TOIEC Strategies 1 LIstening Photograph

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These are the directions for Part 1 of the new TOEIC@test. Study them now. If you
understand these directions now, you will not have to read them during the test.


In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English.The
entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for
each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the
test book.


Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book.
When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the
picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements
will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Example Sample Answer


Statement (C), "They're standing near the table," is the best description of the picture, so you
should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.

In this part you will learn how to look at photographs. These are the types of
photographs you will see:

photos of people
photos of things


You will see photos of people in Part 1. You will hear statements about the people that
may give information about:
Who are they?
Where are they?
Wha t are they doing?
What do they look like?


A. WHO ARE THE PEOPLE? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about the
occupation or relationship of the people in the photo.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following relationships or


1. brother and sister

2. father and son

3. boss and worker

4. employees

5. colleagues

6. workers

7. clerks

8. repair personnel

9. landlords

10. shipping agents

11. dentists

12. mechanic and customer

B. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Try to determine the setting. Pay attention to the
prepositions such as next to, ill front of, and at.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. in an office

2. on the job

3. at home

4. next to a school

5. on the bus

6. at work

7. in the street

8. in a hallway

9. behind a desk

10. by a work station

11. in front of a window

12. in a conference room

C. WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOING? Identify the appropriate action.

Use these words to complete the sentences:

facing giving sitting taking touching

1. The man on the righ t is a box from the man on the left.

2. The man on the left is a box to the man on the right.

3. Both men are one another.

4. Neither man is down.

5. Both men are the box.

D. WHAT DO THE PEOPLELOOK LIKE? How would you describe these people?

Write Y (Yes) if the description is true. If it is not, rewrite the sentence to make
it true.

1. Both men are wearing jackets.

2. The man on the right is wearing a tie.

3. Both men are wearing glasses.

4. One man has a watch on his right hand.

5. There are a lot of people in the office.

6. Both men are wearing dark shirts.

7. The box is big and heavy.

8. The man on the left is wearing a vest.


A. WHO ARE THE PEOPLE? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about the
occupation or relationship of the people in the photo.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following relationships or


1. father and son

2. brothers

3. colleagues

4. speaker and panelist

5. master of ceremonies and speaker

6. employer and employee

7. political opponents

8. construction managers

9. architects

10. service technicians

11. teacher and administrator

12. teacher and student

B. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Try to determine the setting. Pay attention to the
prepositions such as next to, in front of, and at.
Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. under the painting

2. on the desk

3. behind the podium

4. between the two tables

5. at the table

6. next to one another

7. across the street

8. at the podium

9. in front of the podium

10. between the paintings

11. behind the microphones

12. o above the water pitchers

C. WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOING? Identify the appropriate action.

Use these words to complete the sentences:

addressing expressing listening sitting standing

1. The man at the podium is an audience.

2. The man to the speaker has his elbow on the table.

3. The speaker is at the podium.

4. The honoree is his thanks.

5. The next speaker is at the table beside the podium.

D. WHAT DO THE PEOPLE LOOK LIKE? How would you describe these people?

Write Y (Yes) if the description is true. If it is not, rewrite the sentence to make
it true.

1. Both men are wearing suits.

2. Only one man is wearing a tie.

3. Only one man is wearing glasses.

4. One man is dressed casually.

5. The man behind the podi urn is wearing a ha t.

6. One man is wearing a dark suit.

7. Both men have a lot of hair.

8. The man sitting down has a handkerchief in his suit pocket.


A. WHO ARE THE PEOPLE? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about the
occupation or relationship of the people in the photo.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following relationships or


1. husband and wife

2. brothers

3. construction workers

4. file clerks

5. lawyer and client

6. metal workers

7. computer technicians

8. doctor and patient

9. building inspectors

10. assembly line workers

11. circus performers

12. dock hands

B. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Try to determine the setting. Pay attention to the
prepositions such as next to, in front of, and at.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. at a construction site

2. in a basement

3. on the roof

4. on a girder

5. at the drug store

6. at the payroll office

7. on a support beam

8. in a clinic

9. by a telephone pole

10. near a bridge

11. on a trolley

12. around back

C. WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOING? Identify the appropriate action.

Use these words to complete the sentences:

constructing following holding walking watching

1. The construction workers are where they are going.

2. They are a new building.

4. One man is the other.

5. The workers are across the support beam.

D. WHAT DO THE PEOPLE LOOK LIKE? How would you describe these people?

Write Y (Yes) if the description is true. If it is not, rewrite the sentence to make
it true.

1. Both men are wearing hard hats.

2. Both men are wearing similar construction uniforms.

3. One man is not wearing shoes.

4. One man is wearing gloves.

5. The man in front is wearing a sport coat.

6. The man behind is wearing light colored pants.

7. Both men have dark hard hats.

8. Both men are wearing shorts.


A. WHO ARE THE PEOPLE? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about the
occupation or relationship of the people in the photo.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following relationships or


1. aunt and niece

2. mother and daughter

3. customer and salesperson

4. pharmacist and client

5. doctor and patient

6. TV technician and actress

7. student and teacher

8. security guard and electrician

9. insurance salesperson and health care provider

10. hairstylist and client

11. strangers

12. carpenter and homeowner

B. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Try to determine the setting. Pay attention to the
prepositions such as next to, in front of, behind, and at.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. in a chair

2. behind the client

3. in fron t of the mirror

4. behind the door

5. in the corner

6. on top of the cabinet

7. next to the shelf

B. under the drawers.

9. beside the stylist

10. a t the hair salon

11. inside the supermarket

12. across the aisle

C. WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOING? Identify the appropriate action.

Use these words to complete the sentences:

having holding looking sitting styling

1. The stylist is the clien t' s hair.

2. The client is her hair styled.

3. The woman is a pen and paper.

4. The haircutter is at her client.

5. The customer is in the chair.

D. WHAT DO THE PEOPLE LOOK LIKE? How would you describe these people?

Write Y (Yes) if the description is true. If it is not, rewrite the sentence to make
it true.

