Green Book Scene by Scene Breakdown

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Scene by Scene Breakdown
By Denise Garcia

P 1-4: New York City, 1962. Copacabana. TONY LIP, Copa bouncer, trolls for customers who will tip
for a table. Lip notices JOEY LOSCUDO, mob boss, tell COAT-CHECK GIRL to guard his hat with her
life. As Loscudo is escorted to his seat, Lip gives Coat-Check Girl a few bucks for Loscudo’s hat.

A fight breaks out in main room. BAND and singer RYDELL keep playing while Lip throws four
GOOMBAHS out on the street. One Goombah swings at Lip but Lip knocks him on his ass, brutally
punching him. Loscudo screams that someone better find his hat or he’ll burn the place down.

P4-5: Lip, MAÎTRE D’ CARMINE and bouncer DANNY smoke cigarettes outside Copa as a worker
pastes banner: “Closed for Renovations November/ December”. Trio discusses possible layoff plans.

P5-6: Jilly’s Saloon. Lip plops Loscudo’s hat on table in front of mob boss and friends. Loscudo gives
Lip C-note, tells Lip that ‘from now on you don’t have to call me Mister Loscudo.”

P6: Lip’s Apartment. Lip parks in front of fire hydrant, covers it with trash can. Enters one bedroom
apartment and climbs into bed with wife Dolores, two little boys. It’s morning.

P7-8: Lip wakes up to find his dad, father-in-law, brothers watching Yankees game on TV. Lip:
“What the hell are you guys doing here?” They nod toward kitchen where two black workmen lay
down linoleum. His family berates him in Italian for hiring ‘sacks of coal.’ Lip watches Dolores put
the workers’ lemonade glasses in sink. When Dolores isn’t looking, Lip drops their glasses into
garbage can.

P8-10: Family gathers for pasta lunch. Dolores says Lip needs a job for a few months. They chime in
their opinions as Lip gets them laughing. As Dolores cleans up, she pulls glasses from garbage and
puts them back in sink.

P10-11: Gorman’s Hot Dogs. Lip challenges FAT PAULIE to contest for $50. Patrons cheer as Lip, Fat
Paulie stuff their faces with hot dogs. Lip slows down, looks like he’s going to puke.

P11-12: Lip’s Apartment. Lip plops down, exhausted. Lip: “Fat Paulie knocked off 28. Guy’s an
animal.” Dolores thinks he lost $50 but Lip pulls out his winnings. Dolores: “Thank God. Gas bill
came today.”

P12: Copacabana. Owner PODELL calls Lip: “A doctor’s lookin’ for a driver. You interested?”

P13: Carnegie Hall. Lip enters magnificent hall looking for a doctor’s office. BOX OFFICE MANAGER:
“Dr. Shirley lives upstairs”.

P13-14: Don Shirley’s Apartment. Job applicants wait in hallway. Lip given clipboard to fill out.

P14-18: Indian valet AMIT escorts Lip into enormous room filled with expensive art, Steinway
piano and a throne. DR. SHIRLEY enters in traditional African robe, jewelry and sits on a throne.

Asks Lip about his experience. Lip: “I work a lot of joints….public relations.” Shirley states that he’s
not a medical doctor but a musician, getting ready to start a concert tour through Deep South.
Shirley: “Do you foresee any issues working for a black man?” Lip: “Just had a couple colored guys
over the house. For drinks.” Shirley states terms, he needs a valet. Lip counters, “I’m not shining
nobody’s shoes”. Interview is over.

P18-20: Joe & Joe Restaurant. BARTENDER tells Lip that AUGIE wants to see him. Lip enters
private booth where Augie and his PSYCHOPATHS stare at him. Augie offers Lip a job “doing things”
while the Copa’s down. Lip expresses appreciate but turns down offer.

P21: Pawn Shop. Lip pawns his watch for $50. Has until Christmas to redeem it.

P21- 22: Lip’s Apartment. Lip tells Dolores about his interview. Dolores says Lip wouldn’t last a
week with Dr. Shirley. Lip says “for the right money, I would.”

P22-23: Phone wakes up Lip and Dolores. It’s Dr. Shirley, calling to ask Dolores for permission to
take Lip away from family for two months. He’s willing to pay Lip what he asked for.

