000 VLANs. In ISL, the original
frame is encapsulated and an additional header is added before the frame is carried
over a trunk link. At the receiving end, the header is removed and the frame is
forwarded to the assigned VLAN. ISL uses Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST),
which runs one instance of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) per VLAN. PVST allows
the optimization of root switch placement for each VLAN and supports the load
balancing of VLANs over multiple trunk links.

802.1Q is the IEEE standard for tagging frames on a trunk and supports up to
4096 VLANs. In 802.1Q, the trunking device inserts a 4-byte tag into the original
frame and recomputes the frame check sequence (FCS) before the device sends the
frame over the trunk link. At the receiving end, the tag is removed and the frame is
forwarded to the assigned VLAN. 802.1Q does not tag frames on the native VLAN.
It tags all other frames that are transmitted and received on the trunk. When you
configure an 802.1Q trunk, you must make sure that you configure the same native
VLAN on both sides of the trunk. IEEE 802.1Q defines a single instance of spanning
tree that runs on the native VLAN for all the VLANs in the network. This is called
Mono Spanning Tree (MST). This lacks the flexibility and load balancing capability
of PVST that is available with ISL. However, PVST+ offers the capability to retain
multiple spanning tree topologies with 802.1Q trunking. For more information about
the 802.1Q encapsulation, For information on the configuration of ISL/802.1Q
encapsulation on Cisco switches, refer to VLAN Trunking Protocols Configuration
Examples and TechNotes.

ISL Frame

The ISL frame consists of three primary fields: the encapsulation frame
(original frame), which is encapsulated by the ISL header, and the FCS at the end.
This example shows the further expansion of the ISL header. The expansion includes
the field acronyms and the number of bits for each field:
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

ISL Header Encapsulation Frame FCS

No. of
bits 40 4 4 48 16 24 24

Frame US AAAA03(SN

8 to 196,600
No. of bits (1 to
bits 15 1 16 16 24,575 bytes) 32


Field Descriptions

This section provides detailed descriptions of the ISL frame fields.

DA—Destination Address

The DA field of the ISL packet is a 40-bit destination address. This address is
a multicast address and is set at "0x01-00-0C-00-00" or "0x03-00-0c-00-00". The
first 40 bits of the DA field signal the receiver that the packet is in ISL format.

TYPE—Frame Type

The TYPE field consists of a 4-bit code. The TYPE field indicates the type of
frame that is encapsulated and can be used in the future to indicate alternative
encapsulations. This table provides definitions of different TYPE codes:

TYPE Code Meaning

0000 Ethernet

0001 Token Ring

0010 FDDI

0011 ATM

USER—User Defined Bits (TYPE Extension)

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
The USER field consists of a 4-bit code. The USER bits are used to extend
the meaning of the TYPE field. The default USER field value is "0000". For Ethernet
frames, the USER field bits "0" and "1" indicate the priority of the packet as it passes
through the switch. Whenever traffic can be handled in a manner that allows it to be
forwarded more quickly, the packets with this bit set should take advantage of the
quick path. It is not required that such paths be provided.

USER Code Meaning

XX00 Normal Priority

XX01 Priority 1

XX10 Priority 2

XX11 Highest Priority

SA—Source Address

The SA field is the source address field of the ISL packet. The field should be
set to the "802.3" MAC address of the switch port that transmits the frame. It is a 48-
bit value. The receiving device may ignore the SA field of the frame.


The LEN field stores the actual packet size of the original packet as a 16-bit
value. The LEN field represents the length of the packet in bytes, with the exclusion
of the DA, TYPE, USER, SA, LEN, and FCS fields. The total length of the excluded
fields is 18 bytes, so the LEN field represents the total length minus 18 bytes.

AAAA03 (SNAP)—Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) and Logical Link

Control (LLC)

The AAAA03 SNAP field is a 24-bit constant value of "0xAAAA03".

HSA—High Bits of Source Address

The HSA field is a 24-bit value. This field represents the upper 3 bytes (the
manufacturer ID portion) of the SA field. The field must contain the value "0x00-00-

VLAN—Destination Virtual LAN ID

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
The VLAN field is the VLAN ID of the packet. It is a 15-bit value that is
used to distinguish frames on different VLANs. This field is often referred to as the
"color" of the frame.

BPDU—Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) and Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

The bit in the BPDU field is set for all BPDU packets that are encapsulated
by the ISL frame. The BPDUs are used by the spanning tree algorithm in order to
determine information about the topology of the network. This bit is also set for CDP
and VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) frames that are encapsulated.


The INDX field indicates the port index of the source of the packet as it exits
the switch. This field is used for diagnostic purposes only, and may be set to any
value by other devices. It is a 16-bit value and is ignored in received packets.

RES—Reserved for Token Ring and FDDI

The RES field is a 16-bit value. This field is used when Token Ring or FDDI
packets are encapsulated with an ISL frame. In the case of Token Ring frames, the
Access Control (AC) and Frame Control (FC) fields are placed here. In the case of
FDDI, the FC field is placed in the Least Significant Byte (LSB) of this field. For
example, an FC of "0x12" has a RES field of "0x0012". For Ethernet packets, the
RES field should be set to all zeros.

ENCAP FRAME—Encapsulated Frame

The ENCAP FRAME field is the encapsulated data packet, which includes its
own cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value, completely unmodified. The internal
frame must have a CRC value that is valid after the ISL encapsulation fields are
removed. The length of this field can be from 1 to 24,575 bytes in order to
accommodate Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI frames. A receiving switch may strip
off the ISL encapsulation fields and use this ENCAP FRAME field as the frame is
received (associating the appropriate VLAN and other values with the received frame
as indicated for switching purposes).

FCS—Frame Check Sequence

The FCS field consists of 4 bytes. This sequence contains a 32-bit CRC
value, which is created by the sending MAC and is recalculated by the receiving
MAC in order to check for damaged frames. The FCS is generated over the DA, SA,
Length/Type, and Data fields. When an ISL header is attached, a new FCS is
calculated over the entire ISL packet and added to the end of the frame.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Note: The addition of the new FCS does not alter the original FCS that is contained
within the encapsulated frame.

Frame Size

The ISL frame encapsulation is 30 bytes, and the minimum FDDI packet is
17 bytes. Therefore, the minimum ISL encapsulated packet for FDDI is 47 bytes. The
maximum Token Ring packet is 18,000 bytes. Therefore, the maximum ISL packet is
18,000 plus 30 bytes of ISL header, for a total of 18,030 bytes. If only Ethernet
packets are encapsulated, the range of ISL frame sizes is from 94 to 1548 bytes. The
biggest implication for systems that use ISL encapsulation is that the encapsulation is
a total of 30 bytes, and fragmentation is not required. Therefore, if the encapsulated
packet is 1518 bytes long, the ISL packet is 1548 bytes long for Ethernet.
Additionally, if packets other than Ethernet packets are encapsulated, the maximum
length can be greatly increased. You must consider this length change when you
evaluate whether a topology can support ISL packets size.Another system
implication is that ISL packets contain two FCSs. The first FCS is calculated for the
original data. The second FCS is calculated after the packet has been encapsulated in
ISL. If the original data does not contain a valid CRC, the invalid CRC is not
detected until the ISL header is stripped off and the end device checks the original
data FCS. This typically is not a problem for switching hardware, but can be difficult
for routers and network interface cards (NICs).

IEEE 802.1Q Frame

IEEE 802.1Q uses an internal tagging mechanism which inserts a 4-byte tag field in
the original Ethernet frame itself between the Source Address and Type/Length
fields. Because the frame is altered, the trunking device recomputes the FCS on the
modified frame.

This example shows the further expansion of the Tag field. The expansion includes
the field acronyms and the number of bits for each field.


No. of
bits 16 3 1 12
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20


Field Descriptions This section provides detailed descriptions of the 802.1Q frame

TPID—Tag Protocol Identifier

The Tag Protocol Identifier is a 16-bit field. It is set to a value of 0x8100 in

order to identify the frame as an IEEE 802.1Q-tagged frame.


Also known as user priority, this 3-bit field refers to the IEEE 802.1p priority.
The field indicates the frame priority level which can be used for the prioritization of
traffic. The field can represent 8 levels (0 through 7).

CFI—Canonical Format Indicator

The Canonical Format Indicator is a 1-bit field. If the value of this field is 1,
the MAC address is in noncanonical format. If the value is 0, the MAC address is in
canonical format.

VID—VLAN Identifier

The VLAN Identifier is a 12-bit field. It uniquely identifies the VLAN to

which the frame belongs. The field can have a value between 0 and 4095.

Frame Size

The 802.1Q tag is 4 bytes. Therefore, the resulting Ethernet frame can be as
large as 1522 bytes. The minimum size of the Ethernet frame with 802.1Q tagging is
68 bytes.


The QinQ Support feature adds another layer of IEEE 802.1Q tag (called
"metro tag" or "PE-VLAN") to the 802.1Q tagged packets that enter the network.
The purpose is to expand the VLAN space by tagging the tagged packets, thus
producing a "double-tagged" frame. The expanded VLAN space allows the service
provider to provide certain services, such as Internet access on specific VLANs for
specific customers, yet still allows the service provider to provide other types of
services for their other customers on other VLANs.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Frame Size
The default maximum transmission unit (MTU) of an interface is 1500
bytes. With an outer VLAN tag attached to an Ethernet frame, the packet size
increases by 4 bytes. Therefore, it is advisable that you appropriately increase the
MTU of each interface on the provider network. The recommended minimum MTU
is 1504 bytes.

The QinQ frame contains the modified tag protocol identifier (TPID) value of
VLAN Tags. By default, the VLAN tag uses the TPID field to identify the protocol
type of the tag. The value of this field, as defined in IEEE 802.1Q, is 0x8100.
The device determines whether a received frame carries a service provider
VLAN tag or a customer VLAN tag by checking the corresponding TPID value.
After receiving a frame, the device compares the compares the configured TPID
value with the value of the TPID field in the frame. If the two match, the frame
carries the corresponding VLAN tag. For example, if a frame carries VLAN tags
with the TPID values of 0x9100 and 0x8100, respectively, while the configured
TPID value of the service provider VLAN tag is 0x9100 and that of the VLAN tag
for a customer network is 0x8200, the device considers that the frame carries only
the service provider VLAN tag but not the customer VLAN tag.

In addition, the systems of different vendors might set the TPID of the outer
VLAN tag of QinQ frames to different values. For compatibility with these systems,
you can modify the TPID value so that the QinQ frames, when sent to the public
network, carry the TPID value identical to the value of a particular vendor to allow
interoperability with the devices of that vendor. The TPID in an Ethernet frame has
the same position with the protocol type field in a frame without a VLAN tag. In
order to avoid problems in packet forwarding and handling in the network, you
cannot set the TPID value to any of the values in this table:
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

The QinQ Support feature is generally supported on whatever Cisco IOS

features or protocols are supported. For example, if you can run PPPoE on the sub
interface, you can configure a double-tagged frame for PPPoE. IPoQinQ supports IP
packets that are double-tagged for QinQ VLAN tag termination by forwarding IP
traffic with the double-tagged (also known as stacked) 802.1Q headers.

2a ) In-lab Activity Topology:

Fig 2.2 Topology of VLAN

1) Cable the network as shown in the topology.
2) Assign the IP addresses as per topology diagram to the PC’s.
3) Create VLAN’s on the switches.
3a) Create the VLAN’s on S1

3b) Create same VLAN’s on S2

3c) Use show vlan command to view the list of VLAN’s on S1

4) Assign VLANs to the correct switch interfaces.

4a) Assign VLAN’s to the interfaces on S1
Assign PC-A to student VLAN

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

4b) Move the switch IP address VLAN 99

4c) Use show vlan brief command to check whether the ports are assigned to vlan
or not.

Issue the show ip interface brief command so that we can check whether ip
address is assigned to vlan or not.
4d) Use the Topology to assign VLANs to the appropriate ports on S2.
4e) Remove the IP address for VLAN 1 on S2.
4f) Configure an IP address for VLAN 99 on S2.
4g) Use the show vlan brief command to verify that the VLANs are assigned to the
correct interfaces.
5) Configure an 802.1Q trunk between the switches

You should also receive link status messages on S2 that vlan are changed state to up
5b) Issue the show interfaces trunk command to view trunked interfaces. Notice that
the mode on S1 is set to desirable, and the mode on S2 is set to auto

Output on switch 1:

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Output on switch 2:

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Post lab activity:


Lab 2 Activity 3: Design an IP Addressing Scheme, Subnetting, and Configuring an

Integrated Router


This document provides basic information needed in order to configure your

router for routing IP, such as how addresses are broken down and how subnetting
works. You learn how to assign each interface on the router an IP address with a
unique subnet. There are examples included in order to help tie everything together.


Cisco recommends that you have a basic understanding of binary and decimal
numbers. This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific
lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared
(default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential
impact of any command.

Additional Information
If definitions are helpful to you, use these vocabulary terms in order to get you
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

● Address - The unique number ID assigned to one host or interface in a

● Subnet - A portion of a network that shares a particular subnet address.
● Subnet mask - A 32-bit combination used to describe which portion of an
address refers to the subnet and which part refers to the host.
● Interface - A network connection.

If you have already received your legitimate address(es) from the Internet Network
Information Center (InterNIC), you are ready to begin. If you do not plan to connect
to the Internet, Cisco strongly suggests that you use reserved addresses from RFC
Understand IP Addresses

An IP address is an address used in order to uniquely identify a device on an

IP network. The address is made up of 32 binary bits, which can be divisible into a
network portion and host portion with the help of a subnet mask. The 32 binary bits
are broken into four octets (1 octet = 8 bits).

Each octet is converted to decimal and separated by a period (dot). For this
reason, an IP address is said to be expressed in dotted decimal format (for example, The value in each octet ranges from 0 to 255 decimal, or 00000000
- 11111111 binary.

Here is how binary octets convert to decimal: The right most bit, or least
significant bit, of an octet holds a value of 20. The bit just to the left of that holds a
value of 21. This continues until the left- most bit, or most significant bit, which
holds a value of 27. So if all binary bits are a one, the decimal equivalent would be
255 as shown here:

1 1 1 11111
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 (128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1=255)
Here is a sample octet conversion when not all of the bits are set to 1.
0 1000001
0 64 0 0 0 0 0 1 (0+64+0+0+0+0+0+1=65)
And this sample shows an IP address represented in both binary and decimal.

10. 1. 23. 19 (decimal)

00001010.00000001.00010111.00010011 (binary)

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
These octets are broken down to provide an addressing scheme that can
accommodate large and small networks. There are five different classes of networks,
A to E. This document focuses on classes A to C, since classes D and E are reserved
and discussion of them is beyond the scope of this document.

Note: Also note that the terms "Class A, Class B" and so on are used in this document
in order to help facilitate the understanding of IP addressing and subnetting. These
terms are rarely used in the industry anymore because of the introduction of classless
interdomain routing (CIDR).

Given an IP address, its class can be determined from the three high-order bits (the
three left-most bits in the first octet). Figure 1 shows the significance in the three
high order bits and the range of addresses that fall into each class. For informational
purposes, Class D and Class E addresses are also shown.

In a Class A address, the first octet is the network portion, so the Class A
example in Figure 1 has a major network address of -
Octets 2, 3, and 4 (the next 24 bits) are for the network manager to divide into
subnets and hosts as he/she sees fit. Class A addresses are used for networks that
have more than 65,536 hosts (actually, up to 16777214 hosts!).
In a Class B address, the first two octets are the network portion, so the
Class B example in Figure 1 has a major network address of -
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20 Octets 3 and 4 (16 bits) are for local subnets and hosts. Class B
addresses are used for networks that have between 256 and 65534 hosts.
In a Class C address, the first three octets are the network portion. The Class
C example in Figure 1 has a major network address of -
Octet 4 (8 bits) is for local subnets and hosts - perfect for networks with less than
254 hosts.
In a Class A address, the first octet is the network portion, so the Class A
example in Figure 1 has a major network address of -
Octets 2, 3, and 4 (the next 24 bits) are for the network manager to divide into
subnets and hosts as he/she sees fit. Class A addresses are used for networks that
have more than 65,536 hosts (actually, up to 16777214 hosts!).
In a Class B address, the first two octets are the network portion, so the
Class B example in Figure 1 has a major network address of - Octets 3 and 4 (16 bits) are for local subnets and hosts. Class B
addresses are used for networks that have between 256 and 65534 hosts.
In a Class C address, the first three octets are the network portion. The Class
C example in Figure 1 has a major network address of -
Octet 4 (8 bits) is for local subnets and hosts - perfect for networks with less than
254 hosts.

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Network Masks

A network mask helps you know which portion of the address identifies the
network and which portion of the address identifies the node. Class A, B, and C
networks have default masks, also known as natural masks, as shown here:
Class A:
Class B:
Class C:

An IP address on a Class A network that has not been subnetted would have
an address/mask pair similar to: In order to see how the mask
helps you identify the network and node parts of the address, convert the address and
mask to binary numbers. = 00001000.00010100.00001111.00000001 = 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000

Once you have the address and the mask represented in binary, then
identification of the network and host ID is easier. Any address bits which have
corresponding mask bits set to 1 represent the network ID. Any address bits that
have corresponding mask bits set to 0 represent the node ID. = 00001000.00010100.00001111.00000001 = 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000

Netid host id
netid = 00001000 = 8
hostid = 00010100.00001111.00000001 = 20.15.1
Understand Subnetting
Subnetting allows you to create multiple logical networks that exist within a
single Class A, B, or C network. If you do not subnet, you are only able to use one
network from your Class A, B, or C network, which is unrealistic.

Each data link on a network must have a unique network ID, with every node
on that link being a member of the same network. If you break a major network
(Class A, B, or C) into smaller sub networks, it allows you to create a network of
interconnecting sub networks. Each data link on this network would then have a
unique network/sub network ID. Any device, or gateway, that connects n
networks/sub networks has n distinct IP addresses, one for each network / sub
network that it interconnects. In order to subnet a network, extend the natural mask
with some of the bits from the host ID portion of the address in order to create a sub
network ID. For example, given a Class C network of which has a natural mask of, you can create subnets in this manner:
Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20 - 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000
By extending the mask to be, you have taken three bits (indicated
by "sub") from the original host portion of the address and used them to make
subnets. With these three bits, it is possible to create eight subnets. With the
remaining five host ID bits, each subnet can have up to 32 host addresses, 30 of
which can actually be assigned to a device since host ids of all zeros or all ones are
not allowed (it is very important to remember this). So, with this in mind, these
subnets have been created. host address range 1 to 30 host address range 33 to 62 host address range 65 to 94 host address range 97 to 126 host address range 129 to 158 host address range 161 to 190 host address range 193 to 222 host address range 225 to 254

Note: There are two ways to denote these masks. First, since you use three bits more
than the "natural" Class C mask, you can denote these addresses as having a 3-bit
subnet mask. Or, secondly, the mask of can also be denoted as /27
as there are 27 bits that are set in the mask. This second method is used with CIDR.
With this method, one of these networks can be described with the notation
prefix/length. For example, denotes the network When appropriate, the prefix/length notation is used to denote the
mask throughout the rest of this document. The network subnetting scheme in this
section allows for eight subnets, and the network might appear as:

Fig 2.3 Topology for activity 3 in lab2.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Notice that each of the routers in Figure 2 is attached to four sub
networks, one sub network is common to both routers. Also, each router has an
IP address for each sub network to which it is attached. Each sub network could
potentially support up to 30 host addresses.

This brings up an interesting point. The more host bits you use for a subnet
mask, the more subnets you have available. However, the more subnets available,
the less host addresses available per subnet. For example, a Class C network of and a mask of (/27) allows you to have eight subnets,
each with 32 host addresses (30 of which could be assigned to devices). If you use a
mask of (/28), the break down is: - 11001100.00010001.00000101.00000000 - 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000

Since you now have four bits to make subnets with, you only have four bits
left for host addresses. So in this case you can have up to 16 subnets, each of which
can have up to 16 host addresses (14 of which can be assigned to devices).

Take a look at how a Class B network might be subnetted. If you have network ,then you know that its natural mask is or
Extending the mask to anything beyond means you are subnetting. You
can quickly see that you have the ability to create a lot more subnets than with the
Class C network. If you use a mask of (/21), how many subnets and
hosts per subnet does this allow for - 10101100.00010000.00000000.00000000 - 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000

-----------------| sub |-----------

You use five bits from the original host bits for subnets. This allows you to have 32
subnets (25). After using the five bits for subnetting, you are left with 11 bits for host
addresses. This allows each subnet so have 2048 host addresses (211), 2046 of which
could be assigned to devices.

Note: In the past, there were limitations to the use of a subnet 0 (all subnet bits are
set to zero) and all ones subnet (all subnet bits set to one). Some devices would not
allow the use of these subnets. Cisco Systems devices allow the use of these subnets
when the ip subnet zero command is configured.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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In lab activity:

Exercise 1
Now that you have an understanding of subnetting, put this knowledge to use. In this
example, you are given two address / mask combinations, written with the
prefix/length notation, which have been assigned to two devices. Your task is to
determine if these devices are on the same subnet or different subnets. You can use
the address and mask of each device in order to determine to which subnet each
address belongs.


Determine the Subnet for DeviceA: - 10101100.00010000.00010001.00011110 - 11111111.11111111.11110000.00000000

-----------------| sub|------------

subnet = 10101100.00010000.00010000.00000000 =

Looking at the address bits that have a corresponding mask bit set to one, and
setting all the other address bits to zero (this is equivalent to performing a logical
"AND" between the mask and address), shows you to which subnet this address
belongs. In this case, DeviceA belongs to subnet

Determine the Subnet for DeviceB: - 10101100.00010000.00011100.00001111 - 11111111.11111111.11110000.00000000

-----------------| sub|------------

subnet = 10101100.00010000.00010000.00000000 =

From these determinations, DeviceA and DeviceB have addresses that are part of the
same subnet.

Exercise 2
Given the Class C network of, subnet the network in order to create the
network in Figure 3 with the host requirements shown.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Looking at the network shown in Figure 3, you can see that you are required
to create five subnets. The largest subnet must support 28 host addresses. Is this
possible with a Class C network? and if so, then how?
You can start by looking at the subnet requirement. In order to create the five
needed subnets you would need to use three bits from the Class C host bits. Two bits
would only allow you four subnets (22).Since you need three subnet bits, that leaves
you with five bits for the host portion of the address.

How many hosts does this support? 25 = 32 (30 usable). This meets the
requirement. Therefore you have determined that it is possible to create this network
with a Class C network. An example of how you might assign the sub networks is:
netA: host address range 1 to 30
netB: host address range 33 to 62
netC: host address range 65 to 94
netD: host address range 97 to 126
netE: host address range 129 to 158

Routers A and B are connected via serial interface.
Router A
hostname routera !
ip routing !
int e 0
ip address
!(subnet 50)
int e 1 ip address
!(subnet 55)
int s 0 ip address
!(subnet 60) int s 0
ip address (subnet 65) !
S 0 connects to router B router rip

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Router B
hostname routerb!
ip routing!
int e 0
ip address !(subnet 192)
int e 1
ip address!
(subnet 64)
int s 0
ip address (same subnet as router A's s 0)
!Int s 0 connects to router A router rip

Host/Subnet Quantities Table

Class B Effective Effective

# bits Mask Subnets Hosts
------- --------------- --------- ---------
1 2 32766
2 4 16382
3 8 8190
4 16 4094
5 32 2046
6 64 1022
7 128 510
8 256 254
9 512 126
10 1024 62
11 2048 30
12 4096 14
13 8192 6
14 16384 2

Class C # Effective Effective

bits Mask Subnets Hosts
------- --------------- --------- ---------
1 2 126
2 4 62
3 8 30
4 16 14
5 32 6
6 64 2

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Post lab activity:

Result And Discussions:

Lab 2 Activity 4: *[Optional Lab]: Transfer Data Between Two Laptops using


Video URL created by peer team of DNP

In lab activity:



Open Control Panel search in search bar

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Step 2:

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Now open Windows Defender Firewall


a.) Initially we can see that the Windows Defender Firewall has been connected, now
turn off the Windows Defender Firewall.
b.) Select the Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off option.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Initially we can observe in this manner

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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 Here you can observe the changes which we have done.

 Now go to previous tab and select the Change advanced sharing settings


Here we can find the three different network profiles which are –
1.Private (current profile)
2.Guest or Public
3.All Networks.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Now make the changes as per the below pictures and save the changes made in the
network profiles.
1.Private (current profile)

2.Guest or Public

3.All Networks.
Now open desktop and create a folder which can be remembered.
Right click on the created folder and open the properties.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 After opening the properties, we can find a popup window as shown above
 Now open the sharing tab

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
 Now click on the share option and
a) now click the down arrow, Select the everyone option.
b) Click on the add option

c) After clicking the add option we can observe popup window as above now make
a modification in the permission level as Read to Read/Write for everyone in the
column of name.
d) Now click on the share option, then it will display the confirmation window,
make it complete by clicking on the done option.
 Now save the files in the created folder, this data can be shared using the WIFI.


We must connect the both computers to the same WIFI networks.

Follow the same process from STEP1 to STEP7

 Open file manager
 Now open the network drive in the Quick Access Panel.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Now we can find the systems which were connected to the same network. (If not
refresh the window).

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
 After finding the computer1 username click on it.

Click on the users folder

 Click on the folder having the name of your computer. (This may be varied

 Click on the desktop folder

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 In the desktop folder we find the folder saved in the computer1 as share (name of
the folder).

 Now the open the folder here we can find the data which can be transfer.

After completion of data transfer turn on the Windows Defender Firewall.

Post lab activity:


Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Viva questions:
1. What is STP?
Ans: STP stands for Systematic Transfer Plan. STP is an automated way of moving
(transferring) money from one mutual fund to another. This plan is chosen
when one wants to invest a lump sum amount but wants to avoid the
marketing-timing risk. The most common and sensical way of doing.

2.What is spanning Tree?

Ans: The Spanning Tree Protocol is a network protocol that builds a loop-free logical
topology for Ethernet networks. The basic function of STP is to prevent bridge
loops and the broadcast radiation that results from them.

3. What STP feature causes an interface to be placed in the Forwarding State as

soon as the interface is physically active?
Ans: Port Fast.

4.Which of the following RSTP port states have the same name as a similar port
state in traditional STP?
Ans: Forwarding & Learning RSTP uses port states of Forwarding, Learning, and
Discarding, with Forwarding and Learning States performing the same basic
functions as the STP port states with the same name.