1. Both women are wearing white dresses.

2. The stylist is wearing a dark skirt.

3. Both women have hair across their eyes.

4. anI y one woman has long hair.

5. The woman on the right is wearing a dark shirt.

6. The woman on the left is wearing white pants.

7. Both women are wearing glasses.

8. The woman sitting down has dark hair.


You will see photos of things in Part 1. You will hear statements about the things that
may give information about:
What are they?
Where are they?
What was done to them?
What do they look like?


A. WHAT ARE THE THINGS? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about what
you see.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following assumptions.

1. There are flowers on the table.

2. The newspaper is beside a plate.

3. There are two napkins on the table.

4. The coffee cups are to the left of the plates.

5. There are three coffee cups.

6. There is no tablecloth on the table.

7. The table is set for breakfast.

8. There is a basket of bread on the table.

9. There are two lids on the table.

10. There is a fork by the coffee cup.

11. There is only one spoon on the table.

12. There is a sugar bowl near the center of the table.

B. WHERE ARE THE THINGS? Pay attention to the prepositions such as next to, in front
of, and at.
Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. The cups and saucers are on the table.

2. The spoons are under the saucer.

3. The newspaper is beside the coffeepot.

4. The place settings are opposite one another.

5. The bread basket is close to the newspaper.

6. The sugar bowl is between two pots of jam.

7. The lids are on the jam pots.

8. The small pitcher is beside the large one.

9. The tablecloth is beside the table.

10. The knife is between the plate and the saucer.

11. The napkins are both to the right of the saucers.

12. The sugar bowl is near the center of the table.


Use these words to complete the sentences:

filled folded placed set took off

1. The newspaper is on the table.

2. Someone the lids to the jam pots.

3. The table is for breakfast.

4. The basket is with bread.

5. The spoons were on the saucers.

D. WHAT DO THE THINGS LOOK LIKE? How would you describe these things?

Write Y (Yes) if the description is true. If it is not, rewrite the sentence to make
it true.

1. The saucers are smaller than the plates.

2. Both cups are the same size.

3. The pitchers are the same size.

4. The table is square.

5. The tablecloth is a dark color.

6. The bread basket is full.

7. The coffee cups are empty.

8. The plates are dirty.


A. WHAT ARE THE THINGS? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about what
you see. .

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or? (Unsure) beside the following assumptions.

1. A television is in the corner.

2. A dresser drawer is open.

3. The window is open.

4. A screen covers the window.

5. There is a floor lamp beside the chair.

6. There is a table lamp on the coffee table.

7. There is a coffeepot on the dresser.

8. There is an armchair beside the dresser.

9. There are clothes on the floor.

10. A suitcase is open on the bed.

11. The television is off.

12. The floor is carpeted.

B. WHERE ARE THE THINGS? Pay attention to the prepositions such as next to, in front
of, and at.
Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. A floor lamp is beside the armchair.

2. The television is in the center of the room.

3. The dresser is against the wall.

4. The table lamp is on the dresser.

5. The television is on a stand.

6. The bed is across from the dresser.

7. The coffee table is in front of the armchair.

8. The armchair is behind the floor lamp.

9. There is an article of clothing on the bed.

10. The TV is in front of the dresser.

11. The stand is under the TV.

12. The sitting area is next to the bed.


Use these words to complete the sentences:

cleaned made up opened placed turned on

1. The television set was by the porter.

2. The drawers of the dresser were by the guests.

3. The carpet was before the guests arrived.

4. The bed was for the guests.

5. The coffeepot was on the dresser.

D. WHATDOTHETHINGSLOOKLIKE? How would you describe these things?
Write Y (Yes) if the description is true. If it is not, rewrite the sentence to make
it true.

1. The television is larger than the dresser.

2. The lamps are all the same size.

3. The bed is not made.

4. The chair doesn't have any arms.

5. The windows are covered with screens.

6. The dresser is made of wood.

7. The carpet is not wall-to-wall.

8. The coffee table has four legs.


A. WHAT ARE THE THINGS? Look at the photo above. Make assumptions about what
you see.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or ? (Unsure) beside the following assumptions.

1. A bicycle is resting against the side of a wall.

2. The house is several stories tall.

3. There are three windows in the picture.

4. There are many signs on the wall.

5. The road passes in front of the house.

6. There are signs in the windows.

7. There is a basket on the bicycle.

8. There are shingles on the roof.

9. The bicycle has two wheels.

10. There are flowers in the garden.

11. Only one person lives in this house.

12. The house is in a small city.

B. WHERE ARE THE THINGS? Pay attention to the prepositions such as next to, in front
of, and at.

Write Y (Yes), N (No), or? (Unsure) beside the following locations.

1. The bicycle is parked between two windows.

2. The street address is written on the sign.

3. The bicycle is directly below the signs.

4. The hours of operation are written on the signs in the window.

5. The roof is above the windows.

6. The bike is in front of the windows.

7. The wall between the windows is blank.

8. The bench is against the wall.

9. There are signs in the windows.

10. The bicycle is kept in a garage.

11. There are two signs to the right of a window.

12. The motorbike is beside the bicycle.


Use these words to complete the sentences:

closed hanging leaning made up painted

1. The bike is ________ against the wall.

2. The "open" sign is _______ below the shop sign.

3. The windows are

4. The roof is ________ of shingles.

5. The wall was ________ white.


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