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Accepted: 15 February 2018

DOI: 10.1111/jre.12548


Radiographic morphology of intrabony defects in the first

molars of patients with localized aggressive periodontitis:
Comparison with health and chronic periodontitis

L. Nibali1  | P. Tomlins2 | A. Akcalı1

Centre for Immunobiology & Regenerative
Medicine, Centre for Oral Clinical Background and Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the radiographic
Research, Institute of Dentistry, Bart’s features of the first molars of patients with localized aggressive periodontitis (LAgP)
and the London School of Medicine and
Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London and of their associated intrabony defects and to compare them with a control sample
(QMUL), London, UK of chronic periodontitis cases and healthy subjects.
Bart’s and the London School of Medicine Methods: Data from a total of 93 patients were included in this analysis. First, dental
and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of
London (QMUL), London, UK panoramic tomograms of 34 patients with LAgP (131 first molars) and 30 periodon-
tally healthy patients (110 first molars) were compared. Then, periapical radiographs
Luigi Nibali, Centre for Immunobiology & of the first molars of the same patients with LAgP and of 29 patients with chronic
Regenerative Medicine, Centre for Oral periodontitis affected by intrabony defects were analysed.
Clinical Research, Institute of Dentistry,
Barts and the London School of Medicine Results: Shorter root trunks were associated with the presence of intrabony defects
and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of in patients with LAgP (P = .002 at multilevel logistic regression), also when LAgP mo-
London (QMUL), London, UK.
Email: lars were compared with healthy subjects (P = .036). Although no difference in defect
depth and angle was noted between LAgP and chronic periodontitis intrabony de-
fects, LAgP intrabony defects appeared to be more frequently symmetrical and arch-­
shaped than in chronic periodontitis (P = .008), with positive predictive value and
negative predictive value of for ‘wide arch’ defect of 87.3% (95% CI = 77.2%-­93.3%)
and 32.3% (95% CI = 27.7%-­37.2%) respectively.
Conclusions: First molars of patients with LAgP affected by intrabony defects may
have some distinct radiographic anatomical characteristics to those of healthy sub-
jects. The shape of intrabony defects seems to differ between LAgP and chronic
periodontitis cases. Further studies need to confirm these features and investigate if
they are related to the initiation and progression of periodontitis.

bone loss, localized aggressive, molar, periodontitis, radiography

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N onset1 but cases of primary dentition involvement have also been
described. 2,3 LAgP cases classically consist of vertical bone loss
Localized aggressive periodontitis (LAgP) (previously known as affecting first molars and incisors symmetrically in both sides,
localized juvenile periodontitis) is a rare form of periodontitis although asymmetrical cases have been described.4 The lesions
affecting children and young adults. Familial aggregation, rapid usually present radiographically as a ‘vertical’, ‘U-­shaped’ or ‘arch-­
progression and systemic health are typical of forms of aggres- shaped’ image of radiolucency surrounding maxillary or man-
sive periodontitis.1 LAgP has a characteristic circumpubertal dibular first molars and incisors. 5,6 However, it is not clear if the

J Periodont Res. 2018;1–7.   © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  1
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2       NIBALI et al.