5.How is a root bridge elected?

Ans: The root bridge is elected based on the switch that has the lowest advertised
Bridge ID in the switches’ BPDUs. The Bridge ID is composed of the priority
plus the switch’s MAC address. If another switch with a lower Bridge ID is
added to the STP topology, a re-election occurs, and that switch becomes the
new root bridges.

Lab 2 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Assessment Weightage Below Signature Of
S.No Acceptable Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component Maximum Requirements The Faculty

Irrelevant Improper Write

Partial Attempt (3-4) Well Written (4-5)
Answer (0) Up (2)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Improper Correct Procedure

Partially Correct (4-7)
Experimentation Procedure (0) Procedure (3) (8-10)
2 10 M

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Wireless Router Integrated to IoT Applications

a) Design and Implementation of Smart Home using Network Simulators

b) Design a Topology to Control the IOT Garage Door and Home Door by
configuration Network Wireless Router in Static, Default and Dynamic.
c) *[Optional Lab]: Design a Tropology to Registration Server, Motion
Capture, Webcam with wireless Router

Date of the Session: / / Time of the Session:

Aim /Objective:

Pre-requisite: (a, b, c)
Home Automation Basics – Beginners Guide
Although not many people can see the need for having their smart fridge connected
to the Internet, most people will find the ability to remotely control lights, security
cameras and other home appliances very useful. If you are thinking about adding
smart devices to your home then this guide to smart homes and home automation will
give you a good basic understanding of how smart devices are connected and how
they are controlled.

What is Home Automation?

Home automation or domestics is building automation for a home, called a smart
home or smart house. It involves the control and automation of lighting. Home
automation is one of several areas of the IOT (internet of things), and is often
called Home IOT.

There are three distinct levels of home automation.


The ability to view status of systems i.e
 What is the temperature?
 Is the door locked?
 Is The Light on or off

The ability to change the state of a systems i.e
 Turn up the heating.
 Lock the Door
 Turning the light on or off

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
The ability to change the state of a system automatically in response to an event. i.e.
 Turn on the heating if the outside temperature falls below a certain temperature.
 Turn the lights off when no one is a home.
Currently most smart home systems are at the control level.

Smart Home – Automation System Components

A home automation system will consist of
 End Devices like switches, sensors ,lights, locks etc
 Connection devices like hubs and Gateways.
 A Network or networks e.g. Wi-Fi, Zigbee etc
 Internet connection – maybe optional

Local Control and Cloud Control

All homes should be able to be controlled locally from within the home. This doesn’t
mean that they should have manual switches, but that they should be controllable
across a local network. They should also IMO be controllable and fully
functional without an Internet connection. In other words if you loose the Internet
connection you should still be able to turn your lights on and off. Unfortunately not
all systems will operate without an Internet connection. This article is worth reading.

As a General rule of thumb Zwave and Zigbee networks and devices will operate
without an Internet connection. Wi-Fi devices will generally require an Internet
connection. If the device is controllable directly using a smart phone then it requires
an Internet connection. This reddit discussion is worth reading.

The Role of the Cloud In Smart Homes

Many Internet devices especially Wi-Fi devices are dependent on an Internet

connection, and cloud services to function. Generally when you set up these devices
you register them with the manufacturer on a cloud service. They can then be
controlled via an App on a smart phone, Alexa etc but will require an Internet
connection to function correctly. Although these devices are easy to setup and
operate they are useless without an Internet connection. IMO the Internet should
represent an alternative way of controlling devices, and not the only way.

Smart Home Networking- Wi-Fi, Zwave, ZigBee, Thread, Bluetooth

These are all wireless protocols found on home networks.

Current home networks used for connecting computers and other devices to the
Internet are Ethernet and Wi-Fi based. They also use TCP/IP as the networking
protocol. Logically home automation devices and products would just attach
themselves to this existing network which would mean that they also would use Wi-
Fi and TCP/IP. However early home devices like sensors, and door locks were not
mains powered, and so required low power consumption.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Therefore Wi-Fi wasn’t considered a suitable protocol for use in these
devices, hence the development and use of Zigbee (Philips
Hue) and Zwave wireless standards, and other proprietary protocols in home
automation products.

Devices using ZigBee and Zwave form their own network independent of the
existing home Wi-Fi network ,but can be connected to the existing Wi-fi Network
using a suitable hub or gateway. Thread is a newer standard sponsored by Google
and uses IP networking ( zwave and Zigbee don’t) but uses 6lowpan and not Wi-Fi.
See ZWave Basics and Zigbee Basics

The Diagram below shows an example

Fig 3.1 Home automation.

End Devices
There are several different types of end device:
 Devices that work using a remote control like a TV and cannot be connected to a
home network.

 Devices that use Wi-FI and TCP or UDP over IP as the networking protocol.
These connect directly to the existing home Wi-Fi network and are usually controlled
via an App on a smart phone. They can also be controlled via a hub like Amazon
Alexa. Generally require an Internet connection to operate.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
 Devices that that use Zwave or Zigbee will require a hub to connect to the home
network and the Internet. Generally operate without an Internet connection.

 Devices that use proprietary protocols like Mi|home

Hubs and Gateways

If your end device supports Wi-Fi then it can connect directly to you existing
home Wi-Fi network, if it uses Zigbee,Thread or Zwave or other protocols then it
will require a hub of some sorts (diagram above).

See also Stack exchange-Do I need a hub for some devices?

However hubs can perform other task besides interconnecting products using
different protocols. They can also provide Gateway functions e.g. converting your
sensor data to MQTT. Smart hubs will generally provide a User Interface that
allows you to manage the individual devices, and to set up automation rules. This can
be via an App on a smart phone or tablet or web browser. TCP/IP Hubs can be
located on the Home network or on the Internet. Amazon Alexa is an example of
an Internet based hub that is becoming very popular.

Controlling Smart Home Devices with a Smart Phone

Because of the popularity of smart phones, most smart home devices and
systems can be controlled using an App on a smart phone or tablet. However devices
from different manufactures will have a different App, and going back and forth
between Apps is not very convenient. Below is a screen shot from my Tablet
showing the Apps to control several Wi-Fi smart devices from different

Fig 3.2 Figure representing web link of smart devices.

Not only is it very inconvenient to keep switching between Apps, the Apps can’t talk
to each other, and you also need to install them on all devices that you use to control

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
these devices. However most of these devices can also be controlled by a hub like the
Samsung Smart things, Amazon Alexa or an home automation system like home
assistant. Generally when you have several smart devices, especially when they are
from different vendors then using some form of Hub/automation system to combine
them is the best option. See hubs,Gateways and Home automation Systems. Voice
control using devices like Amazon Alexa are becoming more popular, and are much
easier to use.. Almost all devices being introduced today are being designed to work
with Alexa and Google Home.

IoT Applications

Smart cities, smart surveillance, automated transportation, smarter energy

management systems, water distribution, urban security and environmental
monitoring all are examples of internet of things applications for smart cities.

Fig 3.4 IOT Applications Use cases.

Lab 3 Activity 1 : In lab activity

Steps to design a smart home using IoT devices.

In order to implement smart home I used new released cisco packet tracer, which
included different smart object used for home automation such as smart fan, smart
window, smart door, smart light , smart garbage door, fire sprinkler, lawn sprinkler
and different sensor is included.

1. To control this smart object and sensors we use Home Gateway , since it provide
programming environment for controlling smart object connected to it and provide
controlling mechanisms by registering smart device to Home Gateway
respectively .
2. Select the Network Devices>>Wireless devices>>take the Home Gateway in to
the work space.
3. Now we Design room with a window, ceiling fan and light.
4. Select the window, ceiling fan and light from Home devices.
5. To connect those devices to Home Gateway we need wireless connection.
6. Click on the device>> go to advance mode>>I/O cong>>Network adapter>>PT-
7. Now we can see that devices wirelessly connected.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

1. And again click on the device >> configuration>>IoT server>>Home Gateway

2. Then select the smart device, click on it>>configuration>>wireless. Now copy the
SSID name of Home Gateway and paste it in SSID of smart device.

1. Next access the home gateway, we should use IOE monitor app in smart device.
2. Give the LAN IP address to the IOE IP address, then you can login.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
3. After that you can see the devices connected and having the options turn ON and

Sample calculations:

Result and discussions:

Lab 3: Activity 2: In-lab activity

Steps to design a Topology to Control the IOT Garage Door and Home Door

1. Take a switch and connect it to server, Garage Door and Home Door with a
Ethernet cable.

2. Now click on server>>Desktop>>give IP address.

Then click on devices>>configuration>>Fast Ethernet >>give the IP address.

3. Now turn server in to registration server to do that go to the services >> IoT>>
then click ON to the Register server.
Then next go then Server Desktop>>IoT monitor>>Login.

4. Again click on the devices >>configuration>>select remote server option>>give

server address, username, password.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
5. Click on connect.

1. Then you can observe the control switch’s in server desktop.

Output :

We can open or close the window

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

We can off, on and dim the light

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Sample calculations:

Result and Discussions:

Lab 3 Activity 3: In lab-activity:

Step-1: Connect a switch to the server, webcam and motion detector.

Fig 3.5 Topology of lab 3 activity 3.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Step-2: Now click on server>>Desktop>>give IP address.
Step-3: devices>>configuration>>Fast Ethernet >>give the IP address.
Step-4: Now turn server in to registration server to do that go to the services >>
IoT>> then click ON to the Register server.
Step-5:Then next go tthen Server Desktop>>IoT monitor>>Login.
Step-6:Again click on the devices >>configuration>>select remote server
option>>give server address, username, password.
Click on connect.

Then you can observe the control switch’s in server desktop.

STEP-7:Now we have to apply conditions (when motion detector on then webcam on
and when motion detector off then webcam off)
Step-8: Now apply conditions
Go to desktop>>conditions>>click add
Condition1: motion detector on true: webcam on true
And again click add
Condition-2: motion detector on false: webcam on false
Step-10: Now you can see the conditions as below
Step-11: To on the motion detector >>click on alt button and swipe it.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Sample calculations:

Results and discussions:

Viva questions

1. What is the function of Home gateway?

Ans: it is used to register smart object and give IP address to smart object.

Lab 3 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
2. Which layer of IoT architecture serves as the platform that it is responsible for
connecting the smart objects in the IoT environment to transmit the data generated by
the devices?
Ans: Network layer

3. What are the two workspaces available in cisco packet tracer?

Ans: Logical and physical are two workspaces available in cisco packet tracer.

4. What protocols can be modelled for application layer in packet tracer 7.0?

5. List the basic components required for implementation of smart home using cisco
packet tracer?
Ans: Router ,modem, home gateway, lamp, fan and different types of sensors….

6.What are the two operating modes available in cisco packet tracer?
Ans:Real-time mode and simulation mode
7.What are the servers available in cisco packet tracer?
Ans: DHCP, DNS, HTTP Servers

8.What are the most common switches?

Ans: 2960, 3750, 3650, 3850 series switches

9.What protocols can be modelled for transport layer in packet tracer 7.0?
Ans:TCP and UDP, TCP Nagle Algorithm & IP Fragmentation, RTP

10. List out the basic components used in simulation of garbage door and home door
.Ans: Server, pc, switch, garbage door ,home door, local door control

Lab 4 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Assessment Weightage Below Signature Of
S.No Acceptable Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component Maximum Requirements The Faculty

Irrelevant Improper Write

Partial Attempt (3-4) Well Written (4-5)
Answer (0) Up (2)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Improper Correct Procedure

Partially Correct (4-7)
Experimentation Procedure (0) Procedure (3) (8-10)
2 10 M

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Verification of Reference and Standard Protocols using Packet Tracer

a) Design a Topology consists of three routers, switches, hosts configure the basic
single area OSPFv2 and then verifying connectivity between host to host, trace route,
ping the information
b) To study ARP and RARP protocols using Simulation Tools
c) *[Optional Lab]: To explore Inter‐Autonomous System Routing. To explore the
routers, autonomous systems and BGP peers in the lab. Observing IBGP and EBGP
on different routers.

Lab 4 Activity 1: Configuring Basic Single-Area OSPFv2


Fig 4.1 Topology of verification of OSPFv2.

Addressing Table

Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default

R1 G0/0 N/A

S0/0/0 (DCE) N/A

S0/0/1 N/A

R2 G0/0 N/A

S0/0/0 N/A

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
S0/0/1 (DCE) N/A

R3 G0/0 N/A

S0/0/0 (DCE) N/A

S0/0/1 N/A




Part 1: Build the Network and Configure Basic Device Settings
Part 2: Configure and Verify OSPF Routing
Part 3: Change Router ID Assignments
Part 4: Configure OSPF Passive Interfaces
Part 5: Change OSPF Metrics

Background / Scenario

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol for IP networks.
OSPFv2 is defined for IPv4 networks, and OSPFv3 is defined for IPv6 networks. OSPF
detects changes in the topology, such as link failures, and converges on a new loop-free
routing structure very quickly. It computes each route using Dijkstra’s algorithm, a
shortest path first algorithm.

In this lab, you will configure the network topology with OSPFv2 routing,
change the router ID assignments, configure passive interfaces, adjust OSPF metrics,

Note: The routers used with CCNA hands-on labs are Cisco 1941 Integrated
Services Routers (ISRs) with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M3 (universalk9 image). Other
routers and Cisco IOS versions can be used.

Depending on the model and Cisco IOS version, the commands available and
output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs. Refer to the Router
Interface Summary Table at the end of this lab for the correct interface identifiers.

Note: Make sure that the routers have been erased and have no start up
configurations. If you are unsure, contact your instructor.
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Required Resources

 3 Routers (Cisco 1941 with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M3 universal image or
 3 PCs (Windows 7, Vista, or XP with terminal emulation program, such as
 Console cables to configure the Cisco IOS devices via the console ports
 Ethernet and serial cables as shown in the topology

Part1: Build the Network and Configure Basic Device Settings

In Part 1, you set up the network topology and configure basic settings on the PC hosts
and routers.

Step 1: Cable the network as shown in the topology.

Step 2: Initialize and reload the routers as necessary.
Step 3: Configure basic settings for each router.

a. Disable DNS lookup.

b. Configure device name as shown in the topology.
c. Assign class as the privileged EXECpassword.
d. Assign cisco as the console and vtypasswords.
e. Configure a message of the day (MOTD) banner to warn users that unauthorized
access is prohibited.
f. Configure logging synchronous for the console line.
g. Configure the IP address listed in the Addressing Table for allinterfaces.
h. Set the clock rate for all DCE serial interfaces at128000.
i. Copy the running configuration to the startupconfiguration.

Step 4: Configure PC hosts.

Step 5: Test connectivity.

The routers should be able to ping one another, and each PC should be able to
ping its default gateway. The PCs are unable to ping other PCs until OSPF routing is
configured. Verify and troubleshoot if necessary.

Part2: Configure and Verify OSPF Routing

In Part 2, you will configure OSPFv2 routing on all routers in the network and
then verify that routing tables are updated correctly. After OSPF has been verified, you
will configure OSPF authentication on the links for added security.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Step 1: Configure OSPF onR1.

a. Use the router ospf command in global configuration mode to enable OSPF onR1.
R1(config)# router ospf 1

Note: The OSPF process id is kept locally and has no meaning to other routers on
the network.
b. Configure the network statements for the networks on R1. Use an area ID

R1(config-router)#network area 0

R1(config-router)#network area0
R1(config-router)#network area0

Step 2: Configure OSPF on R2 andR3.

Use the router ospf command and add the network statements for the networks on
R2 and Neighbor adjacency messages display on R1 when OSPF routing is
configured on R2 and R3.
00:22:29: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on Serial0/0/0 from
LOADINGtoFULL, Loading Done
00:23:14: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on Serial0/0/1 from
LOADINGtoFULL, Loading Done
Step 3: Verify OSPF neighbors and routing information.
a. Issue the show ipospf neighbour command to verify that each router lists the
other routers in the network as neighbours.
R1# show ipospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/ -00:00:33 Serial0/0/1 0 FULL/ -00:00:30 Serial0/0/0

b. Issue the show ip route command to verify that all networks display in the routing
table on all routers.

R1# show ip route

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Codes L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B – BGP

D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area

N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2

E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2,E –EGP

i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area

* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o – ODR

P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks

C is directly connected,GigabitEthernet0/0
L is directly connected,GigabitEthernet0/0

O [110/65] via, 00:32:33, Serial0/0/0

O [110/65] via, 00:31:48, Serial0/0/1 is variably subnetted,2 subnets, 2marks

C is directly connected,Serial0/0/0
L is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 is variably
subnetted, 2 subnets, 2masks

C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1

L is directly connected,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets

O [110/128] via, 00:31:38, Serial0/0/0

[110/128] via, 00:31:38, Serial0/0/1

What command would you use to only see the OSPF routes in the routing table?

Step 4: Verify OSPF protocol settings.

The show ip protocols command is a quick way to verify vital OSPF

configuration information. This information includes the OSPF process ID, the router
ID, networks the router is advertising, the neighbors the router is receiving updates from,
and the default administrative distance, which is 110 for OSPF.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
R1# show ip protocols
*** IP Routing is NSF aware ***

Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"

Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Router ID
Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa Maximum path: 4
Routing for Networks: area 0 area0 area0
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 11000:19:16 110 00:20:03
Distance: (default is 110)
Step 5: Verify OSPF process information.
Use the show ipospfcommand to examine the OSPF process ID and router ID. This
command displays the OSPF area information, as well as the last time the SPF
algorithm was calculated.
R1# show ipospf
Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
Start time: 00:20:23.260, Time elapsed: 00:25:08.296 Supports only single TOS(TOS0)
Supports opaque LSA
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Supports area transit capability
Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC3101)
Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode:cyclic Router is not
originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs Maximum wait time
between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs Incremental-SPF disabled
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000 Number of opaque AS LSA 0.
Checksum Sum 0x000000 Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0 Number
of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa Number of areas transit
capable is 0
External flood list length 0
IETF NSF helper support enabled
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Cisco NSF helper supportenabled
Reference bandwidth unit is 100 mbps
Number of interfaces in this area is 3 Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm last executed 00:22:53.756 ago SPF algorithm executed 7 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 3. Checksum Sum 0x019A61
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000 Number of
DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
Step 6: Verify OSPF interfacesettings.
Issue the show ipospf interface brief command to display a summary of OSPF-enabled

R1# show ipospf interface brief

Se 0/0/1 10 64 P2P 1/1
S 0/0/0 10 64 P2P 1/1
Gi 0/0 10 1 DR 0/0

a. For a more detailed list of every OSPF-enabled interface, issue the show ipospf


R1# show ipospf interface

Serial0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network Statement
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost:64

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 64 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT

Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
Hello due in 00:00:01
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
Cisco NSF helper support enabled
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
IETF NSF helper support enabled
Index 3/3, flood queue length 0 Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent
neighbor count is 1
Adjacent with neighbor Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)
Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network Statement
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost:64
Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 64 no no Base Transmit Delay is 1

Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40 Hello due in 00:00:03

Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper support enabled IETF NSF
helper support enabled Index 2/2, flood queue length 0


Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1

Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec

Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1

Adjacent with neighbor Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via NetworkStatement Process ID 1,
Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 1 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority1

Designated Router (ID), Interface address192.168.1.1

No backup designated router on this network

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40 Hello due in 00:00:01
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper support enabled IETF NSF
helper support enabled Index 1/1, flood queue length 0 Next0x0(0)/0x0(0)

Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 0

Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent
neighbor count is 0 Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

Step 7: Verify end-to-end connectivity.

Each PC should be able to ping the other PCs in the topology. Verify and
troubleshoot if necessary.
Note: It may be necessary to disable the PC firewall to ping between PCs.
Part3: Change Router ID Assignments
The OSPF router ID is used to uniquely identify the router in the OSPF routing domain.
Cisco routers derive the router ID in one of three ways and with the following
1) IP address configured with the OSPF router-id command, ifpresent
2) Highest IP address of any of the router’s loopback addresses, if present
3) Highest active IP address on any of the router’s physical interfaces
Because no router IDs or loopback interfaces have been configured on the three routers,
the router ID for each router is determined by the highest IP address of any active
interface. In Part 3, you will change the OSPF router ID assignment using loopback
addresses. You will also use the
router-id command to change the router ID.

Step 1: Change router IDs using loopbackaddresses.

a. Assign an IP address to loopback 0 onR1.
R1(config)# interface lo0
R1(config-if)#ip address
b. Assign IP addresses to Loopback 0 on R2 and R3. Use IP address for R2
and R3.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
c. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration on all threerouters.
d. You must reload the routers in order to reset the router ID to the loopback address.
Issue thereload command on all three routers. Press Enter to confirm the reload.
e. After the router completes the reload process, issue the show ip protocols command
to view the new router ID.
R1#show ip protocols
*** IP Routing is NSF aware ***
Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set Incoming update filter list for all
interfaces is not set Router ID

Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa Maximum path: 4 Routing for

192 .168.1.0 area 0 area0 area0
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 110 00:01:00 110 00:01:14
Distance: (default is 110)
f. Issue the show ipospf neighbor command to display the router ID changes for the
neighbouring routers.
R1# show ipospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri StateDead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/- 00:00:35 Serial0/0/1 0 FULL/- 00:00:32 Serial0/0/0

Step 2: Change the router ID on R1 using the router- idcommand.

The preferred method for setting the router ID is with the router-id command.
a. Issue the router-id command on R1 to reassign the router ID. Notice the
informational message that appears when issuing the router-id command.
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
R1(config)# router ospf 1
Reload or use "clear ipospf process" command, for this to take effect
R1(config)# end
b. You will receive an informational message telling you that you must either reload the
router or usethe clear ipospf process command for the change to take effect. Issue the
clear ipospf process command on all three routers. Type yes to reply to the reset
verification message, and pressENTER.
c. Set the router ID for R2 to and the router ID for R3 to Then
use clear ipospf process command to reset ospf routingprocess.
d. Issue the show ip protocols command to verify that the router ID changed onR1.

R1# show ip protocols

*** IP Routing is NSF aware ***
Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set Incoming update filter list for all
interfaces is not set Router ID

Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa Maximum path: 4

Routing for Networks: area 0 area0 area0
Passive Interface(s):
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 110 00:00:19 110 00:00:31 110 00:00:41 110 00:00:41

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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Distance: (default is 110)

e. Issue the show ipospf neighbor command on R1 to verify that new router ID for R2
and R3 islisted.

R1# show ipospf neighbor

Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/ - 00:00:36 Serial0/0/1 0 FULL/ - 00:00:32 Serial0/0/0

Part4: Configure OSPF Passive Interfaces

The passive-interface command prevents routing updates from being sent through
the specified router interface. This is commonly done to reduce traffic on the LANs as
they do not need to receive dynamic routing protocol communication. In Part 4, you will
use the passive-interface command to configure a single interface as passive. You will
also configure OSPF so that all interfaces on the router are passive by default, and then
enable OSPF routing advertisements on selected interfaces.
Step 1: Configure a passive interface.
a. Issue the show ipospf interface g0/0 command on R1. Notice the timer indicating
when the next Hello packet is expected. Hello packets are sent every 10 seconds and
are used between OSPF routers to verify that their neighbors are up.

R1# show ipospf interface g0/0

GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Internet Address, Area 0,
Attached via NetworkStatement Process ID 1, Router ID, Network
Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 1 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority1

Designated Router (ID), Interface address192.168.1.1 No backup designated

router on this network

Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit5 oob-resync

Hello due in00:00:02

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper support enabled IETF NSF
helper support enabled Index 1/1, flood queue length 0


Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 0

Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec

Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent neighbor count is 0

b. Issue the passive-interface command to change the G0/0 interface on R1 topassive.

R1(config)# router ospf 1
R1(config-router)#passive-interface g0/0
c. Re-issue the show ipospf interface g0/0 command to verify that G0/0 is nowpassive.

R1# show ipospf interface g0/0

GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via NetworkStatement Process ID 1,
Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 1 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority1

Designated Router (ID), Interface address192.168.1.1
No backup designated router on this network
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
No Hellos (Passive interface) Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper
support enabled
IETF NSF helper support enabled
Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 0
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent neighbor count is 0
Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)
d. Issue the show ip route command on R2 and R3 to verify that a route to the networkis still available.
R2# show ip route
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Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected,Loopback0
O [110/65] via, 00:58:32,Serial0/0/0 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0
L is directly connected,GigabitEthernet0/0
O [110/65] via, 00:58:19,Serial0/0/1 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2masks
C is directly connected,Serial0/0/0
L is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 is subnetted,
1subnets O [110/128] via, 00:58:19,Serial0/0/1
[110/128] via, 00:58:32,Serial0/0/0 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2masks
C is directly connected,Serial0/0/1
L is directly connected,Serial0/0/1
Step 2: Set passive interface as the default on a router.
a. Issue the show ipospf neighbor command on R1 to verify that R2 is
listed as an OSPFneighbor.

R1# show ipospf neighbor

Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/ - 00:00:31 Serial0/0/1
-00:00:32 0 FULL/ Serial0/0/0

a. Issue the passive-interface default command on R2 to set the default for

all OSPF interfacesas passive.
R2(config)# router ospf 1
R2(config-router)#passive-interface default
*Apr 3 00:03:00.979: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on
Serial0/0/0fromFULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Interface down or detached

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
*Apr 3 00:03:00.979: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on
Serial0/0/1fromFULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Interface down ordetached
b. Re-issue the show ipospf neighbor command on R1. After the dead
timer expires, R2 will no longerbe listed as an OSPFneighbor.
R1# show ipospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Address Interface
Time 0 FULL/ 00:00:34 Serial0/0/1
c. Issue the show ipospf interface S0/0/0 command on R2 to view the OSPF status of

R2# show ipospf interface s0/0/0

Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network Statement

Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost:64

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 64 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, StatePOINT_TO_POINT

Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
No Hellos (Passive interface) Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper
support enabled IETF NSF helper support enabled Index 2/2, flood queue length 0


Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 0

Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent
neighbor count is 0 Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

d. If all interfaces on R2 are passive, then no routing information is being

advertised. In this case, R1 and R3 should no longer have a route to the network. You can verify this by using the show ip routecommand.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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e. On R2, issue the no passive-interface command so the router will send and receive
OSPF routing updates. After entering this command, you will see an informational
message that a neighboradjacency has been established with R1.
R2(config)# router ospf 1
R2(config-router)#no passive-interface s0/0/0
*Apr 3 00:18:03.463: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on
Serial0/0/0fromLOADING to FULL, LoadingDone
f. Re-issue the show ip route and show ipospf neighbor commands on R1 and R3,
and look for aroute to the
What interface is R3 using to route to the network?
What is the accumulated cost metric for the network on R3? Does R2
show up as an OSPF neighbor on R1?

