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Past perfect:
1. When the Queen Elizabeth II was crowned I hadn’t been born
2. I had already been born when an earthquake struck in Iran and 28.000 people died
3. George W. Bush was president I hadn’t been born but he stopped being when I was
6 years old
4. In España had burst 10 terrorist bombs and I was 1 years old
5. Microsoft had brought the Xbox 360 and I was 2 years old
6. Nintendo had sent the wii and I was 3 years old
7. Israel had fought with Líbano and I was 3 years old
8. Barack Obama had become in president of USA and I was 6 years oldold
9. The Sichuan earthquake had come and killed 69.000 peoples and I was 5 year old
10. Amazon had trown the first voice command server and I was 11 years old.

When queen elizabeth 2 was crowned and I hadn’t been born and still queen and i am 17
years old. Many things happened, before I was born, like an earthquake struck in Iran and
28.000 people died. When George W. Bush was president I hadn’t been born but he
stopped being when I was 6 years old. But the most historical and worst event has been the
Covid-19, it has left many dead in its path and has quarantined us all over the world.

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