Prime Minister Hun Sen and The Worst Ecological Disaster When "The Heart of The Tonle Sap" Ceases To Beat

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A condensed English version from by NGO THE VINH, M.D.

After the Ayeyawady-Chao Praya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS)
Summit on 11/17/2010 in Phnom Penh, Prime Minister Hun Sen again dismissed all
concerns about the impacts of the hydroelectric dams located upstream the Mekong.
He asserted that the cycle of floods and droughts was the result of climate change
and carbon emissions that had nothing to do with the series of hydroelectric dams in
China. (1)
That statement from one of the four powerful national leaders in the Lower Mekong,
could not fail but astound the activists and ecological organizations that, for all those
years, have shown their commitment to save the fragile and gradually degrading
ecology of the Mekong. This article offers an overall view of the situation along with
his analysis of Prime Minister Hun Sen‘s recent statement.
In the aftermath of the cold war, China swung open her door to the outside world.
With the American predominance receding from Southeast Asia, China becomes the
de facto active new player with farreaching influence over the whole of the Greater
Mekong Subregion.
Though the region’s major actor, China consistently refuses to join the Mekong River
Commission. This country is facing a set of difficult challenges: 1) a dwindling global
oil supply, 2) an insatiable thirst for energy source, 3) an immediate need to
increase the annual output of electricity from 5 to 6% in order to meet its demand of
economic development. Consequently, China is set on its course to develop the
abundant potential for hydro-electricity derived from her rivers including the
In addition to the construction of the series of 14 dams of the Yunnan Cascades on
the Mekong, China is actively building dams in Asia like:
On the Irrawaddy River: Since the end of 2007, Beijing has started the construction
of the largest hydroelectric dam, Myitsone, in Myanmar. As reported by the state
owned newspaper, The New Light of Myanmar, since May of 2007, the Burmese
Government has approved a project to build seven hydroelectric dams on the
Irrawaddy River with a combined total estimated output of 13,360 MW. This is a
joint venture between the China Power Investment Corporation (CPI) and Burma’s
Ministry of Electric Power No. 1.
On the Tibetan High Plateau: All the major rivers in Asia originate from the Tibetan
High Plateau. In the East, besides the Yellow and the Yangtze Rivers that flow within
the national boundaries of China, one must mention three others: the Mekong,
Irrawaddy, and Salween.  To the West and Southwest, there are the: Indus, Sutlej
and Yarlung Zangpo. 
Beijing has confirmed that it will build the first dam on the Yarlung Zangpo or
Brahmaputra, also known as the “the highest river in the world”, in the Himalayas.
This river brings life sustaining water to millions of Indians. The Chinese experts also
disclosed a plan to build 4 more dams in the valley lying between the Sangro and
Jiacha districts.
India has expressed its reservations that the planned construction of the Chinese
dams will directly impact the flow of the Brahmaputra. This River provides India’s
Northeast provinces with the water needed for their agriculture and industries. A
senior diplomat of India, Mr. Ananth Krishnan, believes that even though this
unchecked building of dams is confined to within the Chinese borders, it would
unavoidably cast a dark cloud over China’s relationship with the countries
downstream. He went on to make this comparison:  “India is just as alarmed about
dams on the Yarlung Zangbo as Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia are about
China’s dams on the Mekong River in Yunnan”.