Does R2 show up as an OSPF neighbor on R3?

What does this information tell you?

g. Change interface S0/0/1 on R2 to allow it to advertise OSPF routes. Record the

commands used below.
h. Re-issue the show ip route command onR3.
What interface is R3 using to route to the network?
What is the accumulated cost metric for the network on R3 now and how
is this calculated?
Is R2 listed as an OSPF neighbor to R3?
Part5: Change OSPF Metrics
In Part 5, you will change OSPF metrics using the auto-cost reference-bandwidth
command, the bandwidth command, and the ipospf cost command.
Note: All DCE interfaces should have been configured with a clocking rate of 128000 in
Part 1.
Step 1: Change the reference bandwidth on therouters.
The default reference-bandwidth for OSPF is 100Mb/s (Fast Ethernet speed).
However, most modern infrastructure devices have links that are faster than 100Mb/s.
Because the OSPF cost metric must be an integer, all links with transmission speeds of

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
100Mb/s or higher have a cost of 1. This results in Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and
10G Ethernet interfaces all having the same cost. Therefore, the reference-bandwidth
must be changed to a higher value to accommodate networks with links faster that
a. Issue the show interface command on R1 to view the default bandwidth setting for the
R1# show interface g0/0
GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is CN Gigabit Ethernet, address is c471.fe45.7520 (bia c471.fe45.7520)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 100 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
Keepalive set (10 sec)
Full Duplex, 100Mbps, media type is RJ45
output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input never, output 00:17:31, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops:0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts)
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input
279 packets output, 89865 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets
0 unknown protocol drops
0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0deferred
1 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pauseoutput
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Note: The bandwidth setting on G0/0 may differ from what is shown above if
the PC host interface can only support Fast Ethernet speed. If the PC host
interface is not capable of supporting gigabit speed, then the bandwidth will
most likely be displayed as 100000 Kbit/sec.
b. Issue the show ip route ospfcommand on R1 to determine the route to the
R1# show ip route ospf
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2 ia - IS-IS inter area, *
- candidate default, U - per-user static route o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static
route, H - NHRP, l –LISP + - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last
resort is not set
O [110/65] via, 00:01:08, Serial0/0/0 O [110/65] via, 00:00:57,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/128] via, 00:00:57,Serial0/0/1
[110/128] via, 00:01:08,Serial0/0/0
Note: The accumulated cost to the network from R1 is 65.
c. Issue the show ipospf interface command on R3 to determine the routing cost

R3# show ipospf interface g0/0

GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network
Statement Process ID 1, Router ID,
Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1

Topology-MTIDCost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 1 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority1

Designated Router (ID), Interface address192.168.3.1
No backup designated router on this network
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40 Hello due in 00:00:05
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper support enabled IETF NSF helper
support enabled Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 0

Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent
neighbor count is 0 Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

d.Issue the show ipospf interface s0/0/1 command on R1 to view the routing cost

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
R1# show ipospf interface s0/0/1
Serial0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via NetworkStatement Process ID 1,
Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost: 64

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 64 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, StatePOINT_TO_POINT

Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
Hello due in 00:00:04
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper support enabled IETF NSF
helper support enabled Index 3/3, flood queue length 0
Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent
neighbor count is 1
Adjacent with neighbor Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

The sum of the costs of these two interfaces is the accumulated cost for the route to
the network on R3 (1 + 64 = 65), as can be seen in the output from
the show ip route command.
e. Issue the auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000 command on R1 to change the
default reference bandwidth setting. With this setting, 10Gb/s interfaces will have a
cost of 1, 1 Gb/s interfaces will havea cost of 10, and 100Mb/s interfaces will have a
cost of100.
R1(config)# router ospf 1
R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
% OSPF: Reference bandwidth is changed.
Please ensure reference bandwidth is consistent across all routers.
f. Issue the auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000 command on routers R2 andR3.
g. Re-issue the show ipospf interface command to view the new cost of G0/0 on R3,
and S0/0/1 onR1.

R3# show ipospf interface g0/0

GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Netw

orkStatement Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 10

Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown TopologyName

0 10 no no Base

Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority1

Designated Router (ID), Interface address192.168.3.1
No backup designated router on this network
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40 Hello due in 00:00:02
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS) Cisco NSF helper support enabled IETF NSF
helper support enabled Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
Last flood scan length is 0, maximum is 0
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent
neighbor count is 0 Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

Note: If the device connected to the G0/0 interface does not support Gigabit Ethernet
speed, the cost will be different than the output display. For example, the cost will be
100 for Fast Ethernet speed (100Mb/s).
R1# show ipospf interface s0/0/1
Serial0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network Statement Process ID 1,
Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost: 6476
Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown Topology Name
0 6476 no no Base
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, StatePOINT_TO_POINT
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
Hello due in 00:00:05
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
Cisco NSF helper support enabled
IETF NSF helper support enabled
Index 3/3, flood queue length 0 Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent
neighbor count is 1
Adjacent with neighbor Suppress hello for 0neighbor(s)

h. Re-issue the show ip route ospfcommand to view the new accumulated cost for
the192.168.3.0/24 route (10 + 6476 =6486).
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Note: If the device connected to the G0/0 interface does not support Gigabit Ethernet
speed, the total cost will be different than the output display. For example, the
accumulated cost will be 6576 if G0/0is operating at Fast Ethernet speed(100Mb/s).
R1# show ip route ospf
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B – BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override

Gateway of last resort is not set

O [110/6486] via, 00:05:40,Serial0/0/0 O [110/6486] via, 00:01:08,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/12952] via, 00:05:17,Serial0/0/1
[110/12952] via, 00:05:17, Serial0/0/

Note: Changing the default reference-bandwidth on the routers from 100 to 10,000 in
effect changed the accumulated costs of all routes by a factor of 100, but the cost of
each interface link and route is now more accurately reflected.

i. To reset the reference-bandwidth back to its default value, issue the auto-cost
reference-bandwidth 100 command on all three routers.
R1(config)# router ospf 1
R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100
% OSPF: Reference bandwidth is changed.
Please ensure reference bandwidth is consistent across all routers.
Why would you want to change the OSPF default reference-bandwidth?
Step 2: Change the bandwidth for aninterface.
On most serial links, the bandwidth metric will default to 1544 Kbits (that of a T1). If
this is not the actual speed of the serial link, the bandwidth setting will need to be
changed to match the actual speed to allow the route cost to be calculated correctly in
OSPF. Use the bandwidth command to adjust the bandwidth setting on an interface
Note: A common misconception is to assume that the bandwidth command will change
the physical bandwidth, or speed, of the link. The command modifies the bandwidth

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
metric used by OSPF to calculate routing costs, and does not modify the actual
bandwidth (speed) of the link.
A. Issue the show interface s0/0/0 command on R1 to view the current bandwidth
setting on S0/0/0.Even though the clock rate, link speed on this interface was set to
128Kb/s, the bandwidth is still showing 1544Kb/s.
R1# show interface s0/0/0
Serial0/0/0 is up, line protocol isup Hardware is WIC MBRD Serial Internet address
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit/sec, DLY 20000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload
1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec)
<Output omitted>
c. Issue the show ip route ospfcommand on R1 to view the accumulated cost for the
route to network using S0/0/0. Note that there are two equal-cost
(128) routes to the192.168.23.0/24 network, one via S0/0/0 and one viaS0/0/1.
R1# show ip route ospf
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B – BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set
O [110/65] via, 00:00:26,Serial0/0/0 O [110/65] via, 00:00:26,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/128] via, 00:00:26,Serial0/0/1
[110/128] via, 00:00:26,Serial0/0/0
d. Issue the bandwidth 128 command to set the bandwidth on S0/0/0 to128Kb/s.
R1(config)# interfaces0/0/0
e. Re-issue the show ip route ospfcommand. The routing table no longer displays the
route to the network over the S0/0/0 interface. This is because the
best route, the one withthe lowest cost, is now viaS0/0/1.
R1# show ip route ospf
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B – BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set
O [110/129] via, 00:01:47, Serial0/0/0 O [110/65] via, 00:04:51,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/128] via, 00:04:51,Serial0/0/1

f. Issue the show ipospf interface brief command. The cost for S0/0/0 has changed
from 64 to 781which is an accurate cost representation of the linkspeed.
R1# show ipospf interface brief

Interface PID Area IPAddress/Mask Cost State Nbrs F/C

Se0/0/ 1 0 64 P2P 1/1
Se0/0/0 1 0 81 P2P 1/1
Gi0/0 10 1 DR 0/0

g. Change the bandwidth for interface S0/0/1 to the same setting as S0/0/0 onR1.
h. Re-issue the show ip route ospfcommand to view the accumulated cost of both
routes to the network. Note that there are again two equal-cost (845)
routes to the192.168.23.0/24 network, one via S0/0/0 and one viaS0/0/1.
R1# show ip route ospf
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B – BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set
O [110/782] via, 00:00:09, Serial0/0/0 O [110/782] via, 00:00:09,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/845] via, 00:00:09,Serial0/0/1
[110/845] via, 00:00:09,Serial0/0/0

Explain how the costs to the and networks from R1
were calculated.
i. Issue the show ip route ospfcommand on R3. The accumulated cost of the is still showing as 65. Unlike the clock rate command, the
bandwidth command needs to be applied oneach side of a seriallink.
R3# show ip route ospf
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA
external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 -
OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set
O [110/65] via, 00:30:58, Serial0/0/0
O [110/65] via, 00:30:58,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/128] via, 00:30:58,Serial0/0/1
[110/128] via, 00:30:58,Serial0/0/0

j. Issue the bandwidth 128 command on all remaining serial interfaces in

thetopology. What is the new accumulated cost to the network on

Step 3: Change the routecost.

OSPF uses the bandwidth setting to calculate the cost for a link by default.
However, you can override this calculation by manually setting the cost of a link using
the ipospf cost command. Like the bandwidth command, the ipospf cost command
only affects the side of the link where it was applied.
a. Issue the show ip route ospfonR1.

R1# show ip route ospf

Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set
O [110/782] via, 00:00:26, Serial0/0/0
O [110/782] via, 00:02:50,Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/1562] via, 00:02:40,Serial0/0/1
[110/1562] via, 00:02:40,Serial0/0/0
b. Apply the ipospf cost 1565 command to the S0/0/1 interface on R1. A cost of 1565
is higher thanthe accumulated cost of the route through R2 which is1562.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
R1(config)# interface s0/0/1
R1(config-if)#ipospf cost 1565
c. Re-issue the show ip route ospfcommand on R1 to display the effect this change has
made on the routing table. All OSPF routes for R1 are now being routed throughR2.

R1# show ip route ospf

Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external
type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l -LISP
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override Gateway of last resort is not set
O [110/782] via, 00:02:06, Serial0/0/0
O [110/1563] via, 00:05:31,Serial0/0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/1562] via, 01:14:02,Serial0/0/0
Note: Manipulating link costs using the ipospf cost command is the easiest and
preferred method for changing OSPF route costs. In addition to changing the cost
based on bandwidth, a network administrator may have other reasons for changing
the cost of a route, such as preference for a particular service provider or the actual
monetary cost of a link or route.
Explain why the route to the network on R1 is now going through R2?
1. Why is it important to control the router ID assignment when using the OSPF

2. Why is the DR/BDR election process not a concern in thislab?

3. Why would you want to set an OSPF interface to passive?

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

4. Router Interface Summary Table

Lab 4 Activity 2 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table


Router Interface Summary

Router Ethernet Ethernet Serial

Serial Interface #2
Model Interface #1 Interface #2 Interface #1
Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet Serial 0/0/0
1800 Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
0/0 (F0/0) 0/1 (F0/1) (S0/0/0)
Gigabit Gigabit
Serial 0/0/0
1900 Ethernet 0/0 Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
(G0/0) (G0/1)
Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet Serial 0/1/0
2801 Serial 0/1/1 (S0/1/1)
0/0 (F0/0) 0/1 (F0/1) (S0/1/0)
Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet Serial 0/0/0
2811 Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
0/0 (F0/0) 0/1 (F0/1) (S0/0/0)
Gigabit Gigabit
Serial 0/0/0
2900 Ethernet 0/0 Ethernet 0/1 Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1)
(G0/0) (G0/1)

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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Note: To find out how the router is configured, look at the interfaces to identify
the type of router and how many interfaces the router has. There is no way to effectively
list all the combinations of configurations for each router class. This table includes
identifiers for the possible combinations of Ethernet and Serial interfaces in the device.
The table does not include any other type of interface, even though a specific router may
contain one. An example of this might be an ISDN BRI interface. The string in
parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in Cisco IOS commands to
represent the interface.

Addressing Table

Device Interface MAC Address
Gg0/0 0001.6458.2501 G0/1
S0/0/0 N/A N/A
G0/0 00E0.F7B1.8901 G0/1
S0/0/0 N/A N/A Wireless 0060.2F84.4AB6 F0/2 Wireless 0060.4706.572B F0/2 F0 000C.85CC.1DA7 F0/1 F0 0060.7036.2849 F0/2 G0 0002.1640.8D75 F0/3


Part 1: Examine an ARP Request

Part 2: Examine a Switch MAC Address Table
Part 3: Examine the ARP Process in Remote Communications

This activity is optimized for viewing PDUs. The devices are already configured. You
will gather PDU information in simulation mode and answer a series of questions about
the data you collect.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Part 1: Examine an ARP Request

Step 1: Generate ARP requests by pinging from
a. Click and open the Command Prompt.
b. Enter the arp -d command to clear the ARP table.
c. Enter Simulation mode and enter the command ping Two PDUs will be
generated. The ping command cannot complete the ICMP packet without knowing the
MAC address of the destination. So the computer sends an ARP broadcast frame to
find the MAC address of the destination.
d. Click Capture/Forward once. The ARP PDU moves Switch1 while the ICMP PDU
disappears, waiting for the ARP reply. Open the PDU and record the destination MAC
address. Is this address listed in the table above? FFFF.FFFF.FFFF, No
e. Click Capture/Forward to move the PDU to the next device. How many copies of the
PDU did Switch1 make? 3
f. What is the IP address of the device that accepted the PDU?
g. Open the PDU and examine Layer 2. What happened to the source and destination
MAC addresses? They switched

h. Click Capture/Forward until the PDU returns to How many copies of
the PDU did the switch make during the ARP reply? 1

Step 2: Examine the ARP table.

a. Note that the ICMP packet reappears. Open the PDU and examine the MAC
addresses. Do the MAC addresses of the source and destination align with their IP
b. Switch back to Realtime and the ping completes.
c. Click and enter the arp –a command. To what IP address does the MAC
address entry correspond?
d. In general, when does an end device issue an ARP request?When it does not have the
mac address that corresponds to an IPv4 address

Part 2: Examine a Switch MAC Address Table

Step 1: Generate additional traffic to populate the switch MAC address table.

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
a.From, enter the ping command.
b.Click and open the Command Prompt.
c.Enter the ping command. How many replies were sent and
Step 2: Examine the MAC address table on the switches.
a. Click Switch1and then the CLI tab. Enter the show mac-address-table
command. Do the entries correspond to those in the table above?Yes
b. Click Switch0, then the CLI tab. Enter the show mac-address-table command.
Do the entries correspond to those in the table above?Yes
c. Why are two MAC addresses associated with one port?They are plugged into the
same port just on a different router

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Part 3: Examine the ARP Process in Remote Communications
Step 1: Generate traffic to produce ARP traffic.
a. Click and open the Command Prompt.

b. Enter the ping command.

c. Type arp –a. What is the IP address of the new ARP table entry?
d. Enter arp -d to clear the ARP table and switch to Simulation mode.
e. Repeat the ping to How many PDUs appear? 2
f. Click Capture/Forward. Click the PDU that is now at Switch1. What is the target
destination IP destination address of the ARP request?
g. The destination IP address is not Why? Because it is on a remote network
and the IP address it know is that of the default gateway
Step 2: Examine the ARP table on Router1.
a. Switch to Realtime mode. Click Router1 and then the CLI tab.
b. Enter privileged EXEC mode and then the show mac-address-table command. How
many MAC addresses are in the table? Why? 2 the table is cleared at a given period of
c. Enter the show arp command. Is there an entry for
 First we have to take out two pc’s and two Router’s into the work space.
 Then we have to proceed with the connections.
 After that we have to configure the IP’s for the PC’S.
 Then we have to configure the IP’S for the Router’s then all directions will be in

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Then after we will be seeing there is only clock for Router2 we have to set the clock
limit 64,000.
 After that we have to save it.
 Repeat the same step for Router3 also.
 While setting the clock rate we have to fill the gateway Address is the IP address of
the Router.
 Then on the port status.
 Now we configured all the IP addresses and set the clock frequencies
 For confermation we will be placing the message on PC1 and Router3 it is successful
 But from PC1 to PC0 it will be failed
 So,now we have to configure those connections
 For that we have to type commands on Router>CLI>
 Then save it and close
 We have to repeate the same process to Router1
 Then go config and hit save then the process is done
 Now you can pass the message from one to another PC and one to another Router
 It is shown in the below figure

Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
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Lab 4 – Activity 1-6 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 4 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requirement Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum s

Irrelevant Improper Write Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Partially Responded (4- Well Responded

4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) 7) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Exploring Protocols in Transport and Session Layer with IoT Application:

a) Testing Network Latency with Ping and Trace route,

b) Calculating and Performing Network Delay, Loss and Throughput in Stream Control
Transmission Protocol

Lab 5 Activity 1 : Testing Network Latency with Ping and Trace route.

Topology :

Fig 5.1 Topology for testing the latency with ping and trace route.


Part 1 : Use Ping to document Network Latency

Part 2 : Use Traceroute to document Network latency.

Background/ Scenario :

To obtain realistic network latency statics, this activity must be performed on a

live network. Be sure tto check with your instructor for any local security restrictions
against the ping command on the network.

The purpose of this lab is to measure and evaluate network latency over time, and during
different periods of the day to capture a representative sample of typical network activity.
This will be accomplished by analyzing the return delay form a distant computer with
ping command. Return delay times, measured in milliseconds, will be summarized by
computing the average latency (mean) and the range (maximum and minimum) of the
delay times.

Required Resources
 1 PC (Windows 7 or 8 with Internet access)

Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Part 1: Ping to Document Network Latency
In Part 1, you will examine network latency of several websites in different parts of the
globe. This process can be used in an enterprise production network to create a
performance baseline.

Step 1: Verify connectivity.

Ping the following Regional Internet Registry(RIR) websites to verify connectivity:
Note: does not reply to ICMP requests,it cannot be used for this
Note: If the websites are resolved to IPv6 addresses, the option -4 can be used to resolve
to IPv4 addresses if desired. The command becomes ping -4

Fig 5.2 Collection of networks.

Step 2: Collect network data.

You will collect a sufficient amount of data to compute statistics on the ping output by
sending out 25 echo requests to each address listed in Step 1. Record the results for each
website to text files.
a. At the command prompt, type ping to list the available options.

Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
[-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]]
[-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-4] [-6] target_name

-t Ping the specified host until stopped.
To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;
To stop - type Control-C.
-a Resolve addresses to hostnames.
-n count Number of echo requests to send.
-l size Send buffer size.
-f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet (IPv4-only).
-i TTL Time To Live.
-v TOS Type Of Service (IPv4-only. This setting has been deprecated
<output omitted>
b. Using the pingcommand with the countoption, you can send 25echo requests to
the destination as illustrated below. Furthermore, it will create a text file with filename
of arin.txt in the current directory. This text file will contain the results of the echo
C:\Users\User1>ping –n 25> arin.txt
Note: The terminal remains blank until the command has finished, because the output
has been redirected to a text file, arin.txt, in this example. The >symbol is used to
redirect the screen output to the file and overwrite the file if it already exists. If
appending more results to the file is desired, replace > with >> in the command.
c. Repeat the ping command for the other websites.
C:\Users\User1>ping –n 25> afrinic.txt
C:\Users\User1>ping –n 25> apnic.txt
C:\Users\User1>ping –n 25> lacnic.txt

Step 3: Verify data collection.

To see the results in the file created, use the morecommand at the command prompt.
C:\Users\User1>more arin.txt
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=108ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=114ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=112ms TTL=45
<output omitted>
Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
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Reply from bytes=32 time=111ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=112ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=112ms TTL=45

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 25, Received = 25, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 107ms, Maximum = 121ms, Average = 111ms
Note: Press the Spacebarto display the rest of the file or press q to exit.
To verify that the files have been created, use the dircommand to list the files in the
directory. Also the wildcard * can be used to filter only the text files.
C:\Users\User1>dir *.txt
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 0A97-D265

Directory of C:\Users\User1

02/07/2013 12:59 PM 1,642 afrinic.txt

02/07/2013 01:00 PM 1,615 apnic.txt
02/07/2013 12:40 PM 1,641 arin.txt
02/07/2013 12:58 PM 1,589 lacnic.txt
4 File(s) 6,487 bytes
0 Dir(s) 34,391,453,696 bytes free
Record your results in the following table.

Minimum Maximum Average

Compare the delay results. How is delay affected by geographical location?


Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Part 2: Use Traceroute to Document Network Latency

The routes traced may go through many hops and a number of different ISPs depending
on the size of the ISPs and the location of the source and destination hosts. The
traceroute commands can also be used to observe network latency. In Part 2, the
tracertcommand is used to trace the path to the same destinations in Part 1. The
command tracert is the Windows version of the traceroute command.
The tracertcommand uses ICMP TTL Exceed packets and ICMP echo replies to trace
the path.

Step 1: Use the tracert command and record the output to text files.
Copy the following commands to create the traceroute files:
C:\Users\User1>> traceroute_arin.txt
C:\Users\User1>> traceroute_lacnic.txt
C:\Users\User1>> traceroute_afrinic.txt
C:\Users\User1>> traceroute_apnic.txt
Note: If the websites are resolved to IPv6 addresses, the option -4 can be used to resolve
to IPv4 addresses if desired. The command becomes tracert -4>

Step 2: Use the more command to examine the traced path.

a. Use the more command to access the content of these files:
C:\Users\User1>more traceroute_arin.txt
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1<1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 11 ms 12 ms 11 ms
3 10 ms 15 ms 11 ms
4 19 ms 10 ms 11 ms
5 13 ms 10 ms 11 ms []
6 72 ms 71 ms 70 ms []
7 72 ms 71 ms 72 ms
8 74 ms 83 ms 73 ms
9 75 ms 71 ms 73 ms
10 74 ms 75 ms 73 ms []
Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
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11 71 ms 71 ms 71 ms []
12 73 ms 71 ms 71 ms []

Trace complete.
In this example, it took less than 1 ms to receive a reply from the default gateway
( In hop count6, the round trip to took an average of 71ms.For the
round trip to the final destination at took an average of 72 ms.
Between lines 5 and 6, there is more network delay as indicated by the round trip time
increase from an average of 11 ms to 71 ms
b. Perform the same analysis with the rest of the tracert results.
What can you conclude regarding the relationship between the roundtrip time and
geographical location?

Part 3: Traceroute
Although traceroute has different implementations depending on the platform, all
versions allow the user to adjust its behavior. In Windows this can be done providing
options and switches in the tracert command line.
a. Reverse name resolution (resolving an IP address to a domain name) can add a delay
to tracert results and yield inaccurate results. To ensure tracert won’t attempt to reverse
resolve hop IP addresses, add the –d option to the tracert command line:
C:\Users\User1>tracert –d > traceroute_d_arin.txt
C:\Users\User1>tracert –d > traceroute_d_lacnic.txt
C:\Users\User1>tracert –d > traceroute_d_afrinic.txt
C:\Users\User1>tracert –d > traceroute_d_apnic.txt
b. Use the more command to access the content of these files:
C:\Users\User1>more traceroute_d_arin.txt

Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1<1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 11 ms 12 ms 11 ms
3 10 ms 15 ms 11 ms
4 19 ms 10 ms 11 ms
Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
5 13 ms 10 ms 11 ms
6 72 ms 71 ms 70 ms
7 72 ms 71 ms 72 ms
8 74 ms 83 ms 73 ms
9 75 ms 71 ms 73 ms
10 74 ms 75 ms 73 ms
11 71 ms 71 ms 71 ms
12 73 ms 71 ms 71 ms

Trace complete.
What is different about the tracert output when the –d option was added?
Note:Windows tracert will present a list of available options and their descriptions
when issued without any options.
Note:Cisco IOS implementation of traceroutealso allows for fine tuning but it doesnot
rely on command line options. Cisco IOS extended traceroute presents a number of
simple questions to allow the administrator to provide values for the desired

1. The tracert and ping results can provide important network latency information.
What do you need to do if you want an accurate baseline picture regarding network
latency for your network?
2. How can you use the baseline information?

Lab 5 Activity 2: Stream Control Transmission Protocol


Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a reliable datagram-oriented IP

transport protocol specified by RFC 2960. It provides the layer between an SCTP user
Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
application and an unreliable end-to-end datagram service such as IP. The basic service
offered by SCTP is the reliable transfer of user datagrams between peer SCTP users. It
performs this service within the context of an association between two SCTP hosts.
SCTP is connection-oriented, but SCTP association is a broader concept than the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection, for example.

SCTP provides the means for each SCTP endpoint to provide its peer with a list
of transport addresses, such as address and UDP port combinations. This list is provided
during association startup and shows the transport addresses through which the endpoint
can be reached and from which messages originate. The SCTP association includes
transfer over all the possible source and destination combinations that might be
generated from the two endpoint lists (also known as multihoming).

SCTP is not explicitly configured on routers, but it underlies several Cisco

applications. The commands described in this document are useful for troubleshooting
when SCTP issues are suspected as the cause of problems.

Benefits of SCTP

SCTP provides the following services and features:

 Acknowledged reliable nonduplicated transfer of user data
 Application-level segmentation to conform to the maximum transmission unit (MTU)
 Sequenced delivery of user datagrams within multiple streams
 Optional multiplexing of user datagrams into SCTP datagrams
 Enhanced reliability through support of multihoming at either end or both ends of the
 Congestion avoidance and resistance to flooding and masquerade attacks

Configuring SCTP Authentication Parameters

1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip sctp authenticate {chunk-type | chunk-number}
4. ip sctp asconf {authenticate check | auto }

Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Example: Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable
Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Command or Action Purpose

Router# configure terminal

Step 3 ip sctp authenticate {chun Defines Stream Control Transmission
k-type | chunk-number} Protocol (SCTP) data chunks that the
Example: client requires be authenticated.

