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2004 ASME Ra miu VESSEL CODE ea ee ef aul ee arent a) remind COMPONENTS ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE AN INTERNATIONAL CODE RULES FOR Ae CONSTRUCTION OF Den NUCLEAR FACILITY COMPONENTS Pe SC ST era ASME BOILER AND aS Ta See a RTE tae THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS en a) NEW YORK, NEW YORK Date of esuance: July 1, 2004 (cludes all Addenda dated July 2003 and este) ‘This international code or sndard was developed under peocedures accredited as meeting the teria for Americen National ‘Standards andt is an American Nuional Standard, The Standards Commit that approved the code or standard was balenced ‘o assur that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed coe ‘or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an oppertuaity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, ad the public large ASME does not “approve.” “rt.” or “endorse” acy item, constuction, proprietary device or activity [ASME does no uke any position with respect wo tbe validity of aay patent rights asserted in connection with any items ‘mentioned in his document, and does aot unerake fo insure anyone uilizng a standard against liability or intingement of ‘any applicable eters patent, nor assume any such lnblity. Users of acode or stardard ar expressly advised tat determination ofthe validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such righ, is ently their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency repesentative(s) or pecson(s) afliated with indstey i nt tobe interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or stander, ASME accepts responsibility fr only those interpretations of tis dacument issued in accordance with the established ASME, procedures and policies, which precludes the isuance of inerpecations by individuals, ‘The footnotes inthis doctment are pur of this American National Studer, ‘The above ASME symbols ae registered inthe U.S. Potent Office. “ASME” is the wademark ofthe American Society of Mechanical Enginers, [No part ofthis document may be reproduced in any fon, i an electronic retieval system or ‘therwise, without tbe prior writen pennission of the publisher, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-3934 Printed in the United States of America Adopted by the Coonsl of the American Sosioty of Mechanic] Engincers, 1914 Revised 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1936, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004 ‘The American Socicty of Mechanical Enginers ‘Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2008 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved 2004 ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTIONS, 1 0 im m m cig Vv VI vat vai Ix xT xl Rules for Construction of Power Boilers Materials Part A — Ferrous Material Specifications Part B — Nonferrous Material Specifications Part C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals Part D — Properties (Customary) Part D — Properties (Metric) Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 Division 1 Subsection NB — Class 1 Components Subsection NC — Class 2 Components Subsection ND — Class 3 Components Subsection NE — Class MC Components Subsection NF — Supports Subsection NG — Core Support Structures Subsection NH — Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Service Appendices Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containment Division 3 — Containments for Transport and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Material and Waste Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers Nondestructive Examination Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1 Division 2 — Alternative Rules Division 3 — Altemative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels Welding and Brazing Qualifications Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks ADDENDA Colored-sheet Addenda, which include additions and revisions to individual Sections of the Code, are published annually and will be sent automatically to purchasers of the applicable Sections up to the publication of the 2007 Code. The 2004 Code is available only in the loose-leaf format; accordingly, the Addenda will be issued in the loose-leaf, replacement-page format, INTERPRETATIONS ASME issues written replies to inquities concerning interpretation of technical aspects of the Code. The Inter- pretations for each individual Section will be published separately and will be included as part of the update service to that Section. They will be issued semiannually uly and December) up to the publication of the 2004 Code. Interpretations of Section III, Divisions 1 and 2, will be included with the update service to Subsection NCA. Beginning with the 2004 Edition, Interpretations of the Code will be distributed annually in July with the issuance of the edition and subsequent addenda. Interpretations previously distributed in January will be posted in January at and included in the July distribution, CODE CASES ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regu- larly to consider proposed additions and revisions to the Code and to formulate Cases to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide, when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not covered by existing Code rules. Those Cases which have been adopted will appear in the appropriate 2004 Code Cases book: (1) Boilers and Pressure Vessels and (2) Nuclear ‘Components. Supplements will be sent automatically to the purchasers of the Code Cases books up to the publica- tion of the 2007 Code. CONTENTS Foreword ... : xix Statements of Policy . xxii Personnel 7 xxv Organization of Section II pores XIRY Summary Of Changes ......-ccccccecccesseseeeseeisrecieeeeseneeeesseetsseseseens sxx, MANDATORY APPENDICES Appendix I Design Stress Intensity Values, Allowable Stresses, Material Properties, and Design Fatigue Curves 1 Figures 19.1 Design Fatigue Curves for Carbon, Low Alloy, and High Tensile Steel for Metal Temperatures Not Exceeding 700°F (370°C).....+..++ 4 1921 Desiga Fatigue Curves for Austenitic Steels, Nickel-Chromium-lon Alloy, Nickcl-Iron-Chromium Alloy, and Nickel-Copper Alloy for S, > 28.2 ksi for Temperatures Not Exceeding 800°F (425°C) .....++++ . 6 192.2 Design Fatigue Curves for Austenitic Stels, Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy, Nickel-[ron-Chromium Alloy, and Nickel-Copper Alloy for S, © 28.2 ksi (194 MPa) for Temperatures Not Exceeding 800°F (425°C). 8 19.23 Flow Chatt for Use of Curves in Figs. and 19.22M......00ccccc. 1 193 Design Fatigue Curves for Wrought 70 Copper-30 Nickel Alloy for Temperatures Not Exceeding 800°F (425°C). 12 194 Design Fatigue Curves for High Strength Steel Bolting for Tempers Not Exceeding 700°F (370°C) we 4 195 Design Fatigue Curves for Nickel-Chromium Molybdenum Alloys (UNS N06003, NO6OO7, NO64SS, and N10276) for Temperatures Not Exceeding 80°F (425°C) .. 16 196 Design Fatigue Curves for Grade 9 Titanium for Temperatures Not Exceeding 600°F (15°C) : a 19 ‘ables 191 ‘Tabulated Values of S,, ksi (MPa), From Figs. 1-9.0 2 19.22 Tabulated Values of S;, ksi (MPa), From Fig. 19.2.2. 10 19. Tabulated Values of S,, ksi (MPa), From Fig. 9.5. : - iB 196 Tabulated Values of Sy, ksi (MPa), for Grade 9 Titanium From Fig. F9.6.... 21 Appendix It Experimental Stress Amalysis,...-......:00020sceseeesceee 2 11-1000 Experimental Stress Analysis : 2 11-1100 Inroduction..........ceeseseeeeeee 2 11-1200 Permissible Types of Noncyelie ‘Tests and Calculation of Stesses.-- 2 11-1300 Test Procedures a) Interpretation of Results... ae a ee 24 Cyclic Tests «. state dedsdedl | 24, Determination of Fatigue Strength Reduction Factors aru 11-1700 11-1800 11-1900 11-2000 11-2100 1-200 11-2300 11-2400 11-2500 11-2600 Figures 1-1430-1 11-1520(6)-1 M-15206)-2 1-2310-1 1-2330-1 Table 11-2440-1 Appendix I 11-1000 1-100 11-2000 10-2100 111-2200 Appendix IV 1V-1000 Appendix V Forms Form N-1 Form N-1A Form N-2 Form N-3 Form N-5 Form N-6 Form NPP-1 Experimental Stress Analysis of Openings ..... Experimental Determination of Stress Indices for Piping. Experimental Determination of Flexibility Factors . Experimental Determination of Stress Intensification Factors Introduction. Definitions. Test Procedure Stress Intensification Factor... Variations in Materials and Geometry . .. ‘Test Report Construction for 11-1430 ..... Tests... 7 Schematic of Test Assembly Construction of the Testing Parameters Ratio Diagram . Construction of the Testing Parameters Ratio Diagram for Accelerated Displacement D and Force F Recorded During Loading and atoning of Test Specimen, With Linear Displacement Stress Intensification Increase Factor Basis for Establishing Designs Stress Intensity ‘Values and Allowable Stress Values. . Introduction. Derivation of Values and Their Tabular Organization Design Stress Intensity Values for Class 1 Components . . Mechanical Property Criteria Fatigue Stength Criteria for All Materials .. Approval of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Approval 9 of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code... Certificate Holders’ Data Report Forms, Instructions, and Application Forms for Certificates of Authorization for Use of Code Symbat Stamps Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Nuclear Vessels. Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Nuclear Vessels (Alternate Form for ‘Single Chamber Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only). Cortificate Holders’ Data Report for Identical Nuclear Parts and Appurtenances Owners’ Data Report for Nuclear Power Plant Components. Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Installation or Shop Assembly of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Supports, and Appurtenances Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Storage Tanks .........-. Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Fabricated Nuclear Ping ‘Subassemblies 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 32 33, 28 31 31 37 39 43 45 49 st 55 59) Form NPV-1 Form NV-1 Form NCS-1 Form NF-I Form NM-I Form NS-1 Form C-L Table v-1000 Appendix VI VI-1000 VE-1100 Figures VEN34-1 VEMI342 VE-N136-1 VI-1136-2 VE-1136-3 VI-1I36-4 VI-1136-5 VI-1136-6 Table VEH132-1 Appendix XI X1-1000 XI-1100 X1-2000 X1-2100 X1-3000 X1-3100 Xx1-3200 Figures X1-3120-1 XI-3240-1 X1-3240-2 X1-3240-3 XI-3240-4 X1-3240-5, X1-3240-6 Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Nuclear Pumps or Valves. - Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Pressure or Vacuum Relief Valves. Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Core Support Structures Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Supports 7 Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Tubular Products and Fittings Welded With Filler Metal Certificate Holders’ Certificate of Conformance for Welded Supports Certificate Holders’ Data Report for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments .........c.0ceessscteeeeeteeee Guide for Preparation of Data Report Forms Rounded Indications. Rounded Indications ....... a Acceptance Standards for Radiographically Determined Rounded Indications in Welds . Aligned Rounded Indications an Groups of Aligned Rounded Indications Charts for + Equal to qe! in. (3-6 mam), Inclusive Charts for £ Over 'e%, in, (6-10 mm), Inclusive. . Charts for Over My="%, in. (10-19 mm), Inelusive Charts for t Over °/,-2 in. (19-50 mm), Inclusive a Chasts for t Over 2-4 in, (30-100 mm), Inclusive 7 Charts for : Over 4 in. (100 mm) . Maximum Size of Nonrelevant Indications and Acceptable Rounded Indications — Examples Only . Rules for Bolted Flange Connections for Class 2 and 3 Components ‘and Class MC Vessels, : tated attest Introduction. General Requirements. ae Materials for Bolted Flange Connections. ......- Material Requirements Design Requirements General Requirements, Class RF Flange Design. . ‘Types of Flanges Values of T, U, ¥, and Z (Terms Involving K). Values of F (Integral Flange Factors). Values of V (Integral Flange Factors). Values of Fy, (Loose Hub Flange Factors). Values of V; (Loose Hub Flange Factors). Values of f (Hub Stress Correction Factor) 6 o n RD mu 76 8 2 88 88 88, 0 90 a1 a1 2 8 94 95 89 103 100, i 12 13 114 14 us Tables X03221.11 XI-3221.1-2 X1-3230-1 X1-3240-1 Appendix XII XI-1000 ‘XII-1100 Appendix XIII XIII-1000 XIII-1100 ‘XIIT-2000, XII1-2100 Figures XM-LI41-1 XIIE-2122-1 XIN-2124(6)-1 Tables XIN-1130-1 ‘XIII-1153¢a)-1 XIU-2123-1 XII-2123-2 Appendix XIV xIV-1000 XIV-1100 XIV-1200 X1V-1300 XIV-1400 Appendix XVIII XVITI-1000 XVII-1100 Figures XVUN-1170-1 XVENL-1140-1 Gasket Materials and Contact Facings ......-0..0+. bffective Gasket Width .. stata Moment Arms for Flange Loads . Flange Factors in Formula Form. Design Considerations for Bolted Flange Connections ............+. Design Considerations for Bolted Flange Connections. . Considerations . sesteel Design Based on Stress Analysis (for Vessels Designed in Accordance With Division 1, NC-3200 and Division 3, WC-3000). .. . . Design Based on Stress Analysis. . General Requirements, ....... : Pressure Stresses in Openings for Faigue ‘Evaluation Methods of Evaluation oF ‘Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Intensity 7 Direction of Stress Components. Nozzle Nomenclature and Dimensions... Classification of Stress Intensity in Vessels for Some Typical Cases Values of m, n, and Try for Various Classes of Permitted Materials Nozzles in Spherical Shells and Formed Heads. . Nozzles in Cylindrical Shells Design Based on Fatigue Analysis (for Vessels Designed in Accordance With Division 1, NC-3200 and Division 3, WC-3200) .. Design Based on Fatigue Analysis... Introduction, Analysis for Cyclic Service of Vessels. . Analysis for Cyclic Service of Bolts. ‘Analysis for Thermal Stress Ratchet... Capacity Conversions for Pressure Relief Valves.......0.....2005 Capacity Conversions for Pressure Relief Valves . , Procedure for Conversion .. me Constant C for Gas or Vapor Related to Ratio of Specific Heats ( Gfeerveo Flow Capacity Curve for Rating Nozzle Type Sate Valves on Saturated Water (Based on 10% Overpressure) . Superheat Correction Factor Kyj..2..2.2-2620e0e+ Molecular Weights of Gases and Vapors. alle 104 106 107 108 116 116 16 ng 19 9 129 129 126 129 131 123, 17 130 130 133 133, 133 133 135 136 137 137 137 141 143, 138 142 Appendix XIX Integral Flat Head With a Large Opening sTededeahalanahhe 145 XIX-1000 legal Flat Head With a Large Opening. 145 XIX-1100 General Requirements. feces 145 XIK-1200 Design Procedure... veces 14S Figures XIX-1110-1 Applicable Configurations of Flat Heads: cotttteeteseteeeeeseees 146 XIK-1110-2 Integral Flat Head With Large Central Opening, a 146 Appendix XX Submitl of Techocal Ingutles tothe Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee : 148 XX-1000 Submiva of TehnialInguses othe Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committe... eeesceeeeveeesseeees selelitd coe 148 2X-1100 Introduction. 148 XX-1200 Inquiry Format 148 XX.1300 Code Revisions ot Additions. 149 XX-1400 Code Cases .. 149 XX-1500 Code Interpretations 49 XX-1600 Submittals ....... 9 Appendix XI Adhesive Attachment of Nameplates. 150 XXI-1000 Adhesive Attachment of Nameplates . ; : 150 XXI-1100 Introduction. . 150 Appendix XXUL Rls for Reinforcement of Cone-to-Cylinder Junction Under External Pressure... apie 151 XXIL-1000 Rules fr Reinforcement of Cone-to-Cylinder Junction Under Exterl Pressure. i desea shal : 1st XXI-1100 Introduction, 151 XXII-1200 Nomenclature 151 XXII-1300 Desiga Pressure .. 152 Table XXI-1200-1 Values of A for Junctions at the Large Cylinder for as 60 deg. 152 Appendix XXII Qualifications and Duties of Specialized Professional Engineers. 155 XXIII-1000 Qualifications and Duties of Specialized Professional Engineers, 155 XXIN-1100 SCOPE . se sesssesecseseseersnsnseessieseeeeeeseereserers 155 XXIN-1200 Qualifications : : 155 XXM-1300 Duties... eescseeereteeserees 156 Nonmandatory Guides Guide A ‘Sample Statements........ fase . - 159 Form A-I Design Specification (Div. 1 and 2).....csssscscscsesseeseeeee 159 Form A-2 Design Report. 160 Form A-3 Overpressre Protection Report (Div. 1 snd 2).. 161 Form A-4 Design Specification (Div. 3) 7 . 162 Form A-5 Fabrication Specification (Div. 3)... ficeneenees 168 Guide B Guidelines for Establishing ASME Code Knowledge. .....00ecc cscs --- 164 Guide C Guidelines for Demonstrating PE Qualifications se 167 Tables BL B2 B3 B4 BS BE BT BS Appendix XXIV XXIV-1000 Design Specification — Divisions 1 and 2, Design Report — Division 1 ..... Overpressure Protection Report — Divisions 1 and 2 Load Capacity Data Sheet — Conseucon Speciation, Design Drawings, and Design Report — 2... : Specification — Division 3.. Design Report — Division 3 166 Fabrication Specification — Division 3 166 ‘Standard Units for Use in Equations ... 169 ‘Standard Units for Use in Equations. . 169 NONMANDATORY APPENDICES Appendix A A-1000 A-1100 A-2000 4.2100 4-200 4-300 4-310 4.3200 4-400 A-4100 A-5000 A-5100 4/5200 A-6000 4-6100 A-6200 ‘A-7000 A100 4-800 A-8100 ‘4.9000 49100 49200 4-930 ‘A-9400 ‘A-9500 Figures A-2120-1 A-3120-1 A-5120-1 AS21241 AS213+1 A-S221-1 Stress Analysis Methods .... ‘Stress Analysis Methods . Introduction. ... Analysis of Cylindrical Shells Introduction. : Stress Imensities, Displacements, Bending Moments, and Limiting Values ... 173 Analysis of Spherical Shells 176 Introduction..-..seseeeeeeeene : : seve 176 Stress Intensities, Bending Analysis, Displacements, and Edge Loads. 17 Design Criteria and Equations for Torispherical and Ellipsoidal Heads....... 180 Introduction. ‘Analysis of Flat Circular Heads. Introduction. : Loads, Displacements, and Geomeny Constants » Discontinuity Stresses... Introduction... . Method of and Procedure for Bisconiuiy Analysis. ‘Thermal Stresses Introduction......... ‘Stresses in Perforated Flat Plates. Introduction.............. Interaction Method .. Introduction... : Interaction Equations . Allowable Loads and Stresses ... New Interaction Equations. ...... : Determination of Allowable Bending Strength of Beams by the Apparent Stress Method. : 12 seve WIT veces 182 sess 183 cesses 183 183 A5222-1 A-6230-1 A-6230.2 462303, A-6230-4 A-6230-5, A-8120-1 A-SI31-1 A-8132.1-1 A8132.2-1 A-81323-1 AR1324-1 AC8142-1 A-8142.2, A-8142.3 ABI AB142-5 AB142-6 A-8143.2-41 A8153-1 A-9210(d-1 A-9523.1-1 ASSL A-8532(C)(3)+1 A-9533(0}1 A-9541-1 A-9541-2 A9541-3 A944 A-9542-1 A-92104)-1 A-9521(D}1 Appendix B B-1000 B-1100 B-1200 B-2000 B-2100 B-2200 B-2200 B-3000 B-3100 B-4000 B-4100 B-4200 B-4300 184 7 187 187 188 188 189 : 194 please Dien 195 ve : + 196 196 197 197 198 198 7 199 200 201 203 7 208 LI tel EEL TL lee 205 Interaction Curve for Beams Subject to Bending and Shear or to Bending, Shear, and Direct Loads. : : + 208 Sign Convention and Nomenclature 210 Bending and Shear Stresses. sesteseseees 2H Interaction Exponent... .. sesteceseseses 212 Interaction Curve for Bending and Tension PL 213 ‘Trapezoidal Stress—Strain Relationship. .... viesecteeeeseseees 214 Ultimate and Yield Trapezoidal Intercept Stresses ......- wee 25 Linearized Ultimate and Yield Bending Stresses for Revlangular Section..... 215 Proportional Limit as a Function of Yield Stress........ + 216 Linearized Bending Stress Versus Allowable Suess for SA-672 AS0 Material at 600°F (316°C) . 217 eckk saa . coceeeeeeeeeeseettees 18S Interaction Equations for Common Beam Shapes 208 Section Factors. seve 210 Owner's Design Specifications. 218 Introduction and Scope, 218 Introduction... 218 Scope of Cerified Design Specification 218 Generic Requirements. ; 219 Certified Design Specification Requimenens cee 219 Operability, aadedeceaedetd pees 2B Regalatory Requirements... : : teres 2A Specific Vessel Requirements. ......ssscesseeseeveressseeeenstees see 25 Certified Design Specification Requirements 25 Specific Pump Requirements Certified Design Specification Requirements . Operability Requirements for Pumps : : . 26 Regulatory Requirements. ...... : 226 B-5000 B-S100 B-5200 B-5300 B-6000 B-6100 B-7000 B-7100 B-8000 B-8100 B8300 B-9000 B-9100 B-10000 B-10100 B-11000 B-11100 B-11200 B-11300 Figure B-2123-1 Appendix € c-1000 C1100 1200 C-1300 c-1400 Appendix D D-1000 D-1100 D-1200 Appendix E E-1000 E-1100 E1200 Tables E-1210-1 E-1210-2 Appendix F F-1000 F-1100 F-1200 F-1300 F.1400 Specific Valve Requirements ..... : we 27 Certified Design Specification Requirements seve, 27 Operability Requirements for Valves ........ : cities DT Regulatory Requirements : ficeeseees 228 Specific Piping Requirements - 29 Certified Design Specification Requirements 29 Specific Containment Requirements : 230 Centfied Design Specification Requirements ... 230 Specific Component Support Requirements. 231 Certified Design Specification Requirements 21 Regulatory Requirements. ..... 231 Specific Core Support Structures Requirements. 232 Certified Design Specification Requirements 232 Specific Parts and Miscellaneous Items Requirements ... 234 Certified Design Specification Requirements .... 234 Reference List of Regulatory Requiemenss 235 Introduction. .. : 235 Title 10 of Code of Federal Regul 235 Regulatory Guides... eresceeee 235 ‘Time-Dependent Load Information ..........0scsccteveescsesseeeseneeese 222 Certificate Holder’s Design Report Meek : 238 Certificate Holder’s Design Report .. re 238 Introduction ee secticeesecseess BB ‘Thermal Analysis......... cece. ‘Structural Analysis ......, Fatigue Evaluation, Nonmandatory Preheat Procedures. ... Nonmandatory Preheat Procedures .. Introduction. Ferrous Materials Minimum Bolt Cross-Sectional Area. .. ‘Minimum Bolt Cross-Sectional Area .. Introduction........ Design Cross-Sectional Area. . Gasket Materials and Contact Facings .. Effective Gasket Width ...... Rules for Evaluation of Service Yonaings ‘With Level D Service Limits ........ Rules for Evaluation of Service Loan With Level D Service Limit Introduction 7 Intent of Level D Service Limits... Level D Service Limits and Design Rules Vessels. Tale i Appendix G G-1000 G-2000 G-2100 G-2200 G-2300 G-2400 G-3000 3100 G-4000 G-4100 Figures G-2210-41 G-22144 G-22142 G-2214.3 Appendix K K-1000 K-1100 K-1200 K-1300 Table K-1330-1 Appendix L L-1000 L-1100 1.2000 L-2100 L-3000 13100 13200 Figures L314 L-3191-2 132301 132302 1.32303 Tables L-3212-1 1-2240-1 Protection Against Nonductile Failure Introduetion Vessels. General Requirements. Level A and Level B Service Limits Level € and Level D Service Limits Hydrostatic Test Temperature, : Piping, Pumps, and Valves 7 General Requirements. Bolting General Requirements. Tolerances .........6eecce- Tolerances Introduction : : Objective ......- eee re eel General Requirements. Local Installation Tolerances for Piping Supports Class FF Flange Design for Class 2 and 3 Components and Class MC Vessels : 7 selettetatat Class FF Flanges — Introduction : a General Requirements......20000eecsseseteees sete Class FF Flanges — Materials... Material Requirements .. Class FF Flanges — Design General Requirements....2.2.2+2+++ Design of Flanges and Bolting Bolt Hole Flexibility Factor .. Flange Dimensions and Forces. Group 1 Flange Assembly (Identical Flange Pairs). Group 2 Flange Assembly . Lt Group 3 Flange Assembly... ‘Trial Flange Thickness and Area of Bolting for Various Groups of Assemblies and Flange Categories .......+. . Summary of Applicable Formula for Different Groups of Assemblies and Different Categories of Flanges 258, 258 259 259 259 263 263 265 265 266 266 260 261 262 263 267 267 267 267 267 269 24 274 24 275 275 216 276 280 280 281 284 284 285 282 285 Appendix M Recommendations for Control of Welding, Postweld Heat ‘Treatments and Nondestructive Examination of Welds. 290 M-1000 Recommencations for Cont of Welding, Postweld Heat Teste, and Nondestructive Exatnination of Welds... ctetadedededectshetat cba] 290. M-1100 Introduction ee vee 290 M-1200 Welding Procedure Specifications .. fittteeieeeeeseee 290 M-1300 Welding Performance Qualification and Assignment ......... 00... - 291 M-1400 Control of Welding we cee 291 M-1500 Nondestructive Examination of Welds ........ssscsssscssusetescniceece 291 M-1600 Postweld Heat Treatment. cies 291 M-1700 Examination and Dimensional Inspection 201 Appendix N Dynamic Analysis Methods . : secseseteeesess 292 N-1000 Dynamic Analysis Methods,.....0....22ccsccscseeses : 292 N-1100 Introduction and Scope......... veeseee 292 N-1200 Seismic Analysis ........ 293 N-1300 Flow-Induced Vibration of Tubes and Tube Banks. 320 N-1400 Dynamics of Coupled Fivid-Shells . et - 338 N-1500 Fluid Transient Dynamics « ce 46 1N-1600 Miscellaneous Impulsive end Impactive Loads. 346 N-1700 Combined Responses : : 346 Figures Ne1211€a)-1 Horizontal Design Response Spectra Scaled to 1 g Horizontal Ground Acceleration .. . 294 N-1211(6}1 Vertical Design Response Spectra Scaled to 1 g Horizontal Ground Acceleration ..... 296 N-1226-1 Response Spectrum Peak Broadening and Peak Amplitude. ...... 309 N-1226-2 Use of Floor Spectra When Several Equipment Frequencies Are Within the Widened Spectral Peak... . 3il 1N-1228.3-1 Coefficients for a Component of Shear for a Unit Displacement of a Nondatum Support ....... : veces 315 N-1321-1 Vortices Shed From 2 Circular Cylinder 324 N-1321-2 Some Typical Cross Sections of Bluff Bodies That Can Experience Vortex Shedding ..... sete + 325 N-1323-1 Synchronization of the Vortex Shedding Frequency and the ‘Tube Natural Frequency for a Single, Flexibly-Mounted Circular Cylinder. ‘Synchronization Occurs Within the Shaded Region , : + 326 N-331-1 Response of a Tube Bank to Cross Flow. coe 329 N-1331-2 ‘Tube Vibration Patterns at Fluidelasic Instability for a Four-Tube Row...... 330 N-1331-3 ‘Tube Arrangements: cletatate a sete OBL N-1331-4 Stability Diagram. 333 Random Excitation Cocffcient for Arrays in Cross Flow .. seeceseees 336 Vibration Forms for Circular Cylindrical Shells. ......2...0-ceesceveves Compatison of Fritz and Kiss Solution With Exact Solution N-1470-1 Imaginary Part of Z as a Function of b/a for Selected Value of S. NAM2224 Definition of Notation, hahelata N-1723.1-1 a" 349 N-1723.1-2 349 N-1723.1-3 350 N-1723.1-4 : 350 Tables N-I211@)1 Horizontal Design Response Spectra Relative Values of Spectrum Amplification Factors for Control Points, 298 N-1211(b)1 Vertical Design Response Spectra Relative Values of Speen, ‘Amplification Factors for Control Points. oie 298 1N-1225.1.1(b)-1_ Minimum Support Load Factor... 306 N-1226+1 Suggested Prenences, Hr, for CCateulaton of Ground and Floor Response Spectra, ea siete ceeeteseeesesees 308 N-1230+1 Damping Values. we 316 N-I3I1-1 ‘Added Mass for Lateral Acceleration of Stuctures in a Fluid Reservoir 322 N-3112 Guidelines for Damping of Flow-Induced Vibration....... bees 34 N-1324.2(@1 Semiempisicet Coneations for Predicting Resonant Vox Induced Vibration Amplitude.......++-++0+ eles soe 328 References to Appendix N ane 353 Appendix 0 Rules for Design of Safety Valve Installations cteeeceee 358 0-100 Rules for Design of Safety Valve Installations 358 O-1100 ‘Scope and Definition, cesceeteeeeeeses 358 01200 Method of and Procedure for Load Computation. setceceeeteeees 359 0-1300 Stress Evaluation Open System .. 360 0-1400 Closed Discharge Systems — Open Discharge Systems With Long Discharge Pipes — Systems With Slug Flow. ........ ceecccseses 360 0-1500 Design Considerations 361 Figures 0-1120(e1 Application Point of Venting Force F Seca eet 899) 0-1120(e+2 Limiting Safety Valve Arrangements and Dimensions fectceeeseee 35) Appendix P Certified Material Test Reports 362 P1000 Certified Material Test Reports 362 P-1100 Introduction _ 362 P-1200 General Required Information 362 P1300 Information Required Under Specific Circumstances 302 P1400 Execution sllte i 363 Appendix Q Design Rules for Clamp Connections .. sees 364 1000 Design Rules for Clamp Connections. 364 Q1100 Introduction letettad 364 Figures 1130-1 Typical Hub and Clamp. 7 365 Q-1130-2 ‘Typical Clamp Lug Configurations .... 366 Table Qui80-1 Allowable Design Stress for Clamp Connections... 370 Appendix R Determination of Permissible Lowest Service Metal Temperature From Typr for Classes 2 and MC Construetion....... tani R-1000 Determination of Permissible Lowest Service Mesa Temperatures From Typr for Classes 2 and MC Construction ......--+ - 3m R-1100 R-1200 Figure R-1200-1 Appendix $ $-1000 $-1100 $-1200 $-1300 $-1400 8-1500 S-1600 $-2000 $-2100 $-2200 $-2300 -2400 Figures $-1600-1 $-2300-1 Appendix T T-1000 T-1100 T-1200 Figures T-1213-1 T1213. Table 7-1222-1 Appendix U U-1000 U-1100 U-1200 10-1300 U-1400 Figures U-1500-1 U-1500-2 U-1500-3 U-1500-4 U-1500-5 Introduction. . 371 Determination of Permissible Lowest Service Metal Temperature. 371 Determination of Permissible Lowest Service Metal Temperature an Pump Shaft Design Methods... 373 Pump Shaft Design Methods.......... 373 Introduction. sete 323 Scope .... : 373 Design Requirements 373 Responsibility... eee eeeee 373 Operating Loads. .. 33 Shaft Failure Modes . 374 Design Procedure....... late 376 Critical Speeds : . 376 Maximum Torsional Load... 316 ‘Shaft Evaluation....... 376 Other Considerations. 378 Typical Centrifugal Pump Shaft Failure Locations . 375 Steps in the Design of a Pump Shaft ... : 377 Recommended Tolerances for Reconciliation of Piping Systems. 379 Recommended Tolerances for Reconciliation of Piping Systems. . 379 Introduction... ate teletadede 379 Total Tolerances, 382 Illustrations of Angular Dimensions — Pipe Legs, Valves, s Suppor, Bends... letatadad 381 Mlustration of Linear Dimensions ............ 383 BrancivRun Size Combinations . eorreeerce . 384 Rules for Pump Internals, sevens 386 Roles for Pump Internals - 386 Introduction. General Requirements. Materials 7 Fabrication Requirements .. - 388 ‘Typical for Type A, C, E, F, and/or Some J (NB-3400) Panph vevececes BB ‘Typical Type B and D Pumps (NC and ND-3400) . f : ‘Typical for Type G and H Pumps (NC and ND-3400).......2... 395 ‘Typical for Type K Pumps (NC and ND-3400).........2.002- 396 ‘Typical for Type L Pumps (NC and ND-3400)....-....+0+ U-1500-6 Reciprocating Plunger Pump (NC and ND-3400) 398 U-1300-7 ‘Typical Type A or C Pumps (NC and ND-3400) . 400 Tables U-1600-1 Summary of Requirements . U-1610-1 Materials for Pump Internal ems for Class 1, 2, and 3 Pumps + 40 Appendix W Environmental Effects on Components .......2-4-s:0ccscsserrsereseeees 404 W-1000 Environmental Effects on Components... 404 W-1100 Introduction. .... lctetatadadadededhat al 404 W-1200 Section XI and Plex Applications 404 W-2000 Summaries of Corrosion Damage Mechanisms .... : sevens 405 W-2100 Stress Corrosion Cracking. .. sfetadedadededaata ceeseees 405 W-2200 General Corrosion and Wastage. lala 408 W-2300 Pitting Corrosion ....2,0.2+sceeeeseeeeees 409 W-2400 Crevice Corrosion and Denting <1... 0-20. -- ald W-2500 Intergranular Corrosion Attack 412 W-2600 Microbiologically-Induced Corrosion and Fouling. 415 W-2700 Corrosion Fatigue and Crack Growth . Bane 416 W.2800 Flow Accelerated Corrosion : cece 418 W.2900 Erosion and Erosion-Corrosion....... Pit se 420 Ww-3000 Summaries of Embritiement Damage Mechanisms ..........0+0-+ 422 W-3100 Iradaton-Assived Suess Corosion Cracking ASCO) 7 42 W-3200 Thermal Aging Embrittlement ....... aicteaheetchetat eet tnaas W-3300 Radiation Embrittlement ....... cicceeeseeens 4S w-3400 Hydrogen Damage Embritement and Delayed Cracking coven 425 w-4000 Summaries of Other Damage Mechanisms stelal abel aAaE W-4100 Fretting and Wear .....csceseeeees aatetaaeatt a7 W-4200 Thermal Fatigue 428 w-4300 Dynamic Loading — Vibration, Water Hammer, and Unstable Fluid FLOW ss csescseeeeeeesneees fevtieeesseseeses 428 w.4400 Creep : cecescceeeees 2B Figure W-2100-1 Environmental Conditions Required for SCC......¢+s+40s200005 woe 405 Appendix Y Evaluation of the Design of Rectangular and Hollow Circular Cross Section Welded Attachments on Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping....... 431 Y-1000 Evaluation of the Design of Rectangular and Hollow Circular Cross Section Welded Attachment on Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping ...2.-+2..+ 431 Y-1100 Introduction. coe BI ¥.2000 Procedure for Evaluation of the Design of Rectan: © Cross Section ‘Attachments on Class | Piping .... Ll 432 Y-2100 Introduction. 432 ¥-2200 Limitations to Applicability... 432 ¥-2300 Nomenclature and Definitions. 432 Y-2400 Evaluation Procedure 433 Y-2500 ‘Analysis Documentation 434 Y-3000 Procedure for Evaluation of the Design of Rectangular Cross Section Attachments on Class 2 or 3 Piping... 435 ¥3100 Introduction. 435 ¥-3200 Limitations to Applicability. 435 Y-3300 Y-3400 Y-3500 Y-4000 Y¥-4100 Yy-4200 Y-4300 Y-4400 Y-4500 ‘¥-5000 Y-5100 ¥-5200 Y-5300 Y-5400 Y-5500 Figures Y-2300-1 ‘¥-3300-1 ¥-4200-1 ‘¥-4300-1 Y-5300-1 Appendix Z Z-1000 Z-1100 72-1200 1300 71400 71500 Appendix AA AA-1000 ‘AA-2000 AA-3000 AA-4000, AA-5000 AA-6000 AA-7000 Nomenclature and Definitions. I ebaslalelededededadadbahalatshof435- Evaluation Procedure os settee 436 Analysis Documentation - 437 Procedure for Evaluation of the Design of Hollow Circular Cross Section Welded Attachments on Class 1 Piping. ... 438 Introduction. 7 : 438 Limitations to Applicability. 438 ‘Nomenclature and Definitions. .. 438 Evaluation Procedure oan8 439 Analysis Documentation 440 Procedure for Evaluation of the Design of Hollow Circular Cross Section ‘Welded Attachments on Class 2 and 3 3 Piping. 441 Introduction. 441 Limitations to Applicability... Nomenclature and Definitions. .... ala Evaluation Procedure ........ stele Analysis Documentation «.....2-26262¢see00 Nomenclature Mustration.........2...s6scsececseseeesesesreavevsessesess 432 Nomenclature Mustration. .. seers 435 Weld Type Ilustration ..... ee - 438 Nomenclature WIUStatiOn. «sss eesceceeseseeeeeseeesesesesessesees 438 Nomenclature Illustration, : cies 442 Interruption of Code Work . vee 44 Interruption of Code Work eee - 444 Thtroduction.. ae ateded . 444 Definitions. 7 44g Documentation 444 Other Considerations.........scusssiessssssssersceeecees 444 Resumption of Code Activities. esas 445 Guidance for the Use of U.S. Customary and SI Units in the ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Use of Units in Equations ea Guidelines Used to Develop SI Eguivaens. Checking Equations... : Examples of Dimensional Analysis. ..... Soft Conversion Factors. : Special Requirements for Postweld Heat Treat Times . Notes on Conversions in Section Il, Parts A, B, and C FOREWORD ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers set up a committe in 1911 for the purpose of formulating standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and other pressure vessels. This commitee is now called the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committe. ‘The Committee’s function isto establish rules of safety, relating only to pressure integrity, governing the construc- tion! of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks and nuclear components, and inservice inspection for pressure integrity of nuclear components and transport tanks, and to interpret these rules when questions arise regarding. their intent. This Code does not address other safety issues relating to the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks and nuclear components, and the inservice inspection of nuclear components and transport tanks. ‘The user of the Code should refer to other pertinent codes, standards, laws, regulations, or other elevant documents. In formulating the rules, the Committee considers the needs of users, manufacturers, and inspectors of pressure vessels, The objective of the roles is to afford reasonably certain protection of life and property and to provide a iatgin for deterioration in service so as to give a reason- ably long, safe period of usefulness, Advancements in design and material and the evidence of experience have been recognized This Code contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for construc- tion, and inservice inspection and testing activities. The Code does not address all aspects of these activities end those aspects which are not specifically addressed should ot be considered protibited. The Code is not a handbook and cannot replace education, experience, and the use of engineering judgment. The phrase engineering judgment refers 10 technical judgments made by knowledgeable engineers experienced in the application of the Code. Engineering judgments must be consistent with Code philosophy and such judgments must never be used to ‘overrule mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of the Code. Consracion, 28 wed in this Foreword, isan alk inclusive ten arising materials, design, friction, examination, inspection test , eeifteaton, and pressure rei ‘The Committee recognizes that tools and techniques used for design and analysis change as technology prog- resses and expects engineers to use good judgment in the application of these tools. The designer is responsible for complying with Code rules and demonstrating compli ance with Code equations when such equations are man- datory. The Code neither requires nor prohibits the use of computers for the design or analysis of components constricted to the requirements of the Code, However, designers and engineers using computer programs for design or analysis are cautioned that they are responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs ey use and they are responsible for the application of these programs to their design. ‘The Code does not fully address tolerances. When dimensions, sizes, or other parameters are not specified with tolerances, the values ofthese parameters are consi ered nominal and allowable tolerances or local variances ‘may be considered acceptable when based on engineering Judgment and standard practice as determined by the engineer. ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee deals with the care and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels in service only to the extent of providing suggested rules of good practice as an aid to owners and their inspectors ‘The rules established by the Committee are not to be interpreted as approving, recommending, or endorsing any proprietary or specific design or as limiting in any way the manufacturer's freedom to choose any method of design or any form of construction that conforms to the Code rules. ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regu larly to consider revisions of the rules, new rules as dictated by technological development, Code Cases, and requests for interpretations. Only the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has the authority to provide official intexpretations of this Code, Requests for revisions, new rules, Code Cases, or interpretations shall be addressed to the Secretary in writing and shall give full particulars in order to receive consideration and action (see Mandatory Appendix covering preparation of technical inquiries). Proposed revisions to the Code resulting from inquiries will be presented to the Main Committee for appropriate action, The action of the Main Committee becomes effec- tive only after confirmation by letter ballot of the Commit- tee and approval by ASME, Proposed revisions to the Code approved by the Com- mittee are submitted to the American National Standards Institate and published at http:/estools.asme.orghvbpmas/ public/index.cfm ?PublicReview = Revisions to invite comments from all interested persons. After the allotted time for public review and final approval by ASME, revisions are published annually in Addenda to the Code. Code Cases may be used in the construction of compo- nents to be stamped with the ASME Code symbol begi ‘ning with the date of their approval by ASME, Code Editions may be used on or after the date of issue shown in the Edition, After Code revisions are approved by ASME, they may be used beginning with the date of issue shown on the Addenda. Revisions to material specifications are originated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other recognized national or international organizations, and are usvally adopted by ASME. However, those revisions may ormay nothave any effect on the suitability of material, produced to earlier editions of specifications, for use in ASME ‘construction, ASME material specifications approved for use in each construction Code are listed in the Guidelines for Acceptable ASTM Editions in Section Il, Parts A and BB. These Guidelines list, for each specification, the latest edition adopted by ASME, and earlier and later editions considered by ASME to be identical for ASME con- struction. ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in the for- ‘mulation ofits rules and in the establishment of maximum, design and operating pressures considers materials, con- struction, method of fabrication, inspection, and safety devices. ‘The Code Committee does not rule on whether a com- ponent shall or shall not be constructed to the provisions of the Code. The Scope of each Section has been estab- lished to identify the components and parameters consid- ered by the Committee in formulating the Code rales. ‘Questions or issues regarding compliance of a specific component with the Code rules are to be directed to the ASME Certificate Holder (Manufacturer). Inquiries concerning the interpretation of the Code are to be directed to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Com- mittee. ASME is to be notified should questions arise ‘concerning improper use of an ASME Code symbol. ‘The specifications for materials given in Section II are identical with or similar to those of specifications published by ASTM, AWS. and other recognized national ‘of intemational organizations, When reference is made in an ASME material specification to a non-ASME speci- fication for which a companion ASME specification ‘exists, the reference shall be interpreted as applying to the ASME material specification. Not all materials included in the material specifications in Section II have been adopted for use in this Section. Usage is limited to those materials and grades listed in at least one of the tables of Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, identified as appli- cable tothis Section, All materials allowed by this Section and uscd for construction within the scope of these rales shall be Furnished in accordance with material specifica tions contained in Section II or referenced in the Guide- lines for Acceptable ASTM Editions in Section I, Parts A and B, except where otherwise provided in Code Cases, ‘or in this Section of the Code. Materials covered by these specifications are acceptable for use in items covered by the Code Sections only to the degree indicated in the applicable Section. Materials for Code use should prefera- bly be ordered, produced, and documented on this basis. Material produced to an acceptable specification with fequirements different from the requirements of the cor- responding specifications listed in the Guideline for Acceptable ASTM Editions in Part A or Part B may also be used in accordance with the above, provided the material manufacturer or vessel manufacturer certifies with evidence acceptable to the Authorized Inspector that the corresponding ASME specification requirements of specifications listed in the Guideline for Acceptable ASTM Editions in Part A or Part B have been met. “Material produced to an acceptable material specification is not limited as to country of origin. ‘When required by context in this Section, the singular shall be interpreted as the plural, and vice-versa; and the feminine, masculine, or neuter gender shall be treated as such other gender as appropriate Bither U.S. Customary units or SI units may be used for compliance with all requirements of this edition, but ‘one system shall be used consistently throughout for all phases of construction Either the U.S. Customary units or ST units that are listed in Mandatory Appendix XXIV are identified in the text, or are identified in the nomenclature for equations shall be used consistently for all phases of construction (e.g, materials, design, fabrication, and reports), Since values in the two systems are not exact equivalents, each system shall be used independently of the other without mixing U.S. Customary units and Sf units, When SI units are selected, U.S. Customary values in referenced specifications that do not contain SJ units shall bbe converted to ST valves to at least three significant figures for use in calculations and other aspects of con- struction. With the publication of the 2004 Edition, Section Il, Part D is published as two separate publications. One publication contains values only in U.S. Customary units and the other contains values only in SI units. The selec- tion of the version to use is dependent on the set of units selected for construction STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF CODE SYMBOLS AND CODE AUTHORIZATION IN ADVERTISING ASME has established procedures to authorize quali- fied organizations to perform various activities in accor- dance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. It is the aim of the Society to provide recognition of organizations so authorized. An organization holding authorization to perforin various activities in accordance with the requirements of the Code may state this capability in its advertising literature, Organizations that are authorized to use Code Symbols for marking items or constructions that have been con- structed and inspected in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are issued Certificates ‘of Authorization, It is the aim of the Society to maintain the standing of the Code Symbols for the benefit of the users, the enforcement jurisdictions, and the holders of the symbols who comply with all requirements Based on these objectives, the following policy has been established on the usage in advertising of facsimiles, of the symbols, Certificates of Authorization, and refer- ence to Code construction. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers does not “approve,” “certify.” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, o activity and there shall be no statements or implications that might so indicate, An organization holding a Code Symbol and/or a Certificate of Authorization may state in adver- tising literature that items, constructions, or activities “are built (produced of performed) or activities conducted in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,” or “meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. ‘The ASME Symbol shall be used only for stamping and nameplates as specifically provided in the Code. However, facsimiles may be used for the purpose of fostering the use of such construction. Such usage may be by an association or a society, or by a holder of a Code ‘Symbol who may also use the facsimile in advertising to show that clearly specified items will carry the symbol. General usage is permitted only when all ofa manufactur ex's items are constructed under the rules. ‘The ASME logo, which is the cloverleaf withthe letters ASME within, shall not be used by any organization other than ASME, STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF ASME MARKING TO IDENTIFY MANUFACTURED ITEMS ‘The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code provides rules for the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear components. This includes requirements for materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, and stamping. lems constructed in accordance with all of the applicable rules of the Code are identified with the official Code Symbol Stamp described in the governing Section of the Code, ‘Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME” or the various Code Symbols shall not be used on any item that is not con- structed in accordance with all of the applicable require- ments of the Code. Items shall not be described on ASME Data Report Forms nor on similar forms referring to ASME that tend to imply that all Code requirements have been met when, in fact, they have not been. Data Report Forms covering items not fully complying with ASME requirements should not refer to ASME or they should clearly identify all exceptions to the ASME requirements, xiv Subcommi PERSONNEL ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee As of January 1, 2004 MAIN COMMITTEE G..G. Karcher, Chair IG. Feldstein, Vice Chair I. S. Brausckiewicz, Secretary RW. Barnes J. €. Batey D.L. Berger M.N. Bressler D.A.Canonico F.C, Chemy A. Douin E.Gimple 5 : Kae @ fe iene 5 F. Landers EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (MAIN COMMITTEE) G. Feldstein, Chair G. Karcher, Vice Chair uszkiewicz, Secretary M. Gold J. R, Mackay T. P, Pastor A Selz A}. Spencer DE, Tanner HONORARY MEMBERS (MAIN COMMITTEE) @ worm R. |, Bosak RJ Cepluch LJ. Chockie W.D. Doty. JR Fae R.C. Griffis EJ. Memzy MH. Jawad J, LeCoft FN. Moschini W.E.Somers| LP. Zick, J HONORS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE W. L Haag, I MOH. Jawad D. P. Jones T. Pastor C.J. Pieper RR. Stevenson ittees, Subgroups, and Working Groups MARINE CONFERENCE GROUP |. Tiratio, Chair J. Jones LW, Douthwaite ‘CONFERENCE COMMITTEE D.A. Douin — lino’: D.T. Jagger — Ohio ‘Chain DJ. Jenkins — Kansas R.D. Reetz —Nomh Dakota. Katz — Brish Columbia, (Vice Chai) Canada D.E. Tanner — Ohio (M.Kotb — Quebec, Canada (Secretary) KT. Lau — Alberta, Canada J. Aben, Ir. — Michigan J.$. Aclaro — California 1.7, Amato — Minnesota E. A. Anderson — Chicago, Minos F.R. Andeus — Oregon R. D. Austin — Colorado M.M, Barber — Michigan R, Barlet — Arizona EP. Barton — Virginia W. K. Brigham — New Hampshire D. E, Burns — Nebraska JH. Burpee — Maine ©. Castle — Nova Scotia, Canada RR, Cate — Louisiana D.C, Cook — California R.A. Coomes — Kentucky D. Eastman — Newfoundland ‘and Labrador, Canada G. 1. Ebeyer — New Orleans, Louisiana E. Everet — Georgla J.M. Given, Je. — North Carolina P.C, Hackfoxd — Utah J.B. Harlan — Delaware ML. Holloway — Oklahoma K. Hynes — Prince Edward Island, Canada’ S-E. Lyons — Arkansas M.A. Malek — Florida G.F. Mankel — Alaska RD. Mavi II — Washington LW. Mault— Maniteba, Canada HT, McEwen — Mississippi . Mile — Ontario, Canada MF Mooney — Massachusetts Y. Nagpaul — Hawaii T. Parks — Texas J.D. Payton — Pennsylvania MR, Peterson — Alaska H.D. Pfaff — South Dakota D.C. Price — Yukon Teritory, Canada R.S. Pucek — Wisconsin D. E. Ross — New Brunswick, Canada M, Shutf — West Virginia IN Surtees — Saskatchewan, Canada M.R. Toth — Tennessee Mf. Verhagen — Wisconsin -M. Washington — New Jersey R.B, West — lowa MJ. Wheel — Vermont ©.) Willis — Indiana INTERNATIONAL INTEREST REVIEW GROUP V. Felix S/H. Leong P. williamson ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON POWER BOILERS (SC 1.8. Macksy, Choir W.L Lowry D. Longer Vice Chair. MeCough JN. Shi Secretary REE Metaughin D.A.Canorico PLA Mole Coleman J.T. Plow P.. Fawards RG. Presnak J. Hainsworth 3. W. Roberts TE. Hansen RD, Schueler, 1.5. Hunter 1. Swezy CF Jowrings 1. M Tanabe 1. Lbreeie RV. Wisgosinet Lorene 3. wis Honorary Members SCD DLN French RL wiliams We Somers Subgroup on Design (9¢ 0 8. Movie, Chair 1 Sele ML Coa N. Sues 1.0. Faun 1.8 Swery C.F Jerings 5. V. Terdson 1c tight RV. Wielgoernsh RD. Sehuole, J ‘Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (SC 1) DL. Benger, Chair R. E, McLaughl 1:7. Pillow, Secretary Y¥. Oishi 1 Hainsworth R.D. Schuele, Jr. TE. Hansen LP. Swezy T.-C. MeGough R. V. Wielgoszinski ‘Subgroup on General Requirements (SC R. E. MeLaughtin, Chair W.L Lowy J. Hainsworth, Seeretary 1. McGough DLL, Berger J.T. Pillow P.D. Edwards RP. Sullivan C.F. Jeorings R. V. Wielgoszinski 4G. Light ©.) wills Subgroup on Materials (6C 1) BW, Roberts, Chair JF Henry 1S. Hunter, Secretary J. Libbrecht D.A.Canonico F. Masuyama KK. Coleman J.M, Tanzosh KL Hayes HN. Tite, J Subgroup on Piping (SC 0 TE. Hansen, Chair F Mossi D.L. Berger TC McGough P. 0. Edwards MW. Smith W. L Lowry’ Heat Recovery Steam Generators Task Group (SC 1 & SC VII) 1.£ Hansen, Chair D.W. Rakot RW. Anderson RD. Scheuer, I. G.L, Bostik RH. Sirois 1. Cotton J. Steverman, I LR, Douglas JK, Tercey J.D. Fishburn S.RTimko EM, Orman 5. Tarkildson AL Plumiey SUBCOMMITTEE ON MATERIALS (SC 1D M. Gold, Chair CL. Hoffmann R.A Moen, Vice Chair F Masuyama IN. Lobo, Secretary RK Nansad D.C. Agarwal ML. Nayyar W.R Apblett, J E.G. Nisbett MN. Bressler D.W. Rahoi HD. Bushveld B.W. Robens |. Cameron E-Shapiro D.A.Canonico RC. Sather D. W. Gandy RW. Swindeman MH. Gilkey JM. Tanzosh J. Grubb BLE Thurgoed JF Heory 4. Vaillant Honorary Members (SC i) AP. Arendt J.J. Heger TM. Gallen GC He R.Diesched CE Spaeder, J. W. . Daty AW. Zouthen W. 0. Edsall Subgroup on External Pressure (SC Ml & SC-D) RW. Mtkitha, Chair M. Katcher JA Morrow, Secretary E. Michalopoutos SR Frost . Nadel D.S. Grin D.F. Shaw JF Grubb CH. Sturgeon ‘Subgroup on Ferrous Specifications (SC 1) E.G. Nisbett, Chair D.C. Krouse ‘A. Appleton LI Lavezzi RM, Davison W. C. Mack BM. Dingman JK Mahaney MJ. Desdourian AS. Melil T. Graham KE. One JF. Grubb E Upits KM, Hole R. Zawierucha D. Janikowski A.W. Zeuthen ‘Subgroup on International Material Specifications (SC M) W. M. Lundy, Chair M Gold J. P. Glaspie, Secretary 0.0. Henry D.C. Agarwal M. Higuchi HB. Busfield H. Lorenz D.A.Canonico F. Osweiller W.D, Doty RD. Schuler, J. D.M. Fryer EA. Steen A. F. Garbolevsky E Upitis 1.P. Glaspie Subgroup on Nonferrous Alloys (SC 11 1. W. Rahoi, Chair ALG. Kireta, I M. Katcher, Secretary J Kissel WR. Apbiet. (©. Miyahara HD. Bushfeld D. T. Peters LG. Coffee E Shapiro MH. Gilkey RC Sutherlin EL. Mibner R. Zawierucha GC. Hsu Subgroup on Strength, Ferrous Alloys (SC I) C.1L, Hoffmann, Chair R.A. Moca JM, Tanzosh, Secretary H. murakamt W.R, Apbiet J. D. W. Raoi D.A.Canonico B. W. Roberts KK, Coleman M.S. Shelton M. Gold RW, Swindeman F. Masuyama B. E Thurgood (©. Miyahara T.P. Vassallo ‘Subgroup on Strength of Weldments (SC I! & SC 1X) J. M, Tanzosh, Chair D.W. Raho’ KK. Coleman B. W. Roberts W.D. Doty W. J. Sperko KL. Hayer B. E. Thurgood J. F. Henry Subgroup on Toughness (SC IW & SC Vill) W. S. Jacobs, Chair K. Mokhiarian |. Amold CC. Neely RI. Basile To Phillips J. Cameron M.D. Rana W.D, Doty D. A Swanson HE. Gordon E Upits C.D. tam’ 5. Yukawa Special Working Group on Nonmetallic Materials (SC IN ©. W. Rowley, Chair FR. Volgstack FL. Brown RH Walker P.S. Hil F. Werth ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR POWER (SC IIT) R.W. Barnes, Chair CL, Hoffmann R.M, Jesse, Vice Chair CC. Kim CA. Sanna, Secretary DF. Landers Y. Asada, W.C. LaRochelle W.H. Borter KA Manoly E.B. Branch EA. Mayhew MLN. Bressler W.N. Mctean F.C Cherny RA. Moen RE. Cornman, J. C.J. Pieper RF. Reedy B. 8. Scott J.D. Stevenson CH. Walters KR Wichman Honorary Member (SC It) FR, Drahos Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Transport Packagings (SC Ii) GM. Foster, Chair RE, Nickell GJ. Solovey, Vice Chair T. J. O'Connell D.K. Marton, Secretary EL Pleins W.H. Borter 1. Saegusa J.T. Conner HP. Shrivastava EL. Farrow NM. Simpson ILM. Floyd RH. Smith RS Hill J.D. Stevenson H.W. Lee €.}. Temus P.E, McConnell P.Turula 1D. Melnnes ‘A.D. Watkins A.B. Meichler 5. Yukawa GC Mok Subgroup on Design (SC 1D R.P. Deubler, Chair H. Kobayashi CW. Bruny, Vice Chair 1.7 Land AN. Nguyen, Secretary D. F Landers TM. Adams KA Manoly EB. Branch R. |. Masterson MLN. Bressler W.N, McLean D.L. Caldwell J.C. Minichielto IR Cole T. Nakamura . E. Comnman, J W. Z, Novake ALA. Dermenjian 1 Saito D. H. Hanrath G.C Slagis RS. Hill J.B. Stevenson RI. Jeter KR, Wichman ‘Working Group on Supports (SG-D) ($C 11) RJ. Masterson, Chair P.R. Olson FJ. Birch, Secretary Le saito U.S. Bandyopadhyay JR. Stinson R.P. Doubler D.V. Walshe 1. Finneran. I cA Wa ALN. Nguyen ‘Working Group on Core Support Structures ($G-D) (SC 11) IT. Land Working Group on Dynamic and Extreme Load Conditions ($G-D) (SC I) ‘Working Group on Piping ($G-D) (SC 1) R. Cole, Chair J. F McCabe Hirschberg, Secretary 1. Minichietlo M4. Adams FE Naguib, Antaki ils Working Group on Probabilistic Methods in Design (66-0) BCH) RS. HIM, Chair AA. Dermenjian J.T. Conner, Secretary I. Saito Asayama ME. Schmidt BLM. Ayyub J.P. Tucker KR Balkey Working Group on Pumps (SG-D) (SC HI) RE. Comnman, jr, Chair A.A Fraser I 2M Higuchi 1.8. Spencer, G. Jones G.K Vaghasia JW. Leavitt Working Group on Valves ($G-D) (SC It) W. N. McLean, Chait H.R. Sondoregger RR Brodin J.C, Tsacoyeanes R. Koester J.P. Tucker J.D. Page RG. Visall S.N. Shields ‘Working Group on Vessels (SG-D) (SC IN) CW, Bruny, Chair RB. Keating FF, Naguib, Secretary DLE. Matthews. DH. Hanrath G.K Miller 1M, Haraman W. Z. Novak. W. |, Heilker E.Pelling A. Katnins HLS. Thornton ‘Special Working Group on Environmental Efiects(SG-D) (SC It) W. Z. Novak, Chair CL Hofmann yi Asada RA Moen RS. Hill 5. Yolawa ‘Subgroup on General Requirements (SC IN & SC 30) W. C. Laiochelle, Chair M. R Minick CA Lizote, Secretary B.B. Scott A. Appleton. HK. Shasma_ BH. Berg D.M Vickery EA, Mayhew 0. V. Walshe RP, Melinyte CH. Walters R Mile Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination (SC Ht) CL Hofmann, Chair M Law G.P. Milley, Seeretary RA Moen B. Hi Borg H. Murakarnl W. H. Borter C.). Pieper DM. Doyle NM. Simpson GM. Foster W. J, Sperko G. 8. Georgiev KB. Stuckey ROM, Jose S. Yukawa CC kim Subgroup on Pressure Relief (SC 1) 5. F. Hartson, Jr, Chair AL. Sueglin F.C. Chemy D.G. Thibault EM. Petrosky ‘Special Working Group on Editing and Review (SC It) R.F. Reedy, Chair B.A Glee W. H. Borter D-H. Hanrath MLN, Bressler WC. LaRochelle D.L Caldwell J.D. Stevenson RP. Deublee JOINT ACLASME COMMITTEE ON ‘CONCRETE COMPONENTS FOR NUCLEAR SERVICE ($C 30) MF. Hesshelmer, Chair D.C. feng T.C. Inman, Vice Chair TE. Johnson A.J. Roby, Secretary No. Lee J. Fs Artuso B.B, Scott A.C. Ehethardt RE. Shevwmaker BLA Bier 41. Stevenson J. Gutierrer ALY. Wong, SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEATING BOILERS (SC IV) P.A. Molvie, Chair K.R. Moskwa S.V. Voothees, Vice Chair EA. Nordstrom G. Moino, Secretary J. L. Seigle R.Bariltt R. V, Wielgoszinski TL Bedeaux FP. Barton, Honorary D.C. Bisby Member J. Calland RB. Duggan, Honorary B.G. French Member WL. Haag, In RH, Weigel, Honorary J.D. Hoh Member 1. J Jenkins J... Woodward, Honorary KM. MeTague Member Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Bolles (SC IV) 8.V. Voorhees, Chair 1.D. Hoh TL Bedeaux KM, MeTague Kul Hoey PLA Molvie Subgroup on Cast Iron Boilers (SC 1V) KM Metague, Chair KR. Mostowa TL Bedeaux RH, Weigel CP. MeQuiggan 1.1, Woodworth Subgroup on Water Heaters SC IV) W. L. Haag, Je Chair E. Robinson J. Calland FJ. Schreiner T.D. Gant M.A Taylor FM. Lucas TF Trant KM. MeTague Subgroup on Welded Boilers (SC 1V) J. Seigle, Chair 8..G. French R. Bartlet EA. Nordstrom T.L. Bexeaux RP. Sullivan J. Calland RV. Wielgoszinsk SUBCOMMITTEE ON NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (SC V) J.£. Batey, Chair |. F Manning. FB. Kovacs, Vice Chair W.C. McGaughey EH. Maradiage, Secretary RD. McGuire S.J. Akrin| 1. R. Quatlebaum, J. AS. Birks FJ. Sattler N.Y. Faransso €.E. Summes, Jc G.W. Hembree MJ. Wheel RW. Kruie Subgroup on General Requirements! Personnel Qualifications and Inquiries (SC V) R.D. McGuire, Chair G.W. Hembree LE. Batey JR, Mackay AS, Birks J. Sweny N.Y. Faransso Subgroup on Surface Examination Methods (SC V) S.J, Aktin, Chair D.R. Quatlebaum, I. AS. Birks FJ. Satler NY. Faransso EF, Summers, Jr G.W. Hembree M. J. Wheel RoW. Kruzic ‘Subgroup on Volumetric Methods (SC V) G.W. Hembree, Chair RW. Kruzic S.J Akrin J. F. Manning 1. Batey W. C. McGaughey N.Y. Faransso. FJ. Sattler R. Kellehall EF. Summers, J FB Kovacs, J.P. Swezy Working Group on Acoustic Emissions (G-VM) (SC V) JE, Batey J. F Manning, ‘Working Group on Radiography (SG-VM) (SC V) G.W. Hembree, Chair FB, Kovacs S.). Akin RW. Keuzic J. Batey EF. Summers, Jt NY. Faransso J.P Sweey ‘Working Group on Ultrasonies (SG-VM) (SC V) N.Y. Faransso JF Manning 0. F. Hedden W.C. McGaughey R. Kellerhall FJ. Sattler RW. Kiuzic SUBCOMMITTEE ON PRESSURE VESSELS (SC Vill) T.P. Pastor, Chair RW. Miki K Mokbtarlan, Vice Chair. R. Miller S.J. Rossi, Secretary CC Neely RJ. Basle MJ. Pischke V. Bogosian M.D. Rana J. Cameron S.C, Roberts RM. Elliot C.D. Rodery J. G. Feldstein K J. Schneider 1. P. Glaspie A Selz MJ. Houle 1. Sims, Ie W. S. Jacobs EA. Steen G.G. Karcher KK Tam KT law EL. Thomas, I R. Mahadeen E Uptts ‘Subgroup on Desiga (SC Vitl) UL R Milles, Chair K. Mokbearian R.E, Knoblock, Secretary TP. Pastor OLA. Barsky M.D. Rana RI, Basile G.B. Rawls, J: M.R. Bauman CD. Rodery MR. Breach A. Selz S.M. Caldwell 8. Shah 1 Far CH. Sturgeon J.P. Glaspie KK. Tam W. 5. Jacobs EL. Thomas, J RW. Mikika C.D. Rodery, Char DJ. Kreft EA. Steon, Vice Chair D.C. Lamb JL Arnold JS. Lee W. J. Bees B.R. Morelock. H.E Gordon M.|. Pischke MJ. Houle BLE. Shelley |W. S. Jacobs Subgroup on General Requirements (SC ViID S.C Roberts, Chair AS. Mann . 8, Demichael, Secretary. C. Neoly V. Bogosian AS. Olivares RM Eliot K J. Schneider J.P. Glaspie KK Tam KT. Lau Subgroup on Materials (SC VII) J. Cameron, Chair H. Lorenz EE, Morgenegg, Secretary W. M Lundy D.C. Agarwal E.G. Nisbet W. D. Doty KE Orie 1.8 Grubb D.W. Rahoi E.L Hibnor E Upits IM. Katcher Special Working Group on Graphite Pressure Equipment sc vu M.D. Johnson, Chair ', Malone U. D'Urs, Secretary MR. Minick G. Braussen T.A. Pindroh FL. Brown E, Saltow S.W. Hairston A.A Stupica Special Working Group on Heat Transfer Equipment (SC VIIN R. Mahadeen, Chair G. Aurioles, Secretary T.W. Norton F. Osweiller (OLA Barsky RJ. Stastny S.M Caldwell 5. Yokell MJ. Holtz R.P. Zoldak UR Miller Special Working Group on High-Pressure Vessels (SC VII), JR. Sims, fe, Chair JA. Kapp. D.1. Peters, Vice Chait J. Keljens PLA Reddington, Secretary DP. Kendall LP. Anialify ALK. Kare RC. Biel S.C. Morcke DJ. Bums G.}. Mraz PLN. Chaku KD. Murphy RE. Feiget S.N. Pagay JL Heck, i FH Perez AH. Honza E.D.Rolt V.T. Hwang 1. F. Sullivan MM. James FW. Tatar P. fansson 5. Teteda ‘Task Group on Impulsively Loaded Vessels (SC Vith RB. Nickell, Chair |. Diclake, J. S.J. Rossi, Secretary 1. A Dutiey GA. Antaki 8. Haroldsen D.D. Barker HU Heaton RC. Biel EA. Rod:iguez D.W. Bowman JR. Sims, J D.L. Caldwell SUBCOMMITTEE ON WELDING (SC 1X) 1.G. Feldstein, Chair RD. McGuire WJ. Sperko, Vice Chair 8. R. Newmark (MR, Aranzamendez, AS. Olivares Secretary M. Pischke D.A. Bowers 5. D. Reynoles, Ir ML. Carpenter MJ Rice LP. Connor -w Spoho W.D. Doty M. J Stank PD, Flenner Pik Van Fosson MJ-Houle RR. Young 1.8. Lee W. K.Scattergood, Honorary W. M. Lundy ‘Member ‘Subgroup om Brazing (SC IX) MJ, Pischke, Chair M.J. Houle F. Beckman CF Jeerings UF. Campbell J.P. Sweey ML. Carponter Subgroup on General Requirements (SC 1X) B. R. Newmark, Chair H.B, Porter P.R Evans RA. Weiss RM essee KR Willens AS. Olivares ‘Subgroup on Materials (SC 1X) ML. Carpenter, Char HLA, Sadler 1M. Bernasek CE Sainz LP. Connor W. | Sperko RM Jesse MJ. Stanko CC kim R.R. Young 5.0. Reynolds, ‘Subgroup on Performance Qualification (SC 1X) D.A Bowers, Chair MJ. Houle V.A. Bel 1.5. Lee LP. Connor W. M. Lundy R.B, Corbit R.D. McGuire POR Bua MB. Sims P.D. Flenner G.W. Spohn tt KL Hayes ‘Subgroup on Procedure Qualification (SC 1X) D.A. Bowers, Chair MB. Sims MJ. Rice, Secrotary W. |. Sperko RK Brown, J. J. Swezy AS, Olivares P.L. Van Fosson F.C. Ouyang T.C. Wiesner 5... Reynolds, ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE VESSELS (SC X) D. fishers, Chair DiI. Painter P.J, Conlisk, Vice Chair Dit. Pinell ALJ. Roby, Secretary G. Ramiter FL Brown J. Richter J.