aetiology and hence the morphology of these intrabony defects clinical attachment loss ≥5 mm and radiographic bone loss of
differ in any way from intrabony defects observed in chronic peri- ≥30% of root length on at least 2 permanent teeth, of which at
odontitis cases.7 The reason for increased susceptibility of first least 1 was a first molar or incisor, and no more than 3 teeth other
molars and incisors to LAgP is probably due to an aetiological fac- than first molars or incisors.1
tor occurring during their eruption, as they are the first permanent
teeth to erupt. 8 LAgP cases seem to present a distinct microbiota
compared with generalized AgP or chronic periodontitis cases.9
2.2 | Healthy subjects
In some populations, subgingival detection of Aggregatibacter
actinomycetemcomitans and particularly its JP2 clone has been DPTs of 30 consecutive periodontally healthy subjects included as
strongly associated with onset and progression of LAgP. It has controls in the LAgP study above19 and having at least 1 upper and 1
been postulated that specific bacterial consortia subgingivally lower molar were screened. All healthy patients had been recruited
coupled with salivary activity can predict onset of LAgP in spe- from subjects attending the Eastman Dental Hospital for non-­
cific populations.11,12 Specific microbial colonization during tooth periodontal reasons. All subjects had signed consent forms to take
eruption or cytomegalovirus infection during root formation has part in the study as healthy controls. Inclusion criteria were:
been considered possible aetiological factors.13 Furthermore, de-
fects in neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis and microbial killing • Age ≥25 years
have been implicated as potential predisposing factors.14,15 Other • Absence of sites with PPD and clinical attachment loss ≥4 mm
authors have suggested structural defects affecting these teeth
as predisposing to LAgP, such as cementopathia/cemental hypo-
plasia16 or alterations in cementum formation and maturation.17 A
2.3 | Chronic periodontitis
recent study showed possible initiation on first primary molars of
LAgP and abnormal root resorption patterns.18 Periapical radiographs of 29 consecutive patients with chronic periodon-
However, are the disease processes and the bone loss pattern titis included in a retrospective study20 were analysed. Ethics approval
actually different between LAgP and the more common chronic for the retrospective analysis had been sought from the London and City
periodontitis? In addition, are there any specific characteristics of Ethics Committee, which gave permission for the study to be carried out
molars of patients with LAgP predisposing them to this early-­onset as service evaluation (reference 14 LO 0629). Inclusion criteria were:
periodontal breakdown? To our knowledge, no published studies
have investigated specific features of intrabony defects affecting • Diagnosis of chronic periodontitis21
first molars in LAgP. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform • Interproximal clinical attachment loss ≥3 mm in at least 2 non-ad-
a radiographic analysis of anatomic features of first molars of LAgP jacent teeth22
cases and of their respective intrabony defects. Unaffected first mo- • At least 2 sites with PPD >4 mm
lars of healthy individuals and first molars of chronic periodontitis • At least 2 sites with radiographic evidence of bone loss ≥20% of
with intrabony defects were used as controls. root length
• Presence of intrabony defects (≥2 mm depth radiographically) in
at least 1 first molar
2 |  M ATE R I A L A N D M E TH O DS

This exploratory study reports a post-­hoc radiographic analysis of

2.4 | Analysed parameters
cases included in 2 previous studies.
The first molars of all patients were analysed radiographically with
respect to the following (see Figure 1):
2.1 | Localized aggressive periodontitis
Dental panoramic tomograms (DPT) and periapical radiographs of • Tooth anatomy: crown and root length (mm), crown-to-root ratio,
34 consecutive patients with LAgP with at least 1 upper and 1 lower length of root trunk and root cones (mm), root divergence (mm),
molar and taking part in a study investigating risk factors for perio- coefficient of separation, degree of separation (angle). A single
dontitis were screened to detect the presence of intrabony defects. measurement per tooth was taken for root trunk length, while
The study had been reviewed and approved by the Eastman/UCLH root cone length was averaged between roots
joint ethics committee and all patients signed informed consents to • Open contact (yes/no), measured as visible contact between the
take part.19 Inclusion criteria for LAgP were as follows: affected molar and the tooth neighbouring the intrabony defect
• Presence of restorations, secondary caries and overhanging margins
• Systemic health (self-reported) (yes/no)
• Age <35 years • Endodontic status, measured as previous endodontic therapy (yes/
• Presenting with interproximal probing pocket depths (PPD) and no) and periapical radiolucency (yes/no)23
NIBALI et al. |

F I G U R E   2   Schematic representation of radiographic measure

of ‘intrabony defect shape’. First, a straight line (B-­C) was drawn,
joining the most coronal (B) and apical (C) points of the bony defect;
then a straight line against B-­C was drawn from point A (furthest
away part of the defect from the B-­C line). Distance A to line B-­C
was measured in mm to indicate ‘defect shape’
F I G U R E   1   Schematic representation of radiographic landmarks
and measurements of examined molars
2.5 | Calibration of radiographic parameters