Router(config)# ip sctp
authenticate sack
Step 4 ip sctp asconf {authenticat (Optional) Configures SCTP to send
e check | auto } ASCONF chunks automatically in
Example: response to an IP address change on a
router, or to check that the endpoint
supports authentication before sending
Router(config)# ip sctp
the ASCONF chunk.
asconf auto

In lap activity :

Deployment of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) to Maintain the

Applications of Data Centers
Introduction :
With developments of real-time applications into data centers, the need for alternatives
of the standard TCP protocol has been prime demand in several applications of data
centers. The several alternatives of TCP protocol has been proposed but SCTP has edge
due to its several well-built characteristics that make it capable to work efficiently

4-way handshaking process of SCTP

Fig 5.3 Topology for SCTP protocol.

Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Examine the Features of TCP And SCTP

The following results are almost correct for both the sending and receiving. In
addition, these results are based on that the streams are the same weight like associations
or connections as well as the streams aren't able to make the CPU arrives to 100% of
utilization. The results as the following:

a) The arriving rate of SCTP is higher. So that the chunks of SCTP must be removed
where simultaneous processing of 2 streams initiate. Otherwise it causes serious
problem, and that is considered as fundamental shortcoming for the feature of

b) The structure of transmission control block (TCB) must be changed along with finer
granularity locking for relieving the problem which is caused by the resulting lock
contention. It limits severely the stream throughput. That problem of the
implementation is at the function of Sending of LK-SCTP which opens the socket at

Message is also received by the IP-layer and locks the socket at the beginning of
the function. According to given streams shortcomings are created in the side of protocol
specification and in the side of implementation. Parameter Total CPI path length 2ndL
MPI CPU utilization Throughput Mb/sec TCP Send with 4 connection 10.68 8675
0.0769 79.2 1705 SCTP Send 4 association with 2 stream 10.2 23504 0.0876 198 1776
TCP Receive with 4 connection 8.92 7890 0.1204 69 1794 SCTP 4 association with 2
stream 12.4 15604 0.01024 129 1780

c) SCTP is less efficient in the single connection case though the SCTP as TCP are able
to execute and achieve almost the same throughput.
d) According to pervious point the structure of TCP and the handling for SCTP have
some deficiencies which were explained on the experiments as well.

e) Overall throughput of SCTP with two streams over 4 associations or 4 connections is

about 52% and is less than that for two associations.

f) The CPU utilization of SCTP with two streams is also about 52% and lowers than for
the 4 associations or 4 connections.

SCTP tunneling: Flow aggregation and burst transmission to save energy for
multiple TCP flows over a WLAN

Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Fig 5.4 Topology for SCTP and TCP.

Post lab :

Calculation :

Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Network Delay:

Packet Loss :


Result and discussion:

Viva questions

1.TCP is the standard protocol with std no.

Ans: 7.

2.Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol used in networking?

Ans: Both TCP and UDP.

3.A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.

Lab 5 – Activity 1-2 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Ans: port.

4.The_______layer is the network dialog controller.

Ans: Session.

5.The ________layer allows two systems to entre into a dailog.

Ans: Session.

6.Transmission control protocol is.

Ans: connection oriented protocol, uses a three way handshake to establish a connection,
recievs data from application as a single stream.

Lab 5 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requirement Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum s

Irrelevant Improper Write Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Partially Responded (4- Well Responded

4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) 7) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Exploring Application Layer Integrated to IoT Application

a) Configuring HTTP, Email (SMPT, POP3), FTP, DNS, DHCP, NTP, SSDP.
b) Configure Internet Storage Name Service & iSCSI Basics using wireshark.
c) *[Optional Lab]: Create an IPsec VPN tunnel using Network Simulator Software

Lab 6 Activity 1: Configuring HTTP, Email (SMPT, POP3), FTP, DNS, DHCP, NTP,

 Take a switch from network devices
 Take 3 PCs and one sever from end devices.
 Connect them in work space
 Open server and configure ip gateway and dns address
 Go to services >http
 Create a new file with .html and save it

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Now, go to DHCP service and on the DHCP and configure IP and GATEWAY.

 Next go to DNS and keep the ”type” A Record and fill the name and Address and
click ADD
 Then after change the type from A Record to CNAME then fill the name and address
and click ADD

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Then go to all PC’s IP configuration and on the DHCP to autofill the IP and Gateway
 Then go to the first PC and go to command prompt type ftp and IP Address you
configured for the server
 Then fill your username and password, that you kept in the FTP server
 At last type dir

 Then go to PC desktop text editor and save the text file

 Then come to command prompt type “put file name” and then typedir then quit
 After ,that type dir after that delete your file
 Then repeat back process
 Now go pc1 and set the email address ,username, password and save it.
 Now go to pc2 and repeat the above in configure mail and then go compose and fill
the address and message and send. Now check the received email in pc and if wanted
send the reply

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 6 Activity 2: Configuring Simple Network Management Protocol Preferences


Addressing Table
Device Interface IP address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
R1 G0/1 N/A
R1 S0/0/0 N/A
R2 S0/0/0 N/A


Part 1: Build the Network and Configure Basic Device Settings

Part 2: Configure an SNMPv2 Manager and Agent
Part 3: Configure an SNMPv3 Manager and Agent

Background / Scenario
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network management
protocol and an IETF standard which can be used to both monitor and control clients on
the network. SNMP can be used to get and set variables related to the status and
configuration of network hosts like routers and switches, as well as network client
computers. The SNMP manager can poll SNMP agents for data, or data can be
automatically sent to the SNMP manager by configuring traps on the SNMP agents. In
this lab, you will download, install, and configure SNMP management software on PC-
A. You will also configure a Cisco router and Cisco switch as SNMP agents. After
Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
capturing SNMP notification messages from the SNMP agent, you will convert the
MIB/Object ID codes to learn the details of the messages using the Cisco SNMP Object
Note: The routers used with CCNA hands-on labs are Cisco 1941 Integrated Services
Routers (ISRs) with Cisco IOS Release 15.4(3) (universalk9 image). The switches used
are Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2) (lanbasek9 image). Other
routers, switches and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending on the model and
Cisco IOS version, the commands available and output produced might vary from what
is shown in the labs. Refer to the Router Interface Summary Table at the end of the lab
for the correct interface identifiers.

Note: Make sure that the routers and switches have been erased and have no startup
configurations. If you are unsure, contact your instructor.

Note: The snmp -server commands in this lab will cause the Cisco 2960 switch to
issue a warning message when saving the configuration file to NVRAM. To avoid this
warning message verify that the switch is using the lanbase-routing template. The
IOS template is controlled by the Switch Database Manager (SDM). When changing
the preferred template, the new template will be used after reboot even if the
configuration is not saved.

S1# show sdm prefer

Use the following commands to assign the lanbase-routing template as the default SDM
S1# configure terminal
S1(config)# sdm prefer lanbase-routing
S1(config)# end
S1# reload

Required Resources

• 2 Routers (Cisco 1941 with Cisco IOS, Release 15.4(3) universal image or
• 1 Switch (Cisco 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable)
• 1 PC (Windows with terminal emulation program, such as Tera Term, SNMP
manager, such as SNMP MIB Browser by Manage Engine, and Wireshark)
• Console cables to configure the Cisco IOS devices via the console ports
• Ethernet and serial cables as shown in the topology
• SNMP Management Software (SNMP MIB Browser by Manage Engine)

Part 1: Build the Network and Configure Basic Device Settings

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

In Part 1, you will set up the network topology and configure the devices with basic

Step 1: Cable the network as shown in the topology.

Step 2: Configure the PC host.
Step 3: Initialize and reload the switch and routers as necessary.
Step 4: Configure basic settings for the routers and switch.
a. Disable DNS lookup.

b. Configure device names as shown in the topology.

c. Configure IP addresses as shown in the Addressing Table. (Do not configure or
enable the VLAN 1 interface on S1 at this time.)
d. Assign cisco as the console and vty password and enable login.
e. Assign class as the encrypted privileged EXEC mode password.
f. Configure logging synchronous to prevent console messages from interrupting
command entry.
g. Verify successful connectivity between PC-A and R1 and between the routers
by issuing the ping command.
h.Copy the running configuration to the startup configuration.
Part 2: Configure SNMPv2 Manager and Agent
In Part 2, SNMP management software will be installed and configured on PC-
A, and R1 and S1 will be configured as SNMP agents.

Step 1: Install an SNMP management program.

a. Download and install the SNMP MIB Browser by ManageEngine from the
following URL:
tool/download.html. You will be asked to provide an email address to download
the software.

b.Launch the ManageEngine MibBrowser program.

1) If you receive an error message regarding the failure to load MIBs. Navigate to the
MibBrowser Free Tool folder:
32bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool
64bit: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool

2) Right-click the mibs folder, Properties, and select the Security tab. Click Edit.
Select Users. Check the Modify under Allow column. Click OK to change the
3) Repeat the previous step with the conf folder.
4) Launch the ManageEngine MibBrowser program again.
Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 2: Configure a SNMPv2 agent.

On S1, enter the following commands from the global configuration mode to
configure the switch as an SNMP agent. In line 1 below, the SNMP community string is
ciscolab, with read-only privileges, and the named access list SNMP_ACL defines
which hosts are allowed to get SNMP information from S1. In lines 2 and 3, the SNMP
manager location and contact commands provide descriptive contact information. Line 4
specifies the IP address of the host that will receive SNMP notifications, the SNMP
version, and the community string. Line 5 enables all default SNMP traps, and lines 6
and 7 create the named access list, to control which hosts are permitted to get SNMP
information from the switch.

S1(config)# snmp-server community ciscolab ro SNMP_ACL S1(config)# snmp-server

location Company_HQ
S1(config)# snmp-server contact
S1(config)# snmp-server host version 2c ciscolab S1(config)# snmp-server
enable traps
S1(config)# ip access-list standard SNMP_ACL
S1(config-std-nacl)# permit

Step 3: Verify the SNMPv2 settings.

Use the show commands to verify the SNMPv2 settings.
S1# show snmp
Chassis: FCQ1628Y5MG
Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Location: Company_HQ
0 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
0 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
0 Get-request PDUs
0 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
0 Input queue packet drops (Maximum queue size 1000)
0 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors (Maximum packet size 1500)
0 No such name errors
0 Bad values errors
0 General errors
0 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
SNMP global trap: enabled
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to, 0/10, 0 sent, 0 dropped.
SNMP agent enabled
S1# show snmp community
Community name: ciscolab
Community Index: ciscolab
Community SecurityName: ciscolab

storage-type: nonvolatile active access-list: SNMP_ACL <output omitted>

What is the configured SNMP community?
Step 4: Enable SNMP trap.
In this step, you will start the SNMP trap and observe the messages when you configure
and enable SVI on VLAN 1 for S1.
a. In the MibBrowser, click Edit > Settings. Verify that v2c is selected as the SNMP
Version. Click OK to continue.
b.Click Trap Viewer UI ( ).
c. Verify 162 is the Port number and configure ciscolab as the Community.

Part 3: Configure SNMPv3 Manager and Agent

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Step 1: Configure a SNMPv3 agent on R1.
On R1, enter the following commands from the global configuration mode to configure
the router as an SNMP agent. In lines 1 – 3 below, a standard ACL named PERMIT-
ADMIN permits only the hosts of the network /24 to access the SNMP
agent running on R1. Line 4 configures an SNMP view, SNMP-RO, and it includes the
iso tree from the MIB. In line 5, an SNMP group is configured with the name ADMIN,
is set to SNMPv3 with authentication and encryption required, and only allows access
limit to hosts permitted in the PERMIT-ADMIN ACL. Line 5 defines a user named
USER1 with the group ADMIN. Authentication is set to use SHA with the password
cisco12345 and encryption is set for AES 128 with cisco54321 as the configured
R1(config)# ip access-list standard PERMIT-ADMIN
R1(config-std-nacl)# permit
R1(config-std-nacl)# exit

R1(config)# snmp-server view SNMP-RO iso included

R1(config)# snmp-server group ADMIN v3 priv read SNMP-RO access PERMIT-

ADMIN R1(config)# snmp-server user USER1 ADMIN v3 auth sha cisco12345 pri aes
128 cisco54321


*Aug 5 02:52:50.715: Configuring snmpv3 USM user, persisting

snmpEngineBoots. Please Wait...

Step 2: Verify a SNMPv3 configuration on R1.

Use the show commands to verify the SNMPv3 settings.

R1# show run | include snmp
snmp-server group ADMIN v3 priv read SNMP-RO access PERMIT-
ADMIN snmp-server view SNMP-RO iso included
R1# show snmp user
User name: USER1
Engine ID: 800000090300D48CB5CEA0C0
storage-type: non-volatile active
Authentication Protocol: SHA
Privacy Protocol: AES128
Group-name: ADMIN

Step 3: Configure SNMP manager access to the SNMPv3 agent.

a. Navigate to PC-A Open Wireshark. Start a live capture on the appropriate interface.
Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
b. Enter snmp in the Filter field.
c. In the MibBrowser, click Edit > Settings. Select v3 for SNMP Version. Then click Add.

d. Click Start after you have verified the settings. The TrapList field displays

e. To generate SNMP messages, configure and enable SVI on S1. Use the IP address /24 for VLAN 1 and disable and enable the interface.

f. Enter the show snmp command to verify the SNMP messages were sent.

S1# show snmp Chassis: FCQ1628Y5MG Contact: Location:

0 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors

d.Enter the SNMPv3 settings that were configured on R1. Click OK to continue.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

SNMPv3 Parameters Settings

Target Host

User Name USER1
Auth Protocol SHA
Priv Protocol CFB-AES-128
Target Port 161
Security Level Auth,Priv
Auth Password cisco12345
Priv Password cisco54321

e. Click Edit > Find Node. Enter ipAddrTable in the Find What field and click Close.
Verify ipAddrTable is selected in the left panel and is listed in the ObjectID field.

f. Click Operation > GET to get all the objects under the select MIB object,
ipAddrTable in this instance.

g.Navigate back to the Wireshark screen. Stop the live capture.

h. In the Results panel, right-click one of the results. Select Protocol Preferences > Open
Simple Network Management Protocol Preferences.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

i. Click Edit for the Users Table. Click New and enter user information in Step 1. Click OK.

j. Click OK to accept the user information. Click OK again to exit the Wireshark Preferences

Step 4: Review of your results

1. What are the IP addresses configured on R1 in the SNMPv3 results?

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20


1. What are some of the potential benefits of monitoring a network with SNMP?

2. Why is it preferable to solely use read-only access when working with SNMPv2?

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

3. What are the benefits of using SNMPv3 over SNMPv2?

Router Interface Summary Table

Router Interface Summary

Router Ethernet Interface Serial
Model Ethernet Interface #1 Interface #2 #1 Interface #2
Serial 0/0/0 Serial 0/0/1
1800 Fast Ethernet 0/0 Fast Ethernet 0/1 (S0/0/0) (S0/0/1)
Gigabit Ethernet Serial 0/0/0 Serial 0/0/1
1900 Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 0/1 (S0/0/0) (S0/0/1)
Serial 0/1/0 Serial 0/1/1
2801 Fast Ethernet 0/0 Fast Ethernet 0/1 (S0/1/0) (S0/1/1)
Serial 0/0/0 Serial 0/0/1
2811 Fast Ethernet 0/0 Fast Ethernet 0/1 (S0/0/0) (S0/0/1)
Gigabit Ethernet Serial 0/0/0 Serial 0/0/1
2900 Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 0/1 (S0/0/0) (S0/0/1)

Note: To find out how the router is configured, look at the interfaces to identify the
type of router and how many interfaces the router has. There is no way to effectively
list all the combinations of configurations for each router class. This table includes
identifiers for the possible combinations of Ethernet and serial interfaces in the
device. The table does not include any other type of interface, even though a specific
router may contain one. An example of this might be an ISDN BRI interface. The
string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in Cisco IOS
commands to represent the interface.

Lab 6 Activity 3: *[Optional Lab]: Create an IPsec VPN tunnel using Network
Simulator Software
Configuring a Site-to-Site IPsec VPN Tunnel

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
To configure a Site-to-Site VPN connection between two Barracuda NextGen X-
Series Firewalls, in which one unit (Location 1) has a dynamic Internet connection and
the peer unit (Location 2) has a static public IP address, create an IPsec tunnel on both
units. In this setup, Location 1 acts as the active peer. You will need to add an access
rule to allow VPN traffic. Because the WAN IP address of Location 1 is
chosen dynamically via DHCP, the remote gateway on Location 2 must use so
that any incoming IP address is accepted. Using as the remote gateway is
supported only for site-to-site tunnels in Aggressive mode. This setup does not require
third-party DNS services such as DynDNS.

This example configuration uses the following settings:

X-Series Firewall Location 1 X-Series Firewall Location 2

Published VPN Network

Public IP Addresses dynamic via DHCP

Before you Begin

On the VPN > Settings page of both X-Series Firewalls, verify that you selected a valid
VPN certificate. For more information, see Certificate Manager.

Step 1. Enable VPN Listener on the Dynamic IP Address of the Active Peer

On the X-Series Firewall at Location 1, enable Use Dynamic IPs in the GLOBAL
SERVER SETTINGS of the VPN > Settings page for the VPN service to listen on all
IP addresses.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 2. Create the IPsec Tunnel on Location 1

Configure the X-Series Firewall at Location 1 with the dynamic WAN IP as the active

1. Log into the X-Series Firewall at Location 1.

2. Go to the VPN > Site-to-Site VPN page.
3. In the Site-to-Site IPSec Tunnels section, click Add.
4. Enter a Name for the VPN tunnel.
5. Configure the settings for Phase 1 and Phase 2.

6.Specify the network settings:

o Local End – Select Active.
o Local Address – Select Dynamic.
o Local Networks – Enter172.16.0.0/24(the network address for the locally configured
LAN), and click +.
o Remote Gateway – Enter62.99.0.74(the WAN IP address of Location 2).
o Remote Networks – Enter10.0.0.0/25(the remote LAN), and click +.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
7.Specify the authentication settings:
o Authentication – Select Shared Passphrase.
o Passphrase – Enter the shared secret.

8. Enable Aggressive Mode.

Define the Aggressive Mode ID.

9. Click Add.

Step 3. Create the IPsec Tunnel on Location 2

Configure the X-Series Firewall at Location 2, with the static WAN IP as the passive
peer. Use as the IP address for the remote gateway to allow the Location 1
unit to use dynamic WAN IP addresses.

1. Log into the X-Series Firewall at Location 2.

2. Go to the VPN > Site-to-Site VPN page.
3. In the Site-to-Site IPSec Tunnels section, click Add.
4. Enter a Name for the VPN tunnel.
5. Configure the same settings for Phase 1 and Phase 2 as for Location 1.
6. Specify the network settings:

o Local End – Select Passive.

o Local Address – Select62.99.0.74 (the WAN IP address of Location 2).
o Local Networks – Enter10.0.0.0/25 (the network address for the locally configured
LAN), and click +.
o Remote Gateway – Enter0.0.0.0/0because the WAN IP address of location 1 is
chosen dynamically via DHCP.

7. Remote Networks – Enter172.16.0.0/24. (the remote LAN), and click +.

Specify the authentication settings:
o Authentication – Select Shared Passphrase.
o Passphrase – Enter the shared secret.

8. Enable Aggressive Mode.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

9. Define the Aggressive Mode ID.

10. Click Add.

Step 4. Configure the Access Rule for VPN Traffic

Remote and local subnets are automatically added to the VPN-Local-

Networks and VPN-Remote-Networks network objects when saving the Site-to-Site
VPN configuration. If not present, go to FIREWALL > Network Objects and create
these network objects. For more information, see Network Objects.

Create PASS access rules on both Location 1 and Location 2 X-Series Firewalls to allow
traffic in and out of the VPN tunnel.

1.Log into the X-Series Firewall.

2.Go to FIREWALL > Firewall Rules page.
3.Add an access rule with the following settings:
o Action – Allow
o Connection – Select No SNAT
o Bi-directional – Select the Bi–directional checkbox.
o Service – Select Any. All types of network traffic are allowed between the remote
and local network.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
o Source – Select the VPN-Local-Networks network object.
Destination – Select the VPN-Remote-Networks network object.

1.At the top of the Add Access Rule window, click Add.
2.Use drag and drop to place the access rule above any other access rule matching this
3. Click Save.

Step 5. Verify Successful VPN Tunnel Initiation and Traffic Flow

To verify that the VPN tunnel was initiated successfully and traffic is flowing, go
to the VPN > Site-to-Site VPN page. Verify that green check marks are displayed in
the Status column of the VPN tunnel.

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
Use ping to verify that network traffic is passing the VPN tunnel. Open the console of
your operating system and ping a host within the remote network. If no host is available,
you can ping the management IP address of the remote X-Series Firewall. Go to
the NETWORK > IP Configuration page and ensure that Services to Allow: Ping is
enabled for the management IP address of the remote firewall.

If network traffic is not passing the VPN tunnel, go to the BASIC > Recent
Connections page and ensure that network traffic is not blocked by any other access

In lab activity:

1. Starting configurations for R1, ISP, and R3. Paste to global config mode :
hostname R1
interface g0/1
ip address
no shut
interface g0/0
ip address
no shut
ip route
hostname ISP
interface g0/1
Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
ip address
no shut
interface g0/0
ip address
no shut

hostname R3
interface g0/1
ip address
no shut
interface g0/0
ip address
no shut
ip route

2. Make sure routers have the security license enabled:

license boot module c1900 technology-package securityk9

3. Configure IPsec on the routers at each end of the tunnel (R1 and R3)!R1
crypto isakmp policy 10
encryption aes 256
authentication pre-share
group 5!
crypto isakmp key secretkey address!
crypto ipsec transform-set R1-R3 esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac!
crypto map IPSEC-MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set pfs group5
set security-association lifetime seconds 86400
set transform-set R1-R3
match address 100!
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
crypto map IPSEC-MAP!
access-list 100 permit ip!R3
crypto isakmp policy 10
encryption aes 256
authentication pre-share
group 5!
crypto isakmp key secretkey address!
crypto ipsec transform-set R3-R1 esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac!
crypto map IPSEC-MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20
set pfs group5
set security-association lifetime seconds 86400
set transform-set R3-R1
match address 100!
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
crypto map IPSEC-MAP!
access-list 100 permit ip

Post lab activity

Lab 6 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Implementation on Network Protocols

a) Configure network using distance vector routing protocol (RIPV1) with NAT and
b) Configure and Verify EIGRP Encrypted Authentication
c) *[Optional Lab]: Case study of client/server scenario. Observing the difference
between UDP and TCP servers.

Lab 7 Activity 1: Configure network using distance vector routing protocol

(RIPV1) with NAT and PAT.


Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a dynamic routing protocol which uses

hop count as a routing metric to find the best path between the source and the destination
network. It is a distance vector routing protocol which has AD value 120 and works on
the application layer of OSI model. RIP uses port number 520.

Hop Count :

Hop count is the number of routers occurring in between the source and destination
network. The path with the lowest hop count is considered as the best route to reach a
network and therefore placed in the routing table. RIP prevents routing loops by limiting
the number of hopes allowed in a path from source and destination. The maximum hop
count allowed for RIP is 15 and hop count of 16 is considered as network unreachable.

Features of RIP :

1. Updates of the network are exchanged periodically.

2. Updates (routing information) are always broadcast.
3. Full routing tables are sent in updates.
4. Routers always trust on routing information received from neighbor routers. This is
also known as Routing on rumours.
RIP versions :

There are three vesions of routing information protocol – RIP Version1, RIP
Version2 and RIPng.

RIP v1 is known as Classful Routing Protocol because it doesn’t send information of

subnet mask in its routing update. IP v2 is known as Classless Routing Protocol because
it sends information of subnet mask in its routing update.

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Sends update as Sends update as

broadcast multicast Sends update as multicast

Multicast at FF02::9
Broadcast at Multicast at (RIPng can only run on IPv6 networks)

Doesn’t support authentication of
authentication of RIPv2 update
update messages messages –

Classful routing protocol,
protocol supports classful Classless updates are sent

>> Use debug command to get the details :

# debug ip rip
>> Use this command to show all routes configured in router, say for router R1 :
R1# show ip route
>> Use this command to show all protocols configured in router, say for router R1 :
R1# show ip protocols

Consider the below given topology which has 3-routers R1, R2, R3. R1 has IP
address on s0/0/1, on fa0/0. R2 has IP address on s0/0/0, on fa0/0. R3 has IP address
on s0/1, on s0/0, on fa0/0.

Configure RIP for R1 :

R1(config)# router rip

R1(config-router)# network
R1(config-router)# network
R1(config-router)# version 2
R1(config-router)# no auto-summary

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Note : no auto-summary command disables the auto-summarisation. If we don’t select

no auto-summary, then subnet mask will be considered as classful in Version 1


Addressing Table:

Devi Interface IP Address Subnet Default

ce Mask Gateway
Fa0/0 N/A
R1 N/A
Fa0/0 N/A

R2 S0/0/0 N/A

S0/0/1 N/A

Fa0/0 N/A

R3 N/A



Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Step 1: Configure the routers

On the routers, enter global configuration mode and configure the hostname as
shown on the chart. Then configure the console, virtual terminal lines password (both
“cisco”) and privileged EXEC password (“class”):

Step 2: Add the logging synchronous command to the console and virtual terminal
This command is very helpful in both lab and production environments and uses
the following syntax:

Router(config-line)#logging synchronous

Step 3: Disable DNS lookup

Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup

Step 4: Configure the interfaces on R1, R2, and R3

Configure the interfaces on the R1, R2, and R3 routers with the IP addresses from the
table under the Topology Diagram.

Step 5: Verify IP addressing and interfaces

Use the show ip interface brief command to verify that the IP addressing is correct and
that the interfaces are active.

Step 6: Configure Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, and PC3

Configure the Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, and PC3 with the IP addresses and
default gateways from the table under the Topology Diagram.

Step 7: Test the PC configuration by pinging the default gateway from the PC

Task: Configure RIP

Step 1: Enable dynamic routing

To enable a dynamic routing protocol, enter global configuration mode and use the
router command.

Enter router ? at the global configuration prompt to a see a list of available routing
protocols on your router. To enable RIP, enter the command router rip in global
configuration mode.