P23-27: Rented 1961 Cadillac Sedan parked out front. Lip’s family gather to say good-bye. RECORD
EXEC gives Lip check for first half of trip. Lip will get balance upon trip completion. Lip balks at
arrangement, says Shirley “is not gonna miss any shows.” Exec hands Lip car keys and small green
book listing where Dr. Shirley can stay. Dolores makes Lip promise to write her. And he ‘better be
home at Christmas or don’t come home at all!”

P28: Carnegie Hall. Lip parks rented Caddy next to an identical one. Meets Oleg and George, part of
Shirley’s trio. Lip opens back car door for Shirley (in silk suit) but makes Amit put luggage in trunk.

P29-30: Route 80 West. Two Cadillacs follow each other. Lip drive fast, eats sandwich while
smoking. Shirley cracks back window, choking on smoke. Shirley issues instructions for arrival…”
make sure piano is a Steinway…. Have bottle of Cutty Sark in my room every night.” Lip asks if they
can be home for Christmas Eve. Shirley asks Lip to put out cigarette. Defiant, Lip takes last drag
then stuffs Shirley’s sandwich in his mouth.

P30-31: Pennsylvania Turnpike. Oleg’s car pulls up to Shirley’s car. In Russian, Oleg asks if
everything is okay. In Russian, Shirley says we’ll rehearse after dinner. Lip is stunned to hear
Shirley speaking another language. Thinks it’s German. Tells Shirley “be careful, Krauts are all
sneaks.” Shirley rolls his eyes, tells Lip to not worry. Offended, Lips says “I ain’t worried about

P32-33: Diner. Shirley picks at salad while Lip chows down pot roast. Shirley makes fun of Lip’s use
of the English language, but Lip doesn’t realize it.

P34: Back on road. Lip pulls off to take a leak but first grabs his wallet off dash. Their eyes meet.

P34: Penn Sheraton Hotel. It’s night. From his balcony, Lip sees Oleg and George playing grab-ass
with women. Sees Shirley sitting alone on patio with half-empty Cutty bottle.

P35-37: Lip sits in lobby reading the paper. Shirley enters wearing a tux. Gives Lip money for
incidentals. Shirley says they will be interacting with wealthy, highly educated people. Offers to
help Lip improve his diction and change his name. Lip counters back, “they don’t like it, they can
shove it up their --.”

P37-38: Mansion Parking Lot. BLACK CHAUFFEURS kill time. Lip realizes he’s the only white help.
Lip watches Shirley’s concert from open window. The white audience is mesmerized as Shirley’s
hands glide over the Steinway. Lip suddenly realizes he’s not driving a piano player but a genius.

P38-40: Shirley finds Lip playing craps between parked cars. Tells Lip to ask if he needs extra cash.
Lip is cocky, says he never loses so why is Shirley giving him shit? “Shirley: “They didn’t have a
choice whether to be inside or out. You did.” This hits a nerve with Lip. He’s embarrassed.

P40: Motel Room. Lip writes Dolores an awkwardly worded letter.

P41-42: On the road. Lip fiddles with radio stations. Shirley doesn’t recognize Little Richard song.
He asks Lip how he got his nickname. Lip: “My friends said I was the best bullshit artist.” Shirley:
“And you’re proud of that?” Lip smiles, “It got me this job.”

P42-43: Later…Chubby Checker is on the radio. Then Aretha Franklin. Lip can’t believe Shirley
doesn’t know this music as “these are your people!”

P43-45: Gas Station / Novelty Shop. Time for a stretch, smoke break. Lip examines polished stones
from a display box. Oleg watches Lip pocket a jade stone and snitches to Shirley. As Lip starts the
car, Shirley accuses him of stealing. Lip blames the ‘Kraut’ for ratting him out for something he
didn’t do. Shirley refuses to let Lip drive until he returns the stone. Lip storms off and returns in a
huff (we think without the stone). Shirley offers to buy the jade but Lip says “don’t bother, you took
all the fun out of it.”

