Mcdanno Fanfiction

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It has been a month since I left Hawaii, I expected Danny to have called and message me a bunch by now
because he is probably bored and also worried about me, but contrary Danny is radio silent, our ohana
in Hawaii said he is doing fine and healing fine.

It has been six months, since I left Hawaii I still have not heard from Danny personally, all the update
about him is from our ohana, I tried calling and texting but I got no reply.

It has been a year since I left Hawaii, I have not heard anything from Danny himself. Our ohana have
sent group pictures with Danny in it. I still send message and I still call but he doesn’t pick up my call or
reply. I even try to use a different number he didn’t bite.

Danny is now the leader of five-o, while I have been bouncing from mission to vacation. I have parted
ways with Catherine after our mission together.

It has been one year and six months since I left. I am now going back, I still got no communication with

I landed in Hawaii, I did not tell anybody I will go home, I went straight to my house, I found empty.

I called Grover “Hello I am in Hawaii now, Do you know where Danny is?” There was a long silence
before Grover said “Steve…Danny has been in a coma for a year now...” My mind cannot catch up “What
do you mean? Something happened?” Grover answered “After three months he recovered he went back
to work, but after just two months, he got complications from his injuries, the photo we sent you he
asked us to send that and not to tell anything to you. I am sorry Steve, Adam has been leading five-0
now, Danny have asked not to inform you before he lost consciousness.”

I cannot believe what I am hearing, Grover continued ‘He made several letters for you, we put it in the
table in the study, sorry Steve.” Before I put the phone down I ask Grover where Danny is confined, he
told me the hospital and the room number. I put the phone down and search for Danny’s letter. When I
found it I rushed to hospital.

It has been two hours since I got back to Hawaii, I thought I have reached the peak of sadness back
when I left to search for something that I feel is missing, but now two hours in I cannot believe how
deep of sorrow I am in, and the person who always pulls me up… No Danny will wake up.

I reached the hospital, it seems Grover have inform them already because after going to information I
was led to Danny’s room.

Danny is connected to machines, Danny is so pale and have lost so much weight. My knees buckled I
kneeled beside his bed I held his hand tight I don’t know for how long but I weep. After sobbing I feel so

I sat on a chair beside Danny, I took out his letters and read

Hi Steve,

Don’t get mad that I didn’t want you to know, I don’t want you to go back to me or here for the
wrong reason. We always have each other’s back, Steve this may be the last time I can have your back.
When you read this letter I hope you have already found what you are searching for.
Love Danny.


Babe you called and you message so many times. I want to answer your call believe me but if I
hear your voice now, I will beg you to come back.

Love Danny.


I read all your messages I will try to answer them in this letter while I can.

Message 1

Steve: I thought you will have sent search troops by now, but you are not even answering your
phone what is up buddie?

Danny: Steve, I realized I am annoyed you left. But now babe I might leave without telling you so
know I am not annoyed anymore.

Message 2

Steve: Danny I have been in this side of the world a handful of time, every time I cannot help but
be in awe of the resiliency of the people here. I am thinking Danny, I keep reminding myself my pains is
not that bad compared to them.

Danny: Steve, don’t just bury your pain because somebody else’s pain seems greater. Don’t carry
it all remember I always shared my pains and problem with you, wherever we are just share your pain
with me, think of how many times I complain to you, complain to me too even if you can’t see me.

Message 3

Steve: I miss you Danno.

Danny: I miss you more idiot.

Message 4

Steve: Danny just yell at me if you are mad.

Danny: I wished you didn’t have to leave. But I wish more that I can wait for you to comeback.

Message 5

Steve: Don’t you miss me come on Danno.

Danny: I will always miss you Steve.

Love Danny.
Dear Steve,

I Love you, don’t forget that. I know I don’t have to ask you to look after Grace and Charlie. I
wish I could ask how you are doing. Since I can’t just listen to me please, you don’t listen to me so well
Steve but I will still try, take care of yourself. I don’t want to over calculate what I mean to you but you
mean so much to me, so love yourself Steve, if I cannot comeback to love you babe, just love yourself for
the two of us. If I am in your past now, don’t let us those who have left already pull you down, remember
that each of us have loved you the way we know how. I know you love me Steve and if you learned what
happened to me it will devastate you. I don’t blame you for anything, don’t be stupid to think any of this
is your fault.