Router(config)#router rip

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 2: Enter classful network addresses

Once you are in routing configuration mode, enter the classful network address for each
directly connected network, using the network command with the following syntax:
Router(config-router)#network <network_nr>
Router(config-router)#network <network_nr>
The network command:
 Enables RIP on all interfaces that belong to this network. These interfaces will now
both send and receive RIP updates.
 Advertises this network in RIP routing updates sent to other routers every 30 seconds.

Task: Verify RIP Routing

Step 1: Use the show ip route command to verify that each router has all of the
networks in the topology entered in the routing table

Routes learned through RIP are coded with an R in the routing table.

Step 2: Use the show ip protocols command to view information about the routing
The show ip protocols command can be used to view information about the
routing processes that are occurring on the router. This output can be used to verify most
RIP parameters to confirm that:
RIP routing is configured
The correct interfaces send and receive RIP updates
The router advertises the correct networks
RIP neighbors are sending updates

Step 3: Use the debug ip rip command to view the RIP messages being sent and
Rip updates are sent every 30 seconds so you may have to wait for debug information to
be displayed.
For example:

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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R1#debug ip rip
R1#RIP: received v1 update from on Serial0/0/0 in 1 hops in 1 hops in 2 hops
RIP: sending v1 update to via FastEthernet0/0 (
RIP: build update entries
network metric 1
network metric 2
network metric 2
network metric 3
RIP: sending v1 update to via Serial0/0/0 (
RIP: build update entries
network metric 1

The debug output shows that R1 receives an update from R2. Notice how this
update includes all the networks that R1 does not already have in its routing table.
Because the FastEthernet0/0 interface belongs to the network configured
under RIP, R1 builds an update to send out that interface. The update includes all
networks known to R1 except the network of the interface. Finally, R1 builds an update
to send to R2. Because of split horizon, R1 only includes the network in
the update.

Step 4: Discontinue the debug output with the undebug all command
R1#undebug all
All possible debugging has been turned off

Step 5: Show only RIP statements in the routing table

a. Enter show ip route rip command
b. What is the administrative distance of RIP?

Step 6: Last route update

a. Check the routing table for a specific route (IOS version must be at least 12.x)
For example: Enter show ip route
b. When was the last update?
a. What is the default update time for RIP?

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 7: Configure your router to stop sending updates out the FastEthernet0/0
Sending updates out this interface wastes the bandwidth and processing
resources of all devices on the LAN. In addition, advertising updates on a broadcast
network is a security risk. RIP updates can be intercepted with packet sniffing software.
Routing updates can be modified and sent back to the router, corrupting the router table
with false metrics that misdirects traffic.
The passive-interface fastethernet 0/0 command in routing configuration mode
is used to disable sending RIPv1 updates out that interface.
Router(config-router)#passive-interface fastethernet 0/0
Step 8: Verify that updates are not sent to interface FastEthernet0/0 anymore

You can use show ip protocols to ensure FastEthernet0/0 is passive. You can also use
debug ip rip to ensure that router is not sending any RIP updates to FastEthernet0/0.

Note: Sometimes it is necessary to clear the dynamic routing table. Try the command
Router # clear ip route * on both R1 and R2 (you can also do it on the R3). This
command will cause the routers to immediately flush routes in the routing table and
request updates from each other.

Task: Clean Up

Erase the configurations and disconnect attached cabling

LAB 7 Activity 2: Configure Static NAT in Cisco Router

In order to configure NAT we have to understand four basic terms; inside local, inside
global, outside local and outside global. These terms define which address will be
mapped with which address.

Term Description

Inside Local IP Before translation source IP address located inside

Address the local network.
Inside Global IP After translation source IP address located outside
Address the local network.

Outside Global IP Before translation destination IP address located

Address outside the remote network.

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Outside Local IP After translation destination IP address located

Address inside the remote network.

For this tutorial I assume that you are familiar with these basic terms. If you want
to learn these terms in detail please go through the first part of this article which explains
them in details with examples.

This tutorial is the second part of our article “Learn NAT (Network Address
Translation) Step by Step in Easy Language with Examples”. You can read other
parts of this article here. To explain Static NAT Configuration, I will use packet tracer
network simulator software. You can use any network simulator software or can use real
Cisco devices to follow this guide.

There is no difference in output as long as your selected software contains the

commands explained in this tutorial. Create a practice lab as shown in following figure
or download this pre-created practice lab


Initial IP Configuration
Device / Interface IP Address Connected With

Laotop0 Fa0/0 of R0

Laptop1 Fa0/0 of R0

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Device / Interface IP Address Connected With

Laptop2 Fa0/0 of R0

Server0 Fa0/0 of R1

Serial 0/0/0 of R1 Serial 0/0/0 of R2

Serial 0/0/0 of R2 Serial 0/0/0 of R2

If you are following this tutorial on my practice topology, skip this IP configuration
section as that topology is already configured with this initial IP configuration

To assign IP address in Laptop click Laptop and click Desktop and IP

configuration and Select Static and set IP address as given in above table.

Following same way configure IP address in Server.

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

To configure IP address in Router1 click Router1 and select CLI and press Enter key.

Two interfaces of Router1 are used in topology; FastEthernet0/0 and Serial 0/0/0.
By default interfaces on router are remain administratively down during the start up. We
need to configure IP address and other parameters on interfaces before we could actually
use them for routing. Interface mode is used to assign the IP address and other
parameters. Interface mode can be accessed from global configuration mode. Following
commands are used to access the global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Before we configure IP address in interfaces let’s assign a unique descriptive name to

Router(config)#hostname R1
Now execute the following commands to set IP address in FastEthernet 0/0 interface.
R1(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0
R1(config-if)#ip address
R1(config-if)#no shutdown
interface FastEthernet 0/0 command is used to enter in interface mode.
ip address command assigns IP address to interface.
no shutdown command is used to bring the interface up.

exit command is used to return in global configuration mode.

Serial interface needs two additional parameters clock rate and bandwidth. Every serial
cable has two ends DTE and DCE. These parameters are always configured at DCE end.
We can use show controllers interface command from privilege mode to check the
cable’s end.
R1#show controllers serial 0/0/0
Interface Serial0/0/0
Hardware is PowerQUICC MPC860
DCE V.35, clock rate 2000000
[Output omitted]
Fourth line of output confirms that DCE end of serial cable is attached. If you see DTE
here instead of DCE skip these parameters.
Now we have necessary information let’s assign IP address to serial interface.
R1#configure terminal
R1(config)#interface Serial0/0/0
R1(config-if)#ip address
R1(config-if)#clock rate 64000
R1(config-if)#bandwidth 64
R1(config-if)#no shutdown
Router#configure terminal Command is used to enter in global configuration mode.
Router(config)#interface serial 0/0/0 Command is used to enter in interface mode.
Router(config-if)#ip address Command assigns IP address to
Router(config-if)#clock rate 64000

In real life environment this parameter controls the data flow between serial links and
need to be set at service provider’s end. In lab environment we need not to worry about
this value. We can use any valid rate here.
Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Router(config-if)#bandwidth 64

Bandwidth works as an influencer. It is used to influence the metric calculation of

EIGRP or any other routing protocol which uses bandwidth parameter in route selection

Router(config-if)#no shutdown Command brings interface up.

Router(config-if)#exit Command is used to return in global configuration mode.

We will use same commands to assign IP addresses on interfaces of Router2. We need to

provided clock rate and bandwidth only on DCE side of serial interface. Following
command will assign IP addresses on interface of Router2.

Initial IP configuration in R2
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#ostname R2
R2(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0
R2(config-if)#ip address
R2(config-if)#no shutdown
R2(config)#interface Serial0/0/0
R2(config-if)#ip address
R2(config-if)#no shutdown
That’s all initial IP configuration we need. Now this topology is ready for the practice of
static nat.

Configure Static NAT

Static NAT configuration requires three steps: -

1. Define IP address mapping

2. Define inside local interface
3. Define inside global interface

4.Since static NAT use manual translation, we have to map each inside local IP address
(which needs a translation) with inside global IP address. Following command is used
to map the inside local IP address with inside global IP address.

5.Router(config)#ip nat inside source static [inside local ip address] [inside global IP
Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

6. For example in our lab Laptop1 is configured with IP address To map it
with IP address we will use following command

7. Router(config)#ip nat inside source static

8. In second step we have to define which interface is connected with local the network.
On both routers interface Fa0/0 is connected with the local network which need IP

9. Following command will define interface Fa0/0 as inside local.

10. Router(config-if)#ip nat inside
11. In third step we have to define which interface is connected with the global network.
On both routers serial 0/0/0 interface is connected with the global network.
Following command will define interface Serial0/0/0 as inside global.
12. Router(config-if)#ip nat outside
13. Following figure illustrates these terms.

Let’s implement all these commands together and configure the static NAT.

R1 Static NAT Configuration

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static
R1(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/0
R1(config-if)#ip nat inside
R1(config)#interface Serial 0/0/0
R1(config-if)#ip nat outside
Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

For testing purpose I configured only one static translation. You may use following
commands to configure the translation for remaining address.

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static

R2 Static NAT Configuration

R2(config)#ip nat inside source static
R2(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/0
R2(config-if)#ip nat inside
R2(config)#interface Serial 0/0/0
R2(config-if)#ip nat outside
Before we test this lab we need to configure the IP routing. IP routing is the process
which allows router to route the packet between different networks. Following tutorial
explain routing in detail with examples

Routing concepts Explained with Examples

Configure static routing in R1

R1(config)#ip route
Configure static routing in R2
R2(config)#ip route

Testing Static NAT Configuration

In this lab we configured static NAT on R1 and R2. On R1 we mapped inside local IP
address with inside global address while on R2 we mapped inside
local IP address with inside global IP address

Device Inside Local IP Address



To test this setup click Laptop0 and Desktop and click Command Prompt.

 Run ipconfig command.

 Run ping command.
Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Run ping command.

First command verifies that we are testing from correct NAT device.

Second command checks whether we are able to access the remote device or not. A
ping reply confirms that we are able to connect with remote device on this IP

Third command checks whether we are able to access the remote device on its actual
IP address or not. A ping error confirms that we are not able to connect with remote
device on this IP address.

Let’s do one more testing. Click Laptop0 and click Desktop and click Web
Browser and access

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Above figure confirms that host is able to access the
Now run ping command from Laptop1.

Why we are not able to connect with the remote device from this host?
Because we configured NAT only for one host (Laptop0) which IP address is
So only the host will be able to access the remote device.
Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

To confirm it
again, let’s try to
access web service
from this host.

If you followed this tutorial step by step, you should get the same output of testing.
Although it’s very rare but some time you may get different output. To figure out what
went wrong you can use my practice topology with all above configuration. Download
my practice topology

We can also verify this translation on router with show ip nat translation command.

Following figure illustrate this translation on router R1.

Following figure illustrate this translation on router R2

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

The actual IP address is not listed here because router is receiving packets after the
translation. From R1’s point of view remote device’s IP address is while from
R2’s point of view end device’s IP address is

This way if NAT is enabled we would not be able to trace the actual end device.

Post lab activity:


Result and discussion

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Lab 7 Activity 2: Configure and Verify EIGRP Encrypted Authentication.

How to Configure EIGRP Authentication Step by Step

EIGRP:Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) is an
advanced distance-vector routing protocol that is used on a computer network for
automating routing decisions and configuration.EIGRP is used on a router to share
routes with other routers within the same autonomous system Unlike other well-known
routing protocols, such as RIP, EIGRP only sends incremental updates , reducing the
workload on the router and the amount of data that needs to be transmitted.Almost
all routers contain a routing table that contains rules by which traffic is forwarded in a
network. If the router does not contain a valid path to the destination, the traffic is
discarded. EIGRP is a dynamic routing protocol by which routers automatically share
route information.
Step-1:Place all the components
Step-2:Click on router >>switch off the switch in physical>>module>>WIC-1T drag it
and place in original size and again on the switch below it
Step-3:Connect the components

Step-4: Assign the ip address and default-gateway as below

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Step-5:Configure router 0 and router 1

>> Type the commands in CLI

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Step-6: Do the same for router 1

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Step-7:Now configure eigrpfo router 0 and router 1

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Step-8: Give the message to any pc’s and check the output

Post Lab activity:

Viva Voice Questions:

1.What are two characteristics of RIPv2?

Ans: Variable-length subnet masks & manual route summarization

2.Which (config-router) command will allow the network represented on the

interface to be advertised by RIP?
Ans: Network

3.What Is Netstat?
Ans: You can examine your current routing tables by running the command netstat, as
follows: %%%% netstat.

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

4.Advantages of Distance Vector routing?

Ans: It is simpler to configure and maintain than link state routing.
5.Distance Vector routing uses which protocol for transportation.
Ans: Distance Vector routing uses UDP(User datagram protocol) for transportation.

6.What is ALG?
Ans: ALG is AN Application Layer entree (ALG). NAT performs translation service on
any Transmission management Protocol/User Datagram Protocol (TCP/UDP) traffic
that doesn’t carry supply and/or destination informatics addresses within
the application information stream.

7.When creating a pool of global addresses, which keyword can be used instead of
the netmask command?
Ans: prefix-length
8.What is the maximum number of configurable NAT IP pools ?
Ans: The firewall supports a maximum of 256 translated IP addresses per NAT rule

Lab 7 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

a) Configure WRT300N Wireless Router in Packet Tracer .

b) Basic wireless Settings SSID - LWR3000 Configure Wireless Linksys Routers in
packet tracer.
C) *[Optional Lab]: Hands on practice on Wireless N300 and Setup Router.

Lab 8 Activity 1: Configure WRT300N Wireless Router in Packet Tracer .

1. Design the following circuit with the given IP addresses as shown.

2.Give the below configuration to laptop0.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

2. Now go to web browser Option in desktop menu of laptop) and type and
click on Go.
You will now see a drop down menu as shown below. Enter a username and

4. Then change the internet connection type to static IP and enter the below
configuration. Then save the settings and click on Continue.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

5. Now change Router IP address under network settings as

Change Start IP address under DHCP Server settings as and Maximum
number to 100.
Save the settings. Again open web browser and enter as shown below.

Click on wireless and change as per given figure.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Save the settings.

7. Delete Laptop) and place another laptop in place of it.Now connect the wireless rouetr to
the network as shown.

8. Now click on a Laptop. Turn it off. Remove the exixting module and place the
wireless router module as ashown in the figure. Then turn on the laptop and close it.
Do this for all the other laptops.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

9. Now open Conf tab of a laptop and enter the below details.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Repeat this step for all the laptops and you will observe the laptops are connected to the
wireless router.

Lab 2 Activity 2: Basic wireless Settings SSID - LWR3000 Configure Wireless Linksys
Routers in packet tracer.


This document illustrates how to add message authentication to your Enhanced

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) routers and protect the routing table from
willful or accidental corruption.
The addition of authentication to your routers' EIGRP messages ensures that your
routers only accept routing messages from other routers that know the same pre-shared
key. Without this authentication configured, if someone introduces another router with
different or conflicting route information on to the network, the routing tables on your
routers could become corrupt and a denial of service attack could ensue. Thus, when you
add authentication to the EIGRP messages sent between your routers, it prevents
someone from purposely or accidentally adding another router to the network and
causing a problem.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 The time must be properly configured on all routers. Refer to Configuring NTP for
more information.
 A working EIGRP configuration is recommended.

Components Used
The information in this document is based on Cisco IOS® Software Release 11.2
and later. The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific
lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default)
configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential
impact of any command.

In this scenario a network administrator wants to configure authentication for EIGRP

messages between the hub router in Dallas and the remote sites in Fort Worth and
Houston. The EIGRP configuration (without authentication) is already complete on all
three routers. This example output is from Dallas:

Dallas#show ip eigrp neighbors

IP-EIGRP neighbors for process 10

H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq Type
(sec) (ms) Cnt Num
1 Se0/0.2 11 15:59:57 44 264 0 2
Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

0 Se0/0.1 12 16:00:40 38 228 0 3

Dallas#show cdp neigh
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater

Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID

Houston Ser 0/0.2 146 R 2611 Ser 0/0.1
FortWorth Ser 0/0.1 160 R 2612 Ser 0/0.1

Configure EIGRP Message Authentication

The configuration of EIGRP message authentication consists of two steps:
1. The creation of a keychain and key.
2. The configuration of EIGRP authentication to use that keychain and key.
This section illustrates the steps to configure EIGRP message authentication on the
Dallas router and then the Fort Worth and Houston routers.
Create a Keychain on Dallas
Routing authentication relies on a key on a keychain to function. Before authentication
can be enabled, a keychain and at least one key must be created.
1. Enter global configuration mode.
2. Dallas#configure terminal
3. Create the key chain. MYCHAIN is used in this example.
4. Dallas(config)#key chain MYCHAIN
5. Specify the key number. 1 is used in this example.
Note: It is recommended that the key number be the same on all routers involved in the
Dallas(config-keychain)#key 1
6. Specify the key-string for the key. securetraffic is used in this example.
7. Dallas(config-keychain-key)#key-string securetraffic
8. End the configuration.
9. Dallas(config-keychain-key)#end
Dallas# Configure Authentication on Dallas
Once you create a keychain and key, you must configure EIGRP to perform message
authentication with the key. This configuration is completed on the interfaces that
EIGRP is configured on.
Note : When EIGRP message authentication is added to the Dallas interfaces, it stops
receiving routing messages from its peers until they are also configured for message
Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

authentication. This does interrupt routing communications on your network.

See Messages When Only Dallas is Configured for more information.

1. Enter global configuration mode.

2. Dallas#configure terminal
3. From global configuration mode, specify the interface that you want to configure
EIGRP message authentication on. In this example the first interface is Serial 0/0.1.
4. Dallas(config)#interface serial 0/0.1
5. Enable EIGRP message authentication. The 10 used here is the autonomous system
number of the network. md5 indicates that the md5 hash is to be used for authentication.
6. Dallas(config-subif)#ip authentication mode eigrp 10 md5
7. Specify the keychain that should be used for authentication. 10 is the autonomous
system number. MYCHAIN is the keychain that was created in the Create a
Keychain section.
8. Dallas(config-subif)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 10 MYCHAIN
9. Dallas(config-subif)#end
10. Complete the same configuration on interface Serial 0/0.2.
11. Dallas#configure terminal
12. Dallas(config)#interface serial 0/0.2
13. Dallas(config-subif)#ip authentication mode eigrp 10 md5
14. Dallas(config-subif)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 10 MYCHAIN
15. Dallas(config-subif)#end
Configure Fort Worth
This section shows the commands necessary to configure EIGRP message authentication
on the Fort Worth router. For more detailed explanation of the commands shown here,
see Create a Keychain on Dallas and Configure Authentication on Dallas.
FortWorth#configure terminal
FortWorth(config)#key chain MYCHAIN
FortWorth(config-keychain)#key 1
FortWort(config-keychain-key)#key-string securetraffic
Fort Worth#configure terminal
FortWorth(config)#interface serial 0/0.1
FortWorth(config-subif)#ip authentication mode eigrp 10 md5
FortWorth(config-subif)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 10 MYCHAIN
Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Configure Houston
This section shows the commands necessary to configure EIGRP message authentication
on the Houston router. For more detailed explanation of the commands shown here,
see Create a Keychain on Dallas and Configure Authentication on Dallas.
Houston#configure terminal
Houston(config)#key chain MYCHAIN
Houston(config-keychain)#key 1
Houston(config-keychain-key)#key-string securetraffic
Houston#configure terminal
Houston(config)#interface serial 0/0.1
Houston(config-subif)#ip authentication mode eigrp 10 md5
Houston(config-subif)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 10 MYCHAIN
Use this section to confirm that your configuration works properly.
Note: Refer to Important Information on Debug Commands before you
use debug commands.
Messages When Only Dallas is Configured
Once EIGRP message authentication is configured on the Dallas router, that router
begins to reject messages from the Fort Worth and Houston routers because they do not
yet have authentication configured. This can be verified by issuing a debug eigrp
packets command on the Dallas router:
Dallas#debug eigrp packets
17:43:43: EIGRP: ignored packet from (invalid authentication)
17:43:45: EIGRP: ignored packet from (invalid authentication)

!--- Packets from Fort Worth and Houston are ignored because they are !--- not yet
configured for authentication.

Messages When All Routers are Configured

Once EIGRP message authentication is configured on all three routers, they begin to
exchange EIGRP messages again. This can be verified by issuing a debug eigrp
packets command once again. This time outputs from the Fort Worth and Houston
routers are shown:
FortWorth#debug eigrp packets
00:47:04: EIGRP: received packet with MD5 authentication, key id = 1
Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

00:47:04: EIGRP: Received HELLO on Serial0/0.1 nbr

!--- Packets from Dallas with MD5 authentication are received.

Houston#debug eigrp packets

00:12:50.751: EIGRP: received packet with MD5 authentication, key id = 1
00:12:50.751: EIGRP: Received HELLO on Serial0/0.1 nbr

!--- Packets from Dallas with MD5 authentication are received.

La b8 b Activity 2: In lab activity Basic EIGRP Configuration Lab

Topology Diagram

Learning Objectives
 Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
 Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram.
 Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
 Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
 Configure and activate interfaces.
 Configure EIGRP routing on all routers.
 Verify EIGRP routing using show commands.
 Disable automatic summarization.
 Configure manual summarization.
 Document the EIGRP configuration.
Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Addresses Table:

In this lab activity, you will learn how to configure the routing protocol EIGRP
using the network shown in the Topology Diagram. A loopback address will be used
on the R2 router to simulate a connection to an ISP, where all traffic that is not destined
for the local network will be sent. Some segments of the network have been subnetted
using VLSM. EIGRP is a classless routing protocol that can be used to provide subnet
mask information in the routing updates. This will allow VLSM subnet information to
be propagated throughout the network.

Task 1: Prepare the Network.

Step 1: Cable a network that is similar to the one in the Topology Diagram. This activity
begins with an initial network in the logical workspace.
Step 2: Clear any existing configurations on the routers.

Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations.

Perform basic configuration of the R1, R2, and R3 routers according to the following
1. Configure the router hostname.
2. Disable DNS lookup.
3. Configure an EXEC mode password.
4. Configure a message‐of‐the‐day banner.
Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

5. Configure a password for console connections.

6. Configure a password for VTY connections.

Task 3: Configure and Activate Serial and Ethernet Addresses. Step 1: Configure the
interfaces on the R1, R2, and R3 routers.
Configure the interfaces on the R1, R2, and R3 routers with the IP addresses from the table
under the Topology Diagram.
Step 2: Verify IP addressing and interfaces.
Use the show ip interface brief command to verify that the IP addressing is correct and that
the interfaces are active.
When you have finished, be sure to save the running configuration to the NVRAM of
the router.
Step 3: Configure Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, and PC3.
Configure the Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, and PC3 with the IP addresses and default
gateways from the table under the Topology Diagram.

Task 4: Configure EIGRP on the R1 Router. Step 1: Enable EIGRP.

Use the router eigrp command in global configuration mode to enable EIGRP on the R1
router. Enter 1 for the autonomous‐system parameter.
R1(config)#router eigrp 1
Step 2: Configure classful network
Once you are in the Router EIGRP configuration sub‐mode, configure the classful
network to be included in the EIGRP updates that are sent out of R1.
The router will begin to send EIGRP update messages out each interface belonging to the network. EIGRP updates will be sent out of the FastEthernet0/0 and Serial0/0/0
interfaces because they are both on subnets of the network.
Step 3: Configure the router to advertise the network attached to the
Serial0/0/1 interface.
Use the wildcard‐mask option with the network command to advertise only the subnet and
not the entire classful network.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Note: Think of a wildcard mask as the inverse of a subnet mask. The inverse of the subnet
mask is To calculate the inverse of the subnet mask, subtract the
subnet mask from Subtract the
subnet mask
0 . 0 . 0. 3 Wildcard mask
R1(config-router)# network
When you are finished with the EIGRP configuration for R1, return to privileged EXEC
mode and save the current configuration to NVRAM.

Task 5: Configure EIGRP on the R2 and R3 Routers.

Step 1: Enable EIGRP routing on the R2 router using the router eigrp command. Use an
autonomous system number of 1.
R2(config)#router eigrp 1
Step 2: Use the classful address to include the network for the FastEthernet0/0
Notice that DUAL sends a notification message to the console stating that a neighbor
relationship with another EIGRP router has been established.

What is the IP address of the EIGRP neighbor router?

What interface on the R2 router is the neighbor adjacent to?

Step 3: Configure the R2 router to advertise the network attached to the
Serial0/0/1 interface.
Use the wildcard‐mask option with the network command to advertise only the subnet and
not the entire classful network.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

When you are finished, return to privileged EXEC mode.


Step 4: Configure EIGRP on the R3 router using the router eigrp and network
commands. Use an autonomous system number of 1.

Use the classful network address for the network attached to the FastEthernet0/0
interface. Include the wildcard masks for the subnets attached to the Serial0/0/0 and Serial
0/0/1 interfaces. When you are finished, return to privileged EXEC mode.

R3(config)#router eigrp 1

Notice that when the networks for the serial links from R3 to R1 and R3 to R2 are
added to the EIGRP configuration, DUAL sends a notification message to the
console stating that a neighbor relationship with another EIGRP router has been
Task 6: Verify EIGRP Operation. Step 1: View neighbors.
On the R1 router, use the show ip eigrp neighbors command to view the neighbor
table and verify that EIGRP has established an adjacency with the R2 and R3 routers.
You should be able to see the IP address of each adjacent router and the interface that R1
uses to reach that EIGRP neighbor.
R1#show ip eigrp neighbors
Step 2: View routing protocol information.
On the R1 router, use the show ip protocols command to view information about
the routing protocol operation. Notice that the information that was configured in Task 5,
such as protocol, autonomous system number, and networks, is shown in the output.
The IP addresses of the adjacent neighbors are also shown.
R1#show ip protocols

Notice that the output specifies the autonomous system number used by EIGRP.
Remember, the autonomous system number must be the same on all routers for EIGRP

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

to establish neighbor adjacencies and share routing information.

Task7: Examine EIGRP Routes in the Routing Tables. Step1: View the routing table on
the R1 router.

EIGRP routes are denoted in the routing table with a D, which stands for DUAL (Diffusing
Update Algorithm), which is the routing algorithm used by EIGRP.

R1#show ip route

Notice that the parent network is variably subnetted with three child routes
using either a /24 or /30 mask. Also notice that EIGRP has automatically included a
summary route to Null0 for the network. The route does not
actually represent a path to reach the parent network, If a packet destined for does not match one of the level 2 child routes, it is sent to the Null0 interface.