P45-47: Indiana College Campus- Concert Hall. Oleg and George set up their instruments. Lip
checks out broken down piano filled with garbage and tells STAGE MANAGER to get a Steinway.
Manager says ‘these coons can play on anything.’ Without warning, Lip delivers a brutal slap to the
manager’s ear.

P48: Shirley performs on a Steinway to a sold-out house. Off stage Lip listens, satisfied.

P48-49: Montage of travel scenes through numerous states. Lip writes a long letter to Dolores while
Shirley reads the paper. Shirley glances at Lip’s chicken scratch penmanship, shakes his head.

P49-50: Shirley’s car motors past “Welcome to Kentucky” sign. Lip asks Shirley if he has family.
Shirley reluctantly opens up. The curse of being a musician took a toll on his marriage and
relationship with brother. He couldn’t balance both worlds.

P50-54: Lip buys bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Can’t believe Shirley has never had fried
chicken. Makes Shirley try a piece… without utensils! Shirley reluctantly takes a bite. Lip sees
Shirley enjoys it, hands him another. Lip throws bones out the window. Shirley rolls down his

window and does the same. They share a smile until Lip tosses his cup out the window. Shirley
makes Lip pick up discarded cup.

P54-55: Downtown Louisville Motel. Caddy pulls into rundown motel for “Colored Only”. Lip
consults green book…this can’t be right! Shirley assures him it is and checks in. Later Shirley
dressed in a dinner jacket, nurses a Cutty Sark while watching BLACK FAMILIES have fun. They
invite Shirley to play horseshoes but Shirley declines, walks into the night.

P55-56: Lip’s Hotel Room. Jade rock is on nightstand… Lip didn’t return it after all. Lip flips through
the green book…vacation without aggravation. There’s an urgent knock on his door. Dr. Shirley’s in

P56-58: Dive Bar. Drunk REDNECKS surround a drunker Shirley, smack him around. Lip tells them
to let Shirley go. One Redneck pulls out a buck knife. Lip calmly reaches under his suit jacket.
Rednecks aren’t sure if Lip has a gun. BARKEEP points shotgun at Lip, George. “I want these Yanks
off my property.” Lip throws Shirley over his shoulder, backs out door on alert.

P58-59: Downtown Louisville Motel. An Irate Lip helps Shirley to his room. Lip: “What the hell’s
wrong with you? Don’t you know where you are?” Shirley: “If I walked into a bar in your
neighborhood, would it be any different?” Lip dodges question. Shirley asks if Tony has a gun. Lip
says, “course not.”

P59: Louisville Concert Hall. All-white audience gives Shirley trio a standing ovation.

P60-61: On the road- North Carolina. Shirley teaches Lip diction techniques as they drive past sweet
potato fields. Steam rises from under hood. While Lip refills radiator, Shirley sees BLACK CROP
PICKERS stand up and stare back at him.

P61-63: North Carolina Plantation. Owner MORGAN ANDERSON introduces Shirley trio and Lip to
elite Southern crowd. Says they whipped up a special menu in honor of Shirley. White-gloved
BLACK WAITERS serve platters of grits, collard greens and …fried chicken!

P63: Plantation Ballroom. Room erupts in applause after performance. Intermission time.

P63-64: Anderson stops Shirley from using house bathroom. Points him to outhouse. Shirley
refuses to use it, says it’ll take 30 minutes to drive back to motel. Anderson smiles, “We don’t mind

P64-65: On the road. Lip wants to pull over so Shirley can pee but Shirley insists on motel
bathroom. Lip senses Shirley blaming all whites, takes offense. Shirley ends conversation: “Eyes on
the road.”

P65-66: North Carolina Plantation. Shirley accepts kudos from departing guests. Lip asks George,
Oleg how Shirley can smile and pretend everything’s fine. Oleg tells Lip, “Shirley could’ve stayed up
north for three times money, but he asked for this.” Lip doesn’t understand.

P66-69: Stuckey’s Restaurant, South Carolina. Lip struggles to write Dolores a letter. Shirley offers
to help, dictates poetic words as Lip tries to keep up.

P69: Lip’s Apartment. Dolores is practically in tears reading Lip’s love letter to her.