-L Bustilos B.F, Shelley T.W. Cowley FW. Van Name TJ. Fowler D.O. Yancey, J LE Hunt P.H. Zieh! IC. Murphy ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR INSERVICE INSPECTION (SC XD, RE, Gimple, Chair K Miya G.C. Patk, Vice Chair W. E. Norte (0, Martinez, Secretary’ AT. Roberts Il W. H, Bamford I W. R. Rogers Il Rt. Beverly L Sage TJ. Conner D.A.Seanh D.D. Davis FJ. Schaaf, Jn RL. Dyle 1. Spanner, I EL Fatrow I.E Stafiera| FE Gregor RW. Swayne D. 0. Henty: EW. Throckmorton RD. Kerr CS. Withers D.F. Landers REA. Yonekawa 1.7. Lindberg, KK Yoon Honorary Members (SC X0) 5.4, Bush J.P. Houstup LJ. Chock LR kate C.D. Cowier PC. Riccardella 0. F. Hedden ‘Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SC XI) W. H. Bamford, Jr. Chair D.R Lee JM. Bloom S. Ranganath RC. Cipolla D.A. Scarth 5. Coin W.L. Sever G.H. De Boo G.L Stevens RM, Gamble CA Tomes T.J. Griesbach 1A. Van Der Slays K. Hasegawa KR. Wichman PJ. Hijeck G. M. Wilkowshi D.N, Hopkins XK. Yoon Y. imamura 5. Yukawa K. Koyama ‘Working Group on Flaw Evaluation ($G-£5) (SC XD RC. Cipolla, Chair MA. Mitchell G.H1. De Boo, Secretary 1. O'Sullivan W. H. Bamford, J RK Qashu M. Basol S. Ranganath JM, Bloom D.A.Scarth Friedman 7. $. Schurman, T.J. Griesbach W.L Server FD. Hayes FA. Simonen D.N. Hopkins KR Wichman Ye mama GM. Wilkowski K. Koyama KK. Yoon D.R. Lee S. Yukawa, HS. Mehta V.A.Zilberstein Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG-ES) (SC X1) TL. Grieshach, Chair D.W. Peltola| W. H. Bamford, J J. . Plfee H. Behnke 5. Ranganath B.A. Bishop 5. T. Rosinski Friedman W. L Sever SR. Gosselin ELA. Siegel PJ. Hijeck FA Simonen SN. Malik G.L Stevens P. Manbeck KK Yoon HS. Mehta 5. Yukawa R. Pace C. Santos, J, Alternate 1.8. Panesar Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC X1) D. A. Scath, Chair K, Hasegawa G.M Wilkowski, Secretary DN. Hopkins W. H. Bamford, Je. KK. Kashima R.C. Cipolla HS. Mehta N.G. Cofie K. Miyazaki S.K. Daftuar 1-8. Panesar GH. De Boo KK Yoon Friedman 5. Yukawa LF. Goyete V.A.Ziberstein ‘Subgroup on Liquid-Metal-Cooled Systems (SC XI) €.G. MeCargar, Chaie RW. King W. L. Chase Working Group on Liquid-Metal Reactor Covers (6G-LMCS) SC XD W. L. Chase, Chair Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SC XD J. Spanner, I, Chair MR Hum Ch Wine, Secretary G.L. Lagleder FL. Becker J.T. Lindberg, N.R Bentley GA Lolthus B. Bevins J.J. McArdle tt TL Chan M,C. Modes: €.B. Cheeze ALS. Reed C.D. Cowier F.I. Schaaf, J FJ. Dodd MF, Sherwin D.O. Hany ‘Working Group on Personne! Qualification and Surface, Visual, and Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (SC X1) JJ. McAedle I, Chair D.O. Henry MF. Sherwin, Secretary AS. Reed D.R. Cordes J.C. Spannee, Je. BL. Curis S. H. Von Fuchs C.B. Georgiev C.. Winz Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-NDB (SC XD D. W. Lamond, Chair GL Fechter JM. Boughman, Secretary K. W. Hall TM, Anselmi RE. Hall J.J Churchwell JK McClanahan RJ. Cimoch ‘A. McNeil 5. Coffin BL. Montgomery ‘Working Group on Procedure Qualification ‘and Volumetric Examination (SG-NDE) (SC X0) N.R. Bentley, Chair DA. Jackson B. Bevins, Secretary R. Kelleshal FL. Becker D.B. King, C8. Cheezem D. Kurek C.D. Cowfer GL. Lagleder SR. Doctor GA Lofthus F J. Dodd SoM. Walker M. E. Gothard CE. Moyer, Altemate ‘Subgroup on Repair/Replacement Activities (SC x0) RW, Swayne, Chair EV. Imbeo J.T. Conner, Secretary RD. Kerr D.E Boyle S.L McCracken MN. Bressler M.S, McDonald RE. Cantrell BR. Newton EV. Farell, W. R. Rogers II P.D. Fisher R.R, Stevenson EB, Gerlach DE, Waskey RE. Gimple CS. Withers R.A. Hermann RA Yonekawa Te Hiss Working Group on Design and Programs (SG-RRA) (SC X1) 1. E.Miss, Chair D.F. Landers EV. Farrell Jr, Secretary M.S, McDonald D.E Boyle W.R, Rogers ll S.B. Brown RR. Stevenson J.T, Conner RW, Swayne S.K. Fisher AH Taufique EB. Gerlach TP. Vassallo, Jr D.R. Graham. R.A. Yorekawa EV. imbro Working Croup on Welding and Special Repair Process (SG-RRA) SC X)) DE. Waskey, Chair ©. kim RE. Cantrell, Secretary M. Lau LA Davis S.L. MeCracken S.J. Findan BR. Newton P.D. Fisher 1. £O%ullivan AJ. Giannuzai J. G. Weick RP, Indap KR. Willens RD. Kerr E.V. Andruskiewiez, Alternate ‘Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SC XD E,W. Throckmorton, Chair S. D. Kulat GE Whitman, Secretary D. W. Lamond JM. Agold MP. Lintz GL. Belew WE Noris JM. Boughman J. Stair W. J Briggs HM. Stephens, Je RE. Ciomiewies K.B. Thomas D.D. Davis 5.M. Walker EL Farrow RA. West O.F Hedden HLL. Graves il, Altemate ML Herrera Working Group on Containment (SG-WCS) (SC XI 1. Staiiera, Chair HL Graves tl HLM, Stephens, Je, Secretary HT. Hill H. Ashar R.D. Hough W. J. Briggs CN Krishnaswamy 5.G. Brown M.P. Lint KK.N. Chao. D. Naus RE. Clemiewicz S.C. Pesitgout RC. Cox WE, Norris, Alternate MJ. Ferlis Working Group on IS! Optimization (SG-WCS) (SC x1 EA Siegel, Chair RE. Hall RL Turner, Secretary D.G. Naujock W. H. Bamford, J MF. Sheewin N-R. Bentley KB. Thomas J.-M. Boughman GE Whitman Working Group on Implementation of Risk-Based Examination (SC-WCS) (SC XD) 8... Kelat, Chair RK, Matty JM. Agold, Secretary ‘A. McNeil I S.A AM J.T, Mitman KR Balkey P.J. O'Regan B.A. Bishop. M.. Paterak H.Q.Do JH. Phillips R. Fougerousse M.A Pyne MR. Graybeat FA, Simonen ML Hertera RA West 1. T. Lindberg AT. Keim, Altemate Mach ‘Working Group on inspection of Systems and Components (SG-WCS) (SC XD K.B. Thomas, Chair 1 Mach G.E Whitman, Secretary .G. Naujock V.L Armentrout Pendleton G.L Belew CM, Ross HQ, Do D. Song R, Fougerousse E,W. Throckmortan MR Rum RL. Turner 5.D. Kulat RA West IT. Lindberg Working Group on General Requirements ($C XD AT. Roberts Il, Chair D.W. Kinley tt K. Rhyne, Secretary ROK. Mares TL Chan L sage J... Crider S.R Scott EL Farrow CS. Withers Special Working Group on Filing and Review (SC X1) RW. Swayne, Chai L. Sage RL Beverly JE, Statens MP Lint CJ. Wine Special Working Group on Plant Life Extension (SC X1) FE, Gregor, Chair D.D. Davis M.P. Lint, Secretary PT. ko TM. Ansel TA. Meyer ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT TANKS (SC Xt A. Selz, Chair MLR. Minick P.D. Stumpf, Seeretary M.D. Rane ALN. Antoniou CM, Seratela Becht ly S.Staniszewski ML. Coats G.R, Stoeckinger M.A. Garett M.R Toth CH. Hochman AP. Varghese E.G. Karcher S.V. Voorhees G. McRae CH. Walters Subgroup on Design and Materials (SC X11 M.D. Rana, Chair M.D. Pham Becht IV JL Rademacher D.A.Canonica 1. A, Rogers W.D. Doty CM. Serratella G.G. Karcher AP. Varghese M. Manikkam MR Ward S.L McWilliams EA Whitle TP. Pastor Subgroup on Fabrication and Inspection (SC XI) S.V. Voothees, Chair BLL Gehl JA. Byers LD. Holsinger B.A, Canonico DJ. Kreit ML Coats G. McRae J.J. Engelking MR Minick Subgroup on General Requirements (SC Xi) CH. Hochman, Chair KL Gilmore TW, Alexander 7.8 Lee .M. Allbriten NI. Paulick CA. Bens GR. Stoeckinger JF Cannon MR Toth IL Peeler CH Walters WL. Garfield Wolpert M.A. Garret SUBCOMMITTEE ON BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL ACCREDITATION (SC-BPVA) K. I, Baron, Secretary V. Bogosian, Alternate M. B. Doherty M.A. DeViios, Alternate . D. Edwards CE Ford, Alternate RM Eliott JW. Frey, Alternate P. C. Hackiord TE Hansen, Alternate W.C. LaRochelle LJ. Kuchera, Alternate B. 8, MacDonald KT. Lau, Alternate LIE. McDonald G. P. Miley, Alternate KM, McTague B.R. Morelock, Alternate RK Reamey J.D. OlLeaty, Alternate ML. Sisk 1A West, Alternate IN. Surtees RV. Wielgoszinski, Altemate D.E, Tanner Ack Spencer, Honorary 8. C. Turczyrski ‘Member DLE Tutle SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR ACCREDITATION (SC-NA) R. R, Stevenson, Chair 1.8. Prasse W.C.LaRochelle, Vice Chale T. £: Quaka M.C. Tromba, Secretary ALT. Roberts It V. Bogosian PD. Edwards, Alternate MLN. Bressler B. G. Kovarik, Alternate G.Deily .Lizote, Alterate SM, Goodwin D.E. Tanne, Alternate KA, Huber RV. Wielgoszinski, Altemate M. Kot HL Wiges, Alternate RP, Melniyre OLE Trapp, Stat M.R. Minick Representative SUBCOMMITTEE ON DESIGN (SC-D) RJ Basile, Chair DP. Jones ELH. Maradiaga, Secretary RW. Mika RW. U.R. Miller M.R Breach W. |, Donnell RP. Deer RD. Schuder, J: 6.6. Graven ASele Rid eter Subgroup on Design Analysis (SC-D) 1M, Breach WJ Koves PJ Conlse 0. Macaw RJ. Gurdal G. Tanacher GL, Holingr ELL Thomas, 0, P. Jones RA. Whipple A. Kalnins Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design (SC-D) Rb Jeter, Chair W.J, Donnell C. Becht IV D. A. Osage 1 Cervera 1.8. Poroweki 3.8. Gifin D.F. shew MH. Jawad M.S. Shelton Suipgroup on Fatigue Strength (SC-D) WI, Donnell, Chae G. kharshafijian PR. Donavin| € tawon R).Gurdal Majumdar LA. Hayward IM. Manjoine #. Hirschberg Nakamura Pew G. Tasacher D. P.Joves HoH. Ziad Subgroup on Openings (SC-D) MR. Breach, Chair J.P. Madden RW. Mik, Secretary ©. R, Palmer 6.6. Graven 1A Peler V.T. Hwang M.D. Rana 1. tight -C, Rodabaugh RB, Luney Special Working Group on Bolted Flanged Joints (SC-D) RW, Mikitka, Chair RW, Schneider G.D Bibel RD. Schule, I E, Michalopoulos A Sele 5. N. Pagay’ M.S. Shelton LG. Scheckermann SUBCOMMITTEE ON SAFETY VALVE REQUIREMENTS (SC-SVR) 8. F Harrison, Jy Chair HI, Gregg JA. West, Vice Chair B.C, Hackford LU, D’Usso, Secretary Ww. F. Hart 1. Ball CA. Newrrann 5, Cammeres D. J. Scallan 1A Cox A.J. Spencer B.D. Danzy 1. Standiast D.B. Demichael Z. Wang Re}. Doelling Subgroup on Design (SC-SVR) JA. West, Chair D. Miller RD. Danzy A.J. Spencer R. J. Doelling TER Tarbay HL Gregg Subgroup on General Requirements (SC-SV1 D. 8. Demichael, Chai CA. Neumann J.P. Ball 1.W. Ramsey G. Brazier J. W. Richardson J.P. Glaspie J.C. Standfast P.C. Hackfard ‘Subgroup on Testing (SC-SVR) J.A. Cox, Chair W. F Hare S, Camrmeresi K.C. Roy 1. Clespiot D. J. Scallan .D. Godson Z.Wang, ORGANIZATION OF SECTION II 1. GENERAL Section III consists of Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3. These Divisions are broken down into Subsec- tions and are designated by capital letters preceded by the letter “N” for Division 1, by the letter “C” for Division 2, and by the letter “W” for Division 3, The following eleven books make up the three Divisions. Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Divi sion I and Division 2 Division 1 Subsection NB — Class 1 Components Subsection NC — Class 2 Components Subsection ND ~~ Class 3 Components Subsection NE — Class MC Components ‘Subsection NF — Supports Subsection NG — Core Support Structures ‘Subsection NH — Class 1 Components in Elevated ‘Temperature Service Appendices Division 2— Code for Concrete Containments Division 3 — Containments for Transportation and ‘Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Material and Waste Subsection WA — General Requirements for Division 3 Subsection WB — Class TC Transportation ‘Requirements Subsection WC— Class SC Storage Containments (in preparation) ‘The Division 2 book includes Subsection CC — Concrete Containments and Division 2 Appendices. 2. SUBSECTIONS ‘Subsections are divided into Articles, Subarticles, para- graphs, and, where necessary, subparagraphs and sub- subparagraphs. 3. ARTICLES Articles are designated by the applicable letters indi- cated above for the Subsections followed by Arabic num- bers, such as NB-1000. Where possible, Articles dealing with the same topics are given the same number in each Subsection in accordance with the following general scheme: Article Number Title 1000 Introduction or Scope 2000 Material 3000 Design 4000 Fabrication and Installation 5000 Examination 6000 Testing 7000 Overpressure Protection 8000 Nameplates, Stamping, and Reports ‘The numbering of Articles and the material contained in the Articles may not, however, be consecutive, Due to the fact that the complete outline may cover phases not applicable to a particular Subsection or Article, the rules have been prepared with some gaps in the num- bering. 4, SUBARTICLES Subarticles are numbered in units of 100, such as NB-1100. 5. SUBSUBARTICLES Subsubarticles are numbered in units of 10, such as NB-2130, and generally have no text. When a number such as NB-1110 is followed by text, it is considered a paragraph, 6, PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs are numbered in units of 1, such as NB-2121. 7, SUBPARAGRAPHS, Subperagraphs, when they are major subdivisions of paragraph, are designated by adding a decimal followed bby one or more digits to the paragraph number, such as NB-1132.1. When they are minor subdivisions of a ‘paragraph, subparagraphs may be designated by lower- ‘case letters in parentheses, such as NB-2121(a). 8, SUBSUBPARAGRAPHS Subsubparagraphs are designated by adding lowercase letters in parentheses to the major subparagraph numbers, such as NB-1132.1(a). When further subdivisions of ‘minor subparagraphs are necessary, subsubparagraphs are designated by adding Arabic numerals in parentheses to the subparagraph designation, such as NB-2121(a\(1). 9. REFERENCES, References used within Section III generally fall into ‘one of the following four categories. A. References to Other Portions of Section IIL When a reference is made to another Article, Subar- ticle, or paragraph, all numbers subsidiary to that refer- cence shall be included. For example, reference to 'NB-3000 includes all material in Article NB-3000; refer- ence to NB-3200 includes all material in Subarticle NB- 3200; reference to NB-3230 includes all paragraphs NB-3231 through NB-3236. B. References to Other Sections Other Sections referred to in Section IIL are: Section Il, Materials. When a requirement for a mate- fial, or for the examination or testing of a material, is to be in accordance with a specification such as SA-105, SA-370, or SB-160, the reference is to material specifica tions in Section 11, These references begin with the let- ter ‘S. Section V, Nondestructive Examination. Section V ref- erences begin with the letter “T" and relate to the nonde- structive examination of material or welds. Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. See- tion IX references begin with the letter “Q” and relate to welding and brazing requirements. Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components. When a reference is made to inservice inspection, the rules of Section XI shall apply C. Reference to Specifications and Standards Other Than Published in Code Sections (1) Specifications for examination methods and acceptance standards to be used in connection with them are published by the American Society for Testing and “Materials. At the time of publication of Section III, some such specifications were not included in Section IL of this Code. A reference to ASTM E 71-64 refers to the specification so designated by and published by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. (2) Dimensional standards covering products such as valves, flanges, and fittings are sponsored and published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and approved by the American National Standards Institute." ‘When a product is to conform to such a standard, for example ANSI BI6.5, the standard is approved by the American National Standards Institute. The applicable year of issue is that suffixed to its numerical designation in Table NB-3132-1, for example ANSI B16.5-1977. Standards published by the American Society of Mechan- ical Engineers are available from ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300. (3) Dimensional and other types of standards covering products stich as valves, flanges, and fittings are also Published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry and are known as Standard Practices. When a product is required by these rules to conform to a Standard Practice, for example MSS SP-6, the Standard Practice referred to is published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, 127 Park Street, N.E.. Vienna, VA 22180. The applicable year of issue of such a Standard Practice is that suffixed to its numerical designation in Table NB-3132-1, for example MSS SP-6-1963. (4) Specifications for welding and brazing materials are published by the American Welding Society, 550 NW, Leleune Road, Miami, FL. 33135. Specifications of this type are incomporated in Section II and are identi- fied by the AWS designation with the prefix “SF.” for example SFA-5.1 (5) Standards applicable to the design and constrvetion of tanks and flanges are published by the American Peiro- leum Institute and have designations such as API-620 and API-2000. When documents so designated are referred to in Section IIL, they are standards published by the Ameri- can Petroleum Institute. "The American Natonal Standards Instiate (ANSI) was formerly nown a the Arian Sunlards Associaton. Stan approve by the Association were designated by the prefix "ASA" followed by the tuber ofthe sandr a the year of plication. Mor soil. ds ‘American National Standards ratte was awn as he United Sats of Amerie Standards Inst. Standards wetedsignate by the pete “USAS"folowedby he msmer ofthe sundar andthe yar f pbc ton, While he iets of the prefix have changed with bo are of tho organization, the nuribers ofthe Suna have remained unstanged D. References to Appendices ‘Two types of Appendices are used in Section II and are designated Mandatory and Nonmandatory. (1) Mandatory Appendices contain requirements which must be followed in construction; such references are designated by a Roman numeral followed by Arabic numerals. References to II-1100 or XI-3212, for example, relate to the Mandatory Appendices. (2) Nonmandatory Appendices provide information or {guidance for the use of Section Il; such references are designated by a capital letter followed by Arabic numer als, A reference to D-1100, for example, relates to a ‘Nonmandatory Appendix. SUMMARY OF CHANGES ‘The 2004 Edition of this Code contains revisions in addition to the 2001 Edition with 2002 ‘and 2003 Addenda. The revisions are identified with the designation 04 in the margin and, as described in the Foreword, become mandatory six months after the publication date of the 2004 Edition. To invoke these revisions before their mandatory date, use the designation "2004 Edition” in documentation required by this Code. If you choose not to invoke these revisions before their mandatory date, use the designation “2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda” in documentation required by this Code. ‘Changes given below are identified on the pages by a margin note, 04, placed next to the affected area Page Location Change i List of Sections Updated to reflect 04 xo Foreword Editorally revised vox ‘Organization of Section Ill Updated to reflect 04 30 234016) Second sentence revised 9 xiti-1110 Revised Xill-1110¢@) Revised xt 12106) Revised 123, 124 Table Xill-1130-1 Under Vessel Component, for Nozzle, first two entries under Location revised 130 XU-2123 First sentence revised 13 xi-2131 Revised 133 XIV-1110 Revised xiv-1211 Revised xiVv212 First sentence revised xiv-t213 Revised 134 xiv2211 First sentence revised 135 xiv-1222 Second sentence corrected by errata xiv-1223 Revised XIVI3TT Revised 169 Mandatory Appendix XXIV Added 266 Nonmandatory Appendix) Deleted 272 Table K-1330-1 Under lV. A), for Total Tolerance and Configuration, 242 i read 2'/.° by errata corrected to 321 N-131100) Revised 322 Table N-1341-1 ‘Added 323 N-B110h) ‘Added Page 324 353 369 a1 432 433, 404 435 436, 437, 438, 439 441 443 444 446-450 Location Table N-1311-2 References to Appendix N Qi4oia) Nonmandatory Appendix ¥ Fig. ¥-2300- ¥-2410(a) Y-2410(040) ¥-2410(6¥2) ¥-2410(0) ¥-3300 ¥-2410() ¥-3410(¢) y-4300 Y-44100a), Y-5300 Y-5420(6), Nonmandatory Appendix 2 Nonmandatory ‘Appendix AA, Change ‘Added References (159) through (170) added Equation (5) corrected by errata Nonmandatory Appendix redesignated as Y Callout at left in Sketch (b) corrected by errata Equations (1) and (4) corrected by errata Equation (NB-9) corrected by errata Equations (NB-10} and (NB-11) corrected by errata Equation (6) corected by errata Definition for A, corrected by errata Equations (1) and (4) corrected by ‘errata Equation (6) corected by errata (1) Notes (a) and (b} of textabular material corrected by errata (2) Last paragraph corrected by errata Equation (4) corrected by ereata [Notes (al and (b) of textabular material corrected by errata Equation (8) corrected by errata Nonmandatory Appendix Y redesignated as Z Added NOTE: Volume 54 of the Interpretations to Section Ill, Divisions 1 and 2, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Cade follows the last page of the Edition to Subsection NCA. x MANDATORY APPENDICES MANDATORY APPENDIX I DESIGN STRESS INTENSITY VALUES, ALLOWABLE STRESSES, MATERIAL PROPERTIES, AND DESIGN FATIGUE CURVES 2004 SECTION II, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES sas jeuwoN wmuyceyy 248 51 SNVY 2) “sno 40 soygueag ye Sauna 30 UORRMDsaAtay ayNORE ApH OF papNyU4 Ae SION EYED sHUL (Z) (005 40 .0F x S = 236 "DOT x | = P31 !5MoiO} Se oeaH a4 eI payeDIDU! Sa] Jo JaquMu a4 (L) S310N safe ose = = 9002 Ww ‘4 IS} O8 5 SAN Yay 15 pep aR wos 9)9UX3 v6 Jy vo}ejouiay ay 350 “aROge 2}geL ay UU 159 6°66 = 5S Joy Sa] yo Jequnw aR puy oF KORE “eyep ans} UB\s9p oH) SOKO Jo SHAgWAY BUIpUOdsaLAaD axe PE "Wy ‘NAS yO samen are 'S put “'S “S aang al w ig € <'5 20} ‘A6upiozay oId }o| © Wo Sou TUOTENS Aq Uojeweseades ep uodn pasen aja.siuied 5, sonjen s;nqey usaMag voe|odze ep 36a 0} Ke Saunby peovaHB}a a4 LO S@IOU ‘S308 1WA3N39 0 HON eS 9 Te eR sor at se ee we zt soz cae Ose ome str «SE SN OT co aN sat a ww ve sb oot ee See Oke «Ose ome str «= SLRS SN os vs 09 29 rt 96 zm vst gee 6 ok SRT TO HOH = oe se om a st cer See sez 9 tb LH RL OBL 09 —HOVE = S oz ez ce tat see cee 9c tb es LS] SRT ORTON SCH evel aL 985) ee care bse Bor co oss bk be att oer toe 9 See ZS BOL reed sa ser sor oz oe oe sor sst_ soz sue ol 8s ross sun eT oz ve wk bebe ao ae oor set GL oz ORE oe» HOCI-StE SIA ex oat S35 Gaz SAT 39 paz «((Z)mON) VAT C35 C82 C31 2) AWN) a3 232 aT Tas THe TaU 29 ombia baz. zase [CD SON] $2001 jo JeaUiTN O61 "S914 WoUs 454 “5 40 S3NTVA GSLVINAVL oq a1avL. MANDATORY APPENDIX I “eet age 225 :S3L0N Tr aN Pn ssi sez OLE 855 WE ELYL 6902 COLE ves zee “Sess ver (oe) a90N1 cor LIT ter rst 98T vez OLE 06Y 089 96 Sst 90 COLE Obes ozes = “S L2>- SN ve 9 le 9 FS 98 @ 401 69T 69z ATE SE OS G9 298 COLL cost aN OIE =“S 2 99 OL 06 EOL ve cor uot sez coe ese 0S «S59 9B COTE est PAN LOR = “5 <2 98 6 EOL ELL Sbt cor uot sez OE ese 0S 559298 OTT ext RaW eT = “5 (e761 aoe 235) Gor vrz az tee ore cae Thr p26 699 28 ozor 9Bet vost bxcz ese zeen : 98 G6 FIL eT ost HZ zz tee the Us pee 690T CIT 968T Lzaz GbE ea Z5E>SIN. EL zZGL GOT GT 00 he ZOE wah eS 069 Te © Lo2T_9RST 90zz 9682 BAW I6H-COL SIN. Gal sag Gaz Gat ba paz ((2)mOM) va cas Cae EL (MONT Zao cae aT Tas a2 Tat ang vazT vase [OD ON) 591K 76 FGM O61 “S914 WoUd “edW “5 40 SANTVA GaLVINEVL wel Favi 2004 SECTION Il, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 4.00 9NIGA39X3 LON SaUNLWYadNaL ‘TLS YO4 $7331 FTISNAL HOI GNV ‘AOTIY MOT ‘NOBYVD YOs STAN ANDILVA NOISIG TOT “91d "senuno aseta yo vorrejodseiUy 61e1nd08 Ue JO} BInLAHIO} € puE soner poreinqer suIErUOD 4°64 BIAeL (2) 191 0511-008 Sun 0) aejodsey (9) 184 got * 06 =3 (e) ‘SALON TWURN3O 1 "99)9A9 Jo sequin, or ol +01 ol ot on 154 OEL-GLL SLM 104 194 08 = §1N 204 1915 30 on1eq MANDATORY APPENDIX I ‘9,026 SNIG3IOX3 1ON STUNLWYSAWSL AWLAW UOJ $1418 TUSNAL HOTH ONY ‘AOTTY MOT ‘NOgaVI YOd SAANNI INDIA NOISAA WIL “O14 ‘sandno asaya jo uonejodsevu, eyesn99e ue Joy e]nUNoy ® ue seNjeA pare|Nqer sUIEIUOD WL'6-1 IAL (2) dW £62°795 SLN 40} e3eI0ds0141 (@) PAIN 201 x Loz = 3 (8) ‘SHLON TWHaNNaD 1N ‘s9p0/0 jo s9qUINN ol sol ot on at ot dW 968°€62 SLN 204 Pa 285 = SN 103 oO ob ol ol Pan “5 Jo onen, 2004 SECTION IM, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 4.008 DNIGA39X4 LON SJUNLVHadAL YOS 194 Z'8z < ‘5 NOI AOTIY YFdd09-T2NIIN ONY “AOTIV WAIMOYHO-NOI-TANOIN ‘AOTIY NOUI-WNIWONHI-TANIIN 'STIBLS ILINTLSNY 4Od S3AYND INOLLVS NOISAG TZ61 “Old "enuno stun Jo uonejodzeauy 2t22n208 Ue Jo} e!nuLi0} @ pue senjen paleinger suleIUCD 16-1 91904 (4) 18d 01 x82 = (2) 'S3L0N TVu3N39 1 ‘s9pofo jo sequiny, at ooh 0b col ot oO on 1844 jo.onje, eat MANDATORY APPENDIX I eS2b ONIGSAIXA LON SAYNLVUIAWAL YO PWN PEL <"S HOS AOTIV YIdd0O-TANDIN ANY ‘AOTIY WAIWOYHD-NOUI-TANIIN ‘ATTY NOUI-WNIWOYHS-TANDIN 'STAILS ILINSASNV YOd SAAYND INOLLVA NOISIG WIZE “Ld ‘ahuno sia Jo vonejoduetul eyesnooe ue 404 eynuso} @ PUB son}ea pove!nqe sUIeWwOO WHE AGEL. AW OL x S61 = 3 (8) 'S4LON TWu3Na9. 