The Network is also variably subnetted and includes a Null0 route.

Step 2: View the routing table on the R3 router.

The routing table for R3 shows that both R1 and R2 are automatically summarizing the network and sending it as a single routing update. Because of automatic
summarization, R1 and R2 are not propagating the individual subnets. Because R3 is
getting two equal cost routes for from both R1 and R2, both routes are
included in the routing table.

Task 8: Configure EIGRP Metrics.

Step 1: View the EIGRP metric information.
Use the show ip interface command to view the EIGRP metric information for the
Serial0/0/0 interface on the R1 router. Notice the values that are shown for the bandwidth,
delay, reliability, and load.

R1#show interface serial0/0/0

Step 2: Modify the bandwidth of the Serial interfaces.

On most serial links, the bandwidth metric will default to 1544 Kbits. If this is not the
actual bandwidth of the serial link, the bandwidth will need to be changed so that the EIGRP
metric can be calculated correctly.
For this lab, the link between R1 and R2 will be configured with a bandwidth of 64 kbps,
and the link between R2 and R3 will be configured with a bandwidth of 1024 kbps. Use
the bandwidth command to modify the bandwidth of the Serial interfaces of each router.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

R1 router:
R1(config)#interface serial0/0/0 R1(config-if)#bandwidth 64
R2 router:
R2(config)#interface serial0/0/0 R2(config-if)#bandwidth 64 R2(config)#interface
serial0/0/1 R2(config-if)#bandwidth 1024
R3 router:
R3(config)#interface serial0/0/1 R3(config-if)#bandwidth 1024
Note: The bandwidth command only modifies the bandwidth metric used by routing
protocols, not the physical bandwidth of the link.
Step 3: Verify the bandwidth modifications.
Use the show ip interface command to verify that the bandwidth value of each link has been
Note: Use the interface configuration command no bandwidth to return the bandwidth to its
default value.

Task 9: Examine Successors and Feasible Distances.

Step 1: Examine the successors and feasible distances in the routing table on R2.
R2#show ip route

Step 2: Answer the following questions: What is the best path to PC1?

A successor is a neighboring router that is currently being used for packet forwarding. A
successor is the least‐cost route to the destination network. The IP address of a successor
is shown in a routing table entry right after the word “via”.
What is the IP address and name of the successor router in this route?

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Feasible distance (FD) is the lowest calculated metric to reach that destination. FD is the
metric listed in the routing table entry as the second number inside the brackets.
What is the feasible distance to the network that PC1 is on?

Task 10: Determine if R1 is a Feasible Successor for the Route from R2 to the
A feasible successor is a neighbor who has a viable backup path to the same network as
the successor. In order to be a feasible successor, R1 must satisfy the feasibility
condition. The feasibility condition (FC) is met when a neighbor’s reported distance (RD)
to a network is less than the local router’s feasible distance to the same destination network.
Step 1: Examine the routing table on R1.

What is the reported distance to the network?

Step 2: Examine the routing table on R2.

What is the feasible distance to the network?

Would R2 consider R1 to be a feasible successor to the network?

Task 11: Examine the EIGRP

Topology Table. Step 1: View the
EIGRP topology table.

Use the show ip eigrp topology command to view the EIGRP topology table on R2.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 2: View detailed EIGRP topology information.

Use the [network] parameter of the show ip eigrp topology command to view detailed
EIGRP topology information for the network.

R2#show ip eigrp topology

How many successors are there for this network?

What is the feasible distance to this network?

What is the IP address of the feasible successor?

What is the reported distance for from the feasible successor?

What would be the feasible distance to if R1 became the successor?

Task 12: Disable EIGRP Automatic Summarization. Step 1: Examine the routing table of
the R3 router.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Notice that R3 is not receiving individual routes for the,,
and subnets. Instead, the routing table only has a summary route to the
classful network address of through the R1 router. This will cause packets
that are destined for the network to be sent through the R1 router instead of
being sent straight to the R2 router.

Why is the R1 router ( the only successor for the route to the

Notice that the reported distance from R2 is higher than the feasible distance from R1.

R3#show ip eigrp topology

Step 2: Disable automatic summarization on all three routers with the no auto‐summary
R1(config)#router eigrp 1
R2(config)#router eigrp 1

R3(config)#router eigrp 1

Step 3: View the routing table on R1 again.

Notice that individual routes for the,, and
subnets are now present and the summary Null route is no longer listed.
Task 13: Configure Manual Summarization. Step 1: Add loopback addresses to R3

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Add two loopback addresses, and, to the R3 router. These
virtual interfaces will be used to represent networks to be manually summarized along
with the LAN.
R3(config)#interface loopback1
R3(config-if)#ip address
R3(config-if)#interface loopback2
R3(config-if)#ip address
Step 2: Add the and networks to the EIGRP configuration on
R3(config)#router eigrp 1
Step 3: Verify new routes.
View the routing table on the R1 router to verify that the new routes are being sent out in
the EIGRP updates sent by R3.
Step 4: Apply manual summarization to outbound interfaces.
The routes to the,, and networks can be
summarized in the single network Use the ip summary‐address eigrp
as‐number network‐address subnet‐mask command to configure manual summarization
on each of the outbound interfaces connected to EIGRP neighbors.
R3(config)#interface serial0/0/0
R3(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 1 R3(config-if)#interface serial0/0/1
R3(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 1 R3(config-if)#
Step 5: Verify the summary route.
View the routing table on the R1 router to verify that the summary route is being sent out in
the EIGRP updates sent by R3.
At the end of this activity your completion rate should be 100%. If the completion rate is
not 100%, use the Check Results button and troubleshoot as necessary.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Post lab activity

Sample calculation

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 8 Activity 3: Set Up Of D-Link Wi-Fi Route

Open up the packed power adapter and connect the adapter to the router and to the wall
outlet or the power strip.

Insert ethernet cable between LAN port1 (on the back panel of the wireless router) and
any available ethernet port on the NIC (network interface card) on the laptop which your
going to use to configure the wi-fi system.

This port is usually coloured with a yellow colour to separate it from the other outgoing
Ethernet ports.

On the D-Link 524 and D-Link 624 routers, the colour of the WAN port is black.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

If one is using a D-Link DSL 2640T router, then it has formed a DSL modem. Rather
than connecting your device to another modem with an ethernet cable, one should
connect his phone cable from your phone jack to the DSL port at the backside of the D-
Link 2640T.

Now, wait for a few seconds to get your Power and WAN’s status to light up


A. Wired Connection:

Join the ethernet cord to the ethernet port on your computer device and one of that
ethernet ports on the D-Link wi-fi router. The user can utilize any of the Ethernet ports
on the wi-fi router and the WAN port, which should be then connected to your modem.

B. Wireless Connection:

First, click on the network icon shown on the displayed System Tray. Now, click on the
name of the network linked with the router which will be mentioned on the packaged
configuration card with the router. Enter the password or network key (the password)
penned on the configuration card Finally, hit on the “connect” tab to meet the networks

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

The Configuration of The Router.
 Enter the IP address of the router into the address bar. For the D-Link 524 and 624
models, the IP address is and it is for the other models such as

 Now the pop-up message will ask for-

Username: admin
Password: admin
Press enter.
 Now the default page of the router will get opened.
 For setup internet click setup -> Internet -> MANUAL INTERNET

 Set my internet connection is: Static IP (if your ISP provided you Static IP like
Ip address:
Subnet mask:

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Default Gateway :

Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Set my internet connection is: PPPoE (if your ISP provided you username and
password like below)
Username: 121@smith
Password: smith121
 Click on “save settings”

Internet setup is Ok.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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 For wi-fi setting click on “wireless setting” or ‘manual wireless settings”.



Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Network name: My Wi-fi Router (as you like)

Set wireless security mode: WPA-Personal (in wireless security mode)

Set your Wi-fi password:

Pre-shared Key: 123456789(as you like)
Click on “save settings”

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Now unplug Ethernet cable from your laptop and router and connect the Ethernet
cable to your internet modemodem and your router’s internet / WAN port.
 Now connect your laptop with your wi-fi name( My Wifi Router) and your
password (123456789) and use your internet.

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 8 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

DHCP and DNS Servers

a) Configure and Verify Static IP addressing and DHCP addressing.

b) Cable Modem, DSL and Dialup Configuration
c) *[Optional Lab]: Hands on Practice Net Gear N150 Wireless-N ADSL2+ Modem
Router DGN1000

Lab 9 Activity 1: Configure and Verify Static IP addressing and DHCP


1. Open cisco packet tracer and design the circuit as shown below

1.Go to ip configuration of Server0 and set the IPaddress:

Default gateway: &DNS server :
2.Go to DHCP in Services in Server0 and set
Default gateway: andDNS server: and
Starter IPaddress: and press ADDand Save it and ON the Service

3. Go to Fast Ethernet 0/0 in config in Router0& Router1and set

Ipaddress: &ON the port Status
4. Go to Fast Ethernet 1/0 in config in Router0 and set
Ipaddress: &ON the port Status
5. Go to Fast Ethernet 1/0 in config in Router1 and set
Ipaddress: &ON the port Status
6.Go to CLI in Router 0 & Router1 and type the following commands
Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

A- Interface FastEthernet1/0
B- Ip helper-address
C- Exit

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Go to Ipconfigurationin Desktop in PC0 ,PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5 and change from
static to DHCP

10. When u open IP configuration again u have to get a msg saying DHCP successful

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9 Activity 2: Cable Modem, DSL and Dialup Configuration

Dial-Up vs. DSL vs. Cable vs. Satellite Internet – Globalcom
The Battle of Internet Connections: Dial-Up vs. DSL vs. Cable vs. Satellite
As demand for faster, better, more efficient internet connection increases, so does the
number of connection options developed to meet these needs. Below is a summary of
uses and advantages of four very popular connectivity choices so far:
This is the grand pappy of internet connections and just as slow… like, S-L-O-W,
capable only of 56kbps or lower. However, for the most basic uses such as sending mails
with small- to medium-sized files attached, dial-up should do.
Dial-up will also allow you to view most websites, generally content-heavy ones. But
sites loaded with graphics, animations and other tricks will take a while to load. For real-
time viewing and videos, dial-ups can’t perform as well. The connection will also hog
the phone line so making or receiving phone calls when internet access is on can only be
done using a separate line.
DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is a type of broadband connection and
considerably much faster than dial-up. The two most common types are ADSL
(asymmetrical) and SDSL (symmetrical).
A DSL connection will not tie up a phone line. It’s always available so there is no need
to dial an ISP. DSL speeds can go from several hundred kbps to around 8 Mbps. This
much speed allows high volume data use, loads websites quickly and is quite efficient to
use with live chats, viewing videos in real time and playing online games.
Cable internet connection is faster than a dial-up but sometimes slower than DSL.
Internet connection is obtained using a cable modem. This connection will be shared on
lines used for cable TV. To transmit data, space reserved for TV channels are used, some
to handle upstream transmissions and others for downstream transmissions.
Internet over Satellite or IoS uses (what else?) a satellite to handle data transmissions.
Unlike cable or DSL where speed fluctuations occur, satellite internet allows for
smoother, uninterrupted connections, regardless of the user’s location. It also allows
even large files to download or upload much faster. Speeds vary, however, depending on
the user’s chosen plan.
Satellite internet is the internet connection of choice for remote locations where
conventional forms of connectivity aren’t available.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Types of Internet Connections- Wireless, Dial-up, DSL, Fiber, Cable, ISDN

Internet connections are of different types depending upon the cost, speed, availability,
etc. which type of internet connection is most beneficial for you? It depends upon many
factors. Internet connections are categorized according to their uses like at home, offices,
organization, etc. So, after going through this article you will definitely recognize which
internet connection will be best for you?
Different Types of Internet Connections
Let us discuss the top 10 general types of internet connections:

1. Dial-up

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

In the past, the internet is connected by the dial-up lines.

The dial-up line uses PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). PSTN may
be of the telephone line, fiber optic, Microwave transmission or communications
satellite.Dial-up internet connections are connected through a telephone line. For
accessing the internet, you have to dial a specific number, and Your ISP will open the
internet line for you. Here is the same line for internet and telephone, so at a time only
one task can take place either you can run internet or talk on the telephone. It is the main
disadvantage of a Dial-up connection.It is the most inexpensive form of the internet
connection, apart from it, its speed is also very slow from 28 Kbps to 56 Kbps. It has a
very high ping (Latency) speed so we cannot watch online movies and play online

ISDN stands for Integrated Service Digital Network.

This connection is nearly similar to the DSL.
ISDN is a set of international communication standards designed in 1980 and improved
in the 1990s. It is a digital network to transmit voice, image, video, and text over the
existing circuit-switched PSTN telephone network. Different types of devices, such as
analog phone, a fax machine, or a computer, are connected to an ISDN terminal adaptor,
which converts different types of data into ISDN format so that they can share the same
digital PSTN network.
There are two major types of ISDN:-

I) BRI – Basic Rate Interface (2B+D)

– Two 64 kbit/s bearer (B) channels (For data)
– One 16 kbit/s signaling (D) channels ( For call setup and breakdown)

II) PRI- Primary Rate Interface

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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23B Channel- 64 Kbits/s (Mainly uses in North America)

1D channel- 64 Kbits/s (signaling and setup)
This connection is commonly used as connectivity from PSTN to large phone systems
(PBX). Dial-up and ISDN are the old types of internet connections.Related;
3. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

In a DSL internet connection, both voice and internet data can flow over the same
telephone line at the same time. It has a DSL modem which filters the voice and data.
DSL represents a high-speed connection, much fast than the ancient dial-up connection,
but it is not as fast as a cable connection. So due to DSL modem, you can go on the
internet and talk on the phone at the same time (Modem convert analog signal to digital
signal). Speed of DSL varies; depending upon the place where you live, but on an
average, download speed varies from 5Mbps to 100 Mbps.

Types of DSL internet:

1. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line): In this internet connection
downloading speed is considerably faster than the uploading speed.It is mostly used
at home because at home we download more as compare to upload. Moreover, it is
the cheapest form of DSL.

2. SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line): In SDSL connection, Download and

upload speed are equal. It is typically used in businesses.

3. VDSL (Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line): it is the fastest form of the
DSL. It is fast because, in its line, copper wire is used. Due to copper, it is only
installed for limited distances. On an average VDSL is 3 times faster than the ADSL.
4. Cable Internet Connection

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Broadband Cable is typically provided by the same provider that provides cable
television to its customers. Here we use cable modem/wifi router combo. Because of the
connection of your neighbours and you are on the same cable line so during the peak
hours you have experienced slow speed. The reason behind is that your neighbours are
also using at the same time.
5. Fiber

A fiber internet connection provides the fastest internet speed today. It can provide
download and upload speed of up to 1000 Mbps. It uses light to transfer the data through
the optical fiber cable. In other forms of internet, connection data is transferred in
electrical form, so signal get weaker and weaker at large distances because singles in the
copper cable can be affected by electromagnetic interference.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

But in the fiber optic cable, signal transfers in the glass in the form of light, it can travel
to long distances without any losses. Fiber is more expensive than the DSL and cable.
Reference :
Lab 9 Activity: In lab practice:

Topology to be connected in lab:

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Post lab activity:


Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Result and discussion:

Lab 9 Activity 3: *[Optional Lab]: Hands on Practice Net Gear N150 Wireless-N
ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN1000

Pre-requisite :

Configuring NETGEAR N150 wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN1000 for bsnl

Follow the below steps carefully for configuring NETGEAR N150 wireless ADSL2+
Modem Router DGN1000 for bsnl broadband.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

1. Open Your Browser ( Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Epic,
Opera, Safari ), then type in the address bar and press enter, it will take
you to the netgear page.
2. Enter the credential of the Username and Password as in the instructions manual of
the netgear, you will get along with your box it will be named as package of contents.
3. Click on the left side panel, Basic Settings. under it enter the following as follow :

Does Your Internet Connection Require A Login?

Encapsulation = PPPoE(PPP over Ethernet)
Login : (This you have to get from your isp provider)
Password: (This you have to get from your isp provider)
Internet IP Address : get dynamically from isp
Domain Name Server (DNS) Address :
Use these Dns servers :
Primary Dns : 218:248:255:145
Secondary Dns:208:67:222:222
NAT (Network Address Translation)
click apply

4. Goto Adsl settings.

Multiplexing Method
VPI - 0
VCI - 35
click apply

5. Goto WAN SETUP under ADVANCED tab.

change MTU SIZE to 1460
(Remember if you dont change this settings some sites like yahoo didnt open properly
and makes the modem to overloaded which will result in frequent disconnection)
click apply.
Your internet connection is ready now to use with ethernet cable.

6. To use the wireless connection, go to wireless settings and do as follows :

Name (SSID): Any name you like
Channel: 11
Wireless Access Point
Enable wireless access point : Yes
Allow Broadcast of Name (SSID) : Yes
Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Go to security options and select WPA2-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 with Pre-
Shared Key)

WPA-PSK Security Encryption Network Key (8 ~ 63 characters) : Write down your

preffered password ( The password must contain both numbers and letters.
Click apply and now your internet connection is ready to use.

Lab 9 Activity 3 : In lab

How to configure a NETGEAR DSL Modem Router for Internet connection with
Smart Wizard
If you have a cable Internet connection, see one of the following articles:
 If your router uses the NETGEAR genie interface, see How to configure your
NETGEAR router for cable Internet connection with NETGEAR genie
 If your router uses the old Smart Wizard user interface, see How to configure your
NETGEAR router for cable Internet connection with Smart Wizard

To configure your DSL modem router for Internet connection with Smart Wizard:
Connect the DSL port of the NETGEAR modem router to the phone line, via the DSL
Microfilter, as shown in the diagram. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the computer to
any of the four LAN ports as shown in the diagram. Connect the NETGEAR DSL
modem router to its power supply unit (PSU) (Not shown in the diagram) and wait about
a minute for it to boot up.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Open a web browser and type the router's IP address which would be
either or in the address bar and press Enter.
o You are prompted to log into the router.
o The default username is admin and the default password is password.
o The username and password are case-sensitive.
If the default username and password is not working, you might have changed the
password. Please try other passwords that you might have changed to. Otherwise, a
factory reset is needed to restore the router to factory defaults. To perform a factory
reset, see Restoring a NETGEAR home router to the factory default settings.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Click Setup Wizard on the top left corner, Select Yes for the Setup Wizard to detect the
type of Internet connection and click Next.

The Setup Wizard will report which connection type it has discovered, and then display
the appropriate configuration page. Please follow the steps under the connection type
detected by your router:

Note: If the Setup Wizard finds no connection, please check the physical
connection of your devices, and make sure that your ISP has already activated your DSL

Wizard Detected PPPoE Login Account Setup:

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Enter the PPPoE login user name and password. These fields are case-sensitive. This
information should have been provided to you by your ISP. Wizard Detected PPPoA
Login Account Setup:

Enter your login user name and password. These fields are case-sensitive. This
information should have been provided to you by your ISP.

Wizard Detected Dynamic IP Account Setup:

Click Apply to set Dynamic IP as the connection method.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Wizard Detected IP over ATM Account Setup:

Enter your assigned IP Address and Subnet Mask. This information should have been

provided to you by your ISP. Enter the IP address of your ISP's Primary DNS Server. If
a Secondary DNS Server address is available, enter it also. Click Apply to save the
settings. Click Test to test your Internet connection.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Wizard Detected Fixed IP (Static) Account Setup:

If required, enter the Account Name and Domain Name from your ISP. 2. Select Use
Static IP Address or Use IP Over ATM (IPoA-RFC1483 Routed) according to the
information from your ISP. If you Select IPoA, the router will be able to detect the
gateway IP address but you still need to provide the router IP address. 3. Enter your
assigned IP Address, Subnet Mask, and the IP Address of your ISP's gateway router.

This information should have been provided to you by your ISP. 4. Enter the IP
address of your ISP's Primary DNS Server. If a Secondary DNS Server address is
available, enter it also.

Click Apply to save the settings.

Click Test to test your Internet connection.

The router will now save these settings. When complete, you can verify whether you are
connected to the Internet from the Router Status under Maintenance menu.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Verify that you have a valid IP address (not blank or on the Internet or
ADSL Port.
configure ADSL settings on my NETGEAR DSL Modem Router using the router web
interface If you have a older router with a Smart Wizard user interface, see How to
manually configure the ADSL settings on a NETGEAR DSL Gateway with Smart
How to manually configure the ADSL settings on a NETGEAR DSL Modem
Router with NETGEAR genie:
STEP 1: Please follow the "Install Your Modem Router" section in the Installation
Guide at the link below to setup the physical connections. You can move to the next step
after completing page 5.

Click to open Installation Guide.

After connecting the devices together, check the lights on the front panel of the router.
Make sure the Ethernet port LED is lit for the connected computer.

STEP 2: If this is the first time configuration, open a web browser to get redirected to
the NETGEAR genie Wizard. If you are not redirected, please access the router by using
the default IP (or) (or)
Username: admin
Password: password

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

For manual configuration, select No, I want to configure the internet connection
myself and click Next.

Under the Basic Tab, click on Internet.
 Select Yes for the "Does your internet connection requires a login?"
 For PPPoE type of DSL service, click the drop-down arrow under the Internet
Service Provider select PPPoE.
 Type the Username and Password given by your ISP.
 Click Apply.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 For the Connection Mode setting: by selecting Dial on Demand option, connection
automatically starts when there is outbound traffic to the internet and it automatically
terminates if the connection is idle based on the value in the Idle Timeout setting.
 By selecting Always On option, the connection automatically starts when the
computer boots up but the connection does not time out. The router will keep trying
to bring up the connection if it is disconnected for some reason.
 By selecting Manually Connect option, you must go to the Router Status screen and
click the Connect button in order to connect to the Internet. The manual connection
does not time out and you have to click the Disconnect button on the Router Status
screen to disconnect it.

STEP 4: Under the Advanced Tab, click Setup and in the drop down list
select ADSL settings.
 Based on the type of connection you have, select the Multiplexing method
as VC – BASED or LLC – BASED. By Default the VPI and VCI value is set to 8
and 35 respectively. Check with your internet service provider for your VPI and VCI
value and enter it in their respective boxes.

 By Default the VPI and VCI value is set to 8 and 35 respectively. Check with your
internet service provider for your VPI and VCI value and enter it in their respective

Click Apply.

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Below is the list of example ISP's VPI and VCI information.

8 35 LLC
Exetel 8 35 VC
iiNET 8 35 LLC
Australia Internode
8 35 VC
Optus 8 35 VC
Telstra 8 35 VC
TPG Internet 8 35 LLC
Belgium BASE 8 35 LLC
Bell Sympatico 0 35 LLC
Canada MTS 8 35 VC
Teksavvy 0 35 LLC
FREE 8 36 VC
Orange 8 35 VC
OVH 8 35 VC
SFR 8 35 LLC
Italy Telecom Italia 8 35 LLC
Spain Orange 8 32 LLC
Sweden Telia Sonera 8 35 LLC
Switzerland Sunrise 8 35 LLC
ADSL24 0 38 VC
United O2 0 101 LLC
Kingdom Plusnet 0 38 VC
SKY 0 38 VC
Talk Talk 0 38 VC
AT&T 0 35 LLC
AT&T 8 35 LLC
CenturyLink 0 32 LLC
United States
Frontiernet 0 35 LLC
NetZero 7 20 LLC
Verizon 0 35 LLC

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

To check the Internet IP address, Click ADVANCED and look under Internet Port.

If the IP Address is valid, it is connected to the internet.

If the Internet IP Address is showing, click on Connection Status.
Then, click on Connect to obtain valid IP address and the internet should be working

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Post lab activity

Sample calculation

Result and discussions

9Configure and Verify Static IP addressing and DHCP addressing.

a) Cable Modem, DSL and Dialup Configuration

1.What Is DHCP Scope?

Ans: DHCP scopes are used to define ranges of addresses from which a DHCP server
can assign IP addresses to clients.
Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

2. What Protocol and Port Does DHCP Use?

Ans. DHCP, like BOOTP runs over UDP, utilizing ports 67 and 68.
3. What is the difference between static and dynamic IP addressing?
Ans: When a device is assigned a static IP address, the address does not change. Most
devices use dynamic IP addresses, which are assigned by the network when they
connect and change over time.
4: What is command used in command prompt which is used to display your PC
Ans: ipconfig /all
5.What are the different types of records in DNS?
Ans: Some of commonly used of DNS records are A, CNAME, NS, MX, PTR, SOA
6.What are the tools for troubleshooting of DNS?
7.What Is "cross Talk" In Dsl Technology?
Ans: The interference between two wires in the same bundle, caused by the electrical
energy carried by each of them.
8. which requires phone line but offers faster access speed than the dial up connection?
Ans: DSL
9. Which one of the following devices is needed to communicate with computers using
telephone lines?
Ans: Modem
10. what is mean by dial up connection?
Ans: A dial-up connection is established when two or more communication
devices use a public switched telephone network (PSTN) to connect to an Internet
service provider (ISP).
11. What do you understand by "bridged taps" in DSL technology?
Ans: These are unterminated extensions of the loop, which cause additional loop loss
with loss peaks surrounding the frequency of the quarter wavelength of the
extension length.
Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

12. What is "cross talk" in DSL technology?

Ans: The interference between two wires in the same bundle, caused by the electrical
energy carried by each of them.
13. What do you understand by TR111?
Ans: TR111 allows TR69 remote management for the devices in the Home Network
14. Can a television be connected to the cable modem line?
Ans: Yes
15. What is ISDN Dialup?
Ans: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a system of digital phone
connections. This system lets data to be transmitted simultaneously across the
world using end-to-end digital connectivity.
16. How ISDN is better than regular dialup connection?
Ans: ISDN has higher stability and flexibility than regular dialup.
17. What all I need to use a dialup connection?
Ans: To connect to the internet you need a local landline access, a modem and a internet
connection. The rates for the internet connection will be as per the category you
choose. And the telephone rate Please contact your basic service provider for the
18. Explain the Micro filter in DSL system.
Ans: Microfilter is a filter "low pass" that allows voice-band services to be transmitted
while filtering the high frequencies used by DSL and eliminates interference.
19. In how many ways can we Configure and Verify Static IP addressing and DHCP
addressing configure ?