• Presence of visible calculus (yes/no) on the affected root surface One single investigator (author A.A.) performed all radiographic analy-
• Presence of furcation involvement (yes/no), measured as an area of ses. To assess reproducibility of the radiographic assessments, an intra-­
radiolucency visible in the root separation area examiner calibration exercise was performed before starting the study
• Bone loss [cemento-enamel junction (CEJ)-apical point of the de- by obtaining 2 separate measurements of all the above-­mentioned radio-
fect, mm] graphic parameters on a combination of 50 radiographic sites obtained
• Presentation of the intrabony defects: defect depth (mm) and angle from long cone parallel periapical radiographs and DPTs 1 week apart. The
(degrees) intraclass coefficient for calibration was >.90 for all studied parameters.
• Over-eruption (mm), measured as distance from the most coronal
portion of the crown (cusp tip) and the line connecting the most
2.6 | Statistical analysis/power calculation
coronal portion of the crowns (cusp tips) of the 2 neighbouring
teeth This is an exploratory study, aimed at detecting possible differences in
• Distance to the line of adjacent CEJ (mm), measured as the distance tooth and intrabony defect morphology between LAgP, chronic perio-
from the line drawn between the 2 neighbouring CEJs to the alve- dontitis and healthy patients. Therefore, no formal power calculation was
24 performed. ‘Intrabony defect’ was the main outcome for the within LAgP
olar crest
• Interproximal distance (mm), measured as the distance between and LAgP vs healthy analyses, while ‘diagnosis’ was the main outcome
the affected molar and the neighbouring root at the most coronal for the LAgP vs chronic periodontitis analysis (all affected by intrabony
level of the interproximal alveolar crest 25 defects). Statistical analyses were carried out using ibm spss Statistics 23
(IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Differences between categorical and con-
Furthermore, only in intrabony defects, we calculated: tinuous variables were initially analysed by chi-­squared test and ANOVA
respectively. A multilevel model with logistic regression target distribu-
• Intrabony defect shape (see Figure 2): distance (mm) from the tion was then used to account for dependency of outcomes on the com-
deepest point of the defect (roof of the arch, point A) to the line mon oral environment of multiple teeth in individual patients.26 Predictor
connecting apical and coronal extreme parts of the defect (line variables were included in the model as fixed effects. Sub-­analyses were
B-C). This is a measure of the shape of the defect, being higher in carried out in the largest ethnic subgroup (Caucasians) and separately
‘arch-shaped’ defects and lower in straighter oblique-line defects. for maxillary and mandibular molars. A separate analysis was performed
to explore associations between intrabony defect shape and diagnosis
The radiographic data detailed above were analysed within (LAgP vs chronic periodontitis). Statistical significance was set at P < .05.
LAgP cases first (first molars affected by intrabony defects vs not
affected). Then DPTs of LAgP first molars were compared with
DPTs of first molars of healthy subjects. Lastly, measurements 3 | R E S U LT S
from periapical radiographs of LAgP and chronic periodonti-
tis cases (all affected by intrabony defects) were compared (see The LAgP group included 34 patients (20 females, 12 males), with
Appendix S1). a mix of Caucasian (53%), African-­
C aribbean (38%) and Asian
4       NIBALI et al.

TA B L E   1   Radiographic characteristics of first molars from LAgP TA B L E   2   Radiographic characteristics of first molars from
and healthy patients patients with LAgP and CP affected by intrabony defects

First molars LAgP (n = 131) Healthy (n = 110) First molars LAgP (n = 62) CP (n = 35)

