New Steel Design - 2

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Compute the factored load using LRFD method.

Pu  (1.2  D )  (1.6  L)
Here, the dead load is D , the live load is L and the factored load is Pu .

Substitute 24 kips for D and 58 kips for L .

Pu  (1.2  24)  (1.6  58)
= 121.6 kips

Calculate the bearing load per bolt using LRFD method.

B.L  Pu / nb
Here, the bearing load per bolt using LRFD method is B.L , the factored load using LRFD
method is Pu and the number of bolts in the connection is nb .

Substitute 121.6 kips for Pu and 8 for nb .

B.L  121.6 / 8
= 15.2 kips/bolt

Compute the clear distance in direction of force between edge of hole and edge of
adjacent hole for edge bolts.
h  d  (1/16)
Here, the distance from the centerline of the compression flange to the tension side edge
of the end plate is h and the depth of the connecting beam is d .

Substitute 7 / 8 in for d .
h  (7 / 8)  (1/16)
= 15/16 in
lc  le  (h / 2)
Here, the clear distance in direction of force between edge of hole and edge of adjacent
l l
hole for edge bolts is c , the effective length of end plate is e and the distance from the
centerline of the compression flange to the tension side edge of the end plate is h .

Substitute 2 in for le , 0.9375 in for h .

Compute the area of the single bolt using LRFD method.

Ab  (  d 2 ) / 4

Here, the area of the single bolt using LRFD method is

Ab and the diameter of the bolt is

Substitute 1 in for d .
Ab  ( 12 ) / 4
= 0.7854 in 2

Compute the shear strength of the connection using LRFD method and check the value
against bearing load per bolt.
Assume that the threads are in the plane of shear.
S .S    Fnv  Ab
Here, the nominal shear stress in the absence of tension is Fnv , the area of a single bolt is
Ab , the shear strength of the connection using LRFD method is S .S and the resistance

factor for LRFD is  .

Substitute 0.75 for  , 54 kips for Fnv and 0.7854 in for Ab .


S .S  0.75  54  0.7854
= 31.81 kips
31.81  15
Hence, O.K.

Check for upper limit on nominal tensile stress in the presence of shear in LRFD.
Fnt '  (1.3  Fnt )  ( nt )  f rv
  Fnv
 Fnt
Here, the nominal tensile stress in the presence of shear is Fnt ' , the nominal tensile stress
in the absence of shear is Fnt , the nominal shear stress in the absence of tension is Fnv ,the
required shear stress using LRFD method is f rv and the resistance factor for LRFD is  .

Substitute 90 kips for Fnt , 0.75 for  , 54 kips for Fnv and 19.1 ksi for f rv .
Fnt '  (1.3  90)  (( ) 19.1)
0.75  54
= 74.55 ksi
74.55 < 90
Hence, O.K.

Check for shear and the adequacy of bolts using LRFD method.
Vreq  32.21 kips/bolt
Vact    Fnt ' Ab
Here, the resistance factor for LRFD is  , the actual shear developed in the bolt is Vact ,
the nominal shear stress in the presence of shear is Fnt ' and the area of a single bolt is Ab .
Substitute 0.75 for  , 74.55 ksi for Fnt ' and 0.7854 in for Ab .

Vact  0.75  74.55  0.7854

= 43.91 kips/bolt
43.91  32.21
Hence, O.K.

Therefore, the number of bolts provided are adequate using LRFD method.

Compute the total service load using ASD method.

Pa  D  L
Here, the total service load is Pa , the dead load is D and the live load is L .

Substitute 15 kips for D and 45 kips for L .

Pa  15  45
= 60 kips
Compute vertical component of load using ASD method.
Va  (2 / 5)  ( Pa )
Here, the vertical component of load is Va and the total service load is Pa .

Substitute 60 kips for Pa .

Va  (2 / 5)  (60)
= 53.67 kips

Compute the horizontal component of load using ASD method.

H a  (1/ 5)  ( Pa )
Here, the total service load is Pa and the horizontal component of load is H a .

Substitute 60 kips for Pa .

H a  (1/ 5)  (60)
= 26.83 kips

Compute the direct tensile load for a single bolt using ASD method.
D.Ta  H a / nb
Here, the direct tensile load for a single bolt using ASD method is
D.Ta , the horizontal

component of factored load using ASD method is H a and the number of bolts in the
connection is nb .

Substitute 26.83 kips for H a and 6 for nb .