Ans: 2
20. What does default time lease new IP address to client?
Ans: 8 days
21. What is command used to renew IP address?
Ans: ipconfig /renew

Lab 9– Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

22. What is DHCP relay agent?

Ans: A DHCP relay agent is any host or IP router that forwards DHCP packets between
clients and servers.
23. Which port are used by DHCP?
Ans: 67 and 68
24. What is DHCP scope?
Ans: It’s range of possible IP Addresses that DHCP server can lease IP address to client
on a subnet.

Lab 9 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Experimental Tropology Setup on Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11

a) The smart lawn sprinkler for your garden

b) Controlling the Fan in the Garden
c) *[Optional Lab]: Practice on Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), ASA Series Firewall.

Lab 10 Activity 1: Controlling the Fan in the Garden

1. Open cisco packet tracer and design the circuit as shown below

This is done as follows:

i) Place Fan, Wind Sensor and Motion sensor.

ii) Click on Components and select SBC-PT.
ii) Connect these components with IOT cables under Connections as shown in the

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Now click on SBC-PT. Click on Programming and enter the following code.

If there is no wind or when you move the cursor over the motion sensor, the fan is turned
ON. When there is wind or when cursor is not moved, the fan is turned OFF. The
following figure shows ON state of the fan.

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

The following figure shows the OFF state of the fan.

d) Lab 10 Activity 2: *[Optional Lab]: Practice on Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), ASA

Series Firewall.

Open the cisco packet tracer and design the following ckt by using the components and
configure the ip address respectively as per the diagram

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20


1. We have 3 Vlans
Vlan1 is inside zone
VLAN2 is Outside zone
Vlan3 is DMZ

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

2. Your company has one location connected to an ISP . Router1 represents a CPE
device managed by the ISP
3. Router2 represents an intermediate internet router
4. Router3 represents an ISP that connects an administrator from a network
management company who has been hired remotely to manage your network
5. The ASA is an edge CPE security that connects an internal cooperative network that
connects DMZ to ISP
6. while providing net and DHCP services to the inside hosts the ASA will be
configured for the management by an administrator on the internal administrator and
by the remote administrator
7. PC-C can ping any router interface but PC-C is unable to ping PC-B or the DMZ

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

8. We use the command show version to determine the various aspects of ASA device
We use the command show file system to display the ASA file system

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

9. There are 2 prefixes supported we can use both to display the flash memory , it
returns the same result

10. Now we will configure the host name and domain name and configure the enable
mode password and set the date and time by typing the commands in below picture

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

11. Then we configure the inside and outside interfaces . VLAN1 is in inside zone with
security lvl100 and VLAN2 with security lvl 0 by following the commands in pic

12. Use Show commands to check the configurations

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

13. PC-B should be able to ping to th ASA but should be unable to ping to the outside

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

1. What Is The Maximum Speed Of 802.11 A,b,g Standards?

Ans : 802.11b has a maximum speed of 11 Mbps while 802.11g and 802.11a
have 54 Mbps.

2. Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 standard for

wireless LAN?

3. What is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) ?

Ans: Security algorithm for wireless networks.

4. What is smart lawn sprinkler ?

Ans: Smart lawn sprinkler automatically tailor watering schedules and run times
on sprinklers or drip systems to meet specific landscape needs. These systems
use weather information and/or site conditions to determine how much water
to apply and when to run. Once the smart controller is installed and
programmed, little additional monitoring is required.

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

5. 802.11a offers greater speed than 802.11b but offers less-------------

Ans: Distance.

6. This is the family of specifications for wireless local area networks (WLANs)
developed by a working group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE).
Ans: 802.11

7. What device is the wireless equivalent of a wired hub?

Ans: Access-point.

Lab 10 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

1. *[Optional Lab]: Configure and verify the IoT, IoE, IPv6, OSPFv3, DNS, Optical
Fiber, 3G 4G Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Ethernet.

Packet Tracer – Install and Configure IoT Devices


Background / Scenario
In this activity, you will connect the computing and IoT devices to the home network.
All the IoT devices have been configured to work with rocker switches connected to
single-board computer (SBC). The IoT devices need to be connected to the Home
Gateway and registered with the registration server (www.register.pka). You already
have an account with the registration server:
ServerAddress .................... www.register.pka
UserName: .......................... admin
Password: ........................... admin

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

After the IoT devices are connected to the home network and registered with the
registration server, you will be able to control the IoT devices at home, or away from
home, via the registration server.
Part 1: Setting up the Home Network
Step 1: Set up the wired network
a. Connect any available FastEthernet port on Home Switch to any
available Ethernet port onHome Gateway using a copper straight-
b. Connect FastEthernet0 port on PC to any available FastEthernet port on
Home Switch using a copper straight-throughcable.
c. Click PC. Click Desktop. Click IPConfiguration. Select DHCP for the

Step 2: Set up the wireless network

a. Click Home Gateway. Click the Config tab. Click Internet in the leftpanel.

b. Click DHCP under Internet Settings. The Home Gateway will receive the settings
from theISP.
c. Within Home Gateway, clickWireless.
d. Change the SSID to MyHomeGateway. Change the Authentication to
WPA2-PSK. Enter CiscoIoTas the PSK PassPhrase.
e. Click Laptop. Click Desktop. Click PCWireless.
f. Click Connect tab. Select MyHomeGatewaynetwork. If wireless network name is
not displayed,click

g. Click Connect. Enter CiscoIoTas Pre-shared Key. ClickConnect.

Step 3: Connect the IoT devices to the network

IoT devices can be connected using wires or wirelessly. The coffee pot will be
connected to the network using Ethernet cables. The lamp and the ceiling fan will be
connected wirelessly.
a. Connect the Coffee Pot to any available FastEthernet port using a copper straight-
Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

b. Click Coffee Pot. Click Config. Click FastEthernet0. Select DHCP for the
c. Click Lamp. Click Config. Click Wireless0. Enter MyHomeGatewayas
the SSID. ClickWPA2-PSK. Enter CiscoIoTas the PSK Pass Phrase.
Select DHCP for the IPConfiguration.
d. Repeat step c for CeilingFan.

Part 2: Interacting with IoT Devices

The IoT devices can be configured to be controlled directly, with switches, or through a
web interface. In Part 2, you will connect the IoT devices to a registration server so you
can control the IoT devices via a web interface.

Step 1: Access the IoT devices locally

You can control the IoT devices directly by pressing Alt and clicking device at the same

a. Click Alt + Lamp a few times. How many settings does the Lamp have, and what are
the settings?


b.Repeat with the Ceiling Fan and CoffeePot.

Step 2: Configure the IoT devices for remote access

To control the IoT devices remotely via a web interface, the devices need to be
registered with a registration server.
a. Click Lamp. ClickConfig.
ServerAddress ........................ www.register.pka
UserName: .............................. admin
Password: ............................... admin
c. Click Connect to connect to the server.
d.Repeat steps a - c for Ceiling Fan and CoffeePot.

Step 3: Access the IoT devices remotely

a. Click Laptop. ClickDesktop.
b.Click Web Browser. Enter www.register.pka. Enter admin as the Username
and Password. Click Sign In.
Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

c. Click the chevron to view the device status and controllers.

d.Turn on Lamp by clicking Dim. What happened to Lamp in thetopology? What did
you click to turn on the Coffee Pot from theLaptop?

e. You can also control the devices while you are away from home by accessing
the registration server. Click SmartPhone. Click Desktop. Click Web
Browser. Enter www.register.pka. Enter admin asthe Username and
Password. Click SignIn.

In Lab Activity:Configure and verify the IoT, IoE, IPv6, OSPFv3, DNS, Optical
Fiber, 3G 4G Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Ethernet

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Post lab activity :

Sample calculation

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Result and discussion

Lab 11 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 12 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

*[Optional Lab]: Design Task: Assume Fresh Network Engineer for new and smart
learning of the Network Structure Networker to maintain Railway Station with all
network device, create a Tropology for Railway Office is divided into different
Departments named as Billing Department, Reservation Department & Accounts
Departments configure and verify all the sub departments must securely communication

Design Task:
Cisco Connected Transportation System

The Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA08) requires implementation of Positive
Train Control (PTC) on railroads, which carry passengers or have high-volume freight
traffic with toxic or poisonous-by-inhalation hazardous materials. PTC is a
communications and signaling system that has been identified by the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) as a technology capable of preventing accidents
caused by train operator or dispatcher error.
Connected Transportation System (CTS) PTC introduces continuous location based and
speed tracking, with more sophisticated onboard wireless technology for enforcing
movement authority from a centralized control center, wherever the vehicle may be.
PTC will be inherently more reliable, and offer greater real-time functionality than
conventional systems, and would prevent accidents such as the 2008 Chatsworth
collision where a more advanced control system would have stopped the train
automatically and lives saved. PTC solution is expected to reduce the number of
accidents due to excessive speed, conflicting train movements, and engineer failure to
obey wayside signals.
Additional examples of potential business benefits include:
• Line capacity enhancement
• Improved service reliability
• Faster over-the-road running times
• More efficient use of cars and locomotives (made possible by real-time location
• Reduction in locomotive failures (due to availability of real-time diagnostics)
• Larger "windows" for track maintenance (made possible by real-time location
• Fuel savings

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

PTC promises a new level of safety and efficiency for US railroads. To enable railroads
within the United States to increase rail safety and meet requirements of Federal
mandate, Cisco's Connected Transportation System enables comprehensive end-to-end
network architecture for Positive Train Control. Cisco's Validated Design (CVD)
provides blue print reference architecture enabling rail system operators to minimize
potential design and implementation risk, and reduced time for deployment.

Release Notes

Release 1.0 of the PTC system provides an end-to-end design to support Positive Train
Control deployments. Incorporating back office, transport, wayside, and onboard
features, the PTC system offers a scalable and resilient ready-to-deploy application for
supporting rail safety functions with coverage that includes:
• Back Office and Wayside equipment integration with Unified MPLS Transport
models developed in Unified MPLS for Mobile Transport (UMMT) and Fixed
Mobile Convergence (FMC) system designs.
• Horizontal and vertical roaming capability validation of locomotive, wayside and
base station radios.
• Splitting traffic across multiple radio interface types.
• Wayside messaging server vertical roaming.

Table 1 shows PTC 1.0 platforms and software versions.

Architectural Role Software Revision


Core Node ASR 9000, CRS-3 XR 4.3.1

Aggregation Node ASR 9000 XR 4.3.1

Pre-Aggregation Node (PAN) ASR 903 XE 3.9/3.10

Access Node ASR 901 XE 3.9/3.10

Data Center Gateway ASR 9000 XR 4.3.1

Mobility Controller LMC 5500 2.3

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Base Station Radio PTC 3000 2.3

Locomotive Radio PTC 3000 2.3

Wayside Radio PTC 3000 2.3

Wayside Messaging Server WMS 2000 2.3

Table 1 PTC 1.0 Platforms and Software Versions

The following Positive Train Control requirement mandates and cost benefits are

Positive Train Control Mandate

Positive Train Control (PTC) is one of many new safety measures mandated by
the United States Federal government when President George W. Bush signed the Rail
Safety Improvement Act in October of 2008. PTC is an end-to-end rail safety system that
is designed to prevent the following incidents:
• Train-to-Train collisions
• Over-speed derailments
• Train incursions into established work zone limits
• Train passage through a rail switch left if the wrong position
The system is designed such that PTC will augment the safety measures already
taken by the engineer in control of the train, but if warnings to slow down or stop the
train are ignored or cannot be performed by the engineer, PTC will automatically apply
the brakes to achieve the desired speed or state of the train. All Class I railroads are
required to install PTC on tracks that provide passenger transportation or transport
poison- or toxic-by-inhalation hazardous materials, by December 31, 2015. Class I
railroads include those railroads having annual revenue of $250 million or more.
As of 2012, approximately 60,000 of the 162,000 miles of railroad tracks in the
United States are Class I railroads requiring PTC deployment. Approximately 8,400
miles of intercity passenger and commuter railroad tracks in the U.S. also require PTC

Positive Train Control Cost Benefits

In 2012, the FRA submitted a Report to Congress,1 in which it was stated that the
U.S. railroad industry had already invested over $1.5 billion into PTC implementation. It
is forecast that railroads will need to additionally invest more than $5 billion their own
funds. The primary benefit of Positive Train Control, and the driver behind the Federal
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

mandate to implement it, is rail safety. Beyond rail safety, the investment in PTC may
pay for itself over the long-term through several potential business benefits.

Rail Safety

While PTC will not prevent all rail accidents, it is designed to prevent the
majority of human-caused accidents. PTC has been discussed for several years, but it
was a major train collision between a Metrolink commuter train and a Union Pacific
freight train in September 2008 that prompted the quick passage of the Rail Safety
Improvement Act in October of 2008. That collision caused the deaths of 25 people and
injury to 135. Damages totaled over $7 million.

An NTSB investigation concluded that the cause of the collision was the failure
of the Metrolink commuter train engineer to notice a red signal and to stop the train
accordingly.2 Further, the NTSB report stated that a contributing factor to the accident
"[...] was the lack of a positive train control system that would have stopped the
Metrolink train short of the red signal and thus prevented the collision." The PTC system
would have allowed the engineer up to 15 seconds to respond appropriately to the red
signal, and stop the train, before the brakes would have been automatically applied by
the system.

Business Benefits

The Federal Railroad Association (FRA) funded an analysis of the costs and
benefits of deploying a Positive Train Control system.3 The annual benefits upon
completion are estimated to be $2.2 billion to $3.8 billion. This is expected to be seen in
the following potential business benefits.

• Line capacity enhancement

• Improved service reliability
• Faster over-the-road running times
• More efficient use of cars and locomotives (made possible by real-time location
• Reduction in locomotive failures (due to availability of real-time diagnostics)
• Larger "windows" for track maintenance (made possible by real-time location
• Fuel savings

System Overview
An end-to-end PTC solution is comprised of four main architectural components
that include the back office, onboard, wayside, and bi-directional communication
transport. Figure 1 shows the high-level architecture of an end-to-end PTC solution.

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Figure 1 The High-Level Architecture of an End-to-End PTC Infrastructure

Back Office

The back office houses the Back Office Server (BOS), which stores, processes,
and acts on information it receives from the locomotive onboard computer, wayside
messaging server, and maintenance personnel. Its database maintains information on
trains, tracks, work zones, and speed restrictions. Based on this data, the BOS will issue
movement authorities and notifications to the locomotives.

While it is assumed that the BOS will be housed in a Data Center environment,
the PTC solution does not have specialized requirement for the Data Center design.
Generalized Cisco design best practices and methodologies are covered in the SDU
Virtualized Multiservice Data Center system. The VMDC solution provides design and
implementation guidance for Enterprises deploying private cloud services and Service
Providers building virtual private and public cloud services. The Cisco VMDC reference
architecture integrates various Cisco and third-party products that are part of the cloud
computing ecosystem.

VMDC 2.3 is an incremental release, leveraging and optimizing the architecture

defined in the previous 2.2 release. The VMDC architecture has been optimized to
achieve higher tenancy scale at a lower cost and footprint. These optimizations include
the following:

• Collapsed Core/Aggregation layer

• Use of the Nexus 7004 with F2 line cards as the Aggregation layer
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

• Use of ASA/ACE appliances connecting directly to the Aggregation Nexus 7004

• Several optimizations in the tenancy models.


The onboard computer located on the locomotive will receive the motion
authorities from the BOS and notify the engineer of changes in the speed limit or other
safety concerns. The engineer will use this information, along with information from
wayside devices regarding trackside signaling, and take appropriate action. If the
engineer does not slow or stop the train within 15 seconds, the onboard computer will
automatically apply the brakes. In the event that the onboard system loses connectivity
and cannot get this mission-critical information, the train must be stopped prior to
entering the next block.


The wayside system encompasses the signaling equipment on and around the
track. This may include lamps, switches, gates and track circuits, among other things.
These devices can connect to a wayside-messaging server through the use of a Wayside
Interface Unit (WIU). This allows the messaging server to send information about the
trackside equipment to the BOS for processing, and to broadcast the information over a
radio interface so that locomotives can receive the information directly and act on it


Communication between the back office, locomotive, and wayside devices relies
on a redundant and resilient bi-directional communications network. The PTC solution
offers up to four different interface types that can be used for communication, including
Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 220 MHz PTC Radio, and 3G/4G Cellular.

The wayside equipment may communicate with the BOS over any one of the
four interface types. The onboard equipment will use either the 220 MHz radio or 3G/4G
cellular interface, providing mobility. In the case of the locomotive, it must be capable of
roaming horizontally from base station to base station. In either case, the device must
also be able to roam vertically between communications technologies. For example, 3G
cellular may be used as a backup to 220 MHz radio, or a train may switch to Wi-Fi while
at the train station or in the yard.

The industry has standardized on 220 MHz radio frequency due to its long range
(20 - 30 miles). This distance decreases the number of base stations deployed along the
tracks. Because rails are frequently shared across multiple railroad companies,
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

standardizing on a common PTC radio frequency also allows railroads to interoperate

with each other.

The transport network, consisting of the access, aggregation, and core networks,
will also provide a resilient communications path between the field devices and the
BOS. This will include ruggedized Ethernet switching at the edge, and a multipath
backhaul with sub-second re-convergence.

Transport Network

The transport network aspects of the Communications layer in the PTC 1.0
system make use of the Unified MPLS Transport designs developed first by the Unified
MPLS for Mobile Transport (UMMT) and continued in the Fixed Mobile Convergence
(FMC) system efforts. The Cisco FMC System provides reliable, scalable, and high-
density packet processing that addresses the transport and service edge aspects of a wide
variety of fixed and mobile legacy services, while reducing the operator's total cost of
operations (TCO). It handles the complexities of multiple access technologies, including
seamless handover and mobility between access networks to meet demands for
convergence and product consolidation. The FMC design addresses key functional
aspects critical to deploying a robust and highly-available transport network design for
the PTC system deployment, including:

• Hierarchical-QoS (H-QoS) to provide differentiated services per-hop behavior (PHB)

treatment of traffic classes.
• Operations, Administrations, and Maintenance (OAM) for fault monitoring and
• Performance Management (PM) to track key Service Level Agreement (SLA)
parameters such as packet-loss, packet delay, and delay variation.
• Easily deployable resiliency and high availability mechanisms, such as remote Loop-
Free Alternate Fast ReRoute (rLFA-FRR) and BGP FRR.
The Cisco UMMT and FMC systems are Cisco Validated Designs, and have existing
design guides which detail all aspects of the system design and methodology for a
transport network using Unified MPLS. Those design guides can be found at the
following links:
• UMMT 3.0 Design
• FMC 1.0 Design Guide:

System Architecture

Cisco Positive Train Control system architecture consists of the following solution

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

The Cisco PTC Solution

To enable railroads within the United States to increase rail safety and meet the
requirements of the Federal mandate, Cisco has partnered with Lilee Systems to provide
a state-of-the art Positive Train Control solution. Combining the expertise of Lilee
Systems and their software-defined PTC radio components with the network and
transport expertise of Cisco, railroads of any size or scope can count on a solid and
scalable solution.

The PTC radio components supplied by Lilee Systems include the base station,
wayside, yard and locomotive radios, as well as the mobility controller. The mobility
controller provides central management of all the PTC components and also manages
mobility. Base station, yard and wayside radios communicate securely via an IPsec
tunnel to the mobility controller. Figure 2 shows a logical PTC radio network layout.

Figure 2 PTC Relies on Redundant and Resilient Backhaul Network with Cellular

The software-defined radios (SDR) provide a high level of flexibility within the
PTC network as they can be configured through software to have one or more virtual
interfaces. These interfaces can be of the following types:
• 220 MHz TDM (time division multiplex) radio
• 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz Wi-Fi a/b/g/n
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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• 3G cellular UMTS
• Ethernet

By default, the interfaces shown above have pre-defined order or precedence

whereby the available interface with the highest preference (lowest metric) will be used.
This can be manually adjusted according to the user needs.
The radios are also equipped with a GPS (Global positioning satellite) receiver
for time synchronization and location information. While GPS is the recommended
approach to time synchronization, the times may also be synchronized using NTP, or set
All three radio types (locomotive, base station, and wayside) are hardened to
operate in the harsh environments of a railroad. As such, they are capable of operating
within an ambient temperature range of -40 to 70 degrees Celsius, and an ambient
relative humidity of 5 to 100 percent. Industrial connectors are also used to deal with
shock and vibration. This means utilizing M12 connectors on the locomotive radios for
Ethernet LAN connections rather than standard RJ-45. N-Type connectors are used for
220 MHz radio antenna connections and TNC is used for GPS, 1PPS, and WiFi antenna
connections. Figure 3 shows the various connector types.

Figure 3 Various Hardened Connectors Used on Software-Defined Radios

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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On-board Radio
A train management computer (TMC) is the on-board computer (Figure 4) that
will communicate with the back office server. It will use the on-board locomotive radio
as its gateway to reach the data center hosting the BOS. The locomotive radio will
typically connect to a base station radio over a 220 MHz radio frequency. The base
station will then securely tunnel traffic that it receives from the locomotive radio, back to
the mobility controller. In the event that communications to a base station is not
available over the radio interface, the locomotive radio may be configured to use the 3G
cellular interface as a backup.

Figure 4 On Board Radio

When a train enters a train station or train yard, where Wi-Fi communications is
available, the locomotive radio can connect to an available Wi-Fi access point, known as
a Yard Radio. Connecting to an available Wi-Fi network offloads some traffic from the
220 MHz radio and offers a high-bandwidth connection for management scenarios
including train schedule downloads, onboard software maintenance (configurations,
upgrades, etc.), or even mission-critical PTC communications if the railroad prefers to
use Wi-Fi for this purpose when available.

Base Station Radio

Base station radios (Figure 5) can be placed up to 20 to 30 miles apart from each
other along the track. Each one will operate at a unique frequency within the 218-222
MHz range. Through its Ethernet interface, the radio will communicate across the
backhaul network securely with the mobility controller hosted in a remote operating

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

center (ROC). In the event that the base station loses its wired connection to the backhaul
network, it can be configured to use a 3G cellular connection as a backup. The base station also
has a Wi-Fi interface that can be configured as an access point or a Wi-fi client. This offers a
high-speed Wi-Fi connection to maintenance personnel in the immediate area of the base station.

Figure 5 Base Station Radio

Wayside Radio

The wayside radio (Figure 6) is used in wayside (trackside) stations to provide PTC
network connectivity to wayside signaling equipment. If fixed wire-line access to the
backhaul network is available, the wayside radio may connect to the BOS in the same
manner as a base station radio, and use its 3G cellular interface as a backup. If direct
connection to the backhaul network is not possible, then the wayside radio may connect
to the closest base station over 220 MHz PTC radio for communications. The wayside
radio will also broadcast wayside signaling messages so that locomotive radios can
receive and act on them directly.

Figure 6 Wayside Radio

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Wayside Messaging Server

A wayside messaging server will connect to a wayside radio in order to send

PTC messaging about the wayside signaling back to the BOS. Wayside signaling may
include lamps, track circuits, grade level gates and track switches, among other things.
These wayside devices connect to the wayside messaging server through a wayside
interface unit (WIU). The WIU creates a digital message consumed by the messaging
server. The messaging server hosts an x86 application engine that processes the
messages from the WIU and sends them to the BOS and broadcasts them to the
locomotive, both via the wayside radio. If the messaging server loses its connection to
the wayside radio, it may be configured to use a 3G cellular interface as a backup to get
the messaging to the BOS.

Mobility Controller

The mobility controller (Figure 7) is hosted in a remote operating center (ROC).

It provides communication between the trackside network, including locomotive and
wayside radios, and the back office server. Communications between the mobility
controller and any base station and wayside radios that it communicates with is secured
through the use of IPsec tunneling.

Figure 7 Mobility Controller

Remote management, including configuration and monitoring, of the remote

devices that are registered with the mobility controller is performed by the mobility
controller. This means that while configuration changes to a wayside, locomotive, or
base station radio can be performed locally at the device, changes can also be made at
the mobility controller and pushed down to the device.

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

With support for up to 200 base stations per mobility controller, the system offers
seamless roaming so the onboard hosts using the radio for network access, appear to be
stationary. Horizontal roaming between base stations is less than 50 ms.

Features of the PTC Radios

Primary features of PTC radios include:

User Management
User management is based on RBAC (Role Based Access Control) and allows
the administrator to assign each user to an admin or non-admin role. Admins may create
management objects, change or delete configurations, perform upgrades, etc. Non-admin
users perform configuration backups, manage debug messages, use the ping utility, and
other non-intrusive actions.
IP Routing
The PTC devices support static routing only. However, complex routing schemes
can be achieved through the use of traffic classifiers, route tables, and priorities
(Figure 8).

Figure 8 IP Routing is Accomplished with Classifiers, Route Tables, and Priorities

Traffic classifiers allow the device to classify traffic based on the following:
• Source network, subnet, or host IP address
• Destination network, subnet, or host IP address
• IP protocol (ie. any, ICMP, protocol numbers 1-255)
• TCP and UDP source and destination port (ie. 1-65535)
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Route tables allow the device to have multiple routing tables. A traffic classifier may
reference any available route table, and a route table may be used by multiple traffic
classifiers. Each routing table can be configured with the following attributes:
• Default gateway (next hot)
• Default interface
• Network or subnet gateway (next hop)
• Network or subnet interface

Policy routes tie together the traffic classifier and route table. Each policy route has a
priority, which is used to assign a preference to the policy route. The lower the priority,
the higher the preference. If a route table cannot route a packet for any reason, the
decision falls to the next-preferred policy route (Figure 9).

Figure 9 IP Route Decision Process

NAT (Network Address Translation) can be configured on the Mobility
Controller and all of the radio components. SNAT (Source NAT) is used to perform port
address translation (PAT) from the private interface to the public interface. DNAT
(Destination NAT) is used to perform port address translation (PAT) from the public
interface to the private interface.

Network Management
The Mobility Controller supports SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. All SNMP
communities are read-only by default, but can be configured as read-write. The SNMP
service can be bound to a specific IP address and port on the Mobility Controller.

The Cisco Unified MPLS Transport Design

Another critical consideration providing transport of the remote PTC radio traffic
to the back office server and transport mission-critical movement authorities from the
back office server to the locomotives. While some railroads may already have a
backhaul transport network to some degree, it is assumed that one does not exist.

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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The Cisco Unified MPLS Transport design utilized in the Cisco FMC system,
and the UMMT system before it, will accommodate the backhaul needs of PTC
deployments of any size or scale. While the design breaks down the network into access,
pre-aggregation, aggregation, and core segments, some segments can be combined
depending on the size and scope of the network.