On his part, the Dalai Lama expressed on many occasions his deep concern about
“China’s energy policy”. He maintains that the political solution for Tibet can be
relegated to the backburner for 5 to 10 years. Not the ecology issues. He appeals to
the international community, including the United States, to focus its attention on
the pressing ecological issues that threaten the Tibet High Plateau stemming from
China’s programs of deforestation, dam construction, mine exploitation… Some of
those issues include: pollution and degradation of the environment. (2)
Commenting on the Chinese plans to exploit the Mekong, Tyson Roberts of the
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (USA) remarked: “The construction of
hydroelectric dams, use of the river as as a navigation channel, and heavy
commercial shipping will eventually asphyxiate the Mekong River. The exploitation
steps China undertook will result in the degradation of the ecology and catastrophic
pollution causing the Mekong to die a gradual death as it is the case with the
Yangtze and other big rivers of China”
The Chinese claimed that the water coming from the Lancang Jiang only amounts to
13.5% of the average annual discharge of the Mekong into the East Sea. Therefore,
the dams in Yunnan only bear minimal impacts on the rivers downstream. However,
according to Milton Osborne who is a respected expert on Southeast Asia and author
of many books on the Mekong River: “The Mekong: Turbulent Past, Uncertain
Future” and “River Road to China”, the current flow of the Lancang Jiang during the
Dry Season at certain sections contributes up to 40% of the Mekong’s water capacity
– about three times the figures of 13.5% cited by China”.
Prime Minister Hun Sen has more than once simply echoes and reinforces the
Chinese pro-dam position to mislead the public, that the detrimental impacts of the
series of dams in the Yunnan Cascades are non-existent.
The ice cap in the Himalayas ranks third in size after the North and South Poles. For
that reason, people sometimes refer to it as the Third Pole. Lonnie Thompson,
glaciologist at Ohio State University, calls this ice cap: “Asia’s freshwater bank
account” because “it is a lockbox of snow and glacial ice that supplies fresh water to
nearly a third of world’s people”. (3)
The World Wide Fund warns that, due to global warming, the ice cap on the
Himalayas may shrink at the rapid rate of 10 to 15 meters per year. Consequently,
hundreds of millions of people that depend on the water coming from rivers that
receive their water from this ice cap may experience water shortage.
In the immediate short term, the river flow will sharply increase on account of the
fast melting down of the ice cap. But as explained by Jennifer Morgan, Director of
Nature’s Global Climate Change Programme, the situation will reverse itself in the
following few decades. The ice cap that feeds water to the seven major rivers in
Asia, including the Mekong, will eventually be exhausted resulting in dangerously low
water levels in all those rivers.
The Mekong receives its water from upstream. When a water shortage occurs, it is
reasonable to expect that any water coming from the Tibetan High Plateau will be
retained in the series of dams of the Yunnan Cascades. In such an event, a water
penury afflicting the river sections downstream would appear all but unavoidable.
It is common knowledge that the “Heart” of the Tonle Sap Lake can only beat when
the Mekong River reverses its course during the Rainy Season. This phenomenon is
a natural wonder peculiar to Cambodia. During the Dry Season the lake dries up and
measures only 2,500 km2. However, with the start of the Rainy Season, lasting from
May to September, the water level of the Mekong rises forcing the Tonle Sap River
to reverse its course and flow into the Tonle Sap Lake causing its water level to swell
from 8 to 10 meters and overflow its banks. Consequently, the lake’s area expands
to almost five times its size or to 12,000 km2.
The flooded forests of the Tonle Sap Lake se    rve as the breeding grounds that
supply Cambodia with an enormous quantity of food. It consists mainly of fish that
accounts for 60% of the fish consumed in the country. The Mekong River and Tonle
Sap Lake are the birthplace of the ancient as well as modern Khmer civilization.
Regrettably, the survival of the Tonle Sap Lake itself is in doubt when nefarious
impacts began to be felt with the construction of the dams in Yunnan.
Nevertheless, in PM Hun Sen’s opinion, there is no reason for people to be alarmed.
In June, 2005, during an address at a ceremony to release breeding fish into a lake
in the eastern part of the country, Mr. Hun Sen expressed his satisfaction with the
existing way the Mekong was being exploited. He declared: “There is no cause for
concern”. Before boarding the plane to attend the Summit Meeting in Kunming, Mr.
Hun Sen publicly voiced his almost unconditional support for China’s exploitation
plan of the Mekong River in spite of desperate warnings from alarmed expert
environmentalists. Outdoing himself, Mr. Hun Sen added: “Critics raised these issues
merely to show they pay attention to the environment. At times, they use their
objections to impede the cooperation the six countries should offer each other”.