1v ‘s9poho yo sequny, so sol ol ot 20 on ol 2 Paw “5 30 618, 20, 200¢ SECTION Ill, DIVISION 1 —~ APPENDICES 30 T aa 1 26 + + t HHI curve a 4 a ; 3 , Th 8 2 2) | 18 : t { [eave 8 | | | Curve C E ry 2 10° 10” 10° 10° 10"? 10" Number of eycles, N FIG. 1.9.22 DESIGN FATIGUE CURVES FOR AUSTENITIC STEELS, NICKEL-CHROMIUM-IRON ALLOY, NICKEL- IRON-CHROMIUM ALLOY, AND NICKEL-COPPER ALLOY FOR S, < 28.2 ksi FOR TEMPERATURES NOT EXCEEDING 800°F 160 140 Value of S,, MPa 120 100 MANDATORY APPENDIX I Curve A Curve B {curve ¢ 10 w 108 10 Number of cycles, N/ 10" 10" FIG. 1-9.2.2M DESIGN FATIGUE CURVES FOR AUSTENITIC STEELS, NICKEL-CHROMIUM-IRON ALLOY, NICKEL-IRON-CHROMIUM ALLOY, AND NICKEL-COPPER ALLOY FOR S, < 194 MPa FOR TEMPERATURES NOT EXCEEDING 425°C 2004 SECTION I, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES TABLE 1.9.22 TABULATED VALUES OF S, ksi (MPa), FROM FIGS. I-9.2.2 AND 1-9.2.2M Number of Cycles (ote (0 curve A Cuve 8 Curve ¢ 16. 28.2 1198) 28.2 098) 202 (198) 266 269 (85) 228.057) 228 (457) 56 25.7. 077) 198.37) 3g (27) 1e7 25.1 073) 185 28) yea (113) 257 247 70) 47.7 22) 182 (205) 57 24.3 (168) 42019) 143 (99) 168 24.1 (66) y.9.417) 141 07) 1E9 23.9 (165) rea C16) 139 (96) 1610 23.8 (168) 166 118) 137 94) nen 23.7 (163) 16s a4) 13.600 GENERAL NOTES: (2) All notes on Figs. 9.2.2 and 1-9.2.20 apply to these data, (b) Interpolation between tabular values is permissible based upon data representation by straight lines on logrlog plot. See Table 1-91, General Hote (b) Nore: (2) The number of cycles Indicated shall be read as follows IES = 1X 10%, 0, 5E6 = 5 x 10° oF 5,000,000 10 MANDATORY APPENDIX I ls stress location within three No—| wall thicknesses of [Vos the center line of the wold? 15 (P+ Pa Bnorge Elastic 27.2 ksi (s 187 MP)? analysis Yor No | Is alternating stress intonsity S, corrected for applied ‘mean stress? Inelastic ‘analysis Yes No IS (P+ Pot Drange 227.2 ksi {= 187 MPs)? No Yes FIG, FLOW CHART FOR USE OF CURVES IN FIG. 1-9.2.2 u 2004 SECTION IM, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 4-008 QNIGIIOXS LON SIYNLVYIAW31 NOI AOTTY TANIIN 0-YAddOd OL LHONOYM NOs SIAUND ANDILVS NOISIG COT “1d IN "Se10K9 jo soquinn, oot sob Ea wrosv=4s oat =4s sno es04a JO UC ‘ynuusoj © pue sonjen peveinqen suIEIUOD 1 184 501 191 0's pue Grae Uoomi9g sinBuaNs ‘iyi jo aseysind arp ot ot on on aL ot 19475 40 onjen, n MANDATORY APPENDIX 1 ‘2662p ONIGII9X3 LON SAUNLVYIAWAL NOI AOTIV T3NIIN OF-M9ddOd OL LHONOYM HO SBAYNI INL NOISIG WEE “1d 1 ‘s0poho jo sequunny ot oot vob eawoie="5 egw rei =4s egWV OLE Pue 07 UeeMieg sYBUEAIS PlOIA 10} panejodiaiu! aq Aew sanina asouy mous) yiSuans IOIA ane¥s wunwexew Joys aunsue or euoIEW! ‘iyi Jo aseysind awn ul pestaiexe 8q pinoys ave (e) !SRLON Tvu3N39 ol at on on 208 Paw 5 19 en1en 2 0b B 2004 SECTION Ill, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 4002 9NIGI3OX3 LON SFUNLVYSdAL NOS QNIL1O9 1331S HLONTYLS HOTH YOJ S3AYND ANOLLWS NOISAG v6 “OLS ‘senuno esey) Jo uonejodueiul aesn208 40} BINULIO} © PUe SenjeA psreINqeI SUIEIUOD 1°61 aIAEL (a) i IN 07940 40 10quinN, ot ol vot cob aL o Ys g¢ = ssons feunuow Wy 191 #5 40 oni8, “4 MANDATORY APPENDIX I ‘900LE QNIGAIIXS LON SFUNAVUIdWIL HOS ONION TALS HLONSYLS HOTH YO4 SFAYND INOILV NOISIG Weel “14 ‘sonano e804) Jo uonejodsequs aye1n998 40) eInuLIO} © pue Senjen PerEINqeD sUIEIUOD WL'G-1 81904 (Q) ‘egw OL x £oz=3 (®) ‘SALON 1V¥3N39 1v ‘301942 yo sequin, 0 ot ol ot 204 o on “s og = ssons reuusou -xeW 20h “goes ssans jounuou ew, Pa 5 Jo anyon, ob ot 15 2004 SECTION II, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 40008 ONIGA39X3 LON SAUNLWYAAIN|L YOd (9ZZOTN GNV ‘SSb9ON ‘LO090N ‘E0090N SNA) ‘SAOTIV NOU-WNNAGSATON-WOIWONHS-TANDIN Yd S3AUND INDIA NOISHA S61 “Dd “sonia aseup jo uonejodienuy e1eina9@ ue 10} eynwio) @ pue poveingea suimuo> $'64 argon 18d 01 X82 =3 'S3LON TWu3N39. joka jo s9quinNy Ot ol ol ol ot ol ob ol ot ok on ‘1 ‘eons uoow LINWXEU WIM 11 %9 40 onien, ‘ss0118 UeeUY 0197 YUM IBY (82 soos ueou unueeu ge ex sprf 28 01 1S 16 MANDATORY APPENDIX 1 2eSZv ONIGBIIXA LON SIUNLVUIAWL YO (9ZZOIN ANY ’SSVA0N ‘LOOION ‘EOOION SN) SAOTIV NOUI-WNNAGGATON-WAIWOYHD-13N9IN YO SIAYND SNDILVS NOISE NS" “DL “sanuno asa yo uonpjadzaqu} ezesn208 Ue 10} eypuHo} @ pUe SanjeA parsinger suIEIWOD WS'61 BIA, egw (OL x S61 =3 'S310N Tu3N39 IN "90f0K9 $0 s0quunN ot ot a a 1 oo ot ot a o ‘se0i%6 UeaU WIAUUEW IMA ssanis UeOU 0397 WM ‘ston unbuo1e qm ea 291 sans uedli WMUINeU suim EG OL 22724? 0838S on 2 0 aw “5 40 9100 ” 2004 SECTION Ill, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES TABLE 1.95 ‘TABULATED VALUES OF 5, ksi (MPa), FROM FIGS. 1-9.5 AND 1-9.5M Number of Oycles Zero Mean Maximum Mean (Note (01 Stress Stress 161 708.0 (4.882) 708.0 (4882) 261 5120 (3530) 512.0 (3530) 5E1 345.0 (2379) 345.0 (2379) ee 2610 (2.800) 261.0 (2.800) 22 zal (2386) 201.0 (1 386) Se 148.0 (1020) 348.0 (1020) 163 nso (#21) no (21) 263 97.0 (69) 97.0 (669) 5E3 76.0 (528) 76.0 (828) 1e4 40 an) 640 (4a) 2e4 560 (BB) 56.0 (386) 5E4 463 G19) 463 (G19) 15 408 (281) 408 (280) 265 359 (248) 359 (248) SES, 310 (aaa) 260 (179) 16 282 98) 207 (143) PE 269 (a5) 187 29) 56 237 a7 v0 ain 17 2a a7) ye2 (2) 27 247 70) 157 (108) 57 243 68) 153 G05) ake 241 (66) 350 (103) en 237 (163) 1 (200) GENERAL NOTE: interpolation betwaen tabular values is permisi- ble based upon data representation by straight lines ona log-og plot. See Table 1.9.1, General Note“) NOTE: (2) The number of eels indicated shall be vead as follows: TEs = 1 10!, 25, 5E6 = 5 X 10" ar 5,000,000 MANDATORY APPENDIX I oh 4-009 SNIGA39X3 LON SFUNLVYIdNL YO WAINVLLL 6 GVYD HO4 SAAYND FINDLAW NOISIG 6-1 “O14 IN ‘sojofo jo saquuaNy ot ot ol ol a o ‘e0i)9 Ueou UUNWIREU AA ‘8811s ueoU! 0192 HUM, ob 1914 so 9n1e, ot 19 2004 SECTION Il, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES ‘O6GLE ONIGAZOX3 LON SAUNLVYAGWAL YOS WNINVILL 6 3QVYD YOd SFAYND INDIA NOISIG WET “914 IN ‘sejoto yo sequin, ol at ol ot zl Sans UeoW WnWPeU IM ssons ueew 0102 yum, on at 2 PAW 5 jo anien, MANDATORY APPENDIX I TABLE 1-9.6 TABULATED VALUES OF 5, ksi (MPa), FOR GRADE 9 TITANIUM FROM FIGS. I-9.6 AND 1-9.6M Maximum Mean Number of Cycles Zero Mean Stress Stress 10 aie (Loa) 152.6 (2045) 20 243) 24D 50 nos 6a) os. 68) 100 968 (667) 948 (667) 200 886 (585) B46 es) 500 708 (488) 679 (468) 1000 19 (@a7) 567 Gand 2000 542 Ga) 473 326) 5000 452 G12) 374 (25a) 20000 334 72) 31417) 20000 344 237) 266 83) 30000 289 99) 21s 450) 100000, 25.8 78) yi 032) 200000, 246 4170) aes 028) 500000, 24 61) 1793) 11000000 22.6 (156) 17420) MANDATORY APPENDIX II ARTICLE II-1000 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 11-1100 INTRODUCTION U-1110 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS U-1111 When Experimental Stress Analysis Is Required ‘The critical or governing stresses in parts for which theoretical stress analysis is inadequate or for which design rules are unavailable shall be substantiated by experimental stress analysis. M-1112 When Reevaluation Is Not Required Reevaluation is not required for configurations for which there are available detailed experimental results that are consistent with the requirements of this Article. IL-1113 Discounting of Corrosion Allowances ‘The test procedures followed and the interpretation of the results shall be such as to discount the effects of ‘material added to the thickness of members, such 2s corra- sion allowance, or of other material which cannot be considered as contributing to the strength of the part. T1114 Inspection and Reports Tests conducted in accordance with this Article need rot be witnessed by the Inspector. However, a detailed report of the test procedure and the results obtained shall be included with the Design Report (NCA-3551). The report shall show that the instrumentation used was within calibration, 01-1200 PERMISSIBLE TYPES OF NONCYCLIC TESTS AND CALCULATION OF STRESSES 11-1210 TESTS FOR DETERMINING GOVERNING STRESSES Pennissible types of tests for the determination of gov- eming stresses are strain measurement tests and pho- toelastic tests. Brittle coating tests may be used only for the purpose described in II-1310. 11-1220 TESTS FOR DETERMINING COLLAPSE LOAD Strain measurement tests may be used for the determi- nation of collapse load. Distortion measurement tests may bbe used for the determination of collapse load if it can bbe clearly shown that the test setup and the instrumenta- tion used will give valid results for the configuration on which the measurements are made. 11-1221 Fatigue Tests for Evaluation of Cyclic Loading Fatigue tests as described in 11-1500 may be used to evaluate the adequacy of a component or portion thereof for cyclic loading 11-1230 TESTS TO DESTRUCTION Results of tests to destruction are not acceptable except as provided for piping in NB-3649. 11-1240 CALCULATION OF STRESSES. A modified Poisson’s ratio is given by NB-32276 and identified as being applicable only to local thermal T1240 stresses, It should be noted that some situations can arise in which the use of the modified value of Poisson’s ratio is indicated for the calculation of stresses of other than thermal origin. Strictly speaking, this modified value should be used in any calculation which results in stresses which exceed a stress intensity range of 25,. For designs which meet the basic stress limits this modification is important only for local thermal stresses such as skin stresses, When calculating the stress range in an element such as a fatigue test model which does not meet the basic stress limits, the effect of the modified Poisson’s ratio should be considered, 11-1250 STRAIN MEASUREMENT TEST PROCEDURE 11-1251 _ Requirements for Strain Gages Strain gages of any type capable of indicating strains to 0.00005 in./in. may be used. It is recommended that the gage length be such that the maximum strain within the gage length does not exceed the average strain within the gage length by more than 10%. Instrumentation shall be such that both surface principal stresses may be deter- ‘mined at each gage location in the elastic range of material behavior at that gage location. A similar number and orientation of gages at each gage location are required to be used in tests beyond the elastic range of material ‘behavior. The strain gages and cements that are used shall bee shown to be reliable for use on the material surface finish and configuration considered to strain values at least 50% higher than those expected. 111252 Use of Models for Strain or Distortion Measurements (a) Except in tests made for the measurement of col- lapse load, strain gage data may be obtained from the actual component or from a model component of any scale that meets the gage length requirements of 11-1251 ‘The model material need not be the same as the compo- nent material but shall have an elastic modulus which is either known or has been measured at the test conditions. ‘The requirements of dimensional similitude shall be met as nearly as possible. (b) In the case of collapse load tests, only full scale models, prototypical in all respects, are permitted unless the experimenter can clearly demonstrate the validity of the scaling laws used. 11-1260 PHOTOELASTIC TEST TECHNIQUES Either two dimensional or three dimensional tech- niques may be used in photoelastic testing as fong as the ‘model represents the structural effects of the loading. MANDATORY APPENDIX Ii 23 11-1300 11-1310 ‘TEST PROCEDURES LOCATION OF TEST GAGES (a) In tests for determination of governing stresses, sufficient locations on the component shall be investi- gated fo ensure that the measurements are taken at the most critical areas and to permit conservative determina- tion of the bending and peak stress components. The location of the critical areas and the optimum orientation ‘of test gages may be determined by a brittle coating test (b) Intests made for the measurement of collapse load, sufficient measurements must be taken so that all areas which have any reasonable probability of indicating a minimum collapse load are adequately covered. If strain ‘gages are used to determine the collapse load, particular ‘care should be given to assuring that strains (either mem: brane, bending or a combination) are being measured which are actually indicative ofthe load carrying capacity of the structure. If distortion measurement devices are used, care should be given to assure that itis the change in cardinal dimensions or deflections which are measured, such as diameter or length extension, or beam or plate deflections that are indicative of the tendency of the struc ture to actually collapse. 11-1320 REQUIREMENTS FOR PRESSURE GAGES Pressure gages shall meet the requirements of NB-6400. 11-1330 APPLICATION OF PRESSURE OR LOAD (a) In tests for determining governing stresses, the internal pressure or mechanical load shall be applied in such increments that the variation of strain with load can be plotted so as to establish the ratio of stress to load in the elastic range. If the first loading results in strains which are not linearly proportional to the load, itis per- tmissible to unload and reload successively until the linear proportionality has been established. When frozen stress photoelastic techniques are used, only one load value can be applied, in which case the load shall not be so high as to result in deformations that invalidate the test results (b) Intests made for the measurement of collapse load, the proportional load shall be applied in sufficiently small increments so that an adequate number of data points for ceach gage are available for statistical analysis in the linear clastic range of behavior. All gages should be evaluated prior to increasing the load beyond this value. A Teast square fit (regression) analysis shall be used to obtain the 11-1330 best fit straight line, and the confidence interval shall be ‘compared to preset values for acceptance ot rejection of the strain gage or other instrumentation. Unacceptable instrumentation will be replaced and the replacement instrumentation tested in the same manner. (c) Alter all instrumentation has been deemed accept- able, the test should be continued on a strain or displace- ment controlled basis with adequate time permitted between load changes for all metal flow to be completed, 01-1400 11410 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS INTERPRETATION TO BE ON ELASTIC BASIS ‘The experimental results obtained shall be interpreted ‘on an elastic basis to determine the stresses corresponding, to the design loads; that is, in the evaluation of stresses from strain gage data, the calculations shall be performed under the assumption that the material is elastic. The clastic constants used in the evaluation of experimental data shall be those applicable to the test material at the test temperature. 11-1420 REQUIRED EXTENT OF STRESS ANALYSIS. ‘The extent of experimental stress analysis performed shall be sufficient to determine the governing stresses for which design values are unavailable, as described in IL-L111, When possible, combined analytical and experi- ‘mental methods shall be used to distinguish among pri- mary, secondary, and local stresses so that each combination of categories can be controlled by the appli- cable stress limit. 10-1430 CRITERION OF COLLAPSE LOAD (a) For distortion measurement tests, the loads are plotted as the ordinate and the measured deflections are plotted as the abscissa, For strain gage tests, the loads are plotted as the ordinate and the maximum principal strains on the surface as the abscissa. (b) The least square fit (regression) line as determined from the data in the linear elastic range is drawn on each plot considered. The angle that the regression line makes with the ordinate is called # A second straight line, hereafter called the collapse limit line, is drawn through the intersection of the regression line with the abscissa so that it makes an angle = tan"! (2tan 6) with the ordinate, (See Fig. I1-1430-1.) The test collapse load is 2004 SECTION Ill, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 8 11-1520 determined from the maximum principal strain or deflec~ tion Value at the first data point for which there are three successive data points that lie outside of the collapse imi line. This frst data point is called the collapse load point. The test collapse load is taken as the load on the collapse limit line which has the maximum principal strain or deflection of the collapse load point. The collapse load ‘used for design or evaluation purposes shall be the test collapse load multiplied by the ratio of the material yield strength at Design Temperature (Section I, Part D, Sub- part 1, Table Y-1) to the test material yield strength at the fest temperature. Careful attention shall be given to the actual as-built dimensions of the fest model when correlating the collapse load of the test model to that expected for the actual structure being designed. 11-1500 CYCLIC TESTS 11-1510 WHEN CYCLIC TESTS MAY BE USED (a) Experimental methods constitute a relisble means of evaluating the capability of components and appurte- nances to withstand cyclic loading. In addition, when it is desired to use higher peak stresses than can be justified by the methods of 11-1200 to 11-1400 and the fatigue curves of Figs. 1.9.0, the adequacy of a component, eppur- tenance, or portion thereof! to withstand cyclic loading may be demonstrated by means of a fatigue test. The fatigue test shall not be used, however, as justification for exceeding the allowable values of primary or primary plus secondary stresses. (b) When a fatigue test is used to demonstrate the adequacy of a component ora portion thereof to withstand. cyclic loading, a description of the test shall be included in the Design Report. This description shall contain suff cient detail 0 show compliance with the requirements of this Subarticle. 11-1520 REQUIREMENTS FOR CYCLIC TESTING OF COMPONENTS ‘The requirements of (a) through (g) below shall be met. (a) The test component or portion being tested shall bbe constructed of material having the same composition and subjected to mechanical working and heat treating 50 as to produce mechanical properties equivalent to those cof the material in the prototype component, Geometrical similarity must be maintained, at least in those portions "Throughout the remainder ofthis Artcte, wherever the words compo- ‘neni component arsed, hey skal be understood oinelude potions ‘hereof, and also appurtenances and postions thereat. 