Jaw Jaw
Maxilla (%) 66 (50.4) 57 (51.8) Maxilla (%) 30 (48.4) 9 (25.7)
Mandible (%) 65 (49.6) 53 (48.2) Mandible (%) 32 (51.6) 26 (74.3)
Previously restored (%) 59 (45.0) 76 (69.1)** Previously restored (%) 27 (43.5) 33 (94.3)**
Previous endodontic 2 (1.5) 8 (7.3)* Previous endodontic 0 (1.5) 3 (8.6)*
treatment (%) treatment (%)
Presence of furcation 13 (9.9) 0 ** Presence of furcation 5 (8.1) 9 (25.7)*
involvement (%) involvement (%)
Open contact (%) 8 (6.1) 8 (7.3) Open contact (%) 10 (16.1) 7 (20)
Presence of intrabony 80 (61.1) 0 ** Root length (mm) 12.99 ± 1.82 13.84 ± 1.97*
defect (%) Root trunk length (mm) 3.84 ± 1.17 4.24 ± 1.10
Root length (mm) 18.88 ± 2.82 19.61 ± 3.75 Root divergence (mm) 3.91 ± 1.71 3.48 ± 1.35
Root trunk length (mm) 6.55 ± 1.50 7.12 ± 2.02* Degree of separation (°) 56.22 ± 14.89 50.97 ± 16.85
Root divergence (mm) 4.95 ± 2.26 4.28 ± 2.08* Over-­eruption (mm) 0.19 ± 0.84 −0.49 ± 1.17*
Degree of separation 52.17 ± 14.64 38.99 ± 14.85** Intrabony defect depth 4.56 ± 2.29 3.77 ± 2.08
(°) (mm)
Over-­eruption (mm) 0.50 ± 1.05 0.12 ± 1.00* Total distance CEJ-­bone 7.11 ± 2.72 7.09 ± 3.52
Intrabony defect 3.42 ± 3.65 0.05 ± 0.22** crest (mm)
depth (mm) Defect angle (°) 37.19 ± 13.58 37.05 ± 11.51
Total distance 7.87 ± 4.94 2.20 ± 1.44** Defect shape (mm) 0.83 ± 0.88 0.45 ± 0.70*
CEJ-­bone crest (mm)
CEJ, cemento-­enamel junction; CP, chronic periodontitis; LAgP, localized
Defect angle (°) 26.75 ± 21.30 2.96 ± 11.57*
aggressive periodontitis.
CEJ, cemento-­enamel junction; LAgP, localized aggressive periodontitis. Means and standard deviations are reported. Comparisons between
Means and standard deviations are reported. Comparisons between groups were performed by chi-­squared test and ANOVA respectively for
groups were performed by chi-­squared test and ANOVA respectively for categorical and continuous variables. Number of LAgP defects in Table 1
categorical and continuous variables. Please note that small intrabony is different from those in Table 2, owing to the different radiographs
defects depths (distance between the most coronal and the most apical used (dental panoramic tomograms for Table 1 and periapicals for
portion of the alveolar bone adjacent to the tooth) might have been Table 2).
measured in healthy cases, none of which reached the 2 mm threshold to *P < .05, **P < .001.
qualify them as ‘intrabony defects’.
*P < .05, **P < .001.
3.1 | Within localized aggressive
ethnicities (9%). The healthy group included 30 patients (19 females,
periodontitis analysis
11 males) with a majority of Caucasians (83%), 10% of African-­
Caribbeans and 7% of Asians. The chronic periodontitis group in- A total of 131 first molars from 34 patients with LAgP were included
cluded 29 patients (21 females, 8 males) prevalently Caucasians in the analysis. A total of 80 of these teeth had at least 1 intrabony
(93%), with 1 Black Caribbean and 1 Asian subject. The character- defect (defined as ≥2 mm distance between the most coronal and
istics of first molars of LAgP and healthy patients, as assessed by the most apical portion of the alveolar bone adjacent to the tooth),
DPTs, are reported in Table 1. Periodontally healthy subjects had while 51 had no intrabony defects. Lower first molars were af-
more restored and endodontically treated teeth, while LAgP cases fected by intrabony defects more commonly than upper first mo-
had more teeth with furcation involvement and, by definition, more lars (72% vs 50%). In the analysis within patients with LAgP only,
bone loss and intrabony defects. The characteristics of first molars shorter root trunks (adjusted P = .002) and African-­C aribbean eth-
of patients with LAgP and chronic periodontitis (only those with in- nicity (P = .029) were associated with the presence of intrabony
trabony defects), as assessed by periapical radiographs, are reported defects in the model (see Table 3 and Appendix S2). Including only
in Table 2. A higher degree of restored and endodontically treated first molars of Caucasians (n = 69), root trunk length was still as-
teeth was evident in the chronic periodontitis group, along with sociated with intrabony defects (P = .028). When data were split
higher furcation involvement. Table 3 reports P values of associa- by upper and lower jaw, both overall root length (P = .032) and
tions with presence of intrabony defects (within LAgP and LAgP vs root trunk length (P = .044) were associated with maxillary intra-
healthy analyses) and with diagnosis (LAgP vs chronic periodontitis bony defects, while both root trunk length (P = .015) and African-­
intrabony defects). Appendices S2-S4 graphically depict the strength Caribbean ethnicity (P = .046) were associated with mandibular
of associations of the analyses above. intrabony defects (data not reported in tables).
NIBALI et al. |

TA B L E   3   Statistical significance (P values) for associations with Table 3). No associations were detected in Caucasians. Including
presence of intrabony defects (for within LAgP and LAgP vs only mandibular molars, ethnicity (P = .007) was associated with in-
healthy) and diagnosis (for LAgP vs CP) as observed by multilevel trabony defects (data not reported in Tables).
logistic regression