(Phnom Penh, AFP, 6/29/05)
Prince Sihanouk shows that he holds a more informed view. In November, 1993, he
issued a royal decree classifying the Tonle Sap Lake as “Multiple Use Protected
Areas”. Thanks to his relentless efforts, the Lake was recognized by UNESCO as a
Biosphere Reserve of the World in October of 1997.
 Just recently, at the close of the Summit Meeting of the ACMECS held on
11/17/2010 in Phnom Penh with the attendance of the five countries of Cambodia,
Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, PM Hun Sen again disregarded the concerns
about the impacts of the hydroelectric dams on the Mekong. He asserted that the
recent spate of floods or droughts stemmed from climate change that had nothing to
do with the hydroelectric dams in China.
When talking with reporters, PM Hun Sen mocked them for claiming that the dams
upstream the Mekong had caused its water levels to drop to its historically low
marks.  “The rising of water and the lowering of the water along the Mekong – is the
result of hydroelectricity?” He said: “I would like to show you some figures.” The
premier said that in 1998 the Mekong hit a record low of 7.5 meters, but in 2000
rose to nearly 12 meters… Hun Sen blamed the variance of  Mekong’s water levels
on climate change and carbon emissions. “It’s related to the emissions that changed
the pattern of the rains,” Hun Sen said. “So don’t be too extreme of an
environmentalist, and don’t say that because of the hydroelectricity there is no water
in the lower part of the Mekong. That would be a mistake,” he warned. “ Last year,
Hun Sen said, China faced a shortage of water. So how could you blame China when
there is no water?” (1)
This writer would like to draw the readers’ attention to the two years referred to by
Mr. Hun Sen:
The year 1998: completed in 1993, Manwan is the first hydroelectric dam to straddle
the main current of the Mekong. It operated at full capacity generating 1,500MW in
1995. Water is still being diverted to its reservoir to run its turbines. The second
dam, Dachaosan with a reported output of 1,350 MW is under construction. A lack of
rain combined with water impound had resulted in the water level downstream the
Mekong to dip to a mere 7.5 meters.
The year 2000: in the two months of August and September of that year, a
combination of heavy and abnormally long monsoon rains coupled with high tides
preventing the water from flowing into the East Sea caused the water level
downstream the Mekong to rise to 12 meters. A most devastating flood in several
decades ensued claiming heavy physical damages and considerable human tolls in
Cambodia and Vietnam.
The first months of the current year (2010) saw the water levels in northern Laos
and Thailand drop to their record marks in 50 years creating much uneasiness about
the safety of food, drinking water, and travel on the waterways. This is also the
period when water was being drawn into the reservoir of the fourth dam Xiaowan
(4,200 MW) to start its operation. Xiaowan also known as the “mother dam” has a
reservoir capacity reported at 15 billion cubic meters equaling the combined capacity
of all the reservoirs in Yunnan Province.
It is irrefutable that “climate change” is a major factor but it is not the only one. The
abnormal weather patterns in no way absolve the long term roles of the big dams on
the Mekong.
China is embarking on a vigorous program to, among other things, [a] build gigantic
hydroelectric dams on the main current of the Mekong; [b] carry out reef blasting
and channeling on the Mekong to open a waterway to the south that can
accommodate 700 ton vessels regardless of the impacts on the river’s current; [c]
turn the Mekong into an oil shipping route from the riverport of Chiang Rai to
Yunnan. In doing so, China disregards the warnings offered by the Chinese
environmental scholars and experts that the south-west of China is a geologically
unstable region.
To fully evaluate the cumulative and chain-reaction effects the hydroelectric dams
upstream the Mekong brought to bear on the pollution and sources of fish, alluvia,
rice, food ... downstream, we need to take an overall look at the complex picture. To
blame everything, like Mr. Hun Sen, on a set of two numbers and the popular phrase
“climate change” is not acceptable.