P70-71: Men’s Clothing Store, Georgia. TAILOR won’t let Shirley try on suit without purchasing it

P71: Capitol Theatre. As performance reaches crescendo, crowd burst into applause.

P72: Lip’s Hotel Room. Lip washes his socks, underwear as phone rings.

P72-74: Macon YMCA. A COP leads Lip to locker room. Shirley, bruised and naked is handcuffed
next to naked WHITE MAN. Lip bribes cops with new suits to release Shirley.

P74-75: As they exit YMCA Shirley tells Lip he was wrong to pay off the cops. Lip says he did what
he had to do to protect Shirley’s career. Shirley retorts that Lip was only thinking about himself and
not getting paid. Lip: “ You ungrateful bastard. I saved your ass.” Lip gets in car without opening
Shirley’s door.

P75-77: Peabody Hotel, Tennessee. Lip offers to find makeup before the show but Shirley declines.
As Lip opens Shirley’s door, he’s recognized by NEW YORK WISEGUYS. In Italian they offer Lip
work and will double whatever Shirley’s paying.

P77: In his room, Shirley dabs make up on his bruised face. He has his own kit.

P77-79: Shirley runs into Lip in the hallway. In Italian, Shirley tells Lip he’s doing a wonderful job
and wants Lip to be his road manager with pay increase. Lip realizes Shirley heard the Wiseguy job
offer. Tells Shirley that he’s not leaving him, he’s honoring their original arrangement. Surprised,
Shirley apologizes for last night. Lip says he knows it’s a complicated world.

P79- 80: Hotel Lobby. Over drinks, Lip asks Shirley how he learned to play so well. Shirley confides
that he’s a trained classical pianist but was persuaded by record company to pursue popular music
in order to be accepted by audiences. Lip tells him that nobody can do what Shirley does.

P80: Country Store. Shirley dictates another poetic love letter for Lip.

P80-82: Lip’s Apartment: Dolores proudly reads Lip’s letter aloud to family. The guys admit Lip’s
letters are good. Their wives now want letters from them.

P82: Montage of next couple weeks…more concerts, snowy landscapes, Lip’s family decorates
Christmas tree. At stop light, RUDE COUPLE gawk at Lip chauffeuring black man. Lip flips them off
as Shirley smiles.

P82-85: Mississippi Road. It’s raining. PATROLMEN pull caddy over. Tell Shirley to get out of the
car. Lip says he’s lost but cops want to know why Lip’s driving a black man in a sundown town. One
cop can’t pronounce Lip’s last name. Says Lip must be half nigger because he’s Italian. Lips loses it,
knocks him down. They are now under arrest.

P85-86: Mississippi Police Station. Lip and Shirley are locked up. Shirley protests that he can’t be
held without cause. He demands his one phone call. Reluctantly, they allow him to call his lawyer.

P87-89: Lip sits on jail floor. Shirley paces, calls Lip a fool. Tells him that you don’t win with
violence, you win when you maintain your dignity. GOVERNOR calls, screaming at POLICE CHIEF to
let them go. Lip to Shirley: “Who the hell’d you call?”

P89-91: On the road. Lip wears shit-eating grin: “Bobby Kennedy just saved our asses!” Shirley
says it’s humiliating because he put Attorney General in awkward position. “Now he thinks I’m
garbage.” Lip defends himself but Shirley doesn’t buy it. Lip claims he’s blacker than Shirley
because he’s got to hustle to provide for his family while Shirley travels the world, sits on a throne.
Shirley yells, “Stop the car!”

P91-92: Shirley gets out, walks down muddy road. Lip hustles after him. Shirley confronts him: “If
I’m not black enough, and not white enough, and I’m not man enough, what am I?” Tony doesn’t
know what to say, awkwardly touches Shirley’s shoulder. Shirley turns, heads back to the car.

P92: Lip offers to sneak Shirley into his room. Shirley refuses to stay where he’s not wanted.

P93-94: Green Book Motel, Alabama. Sign: ‘Coloreds Only’. Sharing a room, Lip writes Dolores a
letter. Tells Shirley ‘he’s got the hang of it.’ Shirley snatches letter. “Dear Dolores, you remind me of
house with beautiful lights on it where everyone inside is happy.” Shirley says, “Yeah, you got it.”
Lip thanks Shirley for his help and suggests he writes his brother. Don’t wait for lonely people to
make first move.