The network design example in Figure 10 represents a smaller network where the
core, aggregation, and pre-aggregation networks are combined into a single network
domain. The access network is where the base station and wayside radios would access
the network via Ethernet.

Figure 10 Unified MPLS Transport Spans Access, Aggregation and Core Network
to Connect PTC to Data Center

Figure 10 assumes a flat LDP (Label Distribution Protocol) LSP (Label Switched Path)
across the core and aggregation networks. Together, these two networks form one IGP
and LDP domain. The MPLS mobile access network is based on MPLS access rings
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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with ASR 901 access routers, and integrated with labeled BGP LSPs. This network can
scale up to thousands of access routers and hundreds of pre-aggregation network nodes.
In cases where a larger backhaul transport is needed, the core and aggregation networks
can be separated into independent IGP/LDP domains. Inter-domain MPLS connectivity
would continue to be based on hierarchical labeled BGP LSPs. A network design such as
this would allow for tens of thousands of access nodes and thousands of pre-aggregation
Several architecture models utilizing Unified MPLS Transport have been tested,
validated and documented as part of the FMC and UMMT Cisco Validated Designs.
Further, many production deployments of UMMT and FMC mean it is a mature and
tested design that railroads can feel comfortable deploying. Table 2 shows the
components validated as part of the latest Unified MPLS Transport design: FMC 1.0.
Software Release
Role Platform

Access Router ASR 901 XE 3.9.0

Pre-Aggregation Node ASR 903 XE 3.9.0

Pre-Aggregation Node ME 3600-24CX XE 3.8.0

Aggregation Node ASR 9000 XR 4.3.1

Core Node CRS XR 4.3.1

Table 2 Platforms Used in the FMC Backhaul Network

Complete design best practices and methodologies for each of these transport
models are detailed in the Cisco UMMT and FMC design guide documents. Links to
these documents are contained in the "Transport Network" section.

Remote Ruggedized Switching

At the base station and wayside stations, ruggedized switches that can withstand
large ambient temperature ranges (-40C to 75C), and support flexible configurations, are
used. The Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 and 3000 series switches are layer 2 and layer
3-capable, respectively. They both offer easy deployment, security, and resiliency in a
din-rail form factor.

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Functional Components

To design a robust, highly available, and manageable system, there are several
functional aspects which need to be considered. Among those aspects are:
• Quality of Service: How to ensure that all classes of traffic traversing the network
receive the proper treatment according to the criticality of the traffic, so that high priority
traffic is given preference over lower priority traffic.

• Redundancy and High Availability: Enable the network design to achieve the
necessary Service Level Agreement (SLA) parameters in terms of uptime, packet loss,
end-to-end delay, etc., in both normal operation as well as any failure scenario which
may be encountered.

• OAM and Performance Monitoring: Allow for network monitoring of encountered

faults and key SLA performance factors. Helps the operator to isolate the root cause of a
fault or problem as quickly and precisely as possible.

• Network Management with Cisco Prime: A suite of management applications which

collectively provide full Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security
(FCAPS) functionality. More information is available at

Design best practices and methodologies for each of these areas are detailed in the Cisco
UMMT and FMC design guide documents. Links to these documents are contained in
the "Transport Network" section.

In lab activity
Assume The Cisco Connected Rail System The CRS, as shown in Figure 2, offers an
end-to-end system designed to enable the deployment of high-speed mobile networking
for rail applications. Passengers and rail personnel can connect their wireless devices to
onboard WiFi access points to obtain access to the corporate, retail or commercial
networks, as well as the Internet. A high-speed wired and wireless onboard network can
also be used for other business objectives, including safety and security. CRS 1.5
combines Cisco's expertise in wireless mobility, video surveillance, IP collaboration,
transport network, and data center networking into a complete solution for rail
Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
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Figure CTS Network Design with Cellular Backup and configure by using network

A train may have wireless off-boarding on as little as two cars or as many as on

every car. Each off-boarding point will prefer a WiFi connection to the trackside
network. However, they can also be deployed with a cellular backup option for areas
where WiFi access is not available trackside.

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Post lab activity :

Sample calculation

Result and discussion

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Viva questions :

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Department of ECE, A.Y 2019-20, Semester - II
Data networks and Protocols Lab Internal Examination RUBRIC

Course Code: 18EC3109 Date: _____________

Section No: _____________ Student Registration No: ____
Title of the Experiment:
Weightag Below
Assessment Acceptabl Signature Of
S.No e Requiremen Need Improvements At Mastery Marks
Component e The Faculty
Maximum ts

Irrelevant Improper Well Written (4-

Partial Attempt (3-4)
Answer (0) Write Up (2) 5)
1 Write Up 5M

Wrong Correct
Procedure Partially Correct (4-7) Procedure
Experimentatio Procedure (3)
2 10 M (0) (8-10)
n Execution

Not Completed But Pending

Incomplete (3)
Record+ Submitted(0) Correction (4-7) Completed (10)
3 5+5(10m)

Viva No Irrelevant Well Responded

Partially Responded (4-7)
4 (At Least 5 5m Response(0) Response (3) (10)
Questions )

Total Marks

Lab 13 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

*[Optional Lab]: Experimental Evaluation of SIP for VoIP and Configure VoIP
Phone with network Router in Packet Tracer

(a) Basic configuration of SIP

(b) Configuring SIP Support for VoIP Dial Peers
(c) Changing the Configuration of the SIP User Agent
(d) Configuring SIP Call Transfer


Session Initiation Protocol - Introduction

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is one of the most common protocols used in VoIP
technology. It is an application layer protocol that works in conjunction with other
application layer protocols to control multimedia communication sessions over the
VoIP Technology
Before moving further, let us first understand a few points about VoIP.
 VOIP is a technology that allows you to deliver voice and multimedia
(videos, pictures) content over the Internet. It is one of the cheapest way to
communicate anytime, anywhere with the Internet’s availability.
 Some advantages of VOIP include −
o Low cost
o Portability
o No extra cables
o Flexibility
o Video conferencing
 For a VOIP call, all that you need is a computer/laptop/mobile with internet
connectivity. The following figure depicts how a VoIP call takes place.

With this much fundamental, let us get back to SIP.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

SIP – Overview
Given below are a few points to note about SIP −
 SIP is a signalling protocol used to create, modify, and terminate a multimedia
session over the Internet Protocol. A session is nothing but a simple call between
two endpoints. An endpoint can be a smartphone, a laptop, or any device that can
receive and send multimedia content over the Internet.
 SIP is an application layer protocol defined by IETF (Internet Engineering Task
Force) standard. It is defined in RFC 3261.
 SIP embodies client-server architecture and the use of URL and URI
from HTTP and a text encoding scheme and a header style from SMTP.
 SIP takes the help of SDP (Session Description Protocol) which describes a
session and RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol) used for delivering voice and
video over IP network.
 SIP can be used for two-party (unicast) or multiparty (multicast) sessions.
 Other SIP applications include file transfer, instant messaging, video
conferencing, online games, and steaming multimedia distribution.
Where Does SIP Fit In?
Basically SIP is an application layer protocol. It is a simple network signalling
protocol for creating and terminating sessions with one or more participants. The
SIP protocol is designed to be independent of the underlying transport protocol, so
SIP applications can run on TCP, UDP, or other lower-layer networking protocols.
The following illustration depicts where SIP fits in in the general scheme of things −

Typically, the SIP protocol is used for internet telephony and multimedia
distribution between two or more endpoints. For example, one person can initiate a
telephone call to another person using SIP, or someone may create a conference call
with many participants.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

The SIP protocol was designed to be very simple, with a limited set of
commands. It is also text-based, so anyone can read a SIP message passed between
the endpoints in a SIP session.

SIP - Network Elements

There are some entities that help SIP in creating its network. In SIP, every
network element is identified by a SIP URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) which is
like an address. Following are the network elements −

 User Agent
 Proxy Server
 Registrar Server
 Redirect Server
 Location Server
User Agent
It is the endpoint and one of the most important network elements of a SIP network.
An endpoint can initiate, modify, or terminate a session. User agents are the most
intelligent device or network element of a SIP network. It could be a softphone, a
mobile, or a laptop.
User agents are logically divided into two parts −
 User Agent Client (UAC) − The entity that sends a request and receives a
 User Agent Server (UAS) − The entity that receives a request and sends a
SIP is based on client-server architecture where the caller’s phone acts as a client
which initiates a call and the callee’s phone acts as a server which responds the call.
Proxy Server
It is the network element that takes a request from a user agent and forwards it to
another user.
 Basically the role of a proxy server is much like a router.
 It has some intelligence to understand a SIP request and send it ahead with the help
of URI.
 A proxy server sits in between two user agents.
 There can be a maximum of 70 proxy servers in between a source and a
There are two types of proxy servers −
 Stateless Proxy Server − It simply forwards the message received. This type of
server does not store any information of a call or a transaction.
Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Stateful Proxy Server − This type of proxy server keeps track of every request
and response received and can use it in future if required. It can retransmit the
request, if there is no response from the other side in time.
Registrar Server
The registrar server accepts registration requests from user agents. It helps users to
authenticate themselves within the network. It stores the URI and the location of
users in a database to help other SIP servers within the same domain.
Take a look at the following example that shows the process of a SIP Registration.

Here the caller wants to register with the TMC domain. So it sends a
REGISTER request to the TMC’s Registrar server and the server returns a 200 OK
response as it authorized the client.
Redirect Server
The redirect server receives requests and looks up the intended recipient of
the request in the location database created by the registrar.
The redirect server uses the database for getting location information and
responds with 3xx (Redirect response) to the user. We will discuss response codes
later in this tutorial.
Location Server
The location server provides information about a caller's possible locations to
the redirect and proxy servers.
Only a proxy server or a redirect server can contact a location server.
The following figure depicts the roles played by each of the network elements in
establishing a session.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

SIP – System Architecture

SIP is structured as a layered protocol, which means its behavior is described in
terms of a set of fairly independent processing stages with only a loose coupling
between each stage.

 The lowest layer of SIP is its syntax and encoding. Its encoding is specified
using an augmented Backus-Naur Form grammar (BNF).
 At the second level is the transport layer. It defines how a Client sends requests
and receives responses and how a Server receives requests and sends responses
over the network. All SIP elements contain a transport layer.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Next comes the transaction layer. A transaction is a request sent by a Client

transaction (using the transport layer) to a Server transaction, along with all
responses to that request sent from the server transaction back to the client. Any
task that a user agent client (UAC) accomplishes takes place using a series of
transactions. Stateless proxies do not contain a transaction layer.
 The layer above the transaction layer is called the transaction user. Each of the
SIP entities, except the Stateless proxies, is a transaction user.

SIP - Basic Call Flow

The following image shows the basic call flow of a SIP session.

Given below is a step-by-step explanation of the above call flow −

 An INVITE request that is sent to a proxy server is responsible for initiating
a session.
 The proxy server sendsa 100 Trying response immediately to the caller
(Alice) to stop the re-transmissions of the INVITE request.
 The proxy server searches the address of Bob in the location server. After
getting the address, it forwards the INVITE request further.
 Thereafter, 180 Ringing (Provisional responses) generated by Bob is
returned back to Alice.
 A 200 OK response is generated soon after Bob picks the phone up.
 Bob receives an ACK from the Alice, once it gets 200 OK.
 At the same time, the session gets established and RTP packets
(conversations) start flowing from both ends.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 After the conversation, any participant (Alice or Bob) can send

a BYE request to terminate the session.
 BYE reaches directly from Alice to Bob bypassing the proxy server.
 Finally, Bob sends a 200 OK response to confirm the BYE and the session is
 In the above basic call flow, three transactions are (marked as 1, 2, 3)
The complete call (from INVITE to 200 OK) is known as a Dialog.
SIP Trapezoid
How does a proxy help to connect one user with another? Let us find out with the
help of the following diagram.

The topology shown in the diagram is known as a SIP trapezoid. The process takes
place as follows −
 When a caller initiates a call, an INVITE message is sent to the proxy server.
Upon receiving the INVITE, the proxy server attempts to resolve the address of
the callee with the help of the DNS server.
 After getting the next route, caller’s proxy server (Proxy 1, also known as
outbound proxy server) forwards the INVITE request to the callee’s proxy server
which acts as an inbound proxy server (Proxy 2) for the callee.
 The inbound proxy server contacts the location server to get information
about the callee’s address where the user registered.
 After getting information from the location server, it forwards the call to its
 Once the user agents get to know their address, they can bypass the call, i.e.,
conversations pass directly.

SIP - Messaging
SIP messages are of two types − requests and responses.
Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 The opening line of a request contains a method that defines the request, and
a Request-URI that defines where the request is to be sent.
 Similarly, the opening line of a response contains a response code.
Request Methods
SIP requests are the codes used to establish a communication. To complement
them, there are SIP responses that generally indicate whether a request succeeded
or failed.
These SIP requests which are known as METHODS make SIP message workable.
 METHODS can be regarded as SIP requests, since they request a specific
action to be taken by another user agent or server.
 METHODS are distinguished into two types −
o Core Methods
o Extension Methods
Core Methods
There are six core methods as discussed below.

INVITE is used to initiate a session with a user agent. In other words, an INVITE
method is used to establish a media session between the user agents.
 INVITE can contain the media information of the caller in the message body.
 A session is considered established if an INVITE has received a success
response(2xx) or an ACK has been sent.

 A successful INVITE request establishes a dialog between the two user

agents which continues until a BYE is sent to terminate the session.
Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 An INVITE sent within an established dialog is known as a re-INVITE.

 Re-INVITE is used to change the session characteristics or refresh the state
of a dialog.

INVITE Example
The following code shows how INVITE is used.
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch = z9hG4bK74bf9
Max-Forwards: 70
From: Alice<>;tag = 1234567
To: Bob<>
Call-ID: 12345601@
Contact: <>
Supported: replaces
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: ...

o = Alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4
s = Session SDP
c = IN IP4
t = 3034423619 0
m = audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
a = rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

BYE is the method used to terminate an established session. This is a SIP request
that can be sent by either the caller or the callee to end a session.
 It cannot be sent by a proxy server.
 BYE request normally routes end to end, bypassing the proxy server.
 BYE cannot be sent to a pending an INVITE or an unestablished session.

REGISTER request performs the registration of a user agent. This request is sent by
a user agent to a registrar server.
 The REGISTER request may be forwarded or proxied until it reaches an
authoritative registrar of the specified domain.
 It carries the AOR (Address of Record) in the To header of the user that is
being registered.
 REGISTER request contains the time period (3600sec).
Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 One user agent can send a REGISTER request on behalf of another user
agent. This is known as third-party registration. Here, the From tag contains
the URI of the party submitting the registration on behalf of the party identified
in the To header.

CANCEL is used to terminate a session which is not established. User agents use
this request to cancel a pending call attempt initiated earlier.
 It can be sent either by a user agent or a proxy server.
 CANCEL is a hop by hop request, i.e., it goes through the elements between
the user agent and receives the response generated by the next stateful element.

ACK is used to acknowledge the final responses to an INVITE method. An ACK
always goes in the direction of INVITE.ACK may contain SDP body (media
characteristics), if it is not available in INVITE.

 ACK may not be used to modify the media description that has already been sent
in the initial INVITE.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 A stateful proxy receiving an ACK must determine whether or not the ACK
should be forwarded downstream to another proxy or user agent.
 For 2xx responses, ACK is end to end, but for all other final responses, it
works on hop by hop basis when stateful proxies are involved.

OPTIONS method is used to query a user agent or a proxy server about its
capabilities and discover its current availability. The response to a request lists the
capabilities of the user agent or server. A proxy never generates an OPTIONS
Extension Methods

SUBSCRIBE is used by user agents to establish a subscription for the purpose of
getting notification about a particular event.
 It contains an Expires header field that indicates the duration of a
 After the time period passes, the subscription will automatically terminate.
 Subscription establishes a dialog between the user agents.
 You can re-subscription again by sending another SUBSCRIBE within the
dialog before the expiration time.
 A 200 OK will be received for a subscription from User.
 Users can unsubscribe by sending another SUBSCRIBE method with Expires
value 0(zero).
Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

NOTIFY is used by user agents to get the occurrence of a particular event. Usually a
NOTIFY will trigger within a dialog when a subscription exists between the
subscriber and the notifier.
 Every NOTIFY will get 200 OK response if it is received by notifier.
 NOTIFY contain an Event header field indicating the event and
a subscriptionstate header field indicating the current state of the subscription.
 A NOTIFY is always sent at the start and termination of a subscription.

PUBLISH is used by a user agent to send event state information to a server

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 PUBLISH is mostly useful when there are multiple sources of event

 A PUBLISH request is similar to a NOTIFY, except that it is not sent in a
 A PUBLISH request must contain an Expires header field and a Min-
Expires header field.

REFER is used by a user agent to refer another user agent to access a URI for the
 REFER must contain a Refer-To header. This is a mandatory header for
 REFER can be sent inside or outside a dialog.
 A 202 Accepted will trigger a REFER request which indicates that other user
agent has accepted the reference.

INFO is used by a user agent to send call signalling information to another user
agent with which it has established a media session.
 This is an end-to-end request.
 A proxy will always forward an INFO request.

UPDATE is used to modify the state of a session if a session is not established. User
could change the codec with UPDATE.

IF a session is established, a re-Invite is used to change/update the session.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

PRACK is used to acknowledge the receipt of a reliable transfer of provisional
response (1XX).
 Generally PRACK is generated by a client when it receive a provisional
response containing an RSeq reliable sequence number and
a supported:100rel header.
 PRACK contains (RSeq + CSeq) value in the rack header.
 The PRACK method applies to all provisional responses except the 100
Trying response, which is never reliably transported.
 A PRACK may contain a message body; it may be used for offer/answer

It is used to send an instant message using SIP. An IM usually consists of short
messages exchanged in real time by
participants engaged in text

MESSAGE can be sent within a dialog or outside a dialog.

The contents of a MESSAGE are carried in the message body as
a MIME attachment.
A 200 OK response is normally received to indicate that the message has been
delivered at its destination.

SIP Gateway Configuration Procedure

The following procedure describes how to configure a SIP gateway as per
network requirements:
Step 1. Enter voice-service configuration mode and specify VoIP as the voice-
encapsulation type.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Step 2. Enter SIP configuration mode.

Step 3. Specify SIP parameters.

Specify the underlying transport layer protocol for SIP messages, and bind the
source address for signaling and media packets to the IP address of a specific

If the bind command is not enabled, the IP layer still provides the best local

Step 4. Exit SIP configuration mode.

Step 5. Activate the voice service.

Step 6. Enter SIP UA configuration mode.

Step 7. Configure Digest Authentication.

Step 8. Enable the SIP gateway to register E.164 numbers on behalf of analog
telephone voice ports (FXS), IP phone virtual voice ports (EFXS), and SCCP
phones with an external SIP proxy or SIP registrar.

Step 9. Enter the hostname or IP address of the SIP server interface.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

If you use this command, you can specify session target sip-server for each dial
peer instead of repeatedly entering the SIP server interface address for each dial

Step 10. Adjust the SIP parameters per network requirements.

The complete configuration for these steps is presented in Example 5-14.

Example 5-14 Integrating IOS Gateways with a SIP ITSP

Dial-Peer Example

SIP is selected as the call control protocol from inside a dial peer. SIP is
requested by the session protocol sipv2 dial-peer subcommand.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

In this example, both dial peers include the session protocol sipv2 subcommand,
and SIP is used when the destination pattern matches either dial peer. The session
target distinguishes one session from the other.

In dial-peer 999, the IP address of the server is provided as the session target.
The address can be the address of a UA, proxy server, or redirect server.

In dial-peer 200, the session target is the sip-server parameter. When the sip-
parameter is the target, the IP address of the actual server is taken from the sip-
server subcommand in the SIP UA configuration. This means that from global
configuration mode, the network administrator has entered the sip-ua command
and the sip-server dns:server subcommand. The address represents the location
of a proxy server or redirect server. In this example, the name of the SIP server
is "" The dial peer must know how to deal with DTMF signals.
The following example uses the dtmf-relay sip-notify command used for sending
telephone-event notifications via SIP NOTIFY messages from a SIP gateway.
The topology and complete configuration for this scenario are presented in
Figure 5-31 and in Example 5-15.

 Figure 5-31 SIP Dial-Peer Topology Example

 Example 5-15 SIP Dial-Peer Configuration Example

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Command Description
show sip service Displays the status of the SIP VoIP service

show sip-ua status Displays the status of the SIP UA

show sip-ua Displays the status of E.164 numbers that a SIP

register status gateway has

registered with an external primary SIP registrar

show sip-ua timers Displays SIP UA timers

show sip-ua
Displays active SIP UA connections

show sip-ua calls Displays active SIP UA calls

show sip-ua
Displays SIP traffic statistics

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Verifying SIP Gateways

The show commands listed in Table 5-2 are valuable when examining the
status of SIP components and troubleshooting SIP environments.

Table 5-2 SIP show Commands

 Use the show sip service command to display the status of SIP call
service on a SIP gateway. Example 5-16 provides sample output from
the show sip service command.

 Example 5-16 show sip service Command

 Use the show sip-ua status command to display the status for the SIP user
agent, including whether call redirection is enabled or disabled. Example 5-17
provides sample output from the show sip-ua status command.

 Example 5-17 show sip-ua status Command

 Use the show sip-ua timers command to display the current settings for the
SIP user-agent timers. Example 5-18 provides sample output from the show
sip-ua timers command.

 Example 5-18 show sip-ua timers Command

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Use the show sip-ua register status command to display the status of E.164
numbers that a SIP gateway has registered with an external primary SIP
registrar. Example 5-19 provides sample output from the show sip-ua register
status command.

 Example 5-19 show sip-ua register status Command

 Example 5-20 shows the output of the show sip-ua calls command, which
provides detailed information about current SIP calls.
 Example 5-20 show sip-ua calls Command

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Example 5-20 show sip-ua calls Command

The following debug commands are valuable when examining the status of
SIP components and troubleshooting SIP environments:
■ debug asnl events: Use this command to verify that the SIP subscription
server is up. The output displays a pending message if, for example, the client is
unsuccessful in communicating with the server.

■ debug voip ccapi inout: This command shows every interaction with the call
control API on both the telephone interface and on the VoIP side. By monitoring
the output, you can follow the progress of a call from the inbound interface or
VoIP peer to the outbound side of the call. This debug command is very active.
Therefore, you must use it sparingly in a live network.

■ debug voip ccapi protoheaders: This command displays messages sent

between the originating and the terminating gateways. If no headers are being
received by the terminating gateway, verify that the header-passing command is
enabled on the originating gateway.

■ debug ccsip all: This command enables all ccsip-type debugging. This debug
command is very active. Therefore, you should use it sparingly in a live

■ debug ccsip calls: This command displays all SIP call details as they are
updated in the SIP call control block. You can use this debug command to
monitor call records for suspicious clearing causes.

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

■ debug ccsip errors: This command traces all errors encountered by the SIP

■ debug ccsip events: This command traces events, such as call setups,
connections, and disconnections. An events version of a debug command is
often the best place to start because detailed debugs provide a great deal of
useful information.

■ debug ccsip info: This command enables tracing of general SIP Service
Provider Interface (SPI) information, including verification that call redirection
is disabled.

■ debug ccsip media: This command enables tracing of SIP media streams.

■ debug ccsip messages: This command shows the headers of SIP messages
that are exchanged between a client and a server.

■ debug ccsip preauth: This command enables diagnostic reporting of

authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) for SIP calls.

■ debug ccsip states: This command displays the SIP states and state changes
for sessions within the SIP subsystem.

■ debug ccsip transport: This command enables tracing of the SIP transport
handler and the TCP or UDP process.

Examples 5-21, 5-22, and 5-23 show what a successful SIP session between two
end- points looks like in the output of the debug ccsip messages command.
Example 5-21 shows a SIP INVITE message being sent from one phone to
Example 5-21 INVITE Message

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

 Example 5-22 shows the other endpoint returning an OK. Notice the Contact
information added to the output.
 Example 5-22 OK Message

 Example 5-23 shows the other endpoint ending the session with a BYE
 Example 5-23 BYE Message

The main topics covered in this topic are the following:

■ ITU-T Recommendation H.323 describes an infrastructure of terminals, common

control components, services, and protocols that are used for multimedia
Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

■ Functional components of H.323 include terminals, gateways, gatekeepers, Cisco

UBEs, and MCUs.

■ Calls can be established between endpoints, endpoints to gatekeepers, or

gatekeepers to gatekeepers.

■ H.323 calls can occur with or without the use of a gatekeeper.

■ H.323 defines three types of multipoint conferences.

■ When configuring codecs, you can specify one codec or set up codec negotiation.

■ You might want to adjust some of the H.323 timers to meet network

■ You can use several commands to configure fax features on H.323 gateways.

■ DTMF relay solves the problem of DTMF distortion.

■ Use the show gateway command to verify H.323 gateway status.

■ MGCP defines an environment for controlling telephony gateways from a

centralized call agent.

■ MGCP components include endpoints, gateways, and call agents.

■ Calls and connections are basic concepts in MGCP.

■ MGCP call flow consists of an exchange of messages between a call agent and a

■ The mgcp command can be used to configure residential and trunk gateways on a
Cisco router.

■ Several show and debug commands help to verify an MGCP configuration.

■ SIP is defined by IETF RFCs 2543 and 3261 and allows integration with third-
party VoIP networks.
■ SIP is modeled on the interworking of UAs and network servers.

■ A SIP call flow consists of signaling and transmission of bearer and media

■ Communication between SIP components uses a request and response message


Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

■ A SIP address consists of an optional user ID, a host description, and optional
parameters to qualify the address more precisely.

■ SIP call setup models include direct, proxy server, and redirection.

■ You can use several commands on Cisco IOS to configure SIP on Cisco IOS

■ You can use several commands on Cisco IOS to verify and troubleshoot a SIP
Reference :

In lab activity:

SIP trunk node – configuration

By referring above activities Students must design and complete the Experimental
Evaluation of SIP for VoIP and Configure VoIP Phone with network Router in
Packet Tracer
(a) Basic configuration of SIP
(b) Configuring SIP Support for VoIP Dial Peers
(c) Changing the Configuration of the SIP User Agent
(d) Configuring SIP Call Transfer

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Post lab activities:

Sample calculations

Result and discussions

Viva questions

Mark allocations

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20

Lab 14 – Activity 1-3 DNP- 18EC3109
Laboratory Minimum Learning Material (MLM) – 2019-20


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