11-1520 Regression tine MANDATORY APPENDIX If 11-1520 Collapse limit ine Collapse load point “Test collapse load Strain or Displacement FIG. 11-1430-1 CONSTRUCTION FOR 11-1430 whose ability to withstand cyclic loading is being investi- gated, and in those adjacent areas which affect the stresses in the portion under test, (b) The test component or portion thereof shall with- stand the number of cycles as set forth in (c) below before failure occurs. Failure is herein defined as a propagation of a crack through the entire thickness, such as would produce a measurable leak in a pressure retaining member. (c) The minimum number of cycles (hereinafter referred to as test cycles), which the component shall withstand and the magnitude of the loading (hereinafter referred to as the test loading) to be applied to the compo- nent during test, shall be determined by multiplying the specified service cycles by a specified factor Ky and the specified service loads by Krs. Values of these factors shall be determined by means of the testing parameters ratio diagram, the construction of which is given in (1) through (5) below and is illustrated in Fig. T-1520(e)-1 (2) Project a vertical line from the specified service eycles Np op the abscissa of S, of Tables 1-9.0 to an ordinate value of K, [1I-1520(g)) times S,p- Label this point A. 11-1520 2004 SECTION III, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES T1520 ao 5, Design Fatigue Ne Curve Xm Nb Value of S,, psi (kPa) Ma Ne Np Number of Cycles, N FIG. 1520(c)-1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE TESTING PARAMETERS RATIO DIAGRAM (2) Extend a horizontal line through the point D and ‘until its length corresponds to an abscissa value of Ky [1-1520(g)] times Np. Label this point B. (3) Connect the points A and B. The segments AB embrace all the allowable combinations Krs and Kry [see I1-1$20(d) for accelerated testing]. Any point C on this Value of Abscissa at Point B ‘Value of Abscissa at Point D segment may be chosen atthe convenience ofthe tester. Ne-(test eyeles) = Kyy X specified service cycles Referring to Fig. U-1520(e)1, the fators Krs and Kry (4) shouldbe noted that, ifthe tes article is not are defined by: a full size component but a geometrically similar model. yg = Nate of Ordinate at Point A then the value Pr shall be adjusted by the appropriate * = Value of Ordinate at Point D scale factor to be determined from structural similitude 11-1520 principles if the loading is other than pressure. The num- ber of cycles that the component shall withstand during this test without failure shall not be less than Ny while subjected to a cyclic test loading Py which shall be adjusted, if required, using model simititude principles if the component is not full size. (5) In certain instances, it may be desirable (or pos- sible) in performing the test to increase only the loading ‘or number of cycles, bat not both, in which event two special cases of interest result from the above general ‘case, as described in (e) and (£) below. (d) Accelerated fatigue testing (test cycles Ny are Jess than design cycles Np) may be conducted if the design cycles Np are greater than 10* and the testing conditions are determined by the procedures of (1) through (3) below which are illustrated in Fig, 11-1520(¢)-2, In this figure, the points A, B, and Dcorrespond to similar labeted points in Fig. 1-1520(¢)-1 () The minimum number of test cycles Nraix shall be Nenin = 10? (No Project a vertical line through Nrmin on the abscissa of S, versus N diagram such that it intersects and extends beyond the fatigue design curve. (2) Construct a curve through the point A and inter- sect the vertical projection of Nr [HI-1520(a)(1)] by multi- plying every point on the fatigue design curve by the factor Ks (11-1520(g)], Label the intersection ofthis curve and the vertical projection of Nr 88 A’. (3) Any point C on the segment 4’, A, B determines the allowable combinations of K;s and Ky. The factors Kry and Ky are obtained in the same manner as in Ue 15206). (e} Case I (Factor Applied to Cycles Only). In this case, Krs = 1 and Value of Abscissa at Point © Value of Abscissa at Point D koe The number of test cycles that the component shall stand during this test shall not be less than Np = Kry specified service cycles, while subjected to the cyclic design service loading, adjusted as required, if a model is used. (P Case 2 (Factor Applied to Loading Only). In this case, Kry = 1 and Value of the Ordinate at Point € Kes = Value of the Ordinate at Point D The component shall withstand a number of cycles at least equal to the number of specified service cycles, while subjected to a cyclic test loading Py = Krs MANDATORY APPENDIX It n 111610 specified service loading, again adjusted as required, if 4 model is used. (g) The values of K, and K,, are the multiples of factors which account forthe effects of size, surface finish, cyclic rate, temperature, and the number of replicate tests per- formed. They shall be determined as follows: Ky = Ry X Ky X Ky X Ku X Kc bout shall never be allowed to be less than 1.25 and Kak? but shall never be allowed to be less than 2.6, where factor for the effect of size on fatigue life 15 - 05 (LM/LP), where LM/LP is the ratio ‘of linear model size to prototype size factor for the effect of surface finish 1.175 ~ 0.175 (SFM/SFP), where SFM/SFP is the ratio of model surface finish to prototype surface finish, in, x 10-6 arithmetic average (aay factor for the effect of test temperature (Say attest temperature)/(Sqy at Design Temper- ature), where S,y equals S, from applicable fatigue curve at N eycles factor for the statistical variation in test results 1.470 ~ 0.044 x number of replicate tests, factor for differences in design fatigue curves at various temperatures No value of Ky, Kys Koy Koy OF Ka less than 1,0 may be used in caleulating K,, 11-1600 DETERMINATION OF FATIGUE STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTORS 11-1610 PROCEDURES: Experimental determination of fatigue strength reduc- tion factors shall be in accordance with the procedures of (a) through () below. (a) ‘The test part shall be fabricated from a material within the same P-Number grouping of QW/QB-422 of Section IX and shall be subjected to the same heat treat- ‘ment as the component. (b) The stress level in the specimen shall be such that the stress intensity does not exceed the limit prescribed by NB-3222.2 and so that failure does not oceur in Tess than 1000 cycles, (c) The configuration, surface finish, and stress state of the specimen shall closely simulate those expected in the components. In particular, the stress gradient shall rot be more abrupt than that expected in the component. T1610 Design Fatigue Curve Velue of S, psi (kPa) Nrmin® 102 VNo 2004 SECTION IM, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES T1720 Design Fatigue Curve xKs Nimin Ne Number of Cycles, FIG. 11-1520(c)-2 CONSTRUCTION OF THE TESTING PARAMETERS RATIO DIAGRAM FOR ACCELERATED TESTS (d) The cyclic rate shall be such that appreciable heat- ing of the specimen does not occur. (e) The fatigue strength reduction factor shall prefera- bly be determined by performing tests on notched and tunnotehed specimens and calculated as the ratio of the lunnotched stress to the notched stress for failure. -1700 | EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS OF OPENINGS 11-1710 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ‘The stress intensities for opening configurations which do not meet the requirements of NB-3331, NB-3338.2(¢), or NB-3339.1 shall be determined in accordance with the methods of this Subarticle. 11-1720 APPLICABILITY OF AVAILABLE EXPERIMENTAL DATA In accordance with I-11 12 reevaluation is not required for configurations for which there are available detailed experimental results that are consistent with the require- ‘ments of this Appendix. In order that available experi- ‘mental date may be interpreted as providing information 11-1720 pertinent to the analysis of slightly different configura- tions, thereby possibly minimizing the need for additional investigations, the guidelines of 11-1730 are presented. 11-1730 GUIDELINES FOR USE OF AVAILABLE EXPERIMENTAL DATA 11-1731 Effect of d/D Ratio For an unreinforced opening or for an opening where the reinforcement is provided primarily by @ uniform increase in component wall thickness, the stresses around the opening will increase with increasing d/D ratio of the opening (diameter of nozzle ot opening to diameter of shell). Therefore, experimental data for a small d/D ratio cannot be safely applied to a larger 4/D ratio but can beapplied to asmallerd/D ratio provided the experiments were made at a d/D ratio <.5. 11-1732 Effect of D/T Ratio For an unreinforced opening or for an opening where the reinforcement ig provided primarily by a uniform increase in component wall thickness, the stresses around the opening will increase with increasing D/T ratio (thin- ner shell component). Therefore, experimental data for a relatively small D/T ratio cannot be safely applied to a larger D/T ratio but can be applied to a smaller D/T ratio. 11-1733 Proximity to Gross Discontinuities Generally, the stress data available in the literature are applicable only to single openings. Such data shall be considered valid only for a connection sufficiently MANDATORY APPENDIX It 11-1900 removed from another nozzle, opening, flange, or other ‘major discontinuity so that superposition of stresses will not produce an unacceptable value of stress intensity, 11-1734 Requirements for Fillets Stresses at the outside juncture of a nozzle and shell are greatly influenced by the fillet or transition at the juncture. Generally speaking, stress data available in the Titerature are for certain specific fillet radii. Other factors being equal, these stress data may be considered valid for fillet radii equal to or greater than those used in the test but shall not be considered valid for smaller fillet radii or undefined fillets and transitions such as tor @ triangular weld fillet, as commonly used. 11-1800 EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF STRESS INDICES FOR PIPING In course of preparation. Pending publication, stress indices for piping shall be determined in accordance with the rules of NB-3680, 11-1900 EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF FLEXIBILITY FACTORS In course of preparation. Pending publication, flexibit- ity factors shall be determined in accordance with the rules of NB-3686. ARTICLE I-2000 EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF STRESS INTENSIFICATION FACTORS 11-2100 INTRODUCTION This Appendix presents a method to experimentally dotermine stress intensification factors (SIF) of piping ‘components for use in the design of piping systems in accordance with NC/ND-3600. 11-2200 DEFINITIONS ‘Stress Intensification Factor. A fatigue strength reduction factor which is the ratio of the elastically predicted bend- ing moment producing fatigue failure in 2 given number of cycles in a butt weld on a straight pipe of nominal dimensions, to that producing failure in the same number of cycles in the component under consideration. 11-2300 TEST PROCEDURE 11-2310 TEST EQUIPMENT A schematic of a test arrangement is given in Fig. 11-2310-1. (a) The machine framework must be sufficiently stiff to prevent anchor rotations, (b) The pipe component shall be mounted close to the fixed end of the (est assembly, but no closer than two Pipe diameters. (c) The free end shall be hinged in a slide capable of applying 4 fully reversible displacement. (d) The test equipment shall be calibrated to read dis- placements with an accuracy of 1% of the imposed dis- placement amplitude, 11-2320 TEST SPECIMEN ‘The test specimen shall be SA-106 Grade B pipe and equivalent plates and forgings, otherwise the rules of 11-2510 apply. The fabrication, welding, and examinations of the tested components shall be the same as will be followed 30 in fabrication of the component. Weld contours should be representative of those intended to be used in fabrication, 11-2330 APPLIED MOMENT (a) The test specimen shall be placed in the test con- figuration and displacements shall be applied in steps to obiain a load-displacement plot analogous to that shown in Fig, 11-2330-1. At least five points must be recorded in the linear region of the plot. (6) The loading sequence shall be stopped when the recorded load-displacement is no longer linear. (c) The specimen must then be unloaded, following, the same recording sequence as during loading. (d) The linear region of the load-displacement curve and its straight-line extension will be used in determining the force F, in I-2400. 11-2340 CYCLES TO LEAKAGE (a) The test specimen shall be placed in the test con- figuration and pressurized with water. The pressure should be sufficient to detect leakage, such as 15 psig to 100 psig (100 kPa to 700 kP2) (b) The specimen shall be subjected to fully reversed cyclic displacements until a visible through-wall leak develops in the component or its weld to the pipe. Other equivalent methods of through-wall crack detection are permissible (c) The fully reversible displacements shall be applied at a frequency not to exceed 120 cycles per minute. (4) The number of cycles WV at which the leak occurred, shall be recorded. The cyclic displacements shall be selected such that failure occurs ina minimum of N = 500 cycles of reversed displacements, 11-2400 MANDATORY APPENDIX II T2410 Applied Tested filing x Fixed end in-plane displacement FIG. 11-2310-1 SCHEMATIC OF TEST ASSEMBLY 11-2400 STRESS INTENSIFICATION FACTOR 12410 CALCULATED STRESS (a) The distance L between the point of applied dis- placement and the leak point is measured. (b) The imposed displacement is entered on the load displacement curve established in 11-2330, and the corres- ponding force is noted as F. (c) The applied moment at leakage M, is to be caleu- lated as Me FL where Mg = applied elastic moment at leakage F, = force corresponding tothe applied displacement, read on the straight line of Fig. 11-2330-1 L = distance between the point of applied displace- ‘ment and the leak point, in the direction perpen- dicular to the imposed displacement (d) The elastically calculated stress amplitude corres- ponding to the elastic moment at leakage is M, where S = leakage stress Z = section modulus as defined in 11-2420 31 Dain. tomy FIG, 11-2330-1_ DISPLACEMENT D AND FORCE F RECORDED DURING LOADING AND UNLOADING OF TEST SPECIMEN, WITH LINEAR DISPLACEMENT 12420 TABLE 11-2440-1 STRESS INTENSIFICATION INCREASE FACTOR Number of| Increase Factor, Test Specimens & 1 12 2 aa 3 1.05, 4 10 11-2420 SECTION MODULUS ‘The value ofthe section modulus (Z) used in calculating, the leakage stress in 11-2410 shall be that intended to be used in design. The section modulus of the matching pipe is typically used in design. If the leakage stress is computed using Z other than that of the matching pipe, the manner in which Z is computed must be explicitly specified in the definition of the stress intensification factor, and the value of Z at the same location shall be used in design. 11-2430 STRESS INTENSIFICATION FACTOR ‘The stress intensification factor is established as c sa) sess intensification factor C = material constant; 245,000 psi (1690 MPa) for a carbon steel test specimen $ = leakage stress number of stress reversals to failure material exponent; 0.2 for a carbon steel test specimen 11-2440 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMENS (a) The value of the stress intensification factor é shall be the average value from several, preferably a minimum of four, cyclic displacement tests. (b) Where less than four tests are conducted, the calen- lated stress intensification factor / shall be increased by a factor C, given in Table 11-2440-1 11-2450 DIRECTIONAL STRESS INTENSIFICATION FACTORS (a) For non-axisymmetric components, a directional stress intensification factor shall be established indepen- dently for each direction of bending. 2004 SECTION IM, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES 2 11-2520 (b) Where the design Code requires the use of a single stress intensification factor, the largest value from the directional stress intensification factors shall be used. 11-2460 VARIABLE AMPLITUDE TEST If the applied displacement amplitude is changed dur- ing a eyclic test, the number of cycles to leakage shall bbe determined by waif where N = equivalent number of stress reversal cycles to leakage, at amplitude 2; Nj, Nj = number of stress reversal cycles at amplitudes His 4 = amplitudes of displacement applied during N,N, cycles 11-2500 VARIATIONS IN MATERIALS AND GEOMETRY 11-2510 MATERIAL CONSTANT AND MATERIAL EXPONENT ‘When using a test specimen made of Code-listed mate~ rials other than carbon steel, a new material constant C ‘and material exponent b shall be established as follows. (a) A butt welded test specimen ofthe tested material shall be fabricated and tested in accordance with 11-2300. (6) The cyclic test of H-2330 shall be repeated for a sminimum of eight specimens subject to different applied displacements. (©) The pairs of values (NS) shall be plotted on log- log scale, (d) The material constant C and the material exponent b shall be obtained by tracing a best estimate straight line through the (N.S) points, in the form c ei 11-2520 GEOMETRIC SIMILARITY (a) The stress intensification factor derived from the tests is applicable to components that are geometrically similar within 20% of the dimensions of the test spec~ imens, (b) Ditmensional extrapolations other than in (a) above shall be identified in the test report, along with their technical justification, 11-2600 -2600 TEST REPORT ‘test repor shall be prepared and certified to meet the requirements of this Appendix by a Professional Engineer competent in the design and analysis of pressure piping systems, The test report shall be complete and written to facilitate an independent review. The report shall contain: (a) description of the tested specimen; (b) nominal pipe and fiting size and dimensions and actual cross-sectional dimensions of importance in inter- preting the test results; (c) description and photographs or sketches of the test equipment, including positioning of the test specimens in the machine; (4) calibration ofthe test equipment. This information may be provided by reference. MANDATORY APPENDIX II 33 11-2600 {e) certified material test reports for the tested compo- nent, including mill-test value of yield and ultimate strength; (9 component and component-to-pipe weld examina- tions where they are required by the construction Code, with certification of Code compliance of the wel (g) loading and unloading load-displacement points and fine, in accordance with II-2330; (h) values of material constants C and b, section modu- lus 2, number of cycles to leakage N, length to leakage point L, force F,, and moment M, for each tost; (i) derivation of the stress intensification factor # for each test; G) description, and photograph(s) or sketches) of the leakage location; (&) justification for geometrical similarity, if any, in accordance with 11-2520. MANDATORY APPENDIX II BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING DESIGN STRESS INTENSITY VALUES AND ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES ARTICLE I1-1000 INTRODUCTION TU-1100 DERIVATION OF VALUES AND —_—‘H-1130._- LOCATION AND APPLICATION OF THEIR TABULAR STRESS INTENSITY, ALLOWABLE ORGANIZATION STRESS, AND YIELD STRENGTH VALUES HIL-1110 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ASSIGNING y.1431 Location STRESS INTENSITY AND ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES (a) The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Commitee evalu- ates the available data and assigns stress values for materi- als in accordance with the basis given in this Article. (b) Where suitable test data on a specification material are not available, the Committee may base design stress values on the available data for similar materials or on an evaluation of known experience with the material. 1N-1120 DERIVATION OF STRESS INTENSITY AND ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES The values are obtained by applying factors to the mechanical properties of the materials. Consideration is ‘given to the minimum properties specified and the proper- ties at various temperatures as determined by tests on specimens of the material. For all materials, and espe- cially those whose properties are affected by heat treat- ‘ment, the data for establishing allowable stresses are from test specimens that are representative of the material sup- plied in accordance with the specification including the specified heat treatment. 