D.Ta  26.83 / 6
= 4.47 kips/bolt

Determine the location of centroid of bolt areas measured from top bolts in ASD.
y  (( y1  n1 )  ( y2  n2 )) / A
Here, the location of centroid of bolt areas measured from top bolts is y , the vertical
distance of 1st row of bolts from the extreme fiber is y1 ,the number of bolts in the
topmost row is n1 ,the vertical distance between the centroidal section from the extreme
fiber is y2 and the number of bolts in the second row from the top is n2 and the area of
the section of top bolts is A .

Substitute 3 in for 1 , 2 for n1 , 9 in for y2 , 2 for n2 and 6 in for A .

y  ((3  2)  (9  2)) / 6
= 4 in

Compute the tensile force of the bolt using ASD method.

M ra  n  rta  d
Here, the resisting moment using ASD method is M ra , the number of bolts above the
neutral axis is n , the tensile force of the bolt using LRFD method is rt a and the distance
between the centroid of the tension bolts and the centroid of the compression bolts is d .

Substitute 4 for n , 7.5 in for d .

M ra  4  rta  7.5
= 30  rt a
M ra  30  rta …… (4)
M a  (Va  ev )  ( H a  eh ) …… (5)
Here, the applied moment on the connection using ASD method is M a , the vertical
component of the load using ASD method is Va , the eccentricity of the vertical component
of the load using ASD method is v , the horizontal component of the load using ASD
method is H a and the eccentricity of the horizontal component of the load using ASD
method is eh .

e e
Substitute 53.67 kips for Va , 6 in for v , 26.83 kips for H a and 7 in for h
M a  53.67  6  (26.83  7)
= 509.83 in-kips
M a = 509.83 in-kips …… (6)
Equate (4) and (6).
30  rta  509.83

Solve for rta .

rta  509.83 / 30
= 16.99 kips/bolt

Compute the total tensile load for a single bolt using ASD method.
T .La  D.Ta  rta

Here, the total tensile load for a single bolt using ASD method is
T .La , the direct tensile

load for a single bolt using ASD method is

D.Ta and the tensile force of the bolt using

ASD method is rta .

Substitute 4.47 kips/bolt for

D.Ta and 16.99 kips/bolt for rta .
T .La  4.47  16.99
= 21.46 kips/bolt

Compute the bearing load per bolt using ASD method.

B.La  Pa / 6
Here, the bearing load per bolt using ASD method is
B.La , the total service load using

ASD method is Pa .

Substitute 60 kips for Pa .

B.La  60 / 6
= 10 kips/bolt

Compute the area of the single bolt using ASD method.

Ab  (  d 2 ) / 4

Here, the area of the single bolt using ASD method is

Ab and diameter of the bolt is d .
Substitute 1 in for d .
Ab  ( 12 ) / 4
= 0.7854 in 2

Compute the shear strength of the connection and check the value against bearing load
per bolt using ASD method.
S .S a  ( Fnv  Ab ) / 
Here, the nominal shear stress in the absence of tension is Fnv , the area of a single bolt
using ASD method is Ab , the shear strength of the connection using ASD method is
S .Sa
and the safety factor for ASD is  .

Substitute 2.00 for  , 54 kips for Fnv and 0.7854 in for Ab .


S .S a  (54  0.7854) / 2.00

= 21.2 kips/bolt
21.2  10
Hence, O.K

Check for upper limit on nominal tensile stress in the presence of shear in ASD.
F 
Fnta '  (1.3  Fnt )  ( nt )  f rva
 Fnt
Here, the nominal tensile stress in the presence of shear in ASD is Fnta ' , the nominal
tensile stress in the absence of shear using ASD method is Fnt , the nominal shear stress in
the absence of tension is Fnv , the required shear stress using ASD method is f rva and the
safety factor for ASD is  .

Substitute 90 kips for Fnt , 2.00 for  , 54 kips for Fnv and 12.73 ksi for f rva .
90  2.00
Fnta '  (1.3  90)  (( ) 12.73)
= 74.56 ksi
74.56 < 90
Hence, O.K.

Check for allowable tensile strength and the adequacy of bolts using ASD method.
T .La  21.46 kips/bolt
Tall  ( Fnta ' Ab ) / 
Here, the safety factor for ASD is  , the allowable tensile strength of the bolt using ASD
method is Tall , the nominal tensile stress in the presence of shear in ASD is Fnta ' and the
area of a single bolt using ASD method is Ab .

Substitute 2.00 for  , 74.56 ksi for Fnta ' and 0.7854 in for Ab .
Tall  (74.56  0.7854) / 2.00
= 29.28 kips/bolt
29.28  21.46
Hence, O.K.

Therefore, the number of bolts provided using ASD method are adequate.

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