LAgP vs
Statistical significance Within LAgP healthy LAgP vs 3.3 | Localized aggressive periodontitis vs chronic
in multilevel model (n = 131) (n = 241) CP (n = 97) periodontitis analysis
Gender 0.511 0.447 0.839 Intrabony defects as detected in periapical radiographs from 62 first
Ethnicity 0.029 0.039 0.486 molars of 33 LAgP patients and 35 first molars of 29 patients with
Restored 0.398 0.031 0.078 chronic periodontitis were compared (see examples in Figure 4). Mesial
Open contact 0.191 0.720 0.656 defects were more common than distal defects for both LAgP (41 of
Root length 0.206 0.769 0.645 62 = 66%) and chronic periodontitis (29 of 38 = 76%, including 3 teeth
Root trunk length 0.002 0.036 0.709 with both mesial and distal defects). LAgP defects appeared more

Root divergence 0.762 0.105 0.286

symmetrical than chronic periodontitis defects: in the 33 patients with
LAgP examined, 13 of 49 (26.5%) of these defects had contralateral
Over-­eruption 0.137 0.876 0.506
intrabony defects (on the symmetrical first molar), in contrast to only
Upper or lower jaw 0.537 0.651 0.792
4 of 31 (13%) in patients with chronic periodontitis. None of the inves-
CP, chronic periodontitis; LAgP, localized aggressive periodontitis. tigated factors was associated with diagnosis (see Table 3).
Significant associations are shown in bold.
Different types of intrabony defects were noted (more arch-­
shaped vs more linear intrabony defects) (see Appendix S5). The
defect ‘shape’ measure was higher in LAgP than in chronic peri-
3.2 | Localized aggressive periodontitis vs
odontitis. Statistical analysis adjusted for gender and ethnicity re-
healthy analysis
vealed that diagnosis was associated with defect ‘shape’ (P = .008)
The 131 first molars of 34 patients affected by LAgP described above (see Appendix S6). In other words, LAgP defects showed higher dis-
were compared with 110 first molars belonging to 30 patients with tance from the deepest point of the defect (roof of the ‘arch’) to the
no periodontitis (none of them with intrabony defects) (see exam- line connecting apical and coronal extreme parts of the defect (ie,
ples in Figure 3). Previous restorative treatment (P = .031), shorter wider arch) (distance A to B-­C line in Figure 2). No adjustment for
root trunk (P = .036) and African-­C aribbean ethnicity (P = .039) were age was carried out, as the diagnosis of LAgP is also a function of
associated with presence of intrabony defects (see Figure 3 and age. However, correlation analysis revealed an association between

(A) (B)

F I G U R E   3   Dental panoramic
tomograms of a 17-­year-­old male patient
diagnosed with localized aggressive
periodontitis (A) and of a 25-­year-­old
female patient diagnosed with periodontal
health (B)

F I G U R E   4   Periapical radiographs of first molars of a 26-­year-­old male patient diagnosed with localized aggressive periodontitis (A) and of
a 40-­year-­old female patient diagnosed with chronic periodontitis (B)
6       NIBALI et al.