4 All stress intensity, allowable stress, and yield strength values for use in design under the rules of this Section are given in Section II, Part D. These values are grouped according to temperature. In every application of the values, the temperature is to be understood as being the actual metal temperature. I-1132 Application I1J-1132.1 Design Stress Intensity Values. Design stress intensity values are given in Section II, Part D, ‘Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B for Class 1 components and for Class 1 plate and shell type component supports. I11-1132.2. Allowable Stress Values (a) Allowable stress values are given in Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 1A and 1B for Class 2 and 3 components and for Class 2, 3, and MC plate and shell type supports, (6) Allowable stress values for linear type and compo- nent standard supports of all classes of construction except Class 1 plate and shell type component supports (11I-1132.1) are derived from the yield strength values given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1 by applying the stipulated design factors given in NF-3300, WHH-1132.3, MANDATORY APPENDIX IIL 111323, 11F-1132.3 Design Stress Intensity and Allowable Stress Values. The design sitess intensity and allowable stress values for Class MC vessels are given in Section IL, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 1A and 1B, except that 90% of the yield strength at temperature shall not be exceeded, 35 Only the material specifications and grades listed in Table NE-2121(a)-I and bolting material specifications listed in Table NE-2121(a)-2 may be used for Class MC con- struction. ARTICLE III-2000 DESIGN STRESS INTENSITY VALUES FOR CLASS 1 COMPONENT: 111-2100 MECHANICAL PROPERTY CRITERIA 11-2110 FOR MATERIALS OTHER THAN BOLTING (a) The mechanical properties considered and factors applied for Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B are given in that Section, () The upper temperature limit for the tabulated design stress intensity values in Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B are the temperatures to the next Jowest 50°F (28°C) increment at which the creep rate or the stress rupture effects would produce design stresses lower than those from tensile and yield strength data. 11-2120 FOR BOLTING MATERIALS For bolting materials, the stress values in Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4 are based on one-third of the minimum specified yield strength at room temperature ‘or one-third of the yield strength at temperature up to a temperature of 800°F (425°C). 11-2200 FATIGUE STRENGTH CRITERIA FOR ALL MATERIALS ‘The fatigue curves of Figs. 1-9.0 are obtained from uniaxial strain cycling data in which the imposed strain amplitude (half range) is multiplied by the elastic modulus toputthe values in stress units. A best fitto the experimen- tal data is obtained by applying the method of least squares to the logarithms of the stress values. The curves are adjusted where necessary to include the maximum effect of mean stress. The design stress intensity values are obtained from the best fit curve by applying a factor of 2 on stress or a factor of 20 on cycles, whichever is the more conservative at each point. Figure -9.1 is applicable to the carbon and low alloy steels; Figs. 19.2 and -9.3 are applicable to the high alloy steels and nonfer- rous alloys listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B; and Fig. 1-9.4 applies to bolting materials listed in Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 4. MANDATORY APPENDIX IV APPROVAL OF NEW MATERIALS UNDER THE ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE See Appendix 5 of Section Il, Part D. MANDATORY APPENDIX V CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FORMS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND APPLICATION FORMS FOR CERTIFICATES OF AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF CODE SYMBOL STAMPS 3 38 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-1 CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR NUCLEAR VESSELS* As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section Il, Division 1 Pg. 1 of @ 1. Manufactured and certied by reweaeace Drm 2, Manufacture for mex san Ocancacar 2. Location of inaalation A Type © 2 2. . 2 water —eamiemre— era — ir — atthe ae 5 ASME Code, Seton, Ovsion ss —_Q____@ tnt 610i tbe cmplota fr age wal vr Jackets ica vro sla exchangr » sume: Qh — Ra 6. Sha ©. Heads: ® Tae ara om TERR na) a eAT | eas, Genaton | Grown ] Kruse | Gipienl | Conn) | Wortapheval | _ fat] Sota Prana botom engi | Taetness | Alowence | Raaue | Radu soataoge | “rosie | oumewe | iconv teconcve) m1 oy removable, bots used ~ pin On Bove ter fastening, gO 9, Jacket closure 10, owign presse! Derm temp. —D—. min preswweset temp. —Q— rea. nye oF sm ee peer — Ins 1 and 121 be completed for tube ecto 19, Tabeshoets: G Ha ae ET Tae haw Tea es AT @ Ta Re AT oa oy aa a Ta ST woos Sebo oT c Ta ie ROOT ‘noms 13 1 16 inclusive tobe completed for inner chambers of jacketed veel, or hanna of heat exchangers. 19. Shatter — eT aS EERE — ree 16 Seine isa ater Rt Be CR i — Be Ti ot a TAT ae ra 18, Heads: @ @ @ @ Timea an anieeel a — ae— —e Tan | eae | ARS | Gaat| Hoamiear | Fa] Sie emam © women ee ial Top, boon sd 7 —E i Chane io Fesing X removable, ot ue af One tening 16. Ononprenrs? Gt © presto tmp, —@_— Pra orem et pase ‘potas. “atte ns et prom icone tegen a pcb * Sipplementa information infor of It. satho,o drewings maybe sud provided 1) sts ey x1, 2 ilrmaton in tres 1 trough &on this Data Rap is incaded on each seat (9) ach anata nsmberd and mnt snet resort op a fom 39 2004 SECTION Il, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-1 (Back — Pg. 2 of © ) Contficate Holder's Serial No, @ 17, None inspection and safety vas onaning: @ © @@ tow, outer asin set | oumty | pa orsie | Type vwser_| tices 18, Suppor: Skin —D— tage —O— tege —O— other ean “Atechad —_o— 19, Remar: o ™ CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN Design specification certified by tie _ PE State Reg. no. Design rapt corifod by a PE. Stato og. no o ‘CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We cory thatthe statements made in this report ere corest and that this nuclear veseo! conforms to the rules for construction of the ASME ‘cid, Section Ml, OIion 9, N Contest of Authoraton No, er Date Name Signed @ ‘CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION |. the undersigned, holding # valid commission issued by the National Board of Bol and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and te State or Province of and employed by of _____ have inapected the component deserted in this Data Report on and state nat o thebestof my knowindge and bit, the Cortifcat Holder has constructed this component in accordance With the ASME Code, Seton It, Ovison 1. By signing the cartiicate neither the inspector nor hie employer makae any warranty expressed or implied, concerning the component described In this Data Repost. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be lable in eny manner for any personel ary or property demege for loss of any kind arising fom or connected with this inspection ate Sioned Commissions e @ CERTIFICATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE Wo cortfy tht the statements on thi report are somroct an thatthe field assembly construction ofall pats of this nuclear vessel conforms to ‘he rules of constucion of the ASME Codo, Section Il, Division 1. NN Coriteate of authorization Nena ate Name Signes ‘CERTIFICATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY INSPECTION | the undersigned, holding a valld commission fsued by the Nations! Board of Bot of and employed by ot ______ have compared the statements in this Data Ropor with te described component and state that parts vfered to as eta toms nt included in the cartfcat of shon Inspection, have boen inspoctod by me cn and that tothe best of my knowledgn and beet the Cortficato Holder has ‘constructed and assemble the comporant in accordance withthe ASME Code, Saction tl, Dision 1 By signing thie confoate nether tho inopctor nor his amployer makes any waranty exprested ar implied, concerning the component described In this Data Report Furthermore, neither the inspector nor hie ampoyer shall be ible in any manner for any personal jury or property damage (0F 8 loss of any kind arising fom or connected with his inspection. ve ean Ta Ra RT Comminone Sara tare STE TTT and Pressure Vessel nepectars and tha State or Province 40 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-IM CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR NUCLEAR VESSELS* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section Ill, Division 1 Pg. 1 of @ ceniiad by T= eens Tac a TC OT 2. Maputacured for ® g @ o @ 2. Location of instalation 4.0 — g wi a eames — emrratear a ~ Be anther aertbesst— rer 5. ASME Code, Seaion Given | —__@—____-@- ____@_____@ tam 6-10 cise tobe completed or saga wa ves, cht of tte vss or shall of hat exchangers. 6 sna —_@ g g OO AS RRA ASR RT TEC Gad — Teer TT noun ©. -@ _ @_ ® @ e ak ar r er a os ie Re woe 2. Hens 2 - wae Tae aT TT ame Gaon | Sam [a | SET] Sm | ange | he] Samm © [TREE [incinn | Sis | Sate | eee | PREY] erin | "RRBLS | owner | canoer coer! a oy removable, tots used Other fastening, a or ROT —— DTS B a Ve, Boe rN TT ai 10, Drei prttsoe? —@_ mnctonp, 2 ain premrecet mp. —@ Pra hoo, oF cams et pressure Be same 1 and 120 be competed fr tbe scons, 11 Toes SE Sar sae ear a @ am aman ato ai a iis v2 Tapas tart ost eee aia 2 ieee toms 12 0 16 inclusive 0 be completed for inner chambers of jacketed vassal, or chanaels of host exchangar 13. She g wa Sem — mame Sara ion mer Ra aaa mi — ae Sit — ee ar 1 Sims: cma Pacer Io rer —&— —Ps— —Be— —— R— wea 15, nese @ a om ar aaa” erm aT ERR eR TT 7 cam | eae | Sine] Snes Fea] ar vcrsntem | twnan | fos | Same | ame | werk | nae” | ote Ta Top, Soran, on : 1 Ohne to ing ‘rao bls ved =e Coe tn a Oa as 18, Dasgn presi? © at Qin. presnurasas emp, —@_ Pre, ro. or comb. test pressure, —_@ "it pom hatred. ? Lat tar ora or tral posure wth onset temperature when aplb + Supplement forraton i form of at sates, oF swings may be ved provides (1x11 (2 formation in as 1 hough 4. his Cate Repo is Ince en sachsest (eh het eoemared and humbet a shat Year top thi fxm at 2004 SECTION IIL, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-1M (Back — Pg. 2 0f @ ) Certificate Holder's Serial No, @ 17 Nozzles ingpection end seety valve openings: @ @ @ @ iit oie dines) | dus | pi.crsie | tye Heater 12, Suppor Sin —B— tags —O— togs BD omer 2s “aches em 19, Remarks: Z : ae ‘CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN Dmsion speciiestion carted by — —___@ —_____ Pe. ste Reg no Design raport ected by @ PE. Stats Reg. no © ‘CERTIFCATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We conty thatthe statrnonts made in this roport are corzct and tha his nuclear vesse conforms tothe rl Cote, Secon I, Division 1 for construction of the ASME IN centifiate of Authorzetion No. Expires Pare Name Tea Sioned. (eiaslidetaail oS ‘CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION | ne undersigned, nolcing a vale carnmission isued by the Nations! Board of Boer an Pressure Vosso inspectors and the Stet or Province of ‘nd employed by of have inspected the component described in this Data Report on and state that to thebestof my knowledge and belie, the Crtfieste Holder has constructed this companant in aceardance With the ASME Cod, Section, Division 1 By cigning thie coriate nether the Inapactor nox his employer make any warranty, expresed or implied, concerning the component deserted in his Dota Report. Furthermore, naither the inspector nar his employer shall bo Hable in any manner for any personal injury or Property damage ar 2 lose of any Kind aisng from of connected with this inspection, bai a Ta a ap Commitont a Ri RIS STINE Ro RET @ ‘CERTIFICATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE We cently thatthe ettement on this report are correct and thatthe fed assembly consruction of al pers ofthis roclear vessel conforms to ‘tho cules of construction of te ASME Cade, Seton Il, Divilon 2. N Conttieate of Avthriation No, Brpires aa — RET Sianed a RT ® CCERTIRCATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY INSPECTION the undersigoea, nolding & vad eomission sued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors ene the State or Province of and employed by of have compered the satements inthis Data Report withthe deseribed component and state that pars referred to ab dat Hem ot inctude¢ in the cortfest of shop Inspection, ave been inspected by me on and that tothe best af my knowidge and blithe Cetflesta Holder has ‘conctructad and sesambled this component in aecordanee with the ASME Code, Suition II, Division 1 By signing the certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty expressed oF piled, concerning the component described In this Data Ropon. Furthermore, nltber the inspector not hi employer shall beable in eny manner for ary persona Inky or propery damage or loss of any kind arising tom oF connected with this ingpection Bon Sant rma ONS ar araccae 2 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-1A CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR NUCLEAR VESSELS* ‘Alternate Form for Single Chamber Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section Ill, Division 1 Pg. 1 of © 3, Location of intallasion 4 Wee! —armonea ST ‘5. ASME Code, Seton Il Divison t: 8 seat — Os ape ean — oe ema same — —aeeeT 7. Suane 6 @ & e 7 Bs — —& o oie Teal mat apes. ne “Taras RN Timer sone no Comte Soe tee eee ie ronan | ha] tae © [Bees | wwmen | fons | Saste | "Mes" | actin | ai | et | omer a a Wemorbe bro used a Oe fering — oO © Dean pasta? —Q_— atmactima, —@ win preset tomp, Dyer. pre, amb es prestre 10. Noses inspection and satety valve openings: @ © @ @ Papoae Tow Teiorcanene nie out dia. Quonty | din orsieo | tyre | atc | at str sion Bar lite aD Ht ge Oe —— Seg Mt Br 12, Remarks: CCERTIRCATION OF DESIGN (Design specfiction certified by — Stat Reg. no. Design report crifid by P&, State Reg. no. @ ‘CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ‘We comity thatthe statements made jn this report are corect and tht this nuclear vessel conforms to the rules for construction of the ASNE Cade, Section il, Division 1. N Cartiate of Authorization No, pies ~~ ne, Ta pared eT e ‘GERTIFCATE OF INSPECTION 1 the undersigned, holding a valid commmiasion sued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State ex Province of and employed by of have inspected the component described in this Data Report on stats that tothe best of my knowledge and bei, the Cerca Holder has constructed this component in exzordance ‘withthe ASME Code, Section l, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makos any waranty expressed or implied, concerning the component desciibed inthis Data Report. Furthermore neither the nspactor nor his employer shall be able in any manner for any persona Injury or property damage or lose of any Kind aleing fom oF connect with this inspection. kid poet Tai Raa Comenisions “Ta ie a aaa oe BST Tf posal Fant wevied Tat oer areal o er pessure wih conan Tempera whan space * Suppemantlintoraton n form oft, thes, or rawing ey be ued provid |) sale x 1,2) formation ina 1 owgh 4 on hi Date Report ‘sinelaced on enh dent) each shoots eumbered an hub of shots rar op os fom, 48 2004 SECTION II, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-1AM CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR NUCLEAR VESSELS* Alternate Form for Single Chamber Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section ll, Division 1 Pg. 1 of © 1. Manutscured and centied by a ER ST 2. Manutactured for 3. Location of intaBaton S 4 Nee — aaa Seta TT & ann ai 7a 5: ASME Code, Seeton i, Dwsion ts Tat 6. Shell: @ @ @ Tage “Raieceniac hate — trae cea — — ies Sat — iano 7. Soames —— ir or or o - oT = Rae wan iaerr TERT a aT enton tp Zeer ] Rane | Sips | coe] Pornstar | Fa] sioner @ | berom’enici | Thetnees | Recon | ‘Ras | “reve” | apmeanga | asave "| oumuar | comm sone) m o removable, bolts used weet ae we ann Other fastening — Os 9. oui pram? — ®ve 10. Nozzles, inspection ond safety valve openings: @ @ @® @ >. 9 Min, pressurots temp. —@ Hyer, pneu. orcombs sex presse cd Tehioconen 1, Supports: Skit O— Lugs —@ other 2. Ate @ Suppers Si err LOY aa OS ane Cy ann Tae TT 12, Reman: @ CERTIFICATION OF DESION Desion specification oeied by ne state Reg. no Oesign report cetfed by © PE Site Fea. no. ® ‘CERTIRCATE OF COMPUANCE We certy thatthe statements made inthis report are correct and thet this nuclat vessel conforms tothe rules for constuction of the ASME Code, Section It, Division 1. N Certificate of Authorization No, Expires p= ee eres Esra, SaaS ‘CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION | the undersigned, holding a valid commission isued by the National Board of Bolla a of ‘and employed by of_________ have ingpactes the component deserted inthis Date Raper on and iat hat tho best of my knowiedge and boi, the Caricate Holder hes constructed tis component in secordance withthe ASME Code, Socon I Division 1. 2y signing this certifi nether the inspector nor his employer makes any warrenty, expressed of implied, concerning the component deseribed in this Osta Report. Furthermore, neither the Inapctor nor his employer shal be lable in any meaner for any personal injury or property damage (or & loss of eny kind arising rom er connected with this inspection, iad in Tia Wa Fai Commison® Taare it waarmee ET Presture Vestl Ingpectore end the State or Province ec Kom reied! "Low inl o rns pressure with concider whan apaT=aO + Supper information inform of let, steno denne my be ued provid (1) se Vx, 2) wferatian In Rem 1 rough & on this Ota Report ‘sincaid on each aneo B eaor snes umbera hd rom of Saas coded ofp of se MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-2 CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR IDENTICAL NUCLEAR PARTS AND APPURTENANCES* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section il! Not to Exceed One Day's Production 1 Manufactured and cored by ae RTO Ca TET 2. Manufatured for 7 TERE TTT 2. Lectin of installation aaa i ¢ ® 8 @ = awing rar Tra apes no ‘Penile rong TNT Wer ba 5. ASME Code, Section, Oisiont: Qn 6. Frovented in aoorsane with Cont Spe. (OW Zoniy) —__@-___ Pevsin ___-@_ bate __@ 2. Rats: 8. Nom theres a) Min design Bien Un Da Dain) —O— Leng over Wain 9, When applicable, Cariicate Holders’ Data Reports are attached for each Kor of his report Tera Nave! Paro Appurananes sonra Na. Fa. Agpunorance sow Ne ‘send Remme amen Orde Sonat Number Innere! Grr ® ® ® (5) (5) 09) (40 (42h 13). wy as) 46). an. 4). 9). (0) 10, Design pressure ___@_____ psi. Tamp, —__@___ Hydro. tost pressure. —_@_@-_—__ at temp, F ToT oplererta ifermation in he for ofr, stches, drawings maybe wat provided (ae 8x 1 (2 formation In tas 2 and 3 on tis Data Rept is ‘neta am ach sbot bach sec tumbored ae the rarer of shot cera tthe top et hi x 45 2004 SECTION II, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-2 (Back — Pg.20f © ) Cortiicate Holder's Serial Nos. ___@__ through CERTIRCATION OF DESIGN Design specications eertited by — Pe. state Reg. 90. Design report” ceriied by © ______ Pe. state, —___ og. no, ® CERTIICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certty thatthe statements made inthis report are corect and that this (hese) conforms to the rules of construction of the ASME Code, Scton Il, Division 1. NPT Centcate of Authori jon Now ears Date Nome. Signed ‘CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION | the undersigned holsing a vad commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of and employed by ~ aL have inspected these tame described in this Data Repor on, nd alate that tothe best of my inowiedge and belo, tha Caifcats Holder has fabricated these pert or sppurtenences in secordence withthe ASME Cade, Section I, Division 1. Each part sted hes hen authorized for stamping on the date shown above ‘2 signing this comets, netiner tne inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concering the equipment described In tis Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector norhi employe shall be lable in any manner for any persona injury or propery damage ‘or los of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. a a Tia Wa RT Comissions a a aaa 3 Sa HHH RT MANDATORY APPENDIX V e ron 2M cennincaTE HOLDEN DATA REFORT FOR IDENTICAL NUCLEAR PARTS AND APPURTENANCES* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section I ‘Not to Exceed One Day's Production Po. 1 of @ 1, Maneteeuped enc cereal Py a a TNT TT 2. Manacre fo ecvira Grape 3 Location of instaliation a re — yaar wa Bcar iar I @ x reve coe secon tu oveen: _@ 6. Fen In acordare wth Cot Se OV: 2 oni) —_@_— vian —-_@ oy 2. amt: —— a ‘Nom. thiekness imam (Min, design thickness (mim) Gis. 1D mm Length overall my 3. When applicable, Certificate Holders’ Osta Reports are sttached foreach item of this repor: Tovar Pon.orAopurtnenee Bowra e. ‘sat Rarer fn rein ear @ @ 2 (30) (32 (33 94) (35). (38) ea 28 39) 40 an. 2). aay. a. (a8) as) (an (as) (a9) 125) (co) 10, Design pressu © te, Temp, —_@_c,Hysro. 108 pressure —__@_@___attomp.¢ * Supplarora formation in th ores of Ee sketch, drawings maybe used provided ae ex 1) eormatin in Ree Zand 3 on this Data Rapes Ince on aac shwt 15 es snes numer athe numba shwt arcade et th op ef teh 4 2004 SECTION Ill, DIVISION | — APPENDICES FORM N-2M (Back — Pg.20f @ ) Conttcata Holder's Serie! Nos. __@_ through CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN Dein secteaonn erties by 6. Se — fag. Dig report ceed by, ne si ® CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ‘We cay tat the stant de inthe rapoar corec and tha hs thes] _ Contos ota of eovtton of te ANE Cs Secon th et NPT Conde Arian No, han = WO Coca Halo Seed Taanan 7 ‘CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I the undersignes, holding a valid commission issued by the Notional Board of Boar and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andthe State or Province of and employed by 7 - 7 of — have inspected these tems desorbed in this Date Repor on and tate that tthe best of my knowledge and bei, the Cortfeste Holder has fabvicted these parts oF appurtenances in socordance withthe ASME Code, Gestion I Division 1, Each par stud has been authorize for staring on the date shown above, By signing thie cortfeate,neiter the inspector nor his employer makes any warrenty, exprestes of implies, concersing the equipment described in this Data Roport. Furharmore, neither the inspector nor his employer aha be liabe in any manner fr any parsonal injury or property damage (Flos of any kind arising from or connectad with this inspection. ate —____signeg —___ Commissions aba aT THT BEE WIS EH ET 48 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-3 OWNERS’ DATA REPORT FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT COMPONENTS* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section I! 1. Nama of Ownae a 2, Macross of Owner 2 3, Name of power plant 4. Location of powerplant ‘5, NUCLEAR VESSELS (List all nuclaar sonerata and ent le vasals or core aupports and sttach copies ofall Nand NPT Certfieste Holders’ Date ‘Stes No. CN a Ba, No Yaw Bute ‘Aitach supplemental pages as require. 