P95-101: Birmingham Hotel. Outside banner: “Christmas Concert—Don Shirley Trio”. GRAHAM
KINDELL, general manager greets them. Leads them through kitchen to modest dressing room.
Shirley tells Lip he’ll meet him in the dining room.

Lip joins George, Oleg eating dinner. Oleg orders vodka shots as truce. Tells Lip that 6 years ago Nat
King Cole performed in Birmingham as first negro to play at white establishment. Men pulled him
off stage, beat him badly. Shirley does this “because there is no genius without courage.”

MAITRE D’ stops Shirley from joining them. Kindell apologizes for long standing traditions but
Shirley can’t eat there. Suggests they try Orange Bird down the road. Shirley delivers ultimatum,
“I’m eating in this room or I’m not playing.” Kindell asks Lip to reason with Shirley, as there are 400
guests who expect to be entertained. Offers $100 to ‘get your boy to play.’ Lip raises fist but Shirley
stops him. “It’s all right, Tony. I’ll play…if you want me to.” Lip realizes this is moment of truth.
“Let’s get the fuck outta here.’ Escorts Shirley through crowded ballroom with Kindell in a panic.
BLACK SERVERS watch their boss grovel with approval in their eyes.

P102: On the road. Still in shock about what happened, Shirley asks, “You hungry?”

P102-104: Orange Bird Blues Bar. Lip’s the only white guy. Shirley flashes wad of money, orders
two Cutty’s and house specialty. They devour two barbecue chickens. Their hands, faces covered in
orange sauce. Lip tells Shirley how proud he is that he stood up for himself. Then brags to bartender
that Shirley is the greatest piano player in the world. Shirley walks to beat-up piano and plays

Chopin. Black kitchen workers stop what they’re doing to watch. When Shirley finishes the place
erupts in applause. Shirley winks at Lip then plays jazz with the band. Little Richard taking over his

P104-105: Orange Bird parking lot. Exhausted, Shirley says if we leave now, Lip can be home for
Christmas Eve. Lip stops, pulls out a gun and shoots into the air. Drunks with knives jump out from
behind the caddy and run off. Shirley: “I knew you had a gun!”

P105-108: On the road. Light rain turns to snow. Lip: “This could get bad.” Shirley: “Why don’t you
put your lucky rock on the dash?” Lip stares at him in mirror, pulls out jade and places on dash.

Heavy snow. Awful visibility. Shirley encourages Lip to keep going as long as he can. A MARYLAND
STATE TROOPER pulls them over for flat tire. Directs traffic around them while tire is fixed, wishes
them “Merry Christmas.” Caddy continues through blizzard. Lip can’t keep eyes open, wants to pull
into next motel.

P108-109: Lip’s apartment. Christmas plays in a home filled with family, food. Dolores tries not to

P109-110: Bronx, New York. Lip sleeps in back seat as Shirley drives slippery streets. Groggy, Lip
awakes to find himself home. Lip invites Shirley to meet his family but Shirley drives off.

P110: Lip’s Apartment. Dinner is winding down. Everyone jumps up as Lip enters, singing an Italian
song. Dolores wraps her arms around him as family applauds.

P111: Shirley’s Apartment. Amit welcomes him home. Shirley tells Amit to go home to family. Now
Shirley is all alone. He pulls jade stone out of his pocket and places it on mantel.

P111-114: Lip’s Apartment. Lip eats dinner as entire family chatters. Lip is happy but distant.
Johnny hands Lip his hocked watch. Others want to know if the “tootsune” got on his nerves. Lip
fires back, “don’t’ call him that.’ Delores is surprised by his reaction, changes the subject.

There’s a knock on the door. Lip opens it to see pawn guy and his wife. As Lip turns to shut door he
sees Shirley holding a bottle of champagne, looking unsure. Lip hugs and introduces him to family.
Shirley thanks Dolores for sharing her husband and she thanks him for helping with letters.

Epilogue. Lip and Shirley would remain lifelong friends until their deaths in 2013.

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