age and defect shape for LAgP (P < .001) but not chronic periodon- potential residual confounding effects of ethnicity was eliminated
titis (P = .818). With a definition of ‘wide arch’ for ≥1 mm distance by subgroup analyses among LAgP subjects.
A to B-­C line for, 18% and 45% of chronic periodontitis and LAgP Although residual confounding due to the molars being maxillary or
respectively had a wide arch defect shape. This results in a sensi- mandibular may be present, the pattern of shorter root trunk seemed
tivity of 42.5% (95% CI = 33.2%-­52.1%), a specificity of 81.6% (95% to be consistent in the different sub-­analyses performed. The root
CI = 65.7%-­92.3%), a positive likelihood ratio of 2.3 (95% CI = 1.1-­ trunk is defined as the area of the tooth from the CEJ to the furca-
4.7), a positive predictive value of 87.3% (95% CI = 77.2%-­93.3%) tion fornix and it usually inversely associated with root cone length.29
and a negative predictive value of 32.3% (95% CI = 27.7%-­37.2%). Short root trunks are associated with risk of developing furcation in-
volvement29,30 but also with successful treatment of furcation involve-
ment.31 However, to our knowledge, root trunk length has not been
4 |  D I S CU S S I O N previously associated with presence of intrabony defects or specifi-
cally with LAgP. The rationale for this association, if not a chance find-
This study provides the best evidence so far for the existence of a ing, is unclear at present, but may reflect different overall anatomical
characteristic arch-­shaped pattern of bone loss in intrabony defects characteristics, which may be difficult to capture by a simple clinical or
of LAgP (when compared with chronic periodontitis). Furthermore, radiographic examination. However, it is important to stress that radio-
it suggests that specific anatomic characteristics may exist in first graphic measures of root trunk length are subject to errors, particularly
molars of LAgP cases. in the maxilla, where the buccal furcation entrance in most cases over-
LAgP is a rare form of periodontal disease affecting young indi- laps with the palatal root. A degree of over-­eruption, unclear if a con-
viduals, with a fast rate of progression but often undergoing a ‘burn-­ sequence or a contributing factor to disease, was also found in LAgP
out’ self-­arresting period. 27 Neutrophil defects and specific patterns compared with healthy and chronic periodontitis molars, although dif-
of subgingival microbial colonization, including the JP2 clone of A. ferences were not statistically significant at adjusted analysis.
actinomycetemcomitans in some populations, have been associated Limitations of this study include its exploratory nature, with the in-
with onset and progression of LAgP.10 Familial aggregation of cases vestigation of a large number of parameters in a relatively small tooth
is also typical of LAgP. 28 Interestingly, although LAgP cases are sample with the potential of an increased probability of a type I error,
thought to have a genetic predisposing background, striking site-­ and the restriction of the analysis to just radiographic characteristics.
based characteristics are noticed, with the pattern of attachment Although different radiographs (DPTs and periapical radiographs)
and bone loss usually affecting first molars and incisors with no con- were used in this study, only comparisons within the same type of
comitant signs of disease in the remaining teeth. The vertical bone radiographs were carried out. Furthermore, the different selection
loss affecting these cases has been reported to be usually symmet- criteria for LAgP and chronic periodontitis in the 2 studies compared
rical on the right and left side. The radiographic bony lesions have here may have established a priori differences in radiographic defect
been described as ‘vertical’, ‘U-­shaped’ or ‘arch-­shaped’ images of morphology between the groups. The novelty lies in the detailed anal-
radiolucency surrounding maxillary or mandibular first molars and yses comparing first molars of LAgP cases and their intrabony defects
incisors.5,6 The finding of an increased tendency to ‘arch-­shaped’ de- with healthy teeth of subjects without periodontitis and with teeth
fects in LAgP cases in the current study is in agreement with these with intrabony defects of patients with chronic periodontitis.
previous reports. The increase in the width of the intrabony defects This study suggests that radiographic evaluation of the present
(to define the so-­called ‘arch’) was found after adjustment for gen- selected anatomical landmarks may complement the clinical exam-
der and ethnicity. The presence of a ‘wide’ defect arch (≥1 mm) gave ination in this group of patients. Further radiographic, clinical and
a sensitivity of 42.5% and a specificity of 81.6% for differential di- histological studies should be conducted in larger populations and
agnosis between LAgP and chronic periodontitis. Remarkably, dif- different settings to understand if different anatomical features
ferences in defect shape did not reflect differences in defect depth (eg, shorter root trunk length) could predispose first molars of pa-
or angle between LAgP and chronic periodontitis cases. It should tients with LAgP to periodontal breakdown and if they might have
be mentioned that the difference in defect shape may also vary ac- any bearing on treatment response. It would be interesting to study
cording to the age of diagnosis, as the defect, if left untreated, may whether specific pathogenic processes may lead to an enlargement
evolve to a more angular shape. In fact, age was associated with ‘de- of the defect in LAgP cases, to create the characteristic ‘arch-­shape’.
fect shape’ in patients with LAgP. LAgP also had increased symme-
try compared with chronic periodontitis, with a higher frequency of
bilateral intrabony defects. Furthermore, both in LAgP and chronic
periodontitis the mesial surfaces of first molars were more likely to L. Nibali
be affected by intrabony defects than the distal surfaces.
Interestingly, teeth affected by intrabony defects (within LAgP
and comparing LAgP with healthy) appeared to have shorter root REFERENCES

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