6, NUCLEAR PIPING \donty ai nuiea sping by listing system identication aopearing on Form N- and attach copes of al NS Data Reports for ‘cea piping) Contin Holder sad - Sarl Naber Pring Sytem Moeieaton et 84 No. You mut o «¢ 5 ® ® ‘Attach supplemental pages ae required. « Supplemental ntrmaten ie ha form of te, setchas, 0” drawings may bo vss provide (sof, 2 information n ems 1 hug on hs Oats Report Ie tneoced eneach ent} ech sha! te enbmred ar the rome sew ovr oe top frm, 49 2004 SECTION IM, DIVISION | — APPENDICES FORM N-3 (Back — Pg. 2 of _@ Unit No, —. -@ 7. NUCLEAR PUMPS & VALVES IList and idemy ll nuclear pumpe and valves and attach copes of al NCartfcate Holders’ Data Reports, Forms NVA and NVA) Conifonte Hole Pump vee (cert oldu’s Satna, NAL Bd. No Yew but ® G ‘Aeach supplemental pages 2 require. 5. Romans: ® (OWNERS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETED INSTALLATION |, he undersioned,cotiy that tha statements mada inthis eport are corest and have checked all quciear components coming under the scope ofthe ASME Code, Section Il, and state that to th bost of my knowledge and boi each Cortese Holder hae metal the rules for onstruction ofthe ASME Code, Section I Atached are copies of Corificete Holders! Data Reports covering all nacieer components Owners’ Conifete of Authorization No. as = ena RT ® CCERTIACATE OF INSPECTION | the undersigned, holding a valid commission isusd hy the National Board of oils of ‘and employed by of __________ based on audits of the owners’ quality assurance program god supporting documentation fer components ancior appurtenances and instalation of some described in this Data Report on, stat that tothe best of my ‘nowiedge and belie, the owner, of his designee, a8 applicable, has complied withthe requirement ofthe ASME Code, Section I. By soning this crtfcae,nsither the inspector nor his employer makes any warrant, expressed or implied, eanceming the components andlor appuronancas and instalation of same doscrbed in his owners! Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor hi employer shal be lable in any manner for aay personal inury or property damage a alas of any kind arising from or connacted wit tis aud activity 1d Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province t me TTT RT COON ra ial RT Bara 50 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-5 CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR INSTALLATION OR SHOP ASSEMBLY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT COMPONENTS, SUPPORTS, AND APPURTENANCES* Ss Regu bythe Previans ofthe AOME Code, Seaton DhlonT pa y op @ slidable areca ORR tinea pear at clave comes coer < swwnistesten —_ O_O, — 0 B— we Bes 5 ASM cou nana one at 2 nS {6 NCentfeste Holder having oveal responsibilty 7. Nuctose componenss, pas, ppurtanances, and supports installed (List oach ier and stach copies of N Certiete Holder’ Dete Reports and NPT Cerificate Holders’ Date Reports Components (by Nome of cote (2) Como Appur, Tiler (el Sedat No (CANN. (a) NO 8 i @ a} @ @ © @ Piping and pat installation LeLPping octet) Name of Cniowe (9 Yorba ‘Seen iter (etc No. (a) CON Ne (ein Ba or a 5 a a a Support instalation: ay Name of (bai Rart.Lord (Suppor No. Cart Halder (Seat, “Capos Bata Shan!) CRN Na, (ey Yeo ute a 3 a 5 G g ‘Adeidonal material excluding welding materia (a) Name of 1) Matera S00 No Ss Prepared by @ 9. Hydrostate test pressure © psi at emp. —@ System design prassure _@__ psi at temp. —_@ 10, Raman: ‘Suopiaenanal eration nfo oft, demwings may be ued provided ‘dad oneach sho (3) enchant a mumberes ans he turar fst carded the ep of oe rm sl ie 2; 311, ifoomaton in tors 1 rough on hie Oat Raper i 2004 SECTION IIL, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N5 (Back — Pg. 2 of _@ Certificate Holder's Serial No, CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN FOR PIPING SYSTEM ‘Onsign information on fiat RRS ee eee eee Design rapert on Design specication snifed by ——_________@ pg. state Fes. no Design report certited by 2 PE, State Reg. ao. Design conditions of pressure piping —___@_ psi Temp, __@ __ ® CERTIRCATE OF INSTALLATION COMPLIANCE We contty thatthe statements made inthis report ara correct and thet this intaBation conforms to the ras for construction of the ASME Coda, Section I, Division 1, and was performed in aecordance withthe documants sted in 8 above. Nor NA Centfeate of Authorization No, pia. ba fant Tee ARRAS ‘Sionee ‘aaa mr ® CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION INSPECTION 1 the undersigned holsing a vaid commission issued by the Nation ot and employed by co pio a ne of _________havoingpoctod the intallaton ofthe Kame desorbed i this Ota Report on. and state that tothe best of my knowledge and belie, the Cotiiate of Authorization Holdar has performed tia hstalation in eccordance with the ASME Code, Seton I, Division 1. 8y signing this cenit, nether he inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied concerning the Intllation described in this Date Report. Furthermore, nether the inspector nor is employer shal be lable in any manner for any personal injury oF property damage ‘r & loas of any kind arising fom or connected with this inspection. Board of Bollr and Pressure Vessel Inepectors and the Stata or Province cL a Ese RST Comin a Tak Sa Ga @ ‘CERTIPCATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR OVERALL RESPONSIBILTY Fellowing completion ofthe above, the Certificate of Authorization Holder accepting overall esponsibility forthe piping systam shall complete the following satemont We carty thatthe statements made by his report are corect and that the piping syetom conforms tothe rules for construction ofthe ASME Cove, Seccn i, Division 1 'N Conifiate of Authorization No. epites ia = Wea aT Stones RT TTT CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1 he undersigned, holding a vali commission sued by the Nat of ‘and employed by of ________ have inspacie the piping systom dascribe inthis Data Report on and state that othe best of my knowledge and bel, the Certificate Holder has constructed this piping system in accordance withthe ASME Code, Section Il, Division 1. 8y signing this cortcatenetherthe inspector rorhisemnployer mates eny warranty, expensed or implied, cencecring the piping syste described ln this Osta Roport. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor is employer shal bo lable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage (0F8 os8 of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, nel Board of Boller and Prossure Vessel Inspectors and the Stat oF Province me snes TT Con a RR ERT ER TT MANDATORY APPENDIX ¥ FORM N-SM CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR INSTALLATION OR SHOP ASSEMBLY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT COMPONENTS, SUPPORTS, AND APPURTENANCES* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section I, Division 1 ps of @ 1. Insta ad cri by —_ 2 net moar 2 Leeson of instalation Teer 4 System Kdenteaton — Os — ea maT — Tame or Tae Sr ‘5. ASME Code, Section, Dont © oO 2 ca Gras 6. N CentfeateHoler having over aa a 7. Neier components, pans appurenences and supports installa (Uist each tem and aah copies of M Carficate Holder! Data Repors and NPT Caeate Holder’ Data Bop: Component: (Nee o conte (2) cameo Aap. ‘owe (0 Sa No. aomne Ae nat 2. (avn ou0 a 5 G ro} é S Piping and part installation: i ng ovPo i) Nava of Cait in Yew it —Pae eats wee (ese No (wow {EN Bd Wo om 2 © @ a a Support instalation: to nana of (9,008 Rept ond (aisieson ne, cate Aer teh SavalNo, “Capes EmShoct” 1) CANN. oven @ 5 = a 5 ® Additional material excluding walding material: 4 in Name ot (2) Maw Spe No (2 nero — Ove S 5 2 & insalaon i accordance wih ‘rovers Oravig No Prope by D a 9. Hydrostatic test pressure © iaattermp, —_@ _“c, System dosign pressure © wa sttwmp, —_@__c. 10. Remarks: 7 *Supplmarta fomatan infor of Et tte oF denwinge nay touted proved (1) su 8x 11 iformation ints 1 hough on hs Oat Rar i inlode om each seek (ech shot moma ad th surtbr of hess ecardod ow top ce 2004 SECTION IM, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-5M (Back — Pg. 2 of @ ) Contficate Holder's Serist No, © CERTIRCATION OF DESIGN FOR PIPING SYSTEM Design information on file at Design reporton fie ot Design specification certified by Ge tate Design report certified by @ ® @ © Shell ape ni pada” — Fo DSTA ‘ean OR ane Tae mR Trai foveres ET 7. Seams: aca armen — aloes — ag atmaegaare amr at ae ig —— a aT oe Tap wT = ° Teco | ween | cnn | rom [aie [econ] covet, [oeririat| x | see opr | yon tort | Mer |e | Sos a Sto) at | RSS |e | WS te = t nm removable, bolts used ideserbe other fstenings Tai ea TT 8 Oesgn Prete? —@_— stmax timp, GL man pressrorantomp, —@ Prous io, or comb wt preeue 10. Nomes,inepection and safety valve openings: @ @ @ @ Parsee Pa iota omtee drinsee) | to | orsin | Tye 11. Supoons: Skit, _@__ tugs —_@__ tags —__@__ othr Qaz— Atecres 9 posted nest rete. TL che nino xtra presure wh concent tamperatrewhe® applate. (@)irfoeton in tame trough 4on tha Date Repo. 35 2004 SECTION Ill, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-6 (Back — Pg. 2 of © Comtificate Holder's Soria No. © (CERTIRCATION OF DESIGN Deson pesos eras ny —______@____ »&,Sufp —_____ ero, —_ one eee Design information on fie at oe ® CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We cory that the statements made inthis report are correct and that tis storage tank conforms tothe rules for construction ofthe ASME Cade, Section I, Division 3. 1 Centiote of Authortion No, —______Expives = jane Sa ae ares, a ARE ® ‘CERTINGATE OF SHOP INSPECTION | he undersigned, holding a valld commission isued by the Natlonsl Board of Bollr an Pressure Vessel Inepectors and tha Stat or Province of and employed by of have inspected the storage tank decribed in this Data Report on ana state that to the bast of my knowledge and bale, dance with the ASME Code, Seton Il, Division 1. 8y signing this certificate nether he Inspsctor nor his employer mates any waranty, expressed at mplad, concerning the storage tank scribed In this Oata Report. Furthermore neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for sry personal njury o¢ property damage or @ loss of any kind arising ror or connectes with this ingpection cmt older hae constructed this storage tak in accor ate 7 Commissions © a TT TTT TSE Te wa ® CERTIFICATE OF FELD ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE Wo corify that the statements on this report ate correct and that the fl assembly construction ofall pets ofthis storage tank conforms tothe rules of eonstrection ofthe ASME Code, Section I, Division 1. NN Corstiace of Authoration No. ——___ Expo. ‘ia iit ToT Stones a TT ® CCERTIRCATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY INSPECTION |. the undersigned, holding» vail commission lesued by the Nato of ‘and employed by or have compared tno statements in tis Date Report with the described storage tank ‘and stato that parts roerrd to ab data items nat nciugedin the Cartiite of Shop Inpection. have been inepscted by me on and that tothe best of my knowledgo and bale the Catifoste Holder hee constructed and assembied this storage tank in accordance with the ASME Code, Section Il, Division 8y signing this cortfiate, neither the Inapector not his employer makes any waranty, expressed or implied, concerning the Instalationdseribd In this Data Roport. Furthermoce neither the inspector nr his employer ahal ba abla in any manner for any personal iury or property damage. ‘or foes of any kind eisng from or conactad with this Inspection. Board of Boilor ane Prosaure Vooeo! Inepoctore and the Stata or Province = ll TT ET COMO aa a STR 36 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM N-6M CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR STORAGE TANKS* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section Ill, Division 1 Pg. 1 of @ 1. Manufactured and esrtiog by ee 5 Manure ie) aaa a aT 3, Location of inealation 4 NOt — caren — “ee aT ——~—T Ta 5, ASME Codo, Section I, Ovision# B. aa Som 6 Oh ore Omer eam aera — exer — ae Bias — —ierocarar 7. Somme: een area ar Tha — agpeeee ~e ee ees ‘aati rat —®__ wa) ___@ ts, __@ ra 8, Heads: (a) mt = “endci”_|Ticeress | Theses | Radsor | Ross | aio | Apex Ange |" Rade to or at @ w I I ramevable, bolts used (describe other fastenings 2, Devon Presson? —D_— armas temp. 2 Min, rssurteattomp, —]_. Pre. hyo, or comb test pressure QD 10, Non Inepaction and ealety valve openings: @ @ @ @ Pape De tin outer dinsetey | no |orsee | Tye 11, sumone stin © tugs tage Bomar aad 12, Roma: ‘it pestwed naa ated 7 ural or eceral posse with oinsdenttenpartre when sppabie ‘Supolemoral formation nthe form ofits kts, o rings maybe u=5d prvi lo 6 5 1, 2) formation in ters throug on this Dts Faget ‘Sineoded on rao sew 1 ah shes raed anche mambo f sna ooo to fet. 7 2004 SECTION II, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM N-6M (Back — Pg. 2 of © Ceniticate Holder's Seriat No. __@ ‘CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN Dosign specications contiied by PE, State ______ Reg. na. (00a information on fe at ® CCERTIRCATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We certify that th statements made inthis report are correct and tat this storege tank conforms tothe rules for constrction of the ASME Code, Section Il, Divison 1 IN cCartiste of Authorization No. Expires = tere: aon — aT RET ® CCERTIRCATE OF SHOP INSPECTION |, the undersigned, holding a valid commission sued by the National Board of Bollar and Pressure Vast! Inepectos andthe State cr Province of ‘and employed by pt ‘nove inepected the storage tank described in this Data Report on — ana stato that tothe bast of my knowledge and boi, tho Cotfiate Holdr has conetructed thi torage tank In cor: once with the ASME Code, Section il, Division 1. By signing this certincate nether the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, sxpressed or imple, concering the storage tank desclbed In this Osta Report. Furthermore neither the inspector nor his employer shal be lable in any manner for any personal injury or property dameps ‘or loss of any kind arising from or connected with this ete Sioned Commissions @ CERTIFICATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE ‘Wo cotly that he stataments on this report ate eoerct and tht the fle essembiy construction of rules of construction of the ASME Code, Section I, Division 1. NN Contficate of Authorization No, Expires pars of tis storage tank conforms to the eat a Ta TT Pen TT RAT i CCERTIRCATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY INSPECTION the undersigned, holding e ved eormmiselon lecuod by the National Board of Boller end Proceure Vasa! Inepectrs and the State or Province ot and employed by or _____ nave compares ne statements n tis Oats Repor with the desorbed storage tank ‘and state that parte rolorred to as dataiteme nt nce inthe Cartifcate of Shop {ngpection, have been inspacted by me on —____ and that tothe best of my knowiedge and belie the Certfeate Holder has constructed ‘and assembled this storage ten In sczordance withthe ASME Code, Section Il Divahn 1 By signing this certificate. reiterthe inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressad or implied, conceming the intallaton described in this Date Report. Furthermore, nalther the inepector nor hi empoyar shal be able n any manner for any personal inury or property damage ‘oF 8 loss of any kind arising fom of connected with thie lngpection. os pene TTT Comision aaa a TREO FO TTT 58 MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM NPP.1 CERTIACATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR FABRICATED NUCLEAR PIPING SUBASSEMBLIES* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section Ill, Division 1 Pg.1 of @ 1 Forte and cei by EET 2. farted for oo aes 3. Loon fatten carat 00 — carer ~ ——& —_ wa Bis — ~ ae 5 ASME Cole Section MDiision %e —___@_-___@____@,__@ 6 Shop hydrostetic test — pst Gr pertormnen Description of piping @ ¢ * CCenitcote Holder’ Data Ropers properly dented end signed by commissioned inspectors have boan ferniahed forthe following toms ofthis report 9, Remarks: 2 ® CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE ‘We cortiy thatthe stoterents made in this reporter contest ard thet the fabrication of the described piping subassombly conforms to the rules for construction of the ASME Code, Secten Il, Division 1 NPT Cortifcate of Authorization No, ir owe Name aE Sioned SST ‘CERTIRCATE OF SHOP INSPECTION I the undersigned, holding veld commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Voesl Inspectors and the Stata or Province of and employed by of have inspected the piping subassembly described inthis Date Report on ana state at to tho best of my Inewledgo and bli, ne Coricae Holder has fabricated this ping subassembly in ‘ecordance with the ASME Cod, Seton I, Division 7. By signing this conficate nether the inspector nor his omployor makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the piping subessembly described inthis Data Report, Furthermore neither th inspector nor his employer shallbe Hable in sy manner for any personal injury or property ‘damage or a oss of any kin arising from or connected with ths inspection. Bete Signed) $reg ——— Comminsone a aa a amar wa aaa * Supplemental information nthe frm af lite, sein, ordeawinge may be ued provide (1) sn ie «1, nformationin ten hough 4 on tis ete Rept ieindlasd on enh shoot each sats umbered athe number tet raserd athe op of te, 2004 SECTION IIL, DIVISION 1 — APPENDICES FORM NPP.1 (Back — Pg. 2 of @ Cconutoate Holders SorisiNo, ——_—@ 10 Dossrition of fils fabriaton 14, Prov, hydro, oF comb. test pressure —_____@___psiat temp, —__@__ °F git performed @ CCERTIRCATE OF IELD FABRICATION COMPLIANCE We contty that the statements made in this report axe correct snd thet the fl fabrication of ‘he rules for construction ofthe ASME Code, Section Ml Division 1 fscribed piping subsssembly conforms wih NPT Certicae of Authorization No, eras Date Name Signed a ae a aT aT o ‘CERTIAGATE OF FIELD FABRICATION INSPECTION |. te undersigned, holding e vali commiss.on ised by the National Board of Boller an Prasture Vassl Inspectors ond the State or Province of and employed by —_______ of ____— have compared the statements in this Date Roport with tha described piping eubaesem- Diy and state that parts refered to as data toms —____________ notincuded in the Corifcato of Shop Inepsc- tion, have been inspected by me on —___ an that 1 the best of my knowledge and bel the Certificate Holder has fabricated this piping subassembly in accordance with the ASME Code, Section Il, Division 1 By signing this cortifeate mathe the inapoctornor his employer makes any werent, expressed oF Implied, concering the piping subassembly ‘eseribed inthis Date Report. Furthermore, cline tha inspector nor his employer shall be lable in any menner for any persone jury oF property ‘damage oF 8 loss of any kind arising fom 0° conecied with tis inspection, ate Signed Commissions MANDATORY APPENDIX V FORM NPP-1M CERTIFICATE HOLDERS’ DATA REPORT FOR FABRICATED NUCLEAR PIPING SUBASSEMBLIES* ‘As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code, Section ill, Division 1 Pg. 1 of © 1. Foie ant eri by Tae aa a 2, Fabia for avez 2. Location of instalation i taeb 6 2 a 2 @ Tea Tae ST wor aera eta 5. ASME Code, Secon it, Division 1: —___@___@ ie Cao wT 6 Shop hyerontatic test pat Bit perterme 2 Deszistion of piping @ @ 8. Caricte Holders’ Data Reports property identified and signed by commissioned inspectors heve been furnished forthe fllowing Rams of his report ® @ CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLANCE ‘Wo cority thatthe statemente made in thi report are corect and that he fabrzation of the described piping subascambly conforms 1 the rulas for constuction of the ASME Code, Section Ml, Divison t NPT centteste of Avinerzstion Noi ome Name aT Signed ST e ‘CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION 1. the undersigned, holdin 9 valid commision laud by the National Board ef Bolt and Prassure Vous Inepoctors and the State Province of and employed by of __________ have ingpacteg the piping subessembly described In tis Data Report on an state that tothe bast of my knowledge and boi 1 ‘sevordance withthe ASME Code, Section Il, Ovision 1 By signing ths cerifcate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes sny wereanty, expressed or implied, concerning tho piping subassembly

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