I was about to end this letter but I made a decision to tell you that I have been in love with you
Steve, I don’t know how you will react to that but Steve bear with me I needed this out of my chest
because for so long I kept a tight lead on it, but I am weak now I can’t stop it …I love you Steve Mcgarett.
Until I see you again.

Love Danno.

It has been a week since I arrived in Hawaii, I did not leave my partner’s side unless I really have too. The
doctor said … I don’t care what they say Danny will wake up.

It has been two weeks since I came back. I called favors to get Danny specialist or whatever he needed.

It has been three weeks since I came back. I have not talked to any of our Ohana, I cannot.

It has been a month since I sat beside Danny, I learned that I am his registered guardian.

I talk to Danny every day, I have not said I am sorry for leaving yet.

Today is Danny’s birthday. I called Gracie and Charlie. They are in mainland with their mom. Danny’s
condition is taking too much emotional toll on the siblings, I hoped I got here much earlier because they
said that me being here makes them sleep better at night. When Danny wakes up I will make sure he
knows how much I love him and I how stupid he is for not telling me his condition.

Today is Christmas, I whispered my only wish.

It has been a year since I came back to Danny’s side. I don’t care what they say, Danny knows I am
stubborn and will be waiting for him, I tell him that every time. I warned him that I will wait, he will

I have a permanent campsite beside Danny, I held his hand when I sleep or when I am awake that is why
I almost fell of the bed when I felt his hand move. I buzz the nurse, I buzz again when his eyes fluttered
open I called him “Danny, danny” repeatedly I buzz again when he coughed, I did not notice that they
are already there.

It has been 30 minutes since my Danno gained consciousness.

It has been a week since Danny can breathe on his own, a week since he smiled at me, a week since I
whispered on his ear that I am in love with him too. A week since I confess I was an idiot for leaving, A
week since I made us promise that we will never leave each other again.

It has been a month since Danny wakes up, our ohana rejoiced when they visited, Charlie and Gracie has
so much to tell their dad.

It has been a three months since Danny gain consciousness, he is staying in my house with me no
questioned ask.

Therapy is hard, but Danny is giving his best. He gets cranky, and crankier when I smile because he is
cranky. I will not tell him he can be cranky our whole life and I will still find that it is something I can
smile about.

It has been six months since Danny woke up, he asked me if I am happy to be there, I told him it was not
sadness that made me want to leave, I know now it was fear. He asked me fear of what, I smiled at him
sadly and I tell him I feared that I will lose him that is why I ran. He told me I am an idiot, I told him I

It has been a year since Danny recovered. We are at the back of my/our house sitting on the bench near
the beach. We decided we will find different careers when he is better. It has been a year since Danny
recovered I have not left his side unless necessary.

It has been three years since I came back, I now have a husband.

It has been two years since Danny wakes up. We are kissing now as we are proclaimed husband and

It has been a month since our wedding, we are still cruising wherever we feel like to cruise.

It has been three months since we got married, we are still enjoying our honeymoon.

It has been six months since our wedding, we are hosting poker night in our house, Danno made the

It has been a year since we got married, we are opening a Private investigator office.

It has been three years since we open our PI business, our h50 ohana mostly works for us now, our
clientele is expanding.

It has been four years since we got married, like every day Danny and I will be found cuddled in front of
the TV after work while sipping beers.

It has been ten years since we got married, we are heading to the hospital for a bundle of joy that Gracie
gave birth to. We are grandfathers.

It has been fifteen years since we got married, we are attending Atty. Charlie Williams wedding.

It has been twenty years since we got married, we are retired, enjoying annoying each other.
One night when we were very old I told him how thankful I am he wake up after sleeping for so long all
those years ago. He squeezed my hand and said he is thankful I came back and waited for him. “I love
you Steve” he said “I love you Danno” I answered.

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