While Beijing is struggling to ward off the protests of public opinion and soothe the
opposition of the inhabitants in northern Laos and Thailand, the very victims of the
dams in Yunnan; PM Hun Sen volunteers to be China’s public defender. One who is
eager but uninformed.
Mr. Hun Sen is the leader of Cambodia, a country that runs the risk of having the
entire ecosystem of the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake being degraded in an
“evident and noticeable” manner. He should have asked China to adopt a
“transparent” policy and make public hydrological data concerning the dams
upstream the Mekong. However, Mr. Hun Sen decided to dismiss the legitimate and
informed concerns raised over the past decades by environmental experts and
NGO’s like Towards Ecological Recovery and Regional Alliance (TERRA), International
River Network (IRN)….
By blaming everything on “nature, climate change”, Mr. Hun Sen wishes to walk
away from the situation. He shows complete disregard for the efforts to save the
Tonle Sap Lake that is the food source in fish and rice to almost 15 million
Cambodians. To a larger extent, it is also to save the fragile resources of the
Mekong affecting the livelihood of almost 70 million people living in the seven
nations along the riverbanks.
More than ever, the Greater Mekong Subregion is in dire need of a competent and
credible “think tank” to advocate adeptly for its wellbeing and put to rest
irresponsible voices and actions that may harm it.
According to Fred Pearce’s prediction, by the start of the next decade, the series of
dams in the Yunnan Cascades will have the capacity to retain more than half the
flow of the Mekong before this river leaves the Chinese borders. As far as Beijing is
concerned “The Mekong is destined to become China’s new water tower and electric
tower house.” (4)
In order to have enough water to run the turbines of the dams in the series of the
Yunnan Cascades, China regularly closes the dams’ floodgates forcing the water
level downstream to dip to its lowest marks. In Laos, in the single month of March,
2004, ten tourist tours had to be cancelled due to low water levels.
Chainarong Sretthachau, director of the Southeast Asian Rivers Network, remarked:
“China really has the power to control the current of the Mekong”.
It is unfortunate that the developing countries of the Greater  Mekong Subregion do
not have “statesmen with visions” in leadership positions. Their natural resources are
allowed to be exploited to the utmost while future generations are left to hold the
The dams on the Mekong have and continue to generate disquieting news not only
in the Delta regions but also worldwide. The fact that PM Hun Sen, a national leader
who commands power and popular appeals, does not see any merits in them offers
ground for alarm because he does so with complete disregard for  reason or public
What would be the best positioned authority to counter such a  negative attitude?
Certainly, it cannot be private individuals but an institution that attracts “gray
matter” committed to uphold the “Spirit of the Mekong”. That way, rationality will
prevail over or at least neutralize the commands of emotion.
From ages past, at the close of the Rainy Season, the water level in the Mekong
River stabilizes and the Tonle Sap River reverts to its normal flow carrying tons of
fish and shrimps from the Tonle Sap Lake to the Mekong’s tributaries and as fas as
the Mekong Delta. This is also the time for the celebration of the Water Festival Bon
Om Tuk. It is customarily held in November in front of the Royal Palace at “Quatre
Bras”, the French name for Chatomuk, where the four tributaries of the Mekong
congregate. On this occasion, the king and queen traditionally join their subjects in
the celebration to usher in a new fishing and farming season.
This year 2010, Bon Om Tuk takes place in a day with full moon.  Next year, Bon
Om Tuk will be held again. How much longer will this Water Festival still be
celebrated in its traditional sense is the question that comes to mind. As long as the
Tonle Sap River has enough water to reverse its course then the heart of the Tonle
Sap Lake will keep on beating. It is irrefutable that we have now a Tonle Sap Lake
that is not so healthy. The fishermen and farmers of Cambodia know it well from the
reduced income they get from their catches or harvests.
From the stand point of an environmentalist, a day of reckoning for the ecology of
Cambodia will come if the heart of the Tonle Sap Lake ceases to beat. If that slow
but certain death ever comes, then Mr. Hun Sen cannot claim complete innocence in
its happening.
In the book titled “When the Rivers Run Dry, Water – The Defining Crisis of the
Twenty-First Century” and published in 2006, its author Fred Pearce wrote in the
chapter about the Mekong:
... “But at the end of 2003 and early 2004 was a deperate time on the Tonle Sap.
The summer flood had been poor. The reversal of the river into the Great Lake
started late and finished early. A five-month reversal had become a three-month
reversal. Less forest was flooded, and the fish had less time to mature. The bag nets
caught a mere 6,600 tons – less than half the usual haul and the worst on record…
Out on the river, most of the fishermen said their catches had never been so poor.
Most blame low flows. One, heading back to his floating village across the lake with
empty nest, told me simply, “When the water is shallow in front of the royal palace,
there are no fish in the river.” (5)
… A recent report “Damming the Mekong: Major Blow to an Epic River” by Yale
Environment 360  rang this alarm bell:
…“In late May 2009, a report from the United Nations Environment Programme
warned that these dams are ‘the single greatest threat’ to the future of the river and
its fecundity. The new regime will largely eliminate the river’s annual flood pulse,
one of the natural wonders of the world, and wreck the ecosystems that depend on
Aviva Imhof, campaigns director at the International Rivers Network, said the dams
will cause incalculable damage downstream. “China is acting at the height of
irresponsibility,” said Imhof. “Its dams will wreak havoc with the Mekong ecosystem
as far downstream as the Tonle Sap. They could sound the death knell for fisheries
which provide food for over 60 million people.” (4)
To be fair, in 2007 Mr. Hun Sen did pay attention to a serious envinronmental
disaster resulting from local factors: cutting down of the flooded forests which is the
feeding grounds of wild animals, over-exploitation of natural resources, and
increased pollution. However, Mr. Hun Sen has persistently omitted to mention
another factor: the hydroelectric dams upstream. On the other hand, Cambodian
experts like Dr. Neou Bonheur, director of the Tonle Sap Environment Management
Project (TSEMP), always stress the impacts the dams bring to bear on the seasonal
influx of water, the Tonle Sap Lake, and the fish catches that supply 2/3 of the
protein intake of the Cambodian people. (6)
In his recent article “On the Mekong – A Better Way” published in the English edition
of the weekly Chinese newspaper The Economic Observer, Dr. Qin Hui, a respected
scholar in mainland China and a professor at the Tsinghua University in Beijing, has
openly criticized Beijing’s response to the concerns raised by the people living
downstream the Mekong. He wrote: “It is impossible for a large reservoir to have ‘no
impact’ downstream. The right question is: what kind of impact?” (7)
It is impossible to believe that PM Hun Sen is not informed about the serious impacts
emanating from the series of dams in the Yunnan Cascades. They are like death
knells marking the demise of the Mekong and its ecosystem. For short term political
considerations Mr Hun Sen chose to ignore them. But in the end, it is the future of
the Cambodian people and the civilization of Angkor which are on the balance.
California, 01/01/2011
1/  Hun Sen denies China Dam impacts – Thomas Miller & Cheang Sokha;  The
Phnom Penh Post,  Nov 17, 2010
2/ Dalai Lama says prioritise climate change over politics in Tibet;
The US Embassy cables 10 August 2009
3/ The Big Melt: The Third pole; National Geographic, April 2010, Vol.217, No.4
4/  The Damming of The Mekong: Major Blow to An Epic River,
Fred Pearce, Yale Environment 360,  Jun 17, 2009
5/ When The Rivers Run Dry, Water – The Defining Crisis of The Twenty First
Century.  Fred Pearce, Beacon Press, Boston, Massachusetts 2006
6/  Saving Cambodia’s Great Lake, Philippa Fogarty_ BBC News , 29 May 2008
7/ Qin Hui, On the Mekong, a better way; chinadialogue

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